int main(int argc, char** argv) { int opt; char path_file[PATH_FILE_MAX_LEN]; char date_time[DATE_TIME_MAX_LEN]; t_u64toa ascii_u64_data1; t_u64toa ascii_u64_data2; const char* path = NULL; int result; time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; uint32_t file_pos; int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; struct timeval t_end; float time_diff; while( (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "wr:f:n:v:m:l:")) != EOF ) { result = AIRSPY_SUCCESS; switch( opt ) { case 'w': receive_wav = true; break; case 'r': receive = true; path = optarg; break; case 'f': freq = true; result = parse_u64(optarg, &freq_hz); break; case 'v': result = parse_u32(optarg, &vga_gain); break; case 'l': result = parse_u32(optarg, &lna_gain); break; case 'm': result = parse_u32(optarg, &mixer_gain); break; case 'n': limit_num_samples = true; result = parse_u64(optarg, &samples_to_xfer); bytes_to_xfer = samples_to_xfer * 2; break; default: printf("unknown argument '-%c %s'\n", opt, optarg); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("argument error: '-%c %s' %s (%d)\n", opt, optarg, airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (samples_to_xfer >= SAMPLES_TO_XFER_MAX) { printf("argument error: num_samples must be less than %s/%sMio\n", u64toa(SAMPLES_TO_XFER_MAX, &ascii_u64_data1), u64toa(SAMPLES_TO_XFER_MAX/(FREQ_ONE_MHZ), &ascii_u64_data2) ); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( freq ) { if( (freq_hz >= FREQ_MAX_HZ) || (freq_hz < FREQ_MIN_HZ) ) { printf("argument error: set_freq_hz shall be between [%s, %s[.\n", u64toa(FREQ_MIN_HZ, &ascii_u64_data1), u64toa(FREQ_MAX_HZ, &ascii_u64_data2)); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }else { /* Use default freq */ freq_hz = DEFAULT_FREQ_HZ; } receiver_mode = RECEIVER_MODE_RX; if( receive_wav ) { time (&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime); receiver_mode = RECEIVER_MODE_RX; /* File format AirSpy Year(2013), Month(11), Day(28), Hour Min Sec+Z, Freq kHz, IQ.wav */ strftime(date_time, DATE_TIME_MAX_LEN, "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", timeinfo); snprintf(path_file, PATH_FILE_MAX_LEN, "AirSpy_%sZ_%ukHz_IQ.wav", date_time, (uint32_t)(freq_hz/(1000ull)) ); path = path_file; printf("Receive wav file: %s\n", path); } if( path == NULL ) { printf("specify a path to a file to receive\n"); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(vga_gain > MAX_VGA_GAIN) { printf("vga_gain out of range\n"); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(mixer_gain > MAX_MIXER_GAIN) { printf("mixer_gain out of range\n"); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(lna_gain > MAX_LNA_GAIN) { printf("lna_gain out of range\n"); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } result = airspy_init(); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_init() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } result = airspy_open(&device); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_open() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } result = airspy_set_sample_type(device, sample_type); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_open() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fd = fopen(path, "wb"); if( fd == NULL ) { printf("Failed to open file: %s\n", path); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Change fd buffer to have bigger one to store or read data on/to HDD */ result = setvbuf(fd , NULL , _IOFBF , FD_BUFFER_SIZE); if( result != 0 ) { printf("setvbuf() failed: %d\n", result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Write Wav header */ if( receive_wav ) { fwrite(&wave_file_hdr, 1, sizeof(t_wav_file_hdr), fd); } #ifdef _MSC_VER SetConsoleCtrlHandler( (PHANDLER_ROUTINE) sighandler, TRUE ); #else signal(SIGINT, &sigint_callback_handler); signal(SIGILL, &sigint_callback_handler); signal(SIGFPE, &sigint_callback_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, &sigint_callback_handler); signal(SIGTERM, &sigint_callback_handler); signal(SIGABRT, &sigint_callback_handler); #endif printf("call airspy_set_vga_gain(%u)\n", vga_gain); result = airspy_set_vga_gain(device, vga_gain); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_set_vga_gain() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); //usage(); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("call airspy_set_mixer_gain(%u)\n", mixer_gain); result = airspy_set_mixer_gain(device, mixer_gain); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_set_mixer_gain() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); //usage(); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("call airspy_set_lna_gain(%u)\n", lna_gain); result = airspy_set_lna_gain(device, lna_gain); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_set_lna_gain() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); //usage(); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } result = airspy_start_rx(device, rx_callback, NULL); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_start_rx() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("call