Esempio n. 1
void init_NODE_HASH() {
    NODE_HASH = new_hash();
    add_to_hash( NODE_HASH, "BETA", (void *) new_hash() );
    add_to_hash( NODE_HASH, "LAMBDA", (void *) new_hash() );
    add_to_hash( NODE_HASH, "VAR", (void *) new_hash() );
Esempio n. 2
int add_to_double_hash(double_hash_t* hash, dc_t* cell)
	if(add_to_hash(hash->dhash, hash->hash_size, cell, DHASH)<0)
		return -1;
	if(add_to_hash(hash->chash, hash->hash_size, cell, CHASH)<0)
		remove_from_hash(hash->dhash, hash->hash_size, cell, DHASH);
		return -1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void add_initial_itemset( struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct item * initial_item = new_item();
    char * initial_item_key = create_item_key( initial_item );
    struct itemset * initial_itemset = new_itemset();
    add_to_hash( initial_itemset->items, initial_item_key, (void *) initial_item );
    free( initial_item_key );
    char * initial_itemset_key = create_closure_key( initial_itemset );
    append_to_list( self->itemsets, (void *) initial_itemset );
    int initial_state = self->itemsets->next_index - 1;
    add_to_hash( self->itemsets_by_key, initial_itemset_key, (void *) (long int) initial_state );
    free( initial_itemset_key );
Esempio n. 4
 * Tries to generate a blank challenge.
 * @param word_length The total length of the word.
 * @param max_sol     The number of maximum solutions allowed.
 * @param num_blanks   Number of blanks.
 * @return  1 if success, 0 if failure
int try_generate_blank_challenge(int word_length, int max_sol, int num_blanks,
                             NODE* node, FILE* fp) {
    char str[16];
    int success, i;
    gen_random_rack(str, word_length - num_blanks, num_blanks);
    success = anagram(node, str, "anagram", &answers, 0, max_sol);
    if (success) {
        for (i = 0; i < answers.num_answers; i++) {
            if (g_hash_table_contains(all_answers_hash, answers.answers[i])) {
                // This answer is already in the all_answers_hash; don't
                // allow.
                printf("Generated duplicate, ignoring, %s, %s\n",
                       str, answers.answers[i]);
                return 0;
        fprintf(fp, "%s ", str);
        for (i = 0; i < answers.num_answers; i++) {
            fprintf(fp, "%s ", answers.answers[i]);
        fprintf(fp, "\n");
    return success;
Esempio n. 5
static void add_edge1(HASH *hash, NODE *from, NODE *to, EDGE_TYPE type)
    HASH_ENTRY *he = find_in_hash(hash, from, sizeof(void *));
    HASH *subhash;
    if (he)
        subhash = he->data;
        subhash = create_hash(10, key_type_direct);
        add_to_hash(hash, from, sizeof(void *), subhash);
    add_to_hash(subhash, to, sizeof(void *), (void *) type);
Esempio n. 6
char *add_string(MODULE *module, char *str, size_t len)
    HASH_ENTRY *he = find_in_hash(module->strings, str, len);
    if (he)
        return he->data;
    str = strndup(str, len);
    add_to_hash(module->strings, str, len, str);
    return str;
Esempio n. 7
static void populate_keywords()
    KEYWORD *k;
    keyword_map = create_hash(20, key_type_indirect);

