Esempio n. 1
/* copyAttr:
 * Copy attributes from src to tgt. Overrides currently
 * defined values.
 * FIX: we should probably use the default value of the source
 * graph when initializing the attribute, rather than "".
 * NOTE: We do not assume src and tgt have the same kind.
int copyAttr(Agobj_t * src, Agobj_t * tgt)
    Agraph_t *srcg;
    Agraph_t *tgtg;
    Agsym_t *sym = 0;
    Agsym_t *tsym = 0;
    int skind = AGTYPE(src);
    int tkind = AGTYPE(tgt);
    char* val;

    srcg = agraphof(src);
    tgtg = agraphof(tgt);
    while ((sym = agnxtattr(srcg, skind, sym))) {
	tsym = agattrsym(tgt, sym->name);
	if (!tsym)
	    tsym = agattr(tgtg, tkind, sym->name, sym->defval);
	val = agxget(src, sym);
	if (aghtmlstr (val)) {
	    val = agstrdup_html (tgtg, val);
	    agxset(tgt, tsym, val);
	    agstrfree (tgtg, val);
	    agxset(tgt, tsym, val);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
static void attr_set(char *name, char *value)
	Agsym_t		*ap = NULL;
	char		*defval = "";

	if (In_decl && (G->root == G)) defval = value;
	switch (Current_class) {
		case TAG_NODE:
			ap = agfindattr(G->proto->n,name);
			if (ap == NULL)
				ap = agnodeattr(AG.parsed_g,name,defval);
            else if (ap->fixed && In_decl)
		case TAG_EDGE:
			ap = agfindattr(G->proto->e,name);
			if (ap == NULL)
				ap = agedgeattr(AG.parsed_g,name,defval);
            else if (ap->fixed && In_decl)
		case 0:		/* default */
		case TAG_GRAPH:
			ap = agfindattr(G,name);
			if (ap == NULL) 
				ap = agraphattr(AG.parsed_g,name,defval);
            else if (ap->fixed && In_decl)
static void xdot_end_node(GVJ_t* job)
    Agnode_t* n = job->obj->u.n; 
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_NDRAW]))
	agxset(n, xd->n_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NDRAW]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_NLABEL]))
	agxset(n, xd->n_l_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NLABEL]));
    penwidth[EMIT_NDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_NLABEL] = 1;
    textflags[EMIT_NDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_NLABEL] = 0;
static void xdot_end_cluster(GVJ_t * job)
    Agraph_t* cluster_g = job->obj->;

    agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CDRAW]));
    if (GD_label(cluster_g))
	agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_l_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CLABEL]));
    penwidth[EMIT_CDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_CLABEL] = 1;
    textflags[EMIT_CDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_CLABEL] = 0;
Esempio n. 5
static void post(Agraph_t * g)
    Agnode_t *v;
    Agnode_t *prev;
    char buf[256];
    char dflt[256];
    Agsym_t *sym;
    Agsym_t *psym;
    double dist, oldmax;
    double maxdist = 0.0;	/* maximum "finite" distance */

    sym = agattr(g, AGNODE, "dist", "");
    if (doPath)
	psym = agattr(g, AGNODE, "prev", "");

    if (setall)
	sprintf(dflt, "%.3lf", HUGE);

    for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g, v)) {
	dist = getdist(v);
	if (dist) {
	    sprintf(buf, "%.3lf", dist);
	    agxset(v, sym, buf);
	    if (doPath && (prev = getprev(v)))
		agxset(v, psym, agnameof(prev));
	    if (maxdist < dist)
		maxdist = dist;
	} else if (setall)
	    agxset(v, sym, dflt);

    sym = agattrsym(g, "maxdist");
    if (sym) {
	if (!setall) {
	    /* if we are preserving distances in other components,
	     * check previous value of maxdist.
	    oldmax = atof(agxget(g, sym));
	    if (oldmax > maxdist)
		maxdist = oldmax;
	sprintf(buf, "%.3lf", maxdist);
	agxset(g, sym, buf);
    } else {
	sprintf(buf, "%.3lf", maxdist);
	agattr(g, AGRAPH, "maxdist", buf);

