Esempio n. 1
** _hestPrintStr()
** not a useful function.  Do not use.
_hestPrintStr(FILE *f, int indent, int already, int width, const char *_str,
              int bslash) {
  char *str, *ws, *last;
  int nwrd, wrd, pos, s, newed=AIR_FALSE;

  str = airStrdup(_str);
  nwrd = airStrntok(str, " ");
  pos = already;
  for (wrd=0; wrd<nwrd; wrd++) {
    /* we used airStrtok() to delimit words on spaces ... */
    ws = airStrtok(!wrd ? str : NULL, " ", &last);
    /* ... but then convert tabs to spaces */
    airStrtrans(ws, '\t', ' ');
    if ((int)(pos + 1 + strlen(ws)) <= width - !!bslash) {
      /* if this word would still fit on the current line */
      if (wrd && !newed) fprintf(f, " ");
      fprintf(f, "%s", ws);
      pos += 1 + strlen(ws);
      newed = AIR_FALSE;
    } else {
      /* else we start a new line and print the indent */
      if (bslash) {
        fprintf(f, " \\");
      fprintf(f, "\n");
      for (s=0; s<indent; s++) {
        fprintf(f, " ");
      fprintf(f, "%s", ws); 
      pos = indent + strlen(ws);
    /* if the last character of the word was a newline, then indent */
    if ('\n' == ws[strlen(ws)-1]) {
      for (s=0; s<indent; s++) {
        fprintf(f, " ");
      pos = indent;
      newed = AIR_TRUE;
    } else {
      newed = AIR_FALSE;
  fprintf(f, "\n");
Esempio n. 2
hestGlossary(FILE *f, hestOpt *opt, hestParm *_parm) {
  int i, j, len, maxlen, numOpts;
  char buff[2*AIR_STRLEN_HUGE], tmpS[AIR_STRLEN_HUGE];
  hestParm *parm;

  parm = !_parm ? hestParmNew() : _parm;

  if (_hestPanic(opt, NULL, parm)) {
    /* we can't continue; the opt array is botched */
    parm = !_parm ? hestParmFree(parm) : NULL;
  numOpts = _hestNumOpts(opt);

