static carmen_vector_3D_t get_velodyne_point_car_reference(double rot_angle, double vert_angle, double range, carmen_pose_3D_t velodyne_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t sensor_board_pose, rotation_matrix* velodyne_to_board_matrix, rotation_matrix* board_to_car_matrix) { double cos_rot_angle = cos(rot_angle); double sin_rot_angle = sin(rot_angle); double cos_vert_angle = cos(vert_angle); double sin_vert_angle = sin(vert_angle); double xy_distance = range * cos_vert_angle; carmen_vector_3D_t velodyne_reference; velodyne_reference.x = (xy_distance * cos_rot_angle); velodyne_reference.y = (xy_distance * sin_rot_angle); velodyne_reference.z = (range * sin_vert_angle); carmen_vector_3D_t board_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(velodyne_to_board_matrix, velodyne_reference); board_reference = add_vectors(board_reference, velodyne_pose.position); carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(board_to_car_matrix, board_reference); car_reference = add_vectors(car_reference, sensor_board_pose.position); return car_reference; }
/* Checks state safety. Returns true if safe, else false. */ bool is_safe() { /* Work vector, length m. */ int work[RESOURCES]; /* Finish vector, length n. */ bool finish[CUSTOMERS]; /* Initialize work vector = available vector. */ copy_array(available, work); /* Set all elements in finish vector to false. */ set_all_false(finish); /* Find index i such that finish[i] == false && need[i] <= work. */ int i = find_i(work, finish); /* If no such i exists, check if all finish elements are true. */ if (i == -1) { //such I does not exist if (all_true(finish) == true) { /* The system is in a safe state! */ return true; } } else { /* work = work + allocation */ add_vectors(work, allocation[i]); finish[i] = true; /* Go to step 2. */ i = find_i(work, finish); } }
static carmen_vector_3D_t get_xsens_position_global_reference (carmen_pose_3D_t xsens_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t sensor_board_pose, carmen_pose_3D_t car_pose) { rotation_matrix* board_to_car_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (sensor_board_pose.orientation); rotation_matrix* car_to_global_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (car_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference = multiply_matrix_vector (board_to_car_matrix, xsens_pose.position); car_reference = add_vectors (car_reference, sensor_board_pose.position); carmen_vector_3D_t global_reference = multiply_matrix_vector (car_to_global_matrix, car_reference); global_reference = add_vectors (global_reference, car_pose.position); destroy_rotation_matrix (board_to_car_matrix); destroy_rotation_matrix (car_to_global_matrix); return global_reference; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double error(level_type * level, int id_a, int id_b) { double h3 = level->h * level->h * level->h; add_vectors(level,VECTOR_TEMP,1.0,id_a,-1.0,id_b); // VECTOR_TEMP = id_a - id_b double max = norm(level,VECTOR_TEMP); return(max); // max norm of error function double L2 = sqrt( dot(level,VECTOR_TEMP,VECTOR_TEMP)*h3); return( L2); // normalized L2 error ? }
carmen_vector_3D_t carmen_change_sensor_reference(carmen_vector_3D_t position, carmen_vector_3D_t reference, rotation_matrix* transformation_matrix) { carmen_vector_3D_t new_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(transformation_matrix, reference); carmen_vector_3D_t point = add_vectors(new_reference, position); return point; }
static expr *rexp3(int critical) { expr *e, *f; int64_t v; e = expr0(critical); if (!e) return NULL; while (i == TOKEN_EQ || i == TOKEN_LT || i == TOKEN_GT || i == TOKEN_NE || i == TOKEN_LE || i == TOKEN_GE) { int j = i; i = scan(scpriv, tokval); f = expr0(critical); if (!f) return NULL; e = add_vectors(e, scalar_mult(f, -1L, false)); switch (j) { case TOKEN_EQ: case TOKEN_NE: if (is_unknown(e)) v = -1; /* means unknown */ else if (!is_really_simple(e) || reloc_value(e) != 0) v = (j == TOKEN_NE); /* unequal, so return true if NE */ else v = (j == TOKEN_EQ); /* equal, so return true if EQ */ break; default: if (is_unknown(e)) v = -1; /* means unknown */ else if (!is_really_simple(e)) { nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "`%s': operands differ by a non-scalar", (j == TOKEN_LE ? "<=" : j == TOKEN_LT ? "<" : j == TOKEN_GE ? ">=" : ">")); v = 0; /* must set it to _something_ */ } else { int64_t vv = reloc_value(e); if (vv == 0) v = (j == TOKEN_LE || j == TOKEN_GE); else if (vv > 0) v = (j == TOKEN_GE || j == TOKEN_GT); else /* vv < 0 */ v = (j == TOKEN_LE || j == TOKEN_LT); } break; } if (v == -1) e = unknown_expr(); else e = scalarvect(v); } return e; }
void calculate_intensity(struct vector *c, struct constants *k, color ambient, struct light *light, struct vector *p, struct vector *n, struct vector *v) { /* I = Ke + Ia Ka + Ip Kd (->L * ->N) + Ip Ks [(2->N(->L * ->N)- ->L) * ->V] */ double dotd, dots; struct vector l, tmp; l = *p; subtract_vectors(&l, &light->l); normalize(&l); dotd = dot(&l, n); if (dotd < 0) { dotd = dots = 0; goto add_terms; } tmp = *n; scalar_mult(2 * dotd, &tmp); subtract_vectors(&tmp, &l); dots = dot(&tmp, v); if (dots < 0) dots = 0; add_terms: ctov(c, k->e); ctov(&tmp, ambient); tmp.x *= k->r[Ka]; tmp.y *= k->g[Ka]; tmp.z *= k->b[Ka]; add_vectors(c, &tmp); ctov(&tmp, light->c); tmp.x *= k->r[Kd] * dotd + k->r[Ks] * dots; tmp.y *= k->g[Kd] * dotd + k->g[Kd] * dots; tmp.z *= k->b[Kd] * dotd + k->b[Ks] * dots; add_vectors(c, &tmp); }
