Esempio n. 1
File: path.c Progetto: trezker/allua
static int allua_Path_clone(lua_State * L)
   ALLUA_path path = allua_check_path(L, 1);

   ALLUA_path clone = al_clone_path(path);
   allua_pushPath(L, clone, true);

   return 1;
Esempio n. 2
/* Function: al_get_standard_path
ALLEGRO_PATH *al_get_standard_path(int id)
   if (id == ALLEGRO_EXENAME_PATH && active_sysdrv->user_exe_path)
      return al_clone_path(active_sysdrv->user_exe_path);
   if (id == ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH && active_sysdrv->user_exe_path) {
      ALLEGRO_PATH *exe_dir = al_clone_path(active_sysdrv->user_exe_path);
      al_set_path_filename(exe_dir, NULL);
      return exe_dir;

   if (active_sysdrv->vt->get_path)
      return active_sysdrv->vt->get_path(id);

   return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
/* Function: al_create_native_file_dialog
ALLEGRO_NATIVE_DIALOG *al_create_native_file_dialog(
    ALLEGRO_PATH const *initial_path,
    char const *title,
    char const *patterns,
    int mode)
   fc = _AL_MALLOC(sizeof *fc);
   memset(fc, 0, sizeof *fc);

   if (initial_path)
      fc->initial_path = al_clone_path(initial_path);
   fc->title = al_ustr_new(title);
   fc->patterns = al_ustr_new(patterns);
   fc->mode = mode;

   return fc;
Esempio n. 4
static ALLEGRO_PATH *maybe_parent_dir(const ALLEGRO_PATH *path)
    ALLEGRO_PATH *path2;

    if (!path)
        return NULL;

    if (!is_build_config_name(al_get_path_tail(path)))
        return NULL;

    path2 = al_clone_path(path);
    if (path2) {
        al_set_path_filename(path2, NULL);
        ALLEGRO_DEBUG("Also searching %s\n", al_path_cstr(path2, '\\'));

    return path2;
Esempio n. 5
File: Player.cpp Progetto: faod/ld30
Player::Player(Game& g, b2Vec2 p) : Character(g),swordFix(NULL), left(false), right(false), landed(true), contact(false), lastproc(0), life(100), attacking(false), attackcooldown(0)
	bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
	bodyDef.position.Set(p.x, p.y);
	bodyDef.fixedRotation = true;

	body = g.w.CreateBody(&bodyDef);

	dynamicBox.SetAsBox(.25f, 0.9f);
	fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox;
	fixtureDef.density = 5.0f;
	fixtureDef.friction = 0.0f;
	fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = PLAYER;
	fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = MONSTER | TRIGGER | WALL | SWORD;


	//add "feet" to detect floor
	dynamicBox.SetAsBox(0.2, 0.05, b2Vec2(0, 0.9f), 0);
	fixtureDef.isSensor = true;
	fixtureDef.density = 0.1;
	fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = FOOT;
	fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = WALL | MONSTER;

	//add sword to kill monsters
	dynamicBox.SetAsBox(0.4, 0.1, b2Vec2(0.65, 0), 0);
	swordDef.shape = &dynamicBox;
	swordDef.isSensor = true;
	swordDef.density = 0.1;
	swordDef.filter.categoryBits = SWORD;
	swordDef.filter.maskBits = MONSTER;

	// Loads the Spine model
	ALLEGRO_PATH *path, *resourceDir, *file;
	resourceDir= al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH);
	std::cerr << al_path_cstr(resourceDir, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP) << std::endl;

	if (modelAtlas == NULL) {
		file = al_create_path("data/animations/hero.atlas");
		path =  al_clone_path(resourceDir);
		al_join_paths(path, file); al_destroy_path(file);
		modelAtlas = spAtlas_createFromFile(al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP), NULL);
		if (!modelAtlas) throw Failure("Failed to load the hero's atlas.");
		jsonSkel = spSkeletonJson_create(modelAtlas);

		file = al_create_path("data/animations/hero.json");
		path =  al_clone_path(resourceDir);
		al_join_paths(path, file); al_destroy_path(file);
		modelData = spSkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataFile(jsonSkel, al_path_cstr(path, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP));
		if (!modelData) throw Failure("Failed to load the hero's data.");
		al_destroy_path(path); al_destroy_path(resourceDir);

