int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args[1]; ffi_type* arg_types[1]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif arg_types[0] = NULL; args[0] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, 255, 0, &ffi_type_void, arg_types) == FFI_BAD_ABI); CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 0, &ffi_type_void, arg_types) == FFI_OK); cif.abi= 255; CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, dummy_fn, NULL) == FFI_BAD_ABI); exit(0); }
E* ArrayAllocator<E, F>::allocate(size_t length) { if (should_use_malloc(length)) { return allocate_malloc(length); } return allocate_mmap(length); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type* arg_types[1]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif arg_types[0] = NULL; ffi_type badType = ffi_type_void; badType.size = 0; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 0, &badType, arg_types) == FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF); exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[2]; unsigned short res; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cl_arg_types[0] = &ffi_type_ushort; cl_arg_types[1] = NULL; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 1, &ffi_type_ushort, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_ret_ushort_fn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res = (*((cls_ret_ushort)pcl))(65535); /* { dg-output "65535: 65535" } */ printf("res: %d\n",res); /* { dg-output "\nres: 65535" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[5]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct cls_struct_7byte g_dbl = { 127, 120, 1, 254 }; struct cls_struct_7byte f_dbl = { 12, 128, 9, 255 }; struct cls_struct_7byte res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_ushort; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_ushort; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields[3] = &ffi_type_ushort; cls_struct_fields[4] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_7byte_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "127 120 1 254 12 128 9 255: 139 248 10 509" } */ printf("res: %d %d %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c, res_dbl.d); /* { dg-output "\nres: 139 248 10 509" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_7byte_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_7byte(*)(cls_struct_7byte, cls_struct_7byte))(pcl))(g_dbl, f_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n127 120 1 254 12 128 9 255: 139 248 10 509" } */ printf("res: %d %d %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c, res_dbl.d); /* { dg-output "\nres: 139 248 10 509" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[4]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct cls_struct_align g_dbl = { 12, (void *)4951, 127 }; struct cls_struct_align f_dbl = { 1, (void *)9320, 13 }; struct cls_struct_align res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_pointer; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields[3] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_align_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "12 4951 127 1 9320 13: 13 14271 140" } */ printf("res: %d %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, (size_t)res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 13 14271 140" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_align_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_align(*)(cls_struct_align, cls_struct_align))(pcl))(g_dbl, f_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n12 4951 127 1 9320 13: 13 14271 140" } */ printf("res: %d %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, (size_t)res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 13 14271 140" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[3]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[4]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[3]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct cls_struct_20byte g_dbl = { 1, 2.0, 3.0 }; struct cls_struct_20byte f_dbl = { 4, 5.0, 7.0 }; struct cls_struct_20byte res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_uint32; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[3] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_20byte_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "1 2 3 4 5 7: 5 7 10" } */ printf("res: %d %g %g\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 5 7 10" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_20byte_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_20byte(*)(cls_struct_20byte, cls_struct_20byte))(pcl))(g_dbl, f_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n1 2 3 4 5 7: 5 7 10" } */ printf("res: %d %g %g\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 5 7 10" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[4]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct cls_struct_3byte_1 g_dbl = { 15, 125 }; struct cls_struct_3byte_1 f_dbl = { 9, 19 }; struct cls_struct_3byte_1 res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_ushort; cls_struct_fields[2] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_3byte_fn1), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "15 125 9 19: 24 144" } */ printf("res: %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b); /* { dg-output "\nres: 24 144" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_3byte_gn1, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_3byte_1(*)(cls_struct_3byte_1, cls_struct_3byte_1))(pcl))(g_dbl, f_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n15 125 9 19: 24 144" } */ printf("res: %d %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b); /* { dg-output "\nres: 24 144" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void * args_dbl[5]; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[5]; ffi_arg res_call; signed char a, c; signed short b, d, res_closure; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif a = 1; b = 32765; c = 127; d = -128; args_dbl[0] = &a; args_dbl[1] = &b; args_dbl[2] = &c; args_dbl[3] = &d; args_dbl[4] = NULL; cl_arg_types[0] = &ffi_type_schar; cl_arg_types[1] = &ffi_type_sshort; cl_arg_types[2] = &ffi_type_schar; cl_arg_types[3] = &ffi_type_sshort; cl_arg_types[4] = NULL; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 4, &ffi_type_sshort, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(test_func_fn), &res_call, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "1 32765 127 -128: 32765" } */ printf("res: %d\n", res_call); /* { dg-output "\nres: 32765" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, test_func_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_closure = (*((test_type)pcl))(1, 32765, 127, -128); /* { dg-output "\n1 32765 127 -128: 32765" } */ printf("res: %d\n", res_closure); /* { dg-output "\nres: 32765" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[17]; int res; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cl_arg_types[0] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[1] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[2] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[3] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[4] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[5] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[6] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[7] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[8] = &ffi_type_double; cl_arg_types[9] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[10] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[11] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[12] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[13] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[14] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[15] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[16] = NULL; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 16, &ffi_type_sint, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, closure_test_fn3, (void *) 3 /* userdata */) == FFI_OK); res = (*((closure_test_type3)pcl)) (1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9, 10, 11.11, 12.0, 13, 19.19, 21.21, 1); /* { dg-output "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 1 3: 135" } */ printf("res: %d\n",res); /* { dg-output "\nres: 135" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[17]; int res; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cl_arg_types[0] = &ffi_type_uint64; cl_arg_types[1] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[2] = &ffi_type_uint64; cl_arg_types[3] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[4] = &ffi_type_sshort; cl_arg_types[5] = &ffi_type_uint64; cl_arg_types[6] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[7] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[8] = &ffi_type_double; cl_arg_types[9] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[10] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[11] = &ffi_type_float; cl_arg_types[12] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[13] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[14] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[15] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[16] = NULL; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 16, &ffi_type_sint, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, closure_test_fn0, (void *) 3 /* userdata */) == FFI_OK); res = (*((closure_test_type0)pcl)) (1LL, 2, 3LL, 4, 127, 429LL, 7, 8, 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 1); /* { dg-output "1 2 3 4 127 429 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 1 3: 680" } */ printf("res: %d\n",res); /* { dg-output "\nres: 680" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[17]; int i, res; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { cl_arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_uint64; } cl_arg_types[15] = &ffi_type_uint; cl_arg_types[16] = NULL; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 16, &ffi_type_sint, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, closure_test_fn0, (void *) 3 /* userdata */) == FFI_OK); res = (*((closure_test_type0)pcl)) (1LL, 2LL, 3LL, 4LL, 127LL, 429LL, 7LL, 8LL, 9LL, 10LL, 11LL, 12LL, 13LL, 19LL, 21LL, 1); /* { dg-output "1 2 3 4 127 429 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 1 3: 680" } */ printf("res: %d\n",res); /* { dg-output "\nres: 680" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; ffi_type * cl_arg_types[3]; int i, res; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else //pcl = &cl; pcl = malloc(sizeof(*pcl)); #endif cl_arg_types[0] = &ffi_type_pointer; cl_arg_types[1] = &ffi_type_pointer; cl_arg_types[2] = &ffi_type_pointer; /* Initialize the cif */ CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 3, &ffi_type_sint, cl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, closure_test_fn7, (void *) 99 /* userdata */) == FFI_OK); base_func(4, 5, 6); /* { dg-output "4 5 6\n" } */ (*((closure_test_type7)pcl))((void*)1, (void*)2, (void*)3); /* { dg-output "1 2 3\n" } */ exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[3]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[3]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields1[3]; ffi_type cls_struct_type, cls_struct_type1; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[3]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; cls_struct_type1.size = 0; cls_struct_type1.