Esempio n. 1
void ANNbruteForce::annkSearch(			// approx k near neighbor search
	ANNpoint			q,				// query point
	int					k,				// number of near neighbors to return
	ANNidxArray			nn_idx,			// nearest neighbor indices (returned)
	ANNdistArray		dd,				// dist to near neighbors (returned)
	double				eps)			// error bound (ignored)
	ANNmin_k mk(k);						// construct a k-limited priority queue
	int i;

	if (k > n_pts) {					// too many near neighbors?
		annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort);
										// run every point through queue
	for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
										// compute distance to point
		ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q);
		if (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)
			mk.insert(sqDist, i);
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {			// extract the k closest points
		dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i);
		nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i);
Esempio n. 2
int ANNbruteForce::annkFRSearch(    // approx fixed-radius kNN search
  ANNpoint      q,        // query point
  ANNdist       sqRad,      // squared radius
  int         k,        // number of near neighbors to return
  ANNidxArray     nn_idx,     // nearest neighbor array (returned)
  ANNdistArray    dd,       // dist to near neighbors (returned)
  double        eps)      // error bound
  ANNmin_k mk(k);           // construct a k-limited priority queue
  int i;
  int pts_in_range = 0;       // number of points in query range
                    // run every point through queue
  for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
                    // compute distance to point
    ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q);
    if (sqDist <= sqRad &&      // within radius bound
      (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)) { // ...and no self match
      mk.insert(sqDist, i);
  for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {     // extract the k closest points
    if (dd != NULL)
      dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i);
    if (nn_idx != NULL)
      nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i);

  return pts_in_range;