		stateData = spAnimationStateData_create(modelData);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "walk", "rest", 0.2f);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "rest", "walk", 0.2f);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "rest", "slash", 0.1f);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "slash", "rest", 0.1f);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "walk", "slash", 0.1f);
		spAnimationStateData_setMixByName(stateData, "slash", "walk", 0.1f);
		model = loadSkeleton(modelData, stateData);
		if (!model) throw Failure("Failed to load the hero's skeleton.");

		spAnimationState_setAnimationByName(model->state, 0, "rest",  true);
Esempio n. 6
GAME * game_init ()
    if (!al_init ()) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize Allegro.\n");
        return NULL;

    if (!al_init_image_addon ()) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize image addon.\n");
        return NULL;

    if (!al_install_keyboard ()) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to install keyboard.\n");
        return NULL;

    al_init_font_addon ();

    if (!al_init_ttf_addon ()) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize ttf addon.\n");
        return NULL;

    if (!al_init_primitives_addon ()) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize primitives addon.\n");
        return NULL;

    GAME *game = al_malloc (sizeof (GAME));
    if (!game)
        return NULL;

    srand (time (NULL));

    game->running = true;
    game->paused = false;

    game->fullscreen = 1;
    game->windowed = 1;
    game->rrate = 60;
    game->suggest_vsync = 1;
    game->force_vsync = 0;

    game->current_npc = NULL;

    game->screen = screen_new ();

    char *filename;
    const char *str;

    filename = get_resource_path_str ("data/game.ini");
    ALLEGRO_CONFIG *game_config = al_load_config_file (filename);
    al_free (filename);

    str = al_get_config_value (game_config, "", "org");
    al_set_org_name (str);
    str = al_get_config_value (game_config, "", "app");
    al_set_app_name (str);

    ALLEGRO_PATH *settpath = al_get_standard_path (ALLEGRO_USER_SETTINGS_PATH);
    ALLEGRO_PATH *gcpath = al_clone_path (settpath);

    al_set_path_filename (gcpath, "general.ini");
    const char * gcpath_str = al_path_cstr (gcpath, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP);

    ALLEGRO_CONFIG *gconfig = al_load_config_file (gcpath_str);

    if (!gconfig) {
        gconfig = al_create_config ();
        al_make_directory (al_path_cstr (settpath, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP));

        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "width", game->screen.width);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "height", game->screen.height);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "fullscreen", game->fullscreen);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "windowed", game->windowed);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "refreshrate", game->rrate);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "suggest_vsync", game->suggest_vsync);
        set_config_i (gconfig, "display", "force_vsync", game->force_vsync);
    } else {
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "width", &game->screen.width);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "height", &game->screen.height);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "fullscreen", &game->fullscreen);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "windowed", &game->windowed);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "refreshrate", &game->rrate);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "suggest_vsync", &game->suggest_vsync);
        get_config_i (gconfig, "display", "force_vsync", &game->force_vsync);

    al_save_config_file (gcpath_str, gconfig);

    al_destroy_path (settpath);
    al_destroy_path (gcpath);
    al_destroy_config (gconfig);

    int flags = 0;

    if (game->fullscreen == game->windowed)
    else if (game->fullscreen)
        flags |= ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN;
        flags |= ALLEGRO_WINDOWED;

    al_set_new_display_option (ALLEGRO_VSYNC, game->suggest_vsync, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST);
    al_set_new_display_option (ALLEGRO_DEPTH_SIZE, 8, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST);

    al_set_new_display_flags (flags);
    al_set_new_display_refresh_rate (game->rrate);
    game->display = al_create_display (game->screen.width, game->screen.height);
    if (!game->display) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create display.\n");
        al_free (game);
        return NULL;

    al_set_new_bitmap_flags (ALLEGRO_VIDEO_BITMAP);

    game->timer = al_create_timer (1.0 / FPS);
    if (!game->timer) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create timer.\n");
        al_free (game);
        return NULL;

    game->screen.width = al_get_display_width (game->display);
    game->screen.height = al_get_display_height (game->display);
    screen_update_size (&game->screen, game->screen.width, game->screen.height);

    game->rrate = al_get_display_refresh_rate (game->display);

