Esempio n. 1
    int laneOffset,
    MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager& msgPass,
    int blocked,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& leader,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighLead,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighFollow,
    const MSLane& neighLane,
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
    MSVehicle** lastBlocked,
    MSVehicle** firstBlocked) {
    assert(laneOffset == 1 || laneOffset == -1);
    const SUMOTime currentTime = MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep();
    // compute bestLaneOffset
    MSVehicle::LaneQ curr, neigh, best;
    int bestLaneOffset = 0;
    SUMOReal currentDist = 0;
    SUMOReal neighDist = 0;
    int currIdx = 0;
    MSLane* prebLane = myVehicle.getLane();
    if (prebLane->getEdge().getPurpose() == MSEdge::EDGEFUNCTION_INTERNAL) {
        // internal edges are not kept inside the bestLanes structure
        prebLane = prebLane->getLinkCont()[0]->getLane();
    for (int p = 0; p < (int) preb.size(); ++p) {
        if (preb[p].lane == prebLane && p + laneOffset >= 0) {
            assert(p + laneOffset < (int)preb.size());
            curr = preb[p];
            neigh = preb[p + laneOffset];
            currentDist = curr.length;
            neighDist = neigh.length;
            bestLaneOffset = curr.bestLaneOffset;
            if (bestLaneOffset == 0 && preb[p + laneOffset].bestLaneOffset == 0) {
                bestLaneOffset = laneOffset;
            best = preb[p + bestLaneOffset];
            currIdx = p;
    // direction specific constants
    const bool right = (laneOffset == -1);
    const int lca = (right ? LCA_RIGHT : LCA_LEFT);
    const int myLca = (right ? LCA_MRIGHT : LCA_MLEFT);
    const int lcaCounter = (right ? LCA_LEFT : LCA_RIGHT);
    const bool changeToBest = (right && bestLaneOffset < 0) || (!right && bestLaneOffset > 0);
    // keep information about being a leader/follower
    int ret = (myOwnState & 0xffff0000);

    ret = slowDownForBlocked(lastBlocked, ret);
    if (lastBlocked != firstBlocked) {
        ret = slowDownForBlocked(firstBlocked, ret);

    // we try to estimate the distance which is necessary to get on a lane
    //  we have to get on in order to keep our route
    // we assume we need something that depends on our velocity
    // and compare this with the free space on our wished lane
    // if the free space is somehow less than the space we need, we should
    //  definitely try to get to the desired lane
    // this rule forces our vehicle to change the lane if a lane changing is necessary soon
    // lookAheadDistance:
    // we do not want the lookahead distance to change all the time so we discrectize the speed a bit

    if (myVehicle.getSpeed() > myLookAheadSpeed) {
        myLookAheadSpeed = myVehicle.getSpeed();
    } else {
        myLookAheadSpeed = MAX2(LOOK_AHEAD_MIN_SPEED,
                                (LOOK_AHEAD_SPEED_MEMORY * myLookAheadSpeed + (1 - LOOK_AHEAD_SPEED_MEMORY) * myVehicle.getSpeed()));
    SUMOReal laDist = myLookAheadSpeed * (right ? LOOK_FORWARD_RIGHT : LOOK_FORWARD_LEFT);
    laDist += myVehicle.getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() * (SUMOReal) 2.;
    // free space that is available for changing
    //const SUMOReal neighSpeed = (neighLead.first != 0 ? neighLead.first->getSpeed() :
    //        neighFollow.first != 0 ? neighFollow.first->getSpeed() :
    //        best.lane->getSpeedLimit());
    // @note: while this lets vehicles change earlier into the correct direction
    // it also makes the vehicles more "selfish" and prevents changes which are necessary to help others