    agclean(g, AGNODE, "dijkstra");
    agclean(g, AGEDGE, "dijkstra");
Esempio n. 6
/* constrainY:
 * See constrainX.
static void constrainY(graph_t* g, nitem* nlist, int nnodes, intersectfn ifn,
                       int ortho)
    Dt_t *list = dtopen(&constr, Dtobag);
    nitem *p = nlist;
    graph_t *cg;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
	p->val = p->pos.y;
	dtinsert(list, p);
    if (ortho)
	cg = mkConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distY);
	cg = mkNConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distY);
    rank(cg, 2, INT_MAX);
#ifdef DEBUG
	Agsym_t *mlsym = agedgeattr(cg, "minlen", "");
	Agsym_t *rksym = agnodeattr(cg, "rank", "");
	char buf[100];
	node_t *n;
	edge_t *e;
	for (n = agfstnode(cg); n; n = agnxtnode(cg, n)) {
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", ND_rank(n));
	    agxset(n, rksym->index, buf);
	    for (e = agfstedge(cg, n); e; e = agnxtedge(cg, e, n)) {
		sprintf(buf, "%d", ED_minlen(e));
		agxset(e, mlsym->index, buf);

    p = nlist;
    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
	int newpos, oldpos, delta;
	oldpos = p->pos.y;
	newpos = ND_rank(p->cnode);
	delta = newpos - oldpos;
	p->pos.y = newpos;
	p->bb.LL.y += delta;
	p->bb.UR.y += delta;

Esempio n. 7
static void adjustlen(Agedge_t * e, Agsym_t * sym, int newlen)
    char buf[10];

    sprintf(buf, "%d", newlen);
    agxset(e, sym, buf);
Esempio n. 8
/* mapN:
 * Convert cluster nodes back to ordinary nodes
 * If n is already ordinary, return it.
 * Otherwise, we know node's name is "__i:xxx"
 * where i is some number and xxx is the nodes's original name.
 * Create new node of name xxx if it doesn't exist and add n to clg
 * for later deletion.
static node_t *mapN(node_t * n, graph_t * clg)
    node_t *nn;
    char *name;
    graph_t *g = agraphof(n);
    Agsym_t *sym;

    if (!(IS_CLUST_NODE(n)))
	return n;
    agsubnode(clg, n, 1);
    name = strchr(agnameof(n), ':');
    if ((nn = agfindnode(g, name)))
	return nn;
    nn = agnode(g, name, 1);
    agbindrec(nn, "Agnodeinfo_t", sizeof(Agnodeinfo_t), TRUE);

    /* Set all attributes to default */
    for (sym = agnxtattr(g, AGNODE, NULL); sym;  (sym = agnxtattr(g, AGNODE, sym))) {
	if (agxget(nn, sym) != sym->defval)
	    agxset(nn, sym, sym->defval);
    return nn;
Esempio n. 9
/* mapN:
 * Convert cluster nodes back to ordinary nodes
 * If n is already ordinary, return it.
 * Otherwise, we know node's name is "__i:xxx"
 * where i is some number and xxx is the nodes's original name.
 * Create new node of name xxx if it doesn't exist and add n to clg
 * for later deletion.
static node_t *mapN(node_t * n, graph_t * clg)
    extern Agdict_t *agdictof(void *);
    node_t *nn;
    char *name;
    graph_t *g = n->graph;
    Agdict_t *d;
    Agsym_t **list;
    Agsym_t *sym;

    if (!(IS_CLUST_NODE(n)))
	return n;
    aginsert(clg, n);

    name = strchr(n->name, ':');
    if ((nn = agfindnode(g, name)))
	return nn;
    nn = agnode(g, name);