  maxlen = 0;
  if (numOpts) {
    fprintf(f, "\n");
  for (i=0; i<numOpts; i++) {
    strcpy(buff, "");
    _hestSetBuff(buff, opt + i, parm, AIR_TRUE, AIR_FALSE);
    maxlen = AIR_MAX((int)strlen(buff), maxlen);
  if (parm && parm->respFileEnable) {
    sprintf(buff, "%cfile ...", parm->respFileFlag);
    len = strlen(buff);
    for (j=len; j<maxlen; j++) {
      fprintf(f, " ");
    fprintf(f, "%s = ", buff);
    strcpy(buff, "response file(s) containing command-line arguments");
    _hestPrintStr(f, maxlen + 3, maxlen + 3, parm->columns, buff, AIR_FALSE);
  for (i=0; i<numOpts; i++) {
    strcpy(buff, "");
    _hestSetBuff(buff, opt + i, parm, AIR_TRUE, AIR_FALSE);
    len = strlen(buff);
    for (j=len; j<maxlen; j++) {
      fprintf(f, " ");
    fprintf(f, "%s", buff);
    strcpy(buff, "");
#if 1
    if (opt[i].flag && strchr(opt[i].flag, parm->multiFlagSep)) {
      /* there is a long-form flag as well as short */
      _hestSetBuff(buff, opt + i, parm, AIR_FALSE, AIR_TRUE);
      strcat(buff, " = ");
      fprintf(f, " , ");
    } else {
      /* there is only a short-form flag */
      fprintf(f, " = ");
    fprintf(f, " = ");
    if (opt[i].info) {
      strcat(buff, opt[i].info);
    if ((opt[i].min || _hestMax(opt[i].max))
        && (!( 2 == opt[i].kind
               && airTypeEnum == opt[i].type 
               && parm->elideSingleEnumType )) 
        && (!( 2 == opt[i].kind
               && airTypeOther == opt[i].type 
               && parm->elideSingleOtherType )) 
        ) {
      /* if there are newlines in the info, then we want to clarify the
         type by printing it on its own line */
      if (opt[i].info && strchr(opt[i].info, '\n')) {
        strcat(buff, "\n ");
      else {
        strcat(buff, " ");
      strcat(buff, "(");
      if (opt[i].min == 0 && _hestMax(opt[i].max) == 1) {
        strcat(buff, "optional\t");
      else {
        if ((int)opt[i].min == _hestMax(opt[i].max) && _hestMax(opt[i].max) > 1) { /* HEY scrutinize casts */
          sprintf(tmpS, "%d\t", _hestMax(opt[i].max));
          strcat(buff, tmpS);
        else if ((int)opt[i].min < _hestMax(opt[i].max)) { /* HEY scrutinize casts */
          if (-1 == opt[i].max) {
            sprintf(tmpS, "%d\tor\tmore\t", opt[i].min);
          else {
            sprintf(tmpS, "%d..%d\t", opt[i].min, _hestMax(opt[i].max));
          strcat(buff, tmpS);
      sprintf(tmpS, "%s%s", 
              (airTypeEnum == opt[i].type
               ? opt[i].enm->name
               : (airTypeOther == opt[i].type
                  ? opt[i].CB->type
                  : airTypeStr[opt[i].type])),
              (_hestMax(opt[i].max) > 1 
               ? (airTypeOther == opt[i].type
                  && 'y' == opt[i].CB->type[airStrlen(opt[i].CB->type)-1]
                  && parm->cleverPluralizeOtherY
                  ? "\bies" 
                  : "s")
               : ""));
      strcat(buff, tmpS);
      strcat(buff, ")");
    fprintf(stderr, "!%s: parm->elideSingleOtherDefault = %d\n",
            "hestGlossary", parm->elideSingleOtherDefault);
    if (opt[i].dflt 
        && (opt[i].min || _hestMax(opt[i].max))
        && (!( 2 == opt[i].kind
               && (airTypeFloat == opt[i].type || airTypeDouble == opt[i].type)
               && !AIR_EXISTS(airAtod(opt[i].dflt)) 
               && parm->elideSingleNonExistFloatDefault ))
        && (!( (3 == opt[i].kind || 5 == opt[i].kind) 
               && (airTypeFloat == opt[i].type || airTypeDouble == opt[i].type)
               && !AIR_EXISTS(airAtod(opt[i].dflt)) 
               && parm->elideMultipleNonExistFloatDefault ))
        && (!( 2 == opt[i].kind
               && airTypeOther == opt[i].type
               && parm->elideSingleOtherDefault ))
        && (!( 2 == opt[i].kind
               && airTypeString == opt[i].type
               && parm->elideSingleEmptyStringDefault 
               && 0 == airStrlen(opt[i].dflt) ))
        && (!( (3 == opt[i].kind || 5 == opt[i].kind) 
               && airTypeString == opt[i].type
               && parm->elideMultipleEmptyStringDefault 
               && 0 == airStrlen(opt[i].dflt) ))
        ) {
      /* if there are newlines in the info, then we want to clarify the
         default by printing it on its own line */
      if (opt[i].info && strchr(opt[i].info, '\n')) {
        strcat(buff, "\n ");
      else {
        strcat(buff, "; ");
      strcat(buff, "default:\t");
      strcpy(tmpS, opt[i].dflt);
      airStrtrans(tmpS, ' ', '\t');
      strcat(buff, "\"");
      strcat(buff, tmpS);
      strcat(buff, "\"");
    _hestPrintStr(f, maxlen + 3, maxlen + 3, parm->columns, buff, AIR_FALSE);
  parm = !_parm ? hestParmFree(parm) : NULL;