    int roundaboutEdgesAhead = 0;
    for (std::vector<MSLane*>::iterator it = curr.bestContinuations.begin(); it != curr.bestContinuations.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it) != 0 && (*it)->getEdge().isRoundabout()) {
            roundaboutEdgesAhead += 1;
        } else if (roundaboutEdgesAhead > 0) {
            // only check the next roundabout
    int roundaboutEdgesAheadNeigh = 0;
    for (std::vector<MSLane*>::iterator it = neigh.bestContinuations.begin(); it != neigh.bestContinuations.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it) != 0 && (*it)->getEdge().isRoundabout()) {
            roundaboutEdgesAheadNeigh += 1;
        } else if (roundaboutEdgesAheadNeigh > 0) {
            // only check the next roundabout
    if (roundaboutEdgesAhead > 1) {
        currentDist += roundaboutEdgesAhead * ROUNDABOUT_DIST_BONUS;
        neighDist += roundaboutEdgesAheadNeigh * ROUNDABOUT_DIST_BONUS;

    const SUMOReal usableDist = (currentDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane() - best.occupation *  JAM_FACTOR);
    const SUMOReal maxJam = MAX2(preb[currIdx + laneOffset].occupation, preb[currIdx].occupation);
    const SUMOReal neighLeftPlace = MAX2((SUMOReal) 0, neighDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane() - maxJam);

    if (changeToBest && bestLaneOffset == curr.bestLaneOffset
            && currentDistDisallows(usableDist, bestLaneOffset, laDist)) {
        /// @brief we urgently need to change lanes to follow our route
        ret = ret | lca | LCA_STRATEGIC | LCA_URGENT;
    } else {

        if (!myAllowOvertakingRight && !right && !myVehicle.congested() && neighLead.first != 0) {
            // check for slower leader on the left. we should not overtake but
            // rather move left ourselves (unless congested)
            MSVehicle* nv = neighLead.first;
            if (nv->getSpeed() < myVehicle.getSpeed()) {
                                       &myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighLead.second, nv->getSpeed(), nv->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
                if (nv->getSpeed() + 5 / 3.6 < myVehicle.getSpeed()) {
                    mySpeedGainProbability += CHANGE_PROB_THRESHOLD_LEFT / 3;

        if (!changeToBest && (currentDistDisallows(neighLeftPlace, abs(bestLaneOffset) + 2, laDist))) {
            // the opposite lane-changing direction should be done than the one examined herein
            //  we'll check whether we assume we could change anyhow and get back in time...
            // this rule prevents the vehicle from moving in opposite direction of the best lane
            //  unless the way till the end where the vehicle has to be on the best lane
            //  is long enough
            ret = ret | LCA_STAY | LCA_STRATEGIC;
        } else if (bestLaneOffset == 0 && (neighLeftPlace * 2. < laDist)) {
            // the current lane is the best and a lane-changing would cause a situation
            //  of which we assume we will not be able to return to the lane we have to be on.
            // this rule prevents the vehicle from leaving the current, best lane when it is
            //  close to this lane's end
            ret = ret | LCA_STAY | LCA_STRATEGIC;
    // check for overriding TraCI requests
    ret = myVehicle.influenceChangeDecision(ret);
    if ((ret & lcaCounter) != 0) {
        // we are not interested in traci requests for the opposite direction here
        ret &= ~(LCA_TRACI | lcaCounter | LCA_URGENT);

    if ((ret & LCA_STAY) != 0) {
        return ret;
    if ((ret & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
        // prepare urgent lane change maneuver
        // save the left space
        myLeftSpace = currentDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane();
        if (changeToBest && abs(bestLaneOffset) > 1) {
            // there might be a vehicle which needs to counter-lane-change one lane further and we cannot see it yet
            myLeadingBlockerLength = MAX2((SUMOReal)(right ? 20.0 : 40.0), myLeadingBlockerLength);

