static char add_v_f(t_object *obj, char **tmp, char *last, int offset) { int res; char l; res = 1; l = *last; *last = tmp[0][0]; if (ft_strlen(tmp[0]) == 1 && tmp[0][0] == 'v') add_elem(&obj->vertex, new_vector3f(ft_atof(tmp[1]), ft_atof(tmp[2]), \ ft_atof(tmp[3]))); else if (tmp[0][0] == 'f') { put_indices(&obj->indices, ft_atoi(tmp[1]) - 1 - offset, ft_atoi(tmp[2]) - 1 - offset, \ ft_atoi(tmp[3]) - 1 - offset); if (ft_tabsize((void **)tmp) == 5) put_indices(&obj->indices, ft_atoi(tmp[3]) - 1 - offset, \ ft_atoi(tmp[4]) - 1 - offset, ft_atoi(tmp[1]) - 1 - offset); } else if (ft_strlen(tmp[0]) > 1 && tmp[0][0] == 'v' && tmp[0][1] == 'n') add_elem(&obj->normals, new_vector3f(ft_atof(tmp[1]), ft_atof(tmp[2]), \ ft_atof(tmp[3]))); else { *last = l; res = 0; } return (res); }
int main(void){ char *dllName = choose_way(); dynamic_t *dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if(!dll){ printf("\nError: could not recieve dll name"); return 0; } if(!dll->chk || !dll->react){ printf("\nError: could not recieve dll funcltion name"); return 0; } char sample[ARRAY_SIZE]; srand(time(NULL)); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){ switch(rand() % SPACE_CHANCE + 1){ case SPACE_CHANCE: add_elem(sample, i, ' '); break; default: add_elem(sample, i, rand() % 58 + 65); break; } } printf("\n%s", sample); if(dll->chk(sample, ARRAY_SIZE)){ printf("\nReaction positive!"); dll->react(sample, ARRAY_SIZE); } else printf("\nReaction negative!"); dynamic_clean(dll); return 0; }
int script_read(FILE *stream, struct fcontainer *server, struct fcontainer *client) { char line[FIX_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int size = FIX_MAX_LINE_LENGTH; line[size - 1] = 0; while (fgets(line, size, stream)) { /* Line is too long */ if (line[size - 1]) return 1; switch (line[0]) { case 'c': case 'C': if (init_elem(add_elem(client), line + 1)) return 1; break; case 's': case 'S': if (init_elem(add_elem(server), line + 1)) return 1; break; default: break; } } return 0; }
t_tree *line_to_list(char *str) { t_tree *list; char *ret; int curs; curs = 0; list = NULL; while (str[curs]) { ret = sort_chain(str, &curs); if ((ret == NULL && str[curs]) || (ret != NULL && ret[0] == '\0')) return (NULL); else if (ret == NULL && !str[curs]) return (list); add_elem(&list, ret); ret = take_separ(str, &curs); if (ret == NULL && str[curs]) return (NULL); else if (ret == NULL && !str[curs]) return (list); add_elem(&list, ret); while (str[curs] == ' ' || str[curs] == '\t') curs++; } return (list); }
/* * c1*t1 + c2*t2 */ ArithmeticTerm::ArithmeticTerm(Term* t1, long int c1, Term* t2, long int c2) { this->type = ARITHMETIC_TERM; this->constant = 0; this->elem_gcd = -1; add_elem(t1, c1); add_elem(t2, c2); compute_hash_code(); }
static void put_indices(t_list *indices_list, int a, int b, int c) { int *indices; indices = ft_memalloc(sizeof(int) * 3); indices[0] = a; add_elem(indices_list, &indices[0]); indices[1] = b; add_elem(indices_list, &indices[1]); indices[2] = c; add_elem(indices_list, &indices[2]); }
void buffer::add_block (const block & b) { for (std::list<size_t>::const_iterator it =; it !=; ++ it) { add_elem(*it); } }
static char *cmp_line(t_lst *node, char **arg, char *save) { t_lst *tmp; tmp = node; while (node) { if (ft_strccmp(node->line, *arg, '=') == 0) { save = ft_strdup(node->line); node->line = ft_strdup(*arg); return (save); } node = node->next; } node = tmp; save = NULL; if (!save) { if (check_caract(*arg, '=') == 1) add_elem(node, *arg); else if (check_caract(*arg, '=') != 1) deal_with_command(node, arg); else print_error_opt(*arg); } return (save); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { tree *first_elem; char *str; int n; str = (char *) calloc(10, sizeof(char)); first_elem = NULL; if (argc == 2) { if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-h")) == 0) { puts("Instructions for use:"); puts("1.Launch file:"); puts(" gcc-Wall-Wextra-o lab4.exe lab4.c"); puts(" ./lab4.exe"); puts("2.In the screen prompts you to enter the first element of a tree (root)."); puts(" Enter it. Next, you are prompted to enter ocheredenoy the tree."); puts(" Enter it. Proposals will be displayed as long as you do not enter '0'."); puts(" Next, you are prompted to enter the level for which you want to calculate the number of nodes."); puts(" Enter it."); puts("3.The displayed the number of nodes at a given level or '0' if the current level"); puts(" does not exist or at no nodes."); return 0; } } first_elem = create_tree(first_elem); add_elem(first_elem); puts("Enter level"); enter_number(str,&n); printf("number of nod on level %d: %d", n, calculate_number_of_nod(first_elem, n)); return 0; }