    for (k = keywords; k->word; k++)
        add_to_hash(keyword_map, k->word, strlen(k->word), (void *) k->id);
Esempio n. 8
void fill_FIRST() {
    FIRST = new_hash();
    int i;
    int j;
    char * symbol;
    char * lhs;
    char * left_corner;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( IS_TERMINAL, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct hash * symbol_firsts = new_hash();
         if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) { // Terminals self-derive.
            add_to_hash( symbol_firsts, symbol, (void *) (long int) 1 );
        add_to_hash( FIRST, symbol, (void *) symbol_firsts );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    int change = 1;
    while ( change ) {
        change = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
            struct list * production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
            lhs = listlookup( production, 0 );
            left_corner = listlookup( production, 1 );
            key_list = new_list();
            list_keys_in_hash( hashlookup( FIRST, left_corner )->data, key_list, "" );
            for ( j = 0; j <  key_list->next_index; j++ ) { // Go through all the firsts of left_corner.
                symbol = listlookup( key_list, j );
                struct hash * lhs_firsts = hashlookup( FIRST, lhs )->data;
                struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( lhs_firsts, symbol );
                if ( ! looked_up ) {
                    add_to_hash( lhs_firsts, symbol, (void *) &TRUE ); // Add them to firsts of lhs.
                    change = 1;
            destroy_key_list( key_list );
Esempio n. 9
void analyze_productions() {
    int i;
    int j;
    struct list * production;
    struct list * productions_for_symbol;
    char * symbol;
    if ( ! IS_TERMINAL ) {
        IS_TERMINAL = new_hash();
    if ( ! PRODUCTIONS_FOR ) {
        PRODUCTIONS_FOR = new_hash();
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
        production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
        if ( production->next_index > GSIZE ) {
            GSIZE = production->next_index;
        for ( j = 0; j < production->next_index; j++ ) {
            symbol = listlookup( production, j );
            struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol );
            if ( ! looked_up ) { // Assume each new symbol is a terminal.
                add_to_hash( IS_TERMINAL, symbol, (void *) &TRUE );
            if ( j == 0 ) { // Symbols on the left side of a productions are nonterminal.
                add_to_hash( IS_TERMINAL, symbol, (void *) &FALSE );
                looked_up = hashlookup( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, symbol );
                if ( ! looked_up ) {
                    productions_for_symbol = new_list();
                    add_to_hash( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, symbol, (void *) productions_for_symbol );
                else {
                    productions_for_symbol = looked_up->data;

                append_to_list( productions_for_symbol, (void *) (long int) i );
Esempio n. 10
void fill_FOLLOW() {
    FOLLOW = new_hash();
    char * symbol;
    char * next_symbol;
    char * lhs;
    int i;
    int j;
    struct list * production;
    int change;
    struct hash * symbol_followers;

    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( IS_TERMINAL, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &FALSE ) {
            symbol_followers = new_hash();
            add_to_hash( FOLLOW, symbol, (void *) symbol_followers );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    change = 1;
    while ( change ) {
        change = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
            production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
            lhs = listlookup( production, 0 );
            for ( j = 1; j < production->next_index; j++ ) { // Loop RHS symbols.
                symbol = listlookup( production, j );
                if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) { // No FOLLOW for terminals.
                symbol_followers = hashlookup( FOLLOW, symbol )->data;
                if ( j + 1 < production->next_index ) { // There is an adjacent symbol.
                    next_symbol = listlookup( production, j + 1 );
                    struct hash * next_symbol_firsts = hashlookup( FIRST, next_symbol )->data;

                    // Everything in FIRST{next_symbol} should be in FOLLOW{symbol}.
                    change = expand_hash( symbol_followers, next_symbol_firsts ) || change;
                else { // Last symbol in production is nonterminal.
                    struct hash * lhs_followers = hashlookup( FOLLOW, lhs )->data;

                    // Everything in FOLLOW{lhs} should be in FOLLOW{symbol}.
                    change = expand_hash( symbol_followers, lhs_followers ) || change;
struct hash * copy_shallow_hash( struct hash * original ) {
    struct hash * copy = new_hash();
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( original, key_list, "" );
    char * key = NULL;
    int i = key_list->next_index;
    while ( i-- ) {
        key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        add_to_hash( copy, key, hashlookup( original, key ) );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    return copy;
Esempio n. 12
void install_incomplete_transitions( int i, struct itemset * current_itemset, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct list * itemsets = self->itemsets;
    struct hash * itemsets_by_key = self->itemsets_by_key;
    struct hash * ready_for = current_itemset->ready_for;

