int PreferencesWindow::create_objects() { BC_Button *button; mwindow->theme->draw_preferences_bg(this); flash(); int x = mwindow->theme->preferencescategory_x; int y = mwindow->theme->preferencescategory_y; for(int i = 0; i < CATEGORIES; i++) { add_subwindow(category_button[i] = new PreferencesButton(mwindow, thread, x, y, i, thread->category_to_text(i), (i == thread->current_dialog) ? mwindow->theme->get_image_set("category_button_checked") : mwindow->theme->get_image_set("category_button"))); x += category_button[i]->get_w() - mwindow->theme->preferences_category_overlap; } // for(int i = 0; i < CATEGORIES; i++) // categories.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(thread->category_to_text(i))); // category = new PreferencesCategory(mwindow, // thread, // mwindow->theme->preferencescategory_x, // mwindow->theme->preferencescategory_y); // category->create_objects(); add_subwindow(button = new PreferencesOK(mwindow, thread)); add_subwindow(new PreferencesApply(mwindow, thread)); add_subwindow(new PreferencesCancel(mwindow, thread)); set_current_dialog(thread->current_dialog); show_window(); return 0; }
void SwapFramesWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(on = new SwapFramesOn(plugin, x, y)); y += on->get_h() + 5; BC_Bar *bar; add_subwindow(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(swap_even = new SwapFramesEven(plugin, this, x, y)); y += swap_even->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(swap_odd = new SwapFramesOdd(plugin, this, x, y)); show_window(); }
void _720to480Window::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(odd_first = new _720to480Order(client, this, 1, x, y, _("Odd field first"))); y += 25; add_tool(even_first = new _720to480Order(client, this, 0, x, y, _("Even field first"))); // y += 25; // add_tool(forward = new _720to480Direction(client, this, FORWARD, x, y, _("Downsample"))); // y += 25; // add_tool(reverse = new _720to480Direction(client, this, REVERSE, x, y, _("Upsample"))); // add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); }
void ZoomBar::create_objects() { int x = 3; int y = get_h() / 2 - mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_menu", 0)[0]->get_h() / 2; draw_top_background(get_parent(), 0, 0, get_w(), get_h()); sample_zoom = new SampleZoomPanel(mwindow, this, x, y); sample_zoom->set_menu_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_menu", 0)); sample_zoom->set_tumbler_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_tumbler", 0)); sample_zoom->create_objects(); x += sample_zoom->get_w(); amp_zoom = new AmpZoomPanel(mwindow, this, x, y); amp_zoom->set_menu_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_menu", 0)); amp_zoom->set_tumbler_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_tumbler", 0)); amp_zoom->create_objects(); x += amp_zoom->get_w(); track_zoom = new TrackZoomPanel(mwindow, this, x, y); track_zoom->set_menu_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_menu", 0)); track_zoom->set_tumbler_images(mwindow->theme->get_image_set("zoombar_tumbler", 0)); track_zoom->create_objects(); x += track_zoom->get_w() + 10; #define DEFAULT_TEXT "000.00 - 000.00" add_subwindow(auto_zoom_popup = new AutoZoomPopup( mwindow, this, x, y, get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, DEFAULT_TEXT) + 20)); auto_zoom_popup->create_objects(); x += auto_zoom_popup->get_w() + 5; // add_subwindow(auto_zoom_text = new BC_Title( // x, // get_h() / 2 - BC_Title::calculate_h(this, "0") / 2, // DEFAULT_TEXT)); // x += auto_zoom_text->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(auto_zoom = new AutoZoom(mwindow, this, x, y)); update_autozoom(); x += auto_zoom->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(from_value = new FromTextBox(mwindow, this, x, y)); x += from_value->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(length_value = new LengthTextBox(mwindow, this, x, y)); x += length_value->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(to_value = new ToTextBox(mwindow, this, x, y)); x += to_value->get_w() + 5; update_formatting(from_value); update_formatting(length_value); update_formatting(to_value); add_subwindow(playback_value = new BC_Title(x, 100, _("--"), MEDIUMFONT, RED)); add_subwindow(zoom_value = new BC_Title(x, 100, _("--"), MEDIUMFONT, BLACK)); update(); }
void RenderWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 5; lock_window("RenderWindow::create_objects"); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, (char*)((render->strategy == FILE_PER_LABEL || render->strategy == FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM) ? _("Select the first file to render to:") : _("Select a file to render to:")))); y += 25; format_tools = new FormatTools(mwindow, this, asset); format_tools->create_objects(x, y, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, &render->strategy, 0); loadmode = new LoadMode(mwindow, this, x, y, &render->load_mode, 1, 0); loadmode->create_objects(); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); unlock_window(); }
void DotWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("DotTV from EffectTV\n" "Copyright (C) 2001 FUKUCHI Kentarou") )); show_window(); flush(); }
void OverlayAudioWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; int x1 = x; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, "Output track:")); x += title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(output = new OutputTrack(plugin, x, y)); output->create_objects(); y += output->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; x = x1; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, "Mode:")); x += title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(mode = new OverlayMode(plugin, x, y)); mode->create_objects(); show_window(); }
int JPEGConfigVideo::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Quality:"))); add_subwindow(new BC_ISlider(x + 80, y, 0, 200, 200, 0, 100, asset->quality, 0, 0, &asset->quality)); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); return 0; }
void present_window(Window* window) { float old_alpha = window->layer->alpha; window->layer->alpha = 0.0; Screen* current = gfx_screen(); add_subwindow(current->window, window); float to = old_alpha; ca_animation* fade_in = create_animation(ALPHA_ANIM, &to, 0.25); add_animation(window, fade_in); }
void TransitionDialog::create_objects() { int x = 10; int y = 10; lock_window("TransitionDialog::create_objects"); add_subwindow(name_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Select transition from list"))); y += name_title->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(name_list = new TransitionDialogName(thread, &thread->transition_names, x, y, get_w() - x - x, get_h() - y - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - 10)); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); unlock_window(); }
void BC_FileBox::create_listbox(int x, int y, int mode) { if(listbox && listbox->get_display_mode() != mode) { delete listbox; listbox = 0; top_level->get_resources()->filebox_mode = mode; } if(!listbox) add_subwindow(listbox = new BC_FileBoxListBox(x, y, this)); }
void DelayAudioWindow::create_objects() { add_subwindow(new BC_Title(10, 10, _("Delay seconds:"))); length = new DelayAudioTextBox( plugin, this, 10, 40); length->create_objects(); update_gui(); show_window(); }
int BlurZoomWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("RadioacTV from EffectTV\n" "Copyright (C) 2001 FUKUCHI Kentarou") )); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void OverlayWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Mode:"))); add_subwindow(mode = new OverlayMode(plugin, x + title->get_w() + 5, y)); mode->create_objects(); y += 30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Layer order:"))); add_subwindow(direction = new OverlayDirection(plugin, x + title->get_w() + 5, y)); direction->create_objects(); y += 30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Output layer:"))); add_subwindow(output = new OverlayOutput(plugin, x + title->get_w() + 5, y)); output->create_objects(); show_window(); flush(); }
void SlideWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Direction:"))); x += 100; add_subwindow(left = new SlideLeft(plugin, this, x, y)); x += 100; add_subwindow(right = new SlideRight(plugin, this, x, y)); y += 30; x = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Direction:"))); x += 100; add_subwindow(in = new SlideIn(plugin, this, x, y)); x += 100; add_subwindow(out = new SlideOut(plugin, this, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); }
void ClipEditWindow::create_objects() { lock_window("ClipEditWindow::create_objects"); this->create_it = thread->create_it; int x = 10, y = 10; int x1 = x; BC_TextBox *textbox; BC_TextBox *titlebox; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Title:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(titlebox = new ClipEditTitle(this, x1, y, get_w() - x1 * 2)); y += titlebox->get_h() + 10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Comments:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(textbox = new ClipEditComments(this, x1, y, get_w() - x1 * 2, BC_TextBox::pixels_to_rows(this, MEDIUMFONT, get_h() - 10 - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - y))); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); titlebox->activate(); unlock_window(); }
void TimeFrontWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Type:"))); add_subwindow(shape = new TimeFrontShape(plugin, this, x + title->get_w() + 10, y)); shape->create_objects(); y += 40; shape_x = x; shape_y = y; y += 140; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Time range:"))); add_subwindow(frame_range = new TimeFrontFrameRange(plugin, x + title->get_w() + 10, y)); frame_range_x = x + frame_range->get_w() + 10; frame_range_y = y; y += 35; update_shape(); add_subwindow(invert = new TimeFrontInvert(plugin, x, y)); add_subwindow(show_grayscale = new TimeFrontShowGrayscale(plugin, x+ 100, y)); show_window(); flush(); }
