Esempio n. 1
// locate path
// this mimics XmGetPixmap's efforts to build a path
static string bitmapPath()
    static string path = "";

    if (!path.empty())
	return path;

    path = BASENAME;
    const char *xbmlangpath = getenv("XBMLANGPATH");
    if (xbmlangpath == 0)
	const char *xapplresdir = getenv("XAPPLRESDIR");
	const string home = gethome();

	if (xapplresdir != 0)
	    addDefaultPaths(path, xapplresdir);
	    addDefaultPaths(path, home.chars());

	path += DELIMITER + home + BASENAME;
	addDefaultPaths(path, "/usr/lib/X11");
	path += DELIMITER + "/usr/include/X11/%T/" + BASENAME;
	path = xbmlangpath;

    return path;
Esempio n. 2
	The main() function.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	int index = 1;

	// process command-line options
	bool abiChecks = true;
	while( index < argc && argv[index][0] == '-' )
		if( argv[index][1] == 'p' && argv[index][2] == '\0' )
			if( ++index >= argc )
				std::cerr << "Error: expected DIR LIST after option '-p'.";
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			co::addPath( argv[index] );
		else if( strCaseComp( argv[index] + 1, "-csl" ) == 0 )
			if( ++index >= argc )
				std::cerr << "Error: expected FLAGS after option '--csl'.";
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			co::uint8 flags = 0;
			const char* args = argv[index];
			while( char c = *args++ )
				switch( c )
				case 'a':	flags |= co::CSL_ANNOTATIONS;	break;
				case 'c':	flags |= co::CSL_CPPBLOCKS;		break;
				case 'd':	flags |= co::CSL_DOCUMENTATION;	break;
					std::cerr << "Error: unrecognized CSL flag '" << c << "'.";
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
			co::setCSLFlags( flags );
		else if( strCaseComp( argv[index] + 1, "-no-abi-checks" ) == 0 )
			abiChecks = false;
			std::cerr << "Error: unrecognized option '" << argv[index] << "'.";
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// print help if not enough args were passed
	if( index >= argc )
		std::cout <<
			"Coral Application Launcher v" CORAL_VERSION_STR " (" CORAL_BUILD_KEY " " CORAL_BUILD_MODE ")\n"
			"Usage: coral [options] callee [ARG] ...\n"
			"  A 'callee' is either a component or a method name within a component facet.\n"
			"  If a method is not specified, one named 'main' will be searched for in all\n"
			"  facets of the specified component. The called method must receive either no\n"
			"  argument or an array of strings. If the method returns a number, it will be\n"
			"  used as the application's return status.\n"
			"  coral myModule.MyComponent arg1 arg2 arg3\n"
			"  coral someModule.SomeComponent.someFacet:someMethod arg1 arg2\n"
			"Available Options:\n"
			"  -p EXTRA,DIRS  Add a list of repositories to the Coral path.\n"
			"  --csl FLAGS    Controls optional language features.\n"
			"                 Flags:  (sample usage: --csl acd)\n"
			"                   a - Enable annotations (on by default).\n"
			"                   c - Load C++ code blocks (off by default).\n"
			"                   d - Load documentation (off by default).\n"
			"  --no-checks    Disable module compatibility checks.\n"
		return EXIT_FAILURE;


	int exitStatus = EXIT_SUCCESS;
		// initialize the Coral framework
		co::ISystem* system;
			system = co::getSystem();
			system->getModules()->setCompatibilityChecking( abiChecks );
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "System initialization failed.\nException: " << e.what();

		// resolve the callee
		co::IComponent* ct = NULL;
		co::IPort* facet = NULL;
		co::IMethod* method = NULL;
			resolveCallee( argv[index], ct, facet, method );
			assert( ct && facet && method );
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "Invalid callee '" << argv[index] << "'.\nException: " << e.what();

		// check the method signature
			co::TSlice<co::IParameter*> params = method->getParameters();
			if( !params.isEmpty() && ( params.getSize() > 1 || params[0]->getType()->getFullName() != "string[]" ) )
				throw co::Exception( "method can only have a single parameter, of type 'string[]'" );
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "Invalid method '" << facet->getType()->getFullName()
					  << ':' << method->getName() << "'.\nException: " << e.what();

		// instantiate the component & obtain the service
		co::RefPtr<co::IObject> object;
		co::IService* service;
			object = ct->getReflector()->newInstance();
			assert( object.isValid() );

			service = object->getServiceAt( facet );
			assert( service );
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "Instantiation failed: " << e.what();

		// prepare to invoke the method
		co::IReflector* reflector;
			reflector = method->getOwner()->getReflector();
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "Invocation failed: " << e.what();

		// invoke the method
			std::vector<std::string> args;
			while( ++index < argc )
				args.push_back( argv[index] );

			co::AnyValue res;
			co::Any arg( args );
			reflector->invoke( service, method, co::Slice<co::Any>( &arg, 1 ), res );

			// if the result is a number, use it as the return status; otherwise, print it
			if( res.isValid() )
				if( co::isNumeric( res.getType()->getKind() ) )
					exitStatus = res.get<int>();
					std::cout << "Method returned " << res;
		catch( std::exception& e )
			std::cerr << "Program terminated with an unhandled exception.\nMessage: " << e.what();
	catch( std::exception& )
		exitStatus = EXIT_FAILURE;


	return exitStatus;