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type1.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type1.elements = cls_struct_fields1; struct A e_dbl = { 1LL, 7}; struct B f_dbl = {{12LL , 127}, 99}; struct B res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_uint64; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields[2] = NULL; cls_struct_fields1[0] = &cls_struct_type; cls_struct_fields1[1] = &ffi_type_uchar; cls_struct_fields1[2] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type1; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type1, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &e_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(B_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "1 7 12 127 99: 13 233 134" } */ CHECK( res_dbl.x.a == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.x.a)); CHECK( res_dbl.x.b == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.x.b + f_dbl.y)); CHECK( res_dbl.y == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.x.b)); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, B_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((B(*)(A, B))(pcl))(e_dbl, f_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n1 7 12 127 99: 13 233 134" } */ CHECK( res_dbl.x.a == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.x.a)); CHECK( res_dbl.x.b == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.x.b + f_dbl.y)); CHECK( res_dbl.y == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.x.b)); exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[10]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct_72byte e_dbl = { 9.0, 2.0, 6.0, 5.0, 3.0, 4.0, 8.0, 1.0, 7 }; struct_72byte f_dbl = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 7.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 4 }; struct_72byte g_dbl = { 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 9.0, 3 }; struct_72byte h_dbl = { 8.0, 6.0, 1.0, 4.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2 }; struct_72byte res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[3] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[4] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[5] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[6] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[7] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[8] = &ffi_type_sint64; cls_struct_fields[9] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[3] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[4] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 4, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &e_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[3] = &h_dbl; args_dbl[4] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_72byte_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "22 15 17 25 6 13 19 18 16" } */ printf("res: %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %lld\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c, res_dbl.d, res_dbl.e, res_dbl.f, res_dbl.g, res_dbl.h, res_dbl.i); /* { dg-output "\nres: 22 15 17 25 6 13 19 18 16" } */ CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_72byte_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((struct_72byte(*)(struct_72byte, struct_72byte, struct_72byte, struct_72byte))(pcl))(e_dbl, f_dbl, g_dbl, h_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n22 15 17 25 6 13 19 18 16" } */ printf("res: %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %lld\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c, res_dbl.d, res_dbl.e, res_dbl.f, res_dbl.g, res_dbl.h, res_dbl.i); /* { dg-output "\nres: 22 15 17 25 6 13 19 18 16" } */ exit(0); }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap(sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif ffi_cif cif; ffi_type* argTypes[51]; void* argValues[51]; ffi_type ret_struct_type; ffi_type* st_fields[51]; BigStruct retVal = {0}; ret_struct_type.size = 0; ret_struct_type.alignment = 0; ret_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; ret_struct_type.elements = st_fields; st_fields[0] = st_fields[12] = st_fields[24] = st_fields[36] = st_fields[48] = &ffi_type_uint8; st_fields[1] = st_fields[13] = st_fields[25] = st_fields[37] = st_fields[49] = &ffi_type_sint8; st_fields[2] = st_fields[14] = st_fields[26] = st_fields[38] = &ffi_type_uint16; st_fields[3] = st_fields[15] = st_fields[27] = st_fields[39] = &ffi_type_sint16; st_fields[4] = st_fields[16] = st_fields[28] = st_fields[40] = &ffi_type_uint32; st_fields[5] = st_fields[17] = st_fields[29] = st_fields[41] = &ffi_type_sint32; st_fields[6] = st_fields[18] = st_fields[30] = st_fields[42] = &ffi_type_uint64; st_fields[7] = st_fields[19] = st_fields[31] = st_fields[43] = &ffi_type_sint64; st_fields[8] = st_fields[20] = st_fields[32] = st_fields[44] = &ffi_type_float; st_fields[9] = st_fields[21] = st_fields[33] = st_fields[45] = &ffi_type_double; st_fields[10] = st_fields[22] = st_fields[34] = st_fields[46] = &ffi_type_longdouble; st_fields[11] = st_fields[23] = st_fields[35] = st_fields[47] = &ffi_type_pointer; st_fields[50] = NULL; uint8_t ui8 = 1; int8_t si8 = 2; uint16_t ui16 = 3; int16_t si16 = 4; uint32_t ui32 = 5; int32_t si32 = 6; uint64_t ui64 = 7; int64_t si64 = 8; float f = 9; double d = 10; long double ld = 11; char* p = (char*)0x12345678; argTypes[0] = argTypes[12] = argTypes[24] = argTypes[36] = argTypes[48] = &ffi_type_uint8; argValues[0] = argValues[12] = argValues[24] = argValues[36] = argValues[48] = &ui8; argTypes[1] = argTypes[13] = argTypes[25] = argTypes[37] = argTypes[49] = &ffi_type_sint8; argValues[1] = argValues[13] = argValues[25] = argValues[37] = argValues[49] = &si8; argTypes[2] = argTypes[14] = argTypes[26] = argTypes[38] = &ffi_type_uint16; argValues[2] = argValues[14] = argValues[26] = argValues[38] = &ui16; argTypes[3] = argTypes[15] = argTypes[27] = argTypes[39] = &ffi_type_sint16; argValues[3] = argValues[15] = argValues[27] = argValues[39] = &si16; argTypes[4] = argTypes[16] = argTypes[28] = argTypes[40] = &ffi_type_uint32; argValues[4] = argValues[16] = argValues[28] = argValues[40] = &ui32; argTypes[5] = argTypes[17] = argTypes[29] = argTypes[41] = &ffi_type_sint32; argValues[5] = argValues[17] = argValues[29] = argValues[41] = &si32; argTypes[6] = argTypes[18] = argTypes[30] = argTypes[42] = &ffi_type_uint64; argValues[6] = argValues[18] = argValues[30] = argValues[42] = &ui64; argTypes[7] = argTypes[19] = argTypes[31] = argTypes[43] = &ffi_type_sint64; argValues[7] = argValues[19] = argValues[31] = argValues[43] = &si64; argTypes[8] = argTypes[20] = argTypes[32] = argTypes[44] = &ffi_type_float; argValues[8] = argValues[20] = argValues[32] = argValues[44] = &f; argTypes[9] = argTypes[21] = argTypes[33] = argTypes[45] = &ffi_type_double; argValues[9] = argValues[21] = argValues[33] = argValues[45] = &d; argTypes[10] = argTypes[22] = argTypes[34] = argTypes[46] = &ffi_type_longdouble; argValues[10] = argValues[22] = argValues[34] = argValues[46] = &ld; argTypes[11] = argTypes[23] = argTypes[35] = argTypes[47] = &ffi_type_pointer; argValues[11] = argValues[23] = argValues[35] = argValues[47] = &p; argTypes[50] = NULL; argValues[50] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 50, &ret_struct_type, argTypes) == FFI_OK); ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(test_large_fn), &retVal, argValues); // { dg-output "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0x12345679 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0x1234567a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0x1234567b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0x1234567c 6 7" } printf("res: %hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p %hhu %hhd\n", retVal.a, retVal.b, retVal.c, retVal.d, retVal.e, retVal.f, retVal.g, retVal.h, retVal.i, retVal.j, retVal.k, retVal.l, retVal.m, retVal.n, retVal.o, retVal.p, retVal.q, retVal.r, retVal.s, retVal.t, retVal.u, retVal.v, retVal.w, retVal.x, retVal.y, retVal.z, retVal.aa,,, retVal.dd,, retVal.ff,, retVal.hh, retVal.ii, retVal.jj, retVal.kk, retVal.ll,, retVal.nn, retVal.oo, retVal.pp, retVal.qq, retVal.rr,,, retVal.uu, retVal.vv, retVal.ww, retVal.xx); // { dg-output "\nres: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0x12345679 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0x1234567a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0x1234567b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0x1234567c 6 7" } CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_large_fn, NULL) == FFI_OK); retVal = ((BigStruct(*)( uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double, long double, char*, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double, long double, char*, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double, long double, char*, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double, long double, char*, uint8_t, int8_t))(pcl))( ui8, si8, ui16, si16, ui32, si32, ui64, si64, f, d, ld, p, ui8, si8, ui16, si16, ui32, si32, ui64, si64, f, d, ld, p, ui8, si8, ui16, si16, ui32, si32, ui64, si64, f, d, ld, p, ui8, si8, ui16, si16, ui32, si32, ui64, si64, f, d, ld, p, ui8, si8); // { dg-output "\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0x12345678 1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0x12345679 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0x1234567a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0x1234567b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0x1234567c 6 7" } printf("res: %hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p " "%hhu %hhd %hu %hd %u %d %llu %lld %.0f %.0f %L.0f %p %hhu %hhd\n", retVal.a, retVal.b, retVal.c, retVal.d, retVal.e, retVal.f, retVal.g, retVal.h, retVal.i, retVal.j, retVal.k, retVal.l, retVal.m, retVal.n, retVal.o, retVal.p, retVal.q, retVal.r, retVal.s, retVal.t, retVal.u, retVal.v, retVal.w, retVal.x, retVal.y, retVal.z, retVal.aa,,, retVal.dd,, retVal.ff,, retVal.hh, retVal.ii, retVal.jj, retVal.kk, retVal.ll,, retVal.nn, retVal.oo, retVal.pp, retVal.qq, retVal.rr,,, retVal.uu, retVal.vv, retVal.ww, retVal.xx); // { dg-output "\nres: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0x12345679 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0x1234567a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0x1234567b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0x1234567c 6 7" } return 0; }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields1[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields2[5]; ffi_type cls_struct_type, cls_struct_type1, cls_struct_type2; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; cls_struct_type1.size = 0; cls_struct_type1.