    game->event_queue = al_create_event_queue ();
    if (!game->event_queue) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create event queue.\n");
        al_free (game);
        return NULL;

    al_register_event_source (game->event_queue, al_get_display_event_source (game->display));
    al_register_event_source (game->event_queue, al_get_timer_event_source (game->timer));

    al_set_render_state (ALLEGRO_ALPHA_TEST_VALUE, 1);

    filename = get_resource_path_str ("data/sprites.ini");
    game->sprites = sprite_load_sprites (filename);
    al_free (filename);

    filename = get_resource_path_str ("data/scenes.ini");
    game->scenes = scene_load_file (filename);
    scene_load_scenes (game->scenes, game->sprites);
    al_free (filename);

    str = al_get_config_value (game_config, "", "scene");
    game->current_scene = scene_get (game->scenes, str);

    str = al_get_config_value (game_config, "", "actor");
    game->current_actor = sprite_new_actor (game->sprites, str);
    str = al_get_config_value (game_config, "", "portal");
    SCENE_PORTAL *portal = scene_get_portal (game->scenes, str);

    al_destroy_config (game_config);

    filename = get_resource_path_str ("data/ui.ini");
    game->ui = ui_load_file (filename);
    al_free (filename);

    sprite_center (game->current_actor, &portal->position);
    screen_center (&game->screen, portal->position, game->current_scene->map);

    return game;
Esempio n. 7
 * Parses a map file
 * Given the path to a map file, returns a new map struct
 * The struct must be freed once it's done being used
ALLEGRO_MAP *al_open_map(const char *dir, const char *filename)
    xmlDoc *doc;
    xmlNode *root;
    ALLEGRO_MAP *map;

    unsigned i, j;

    ALLEGRO_PATH *cwd = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH);
    ALLEGRO_PATH *resources = al_clone_path(cwd);
    ALLEGRO_PATH *maps = al_create_path(dir);

    al_join_paths(resources, maps);
    if (!al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(resources, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to change directory in al_parse_map().");


    // Read in the data file
    doc = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0);
    if (!doc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to parse map data: %s\n", filename);
        return NULL;

    // Get the root element, <map>
    root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);

    // Get some basic info
    map->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "width"));
    map->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "height"));
    map->tile_width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "tilewidth"));
    map->tile_height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "tileheight"));
    map->orientation = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(root, "orientation"));
    map->tile_layer_count = 0;
    map->object_layer_count = 0;

    // Get the tilesets
    GSList *tilesets = get_children_for_name(root, "tileset");
    map->tilesets = NULL;

    GSList *tileset_item = tilesets;
    while (tileset_item) {
        xmlNode *tileset_node = (xmlNode*)tileset_item->data;
        tileset_item = g_slist_next(tileset_item);

        tileset->firstgid = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "firstgid"));
        tileset->tilewidth = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "tilewidth"));
        tileset->tileheight = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "tileheight"));
        tileset->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "name"));

        // Get this tileset's image
        xmlNode *image_node = get_first_child_for_name(tileset_node, "image");
        tileset->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "width"));
        tileset->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "height"));
        tileset->source = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "source"));
        tileset->bitmap = al_load_bitmap(tileset->source);

        // Get this tileset's tiles
        GSList *tiles = get_children_for_name(tileset_node, "tile");
        tileset->tiles = NULL;

        GSList *tile_item = tiles;
        while (tile_item) {
            xmlNode *tile_node = (xmlNode*)tile_item->data;
            tile_item = g_slist_next(tile_item);

            tile->id = tileset->firstgid + atoi(get_xml_attribute(tile_node, "id"));
            tile->tileset = tileset;
            tile->bitmap = NULL;

            // Get this tile's properties
            tile->properties = parse_properties(tile_node);

            // TODO: add a destructor
            tileset->tiles = g_slist_prepend(tileset->tiles, tile);

        //tileset->tiles = g_slist_reverse(tileset->tiles);

        // TODO: add a destructor
        map->tilesets = g_slist_prepend(map->tilesets, tileset);

    //map->tilesets = g_slist_reverse(map->tilesets);

    // Create the map's master list of tiles

    // Get the layers
    GSList *layers = get_children_for_either_name(root, "layer", "objectgroup");
    map->layers = NULL;