        // letting vehicles merge in at the end of the lane in case of counter-lane change, step#1
        //   if there is a leader and he wants to change to the opposite direction
        saveBlockerLength(neighLead.first, lcaCounter);
        if (*firstBlocked != neighLead.first) {
            saveBlockerLength(*firstBlocked, lcaCounter);

        const SUMOReal remainingSeconds = ((ret & LCA_TRACI) == 0 ?
                                           MAX2((SUMOReal)STEPS2TIME(TS), myLeftSpace / myLookAheadSpeed / abs(bestLaneOffset) / URGENCY) :
        const SUMOReal plannedSpeed = informLeader(msgPass, blocked, myLca, neighLead, remainingSeconds);
        if (plannedSpeed >= 0) {
            // maybe we need to deal with a blocking follower
            informFollower(msgPass, blocked, myLca, neighFollow, remainingSeconds, plannedSpeed);

        return ret;

    if (roundaboutEdgesAhead > 1) {
        // try to use the inner lanes of a roundabout to increase throughput
        // unless we are approaching the exit
        if (lca == LCA_LEFT) {
            return ret | lca | LCA_COOPERATIVE;
        } else {
            return ret | LCA_STAY | LCA_COOPERATIVE;

    // let's also regard the case where the vehicle is driving on a highway...
    //  in this case, we do not want to get to the dead-end of an on-ramp
    if (right) {
        if (bestLaneOffset == 0 && myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle) > 80. / 3.6 && myLookAheadSpeed > SUMO_const_haltingSpeed) {
            return ret | LCA_STAY | LCA_STRATEGIC;
    // --------

    // -------- make place on current lane if blocking follower
    //if (amBlockingFollowerPlusNB()) {
    //    std::cout << myVehicle.getID() << ", " << currentDistAllows(neighDist, bestLaneOffset, laDist)
    //        << " neighDist=" << neighDist
    //        << " currentDist=" << currentDist
    //        << "\n";
    if (amBlockingFollowerPlusNB()
            && (changeToBest || currentDistAllows(neighDist, abs(bestLaneOffset) + 1, laDist))) {

        return ret | lca | LCA_COOPERATIVE | LCA_URGENT ;//| LCA_CHANGE_TO_HELP;

    // --------

    //// -------- security checks for krauss
    ////  (vsafe fails when gap<0)
    //if ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED) != 0) {
    //    return ret;
    //// --------

    // -------- higher speed
    //if ((congested(neighLead.first) && neighLead.second < 20) || predInteraction(leader.first)) { //!!!
    //    return ret;
    SUMOReal thisLaneVSafe = myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle);
    SUMOReal neighLaneVSafe = neighLane.getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle);
    if (neighLead.first == 0) {
        neighLaneVSafe = MIN2(neighLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighDist, 0, 0));
    } else {
        // @todo: what if leader is below safe gap?!!!
        neighLaneVSafe = MIN2(neighLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(
                                  &myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighLead.second, neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
    if (leader.first == 0) {
        thisLaneVSafe = MIN2(thisLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), currentDist, 0, 0));
    } else {
        // @todo: what if leader is below safe gap?!!!
        thisLaneVSafe = MIN2(thisLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), leader.second, leader.first->getSpeed(), leader.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));

    thisLaneVSafe = MIN3(thisLaneVSafe, myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed(), myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle));
    neighLaneVSafe = MIN3(neighLaneVSafe, myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed(), neighLane.getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle));

    const SUMOReal relativeGain = (neighLaneVSafe - thisLaneVSafe) / neighLaneVSafe;
    if (right) {
        if (thisLaneVSafe - 5 / 3.6 > neighLaneVSafe) {
            // ok, the current lane is faster than the right one...
            if (mySpeedGainProbability < 0) {
                mySpeedGainProbability /= 2.0;
                //myKeepRightProbability /= 2.0;
        } else {
            // ok, the current lane is not faster than the right one
            mySpeedGainProbability -= relativeGain;

