Esempio n. 1
KHelpMenu::KHelpMenu( QWidget *parent, const KAboutData *aboutData,
		      bool showWhatsThis, KActionCollection *actions )
  : QObject(parent), mMenu(0), mAboutApp(0), mAboutKDE(0), mBugReport(0),
    d(new KHelpMenuPrivate)
  mParent = parent;
  mShowWhatsThis = showWhatsThis;

  d->mAboutData = aboutData;

  if (!aboutData)
    mAboutAppText = QString::null;

  if (actions)
    KStdAction::helpContents(this, SLOT(appHelpActivated()), actions);
    if (showWhatsThis)
      KStdAction::whatsThis(this, SLOT(contextHelpActivated()), actions);
    KStdAction::reportBug(this, SLOT(reportBug()), actions);
    KStdAction::aboutApp(this, SLOT(aboutApplication()), actions);
    KStdAction::aboutKDE(this, SLOT(aboutKDE()), actions);
    KStdAction::switchApplicationLanguage(this, SLOT(switchApplicationLanguage()), actions);
Esempio n. 2
void KfindTop::toolBarInit()
    KIconLoader *loader = kapp->getIconLoader();
    QPixmap icon;

    icon = loader->loadIcon("search.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 0, SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    _kfind, SLOT(startSearch()),
			    TRUE, i18n("Start Search"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("reload.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 1, SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    _kfind, SLOT(newSearch()),
			    TRUE, i18n("New Search"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("stop.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 2, SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    _kfind, SLOT(stopSearch()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Stop Search"));


    icon = loader->loadIcon("openfile.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 3,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Open"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("archive.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 4,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Add to archive"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("delete.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 5,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Delete"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("info.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 6,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Properties"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("fileopen.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 7,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Open Containing Folder"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("save.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 8,SIGNAL(clicked()),
			    FALSE, i18n("Save Search Results"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("contents.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 9, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
			  kapp, SLOT( appHelpActivated() ),
			  TRUE, i18n("Help"));

    icon = loader->loadIcon("exit.xpm");
    _toolBar->insertButton( icon, 10, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          KApplication::getKApplication(), SLOT( quit() ),  
			  TRUE, i18n("Quit"));
Esempio n. 3
KPopupMenu* KHelpMenu::menu()
  if( !mMenu )
    // 1999-12-02 Espen Sand:
    // I use hardcoded menu id's here. Reason is to stay backward
    // compatible.
    const KAboutData *aboutData = d->mAboutData ? d->mAboutData : KGlobal::instance()->aboutData();
    QString appName = (aboutData)? aboutData->programName() : QString::fromLatin1(qApp->name());

    mMenu = new KPopupMenu();
    connect( mMenu, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(menuDestroyed()));

    bool need_separator = false;
    if (kapp->authorizeKAction("help_contents"))
      mMenu->insertItem( BarIcon( "contents", KIcon::SizeSmall),
                     i18n( "%1 &Handbook" ).arg( appName) ,menuHelpContents );
      mMenu->connectItem( menuHelpContents, this, SLOT(appHelpActivated()) );
      mMenu->setAccel( KStdAccel::shortcut(KStdAccel::Help), menuHelpContents );
      need_separator = true;

    if( mShowWhatsThis && kapp->authorizeKAction("help_whats_this") )
      QToolButton* wtb = QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton(0);
      mMenu->insertItem( wtb->iconSet(),i18n( "What's &This" ), menuWhatsThis);
      mMenu->connectItem( menuWhatsThis, this, SLOT(contextHelpActivated()) );
      delete wtb;
      mMenu->setAccel( SHIFT + Key_F1, menuWhatsThis );
      need_separator = true;

    if (kapp->authorizeKAction("help_report_bug") && aboutData && !aboutData->bugAddress().isEmpty() )
      if (need_separator)
      mMenu->insertItem( i18n( "&Report Bug..." ), menuReportBug );
      mMenu->connectItem( menuReportBug, this, SLOT(reportBug()) );
      need_separator = true;

    if (kapp->authorizeKAction("switch_application_language"))
      if (need_separator)
      mMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Switch application &language..." ), menuSwitchLanguage );
      mMenu->connectItem( menuSwitchLanguage, this, SLOT(switchApplicationLanguage()) );
      need_separator = true;
    if (need_separator)

    if (kapp->authorizeKAction("help_about_app"))
      mMenu->insertItem( kapp->miniIcon(),
        i18n( "&About %1" ).arg(appName), menuAboutApp );
      mMenu->connectItem( menuAboutApp, this, SLOT( aboutApplication() ) );
    if (kapp->authorizeKAction("help_about_kde"))
      mMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon("about_kde"), i18n( "About &KDE" ), menuAboutKDE );
      mMenu->connectItem( menuAboutKDE, this, SLOT( aboutKDE() ) );

  return mMenu;
Esempio n. 4
bool KuickShow::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
    if ( m_delayedRepeatItem ) // we probably need to install an eventFilter over
        return true;    // kapp, to make it really safe

    bool ret = false;
    int eventType = e->type();
    QKeyEvent *k = 0L;
    if ( eventType == QEvent::KeyPress )
        k = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>( e );

    if ( k ) {
        if ( KStdAccel::quit().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) {
        else if ( KStdAccel::help().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) {
            return true;