void move_camera (carmen_vector_3D_t displacement) { rotation_matrix* r_matrix = create_rotation_matrix (camera_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t displacement_world_coordinates = multiply_matrix_vector (r_matrix, displacement); camera_pose.position = add_vectors (camera_pose.position, displacement_world_coordinates); destroy_rotation_matrix (r_matrix); }
static carmen_vector_3D_t get_point_position_global_reference(carmen_vector_3D_t car_position, carmen_vector_3D_t car_reference, rotation_matrix* car_to_global_matrix) { //rotation_matrix* r_matrix = create_rotation_matrix(car_fused_pose.orientation); carmen_vector_3D_t global_reference = multiply_matrix_vector(car_to_global_matrix, car_reference); carmen_vector_3D_t point = add_vectors(global_reference, car_position); //destroy_rotation_matrix(r_matrix); return point; }
static expr *expr4(int critical) { expr *e, *f; e = expr5(critical); if (!e) return NULL; while (i == '+' || i == '-') { int j = i; i = scan(scpriv, tokval); f = expr5(critical); if (!f) return NULL; switch (j) { case '+': e = add_vectors(e, f); break; case '-': e = add_vectors(e, scalar_mult(f, -1L, false)); break; } } return e; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BiCGStab(level_type * level, int x_id, int R_id, double a, double b, double desired_reduction_in_norm){ // Algorithm 7.7 in Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems(Yousef Saad) // uses "right" preconditioning... AD^{-1}(Dx) = b ... AD^{-1}y = b ... solve for y, then solve for x = D^{-1}y int r0_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+0; int r_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+1; int p_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+2; int s_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+3; int Ap_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+4; int As_id = VECTORS_RESERVED+5; int jMax=200; int j=0; int BiCGStabFailed = 0; int BiCGStabConverged = 0; residual(level,r0_id,x_id,R_id,a,b); // r0[] = R_id[] - A(x_id) scale_vector(level,r_id,1.0,r0_id); // r[] = r0[] scale_vector(level,p_id,1.0,r0_id); // p[] = r0[] double r_dot_r0 = dot(level,r_id,r0_id); // r_dot_r0 = dot(r,r0) double norm_of_r0 = norm(level,r_id); // the norm of the initial residual... if(r_dot_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution if(norm_of_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;} // entered BiCGStab with exact solution while( (j<jMax) && (!BiCGStabFailed) && (!BiCGStabConverged) ){ // while(not done){ j++;level->Krylov_iterations++; // #ifdef KRYLOV_DIAGONAL_PRECONDITION // mul_vectors(level,VECTOR_TEMP,1.0,VECTOR_DINV,p_id); // temp[] = Dinv[]*p[] apply_op(level,Ap_id,VECTOR_TEMP,a,b); // Ap = AD^{-1}(p) #else // apply_op(level,Ap_id,p_id,a,b); // Ap = A(p) #endif // double Ap_dot_r0 = dot(level,Ap_id,r0_id); // Ap_dot_r0 = dot(Ap,r0) if(Ap_dot_r0 == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=1;break;} // pivot breakdown ??? double alpha = r_dot_r0 / Ap_dot_r0; // alpha = r_dot_r0 / Ap_dot_r0 if(isinf(alpha)){BiCGStabFailed=2;break;} // pivot breakdown ??? add_vectors(level,x_id,1.0,x_id, alpha, p_id); // x_id[] = x_id[] + alpha*p[] add_vectors(level,s_id,1.0,r_id,-alpha,Ap_id); // s[] = r[] - alpha*Ap[] (intermediate residual?) double norm_of_s = norm(level,s_id); // FIX - redundant?? norm of intermediate residual //if(level->my_rank==0)printf("norm(s)/norm(r0) = %e\n",norm_of_s/norm_of_r0); if(norm_of_s == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // FIX - redundant?? if As_dot_As==0, then As must be 0 which implies s==0 if(norm_of_s < desired_reduction_in_norm*norm_of_r0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} #ifdef KRYLOV_DIAGONAL_PRECONDITION // mul_vectors(level,VECTOR_TEMP,1.0,VECTOR_DINV,s_id); // temp[] = Dinv[]*s[] apply_op(level,As_id,VECTOR_TEMP,a,b); // As = AD^{-1}(s) #else // apply_op(level,As_id,s_id,a,b); // As = A(s) #endif // double As_dot_As = dot(level,As_id,As_id); // As_dot_As = dot(As,As) double As_dot_s = dot(level,As_id, s_id); // As_dot_s = dot(As, s) if(As_dot_As == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // converged ? double omega = As_dot_s / As_dot_As; // omega = As_dot_s / As_dot_As if(omega == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=3;break;} // stabilization breakdown ??? if(isinf(omega)){BiCGStabFailed=4;break;} // stabilization breakdown ??? add_vectors(level,x_id,1.0,x_id, omega, s_id); // x_id[] = x_id[] + omega*s[] add_vectors(level,r_id,1.0,s_id,-omega,As_id); // r[] = s[] - omega*As[] (recursively computed / updated residual) double norm_of_r = norm(level,r_id); // norm of recursively computed residual (good enough??) //if(level->my_rank==0)printf("norm(r)/norm(r0) = %e\n",norm_of_r/norm_of_r0); if(norm_of_r == 