            // honor the obligation to keep right (Rechtsfahrgebot)
            // XXX consider fast approaching followers on the current lane
            //const SUMOReal vMax = myLookAheadSpeed;
            const SUMOReal vMax = MIN2(myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed(), myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle));
            const SUMOReal acceptanceTime = KEEP_RIGHT_ACCEPTANCE * vMax * MAX2((SUMOReal)1, myVehicle.getSpeed()) / myVehicle.getLane()->getSpeedLimit();
            SUMOReal fullSpeedGap = MAX2((SUMOReal)0, neighDist - myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(vMax));
            SUMOReal fullSpeedDrivingSeconds = MIN2(acceptanceTime, fullSpeedGap / vMax);
            if (neighLead.first != 0 && neighLead.first->getSpeed() < vMax) {
                fullSpeedGap = MAX2((SUMOReal)0, MIN2(fullSpeedGap,
                            neighLead.second - myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(
                                vMax, neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())));
                fullSpeedDrivingSeconds = MIN2(fullSpeedDrivingSeconds, fullSpeedGap / (vMax - neighLead.first->getSpeed()));
            const SUMOReal deltaProb = (CHANGE_PROB_THRESHOLD_RIGHT
                    * STEPS2TIME(DELTA_T)
                    * (fullSpeedDrivingSeconds / acceptanceTime) / KEEP_RIGHT_TIME);
            myKeepRightProbability -= deltaProb;

            if (gDebugFlag2) {
                std::cout << STEPS2TIME(currentTime)
                    << " veh=" << myVehicle.getID()
                    << " vMax=" << vMax
                    << " neighDist=" << neighDist
                    << " brakeGap=" << myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(myVehicle.getSpeed())
                    << " leaderSpeed=" << (neighLead.first == 0 ? -1 : neighLead.first->getSpeed())
                    << " secGap=" << (neighLead.first == 0 ? -1 : myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(
                                myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()))
                    << " acceptanceTime=" << acceptanceTime
                    << " fullSpeedGap=" << fullSpeedGap
                    << " fullSpeedDrivingSeconds=" << fullSpeedDrivingSeconds
                    << " dProb=" << deltaProb
                    << "\n";
            if (myKeepRightProbability < -CHANGE_PROB_THRESHOLD_RIGHT) {
                return ret | lca | LCA_KEEPRIGHT;

        if (mySpeedGainProbability < -CHANGE_PROB_THRESHOLD_RIGHT
                && neighDist / MAX2((SUMOReal) .1, myVehicle.getSpeed()) > 20.) { //./MAX2((SUMOReal) .1, myVehicle.getSpeed())) { // -.1
            return ret | lca | LCA_SPEEDGAIN;
    } else {
        if (thisLaneVSafe > neighLaneVSafe) {
            // this lane is better
            if (mySpeedGainProbability > 0) {
                mySpeedGainProbability /= 2.0;
        } else {
            // left lane is better
            mySpeedGainProbability += relativeGain;
        if (mySpeedGainProbability > CHANGE_PROB_THRESHOLD_LEFT && neighDist / MAX2((SUMOReal) .1, myVehicle.getSpeed()) > 20.) { // .1
            return ret | lca | LCA_SPEEDGAIN;
    // --------
    if (changeToBest && bestLaneOffset == curr.bestLaneOffset
            && (right ? mySpeedGainProbability < 0 : mySpeedGainProbability > 0)) {
        // change towards the correct lane, speedwise it does not hurt
        return ret | lca | LCA_STRATEGIC;

    return ret;
Esempio n. 2
MSLCM_DK2004::wantsChangeToRight(MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager& msgPass,
                                 int blocked,
                                 const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& leader,
                                 const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighLead,
                                 const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighFollow,
                                 const MSLane& neighLane,
                                 const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
                                 MSVehicle** lastBlocked) {
    if (gSelected.isSelected(GLO_VEHICLE, static_cast<const GUIVehicle*>(&myVehicle)->getGlID())) {
        int bla = 0;
    MSVehicle::LaneQ curr, best;
    int bestLaneOffset = 0;
    SUMOReal currentDist = 0;
    SUMOReal neighDist = 0;
    SUMOReal neighExtDist = 0;
    SUMOReal currExtDist = 0;
    int currIdx = 0;
    for (int p = 0; p < (int) preb.size(); ++p) {
        if (preb[p].lane == myVehicle.getLane()) {
            curr = preb[p];
            bestLaneOffset = curr.bestLaneOffset;
            currentDist = curr.length;
            currExtDist = curr.lane->getLength();
            neighDist = preb[p - 1].length;
            neighExtDist = preb[p - 1].lane->getLength();
            best = preb[p + bestLaneOffset];
            currIdx = p;