_limnReadCamanim(int imgSize[2], limnCamera **keycamP, double **timeP,
                 unsigned int *numKeysP, FILE *fin) {
  char me[]="_limnReadCamanim", err[AIR_STRLEN_MED];
  char line[AIR_STRLEN_HUGE];
  unsigned int ki;
  double *tmp, *dwell, di, dn, df, fr[3], at[3], up[3], va;
  airArray *mop, *camA, *dwellA;
  if (!( 0 < airOneLine(fin, line, AIR_STRLEN_HUGE)
         && !strcmp(_LIMNMAGIC, line) )) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't read first line or it wasn't \"%s\"",
            me, _LIMNMAGIC);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  if (!( 0 < airOneLine(fin, line, AIR_STRLEN_HUGE)
         && 2 == (airStrtrans(airStrtrans(line, '{', ' '), '}', ' '),
                  sscanf(line, "imgSize %d %d", imgSize+0, imgSize+1)) )) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't read second line or it wasn't "
            "\"imgSize <sizeX> <sizeY>\"", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  mop = airMopNew();
  camA = airArrayNew((void **)keycamP, numKeysP, sizeof(limnCamera), 1);
  dwellA = airArrayNew((void **)&dwell, NULL, sizeof(double), 1);
  airMopAdd(mop, camA, (airMopper)airArrayNix, airMopAlways);
  airMopAdd(mop, dwellA, (airMopper)airArrayNuke, airMopAlways);

  while ( 0 < airOneLine(fin, line, AIR_STRLEN_HUGE) ) {
    airStrtrans(airStrtrans(line, '{', ' '), '}', ' ');
    ki = airArrayLenIncr(camA, 1);
    airArrayLenIncr(dwellA, 1);
    if (14 != sscanf(line, "cam.di %lg %lg %lg %lg "
                     "cam.up %lg %lg %lg cam.dn %lg cam.df %lg %lg "
                     "relDwell %lg %lg %lg %lg",
                     &di, at+0, at+1, at+2,
                     up+0, up+1, up+2, &dn, &df, &va,
                     dwell+ki, fr+0, fr+1, fr+2)) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: trouble parsing line %d: \"%s\"", me, ki, line);
      biffAdd(LIMN, err); airMopError(mop); return 1;
    (*keycamP)[ki].neer = dn;
    (*keycamP)[ki].faar = df;
    (*keycamP)[ki].dist = di;
    ELL_3V_COPY((*keycamP)[ki].from, fr);
    ELL_3V_COPY((*keycamP)[ki].at, at);
    ELL_3V_COPY((*keycamP)[ki].up, up);
    (*keycamP)[ki].fov = va;
    (*keycamP)[ki].aspect = (double)imgSize[0]/imgSize[1];
    (*keycamP)[ki].atRelative = AIR_FALSE;
    (*keycamP)[ki].orthographic = AIR_FALSE;
    (*keycamP)[ki].rightHanded = AIR_TRUE;

  tmp = (double*)calloc(*numKeysP, sizeof(double));
  airMopAdd(mop, tmp, airFree, airMopAlways);
  *timeP = (double*)calloc(*numKeysP, sizeof(double));
  for (ki=0; ki<*numKeysP; ki++) {
    dwell[ki] = AIR_CLAMP(0, dwell[ki], 2);
    tmp[ki] = tan(AIR_AFFINE(-0.01, dwell[ki], 2.01, 0.0, AIR_PI/2));
  (*timeP)[0] = 0;
  for (ki=1; ki<*numKeysP; ki++) {
    (*timeP)[ki] = (*timeP)[ki-1] + (tmp[ki-1] + tmp[ki])/2;
  for (ki=0; ki<*numKeysP; ki++) {
    (*timeP)[ki] /= (*timeP)[*numKeysP-1];

  return 0;