int RecordWindow::create_objects() { //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(5, 5, _("Select a file to record to:"))); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); int x = 5, y = 25; format_tools = new FormatTools(mwindow, this, record->default_asset); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); format_tools->create_objects(x, y, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* record->fixed_compression */ 0, 1, 0, 0); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); // Not the same as creating a new file at each label. // Load mode is now located in the RecordGUI x = 10; // loadmode = new LoadMode(this, x, y, &record->load_mode, 1); // loadmode->create_objects(); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 1\n"); show_window(); //printf("RecordWindow::create_objects 2\n"); return 0; }
int IVTCWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Pattern offset:"))); y += 20; add_tool(frame_offset = new IVTCOffset(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(first_field = new IVTCFieldOrder(client, x, y)); // y += 30; // add_tool(automatic = new IVTCAuto(client, x, y)); y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Pattern:"))); y += 20; for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_PATTERNS; i++) { add_subwindow(pattern[i] = new IVTCPattern(client, this, i, _(pattern_text[i]), x, y)); y += 20; } if(client->config.pattern == IVTCConfig::AUTOMATIC) { frame_offset->disable(); first_field->disable(); } // y += 30; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Field threshold:"))); // y += 20; // add_tool(threshold = new IVTCAutoThreshold(client, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void AC3ConfigAudio::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; int x1 = 150; lock_window("AC3ConfigAudio::create_objects"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, "Bitrate (kbps):")); AC3ConfigAudioBitrate *bitrate; add_tool(bitrate = new AC3ConfigAudioBitrate(this, x1, y)); bitrate->create_objects(); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); show_window(1); unlock_window(); }
void VWindowGUI::update_labels() { EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); int output = 0; for(Label *current = edl->labels->first; current; current = NEXT) { long pixel = (long)((current->position - edl->local_session->view_start) / edl->local_session->zoom_sample); if(pixel >= 0 && pixel < mwindow->theme->vtimebar_w) { // Create new label if(output >= { LabelGUI *new_label; add_subwindow(new_label = new LabelGUI(mwindow, this, pixel, 0, current->position)); labels.append(new_label); } else // Reposition old label if(labels.values[output]->pixel != pixel) { labels.values[output]->pixel = pixel; labels.values[output]->position = current->position; labels.values[output]->reposition(); } if(mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1) <= current->position && mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1) >= current->position) labels.values[output]->update(1); else if(labels.values[output]->get_value()) labels.values[output]->update(0); output++; } } // Delete excess labels while( > output) { labels.remove_object(); } }
void MButtons::create_objects() { int x = 3, y = 0; draw_top_background(get_parent(), 0, 0, get_w(), get_h()); transport = new MainTransport(mwindow, this, x, y); transport->create_objects(); transport->set_engine(mwindow->cwindow->playback_engine); x += transport->get_w(); x += mwindow->theme->mtransport_margin; edit_panel = new MainEditing(mwindow, this, x, y); edit_panel->create_objects(); x += edit_panel->get_w(); ffmpeg_toggle = new MainFFMpegToggle(mwindow, this, get_w()-30, 0); add_subwindow(ffmpeg_toggle); flash(0); }
void DenoiseVideoWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Frames to accumulate:"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(frames = new DenoiseVideoFrames(plugin, x, y)); y += 30; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Threshold:"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(threshold = new DenoiseVideoThreshold(plugin, x, y)); y += 40; add_subwindow(do_r = new DenoiseVideoToggle(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.do_r, _("Red"))); y += 30; add_subwindow(do_g = new DenoiseVideoToggle(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.do_g, _("Green"))); y += 30; add_subwindow(do_b = new DenoiseVideoToggle(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.do_b, _("Blue"))); y += 30; add_subwindow(do_a = new DenoiseVideoToggle(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.do_a, _("Alpha"))); show_window(); flush(); }
void HueWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10, x1 = 100; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Hue:"))); add_subwindow(hue = new HueSlider(plugin, x1, y, 200)); y += 30; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Saturation:"))); add_subwindow(saturation = new SaturationSlider(plugin, x1, y, 200)); y += 30; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Value:"))); add_subwindow(value = new ValueSlider(plugin, x1, y, 200)); show_window(); flush(); }