    // keep information about being a leader/follower
    int ret = (myOwnState & 0x00ffff00);

    if (leader.first != 0
            (myOwnState & LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE) != 0
            (leader.first->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState()&LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE) != 0) {

        myOwnState &= (0xffffffff - LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE);
        if (myVehicle.getSpeed() > 0.1) {
            myOwnState |= LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER;
        } else {
            ret |= LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER;
            myDontBrake = true;

    // process information about the last blocked vehicle
    //  if this vehicle is blocking someone in front, we maybe decelerate to let him in
    if ((*lastBlocked) != 0) {
        SUMOReal gap = (*lastBlocked)->getPositionOnLane() - (*lastBlocked)->getVehicleType().getLength() - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane() - myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMinGap();
        if (gap > 0.1) {
            if (myVehicle.getSpeed() < ACCEL2SPEED(myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) {
                if ((*lastBlocked)->getSpeed() < 0.1) {
                    ret |= LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER_STANDING;
                } else {
                    ret |= LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER;
                myVSafes.push_back(myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), (SUMOReal)(gap - 0.1), (*lastBlocked)->getSpeed(), (*lastBlocked)->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
                (*lastBlocked) = 0;
            return ret;

    // we try to estimate the distance which is necessary to get on a lane
    //  we have to get on in order to keep our route
    // we assume we need something that depends on our velocity
    // and compare this with the free space on our wished lane
    // if the free space is somehow less than the space we need, we should
    //  definitely try to get to the desired lane
    // this rule forces our vehicle to change the lane if a lane changing is necessary soon
    SUMOReal rv = myVehicle.getSpeed() > LOOK_FORWARD_SPEED_DIVIDER
                  ? myVehicle.getSpeed() * (SUMOReal) LOOK_FORWARD_FAR
                  : myVehicle.getSpeed() * (SUMOReal) LOOK_FORWARD_NEAR;
    rv += myVehicle.getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() * (SUMOReal) 2.;

    SUMOReal tdist = currentDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane() - best.occupation * (SUMOReal) JAM_FACTOR2;

    if (fabs(best.length - curr.length) > MIN2((SUMOReal) .1, best.lane->getLength()) && bestLaneOffset < 0 && currentDistDisallows(tdist/*currentDist*/, bestLaneOffset, rv)) {
        informBlocker(msgPass, blocked, LCA_MRIGHT, neighLead, neighFollow);
        if (neighLead.second > 0 && neighLead.second > leader.second) {
            myVSafes.push_back(myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighLead.second, neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()) - (SUMOReal) 0.5);

        // letting vehicles merge in at the end of the lane in case of counter-lane change, step#1, right
        //   if there is a leader and he wants to change to left (we want to change to right)
        if (neighLead.first != 0 && (neighLead.first->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState()&LCA_LEFT) != 0) {
            // save at least his length in myLeadingBlockerLength
            myLeadingBlockerLength = MAX2(neighLead.first->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap(), myLeadingBlockerLength);
            // save the left space
            myLeftSpace = currentDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane();

        return ret | LCA_RIGHT | LCA_URGENT;

    // the opposite lane-changing direction should be done than the one examined herein
    //  we'll check whether we assume we could change anyhow and get back in time...
    // this rule prevents the vehicle from moving in opposite direction of the best lane
    //  unless the way till the end where the vehicle has to be on the best lane
    //  is long enough
    SUMOReal maxJam = MAX2(preb[currIdx - 1].occupation, preb[currIdx].occupation);
    SUMOReal neighLeftPlace = MAX2((SUMOReal) 0, neighDist - myVehicle.getPositionOnLane() - maxJam);
    if (bestLaneOffset >= 0 && (currentDistDisallows(neighLeftPlace, bestLaneOffset + 2, rv))) {
        // ...we will not change the lane if not
        return ret;

