EquatorialCoordinateGrid::EquatorialCoordinateGrid( SkyComposite *parent ) : CoordinateGrid( parent, i18n("Equatorial Coordinate Grid" ) ) { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); intro(); double eps = 0.1; double minRa = 0.0; double maxRa = 23.0; double dRa = 2.0; double minDec = -80.0; double maxDec = 90.0; double dDec = 20.0; double dDec2 = 4.0; double dRa2 = 0.2; double max, dec, dec2, ra, ra2; LineList* lineList; for ( ra = minRa; ra < maxRa; ra += dRa ) { for ( dec = -90.0; dec < maxDec - eps; dec += dDec ) { lineList = new LineList(); max = dec + dDec; if ( max > 90.0 ) max = 90.0; for ( dec2 = dec; dec2 <= max + eps; dec2 += dDec2 ) { SkyPoint* p = new SkyPoint( ra, dec2 ); p->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() ); lineList->append( p ); } appendLine( lineList ); } } for ( dec = minDec; dec < maxDec + eps; dec += dDec ) { // Do not paint the line on the equator if ( dec < 0.1 && dec > -0.1 ) continue; // Adjust point density int nPoints = int(round( fabs(cos(dec* dms::PI / 180.0)) * dRa / dRa2 )); if ( nPoints < 5 ) nPoints = 5; double dRa3 = dRa / nPoints; for ( ra = minRa; ra < maxRa + eps; ra += dRa ) { lineList = new LineList(); for ( ra2 = ra; ra2 <= ra + dRa + eps; ra2 += dRa3 ) { SkyPoint* p = new SkyPoint( ra2, dec ); p->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() ); lineList->append( p ); } appendLine( lineList ); } } summary(); }
void ConsoleModel::handleProcessFinish(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { if (status == QProcess::CrashExit) { // if it crashed, then use some error exit code exitCode = -99999; appendLine(tr("** crashed")); } else if (exitCode != 0) { appendLine(tr("** error: %1").arg(exitCode)); } emit processExited(exitCode); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void HistoryManager::reset(void) { char *commentbeginsession = NULL; CommandsList.clear(); my_file.reset(); my_file.setDefaultFilename(); my_search.reset(); saveconsecutiveduplicatelines = FALSE; afterhowmanylineshistoryissaved = 0; numberoflinesbeforehistoryissaved = 0; CommandHistoryReset(); /* Add date & time begin session */ commentbeginsession = getCommentDateSession(FALSE); if (commentbeginsession) { appendLine(commentbeginsession); FREE(commentbeginsession); commentbeginsession = NULL; } }
Ecliptic::Ecliptic(SkyComposite *parent ) : LineListIndex( parent, i18n("Ecliptic") ), m_label( name() ) { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); KSNumbers num( data->ut().djd() ); dms elat(0.0), elng(0.0); const double eps = 0.1; const double minRa = 0.0; const double maxRa = 23.0; const double dRa = 2.0; const double dRa2 = 2. / 5.; for(double ra = minRa; ra < maxRa; ra += dRa ) { LineList* lineList = new LineList(); for(double ra2 = ra; ra2 <= ra + dRa + eps; ra2 += dRa2 ) { elng.setH( ra2 ); SkyPoint* o = new SkyPoint(); o->setFromEcliptic( num.obliquity(), elng, elat ); o->setRA0( o->ra().Hours() ); o->setDec0( o->dec().Degrees() ); o->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() ); lineList->append( o ); } appendLine( lineList ); } }
void ConsoleModel::readProcessChannels() { while (m_process->canReadLine()) { QString line = m_process->readLine(); appendLine(line); } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL HistoryManager::reset(void) { char* pstCommentBeginSession = NULL; m_Commands.clear(); m_HF.reset(); m_HF.setDefaultFilename(); m_HS.reset(); m_bAllowConsecutiveCommand = FALSE; m_iSaveLimit = 0; m_iSavedLines = 0; CommandHistoryReset(); /* Add date & time begin session */ pstCommentBeginSession = getCommentDateSession(FALSE); if (pstCommentBeginSession) { appendLine(pstCommentBeginSession); FREE(pstCommentBeginSession); pstCommentBeginSession = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
RoStringBuilder& RoStringBuilder::appendLine(const wchar_t* format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, format); appendLine(RoStringUtil::VFormat(format, argList)); va_end(argList); return *this; }
RoStringBuilder& RoStringBuilder::appendStrLine(const RoString format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, format); appendLine(RoStringUtil::VFormat(format.c_str(), argList)); va_end(argList); return *this; }
bool INIFile::appendLine(const String& data) { if (data[0] == '[') { return appendSection(data); } if (sections_.empty()) return false; return appendLine((*sections_.rbegin()).name_, data); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL HistoryManager::appendLines(char** _pstLines, int _iLines) { for (int i = 0 ; i < _iLines ; i++) { if (appendLine(_pstLines[i]) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