0.0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} // if(norm_of_r < desired_reduction_in_norm*norm_of_r0){BiCGStabConverged=1;break;} #ifdef __DEBUG // residual(level,VECTOR_TEMP,x_id,R_id,a,b); // double norm_of_residual = norm(level,VECTOR_TEMP); // if(level->my_rank==0)fprintf(stdout,"j=%8d, norm=%12.6e, norm_inital=%12.6e, reduction=%e\n",j,norm_of_residual,norm_of_r0,norm_of_residual/norm_of_r0); // #endif // double r_dot_r0_new = dot(level,r_id,r0_id); // r_dot_r0_new = dot(r,r0) if(r_dot_r0_new == 0.0){BiCGStabFailed=5;break;} // Lanczos breakdown ??? double beta = (r_dot_r0_new/r_dot_r0) * (alpha/omega); // beta = (r_dot_r0_new/r_dot_r0) * (alpha/omega) if(isinf(beta)){BiCGStabFailed=6;break;} // ??? add_vectors(level,VECTOR_TEMP,1.0,p_id,-omega, Ap_id); // VECTOR_TEMP = (p[]-omega*Ap[]) add_vectors(level, p_id,1.0,r_id, beta,VECTOR_TEMP); // p[] = r[] + beta*(p[]-omega*Ap[]) r_dot_r0 = r_dot_r0_new; // r_dot_r0 = r_dot_r0_new (save old r_dot_r0) } // } #ifdef KRYLOV_DIAGONAL_PRECONDITION // mul_vectors(level,x_id,1.0,VECTOR_DINV,x_id); // x_id[] = Dinv[]*x_id[] // i.e. x = D^{-1}x' #endif // #ifdef __DEBUG if(BiCGStabFailed)if(level->my_rank==0)fprintf(stderr,"BiCGStab Failed... error = %d\n",BiCGStabFailed); #endif }
void calc_normals(const char *course) { scalar_t *elevation; scalar_t courseWidth, courseLength; int nx, ny; int x,y; point_t p0, p1, p2; vector_t n, nml, v1, v2; char buff[BUFF_LEN]; sprintf( buff, "%s/courses/%s/", getparam_data_dir(), course ); get_course_dimensions( &courseWidth, &courseLength ); get_course_divisions( &nx, &ny ); if(nmls != (void*)-1 && nmls_fd != -1) { munmap(nmls, nmls_len); close(nmls_fd); } #if 0 else { free(nmls); } #endif struct stat buf; int exists = (stat(buff, &buf) == 0); if(exists) { nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDONLY); if ( nmls_fd == -1) { handle_system_error( 1, "can't open file failed" ); } TRDebugLog("mapping to memory\n"); nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny; nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,nmls_fd, 0); if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) { handle_system_error( 1, "read mmap failed" ); } } else { nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny; #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if ( nmls_fd == -1) { handle_system_error( 1, "can't open file failed" ); } int result = lseek(nmls_fd, nmls_len-1, SEEK_SET); if (result == -1) { handle_system_error( 1, "can't write file failed" ); } result = write(nmls_fd, "", 1); if (result != 1) { handle_system_error( 1, "can't write file failed" ); } nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, nmls_fd, 0); if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) { handle_system_error( 1, "write mmap failed" ); } TRDebugLog("Writing to\n"); #else # ifdef TR_DEBUG_MODE abort(); // This shouldn't be reached on simulator. Crash to indicate. # endif nmls = malloc(nmls_len); #endif elevation = get_course_elev_data(); for ( y=0; y<ny; y++) { for ( x=0; x<nx; x++) { nml = make_vector( 0., 0., 0. ); p0 = make_point( XCD(x), ELEV(x,y), ZCD(y) ); /* The terrain is meshed as follows: ... +-+-+-+-+ x<---+ |\|/|\|/| | ...+-+-+-+-+... V |/|\|/|\| y +-+-+-+-+ ... So there are two types of vertices: those surrounded by four triangles (x+y is odd), and those surrounded by eight (x+y is even). */ #define POINT(x,y) make_point( XCD(x), ELEV(x,y), ZCD(y) ) if ( (x + y) % 2 == 0 ) { if ( x > 0 && y > 0 ) { p1 = POINT(x, y-1); p2 = POINT(x-1,y-1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); p1 = POINT(x-1,y-1); p2 = POINT(x-1,y ); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x > 0 && y < ny-1 ) { p1 = POINT(x-1,y ); p2 = POINT(x-1,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); p1 = POINT(x-1,y+1); p2 = POINT(x ,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x < nx-1 && y > 0 ) { p1 = POINT(x+1,y ); p2 = POINT(x+1,y-1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); p1 = POINT(x+1,y-1); p2 = POINT(x ,y-1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x < nx-1 && y < ny-1 ) { p1 = POINT(x+1,y ); p2 = POINT(x+1,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v1, v2 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); p1 = POINT(x+1,y+1); p2 = POINT(x ,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v1, v2 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } } else { /* x + y is odd */ if ( x > 0 && y > 0 ) { p1 = POINT(x, y-1); p2 = POINT(x-1,y ); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x > 0 && y < ny-1 ) { p1 = POINT(x-1,y ); p2 = POINT(x ,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x < nx-1 && y > 0 ) { p1 = POINT(x+1,y ); p2 = POINT(x ,y-1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v2, v1 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } if ( x < nx-1 && y < ny-1 ) { p1 = POINT(x+1,y ); p2 = POINT(x ,y+1); v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 ); v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 ); n = cross_product( v1, v2 ); check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" ); normalize_vector( &n ); nml = add_vectors( nml, n ); } } normalize_vector( &nml ); NORMAL(x,y) = nml; continue; } #undef POINT } #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR munmap(nmls, nmls_len); close(nmls_fd); nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDONLY); if (nmls_fd == -1) { handle_system_error( 1, "can't remount" ); } TRDebugLog("remounting to memory\n"); nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny; nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, nmls_fd, 0); if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) { handle_system_error( 1, "remount mmap failed" ); } #endif } }