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type1.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type1.elements = cls_struct_fields1; cls_struct_type2.size = 0; cls_struct_type2.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type2.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type2.elements = cls_struct_fields2; struct cls_struct_16byte1 e_dbl = { 9.0, 2.0, 6}; struct cls_struct_16byte2 f_dbl = { 1, 2.0, 3.0}; struct cls_struct_combined g_dbl = {{4.0, 5.0, 6}, {3, 1.0, 8.0}}; struct cls_struct_combined res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_float; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_uint32; cls_struct_fields[3] = NULL; cls_struct_fields1[0] = &ffi_type_uint32; cls_struct_fields1[1] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields1[2] = &ffi_type_float; cls_struct_fields1[3] = NULL; cls_struct_fields2[0] = &cls_struct_type; cls_struct_fields2[1] = &cls_struct_type1; cls_struct_fields2[2] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type1; dbl_arg_types[2] = &cls_struct_type2; dbl_arg_types[3] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 3, &cls_struct_type2, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &e_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &f_dbl; args_dbl[2] = &g_dbl; args_dbl[3] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_combined_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "9 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 1 8: 15 10 13 10 12 13" } */ CHECK( res_dbl.d.a == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.dd + g_dbl.d.a)); CHECK( res_dbl.d.b == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.ff + g_dbl.d.b)); CHECK( res_dbl.d.c == (e_dbl.c + f_dbl.ii + g_dbl.d.c)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.ii == (e_dbl.c + f_dbl.ii + g_dbl.e.ii)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.dd == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.dd + g_dbl.e.dd)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.ff == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.ff + g_dbl.e.ff)); CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_combined_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_combined(*)(cls_struct_16byte1, cls_struct_16byte2, cls_struct_combined)) (pcl))(e_dbl, f_dbl, g_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n9 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 1 8: 15 10 13 10 12 13" } */ CHECK( res_dbl.d.a == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.dd + g_dbl.d.a)); CHECK( res_dbl.d.b == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.ff + g_dbl.d.b)); CHECK( res_dbl.d.c == (e_dbl.c + f_dbl.ii + g_dbl.d.c)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.ii == (e_dbl.c + f_dbl.ii + g_dbl.e.ii)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.dd == (e_dbl.a + f_dbl.dd + g_dbl.e.dd)); CHECK( res_dbl.e.ff == (e_dbl.b + f_dbl.ff + g_dbl.e.ff)); exit(0); }
int main (void) { ffi_cif cif; #ifndef USING_MMAP static ffi_closure cl; #endif ffi_closure *pcl; void* args_dbl[5]; ffi_type* cls_struct_fields[4]; ffi_type cls_struct_type; ffi_type* dbl_arg_types[5]; #ifdef USING_MMAP pcl = allocate_mmap (sizeof(ffi_closure)); #else pcl = &cl; #endif cls_struct_type.size = 0; cls_struct_type.alignment = 0; cls_struct_type.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT; cls_struct_type.elements = cls_struct_fields; struct cls_struct_16byte h_dbl = { 7, 8.0, 9 }; struct cls_struct_16byte j_dbl = { 1, 9.0, 3 }; struct cls_struct_16byte res_dbl; cls_struct_fields[0] = &ffi_type_uint32; cls_struct_fields[1] = &ffi_type_double; cls_struct_fields[2] = &ffi_type_uint32; cls_struct_fields[3] = NULL; dbl_arg_types[0] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[1] = &cls_struct_type; dbl_arg_types[2] = NULL; CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2, &cls_struct_type, dbl_arg_types) == FFI_OK); args_dbl[0] = &h_dbl; args_dbl[1] = &j_dbl; args_dbl[2] = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(cls_struct_16byte_fn), &res_dbl, args_dbl); /* { dg-output "7 8 9 1 9 3: 8 17 12" } */ printf("res: %d %g %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 8 17 12" } */ res_dbl.a = 0; res_dbl.b = 0.0; res_dbl.c = 0; CHECK(ffi_prep_closure(pcl, &cif, cls_struct_16byte_gn, NULL) == FFI_OK); res_dbl = ((cls_struct_16byte(*)(cls_struct_16byte, cls_struct_16byte))(pcl))(h_dbl, j_dbl); /* { dg-output "\n7 8 9 1 9 3: 8 17 12" } */ printf("res: %d %g %d\n", res_dbl.a, res_dbl.b, res_dbl.c); /* { dg-output "\nres: 8 17 12" } */ exit(0); }