bool INIFile::setContent(const list<String>& lines) { list<String>::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); for (; it != lines.end(); ++it) { if (!appendLine(*it)) return false; } return true; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL HistoryManager::appendLines(char **lines, int nbrlines) { BOOL bOK = TRUE; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbrlines; i++) { if ((lines[i] == NULL) || (!appendLine(lines[i]))) bOK = FALSE; } return bOK; }
bool INIFile::insertValue(const String& section_name, const String& key, const String& value) { // does section exists? if (!section_index_.has(section_name) || hasEntry(section_name, key)) { return false; } String new_line(key + "=" + value); appendLine(section_name, new_line); return true; }
void ProtocolView::processOutput() { int pos; while ( (pos = buf.find('\n')) != -1) { QString line = buf.left(pos); if (!line.isEmpty()) { appendLine(line); emit receivedLine(line); } buf = buf.right(buf.length()-pos-1); } }
bool PrefsFile::priv_newPrefEntry(const QString &prefId, const QString &val) { if (filePath == NULL) return false; QFileInfo checkFile(filePath); if (!checkFile.exists()) { return false; } else { QFile f(filePath); QString appendLine(prefId + " " + val); if (f.open( QIODevice::Append )) { QTextStream wr(&f); wr << "\n" << appendLine; return true; } } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL HistoryManager::loadFromFile(char *filename) { if (filename) { char *commentbeginsession = NULL; std::string name; name.assign(filename); if (my_file.loadFromFile(name) == HISTORY_TRUNCATED) { bTruncated = TRUE; } CommandsList.clear(); CommandsList = my_file.getHistory(); if (CommandsList.size() > 0) { char *firstLine = getFirstLine(); if (firstLine) { if (!isBeginningSessionLine(firstLine)) { fixHistorySession(); } FREE(firstLine); firstLine = NULL; } } /* add date & time @ begin session */ commentbeginsession = getCommentDateSession(FALSE); appendLine(commentbeginsession); FREE(commentbeginsession); commentbeginsession = NULL; CommandHistoryLoadFromFile(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
bool INIFile::insertLine(LineIterator line_it, const String& line) { if (!isValid(line_it)) { Log.error() << "In INIFile " << filename_ << " , error while inserting line: " << line << " . Illegal iterator!" << endl; return false; } if (line_it.isSectionLastLine()) { return appendLine(line_it.getSection()->getName(), line); } Section& section(*line_it.getSection()); // key? if (line.hasSubstring("=", 1)) { String key(line.before("=")); key.trim(); if (section.key_map_.has(key) && check_duplicate_keys_) { Log.error() << "In INIFile " << filename_ << " , error while appending line: " << line << " . Key '" << key << "' already exists in section." << endl; return false; } line_it.getSectionNextLine(); section.key_map_[key] = section.lines_.insert(line_it.position_, line); return true; } line_it.getSectionNextLine(); section.lines_.insert(line_it.position_, line); return true; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL HistoryManager::loadFromFile(char* _pstFilename) { if (_pstFilename) { char* pstCommentBeginSession = NULL; if (m_HF.loadFromFile(_pstFilename) == HISTORY_TRUNCATED) { m_bTruncated = TRUE; } m_Commands.clear(); m_Commands = m_HF.getHistory(); if (m_Commands.size() > 0) { char* pstFirstLine = getFirstLine(); if (pstFirstLine) { if (!isBeginningSessionLine(pstFirstLine)) { fixHistorySession(); } FREE(pstFirstLine); pstFirstLine = NULL; } } /* add date & time @ begin session */ pstCommentBeginSession = getCommentDateSession(FALSE); appendLine(pstCommentBeginSession); FREE(pstCommentBeginSession); pstCommentBeginSession = NULL; CommandHistoryLoadFromFile(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void DisassemblerLines::appendSourceLine(const QString &fileName, uint lineNumber) { if (fileName.isEmpty() || lineNumber == 0) return; lineNumber--; // Fix 1..n range. SourceFileCache *cache = sourceFileCache(); if (fileName != cache->fileName) { cache->fileName = fileName; cache->lines.clear(); QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream ts(&file); cache->lines = ts.readAll().split(QLatin1Char('\n')); } } if (lineNumber >= uint(cache->lines.size())) return; DisassemblerLine dl; dl.lineNumber = lineNumber; dl.data = cache->lines.at(lineNumber); appendLine(dl); }