int PluginPrefs::create_objects() { char string[1024]; int x = 5, y = 5; // add_border(get_resources()->get_bg_shadow1(), // get_resources()->get_bg_shadow2(), // get_resources()->get_bg_color(), // get_resources()->get_bg_light2(), // get_resources()->get_bg_light1()); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Plugin Set"), LARGEFONT, BLACK)); y += 35; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Look for global plugins here"), MEDIUMFONT, BLACK)); y += 20; add_subwindow(ipathtext = new PluginGlobalPathText(x, y, pwindow, pwindow->thread->preferences->global_plugin_dir)); add_subwindow(ipath = new BrowseButton(mwindow, this, ipathtext, 215, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->global_plugin_dir, _("Global Plugin Path"), _("Select the directory for plugins"), 1)); y += 35; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Look for personal plugins here"), MEDIUMFONT, BLACK)); y += 20; add_subwindow(lpathtext = new PluginLocalPathText(x, y, pwindow, pwindow->thread->preferences->local_plugin_dir)); add_subwindow(lpath = new BrowseButton(mwindow, this, lpathtext, 215, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->local_plugin_dir, _("Personal Plugin Path"), _("Select the directory for plugins"), 1)); return 0; }
void ManualGotoWindow::create_objects() { int x = 76, y = 5; int x1 = x; int boxwidth = 26; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1 - 2, y, _("hour min sec msec"), SMALLFONT)); y += title->get_h() + 3; add_subwindow(signtitle = new BC_Title(x1 - 17, y, "=", LARGEFONT)); add_subwindow(boxhours = new ManualGotoNumber(this, x1, y, 16, 0, 9, 1)); x1 += boxhours->get_w() + 4; add_subwindow(boxminutes = new ManualGotoNumber(this, x1, y, 26, 0, 59, 2)); x1 += boxminutes->get_w() + 4; add_subwindow(boxseconds = new ManualGotoNumber(this, x1, y, 26, 0, 59, 2)); x1 += boxseconds->get_w() + 4; add_subwindow(boxmsec = new ManualGotoNumber(this, x1, y, 34, 0, 999, 3)); y += boxhours->get_h() + 10; add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); }
void WhirlWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Radius"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(radius = new WhirlRadius(plugin, x, y)); y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Pinch"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(pinch = new WhirlPinch(plugin, x, y)); y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Angle"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(angle = new WhirlAngle(plugin, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); }
void SoundLevelWindow::create_objects() { //printf("SoundLevelWindow::create_objects 1\n"); int x = 10, y = 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Duration (seconds):"))); add_subwindow(duration = new SoundLevelDuration(plugin, x + 150, y)); y += 35; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Max soundlevel (dB):"))); add_subwindow(soundlevel_max = new BC_Title(x + 150, y, "0.0")); y += 35; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("RMS soundlevel (dB):"))); add_subwindow(soundlevel_rms = new BC_Title(x + 150, y, "0.0")); show_window(); flush(); //printf("SoundLevelWindow::create_objects 2\n"); }
void GradientWindow::update_shape() { int x = shape_x, y = shape_y; if(plugin->config.shape == GradientConfig::LINEAR) { delete center_x_title; delete center_y_title; delete center_x; delete center_y; center_x_title = 0; center_y_title = 0; center_x = 0; center_y = 0; if(!angle) { add_subwindow(angle_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Angle:"))); add_subwindow(angle = new GradientAngle(plugin, x + angle_title->get_w() + 10, y)); } } else { delete angle_title; delete angle; angle_title = 0; angle = 0; if(!center_x) { add_subwindow(center_x_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Center X:"))); add_subwindow(center_x = new GradientCenterX(plugin, x + center_x_title->get_w() + 10, y)); x += center_x_title->get_w() + 10 + center_x->get_w() + 10; add_subwindow(center_y_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Center Y:"))); add_subwindow(center_y = new GradientCenterY(plugin, x + center_y_title->get_w() + 10, y)); } } }
void VocoderWindow::create_objects() { int x = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; int y = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; BC_Title *title = 0; int x1 = x; int y1 = y; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Wetness:"))); int x2 = x + title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; y += BC_Pot::calculate_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Level:"))); x2 = MAX(x2, x + title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border); x = x2; y = y1; add_subwindow(wetness = new VocoderWetness(plugin, x, y)); y += wetness->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(level = new VocoderLevel(plugin, x, y)); y += level->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; x = x1; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Carrier Track:"))); output = new VocoderCarrier(plugin, this, x + title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border, y); output->create_objects(); y += output->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Bands:"))); bands = new VocoderBands(plugin, this, x + title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border, y); bands->create_objects(); y += bands->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; show_window(); }