Esempio n. 1
SurroundDelay::SurroundDelay (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
: ADelay (audioMaster)
, plugInput (0)
, plugOutput (0)
	// The first buffer is allocated in ADelay's constructor
	for (int i = 1; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++)
		sBuffers[i] = new float[size];
	setNumInputs (MAX_CHANNELS);
	setNumOutputs (MAX_CHANNELS);

	// We initialize the arrangements to default values.
	// Nevertheless, the host should modify them via
	// appropriate calls to setSpeakerArrangement.
	allocateArrangement (&plugInput, MAX_CHANNELS);
	plugInput->type = kSpeakerArr51;

	allocateArrangement (&plugOutput, MAX_CHANNELS);
	plugOutput->type = kSpeakerArr51;

	setUniqueID ('SDlE');	// this should be unique, use the Steinberg web page for plugin Id registration

	// create the editor
	editor = new SDEditor (this);

	resume ();
Esempio n. 2
bool AudioEffectX::matchArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement** to, VstSpeakerArrangement* from)
    if (from == NULL)
        return false;

    if ((!deallocateArrangement (to)) || (!allocateArrangement (to, from->numChannels)))
        return false;

    (*to)->type = from->type;
    for (int i = 0; i < (*to)->numChannels; i++)
        if (!copySpeaker (&((*to)->speakers[i]), &(from->speakers[i])))
            return false;

    return true;

Esempio n. 3
bool SurroundDelay::setSpeakerArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginInput,
									 VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginOutput)
	if (!pluginOutput || !pluginInput)
		return false;

	bool result = true;
	// This plug-in can act on any speaker arrangement,
	// provided that there are the same number of inputs/outputs.
	if (pluginInput->numChannels > MAX_CHANNELS)
		// This plug-in can't have so many channels. So we answer
		// false, and we set the input arrangement with the maximum
		// number of channels possible
		result = false;
		allocateArrangement (&plugInput, MAX_CHANNELS);
		plugInput->type = kSpeakerArr51;
		matchArrangement (&plugInput, pluginInput);
	if (pluginOutput->numChannels != plugInput->numChannels)
		// This plug-in only deals with symetric IO configurations...
		result = false;
		matchArrangement (&plugOutput, plugInput);
		matchArrangement (&plugOutput, pluginOutput);

	return result;