Esempio n. 1
bool GrPlot::addSubImage(int width, int height, const void* image, SkIPoint16* loc) {
    float percentFull = fRects->percentFull();
    if (!fRects->addRect(width, height, loc)) {
        return false;

    // if batching uploads, create backing memory on first use
    // once the plot is nearly full we will revert to uploading each subimage individually
    int plotWidth = fRects->width();
    int plotHeight = fRects->height();
    if (fBatchUploads && NULL == fPlotData && 0.0f == percentFull) {
        fPlotData = new unsigned char[fBytesPerPixel * plotWidth * plotHeight];
        memset(fPlotData, 0, fBytesPerPixel*plotWidth*plotHeight);

    // if we have backing memory, copy to the memory and set for future upload
    if (fPlotData) {
        const unsigned char* imagePtr = (const unsigned char*) image;
        // point ourselves at the right starting spot
        unsigned char* dataPtr = fPlotData;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel*plotWidth*loc->fY;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel*loc->fX;
        // copy into the data buffer
        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
            memcpy(dataPtr, imagePtr, fBytesPerPixel*width);
            dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel*plotWidth;
            imagePtr += fBytesPerPixel*width;

        fDirtyRect.join(loc->fX, loc->fY, loc->fX + width, loc->fY + height);
        adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);
        fDirty = true;
    // otherwise, just upload the image directly
    } else if (image) {
        adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);
        TRACE_EVENT0(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("skia.gpu"), "GrPlot::uploadToTexture");
        fTexture->writePixels(loc->fX, loc->fY, width, height, fTexture->config(), image, 0,
    } else {
        adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);


    return true;
Esempio n. 2
    bool addSubImage(int width, int height, const void* image, SkIPoint16* loc, size_t rowBytes)  {
        if (!fRects->addRect(width, height, loc)) {
            return false;

        if (!fData) {
            fData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(sk_calloc_throw(fBytesPerPixel * fWidth *
        const unsigned char* imagePtr = (const unsigned char*)image;
        // point ourselves at the right starting spot
        unsigned char* dataPtr = fData;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * loc->fY;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * loc->fX;
        // copy into the data buffer
        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
            memcpy(dataPtr, imagePtr, rowBytes);
            dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth;
            imagePtr += rowBytes;

        fDirtyRect.join(loc->fX, loc->fY, loc->fX + width, loc->fY + height);
        adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);
        SkDEBUGCODE(fDirty = true;)

        return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool GrPlot::addSubImage(int width, int height, const void* image,
                          GrIPoint16* loc) {
    if (!fRects->addRect(width, height, loc)) {
        return false;

    SkAutoSMalloc<1024> storage;
    adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);
    GrContext* context = fTexture->getContext();
    // We pass the flag that does not force a flush. We assume our caller is
    // smart and hasn't referenced the part of the texture we're about to update
    // since the last flush.
                                loc->fX, loc->fY, width, height,
                                fTexture->config(), image, 0,


    return true;
Esempio n. 4
    bool addSubImage(int width, int height, const void* image, SkIPoint16* loc, size_t rowBytes)  {
        if (!fRects->addRect(width, height, loc)) {
            return false;

        const unsigned char* imagePtr = (const unsigned char*)image;
        // point ourselves at the right starting spot
        unsigned char* dataPtr = fData;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth * loc->fY;
        dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * loc->fX;
        // copy into the data buffer
        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
            memcpy(dataPtr, imagePtr, rowBytes);
            dataPtr += fBytesPerPixel * fWidth;
            imagePtr += rowBytes;

        fDirtyRect.join(loc->fX, loc->fY, loc->fX + width, loc->fY + height);
        adjust_for_offset(loc, fOffset);
        SkDEBUGCODE(fDirty = true;)