    /* Set all attributes to default */
    d = agdictof(n);
    list = d->list;
    while ((sym = *list++)) {
	/* Can use pointer comparison because of ref strings. */
	if (agxget(nn, sym->index) != sym->value)
	    agxset(nn, sym->index, sym->value);

    return nn;
Esempio n. 10
static void xdot_end_cluster(GVJ_t * job)
    Agraph_t* cluster_g = job->obj->;

    agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_draw->index, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CDRAW]));
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CDRAW]));
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    if (GD_label(cluster_g))
	agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_l_draw->index, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CLABEL]));
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
	agxset(cluster_g, xd->g_l_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_CLABEL]));
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    penwidth[EMIT_CDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_CLABEL] = 1;
Esempio n. 11
static void xdot_end_node(GVJ_t* job)
    Agnode_t* n = job->obj->u.n; 
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_NDRAW]))
	agxset(n, xd->n_draw->index, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NDRAW]));
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
	agxset(n, xd->n_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NDRAW]));
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_NLABEL]))
	agxset(n, xd->n_l_draw->index, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NLABEL]));
#else /* WITH_CGRAPH */
	agxset(n, xd->n_l_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_NLABEL]));
#endif /* WITH_CGRAPH */
    penwidth[EMIT_NDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_NLABEL] = 1;
Esempio n. 12
void setgraphattributes(Agraph_t * g, char *argv[], int argc)
    int i;
    Agsym_t *a;

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	if (!(a = agfindgraphattr(agroot(g), argv[i])))
	    a = agattr(agroot(g), AGRAPH, argv[i], "");
	agxset(g, a, argv[++i]);
Esempio n. 13
static void transform(Agraph_t * g)
    Agnode_t *n;
    Agedge_t *e;
    char *str;
    Agsym_t *m_ix, *s_ix;
    int cnt, d;

    m_ix = bindedgeattr(g, "minlen");
    s_ix = bindedgeattr(g, "style");

    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	d = myindegree(n) + myoutdegree(n);
	if (d == 0) {
	    if (ChainLimit < 1)
	    if (ChainNode) {
		e = agedge(g, ChainNode, n, "", TRUE);
		agxset(e, s_ix, "invis");
		if (ChainSize < ChainLimit)
		    ChainNode = n;
		else {
		    ChainNode = NULL;
		    ChainSize = 0;
	    } else
		ChainNode = n;
	} else if (d > 1) {
	    if (MaxMinlen < 1)
	    cnt = 0;
	    for (e = agfstin(g, n); e; e = agnxtin(g, e)) {
		if (isleaf(agtail(e))) {
		    str = agxget(e, m_ix);
		    if (str[0] == 0) {
			adjustlen(e, m_ix, (cnt % MaxMinlen) + 1);

	    cnt = 0;
	    for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
		if (isleaf(e->node) || (Do_fans && ischainnode(e->node))) {
		    str = agxget(e, m_ix);
		    if (str[0] == 0)
			adjustlen(e, m_ix, (cnt % MaxMinlen) + 1);
static void xdot_end_graph(graph_t* g)
    int i;

    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_GDRAW])) {
	if (!xd->g_draw)
	    xd->g_draw = safe_dcl(g, AGRAPH, "_draw_", "");
	agxset(g, xd->g_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_GDRAW]));
    if (GD_label(g))
	agxset(g, xd->g_l_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_GLABEL]));
    agsafeset (g, "xdotversion", xd->version_s, "");

    for (i = 0; i < NUMXBUFS; i++)
    free (xd);
    penwidth[EMIT_GDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_GLABEL] = 1;
    textflags[EMIT_GDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_GLABEL] = 0;
static void xdot_end_edge(GVJ_t* job)
    Agedge_t* e = job->obj->u.e; 

    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_EDRAW]))
	agxset(e, xd->e_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_EDRAW]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_TDRAW]))
	agxset(e, xd->t_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_TDRAW]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_HDRAW]))
	agxset(e, xd->h_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_HDRAW]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_ELABEL]))
	agxset(e, xd->e_l_draw,agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_ELABEL]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_TLABEL]))
	agxset(e, xd->tl_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_TLABEL]));
    if (agxblen(xbufs[EMIT_HLABEL]))
	agxset(e, xd->hl_draw, agxbuse(xbufs[EMIT_HLABEL]));
    penwidth[EMIT_EDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_ELABEL] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_TDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_HDRAW] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_TLABEL] = 1;
    penwidth[EMIT_HLABEL] = 1;
    textflags[EMIT_EDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_ELABEL] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_TDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_HDRAW] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_TLABEL] = 0;
    textflags[EMIT_HLABEL] = 0;
Esempio n. 16
grafo escreve_grafo(FILE *output, grafo g){
	if(!g || !output)
		return NULL;