bool INIFile::read() { // destroy all datastructures - we make a new start // we only keep the filename... clear(); // If the filename is empty, there's no point in opening it... if (filename_ == "") { return false; } // try to open the file ifstream infile(filename_.c_str()); // if we couldn't open the file: abort if (!infile) { return false; } list<Section>::iterator section_it(sections_.begin()); // read all lines from the file std::vector<char> buffer(MAX_LINE_LENGTH); while (infile.getline(&(buffer[0]), MAX_LINE_LENGTH)) { // remove leading blanks String line(&(buffer[0])); line.trimLeft(); // check for comment lines or empty line if (line.empty() || (line[0] == '!') || (line[0] == ';') || (line[0] == '#')) { section_it->lines_.push_back(&(buffer[0])); continue; } // check for start of section if (line[0] == '[') { if (!appendSection(line)) { return false; } section_it++; continue; } // this is neither a comment line nor a section start // line still has to be added if (!appendLine("", line)) { return false; } } // close the file infile.close(); // done. valid_ = true; return true; }
void KviIrcView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if(m_pSelectionInitLine) { killTimer(m_iSelectTimer); m_iSelectTimer = 0; KviIrcViewLine *tempLine=getVisibleLineAt(e->pos().y()); if(tempLine) { m_pSelectionEndLine = tempLine; int iTmp=getVisibleCharIndexAt(m_pSelectionEndLine, e->pos().x(), e->pos().y()); if(iTmp > -1) m_iSelectionEndCharIndex = iTmp; } //check if selection is bottom to top or viceversa KviIrcViewLine *init, *end; int initChar, endChar; if(m_pSelectionInitLine->uIndex == m_pSelectionEndLine->uIndex) { init=m_pSelectionInitLine; end=m_pSelectionEndLine; if(m_iSelectionInitCharIndex<=m_iSelectionEndCharIndex) { //one line ltor selection initChar=m_iSelectionInitCharIndex; endChar=m_iSelectionEndCharIndex; } else { //one line rtol selection initChar=m_iSelectionEndCharIndex; endChar=m_iSelectionInitCharIndex; } } else if(m_pSelectionInitLine->uIndex < m_pSelectionEndLine->uIndex) { //multi line uptobottom selection init=m_pSelectionInitLine; end=m_pSelectionEndLine; initChar=m_iSelectionInitCharIndex; endChar=m_iSelectionEndCharIndex; } else { //multi line bottomtotop selection end=m_pSelectionInitLine; init=m_pSelectionEndLine; initChar=m_iSelectionEndCharIndex; endChar=m_iSelectionInitCharIndex; } tempLine = init; QString szSelectionText; while(tempLine) { if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolRequireControlToCopy) && !m_bCtrlPressed) break; if(tempLine->uIndex == init->uIndex) { if(tempLine->uIndex == end->uIndex) { //selection starts and ends in this line if(m_bShiftPressed) { bool bStarted=false; KviIrcViewLineChunk *pC; for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempLine->uChunkCount; i++) { pC = &tempLine->pChunks[i]; if(bStarted) { if(endChar >= (pC->iTextStart + pC->iTextLen)) { //the entire chunk is included addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, pC->iTextLen)); } else { //ends in this chunk addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, endChar-pC->iTextStart)); break; } } else { if(initChar <= (pC->iTextStart + pC->iTextLen)) { //starts in this chunk addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); if((endChar-initChar) > pC->iTextLen) { //don't end in this chunk szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(initChar, pC->iTextLen-(initChar-pC->iTextStart))); bStarted=true; } else { //ends in this chunk szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(initChar, endChar-initChar)); break; } } } } } else { szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(initChar, endChar-initChar)); } break; } else { // the first line of a multi line selection if(m_bShiftPressed) { bool bStarted=false; KviIrcViewLineChunk *pC; for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempLine->uChunkCount; i++) { pC = &tempLine->pChunks[i]; if(bStarted) { //the entire chunk is included addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, pC->iTextLen)); } else { if(initChar <= (pC->iTextStart + pC->iTextLen)) { //starts in this chunk addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(initChar, pC->iTextLen-(initChar-pC->iTextStart))); bStarted=true; } } } } else { szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(initChar)); } szSelectionText.append("\n"); } } else { if(tempLine->uIndex == end->uIndex) { // the last line of a multi line selection if(m_bShiftPressed) { KviIrcViewLineChunk *pC; for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempLine->uChunkCount; i++) { pC = &tempLine->pChunks[i]; if(endChar >= (pC->iTextStart + pC->iTextLen)) { //the entire chunk is included addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, pC->iTextLen)); } else { //ends in this