    ImageWindow *window = dynamic_cast<ImageWindow*>( o );

    if ( window ) {
        // The XWindow used to display Imlib's image is being resized when
        // switching images, causing enter- and leaveevents for this
        // ImageWindow, leading to the cursor being unhidden. So we simply
        // don't pass those events to KCursor to prevent that.
        if ( eventType != QEvent::Leave && eventType != QEvent::Enter )
            KCursor::autoHideEventFilter( o, e );

        m_viewer = window;
        QString img;
        KFileItem *item = 0L;      // the image to be shown
        KFileItem *item_next = 0L; // the image to be cached

        if ( k ) { // keypress
            ret = true;
            int key = k->key();

            // Key_Shift shouldn't load the browser in nobrowser mode, it
            // is used for zooming in the imagewindow
            // Key_Alt shouldn't either - otherwise Alt+F4 doesn't work, the
            // F4 gets eaten (by NetAccess' modal dialog maybe?)

            if ( !fileWidget )
                if ( key != Key_Escape && key != Key_Shift && key != Key_Alt )
                    KuickFile *file = m_viewer->currentFile();
//                    QFileInfo fi( m_viewer->filename() );
//                    start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) );
                    initGUI( file->url().upURL() );

                    // the fileBrowser will list the start-directory
                    // asynchronously so we can't immediately continue. There
                    // is no current-item and no next-item (actually no item
                    // at all). So we tell the browser the initial
                    // current-item and wait for it to tell us when it's ready.
                    // Then we will replay this KeyEvent.
                    delayedRepeatEvent( m_viewer, k );

                    // OK, once again, we have a problem with the now async and
                    // sync KDirLister :( If the startDir is already cached by
                    // KDirLister, we won't ever get that finished() signal
                    // because it is emitted before we can connect(). So if
                    // our dirlister has a rootFileItem, we assume the
                    // directory is read already and simply call
                    // slotReplayEvent() without the need for the finished()
                    // signal.

                    // see slotAdvanceImage() for similar code
                    if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->isFinished() )
                        if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->rootItem() )
                            fileWidget->setCurrentItem( file->url().fileName() );
                            QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotReplayEvent()));
                        else // finished, but no root-item -- probably an error, kill repeat-item!
                    else // not finished yet
                        fileWidget->setInitialItem( file->url().fileName() );
                        connect( fileWidget, SIGNAL( finished() ),
                                 SLOT( slotReplayEvent() ));

                    return true;

                return KMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e );

            // we definitely have a fileWidget here!

            KKey kkey( k );
            if ( key == Key_Home || KStdAccel::home().contains( kkey ) )
                item = fileWidget->gotoFirstImage();
                item_next = fileWidget->getNext( false );

            else if ( key == Key_End || KStdAccel::end().contains( kkey ) )
                item = fileWidget->gotoLastImage();
                item_next = fileWidget->getPrevious( false );

            else if ( fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("delete")->shortcut().contains( key ))
                kdDebug() << "WOW, deletion happens here!" << endl;
//      KFileItem *cur = fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false );
                (void) fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false );
                item = fileWidget->getNext( false ); // don't move
                if ( !item )
                    item = fileWidget->getPrevious( false );
                KFileItem it( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown,
                              m_viewer->url() );
                KFileItemList list;
                list.append( &it );
                if ( fileWidget->del(list, window,
                                     (k->state() & ShiftButton) == 0) == 0L )
                    return true; // aborted deletion

                // ### check failure asynchronously and restore old item?
                fileWidget->setCurrentItem( item );

            else if ( m_toggleBrowserAction->shortcut().contains( key ) )
                return true; // don't pass keyEvent

                ret = false;

            if ( FileWidget::isImage( item ) ) {
//                QString filename;
//                KIO::NetAccess::download(item->url(), filename, this);
                m_viewer->showNextImage( item->url() );

                if ( kdata->preloadImage && item_next ) { // preload next image
                    if ( FileWidget::isImage( item_next ) )
                        m_viewer->cacheImage( item_next->url() );

                ret = true; // don't pass keyEvent
        } // keyPressEvent on ImageWindow

        // doubleclick closes image window
        // and shows browser when last window closed via doubleclick
        else if ( eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick )
            QMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->button() == LeftButton )
                if ( s_viewers.count() == 1 )
                    if ( !fileWidget )
//                        KURL start;
//                        QFileInfo fi( window->filename() );
//                        start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) );
                        initGUI( window->currentFile()->url().fileName() );

                window->close( true );

                ret = true;

    } // isA ImageWindow

    if ( ret )
        return true;

    return KMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e );