Esempio n. 1
pic_close(pic_state *pic)
  pic_allocf allocf = pic->allocf;

  /* clear out root objects */
  pic->cxt = &pic->default_cxt;
  pic->ai = 0;
  pic->halt = pic_invalid_value(pic);
  pic->globals = pic_invalid_value(pic);
  pic->features = pic_invalid_value(pic);
  pic->dyn_env = pic_invalid_value(pic);

  assert(pic->cxt->ai == 0);
  assert(pic->cxt->pc == NULL);
  assert(pic->cxt->fp == NULL);
  assert(pic->cxt->sp == NULL);
  assert(pic->cxt->irep == NULL);
  assert(pic->cxt->prev == NULL);

  /* free all heap objects */

  /* free heaps */
  pic_heap_close(pic, pic->heap);

  /* free global stacks */
  kh_destroy(oblist, &pic->oblist);

  /* free GC arena */
  allocf(pic->userdata, pic->arena, 0);
  allocf(pic->userdata, pic, 0);
Esempio n. 2
File: lauxlib.c Progetto: lua/lua
static void *resizebox (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t newsize) {
  void *ud;
  lua_Alloc allocf = lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
  UBox *box = (UBox *)lua_touserdata(L, idx);
  void *temp = allocf(ud, box->box, box->bsize, newsize);
  if (temp == NULL && newsize > 0)  /* allocation error? */
    luaL_error(L, "not enough memory for buffer allocation");
  box->box = temp;
  box->bsize = newsize;
  return temp;
Esempio n. 3
File: plt.c Progetto: Paspartout/plt
main(void) {
	int width = 2560;
	int height = 1440;
	int i;
	int frames = 200;
	char fpath[100];
	char **grid;

	/* init */
	grid = allocf(width, height);
	double scale = 50.0;
	double offset = 1.0;
	double offset2 = 1.0;
	double offset3 = 1.0;
	double offset4 = 1.0;
	for (i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
		snprintf(fpath, 100, "plt_pbm_%05d.pbm", i);
		FILE *pbmf = fopen(fpath, "w");
		clearf(grid, width, height);
		draw_sin(grid, width, height, scale, offset);
		draw_cos(grid, width, height, scale, offset2);
		draw_sin(grid, width, height, scale, offset3);
		draw_cos(grid, width, height, scale, offset4);
		offset += 0.09;
		offset2 += 0.11;
		offset3 += 0.13;
		offset4 += 0.16;
		pbmgrid(grid, width, height, pbmf);
		fprintf(stderr, "i: %d\n", i);

	/* clean up */
	freef(grid, width);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/* Takes an hmap,
 * converts it into nvars / vars / values / types,
 * calls the corresponding `set` C callback. */
static int api_set( lua_State *L) {
    // Initial stack state: ctx, hmap
    ExtVars_Mod_t *mod = checkmod(L);
    int n_entries = 0, n_ints = 0, n_numbers = 0;
    int val_false = 0, val_true = 1;

    luaL_checktype( L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);

    /* First pass: count entries and numbers, to determine how much malloc space is needed. */
    lua_pushnil( L);           // ctx, hmap, key==nil
    while( lua_next( L, -2)) { // ctx, hmap, key, value
        n_entries ++;
        if( lua_type( L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            lua_Number n = lua_tonumber( L, -1);
            if( (lua_Number) (int) n == n) n_ints ++; else n_numbers ++;
        lua_pop( L, 1); // ctx, hmap, key
    }                   // ctx, hmap

    /* Allocate all tables as a single memory chunk.
     * By using Lua's allocator, we avoid an unnecessary dependency to malloc(). */
    int chunk_size =
            sizeof( int)            * n_entries + /* variable ids */
            sizeof( void*)          * n_entries + /* values       */
            sizeof( ExtVars_type_t) * n_entries + /* types        */
            sizeof( int)            * n_ints    + /* ints         */
            sizeof( lua_Number)     * n_numbers;  /* doubles      */
    void *alloc_ctx;
    lua_Alloc allocf = lua_getallocf( L, & alloc_ctx);
    void *chunk = allocf( alloc_ctx, NULL, 0, chunk_size);
    void *chunk = malloc( chunk_size);
    if( ! chunk) RETURN_ERROR_STRING( "Not enough memory");

    int            *variables = (int*)            chunk;
    void          **values    = (void**)          (variables + n_entries);
    ExtVars_type_t *types     = (ExtVars_type_t*) (values    + n_entries);
    int            *ints      = (int*)            (types     + n_entries);
    lua_Number     *numbers   = (lua_Number*)     (ints      + n_ints);

    int i=0, i_int=0, i_number=0;