expr *evaluate(scanner sc, void *scprivate, struct tokenval *tv, int *fwref, int critical, struct eval_hints *hints) { expr *e; expr *f = NULL; hint = hints; if (hint) hint->type = EAH_NOHINT; if (critical & CRITICAL) { critical &= ~CRITICAL; bexpr = rexp0; } else bexpr = expr0; scan = sc; scpriv = scprivate; tokval = tv; opflags = fwref; if (tokval->t_type == TOKEN_INVALID) i = scan(scpriv, tokval); else i = tokval->t_type; while (ntempexprs) /* initialize temporary storage */ nasm_free(tempexprs[--ntempexprs]); e = bexpr(critical); if (!e) return NULL; if (i == TOKEN_WRT) { i = scan(scpriv, tokval); /* eat the WRT */ f = expr6(critical); if (!f) return NULL; } e = scalar_mult(e, 1L, false); /* strip far-absolute segment part */ if (f) { expr *g; if (is_just_unknown(f)) g = unknown_expr(); else { int64_t value; begintemp(); if (!is_reloc(f)) { nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid right-hand operand to WRT"); return NULL; } value = reloc_seg(f); if (value == NO_SEG) value = reloc_value(f) | SEG_ABS; else if (!(value & SEG_ABS) && !(value % 2) && critical) { nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid right-hand operand to WRT"); return NULL; } addtotemp(EXPR_WRT, value); g = finishtemp(); } e = add_vectors(e, g); } return e; }
uint8_t quest(vector v_B_c, vector v_sun_c, vector v_B_m, float sun_adc[], quaternion q_triad, uint8_t * p_w_ctrl) { uint8_t w_ctrl = *p_w_ctrl; static uint16_t time_since_light; static uint8_t light_prev = 1; uint8_t light = 1, num_dark_sensors = 0, i, j; vector v_sun_m, v_cross_m, v_cross_c, v_mc_cross, v_mc_add; vector v_temp1, v_temp2; vector v_triad; float mu, nu, rho, k, triad; for(i = 0; i < N_SS; i++) { if(sun_adc[i] < (0.5 * SS_GAIN)) num_dark_sensors++; } if(num_dark_sensors == N_SS) light = 0; if(light) { if(!w_ctrl) { time_since_light += FRAME_TIME; if(time_since_light == 300) w_ctrl = 0; } if(light_prev == 0) { w_ctrl = 0; time_since_light = 0; } for(i = 0; i < (N_SS / 2); i++) { j = i * 2; if(sun_adc[j] > sun_adc[j + 1]) v_sun_m[i] = (float)sun_adc[j]; else v_sun_m[i] = -1 * (float)sun_adc[j + 1]; } convert_unit_vector(v_sun_m); /*v_B_m[0] =; v_B_m[1] =; v_B_m[2] =;*/ vector_cross_product(v_B_m, v_sun_m, v_cross_m); convert_unit_vector(v_cross_m); vector_cross_product(v_B_c, v_sun_c, v_cross_c); convert_unit_vector(v_cross_c); mu = (1 + vector_dot_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c)) * (MAG_WEIGHT * vector_dot_product(v_B_m, v_B_c) + (1 - MAG_WEIGHT) * vector_dot_product(v_sun_m, v_sun_c)); vector_cross_product(v_B_m, v_B_c, v_temp1); vector_cross_product(v_sun_m, v_sun_c, v_temp2); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) v_temp2[i] = v_temp1[i] * MAG_WEIGHT + (1 - MAG_WEIGHT) * v_temp2[i]; vector_cross_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c, v_mc_cross); mu += vector_dot_product(v_mc_cross, v_temp2); add_vectors(v_cross_m, v_cross_c, v_mc_add); nu = vector_dot_product(v_mc_add, v_temp2); rho = sqrt(mu * mu + nu * nu); if(mu > 0) { k = 1 / (2 * sqrt(rho * (rho + mu) * (1 + vector_dot_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c)))); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) v_triad[i] = v_mc_cross[i] * (rho + mu) + v_mc_add[i] * nu; triad = (rho + mu) * (1 + vector_dot_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c)); } else { k = 1 / (2 * sqrt(rho * (rho - mu) * (1 + vector_dot_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c)))); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) v_triad[i] = v_mc_cross[i] * nu + v_mc_add[i] * (rho - mu); triad = nu * (1 + vector_dot_product(v_cross_m, v_cross_c)); } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) q_triad[i] = v_triad[i]; q_triad[3] = triad; scalar_into_quaternion(q_triad, k); } else { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) q_triad[i] = 0; q_triad[3] = 1; } light_prev = light; return light; }
