Esempio n. 1
 * Determine the 'jerk' between 2 2D vectors and their speeds. The jerk can be
 * used to obtain an acceptable speed for changing directions between moves.
 * @param x1 x component of first vector
 * @param y1 y component of first vector
 * @param F1 feed rate of first move
 * @param x2 x component of second vector
 * @param y2 y component of second vector
 * @param F2 feed rate of second move
int dda_jerk_size_2d_real(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, uint32_t F1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, uint32_t F2) {
  const int maxlen = 10000;
  // Normalize vectors so their length will be fixed
  // Note: approx_distance is not precise enough and may result in violent direction changes
  //sersendf_P(PSTR("Input vectors: (%ld, %ld) and (%ld, %ld)\r\n"),x1,y1,x2,y2);
  int32_t len = int_sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);
  x1 = (x1 * maxlen) / len;
  y1 = (y1 * maxlen) / len;
  len = int_sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2);
  x2 = (x2 * maxlen) / len;
  y2 = (y2 * maxlen) / len;

  //sersendf_P(PSTR("Normalized vectors: (%ld, %ld) and (%ld, %ld)\r\n"),x1,y1,x2,y2);

  // Now scale the normalized vectors by their speeds
  x1 *= F1; y1 *= F1; x2 *= F2; y2 *= F2;

  //sersendf_P(PSTR("Speed vectors: (%ld, %ld) and (%ld, %ld)\r\n"),x1,y1,x2,y2);

  // The difference between the vectors actually depicts the jerk
  x1 -= x2; y1 -= y2;

  //sersendf_P(PSTR("Jerk vector: (%ld, %ld)\r\n"),x1,y1);

  return approx_distance(x1,y1) / maxlen;
Esempio n. 2
void dda_create(DDA *dda, TARGET *target) {
    uint32_t	distance, c_limit, c_limit_calc;

    // initialise DDA to a known state
    dda->allflags = 0;

    if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA)
        serial_writestr_P(PSTR("\n{DDA_CREATE: ["));

    // we end at the passed target
    memcpy(&(dda->endpoint), target, sizeof(TARGET));

    dda->x_delta = ABS(target->X - startpoint.X);
    dda->y_delta = ABS(target->Y - startpoint.Y);
    dda->z_delta = ABS(target->Z - startpoint.Z);
    dda->e_delta = ABS(target->E - startpoint.E);

    dda->x_direction = (target->X >= startpoint.X)?1:0;
    dda->y_direction = (target->Y >= startpoint.Y)?1:0;
    dda->z_direction = (target->Z >= startpoint.Z)?1:0;
    dda->e_direction = (target->E >= startpoint.E)?1:0;

    if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA) {
        if (dda->x_direction == 0)
        if (dda->y_direction == 0)
        if (dda->z_direction == 0)
        if (dda->e_direction == 0)

        serial_writestr_P(PSTR("] ["));

    dda->total_steps = dda->x_delta;
    if (dda->y_delta > dda->total_steps)
        dda->total_steps = dda->y_delta;
    if (dda->z_delta > dda->total_steps)
        dda->total_steps = dda->z_delta;
    if (dda->e_delta > dda->total_steps)
        dda->total_steps = dda->e_delta;

    if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA) {

    if (dda->total_steps == 0) {
        dda->nullmove = 1;
    else {
        // get steppers ready to go
        steptimeout = 0;

        dda->x_counter = dda->y_counter = dda->z_counter = dda->e_counter =
                                              -(dda->total_steps >> 1);

        // since it's unusual to combine X, Y and Z changes in a single move on reprap, check if we can use simpler approximations before trying the full 3d approximation.
        if (dda->z_delta == 0)
            distance = approx_distance(dda->x_delta * UM_PER_STEP_X, dda->y_delta * UM_PER_STEP_Y);
        else if (dda->x_delta == 0 && dda->y_delta == 0)
            distance = dda->z_delta * UM_PER_STEP_Z;
            distance = approx_distance_3(dda->x_delta * UM_PER_STEP_X, dda->y_delta * UM_PER_STEP_Y, dda->z_delta * UM_PER_STEP_Z);

        if (distance < 2)
            distance = dda->e_delta * UM_PER_STEP_E;

        if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA) {

        // pre-calculate move speed in millimeter microseconds per step minute for less math in interrupt context
        // mm (distance) * 60000000 us/min / step (total_steps) = per step.min
        //   note: um (distance) * 60000 == mm * 60000000
        // so in the interrupt we must simply calculate
        // per step.min / mm per min (F) = us per step

