/* ** enter_key(name, value, label) ** ** Enter a function key into the data base */ void enter_key( const char *name, char *value, char *lab) { alloc_strings(); if (value) { int found = 0; if (key_count != 0) { size_t j = strlen(value); fkmax = (fkmax > j) ? fkmax : j; /* do not permit duplicates */ for (j = 0; j < (size_t) key_count; j++) { if (fk_name[j] == 0) { break; } else if (!strcmp(fk_name[j], name)) { found = 1; break; } } } if (!found) { fkval[key_count] = value; fk_tested[key_count] = 0; fk_label[key_count] = lab; fk_name[key_count++] = name; if (lab) { got_labels = TRUE; } } } }
/* ** enter_key(name, value, label) ** ** Enter a function key into the data base */ void enter_key( const char *name, char *value, char *lab) { unsigned j; alloc_strings(); if (value) { j = strlen(value); fkmax = fkmax > j ? fkmax : j; /* do not permit duplicates */ for (j = 0; (int) j < key_count; j++) { if (!strcmp(fk_name[j], name)) { return; } } fkval[key_count] = value; fk_tested[key_count] = 0; fk_label[key_count] = lab; fk_name[key_count++] = name; if (lab) { got_labels = TRUE; } } }
/* ** keys_tested(first-time, show-help, hex-output) ** ** Display a list of the keys not tested. */ static void keys_tested( int first_time, int show_help, int hex_output) { int i, l; char outbuf[256]; alloc_strings(); put_clear(); tty_set(); flush_input(); if (got_labels) { putln("Function key labels:"); for (i = 0; i < key_count; ++i) { if (fk_label[i]) { sprintf(outbuf, "%s %s", fk_name[i] ? fk_name[i] : "??", fk_label[i]); put_columns(outbuf, (int) strlen(outbuf), 16); } } put_newlines(2); } if (funk) { putln("The following keys are not defined:"); for (i = 0; i < funk; ++i) { put_columns(fk_unknown[i], fk_length[i], 16); } put_mode(exit_attribute_mode); put_newlines(2); } if (first_time) { putln("The following keys are defined:"); } else { putln("The following keys have not been tested:"); } if (scan_mode) { for (i = 0; scan_down[i]; i++) { if (!scan_tested[i]) { if (hex_output) { strcpy(outbuf, hex_expand_to(scan_down[i], 3)); } else { strcpy(outbuf, expand(scan_down[i])); } l = expand_chars; if (hex_output) { strcat(outbuf, hex_expand_to(scan_up[i], 3)); } else { strcat(outbuf, expand(scan_up[i])); } expand_chars += l; l = (int) strlen(scan_name[i]); if (((char_count + 16) & ~15) + ((expand_chars + 7) & ~7) + l >= columns) { put_crlf(); } else if (char_count + 24 > columns) { put_crlf(); } else if (char_count) { putchp(' '); } put_columns(outbuf, expand_chars, 16); put_columns(scan_name[i], l, 8); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < key_count; i++) { if (!fk_tested[i] && fk_name[i] != 0) { if (hex_output) { strcpy(outbuf, hex_expand_to(fkval[i], 3)); } else { strcpy(outbuf, expand(fkval[i])); } l = (int) strlen(fk_name[i]); if (((char_count + 16) & ~15) + ((expand_chars + 7) & ~7) + l >= columns) { put_crlf(); } else if (char_count + 24 > columns) { put_crlf(); } else if (char_count) { putchp(' '); } put_columns(outbuf, expand_chars, 16); put_columns(fk_name[i], l, 8); } } } put_newlines(2); if (show_help) { ptextln("Hit any function key. Type 'end' to quit. Type ? to update the display."); put_crlf(); } }
static int found_match(char *s, int hx, int cc) { /* return true if this string is a match */ int j, f; alloc_strings(); if (!*s) { return 0; } if (scan_mode) { for (j = f = 0; scan_down[j]; j++) { if (scan_length[j] == 0) { continue; } if (!strncmp(s, scan_down[j], scan_length[j])) { if (!f) { /* first match */ put_cr(); if (hx) { put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10)); } else { put_str(expand_to(s, 10)); } f = 1; } (void) end_funky(scan_name[j][0]); put_str(" "); put_str(scan_name[j]); scan_tested[j] = 1; s += scan_length[j]; if (strncmp(s, scan_up[j], scan_length[j])) { put_str(" scan down"); } else { s += scan_length[j]; } if (!*s) { break; } j = -1; } if (!strncmp(s, scan_up[j], scan_length[j])) { if (!f) { /* first match */ put_cr(); if (hx) { put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10)); } else { put_str(expand_to(s, 10)); } f = 1; } put_str(" "); put_str(scan_name[j]); put_str(" scan up"); s += scan_length[j]; if (!*s) { break; } j = -1; } } } else { for (j = f = 0; j < key_count; j++) { if (fkval[j] && !strcmp(s, fkval[j])) { char outbuf[256]; if (!f) { /* first match */ put_cr(); if (hx) { put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10)); } else { put_str(expand_to(s, 10)); } f = 1; } sprintf(outbuf, " (%s)", fk_name[j]); put_str(outbuf); if (fk_label[j]) { sprintf(outbuf, " <%s>", fk_label[j]); put_str(outbuf); } fk_tested[j] = 1; } } } if (end_state == '?') { keys_tested(0, 1, hx); tty_raw(cc, char_mask); end_state = 0; } return f; }