void PowerUpSpawner::feed(std::vector<Powerup> powerUps, int stageSize) { m_stageSize = stageSize; for (std::vector<Powerup>::iterator it = powerUps.begin() ; it != powerUps.end(); ++it) { addPowerUp((*it)); } }
void EntityManager::createPowerup(char* path, btTransform &trans, int type) { btScalar mass = btScalar(0.f); PowerUp* pup = new PowerUp(); pup->SetType(type); pup->initRenderObject(path); //Taking this out for a bit; doesn't need to be a trimesh really //btCollisionShape* triMesh = sFactory.createStaticTriangleMesh(pup->renderObject); btScalar radius = 2.5f; btCollisionShape* sphereMesh = sFactory.createSphere(radius); pup->initPhysicsObject(sphereMesh, mass, trans); addPowerUp(pup); Physics::Inst()->addEntity(*pup); }