airspy_set_freq(%s Hz / %.03f MHz)\n", u64toa(freq_hz, &ascii_u64_data1),((double)freq_hz/(double)FREQ_ONE_MHZ) ); result = airspy_set_freq(device, freq_hz); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_set_freq() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( limit_num_samples ) { printf("samples_to_xfer %s/%sMio\n", u64toa(samples_to_xfer, &ascii_u64_data1), u64toa((samples_to_xfer/FREQ_ONE_MHZ), &ascii_u64_data2) ); } gettimeofday(&t_start, NULL); gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL); printf("Stop with Ctrl-C\n"); while( (airspy_is_streaming(device) == AIRSPY_TRUE) && (do_exit == false) ) { uint32_t byte_count_now; struct timeval time_now; float time_difference, rate; sleep(1); gettimeofday(&time_now, NULL); byte_count_now = byte_count; byte_count = 0; time_difference = TimevalDiff(&time_now, &time_start); rate = (float)byte_count_now / time_difference; printf("%4.1f MiB / %5.3f sec = %4.1f MiB/second\n", (byte_count_now / 1e6f), time_difference, (rate / 1e6f) ); time_start = time_now; if (byte_count_now == 0) { exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; printf("\nCouldn't transfer any bytes for one second.\n"); break; } } result = airspy_is_streaming(device); if (do_exit) { printf("\nUser cancel, exiting...\n"); } else { printf("\nExiting... airspy_is_streaming() result: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); } gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL); time_diff = TimevalDiff(&t_end, &t_start); printf("Total time: %5.5f s\n", time_diff); if(device != NULL) { result = airspy_stop_rx(device); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_stop_rx() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); }else { printf("airspy_stop_rx() done\n"); } result = airspy_close(device); if( result != AIRSPY_SUCCESS ) { printf("airspy_close() failed: %s (%d)\n", airspy_error_name(result), result); }else { printf("airspy_close() done\n"); } airspy_exit(); printf("airspy_exit() done\n"); } if(fd != NULL) { if( receive_wav ) { /* Get size of file */ file_pos = ftell(fd); /* Update Wav Header */ wave_file_hdr.hdr.size = file_pos+8; wave_file_hdr.fmt_chunk.dwSamplesPerSec = (uint32_t)DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ; wave_file_hdr.fmt_chunk.dwAvgBytesPerSec = wave_file_hdr.fmt_chunk.dwSamplesPerSec*2; wave_file_hdr.data_chunk.chunkSize = file_pos - sizeof(t_wav_file_hdr); /* Overwrite header with updated data */ rewind(fd); fwrite(&wave_file_hdr, 1, sizeof(t_wav_file_hdr), fd); } fclose(fd); fd = NULL; printf("fclose(fd) done\n"); } printf("exit\n"); return exit_code; }
bool AirspySource::configure(std::uint32_t changeFlags, int sampleRateIndex, uint32_t frequency, bool bias_ant, int lna_gain, int mix_gain, int vga_gain, bool lna_agc, bool mix_agc ) { airspy_error rc; if (!m_dev) { return false; } if (changeFlags & 0x1) { m_frequency = frequency; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_freq(m_dev, m_frequency); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set center frequency to " << m_frequency << " Hz"; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x2) { rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_samplerate(m_dev, static_cast<airspy_samplerate_t>(sampleRateIndex)); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set center sample rate to " << m_srates[sampleRateIndex] << " Hz"; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } else { m_sampleRate = m_srates[sampleRateIndex]; } } if (changeFlags & 0x4) { m_lnaGain = lna_gain; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_lna_gain(m_dev, m_lnaGain); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set LNA gain to " << m_lnaGain << " dB"; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x8) { m_mixGain = mix_gain; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_mixer_gain(m_dev, m_mixGain); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set mixer gain to " << m_mixGain << " dB"; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x10) { m_vgaGain = vga_gain; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_vga_gain(m_dev, m_vgaGain); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set VGA gain to " << m_vgaGain << " dB"; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x20) { m_biasAnt = bias_ant; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_rf_bias(m_dev, (m_biasAnt ? 1 : 0)); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set bias antenna to " << m_biasAnt; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x40) { m_lnaAGC = lna_agc; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_lna_agc(m_dev, (m_lnaAGC ? 1 : 0)); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set LNA AGC to " << m_lnaAGC; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } if (changeFlags & 0x80) { m_mixAGC = mix_agc; rc = (airspy_error) airspy_set_mixer_agc(m_dev, (m_mixAGC ? 1 : 0)); if (rc != AIRSPY_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream err_ostr; err_ostr << "Could not set mixer AGC to " << m_mixAGC; m_error = err_ostr.str(); return false; } } return true; }