    GSList *layer_item = layers;
    while (layer_item) {
        xmlNode *layer_node = (xmlNode*)layer_item->data;
        layer_item = g_slist_next(layer_item);

        layer->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "name"));
        layer->properties = parse_properties(layer_node);

        char *layer_visible = get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "visible");
        layer->visible = (layer_visible != NULL ? atoi(layer_visible) : 1);

        char *layer_opacity = get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "opacity");
        layer->opacity = (layer_opacity != NULL ? atof(layer_opacity) : 1.0);

        if (!strcmp((const char*)layer_node->name, "layer")) {
            layer->type = TILE_LAYER;
            layer->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "width"));
            layer->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "height"));
            decode_layer_data(get_first_child_for_name(layer_node, "data"), layer);

            // Create any missing tile objects
            for (i = 0; i<layer->height; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j<layer->width; j++) {
                    char id = al_get_single_tile_id(layer, j, i);

                    if (id == 0) {

                    ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE *tile = al_get_tile_for_id(map, id);
                    if (!tile) {
                        // wasn't defined in the map file, presumably because it had no properties
                        tile = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE);
                        tile->id = id;
                        tile->properties = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
                        tile->tileset = NULL;
                        tile->bitmap = NULL;

                        // locate its tilemap
                        GSList *tilesets = map->tilesets;
                        ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset_ref;
                        while (tilesets) {
                            ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset = (ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET*)tilesets->data;
                            tilesets = g_slist_next(tilesets);
                            if (tileset->firstgid <= id) {
                                if (!tile->tileset || tileset->firstgid > tile->tileset->firstgid) {
                                    tileset_ref = tileset;


                        tile->tileset = tileset_ref;
                        tileset_ref->tiles = g_slist_prepend(tileset_ref->tiles, tile);
                        g_hash_table_insert(map->tiles, GINT_TO_POINTER(tile->id), tile);

                    // create this tile's bitmap if it hasn't been yet
                    if (!tile->bitmap) {
                        ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset = tile->tileset;
                        int id = tile->id - tileset->firstgid;
                        int width = tileset->width / tileset->tilewidth;
                        int x = (id % width) * tileset->tilewidth;
                        int y = (id / width) * tileset->tileheight;
                        tile->bitmap = al_create_sub_bitmap(
                                x, y,
            map->tile_layers = g_slist_prepend(map->tile_layers, layer);
        } else if (!strcmp((const char*)layer_node->name, "objectgroup")) {
            layer->type = OBJECT_LAYER;
            layer->objects = NULL;
            layer->object_count = 0;
            // TODO: color?
            GSList *objects = get_children_for_name(layer_node, "object");
            GSList *object_item = objects;
            while (object_item) {
                xmlNode *object_node = (xmlNode*)object_item->data;
                object_item = g_slist_next(object_item);

                object->layer = layer;
                object->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "name"));
                object->type = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "type"));
                object->x = atoi(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "x"));
                object->y = atoi(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "y"));

                char *object_width = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "width");
                object->width = (object_width ? atoi(object_width) : 0);

                char *object_height = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "height");
                object->height = (object_height ? atoi(object_height) : 0);

                char *gid = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "gid");
                if (gid) {
                    object->gid = atoi(gid);

                char *object_visible = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "visible");
                object->visible = (object_visible ? atoi(object_visible) : 1);

                // Get the object's properties
                object->properties = parse_properties(object_node);
                layer->objects = g_slist_prepend(layer->objects, object);
            map->object_layers = g_slist_prepend(map->object_layers, layer);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: found invalid layer node \"%s\"\n", layer_node->name);

        map->layers = g_slist_prepend(map->layers, layer);


    // If any objects have a tile gid, cache their image
    layer_item = map->layers;
    while (layer_item) {
        ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER *layer = (ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER*)layer_item->data;
        layer_item = g_slist_next(layer_item);
        if (layer->type != OBJECT_LAYER) {

        GSList *objects = layer->objects;
        while (objects) {
            ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT *object = (ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT*)objects->data;
            objects = g_slist_next(objects);
            if (!object->gid) {

            object->bitmap = al_get_tile_for_id(map, object->gid)->bitmap;
            object->width = map->tile_width;
            object->height = map->tile_height;

    al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(cwd, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP));

    return map;