void horizontal_convert(polygon poly, struct screen *s, enum shading_t type, struct constants *k, color ambient, struct light *l, struct vector norm[3], struct vector *v) { const double y0 = poly[0]->y, y1 = poly[1]->y, y2 = poly[2]->y; int ib, im, it; int dy_bt, dy_bm, dy_mt; double dx; struct vector pb, pm, pt; struct vector dp_dy_bt, dp_dy_bm, dp_dy_mt; struct vector p0, p1; edge e = {&p0, &p1}; struct vector p; double dz_dx; struct vector cb, cm, ct; struct vector dc_dy_bt, dc_dy_bm, dc_dy_mt; struct vector c0, c1; struct vector c; struct vector dc_dx; struct vector dn_dy_bt, dn_dy_bm, dn_dy_mt; struct vector n0, n1; struct vector n; struct vector dn_dx; if (y0 <= y1 && y1 <= y2) { ib = 0; im = 1; it = 2; } else if (y0 <= y2 && y2 <= y1) { ib = 0; im = 2; it = 1; } else if (y1 <= y0 && y0 <= y2) { ib = 1; im = 0; it = 2; } else if (y1 <= y2 && y2 <= y0) { ib = 1; im = 2; it = 0; } else if (y2 <= y0 && y0 <= y1) { ib = 2; im = 0; it = 1; } else { ib = 2; im = 1; it = 0; } pb = *poly[ib]; pm = *poly[im]; pt = *poly[it]; pb.y = (int)pb.y; pm.y = (int)pm.y; pt.y = (int)pt.y; dy_bt = pt.y - pb.y; dy_bm = pm.y - pb.y; dy_mt = pt.y - pm.y; p0 = pb; p1 = pb.y != pm.y? pb : pm; dp_dy_bt = pt; subtract_vectors(&dp_dy_bt, &pb); scalar_div(dy_bt, &dp_dy_bt); dp_dy_bm = pm; subtract_vectors(&dp_dy_bm, &pb); scalar_div(dy_bm, &dp_dy_bm); dp_dy_mt = pt; subtract_vectors(&dp_dy_mt, &pm); scalar_div(dy_mt, &dp_dy_mt); switch (type) { case FLAT: calculate_centroid(&p, poly); calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, norm, v); for (p.y = pb.y; p.y <= pt.y; p.y++) { p0.y = p1.y = p.y; draw_line(e, s, vtoc(&c) ); add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dy_bt); add_vectors(&p1, (p.y < pm.y? &dp_dy_bm : &dp_dy_mt) ); } break; case GOROUD: calculate_intensity(&cb, k, ambient, l, poly[ib], norm + ib, v); calculate_intensity(&cm, k, ambient, l, poly[im], norm + im, v); calculate_intensity(&ct, k, ambient, l, poly[it], norm + it, v); c0 = cb; c1 = (pb.y != pm.y? cb : cm); dc_dy_bt = ct; subtract_vectors(&dc_dy_bt, &cb); scalar_div(dy_bt, &dc_dy_bt); dc_dy_bm = cm; subtract_vectors(&dc_dy_bm, &cb); scalar_div(dy_bm, &dc_dy_bm); dc_dy_mt = ct; subtract_vectors(&dc_dy_mt, &cm); scalar_div(dy_mt, &dc_dy_mt); for (p.y = pb.y; p.y <= pt.y; p.y++) { dx = p1.x - p0.x; dc_dx = c1; subtract_vectors(&dc_dx, &c0); scalar_div(dx, &dc_dx); dz_dx = (p1.z - p0.z) / dx; p.x = p0.x; p.z = p0.z; c = c0; while (1) { plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); if (p0.x < p1.x) { p.z += dz_dx; add_vectors(&c, &dc_dx); p.x++; if (p.x > p1.x) break; } else { p.z -= dz_dx; subtract_vectors(&c, &dc_dx); p.x--; if (p.x < p1.x) break; } } add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dy_bt); add_vectors(&c0, &dc_dy_bt); if (p.y < pm.y) { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dy_bm); add_vectors(&c1, &dc_dy_bm); } else { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dy_mt); add_vectors(&c1, &dc_dy_mt); } } break; case PHONG: n0 = norm[ib]; n1 = norm[pb.y != pm.y? ib : im]; dn_dy_bt = norm[it]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dy_bt, norm + ib); scalar_div(dy_bt, &dn_dy_bt); dn_dy_bm = norm[im]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dy_bm, norm + ib); scalar_div(dy_bm, &dn_dy_bm); dn_dy_mt = norm[it]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dy_mt, norm + im); scalar_div(dy_mt, &dn_dy_mt); for (p.y = pb.y; p.y <= pt.y; p.y++) { dx = p1.x - p0.x; dn_dx = n1; subtract_vectors(&dn_dx, &n0); scalar_div(dx, &dn_dx); dz_dx = (p1.z - p0.z) / dx; p = p0; n = n0; while (1) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); if (p0.x < p1.x) { p.z += dz_dx; add_vectors(&n, &dn_dx); p.x++; if (p.x > p1.x) break; } else { p.z -= dz_dx; subtract_vectors(&n, &dn_dx); p.x--; if (p.x < p1.x) break; } } add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dy_bt); add_vectors(&n0, &dn_dy_bt); if (p.y < pm.y) { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dy_bm); add_vectors(&n1, &dn_dy_bm); } else { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dy_mt); add_vectors(&n1, &dn_dy_mt); } } break; } }
void draw_shaded_edge(int x, polygon poly, struct screen *s, enum shading_t type, struct constants *k, color ambient, struct light *l, struct vector norm[3], struct vector *v) { int i, j, tmp; struct vector p, *p1, dp; int d; double derz; /* derz: derivative of z */ struct vector n, dern; struct vector c; switch (x) { case 0: i = 0; j = 1; break; case 1: i = 1; j = 2; break; case 2: i = 2; j = 0; break; } //swap points so we're always draing left to right if (poly[i]->x > poly[j]->x) { tmp = i; i = j; j = tmp; } p = *poly[i]; p1 = poly[j]; dp = *p1; subtract_vectors(&dp, &p); //positive slope: Octants 1, 2 (5 and 6) if (dp.y > 0 ) { //slope < 1: Octant 1 (5) if (dp.x > dp.y) { d = 2 * dp.y - dp.x; derz = dp.z / dp.x; n = norm[i]; dern = norm[j]; subtract_vectors(&dern, &n); scalar_div(dp.x, &dern); for (; p.x <= p1->x; p.x++) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); p.z += derz; add_vectors(&n, &dern); if ( d < 0 ) d += 2 * dp.y; else { p.y++; d += 2 * (dp.y - dp.x); } } } //slope > 1: Octant 2 (6) else { d = dp.y - 2 * dp.x; derz = dp.z / dp.y; n = norm[i]; dern = norm[j]; subtract_vectors(&dern, &n); scalar_div(dp.y, &dern); for (; p.y <= p1->y; p.y++) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); p.z += derz; add_vectors(&n, &dern); if ( d > 0 ) d -= 2 * dp.x; else { p.x++; d += 2 * (dp.y - dp.x); } } } } //negative slope: Octants 7, 8 (3 and 4) //slope > -1: Octant 8 (4) else { if ( dp.x > fabs(dp.y) ) { d = 2 * dp.y + dp.x; derz = dp.z / dp.x; n = norm[i]; dern = norm[j]; subtract_vectors(&dern, &n); scalar_div(dp.x, &dern); for (; p.x <= p1->x; p.x++) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); p.z += derz; add_vectors(&n, &dern); if ( d > 0 ) d += 2 * dp.y; else { p.y--; d += 2 * (dp.y + dp.x); } } } //slope < -1: Octant 7 (3) else { d = dp.y + 2 * dp.x; derz = dp.z / dp.y; n = norm[i]; dern = norm[j]; subtract_vectors(&dern, &n); scalar_div(dp.y, &dern); for (; p.y >= p1->y; p.y--) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); p.z -= derz; subtract_vectors(&n, &dern); if ( d < 0 ) d += 2 * dp.x; else { p.x++; d += 2 * (dp.y + dp.x); } } } } }