    // Prepare to loop through the keys of current_itemset->ready_for.
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( ready_for, key_list, "" );
    int j;
    int k;
    for ( j = 0; j < key_list->next_index; j++ ) { // Loop ready-for symbols.
        char * symbol = listlookup( key_list, j );
        struct list * ready_for_symbol = hashlookup( ready_for, symbol )->data;
        struct itemset * proposed_itemset = new_itemset();
        for ( k = 0; k < ready_for_symbol->next_index; k++ ) { // Loop symbol items.
            struct item * ready_item = listlookup( ready_for_symbol, k );
            struct item * proposed_item = new_item();
            proposed_item->prod_num = ready_item->prod_num;
            proposed_item->dot = ready_item->dot + 1;
            char * proposed_item_key = create_item_key( proposed_item );
            add_to_hash( proposed_itemset->items, proposed_item_key, (void *) proposed_item );
            free( proposed_item_key ); // It's now in the hash.
        } // End symbol items loop.
        char * proposed_itemset_key = create_closure_key( proposed_itemset );
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( itemsets_by_key, proposed_itemset_key );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            append_to_list( itemsets, (void *) proposed_itemset );
            int state_num = itemsets->next_index - 1;
            looked_up = add_to_hash( itemsets_by_key, proposed_itemset_key, (void *) (long int) state_num );
        else {
            destroy_itemset( proposed_itemset );
        int destination = (long int) looked_up->data;
        install_incomplete_transition( i, symbol, destination, self );
    } // End ready-for symbols loop.
int main() {    
    struct hash * frequency_hash = new_hash();
    char char_string[2] = { ' ', '\0' };
    int number_of_characters = 0;
    int i;
    char c;

    while ( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF ) {
        if ( c == '\n' ) {
        char_string[0] = c;
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( frequency_hash, char_string );
        struct index_frequency * data;
        if ( !looked_up ) {
            data = malloc( sizeof( struct index_frequency ) );
            data->index = number_of_characters;
            data->frequency = 0;
            looked_up = add_to_hash( frequency_hash, char_string, (void *) data );
        data = looked_up->data;
        int frequency = data->frequency;
        data->frequency = frequency + 1;

    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( frequency_hash, key_list, "" );
    int min_index = number_of_characters + 1;
    char * min_key = "";
    int min_frequency = number_of_characters + 1;
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        char * key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct index_frequency * data;
        data = hashlookup( frequency_hash, key )->data;
        if ( data->frequency < min_frequency ) {
            min_index = data->index;
            min_frequency = data->frequency;
            min_key = key;
        } else if ( data->frequency == min_frequency ) {
            if ( data->index < min_index ) {
                min_index = data->index;
                min_key = key;
    printf( "The first non-repeated character is: \n%s\n", min_key );

Esempio n. 14
File: tdb.c Progetto: Arkhont/samba
static enum TDB_ERROR replace_data(struct tdb_context *tdb,
				   struct hash_info *h,
				   struct tdb_data key, struct tdb_data dbuf,
				   tdb_off_t old_off, tdb_len_t old_room,
				   bool growing)
	tdb_off_t new_off;
	enum TDB_ERROR ecode;

	/* Allocate a new record. */
	new_off = alloc(tdb, key.dsize, dbuf.dsize, h->h, TDB_USED_MAGIC,
	if (TDB_OFF_IS_ERR(new_off)) {
		return new_off;

	/* We didn't like the existing one: remove it. */
	if (old_off) {
		ecode = add_free_record(tdb, old_off,
					sizeof(struct tdb_used_record)
					+ key.dsize + old_room,
					TDB_LOCK_WAIT, true);
		if (ecode == TDB_SUCCESS)
			ecode = replace_in_hash(tdb, h, new_off);
	} else {
		ecode = add_to_hash(tdb, h, new_off);
	if (ecode != TDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	new_off += sizeof(struct tdb_used_record);
	ecode = tdb->methods->twrite(tdb, new_off, key.dptr, key.dsize);
	if (ecode != TDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	new_off += key.dsize;
	ecode = tdb->methods->twrite(tdb, new_off, dbuf.dptr, dbuf.dsize);
	if (ecode != TDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	if (tdb->flags & TDB_SEQNUM)

	return TDB_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 15
void install_incomplete_transition( int i, char * symbol, int destination, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct hash * table_row = listlookup( self->TABLE, i );
    struct hash * goto_row = listlookup( self->GOTO, i );
    struct list * trans_list;
    struct hash * looked_up;
    if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) {