    /* 2nd pass: actually fill the tables for the set callback. */
    lua_pushnil( L); // ctx, hmap, key==nil
    while( lua_next( L, -2)) { // ctx, hmap, key, value

        /* Fill the variable id */
        int var = lua_tonumber( L, -2);
        if( ! var) RETURN_ERROR_STRING( "Not a numeric variable name");
        variables[i] = var;

        /* Fill type and value, allocate number value if necessary */
        int ltype = lua_type( L, -1);
        if( isniltoken( L, -1)) {
            types[i] = EXTVARS_TYPE_NIL;
        } else if( ltype == LUA_TNUMBER) {
            lua_Number n = lua_tonumber( L, -1);
            if( (lua_Number)  (int) n == n) {
                ints[i_int] = (int) n;
                types[i] = EXTVARS_TYPE_INT;
                values[i] = ints + i_int;
            } else {
                numbers[i_number] = (lua_Number) n;
                types[i] = EXTVARS_TYPE_DOUBLE;
                values[i] = numbers + i_number;
        } else if( ltype == LUA_TSTRING) {
            types[i]  = EXTVARS_TYPE_STR;
            values[i] = (void *) lua_tostring( L, -1);
        } else if( ltype == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
            types[i] = EXTVARS_TYPE_BOOL;
            values[i] = lua_toboolean( L, -1) ? & val_true : & val_false;
        } else {
            RETURN_ERROR_STRING( "Unsupported Lua type");
        lua_pop( L, 1); // ctx, hmap, key
    } // ctx, hmap

    swi_status_t r = mod->set(n_entries, variables, values, types);

    /* Lua-allocated chunks are freed by reallocating them to a 0 size. */
    allocf( alloc_ctx, chunk, chunk_size, 0);
    free( chunk);
    if( r) RETURN_ERROR_NUMBER( "set", r); else RETURN_OK;
Esempio n. 5
pic_state *
pic_open(pic_allocf allocf, void *userdata)
  pic_state *pic;

  pic = allocf(userdata, NULL, sizeof(pic_state));

  if (! pic) {
    goto EXIT_PIC;

  /* allocator */
  pic->allocf = allocf;

  /* user data */
  pic->userdata = userdata;

  /* context */
  pic-> = 0;
  pic->default_cxt.pc = NULL;
  pic->default_cxt.fp = NULL;
  pic->default_cxt.sp = NULL;
  pic->default_cxt.irep = NULL;
  pic->default_cxt.prev = NULL;
  pic->cxt = &pic->default_cxt;

  /* arena */
  pic->arena = allocf(userdata, NULL, PIC_ARENA_SIZE * sizeof(struct object *));
  pic->arena_size = PIC_ARENA_SIZE;
  pic->ai = 0;

  if (! pic->arena) {
    goto EXIT_ARENA;

  /* turn off GC */
  pic->gc_enable = false;

  /* memory heap */
  pic->heap = pic_heap_open(pic);

  /* symbol table */
  kh_init(oblist, &pic->oblist);

  /* global variables */
  pic->globals = pic_make_dict(pic);

  /* features */
  pic->features = pic_nil_value(pic);

  /* dynamic environment */
  pic->dyn_env = pic_list(pic, 1, pic_make_weak(pic));

  /* top continuation */
    static const code_t halt_code[] = { 0x00 };
    struct irep *irep;
    struct proc *proc;
    irep = (struct irep *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_IREP);
    irep->argc = 1;
    irep->flags = IREP_CODE_STATIC;
    irep->frame_size = 1;
    irep->irepc = 0;
    irep->objc = 0;
    irep->irep = NULL;
    irep->obj = NULL;
    irep->code = halt_code;
    irep->codec = sizeof halt_code / sizeof halt_code[0];
    proc = (struct proc *)pic_obj_alloc(pic, PIC_TYPE_PROC_IREP);
    proc->u.irep = irep;
    proc->env = NULL;
    pic->halt = obj_value(pic, proc);

  /* panic handler */
  pic->panicf = NULL;

  /* turn on GC */
  pic->gc_enable = true;


  pic_leave(pic, 0);            /* empty arena */

  return pic;

  allocf(userdata, pic, 0);
  return NULL;