	Agraph_t *ag;
	Agsym_t *peso;

	char peso_s[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

	//criando a string "peso"
	char p_str[5];
	strcpy(p_str, "peso");

	//cria uma string vazia pra usar como valor default do atributo peso

	char default_s[1];
	default_s[0] = '\0';

		ag = agopen(g->nome, Agstrictdirected, NULL);
		ag= agopen(g->nome, Agstrictundirected, NULL);

		peso = agattr(ag, AGEDGE, p_str, default_s);

	Agnode_t **nodes = malloc(g->n_vertices * sizeof(Agnode_t*));
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < g->n_vertices; i++)
		nodes[g->vertices[i]->id] = agnode(ag, g->vertices[i]->nome, TRUE);

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < g->n_vertices; i++){
		vertice v = g->vertices[i];

		for(no n = primeiro_no(v->adjacencias_saida); n != NULL; n = proximo_no(n)){
			adjacencia viz = conteudo(n);

			Agedge_t *ae = agedge(ag, nodes[v->id], nodes[viz->v_destino->id], NULL, TRUE);
				sprintf(peso_s, "%ld", viz->peso);
				agxset(ae, peso, peso_s);

	agwrite(ag, output);
	agfree(ag, NULL);
	return g;
Esempio n. 17
static void rec_attach_bb(graph_t * g, Agsym_t* bbsym, Agsym_t* lpsym, Agsym_t* lwsym, Agsym_t* lhsym)
    int c;
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    pointf pt;

    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g,%.5g,%.5g", GD_bb(g).LL.x, YDIR(GD_bb(g).LL.y),
            GD_bb(g).UR.x, YDIR(GD_bb(g).UR.y));
    agxset(g, bbsym, buf);
    if (GD_label(g) && GD_label(g)->text[0]) {
        pt = GD_label(g)->pos;
        sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
        agxset(g, lpsym, buf);
        pt = GD_label(g)->dimen;
        sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(pt.x));
        agxset (g, lwsym, buf);
        sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(pt.y));
        agxset (g, lhsym, buf);
    for (c = 1; c <= GD_n_cluster(g); c++)
        rec_attach_bb(GD_clust(g)[c], bbsym, lpsym, lwsym, lhsym);
Esempio n. 18
void change_selected_edge_attributes(Agraph_t * g, char *attrname,
				     char *attrvalue)
    int ind = 0;
    Agsym_t* ap = agattr(g, AGEDGE, attrname, NULL);

    if (!ap)
	ap = agattr(g, AGEDGE, attrname, "");
    for (ind = 0; ind < view->Topview->Edgecount; ind++) {
	if (view->Topview->Edges[ind].data.Selected == 1)
	    agxset(view->Topview->Edges[ind].Edge, ap, attrvalue);
Esempio n. 19
File: demo.c Progetto: aosm/graphviz
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Agraph_t *g;
    Agnode_t *n,*m;
    Agedge_t *e;
    Agsym_t  *a;
    GVC_t    *gvc;

    /* set up renderer context */
    gvc = gvContext();

    /* Accept -T and -o options like dot.
     * Input files are ignored in this demo. */
    dotneato_initialize(gvc, argc,argv);

    /* Create a simple digraph */
    g = agopen("g",AGDIGRAPH);
    n = agnode(g,"n");
    m = agnode(g,"m");
    e = agedge(g,n,m);

    /* Set an attribute - in this case one that affects the visible rendering */
    if (!(a = agfindattr(g->proto->n, "color")))
        a = agnodeattr(g, "color", "");
    agxset(n, a->index, "red");