        // Transitions on terminals go in TABLE.
        looked_up = hashlookup( table_row, symbol );
        if  ( ! looked_up ) {
            trans_list = new_list();
            add_to_hash( table_row, symbol, (void *) trans_list );
        else {
            trans_list = looked_up->data;
        struct transition * terminal_transition = new_transition();
        terminal_transition->action = "shift";
        terminal_transition->arg = destination;
        if ( ! strcmp( symbol, "end" ) ) {
            terminal_transition->action = "accept";
        append_to_list( trans_list, (void *) terminal_transition );
    else { // Transitions on nonterminals go in GOTO.
        looked_up = hashlookup( goto_row, symbol );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            trans_list = new_list();
            add_to_hash( goto_row, symbol, (void *) trans_list );
        else {
            trans_list = looked_up->data;
        append_to_list( trans_list, (void *) (long int) destination );
Esempio n. 16
static void pp_add_new_ts(Poco_cb *pcb, char *name,
							char *value, SHORT pcount, Ts_flags flags)
 * allocate a new Text_symbol, fill in the fields, add to hash table.
register Text_symbol *ts;

ts = po_memalloc(pcb, sizeof(Text_symbol));
ts->name	  = name;
ts->value	  = value;
ts->parmcount = pcount;
ts->flags	  = flags;
add_to_hash(ts, pcb->t.define_list);
Esempio n. 17
static enum NTDB_ERROR replace_data(struct ntdb_context *ntdb,
				   struct hash_info *h,
				   NTDB_DATA key, NTDB_DATA dbuf,
				   ntdb_off_t old_off, ntdb_len_t old_room,
				   bool growing)
	ntdb_off_t new_off;
	enum NTDB_ERROR ecode;

	/* Allocate a new record. */
	new_off = alloc(ntdb, key.dsize, dbuf.dsize, NTDB_USED_MAGIC, growing);
	if (NTDB_OFF_IS_ERR(new_off)) {
		return NTDB_OFF_TO_ERR(new_off);

	/* We didn't like the existing one: remove it. */
	if (old_off) {
		ecode = add_free_record(ntdb, old_off,
					sizeof(struct ntdb_used_record)
					+ key.dsize + old_room,
					NTDB_LOCK_WAIT, true);
		if (ecode == NTDB_SUCCESS)
			ecode = replace_in_hash(ntdb, h, new_off);
	} else {
		ecode = add_to_hash(ntdb, h, new_off);
	if (ecode != NTDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	new_off += sizeof(struct ntdb_used_record);
	ecode = ntdb->io->twrite(ntdb, new_off, key.dptr, key.dsize);
	if (ecode != NTDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	new_off += key.dsize;
	ecode = ntdb->io->twrite(ntdb, new_off, dbuf.dptr, dbuf.dsize);
	if (ecode != NTDB_SUCCESS) {
		return ecode;

	if (ntdb->flags & NTDB_SEQNUM)

Esempio n. 18
int main(){
    while (1) {
        char* word;
        word = malloc(200);
        scanf("%s", word);
        if (should_stop()){
    return 0;
Esempio n. 19
void add_vertex(GRAPH *graph, NODE *vertex)
    if (!vertex)
        /* N.B. Vertex positions are sometimes important, so a NULL one still
           needs to occupy a position in the child list. */
        tree_add_child(graph, vertex);
    HASH_ENTRY *he = find_in_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *));
    if (he)
    add_to_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *), (void *) tree_num_children(graph));
    tree_add_child(graph, vertex);
struct hash * add_pairs_to_hash( struct hash * my_hash, int num_pairs, ... ) {

    va_list arg_pointer;
    char * key;
    void * value;

    va_start( arg_pointer, num_pairs );

    while ( num_pairs-- ) {
        key = va_arg( arg_pointer, char * );
        value = va_arg( arg_pointer, void * );
        add_to_hash( my_hash, key, value );

    return my_hash;

