static void rendermode_overlay_draw(void *data, RenderState *state, PyObject *src, PyObject *mask, PyObject *mask_light) { RenderModeOverlay *self = (RenderModeOverlay *)data; unsigned char r, g, b, a; PyObject *top_block_py, *block_py; // exactly analogous to edge-line code for these special blocks int increment=0; if (state->block == 44) // half-step increment=6; else if (state->block == 78) // snow increment=9; /* clear the draw space -- set alpha to 0 within mask */ tint_with_mask(state->img, 255, 255, 255, 0, mask, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); /* skip rendering the overlay if we can't see it */ if (state->z != 127) { unsigned char top_block = getArrayByte3D(state->blocks, state->x, state->y, state->z+1); if (!is_transparent(top_block)) { return; } /* check to be sure this block is solid/fluid */ top_block_py = PyInt_FromLong(top_block); if (PySequence_Contains(self->solid_blocks, top_block_py) || PySequence_Contains(self->fluid_blocks, top_block_py)) { /* top block is fluid or solid, skip drawing */ Py_DECREF(top_block_py); return; } Py_DECREF(top_block_py); } /* check to be sure this block is solid/fluid */ block_py = PyInt_FromLong(state->block); if (!PySequence_Contains(self->solid_blocks, block_py) && !PySequence_Contains(self->fluid_blocks, block_py)) { /* not fluid or solid, skip drawing the overlay */ Py_DECREF(block_py); return; } Py_DECREF(block_py); /* get our color info */ self->get_color(data, state, &r, &g, &b, &a); /* do the overlay */ if (a > 0) { alpha_over(state->img, self->white_color, self->facemask_top, state->imgx, state->imgy + increment, 0, 0); tint_with_mask(state->img, r, g, b, a, self->facemask_top, state->imgx, state->imgy + increment, 0, 0); } }
/* properly refs the return value when needed: you DO need to decref the return */ PyObject * alpha_over_wrap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { /* raw input python variables */ PyObject *dest, *src, *pos = NULL, *mask = NULL; /* destination position and size */ int dx, dy, xsize, ysize; /* return value: dest image on success */ PyObject *ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO|OO", &dest, &src, &pos, &mask)) return NULL; if (mask == NULL) mask = src; /* destination position read */ if (pos == NULL) { xsize = 0; ysize = 0; dx = 0; dy = 0; } else { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pos, "iiii", &dx, &dy, &xsize, &ysize)) { /* try again, but this time try to read a point */ PyErr_Clear(); xsize = 0; ysize = 0; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pos, "ii", &dx, &dy)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "given blend destination rect is not valid"); return NULL; } } } ret = alpha_over(dest, src, mask, dx, dy, xsize, ysize); if (ret == dest) { /* Python needs us to own our return value */ Py_INCREF(dest); } return ret; }
static void rendermode_normal_draw(void *data, RenderState *state, PyObject *src, PyObject *mask, PyObject *mask_light) { RenderModeNormal *self = (RenderModeNormal *)data; /* draw the block! */ alpha_over(state->img, src, mask, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); /* check for biome-compatible blocks * * NOTES for maintainers: * * To add a biome-compatible block, add an OR'd condition to this * following if block, a case to the first switch statement to handle when * biome info IS available, and another case to the second switch * statement for when biome info ISN'T available. * * Make sure that in, the generated textures are the * biome-compliant ones! The tinting is now all done here. */ if (/* grass, but not snowgrass */ (state->block == 2 && !(state->z < 127 && getArrayByte3D(state->blocks, state->x, state->y, state->z+1) == 78)) || /* water */ state->block == 8 || state->block == 9 || /* leaves */ state->block == 18 || /* tallgrass, but not dead shrubs */ (state->block == 31 && state->block_data != 0) || /* pumpkin/melon stem, not fully grown. Fully grown stems * get constant brown color (see */ (((state->block == 104) || (state->block == 105)) && (state->block_data != 7)) || /* vines */ state->block == 106 || /* lily pads */ state->block == 111) { /* do the biome stuff! */ PyObject *facemask = mask; unsigned char r, g, b; if (state->block == 2) { /* grass needs a special facemask */ facemask = self->grass_texture; } if (self->biome_data) { /* we have data, so use it! */ unsigned int index; PyObject *color = NULL; index = ((self->chunk_y * 16) + state->y) * 16 * 32 + (self->chunk_x * 