bheap_t *add_heap(bheap_t *src, bheap_t *dest) { for (int i = 0; i < src->index; i++) dest = add_elem(src->elems[i], dest); return dest; }
/** This constructor calculates the inverse wavelet packet transform. The constructor is passed a packdata_list object, which contains the "best basis" result of the wavelet packet transform. The liftbase template argument is a pointer to a wavelet transform function. This wavelet transform must be the same function that was used to calculate the packet transform. */ invpacktree_int::invpacktree_int( packdata_list<int> &list, liftbase<packcontainer_int, int> *w ) { data = 0; N = 0; waveObj = w; // Traverse the "best basis" list and calculate the inverse // wavelet packet transform. packdata_list<int>::handle h; for (h = list.first(); h != 0; h = h )) { packdata<int> *elem = list.get_item( h ); add_elem( elem ); } // for LIST<packcontainer_int *>::handle tosHandle; tosHandle = stack.first(); packcontainer_int *tos = stack.get_item( tosHandle ); if (tos != 0) { size_t len = tos->length(); N = len/2; data = tos->lhsData(); stack.remove(); } } // invpacktree_int
void AddDialog::add() { QString name = nameInput->text(); add_elem(name); emit list_updated(); hide(); }
void update_have_peer(rcb_t *head, hash_v_t hash[], int cnt, short id) { rcb_t *p; chunk_map_t *chk_map; int n; for(n = 0; n < cnt; n++) { p = head; while(p) { chk_map = p->chk_map; assert(chk_map); if(!memcmp(chk_map->hash, hash[n].hash, SHA1_HASH_SIZE)) { if(!p->have_peers) { p->have_peers = new_darr(); if(!p->have_peers) return ; } add_elem(p->have_peers, (uint32_t)id); } p = p->next; } } }
static int deal_with_arg(t_shell *sh, char **arg, char **env_cpy) { char **res; char *cmd; res = NULL; if (cmp_line(arg, env_cpy) == 0) { if (check_caract(*arg, '=') < 0) return (print_wrong_identifier_env(*arg)); else if (check_caract(*arg, '=') != 1) { cmd = join_tab(arg); exec_env(sh, cmd, env_cpy); free(cmd); return (sh->return_val); } else if (check_caract(*arg, '=') == 1) { res = add_elem(env_cpy, *arg); ft_print_tab(res); ft_free_tab(res); return (0); } } ft_print_tab(env_cpy); return (0); }
/* * t * c */ ArithmeticTerm::ArithmeticTerm(Term* t, long int c) { this->type = ARITHMETIC_TERM; this->constant = 0; this->elem_gcd = -1; add_elem(t, c); compute_hash_code(); }
/* Add a new obj and the node id to the prefix tree. Repeate obj and nid association will not be added twice */ int pft_add_obj(char *obj, uint32_t nid) { assert(strlen(obj) <= OBJ_NAME_LEN); char buff[OBJ_NAME_LEN + 1]; int start_idx = 0; pf_node_t **curr_lv_rt = &g_obj_pft; // current level root prefix pf_node_t *curr_node = *curr_lv_rt; pf_node_t *target = NULL; while(0 == get_next_field(obj, start_idx, '/', buff, &start_idx)) { // search the current level prefix while(curr_node) { if(!strcmp(buff, curr_node->prefix)) break; curr_node = curr_node->next_peer; } if(!curr_node) // not found { curr_node = new_node(); if(!curr_node) return -1; strcpy(curr_node->prefix, buff); curr_node->next_peer = *curr_lv_rt; *curr_lv_rt = curr_node; } target = curr_node; curr_lv_rt = &curr_node->next_child; curr_node = *curr_lv_rt; } assert(target != NULL); // store the nid to the current prefix level node if(target->darr == NULL) { target->darr = new_darr(); if(target->darr == NULL) return -1; } // check repeating before add if(-1 == get_elem_idx(target->darr, nid)) { if(-1 == add_elem(target->darr, nid)) return -1; } return 0; }
int script_read(FILE *stream, struct fcontainer *self) { char line[FAST_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int size = FAST_MAX_LINE_LENGTH; line[size - 1] = 0; add_elem(self); while (fgets(line, size, stream)) { if (line[size - 1]) goto fail; if (init_elem(add_elem(self), line)) goto fail; } return 0; fail: return 1; }
chatmessage_t* process_packet(chatmessage_t* message, packet_t* newpacket) { //if so, and if the message is not complete, add this packet's contents to it //if not, create a new chatmessage if(message) append_to_chatmessage(message, newpacket); else { message = create_chatmessage(newpacket); add_elem(UNSEQ_CHAT_MSGS, (void*)message); } return message; }