Esempio n. 21
int expand_hash( struct hash * target, struct hash * source ) {
    int i;
    char * symbol;
    void * value;
    int change = 0;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( source, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( target, symbol );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            value = hashlookup( source, symbol )->data;
            add_to_hash( target, symbol, value ); // Use the same value or pointer.
            change = 1;
    return change;
Esempio n. 22
EXPRESSION *make_new_temp(MODULE *module, FUNCTION *func, TYPE *type, int source_line)
    static int next_id = 0;
    char next_name[100];
    if (!type)
        error("declaration needs a type!");
    sprintf(next_name, "$t%d", next_id++);
    char *str = add_string(module, next_name, strlen(next_name));
    DECLARATION *new_temp = make_declaration(type, str, source_line);
    add_to_hash(func->table, str, strlen(str), new_temp);
    VARIABLE *new_var = CAST_TO_VARIABLE(make_variable(str, source_line));
    new_var->decl = new_temp;
    EXPRESSION *new_expr = CAST_TO_EXPRESSION(new_var);
    new_expr->type = type;
    return new_expr;
Esempio n. 23
EXPRESSION *make_closure(MODULE *mod, TYPE *type, DECLARATION *args, BLOCK *body, int source_line)
    static int next_id = 0;
    char name[100];
    sprintf(name, "closure%d", next_id++);
    char *str = add_string(mod, name, strlen(name));
    FUNCTION *func = make_function(type, str, args, source_line);
    tree_get_child(func, 0) = body;
    EXPRESSION *expr = create_ast_node(EXPR_CLOSURE, source_line);
    tree_add_child(expr, func);
    expr->type = make_map_type(args->type, type, source_line);
    /* Add new function to module. */
    tree_add_child(mod, func);
    add_to_hash(mod->table, str, strlen(str), func);
    return expr;
Esempio n. 24
main (int argc, char **argv)
	GHashTable *hash;

	g_type_init ();

	hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash,

	add_to_hash (hash, "image_hash", "10YnP");
	add_to_hash (hash, "small_thumbnail", "");
	add_to_hash (hash, "original_image", "");
	add_to_hash (hash, "large_thumbnail", "");
	add_to_hash (hash, "delete_hash", "inQAUnHqeypbFs0");
	add_to_hash (hash, "delete_page", "");
	add_to_hash (hash, "imgur_page", "");

	imgur_recording_store (hash, "/tmp/lsm.jpg");
Esempio n. 25
void install_complete_transitions( int i, struct itemset * current_itemset, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct list * table = self->TABLE;
    struct list * complete_items = current_itemset->complete;
    char * lhs;
    struct item * complete_item;
    struct list * complete_production;
    int j; int k;
    struct hash * table_row = listlookup( self->TABLE, i );
    for ( j = 0; j < complete_items->next_index; j++ ) {
        complete_item = listlookup( complete_items, j );
        int prod_num = complete_item->prod_num;
        complete_production = GRAMMAR[prod_num].production;
        lhs = listlookup( complete_production, 0 );

        // Loop all terminals which can follow this lhs.
        struct list * key_list = new_list();
        list_keys_in_hash( hashlookup( FOLLOW, lhs )->data, key_list, "" );
        for ( k = 0; k < key_list->next_index; k++ ) {
            struct list * trans_list;
            char * follower = listlookup( key_list, k );

            // Add a reduce transition on each follower token.
            struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( table_row, follower );
            if ( ! looked_up ) {
                trans_list = new_list();
                add_to_hash( table_row, follower, (void *) trans_list );
            else {
                trans_list = looked_up->data;
            struct transition * reduce_transition = new_transition();
            reduce_transition->action = "reduce";
            reduce_transition->arg = prod_num;
            append_to_list( trans_list, reduce_transition );
        destroy_key_list( key_list );
Esempio n. 26
int Upload_stream(Connection *conn, Handler *handler, int content_len)
    char *data = NULL;
    int avail = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    int first_chunk = 1;
    int rc;
    hash_t *altheaders = NULL;
    bstring offsetstr;

    debug("max content length: %d, content_len: %d", MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH, content_len);