16) + state->x; index = big_endian_ushort(getArrayShort1D(self->biome_data, index)); switch (state->block) { case 2: /* grass */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; case 8: case 9: /* water */ if (self->watercolor) { color = PySequence_GetItem(self->watercolor, index); } else { color = NULL; facemask = NULL; } break; case 18: /* leaves */ if (state->block_data != 2) { /* not birch! */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->foliagecolor, index); } else { /* birch! birch foliage color is flipped XY-ways */ unsigned int index_x = 255 - (index % 256); unsigned int index_y = 255 - (index / 256); index = index_y * 256 + index_x; color = PySequence_GetItem(self->foliagecolor, index); } break; case 31: /* tall grass */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; case 104: /* pumpkin stem */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; case 105: /* melon stem */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; case 106: /* vines */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; case 111: /* lily padas */ color = PySequence_GetItem(self->grasscolor, index); break; default: break; }; if (color) { /* we've got work to do */ r = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 0)); g = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 1)); b = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 2)); Py_DECREF(color); } } else { if (state->block == 2 || state->block == 31 || state->block == 104 || state->block == 105) /* grass and pumpkin/melon stems */ { r = 115; g = 175; b = 71; } if (state->block == 8 || state->block == 9) /* water */ { /* by default water is fine with nothing */ facemask = NULL; } if (state->block == 18 || state->block == 106 || state->block == 111) /* leaves, vines and lyli pads */ { r = 37; g = 118; b = 25; } } if (facemask) tint_with_mask(state->img, r, g, b, 255, facemask, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); } if (self->height_fading) { /* do some height fading */ PyObject *height_color = self->white_color; /* negative alpha => darkness, positive => light */ float alpha = (1.0 / (1 + expf((70 - state->z) / 11.0))) * 0.6 - 0.55; if (alpha < 0.0) { alpha *= -1; height_color = self->black_color; } alpha_over_full(state->img, height_color, mask_light, alpha, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); } /* Draw some edge lines! */ // draw.line(((imgx+12,imgy+increment), (imgx+22,imgy+5+increment)), fill=(0,0,0), width=1) if (state->block == 44 || state->block == 78 || !is_transparent(state->block)) { Imaging img_i = imaging_python_to_c(state->img); unsigned char ink[] = {0, 0, 0, 255 * self->edge_opacity}; int increment=0; if (state->block == 44) // half-step increment=6; else if ((state->block == 78) || (state->block == 93) || (state->block == 94)) // snow, redstone repeaters (on and off) increment=9; if ((state->x == 15) && (state->up_right_blocks != Py_None)) { unsigned char side_block = getArrayByte3D(state->up_right_blocks, 0, state->y, state->z); if (side_block != state->block && is_transparent(side_block)) { ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx+12, state->imgy+1+increment, state->imgx+22+1, state->imgy+5+1+increment, &ink, 1); ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx+12, state->imgy+increment, state->imgx+22+1, state->imgy+5+increment, &ink, 1); } } else if (state->x != 15) { unsigned char side_block = getArrayByte3D(state->blocks, state->x+1, state->y, state->z); if (side_block != state->block && is_transparent(side_block)) { ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx+12, state->imgy+1+increment, state->imgx+22+1, state->imgy+5+1+increment, &ink, 1); ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx+12, state->imgy+increment, state->imgx+22+1, state->imgy+5+increment, &ink, 1); } } // if y != 0 and blocks[x,y-1,z] == 0 // chunk boundries are annoying if ((state->y == 0) && (state->up_left_blocks != Py_None)) { unsigned char side_block = getArrayByte3D(state->up_left_blocks, state->x, 15, state->z); if (side_block != state->block && is_transparent(side_block)) { ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx, state->imgy+6+1+increment, state->imgx+12+1, state->imgy+1+increment, &ink, 1); ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx, state->imgy+6+increment, state->imgx+12+1, state->imgy+increment, &ink, 1); } } else if (state->y != 0) { unsigned char side_block = getArrayByte3D(state->blocks, state->x, state->y-1, state->z); if (side_block != state->block && is_transparent(side_block)) { // draw.line(((imgx,imgy+6+increment), (imgx+12,imgy+increment)), fill=(0,0,0), width=1) ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx, state->imgy+6+1+increment, state->imgx+12+1, state->imgy+1+increment, &ink, 1); ImagingDrawLine(img_i, state->imgx, state->imgy+6+increment, state->imgx+12+1, state->imgy+increment, &ink, 1); } } } }