chunk addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, endChar-pC->iTextStart)); break; } } } else { szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.left(endChar)); } break; } else { //a middle line of a multi line selection if(m_bShiftPressed) { KviIrcViewLineChunk *pC; for(unsigned int i=0;i<tempLine->uChunkCount; i++) { pC = &tempLine->pChunks[i]; //the entire chunk is included addControlCharacter(pC, szSelectionText); szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText.mid(pC->iTextStart, pC->iTextLen)); } } else { szSelectionText.append(tempLine->szText); } szSelectionText.append("\n"); } } tempLine = tempLine->pNext; } QClipboard * c = QApplication::clipboard(); if(c && !szSelectionText.isEmpty()) { // copy to both! c->setText(szSelectionText,QClipboard::Clipboard); if(c->supportsSelection()) c->setText(szSelectionText,QClipboard::Selection); } m_pSelectionInitLine = 0; m_pSelectionEndLine = 0; m_iSelectionInitCharIndex=0; m_iSelectionEndCharIndex=0; } if(m_bMouseIsDown) { m_bMouseIsDown = false; m_bShiftPressed = false; m_bCtrlPressed = false; // Insert the lines blocked while selecting while(KviIrcViewLine * l = m_pMessagesStoppedWhileSelecting->first()) { m_pMessagesStoppedWhileSelecting->removeFirst(); appendLine(l,false); } repaint(); } }
void Console::returnKeyPrompt() { // Clears the prompt buffer thing and appends to command history appendLine(prompt); prompt=""; }
void Console::appendBlankLine() { std::string blank = std::string(getWidth(),' '); appendLine(blank); }
void ConsoleModel::handleProcessError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { Q_UNUSED(error); emit processExited(-88888); // if error, then use some error exit code appendLine(tr("** error")); }
/** print row in PPM format to file stream */ static void printRow( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ FILE* file, /**< output file (or NULL for standard output) */ SCIP_READERDATA* readerdata, /**< information for reader */ SCIP_VAR** vars, /**< array of constraint variables */ SCIP_Real* vals, /**< array of constraint values */ int nvars, /**< number of constraint variables */ int ntotalvars, /**< number of variables */ SCIP_Real maxcoef /**< maximal coefficient */ ) { int v; int i; int j; int red; int green; int blue; char linebuffer[PPM_MAX_LINELEN]; int linecnt; int varindex; int actvarindex; int maxvarindex; int indexvar = 0; char buffer[PPM_MAX_LINELEN]; const unsigned char max = (unsigned char)255; char white[4]; assert( scip != NULL ); assert (nvars > 0); assert (readerdata != NULL); i = 0; varindex = -1; maxvarindex = 0; (void) SCIPsnprintf(white, 4, "%c%c%c", max, max, max); clearLine(linebuffer, &linecnt); /* calculate maximum index of the variables in this constraint */ for( v = 0; v < nvars; ++v ) { if(maxvarindex < SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[v])) maxvarindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[v]); } assert(maxvarindex < ntotalvars); /* print coefficients */ for(v = 0; v < nvars; ++v) { actvarindex = maxvarindex; for(j = 0; j < nvars; ++j) { if( varindex < SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) && SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]) <= actvarindex ) { actvarindex = SCIPvarGetProbindex(vars[j]); indexvar = j; } } varindex = actvarindex; /* fill in white points since these variables indices do not exits in this constraint */ for( ; i < varindex; ++i ) { if(readerdata->rgb_ascii) appendLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt, white); else appendLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt, " 255 255 255 "); } calcColorValue(scip, readerdata, REALABS(vals[indexvar]), &red, &green, &blue, maxcoef); if(readerdata->rgb_ascii) { if(red == 35 || red == 0) red++; if(green==35 || green == 0) green++; if(blue==35 || blue == 0) blue++; (void) SCIPsnprintf(buffer, PPM_MAX_LINELEN, "%c%c%c", (unsigned char)red, (unsigned char)green, (unsigned char)blue); } else (void) SCIPsnprintf(buffer, PPM_MAX_LINELEN, " %d %d %d ", red, green, blue); appendLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt, buffer); i++; } /* fill in white points since these variables indices do not exits in this constraint */ for( ; i < ntotalvars; ++i ) { if(readerdata->rgb_ascii) appendLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt, white); else appendLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt, " 255 255 255 "); } endLine(scip, file, readerdata, linebuffer, &linecnt); }
void DisassemblerLines::appendComment(const QString &line) { DisassemblerLine dl; dl.data = line; appendLine(dl); }