    // if the current lane is the best and a lane-changing would cause a situation
    //  of which we assume we will not be able to return to the lane we have to be on...
    // this rule prevents the vehicle from leaving the current, best lane when it is
    //  close to this lane's end
    if (currExtDist > neighExtDist && (neighLeftPlace * 2. < rv/*||currE[currIdx+1].length<currentDist*/)) {
        return ret;

    // let's also regard the case where the vehicle is driving on a highway...
    //  in this case, we do not want to get to the dead-end of an on-ramp
    if (bestLaneOffset == 0 && preb[currIdx - 1].bestLaneOffset != 0 && myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle) > 80. / 3.6) {
        return ret;
    // --------

    // -------- make place on current lane if blocking follower
    if (amBlockingFollowerPlusNB()
            (currentDistAllows(neighDist, bestLaneOffset, rv) || neighDist >= currentDist)) {

        return ret | LCA_RIGHT | LCA_URGENT;
    // --------

    // -------- security checks for krauss
    //  (vsafe fails when gap<0)
    if ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED) != 0) {
        return ret;
    // --------

    // -------- higher speed
    if ((congested(neighLead.first) && neighLead.second < 20) || predInteraction(leader.first)) { //!!!
        return ret;
    SUMOReal thisLaneVSafe = myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle);
    SUMOReal neighLaneVSafe = neighLane.getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle);
    if (neighLead.first == 0) {
        neighLaneVSafe = MIN2(neighLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighDist, 0, 0));
    } else {
        // @todo: what if leader is below safe gap?!!!
        neighLaneVSafe = MIN2(neighLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighLead.second, neighLead.first->getSpeed(), neighLead.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
    if (leader.first == 0) {
        thisLaneVSafe = MIN2(thisLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), currentDist, 0, 0));
    } else {
        // @todo: what if leader is below safe gap?!!!
        thisLaneVSafe = MIN2(thisLaneVSafe, myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), leader.second, leader.first->getSpeed(), leader.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));

    thisLaneVSafe = MIN2(thisLaneVSafe, myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed());
    neighLaneVSafe = MIN2(neighLaneVSafe, myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed());
    if (thisLaneVSafe - neighLaneVSafe > 5. / 3.6) {
        // ok, the current lane is faster than the right one...
        if (myChangeProbability < 0) {
            myChangeProbability /= 2.0;
    } else {
        // ok, the right lane is faster than the current
        myChangeProbability -= (SUMOReal)((neighLaneVSafe - thisLaneVSafe) / (myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle)));

    // let's recheck the "Rechtsfahrgebot"
    SUMOReal vmax = MIN2(myVehicle.getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(&myVehicle), myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMaxSpeed());
    vmax -= (SUMOReal)(5. / 2.6);
    if (neighLaneVSafe >= vmax) {
#ifndef NO_TRACI
        /* if there was a request by TraCI for changing to this lane
        and holding it, this rule is ignored */
        if (myChangeRequest != MSVehicle::REQUEST_HOLD) {
            myChangeProbability -= (SUMOReal)((neighLaneVSafe - vmax) / (vmax));
#ifndef NO_TRACI

    if (myChangeProbability < -2 && neighDist / MAX2((SUMOReal) .1, myVehicle.getSpeed()) > 20.) { //./MAX2((SUMOReal) .1, myVehicle.getSpeed())) { // -.1
        return ret | LCA_RIGHT | LCA_SPEEDGAIN;
    // --------

#ifndef NO_TRACI
    // If there is a request by TraCI, try to change the lane
    if (myChangeRequest == MSVehicle::REQUEST_RIGHT) {
        return ret | LCA_RIGHT;

    return ret;