static void base_draw(void *data, RenderState *state, PyObject *src, PyObject *mask, PyObject *mask_light) { PrimitiveBase *self = (PrimitiveBase *)data; /* draw the block! */ alpha_over(state->img, src, mask, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); /* check for biome-compatible blocks * * NOTES for maintainers: * * To add a biome-compatible block, add an OR'd condition to this * following if block, and a case to the switch statement to handle biome * coloring. * * Make sure that in, the generated textures are the * biome-compliant ones! The tinting is now all done here. */ if (/* grass, but not snowgrass */ (state->block == 2 && get_data(state, BLOCKS, state->x, state->y+1, state->z) != 78) || /* water */ state->block == 8 || state->block == 9 || /* leaves */ state->block == 18 || /* tallgrass, but not dead shrubs */ (state->block == 31 && state->block_data != 0) || /* pumpkin/melon stem, not fully grown. Fully grown stems * get constant brown color (see */ (((state->block == 104) || (state->block == 105)) && (state->block_data != 7)) || /* vines */ state->block == 106 || /* lily pads */ state->block == 111) { /* do the biome stuff! */ PyObject *facemask = mask; unsigned char r = 255, g = 255, b = 255; PyObject *color_table = NULL; unsigned char flip_xy = 0; if (state->block == 2) { /* grass needs a special facemask */ facemask = self->grass_texture; } switch (state->block) { case 2: /* grass */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; case 8: case 9: /* water */ color_table = self->watercolor; break; case 18: /* leaves */ color_table = self->foliagecolor; if (state->block_data == 2) { /* birch! birch foliage color is flipped XY-ways */ flip_xy = 1; } break; case 31: /* tall grass */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; case 104: /* pumpkin stem */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; case 105: /* melon stem */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; case 106: /* vines */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; case 111: /* lily pads */ color_table = self->grasscolor; break; default: break; }; if (color_table) { unsigned char biome; int dx, dz; unsigned char tablex, tabley; float temp = 0.0, rain = 0.0; unsigned int multr = 0, multg = 0, multb = 0; int tmp; PyObject *color = NULL; if (self->use_biomes) { /* average over all neighbors */ for (dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) { biome = get_data(state, BIOMES, state->x + dx, state->y, state->z + dz); if (biome >= NUM_BIOMES) { /* note -- biome 255 shows up on map borders. who knows what it is? certainly not I. */ biome = DEFAULT_BIOME; /* forest -- reasonable default */ } temp += biome_table[biome].temperature; rain += biome_table[biome].rainfall; multr += biome_table[biome].r; multg += biome_table[biome].g; multb += biome_table[biome].b; } } temp /= 9.0; rain /= 9.0; multr /= 9; multg /= 9; multb /= 9; } else { /* don't use biomes, just use the default */ temp = biome_table[DEFAULT_BIOME].temperature; rain = biome_table[DEFAULT_BIOME].rainfall; multr = biome_table[DEFAULT_BIOME].r; multg = biome_table[DEFAULT_BIOME].g; multb = biome_table[DEFAULT_BIOME].b; } /* second coordinate is actually scaled to fit inside the triangle so store it in rain */ rain *= temp; /* make sure they're sane */ temp = CLAMP(temp, 0.0, 1.0); rain = CLAMP(rain, 0.0, 1.0); /* convert to x/y coordinates in color table */ tablex = 255 - (255 * temp); tabley = 255 - (255 * rain); if (flip_xy) { unsigned char tmp = 255 - tablex; tablex = 255 - tabley; tabley = tmp; } /* look up color! */ color = PySequence_GetItem(color_table, tabley * 256 + tablex); r = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 0)); g = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 1)); b = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(color, 2)); Py_DECREF(color); /* do the after-coloration */ r = MULDIV255(r, multr, tmp); g = MULDIV255(g, multg, tmp); b = MULDIV255(b, multb, tmp); } /* final coloration */ tint_with_mask(state->img, r, g, b, 255, facemask, state->imgx, state->imgy, 0, 0); } }