    /* bind graph to GV context - currently must be done before layout */

    /* Compute a layout */
    /* twopi_layout(g); */
    /* dot_layout(g); */

    /* Write the graph according to -T and -o options */

    /* Clean out layout data */
    /* neato_cleanup(g); */
    /* twopi_cleanup(g); */
    /* dot_cleanup(g); */

    /* Free graph structures */

    /* Clean up output file and errors */

    return 1;
Esempio n. 20
void tcldot_layout(GVC_t *gvc, Agraph_t * g, char *engine)
    char buf[256];
    Agsym_t *a;
    int rc;

    gvFreeLayout(gvc, g);               /* in case previously drawn */

/* support old behaviors if engine isn't specified*/
    if (!engine || *engine == '\0') {
	if (agisdirected(g))
	    rc = gvlayout_select(gvc, "dot");
	    rc = gvlayout_select(gvc, "neato");
    else {
	if (strcasecmp(engine, "nop") == 0) {
	    Nop = 2;
	    PSinputscale = POINTS_PER_INCH;
	    rc = gvlayout_select(gvc, "neato");
	else {
	    rc = gvlayout_select(gvc, engine);
	if (rc == NO_SUPPORT)
	    rc = gvlayout_select(gvc, "dot");
    if (rc == NO_SUPPORT) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Layout type: \"%s\" not recognized. Use one of:%s\n",
                engine, gvplugin_list(gvc, API_layout, engine));
    gvLayoutJobs(gvc, g);

/* set bb attribute for basic layout.
 * doesn't yet include margins, scaling or page sizes because
 * those depend on the renderer being used. */
    if (GD_drawing(g)->landscape)
	sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d",
		ROUND(GD_bb(g).LL.y), ROUND(GD_bb(g).LL.x),
		ROUND(GD_bb(g).UR.y), ROUND(GD_bb(g).UR.x));
	sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d",
		ROUND(GD_bb(g).LL.x), ROUND(GD_bb(g).LL.y),
		ROUND(GD_bb(g).UR.x), ROUND(GD_bb(g).UR.y));
    if (!(a = agattr(g, AGRAPH, "bb", NULL))) 
	a = agattr(g, AGRAPH, "bb", "");
    agxset(g, a, buf);
Esempio n. 21
cls_node_collapse (ClsNode *cls_node)
	Agsym_t *sym;
	if (cls_node->expansion_status == CLS_NODE_COLLAPSED)
		return FALSE;

	if (!(sym = agfindattr(cls_node->graph->proto->n, "label")))
		sym = agnodeattr(cls_node->graph, "label", "");
	agxset(cls_node->agnode, sym->index, cls_node->sym_name);
	cls_node->expansion_status = CLS_NODE_COLLAPSED;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 22
 * initialize the internal graphviz structure.
static void
cls_inherit_graph_init (AnjutaClassInheritance *plugin, gchar* graph_label)
	Agsym_t *sym;
	gchar dpi_text[16];
	snprintf (dpi_text, 16, "%d", INCH_TO_PIXELS_CONVERSION_FACTOR);
	aginit ();
	plugin->graph = agopen (graph_label, AGDIGRAPH);
	plugin->gvc = gvContext();
	if (!(sym = agfindattr(plugin->graph->proto->n, "dpi")))
		sym = agraphattr(plugin->graph, "dpi", dpi_text);
	agxset(plugin->graph, sym->index, dpi_text);

Esempio n. 23
static void myagxset(void *obj, Agsym_t *a, char *val)
    int len;
    char *hs;

    if (a->name[0] == 'l' && val[0] == '<' && strcmp(a->name, "label") == 0) {
	len = strlen(val);
	if (val[len-1] == '>') {
	    hs = strdup(val+1);
    	    *(hs+len-2) = '\0';
	    val = agstrdup_html(hs);
    agxset(obj, a->index, val);
Esempio n. 24
void setnodeattributes(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n, char *argv[], int argc)
    int i;
    Agsym_t *a;