ArithmeticTerm::ArithmeticTerm(const map<Term*, long int>& elems, long int constant) { this->type = ARITHMETIC_TERM; this->constant = constant; this->elem_gcd = -1; map<Term*, long int>::const_iterator it = elems.begin(); for(; it!= elems.end(); it++) { add_elem(it->first, it->second); } compute_hash_code(); }
t_list *create_list(char **av) { t_list *list; t_elem *elem; int n; n = -1; list = init_list(); while (av[++n] != NULL) { elem = init_elem(av[n]); add_elem(list, elem); } return (list); }
void read_elems(struct item **head) { int n; int p; printf("Num: "); scanf("%i", &n); printf("Power: "); scanf("%i", &p); while (n != 0) { add_elem(head, 0, n, p); printf("\nNum: "); scanf("%i", &n); printf("Power: "); scanf("%i", &p); } }
t_list *path_to_list(char *path) { char **array; t_list *result; size_t i; array = ft_strsplit(path, '/'); result = new_list(); i = 0; while (array[i]) { add_elem(result, array[i]); i++; } return (result); }
void dump_backlog() { pthread_mutex_lock(&UNSEQ_CHAT_MSGS->mutex); node_t* curr = UNSEQ_CHAT_MSGS->head; while(curr != NULL) { chatmessage_t* chatmessage = (chatmessage_t*)curr->elem; if(chatmessage->iscomplete) { client_t* sender = find_client_by_uid(chatmessage->senderuid); add_elem(sender->unseq_chat_msgs,chatmessage); } curr = curr->next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&UNSEQ_CHAT_MSGS->mutex); return; }
void ArithmeticTerm::add_elem(Term* t, long int coef) { if(coef == 0) return; switch(t->get_term_type()) { case ARITHMETIC_TERM: { ArithmeticTerm* at = (ArithmeticTerm*) t; map<Term*, long int>::const_iterator it = at->get_elems().begin(); for(; it!= at->get_elems().end(); it++) { add_elem(it->first, coef*it->second); } constant += coef*at->get_constant(); break; } case CONSTANT_TERM: { ConstantTerm* ct = (ConstantTerm*) t; constant += coef*ct->get_constant(); break; } case VARIABLE_TERM: case FUNCTION_TERM: { if(elems.count(t) == 0) { elems[t] = coef; } else { elems[t] += coef; if(elems[t] == 0) { elems.erase(t); } } break; } default: { cerr << "Unexpected term: " << t->get_term_type() << endl; //cerr << t->to_string() << endl; assert(false); } } }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_list *l_a; t_list *l_b; l_a = NULL; l_b = NULL; ac = ac - 1; if (ac == 0) return (0); while (ac != 0) { add_elem(&l_a, my_getnbr(av[ac])); ac--; } sort_out(&l_a, &l_b); my_putchar('\n'); my_show_list(l_a); my_putchar('\n'); }
int main() { add_elem('a'); add_elem('b'); add_elem('c'); print_arr(); printf("\nRemoved Elem: %c",remove_elem()); printf("\nRemoved Elem: %c",remove_elem()); add_elem('d'); print_arr(); add_elem('e'); print_arr(); add_elem('f'); print_arr(); return 0; }
static void join_cluster_with_token(struct Cluster *pCluster, struct Parameters *pParam) { char key[MAXKEYLEN]; int i, len; struct Elem *pElem; pParam->joinedClusterInputNum++; *key = 0; for (i = 1; i <= pCluster->constants; i++) { if (pParam->tokenMarker[i] == 0) { strcat(key, pCluster->ppWord[i]->pKey); } else { strcat(key, pParam->token); } len = (int) strlen(key); key[len] = CLUSTERSEP; key[len + 1] = 0; } pElem = add_elem(key, pParam->ppClusterTable, pParam->clusterTableSize, pParam->clusterTableSeed, pParam); if (pElem->count == 1) { pParam->joinedClusterOutputNum++; //create cluster_with_token instance create_cluster_with_token_instance(pCluster, pElem, pParam); } //adjust this instance adjust_cluster_with_token_instance(pCluster, pElem, pParam); }
static void update_ve(int veid, char *ip, int status) { struct Cveinfo *tmp, ve; tmp = find_ve(veid); if (tmp == NULL) { memset(&ve, 0, sizeof(struct Cveinfo)); ve.veid = veid; ve.status = status; ve.ip = ip; add_elem(&ve); qsort(veinfo, n_veinfo, sizeof(struct Cveinfo), id_sort_fn); return; } else { if (tmp->ip == NULL) tmp->ip = ip; else free(ip); tmp->status = status; } return; }
int main() { int number_ieroglif = 0; scanf("%d", &number_ieroglif); char dictionary[26][26]; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) dictionary[i][j] = 0; } char buff[2]; for (int i = 0; i < number_ieroglif; i++) { scanf("%s\n", &buff); add_elem(dictionary[buff[0] - 97], buff[1]); } /* print_dict(dictionary); */ scanf("%s\n", &buff); for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (dictionary[buff[0] - 97][i] != 0) printf("%c%c\n", buff[0], dictionary[buff[0] - 97][i]); } return 0; }
void PdUI::addVerticalBargraph(const char* label, float* zone, float min, float max) { add_elem(UI_V_BARGRAPH, label, zone, min, max); }