    IOBuf_resize(conn->iob, MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH); // give us a good buffer size

    while(content_len > 0) {
        if(first_chunk) {
            // read whatever's there
            data = IOBuf_read_some(conn->iob, &avail);
        } else if(conn->sendCredits > 0) {
            // read up to credits
            data = IOBuf_read(conn->iob, conn->sendCredits < content_len ? conn->sendCredits : content_len, &avail);
            conn->sendCredits -= avail;
        } else {
            // sleep until we have credits

        check(!IOBuf_closed(conn->iob), "Closed while reading from IOBuf.");
        content_len -= avail;

        offsetstr = bformat("%d", offset);

        if(first_chunk) {
            Request_set(conn->req, &UPLOAD_STREAM, offsetstr, 1);
            if(content_len == 0) {
                Request_set(conn->req, &UPLOAD_STREAM_DONE, bfromcstr("1"), 1);
        } else {
            altheaders = hash_create(2, (hash_comp_t)bstrcmp, bstr_hash_fun);
            add_to_hash(altheaders, &UPLOAD_STREAM, offsetstr);
            if(content_len == 0) {
                add_to_hash(altheaders, &UPLOAD_STREAM_DONE, bfromcstr("1"));

        rc = Connection_send_to_handler(conn, handler, data, avail, altheaders);
        check_debug(rc == 0, "Failed to deliver to the handler.");

        if(altheaders != NULL) {
            altheaders = NULL;

        check(IOBuf_read_commit(conn->iob, avail) != -1, "Commit failed while streaming.");

        first_chunk = 0;
        offset += avail;

    check(content_len == 0, "Failed to write everything to the large upload tmpfile.");

    return 0;

    return -1;
Esempio n. 27
int pdt_add_to_hash(hash_list_t *hl, str* sdomain, str *sp, str *sd)
	hash_t *it, *prev, *ph;
	if(hl==NULL || sdomain==NULL || sdomain->s==NULL
			|| sp==NULL || sp->s==NULL
			|| sd==NULL || sd->s==NULL)
		LM_ERR("bad parameters\n");
		return -1;

	/* search the it position where to insert new domain */
	it = hl->hash; 
	while(it!=NULL && str_strcmp(&it->sdomain, sdomain)<0)

	/* add new sdomain, i.e. new entry in the hash list */
	if(it==NULL || str_strcmp(&it->sdomain, sdomain)>0)
		/* !!!! check this hash size setting mode */
		ph = init_hash(hl->hash_size, sdomain);
			LM_ERR("null pointer returned\n");
			goto error1;
		if(add_to_hash(ph, sp, sd)<0)
			LM_ERR("could not add to hash\n");
			goto error;

		/* list initially empty */
			hl->hash = ph;
			prev->next = ph;

		ph->next = it;
	} else {
		/* it is the entry of sdomain, just add a new prefix/domain pair
		 * to its hash
		if(add_to_hash(it, sp, sd)<0)
			LM_ERR("could not add to hash\n");
			goto error1;
	return 0;

	return -1;

Esempio n. 28
char * create_closure_key( struct itemset * current_itemset ) {
    struct item * current_item;
    struct hash * looked_up;
    struct list * production;
    int p;
    int d;
    int i;

    // Push all the items in the itemset onto the unchecked stack.
    struct list * unchecked = new_list();
    struct hash * current_items = current_itemset->items;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( current_items, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        char * key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        append_to_list( unchecked, (void *) hashlookup( current_items, key )->data );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );

    // Now process unchecked items, possibly adding more along the way.
    while ( unchecked->next_index ) {
        current_item = pop_from_list( unchecked );
        p = current_item->prod_num;
        d = current_item->dot;
        production = GRAMMAR[p].production;
        if ( d == production->next_index - 1 ) { // This item is complete.
            append_to_list( current_itemset->complete, (void *) current_item );
            continue; // Nothing more to do here.
        // Otherwise, this item is incomplete, 
        // so record it in the appropriate ready_for slot for this itemset.
        char * predicted = listlookup( production, d + 1 );
        struct list * items_ready_for = NULL;
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( current_itemset->ready_for, predicted );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            items_ready_for = new_list();
            add_to_hash( current_itemset->ready_for, predicted, (void *) items_ready_for );
        else {
            items_ready_for = looked_up->data;
        append_to_list( items_ready_for, (void *) current_item );
        // If the predicted symbol is terminal, this item is done processing.
        if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, predicted )->data ) == &TRUE ) {
            continue; // Can't expand terminals.
        // Otherwise, the predicted symbol is nonterminal, 
        // so expand the itemset using all applicable productions.
        struct list * predicted_productions = hashlookup( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, predicted )->data;
        for ( i = 0; i < predicted_productions->next_index; i++ ) {
            int predicted_p = (long int) listlookup( predicted_productions, i );
            struct item * predicted_item = new_item();
            predicted_item->prod_num = predicted_p;
            char * predicted_key = create_item_key( predicted_item );
            if ( looked_up = hashlookup( current_items, predicted_key ) ) { // Item unneeded.
                free( predicted_item );
                free( predicted_key );

            // Otherwise, add the new item to the itemset, and to the unchecked stack.
            add_to_hash( current_items, predicted_key, (void *) predicted_item );
            free( predicted_key );
            append_to_list( unchecked, (void *) predicted_item );

    // Now that the itemset has been filled out, create and return its identifying string.
    key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( current_items, key_list, "" );
    char * closure_key = join_key_list( key_list, "_" );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    return closure_key;
Esempio n. 29
int emit_function(FUNCTION *func, EMIT_FUNCTIONS *functions, void *data)
    GRAPH *graph = func->graph;
    QUEUE *queue = create_queue();
    HASH *done = create_hash(10, key_type_direct);
    queue_push(queue, tree_get_child(graph, 0));
    NODE *last = NULL;
    while (!queue_is_empty(queue))
        NODE *vertex = queue_pop(queue);
        if (find_in_hash(done, vertex, sizeof(void *)))
        add_to_hash(done, vertex, sizeof(void *), (void *) 1);
        int label = (int) get_from_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *));
        HASH *predecessor_hash = get_from_hash(graph->backward, vertex, sizeof(void *));
        HASH_ITERATOR iter;
        hash_iterator(predecessor_hash, &iter);
        if (predecessor_hash && (predecessor_hash->num > 1 || (predecessor_hash->num == 1 && last != iter.entry->key)))
            functions->emit_label(label, data);
        functions->emit_comment(vertex, data);
        HASH *successor_hash = get_from_hash(graph->forward, vertex, sizeof(void *));
        NODE *successor;
        int successor_label;
        if (successor_hash)
            hash_iterator(successor_hash, &iter);
            successor = iter.entry->key;
            successor_label = (int) get_from_hash(graph->labels, successor, sizeof(void *));
            successor = NULL;
        if (tree_is_type(vertex, STMT_ENTER))
            functions->emit_enter(vertex, data);
        else if (tree_is_type(vertex, STMT_EXIT))
            functions->emit_exit(vertex, data);
            last = vertex;
        else if (tree_is_type(vertex, STMT_ASSIGN))
            functions->emit_assign(vertex, data);
        else if (tree_is_type(vertex, STMT_RETURN))
            functions->emit_return(vertex, data);
        else if (tree_is_type(vertex, STMT_TEST))
            NODE *branch = iter.entry->key;
            EDGE_TYPE branch_type = (EDGE_TYPE) iter.entry->data;
            int branch_label = (int) get_from_hash(graph->labels, branch, sizeof(void *));
            functions->emit_test(vertex, branch_type, branch_label, data);
            if (!find_in_hash(done, branch, sizeof(void *)))
                queue_push(queue, branch);
            /* Force label on next vertex, in case we jumped to it in the test's branch.
               Fixes a bug where the label is omitted just because the test was before it,
                by neglecting to notice that the test reaches it by a jump. */
            vertex = NULL;
        last = vertex;
        if (find_in_hash(done, successor, sizeof(void *)))
            functions->emit_jump(successor_label, data);
        vertex = successor;
        if (vertex)
            goto do_next;
    return 1;