Esempio n. 1
void update_adress_weights_atom_per_atom(
    int                  cg0,
    int                  cg1,
    t_block *            cgs,
    rvec                 x[],
    t_forcerec *         fr,
    t_mdatoms *          mdatoms,
    t_pbc *              pbc)
    int            icg, k, k0, k1;
    atom_id *      cgindex;
    int            adresstype;
    real           adressr, adressw;
    rvec *         ref;
    real *         wf;

    int n_hyb, n_ex, n_cg;

    n_hyb = 0;
    n_cg  = 0;
    n_ex  = 0;

    adresstype         = fr->adress_type;
    adressr            = fr->adress_ex_width;
    adressw            = fr->adress_hy_width;
    wf                 = mdatoms->wf;
    ref                = &(fr->adress_refs);

    cgindex = cgs->index;

    /* Weighting function is determined for each atom individually.
     * This is an approximation
     * as in the theory requires an interpolation based on the center of masses.
     * Should be used with caution */

    for (icg = cg0; (icg < cg1); icg++)
        k0   = cgindex[icg];
        k1   = cgindex[icg + 1];

        for (k = (k0); (k < k1); k++)
            wf[k] = adress_weight(x[k], adresstype, adressr, adressw, ref, pbc, fr);
            if (wf[k] == 0)
            else if (wf[k] == 1)

Esempio n. 2
update_adress_weights_atom(int                  cg0,
                           int                  cg1,
                           t_block *            cgs,
                           rvec                 x[],
                           t_forcerec *         fr,
                           t_mdatoms *          mdatoms,
                           t_pbc *              pbc)
    int            icg,k,k0,k1;
    atom_id *      cgindex;
    int            adresstype;
    real           adressr,adressw;
    rvec *         ref;
    rvec *         ref_2;
    real *         massT;
    real *         wf;   
    real *         wfprime;
    adresstype         = fr->adress_type;
    adressr            = fr->adress_ex_width;
    adressw            = fr->adress_hy_width;
    massT              = mdatoms->massT;
    wf                 = mdatoms->wf;
    ref                = &(fr->adress_refs);
    ref_2                = &(fr->adress_refs_2);
    cgindex            = cgs->index;
    wfprime              = mdatoms->wfprime;

    /* Only use first atom in charge group.
     * We still can't be sure that the vsite and constructing
     * atoms are on the same processor, so we must calculate
     * in the same way as com adress. */
    for(icg=cg0; (icg<cg1); icg++) 
        k0      = cgindex[icg];
        k1      = cgindex[icg+1];
        wf[k0] = adress_weight(x[k0],adresstype,adressr,adressw,ref,ref_2,pbc,fr);
        wfprime[k0] = Dadress_weight(x[k0],adresstype,adressr,adressw,ref,ref_2,pbc,fr);
        /* Set wf of all atoms in charge group equal to wf of first atom in charge group*/
        for(k=(k0+1); (k<k1); k++)
            wf[k] = wf[k0];
            wfprime[k] =  wfprime[k0];
Esempio n. 3
update_adress_weights_cog(t_iparams            ip[],
                          t_ilist              ilist[],
                          rvec                 x[],
                          t_forcerec *         fr,
                          t_mdatoms *          mdatoms,
                          t_pbc *              pbc)
    int            i, j, k, nr, nra, inc;
    int            ftype, adresstype;
    t_iatom        avsite, ai, aj, ak, al;
    t_iatom *      ia;
    real           adressr, adressw;
    rvec *         ref;
    real *         wf;
    int            n_hyb, n_ex, n_cg;

    adresstype         = fr->adress_type;
    adressr            = fr->adress_ex_width;
    adressw            = fr->adress_hy_width;
    wf                 = mdatoms->wf;
    ref                = &(fr->adress_refs);

    n_hyb = 0;
    n_cg  = 0;
    n_ex  = 0;

    /* Since this is center of geometry AdResS, we know the vsite
     * is in the same charge group node as the constructing atoms.
     * Loop over vsite types, calculate the weight of the vsite,
     * then assign that weight to the constructing atoms. */

    for (ftype = 0; (ftype < F_NRE); ftype++)
        if (interaction_function[ftype].flags & IF_VSITE)
            nra    = interaction_function[ftype].nratoms;
            nr     = ilist[ftype].nr;
            ia     = ilist[ftype].iatoms;

            for (i = 0; (i < nr); )
                /* The vsite and first constructing atom */
                avsite     = ia[1];
                ai         = ia[2];
                wf[avsite] = adress_weight(x[avsite], adresstype, adressr, adressw, ref, pbc, fr);
                wf[ai]     = wf[avsite];

                if (wf[ai]  == 0)
                else if (wf[ai]  == 1)