void draw_ldmrs_objects(carmen_laser_ldmrs_object *ldmrs_objects_tracking, int num_ldmrs_objects, double min_velocity) { int i; rotation_matrix *rotate = NULL; for (i = 0; i < num_ldmrs_objects; i++) { if (ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].velocity < min_velocity) continue; carmen_pose_3D_t pos; carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; double W, L, H; pos.position.x = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].x; pos.position.y = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].y; pos.position.z = 0.0; pos.orientation.yaw = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].orientation; pos.orientation.roll = 0.0; pos.orientation.pitch = 0.0; W = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].width; L = ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].lenght; H = 1.0; // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); glColor3d(0.0,1.0,1.0); p1.x = - L/2.0; p1.y = - W/2.0; p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p2.x = L/2.0; p2.y = - W/2.0; p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p3.x = L/2.0; p3.y = W/2.0; p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p4.x = - L/2.0; p4.y = W/2.0; p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p5.x = - L/2.0; p5.y = - W/2.0; p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p6.x = L/2.0; p6.y = - W/2.0; p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p7.x = L/2.0; p7.y = W/2.0; p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p8.x = - L/2.0; p8.y = W/2.0; p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glEnd (); /* Moving Object direction arrow */ s1.x = 0.0; s1.y = 0.0; s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s2.x = L/2.0; s2.y = 0.0; s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s3.y = 0.2; s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s4.y = -0.2; s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin(GL_LINES); /* Part of arrow: | */ glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: / */ glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: \ */ glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); glEnd(); //center of object glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); glPointSize(5); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glEnd(); glPopAttrib(); // char class_name[50]; // // switch (ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].classId) // { // case 0: // strcpy(class_name,"Unclassified"); // break; // case 1: // strcpy(class_name,"Small"); // break; // case 2: // strcpy(class_name,"Big"); // break; // case 3: // strcpy(class_name,"Pedestrian"); // break; // case 4: // strcpy(class_name,"Bike"); // break; // case 5: // strcpy(class_name,"Car"); // break; // case 6: // strcpy(class_name,"Truck"); // break; // default: // strcpy(class_name,"Unknown"); // break; // } /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ //draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].id,""); draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, ldmrs_objects_tracking[i].velocity, 1.0); destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); } }
void vertical_convert(polygon poly, struct screen *s, enum shading_t type, struct constants *k, color ambient, struct light *l, struct vector norm[3], struct vector *v) { const double x0 = poly[0]->x, x1 = poly[1]->x, x2 = poly[2]->x; int il, im, ir; int dx_lr, dx_lm, dx_mr; double dy; struct vector pl, pm, pr; struct vector dp_dx_lr, dp_dx_lm, dp_dx_mr; struct vector p0, p1; edge e = {&p0, &p1}; struct vector p; double dz_dy; struct vector cl, cm, cr; struct vector dc_dx_lr, dc_dx_lm, dc_dx_mr; struct vector c0, c1; struct vector c; struct vector dc_dy; struct vector dn_dx_lr, dn_dx_lm, dn_dx_mr; struct vector n0, n1; struct vector n; struct vector dn_dy; if (x0 <= x1 && x1 <= x2) { il = 0; im = 1; ir = 2; } else if (x0 <= x2 && x2 <= x1) { il = 0; im = 2; ir = 1; } else if (x1 <= x0 && x0 <= x2) { il = 1; im = 0; ir = 2; } else if (x1 <= x2 && x2 <= x0) { il = 1; im = 2; ir = 0; } else if (x2 <= x0 && x0 <= x1) { il = 2; im = 0; ir = 1; } else { il = 2; im = 1; ir = 0; } pl = *poly[il]; pm = *poly[im]; pr = *poly[ir]; pl.x = (int)pl.x; pm.x = (int)pm.x; pr.x = (int)pr.x; dx_lr = pr.x - pl.x; dx_lm = pm.x - pl.x; dx_mr = pr.x - pm.x; p0 = pl; p1 = pl.x != pm.x? pl : pm; dp_dx_lr = pr; subtract_vectors(&dp_dx_lr, &pl); scalar_div(dx_lr, &dp_dx_lr); dp_dx_lm = pm; subtract_vectors(&dp_dx_lm, &pl); scalar_div(dx_lm, &dp_dx_lm); dp_dx_mr = pr; subtract_vectors(&dp_dx_mr, &pm); scalar_div(dx_mr, &dp_dx_mr); switch (type) { case FLAT: calculate_centroid(&p, poly); calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, norm, v); for (p.x = pl.x; p.x <= pr.x; p.x++) { p0.x = p1.x = p.x; draw_line(e, s, vtoc(&c) ); add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dx_lr); add_vectors(&p1, (p.x < pm.x? &dp_dx_lm : &dp_dx_mr) ); } break; case GOROUD: calculate_intensity(&cl, k, ambient, l, poly[il], norm + il, v); calculate_intensity(&cm, k, ambient, l, poly[im], norm + im, v); calculate_intensity(&cr, k, ambient, l, poly[ir], norm + ir, v); c0 = cl; c1 = (pl.x != pm.x? cl : cm); dc_dx_lr = cr; subtract_vectors(&dc_dx_lr, &cl); scalar_div(dx_lr, &dc_dx_lr); dc_dx_lm = cm; subtract_vectors(&dc_dx_lm, &cl); scalar_div(dx_lm, &dc_dx_lm); dc_dx_mr = cr; subtract_vectors(&dc_dx_mr, &cm); scalar_div(dx_mr, &dc_dx_mr); for (p.x = pl.x; p.x <= pr.x; p.x++) { dy = p1.y - p0.y; dc_dy = c1; subtract_vectors(&dc_dy, &c0); scalar_div(dy, &dc_dy); dz_dy = (p1.z - p0.z) / dy; p.y = p0.y; p.z = p0.z; c = c0; while (1) { plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); if (p0.y < p1.y) { p.z += dz_dy; add_vectors(&c, &dc_dy); p.y++; if (p.y > p1.y) break; } else { p.z -= dz_dy; subtract_vectors(&c, &dc_dy); p.y--; if (p.y < p1.y) break; } } add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dx_lr); add_vectors(&c0, &dc_dx_lr); if (p.x < pm.x) { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dx_lm); add_vectors(&c1, &dc_dx_lm); } else { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dx_mr); add_vectors(&c1, &dc_dx_mr); } } break; case PHONG: n0 = norm[il]; n1 = norm[pl.x != pm.x? il : im]; dn_dx_lr = norm[ir]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dx_lr, norm + il); scalar_div(dx_lr, &dn_dx_lr); dn_dx_lm = norm[im]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dx_lm, norm + il); scalar_div(dx_lm, &dn_dx_lm); dn_dx_mr = norm[ir]; subtract_vectors(&dn_dx_mr, norm + im); scalar_div(dx_mr, &dn_dx_mr); for (p.x = pl.x; p.x <= pr.x; p.x++) { dy = p1.y - p0.y; dn_dy = n1; subtract_vectors(&dn_dy, &n0); scalar_div(dy, &dn_dy); dz_dy = (p1.z - p0.z) / dy; p = p0; n = n0; while (1) { calculate_intensity(&c, k, ambient, l, &p, &n, v); plot(s, vtoc(&c), &p); if (p0.y < p1.y) { p.z += dz_dy; add_vectors(&n, &dn_dy); p.y++; if (p.y > p1.y) break; } else { p.z -= dz_dy; subtract_vectors(&n, &dn_dy); p.y--; if (p.y < p1.y) break; } } add_vectors(&p0, &dp_dx_lr); add_vectors(&n0, &dn_dx_lr); if (p.x < pm.x) { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dx_lm); add_vectors(&n1, &dn_dx_lm); } else { add_vectors(&p1, &dp_dx_mr); add_vectors(&n1, &dn_dx_mr); } } break; } }
void draw_tracking_moving_objects(moving_objects_tracking_t *moving_objects_tracking, int current_num_point_clouds, carmen_vector_3D_t offset, int draw_particles_flag) { /*** MOVING OBJECTS MODULE ***/ int i; rotation_matrix *rotate = NULL; for (i = 0; i < current_num_point_clouds; i++) { if (moving_objects_tracking[i].geometric_model == -1) continue; carmen_pose_3D_t pos; pos = moving_objects_tracking[i].moving_objects_pose; carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; double W, L, H; pos.position.x = pos.position.x - offset.x; pos.position.y = pos.position.y - offset.y; pos.position.z = 0.0; W = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.width; L = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.length; H = moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.height; // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); glColor3d(moving_objects_tracking[i], moving_objects_tracking[i], moving_objects_tracking[i]; p1.x = - L/2.0; p1.y = - W/2.0; p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p2.x = L/2.0; p2.y = - W/2.0; p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p3.x = L/2.0; p3.y = W/2.0; p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p4.x = - L/2.0; p4.y = W/2.0; p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; p5.x = - L/2.0; p5.y = - W/2.0; p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p6.x = L/2.0; p6.y = - W/2.0; p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p7.x = L/2.0; p7.y = W/2.0; p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; p8.x = - L/2.0; p8.y = W/2.0; p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin (GL_LINES); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); ////////////////////////////// glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); glEnd (); /* Moving Object direction arrow */ s1.x = 0.0; s1.y = 0.0; s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s2.x = L/2.0; s2.y = 0.0; s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s3.y = 0.2; s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; s4.y = -0.2; s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); glBegin(GL_LINES); /* Part of arrow: | */ glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: / */ glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); /* Part of arrow: \ */ glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); glEnd(); //center of object glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); glPointSize(5); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); glEnd(); glPopAttrib(); /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].num_associated, moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.model_name); draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].linear_velocity, moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.geometry.height); destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); if (draw_particles_flag == 1) { // //todo para visualizar as particulas apenas // for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){ // carmen_pose_3D_t pos; // pos = moving_objects_tracking[i].moving_objects_pose; // carmen_vector_3D_t p1, p2, p3 , p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, t; // carmen_vector_3D_t s1, s2, s3, s4; /* moving object direction arrow */ // double correction_wheel_height = 0.28; // double W, L, H; // // pos.position.x = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.x - offset.x; // pos.position.y = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.y - offset.y; // pos.position.z = 0.0; // pos.orientation.yaw = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].pose.theta; // // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.width; // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.length; // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.height; // // // W = moving_objects_tracking[i].width; // // L = moving_objects_tracking[i].length; // // H = moving_objects_tracking[i].height; // // rotate = compute_rotation_matrix(NULL, pos.orientation); // // glColor3d(moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5, // moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5, // moving_objects_tracking[i] -0.5); // // p1.x = - L/2.0; // p1.y = - W/2.0; // p1.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p2.x = L/2.0; // p2.y = - W/2.0; // p2.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p3.x = L/2.0; // p3.y = W/2.0; // p3.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p4.x = - L/2.0; // p4.y = W/2.0; // p4.z = 0.0 - correction_wheel_height; // // p5.x = - L/2.0; // p5.y = - W/2.0; // p5.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p6.x = L/2.0; // p6.y = - W/2.0; // p6.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p7.x = L/2.0; // p7.y = W/2.0; // p7.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // p8.x = - L/2.0; // p8.y = W/2.0; // p8.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p1); // p1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p2); // p2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p3); // p3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p4); // p4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p5); // p5 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p6); // p6 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p7); // p7 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, p8); // p8 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // glBegin (GL_LINES); // // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // ////////////////////////////// // // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // ////////////////////////////// // // glVertex3d (p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); // glVertex3d (p5.x, p5.y, p5.z); // // glVertex3d (p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); // glVertex3d (p6.x, p6.y, p6.z); // // glVertex3d (p3.x, p3.y, p3.z); // glVertex3d (p7.x, p7.y, p7.z); // // glVertex3d (p4.x, p4.y, p4.z); // glVertex3d (p8.x, p8.y, p8.z); // // glEnd (); // // /* Moving Object direction arrow */ // s1.x = 0.0; // s1.y = 0.0; // s1.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s2.x = L/2.0; // s2.y = 0.0; // s2.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s3.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; // s3.y = 0.2; // s3.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // s4.x = (L/2.0) - 0.3; // s4.y = -0.2; // s4.z = H - correction_wheel_height; // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s1); // s1 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s2); // s2 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s3); // s3 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // t = multiply_matrix_vector(rotate, s4); // s4 = add_vectors(t, pos.position); // // glBegin(GL_LINES); // /* Part of arrow: | */ // glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // /* Part of arrow: / */ // glVertex3d(s3.x, s3.y, s3.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // /* Part of arrow: \ */ // glVertex3d(s4.x, s4.y, s4.z); // glVertex3d(s2.x, s2.y, s2.z); // // glEnd(); // // //center of object // glPushAttrib(GL_POINT_BIT); // glPointSize(5); // glBegin(GL_POINTS); // glVertex3d(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z); // glEnd(); // glPopAttrib(); // // /* has to drawn after stuff above, so that it appears on top */ // // draw_number_associated(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].num_associated, // // moving_objects_tracking[i].model_features.model_name); //// draw_linear_velocity(pos.position.x, pos.position.y, moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].velocity, //// moving_objects_tracking[i].particulas[j].geometry.height); // // destroy_rotation_matrix(rotate); // } } } }