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	if (n) {
	    if (!(a = agfindnodeattr(g, argv[i])))
		a = agattr(agroot(g), AGNODE, argv[i], "");
	    agxset(n, a, argv[++i]);
	else {
	    agattr(g, AGNODE, argv[i], argv[i+1]);
Esempio n. 25
/* agcopyattr:
 * Assumes attributes have already been declared.
 * Do not copy key attribute for edges, as this must be distinct.
 * Returns non-zero on failure or if objects have different type.
int agcopyattr(void *oldobj, void *newobj)
    Agdict_t *d = agdictof(oldobj);
    Agsym_t **list = d->list;
    Agsym_t *sym;
    Agsym_t *newsym;
    int r = 0;
    int isEdge = (TAG_OF(oldobj) == TAG_EDGE);

    if (TAG_OF(oldobj) != TAG_OF(newobj)) return 1;
    while (!r && (sym = *list++)) {
	if (isEdge && sym->index == KEYX) continue;
        newsym = agfindattr(newobj,sym->name);
	if (!newsym) return 1;
	r = agxset(newobj, newsym->index, agxget(oldobj, sym->index));
    return r;
Esempio n. 26
/* setAttr:
 * Sets object's name attribute to the given value.
 * Creates the attribute if not already set.
static Agsym_t *setAttr(graph_t * g, void *obj, char *name, char *value,
			Agsym_t * ap)
    if (ap == NULL) {
	switch (agobjkind(obj)) {
	case AGGRAPH:
	    ap = agraphattr(g, name, "");
	case AGNODE:
	    ap = agnodeattr(g, name, "");
	case AGEDGE:
	    ap = agedgeattr(g, name, "");
    agxset(obj, ap->index, value);
    return ap;
Esempio n. 27
/* setAttr:
 * Sets object's name attribute to the given value.
 * Creates the attribute if not already set.
Agsym_t *setAttr(graph_t * g, void *obj, char *name, char *value,
			Agsym_t * ap)
    if (ap == NULL) {
	switch (agobjkind(obj)) {
	case AGRAPH:
	    ap = agattr(g, AGRAPH,name, "");
	case AGNODE:
	    ap = agattr(g,AGNODE, name, "");
	case AGEDGE:
	    ap = agattr(g,AGEDGE, name, "");
    agxset(obj, ap, value);
    return ap;
Esempio n. 28
/* copyAttr;
 * Copy attributes from src to tgt. Overrides currently
 * defined values.
 * FIX: we should probably use the default value of the source
 * graph when initializing the attribute, rather than "".
 * NOTE: We do not assume src and tgt have the same kind.
int copyAttr(Agobj_t * src, Agobj_t * tgt)
    Agraph_t *srcg;
    Agraph_t *tgtg;
    Agsym_t *sym = 0;
    Agsym_t *tsym = 0;
    int skind = AGTYPE(src);
    int tkind = AGTYPE(tgt);

    srcg = agraphof(src);
    tgtg = agraphof(tgt);
    while ((sym = agnxtattr(srcg, skind, sym))) {
	tsym = agattrsym(tgt, sym->name);
	if (!tsym)
	    tsym = agattr(tgtg, tkind, sym->name, "");
	agxset(tgt, tsym, agxget(src, sym));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 29
int agsafeset(void* obj, char* name, char* value, char* def)
    Agsym_t* a = agfindattr(obj, name);

    if (a == NULL) {
	if (!def) def = "";
	switch (TAG_OF(obj)) {
	case TAG_GRAPH:
	    a = agraphattr(((Agraph_t*)obj)->root, name, def);
	case TAG_NODE:
	    a = agnodeattr(((Agnode_t*)obj)->graph, name, def);
	case TAG_EDGE:
	    a = agedgeattr(((Agedge_t*)obj)->head->graph, name, def);
    return agxset(obj, a->index, value);
Esempio n. 30
void setedgeattributes(Agraph_t * g, Agedge_t * e, char *argv[], int argc)
    int i;
    Agsym_t *a;

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	/* silently ignore attempts to modify "key" */
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "key") == 0) {
	if (e) {
	    if (!(a = agfindedgeattr(g, argv[i])))
		a = agattr(agroot(g), AGEDGE, argv[i], "");
	    agxset(e, a, argv[++i]);
	else {
	    agattr(g, AGEDGE, argv[i], argv[i+1]);