                /* Assign the vsite wf to rest of constructing atoms depending on type */
                inc = nra+1;
                switch (ftype)
                    case F_VSITE2:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE3:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE3FD:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE3FAD:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE3OUT:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE4FD:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                        al     = ia[5];
                        wf[al] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITE4FDN:
                        aj     = ia[3];
                        wf[aj] = wf[avsite];
                        ak     = ia[4];
                        wf[ak] = wf[avsite];
                        al     = ia[5];
                        wf[al] = wf[avsite];
                    case F_VSITEN:
                        inc    = 3*ip[ia[0]].vsiten.n;
                        for (j = 3; j < inc; j += 3)
                            ai     = ia[j+2];
                            wf[ai] = wf[avsite];
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "No such vsite type %d in %s, line %d",
                                  ftype, __FILE__, __LINE__);

                /* Increment loop variables */
                i  += inc;
                ia += inc;
Esempio n. 4
update_adress_weights_com(FILE gmx_unused    * fplog,
                          int                  cg0,
                          int                  cg1,
                          t_block *            cgs,
                          rvec                 x[],
                          t_forcerec *         fr,
                          t_mdatoms *          mdatoms,
                          t_pbc *              pbc)
    int            icg, k, k0, k1, d;
    real           nrcg, inv_ncg, mtot, inv_mtot;
    atom_id *      cgindex;
    rvec           ix;
    int            adresstype;
    real           adressr, adressw;
    rvec *         ref;
    real *         massT;
    real *         wf;

    int n_hyb, n_ex, n_cg;

    n_hyb = 0;
    n_cg  = 0;
    n_ex  = 0;

    adresstype         = fr->adress_type;
    adressr            = fr->adress_ex_width;
    adressw            = fr->adress_hy_width;
    massT              = mdatoms->massT;
    wf                 = mdatoms->wf;
    ref                = &(fr->adress_refs);

    /* Since this is center of mass AdResS, the vsite is not guaranteed
     * to be on the same node as the constructing atoms.  Therefore we
     * loop over the charge groups, calculate their center of mass,
     * then use this to calculate wf for each atom.  This wastes vsite
     * construction, but it's the only way to assure that the explicit
     * atoms have the same wf as their vsite. */

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(fplog, "Calculating center of mass for charge groups %d to %d\n",
            cg0, cg1);
    cgindex = cgs->index;

    /* Compute the center of mass for all charge groups */
    for (icg = cg0; (icg < cg1); icg++)
        k0      = cgindex[icg];
        k1      = cgindex[icg+1];
        nrcg    = k1-k0;
        if (nrcg == 1)
            wf[k0] = adress_weight(x[k0], adresstype, adressr, adressw, ref, pbc, fr);
            if (wf[k0] == 0)
            else if (wf[k0] == 1)
            mtot = 0.0;
            for (k = k0; (k < k1); k++)
                mtot += massT[k];
            if (mtot > 0.0)
                inv_mtot = 1.0/mtot;

                for (k = k0; (k < k1); k++)
                    for (d = 0; (d < DIM); d++)
                        ix[d] += x[k][d]*massT[k];
                for (d = 0; (d < DIM); d++)
                    ix[d] *= inv_mtot;
            /* Calculate the center of gravity if the charge group mtot=0 (only vsites) */
                inv_ncg = 1.0/nrcg;

                for (k = k0; (k < k1); k++)
                    for (d = 0; (d < DIM); d++)
                        ix[d] += x[k][d];
                for (d = 0; (d < DIM); d++)
                    ix[d] *= inv_ncg;

            /* Set wf of all atoms in charge group equal to wf of com */
            wf[k0] = adress_weight(ix, adresstype, adressr, adressw, ref, pbc, fr);

            if (wf[k0] == 0)
            else if (wf[k0] == 1)

            for (k = (k0+1); (k < k1); k++)
                wf[k] = wf[k0];