        // break this calculation up a bit and lose some precision because 300,000um * 60000 is too big for a uint32
        // calculate this with a uint64 if you need the precision, but it'll take longer so routines with lots of short moves may suffer
        // 2^32/6000 is about 715mm which should be plenty

        // changed * 10 to * (F_CPU / 100000) so we can work in cpu_ticks rather than microseconds.
        // timer.c setTimer() routine altered for same reason

        // changed distance * 6000 .. * F_CPU / 100000 to
        //         distance * 2400 .. * F_CPU / 40000 so we can move a distance of up to 1800mm without overflowing
        uint32_t move_duration = ((distance * 2400) / dda->total_steps) * (F_CPU / 40000);

        // similarly, find out how fast we can run our axes.
        // do this for each axis individually, as the combined speed of two or more axes can be higher than the capabilities of a single one.
        c_limit = 0;
        c_limit_calc = ( (dda->x_delta * (UM_PER_STEP_X * 2400L)) / dda->total_steps * (F_CPU / 40000) / MAXIMUM_FEEDRATE_X) << 8;
        if (c_limit_calc > c_limit)
            c_limit = c_limit_calc;
        c_limit_calc = ( (dda->y_delta * (UM_PER_STEP_Y * 2400L)) / dda->total_steps * (F_CPU / 40000) / MAXIMUM_FEEDRATE_Y) << 8;
        if (c_limit_calc > c_limit)
            c_limit = c_limit_calc;
        c_limit_calc = ( (dda->z_delta * (UM_PER_STEP_Z * 2400L)) / dda->total_steps * (F_CPU / 40000) / MAXIMUM_FEEDRATE_Z) << 8;
        if (c_limit_calc > c_limit)
            c_limit = c_limit_calc;
        c_limit_calc = ( (dda->e_delta * (UM_PER_STEP_E * 2400L)) / dda->total_steps * (F_CPU / 40000) / MAXIMUM_FEEDRATE_E) << 8;
        if (c_limit_calc > c_limit)
            c_limit = c_limit_calc;

        // c is initial step time in IOclk ticks
        dda->c = (move_duration / startpoint.F) << 8;
        if (dda->c < c_limit)
            dda->c = c_limit;
        dda->end_c = (move_duration / target->F) << 8;
        if (dda->end_c < c_limit)
            dda->end_c = c_limit;

        if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA) {
            serwrite_uint32(dda->c >> 8);

        if (dda->c != dda->end_c) {
            uint32_t stF = startpoint.F / 4;
            uint32_t enF = target->F / 4;
            // now some constant acceleration stuff, courtesy of
            uint32_t ssq = (stF * stF);
            uint32_t esq = (enF * enF);
            int32_t dsq = (int32_t) (esq - ssq) / 4;

            uint8_t msb_ssq = msbloc(ssq);
            uint8_t msb_tot = msbloc(dda->total_steps);

            // the raw equation WILL overflow at high step rates, but 64 bit math routines take waay too much space
            // at 65536 mm/min (1092mm/s), ssq/esq overflows, and dsq is also close to overflowing if esq/ssq is small
            // but if ssq-esq is small, ssq/dsq is only a few bits
            // we'll have to do it a few different ways depending on the msb locations of each
            if ((msb_tot + msb_ssq) <= 30) {
                // we have room to do all the multiplies first
                if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA)
                dda->n = ((int32_t) (dda->total_steps * ssq) / dsq) + 1;
            else if (msb_tot >= msb_ssq) {
                // total steps has more precision
                if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA)
                dda->n = (((int32_t) dda->total_steps / dsq) * (int32_t) ssq) + 1;
            else {
                // otherwise
                if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA)
                dda->n = (((int32_t) ssq / dsq) * (int32_t) dda->total_steps) + 1;

            if (debug_flags & DEBUG_DDA) {
                sersendf_P(PSTR("\n{DDA:CA end_c:%lu, n:%ld, md:%lu, ssq:%lu, esq:%lu, dsq:%lu, msbssq:%u, msbtot:%u}\n"),
                           (long unsigned int)dda->end_c >> 8,
                           (long int)dda->n,
                           (long unsigned int)move_duration,
                           (long unsigned int)ssq,
                           (long unsigned int)esq,
                           (long unsigned int)dsq,