double DensityMette::getAdsorbateDensity(const double T_Ads) const { const double T0 = 293.15; const double rho0 = rhoWaterDean(T0); const double alpha20 = alphaTWaterDean(T0); return rho0 / (1. + alpha20*(T_Ads-T0)); }
//Thermal expansivity model for water found in the works of Hauer double DensityDubinin::getAlphaT(const double T_Ads) const { const double Tb = 373.1; if (T_Ads <= Tb) { return alphaTWaterDean(T_Ads); } // critical T and p const double Tc = 647.3; // K // const double rhoc = 322.; // kg/m^3 const double pc = 221.2e5; // Pa // boiling point density const double rhob = rhoWaterDean(Tb); // state values const double R = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant; const double M = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::MolarMass::Water; const double b = R * Tc / (8. * pc); // m^3/mol const double rhom = M / (b); // kg/m^3 const double rho = rhob - (rhob - rhom) / (Tc - Tb) * (T_Ads - Tb); return ((rhob - rhom) / (Tc - Tb) * 1. / rho); }
// Thermal expansivity model for water found in the works of Hauer double DensityMette::getAlphaT(const double T_Ads) const { const double T0 = 293.15; const double alpha20 = alphaTWaterDean(T0); return alpha20 / (1. + alpha20 * (T_Ads-T0)); }
double DensityCook::getAlphaT(const double T_Ads) const { return alphaTWaterDean(T_Ads); }