int DB_init() { apr_pool_t *p = NULL; apr_pool_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&p, NULL); if (access(DB_DIR, W_OK | X_OK) == -1) { apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive(DB_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD | APR_GWRITE | APR_GEXECUTE, p); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to make database dir: %s", DB_DIR); } if (access(DB_FILE, W_OK) == -1) { FILE *db = DB_open(DB_FILE, "w"); check(db, "Cannot open database: %s", DB_FILE); DB_close(db); } apr_pool_destroy(p); return 0; error: apr_pool_destroy(p); return -1; }
int DB_init() { apr_pool_t *p = NULL; apr_pool_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&p, NULL); if(access(DB_DIR, W_OK|X_OK) == -1){ apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive(DB_DIR, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD|APR_GWRITE|APR_GEXECUTE, p); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Could not open %s.", DB_DIR); } else { debug("Access to %s is okay", DB_DIR); } if(access(DB_FILE, W_OK) == -1){ FILE *db = DB_open(DB_FILE, "w"); check(db, "Could not open %s.", DB_FILE); DB_close(db); } else { debug("No need to create db file %s", DB_FILE); } apr_pool_destroy(p); return 0; error: apr_pool_destroy(p); return -1; }
int DB_init() { apr_pool_t *p = NULL;// apr_pool_t被封装了,只能通过API对其进行操作 apr_pool_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&p, NULL); // 创建memory pool,返回apr_status_t类型的状态码 // 确定DB_DIR是否存在、是否有写和执行权限,成功返回0,否则-1 if(access(DB_DIR, W_OK | X_OK) == -1) { // 权限测试失败,可能是DB_DIR不存在,尝试创建 apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive(DB_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD | APR_GWRITE | APR_GEXECUTE, p); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to make database dir: %s", DB_DIR); } // 确定DB_FILE是否存在、是否有写权限 if(access(DB_FILE, W_OK) == -1) { // 权限测试失败,可能是DB_FILE不存在,尝试创建 FILE *db = DB_open(DB_FILE, "w"); check(db, "Cannot open database: %s", DB_FILE); DB_close(db); } apr_pool_destroy(p); return 0; error: apr_pool_destroy(p); return -1; }
/* * Sets into the saved_request the designated filename, according to configured base * directory and request data (URI, headers, etc). Also creates the base directory if it * doesn't exist */ static int set_filename(tee_saved_request *sr) { apr_time_exp_t t; apr_time_exp_gmt(&t, sr->time_enqueued); // Obtaining directory name const char *dir; dir = apr_psprintf(sr->pool, "%s/%04d%02d%02d/%02d", sr->base_dir, 1900 + t.tm_year, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour); // Creating directory if needed apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive(dir, APR_FPROT_OS_DEFAULT, sr->pool); if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, sr->server, "tee: Cannot create directory %s: %s", dir, tee_get_error_string(rc, sr->pool)); return 1; } // Setting file name unsigned long file_id = ((unsigned long) t.tm_min * 60 + t.tm_sec) * 1000000 + t.tm_usec; // usec in hour char b[MAX_FILENAME_LEN]; // Filename is cut in case the URI is too long const char *rec_id = get_header_value(sr, sr->id_header, ""); const char *host = get_header_value(sr, "Host", ""); apr_snprintf(b, MAX_FILENAME_LEN, "%010lu_%s_%s_%s%s", file_id, rec_id, sr->method, host, sr->uri); tee_replace(b, "/", '_'); // Replace the slash (invalid character in file names) sr->filename = apr_psprintf(sr->pool, "%s/%s_%d", dir, b, sr->status); return 0; }
apr_status_t kahanaIOMakeDir( apr_pool_t *p, apr_fileperms_t perm, ... ) { apr_status_t rc = APR_SUCCESS; const char *path = NULL; va_list args; va_start( args, perm ); while( ( path = va_arg( args, const char* ) ) ) { // check dir if( ( rc = kahanaIOPathTypeIs( p, path, APR_DIR, 0 ) ) && rc != APR_NOTFOUND && rc != APR_ENOENT ){ break; } else if( rc == APR_ENOENT ) { if( ( rc = apr_dir_make_recursive( path, perm, p ) ) ){ kahanaLogPut( NULL, NULL, "failed to apr_dir_make_recursive(): %s", STRERROR_APR( rc ) ); break; } } } va_end(args); return rc; }
int DB_init() { apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *mp; rv = apr_initialize(); assert(rv == APR_SUCCESS); apr_pool_create(&mp, NULL); if (access(DB_DIR, W_OK | X_OK) == -1) { apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive( DB_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD | APR_GWRITE | APR_GEXECUTE, mp ); assert(rc == APR_SUCCESS); } if (access(DB_FILE, W_OK) == -1) { FILE *db = DB_open(DB_FILE, "w"); assert(db != NULL); DB_close(db); } apr_pool_destroy(mp); apr_terminate(); return 0; }
bool make(const std::string& path, int perms, bool recursive){ apr_fileperms_t apr_perms = APR_FPROT_UREAD | APR_FPROT_UWRITE | APR_FPROT_UEXECUTE; if(recursive){ return APR_SUCCESS == check_apr(apr_dir_make_recursive(path.c_str(), apr_perms, mPool)); } else { return APR_SUCCESS == check_apr(apr_dir_make(path.c_str(), apr_perms, mPool)); } }
int DB_init() { apr_pool_t *p = NULL; apr_pool_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&p, NULL); if (access(DB_DIR, W_OK | X_OK) == -1) { apr_status_t rc = apr_dir_make_recursive(DB_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GREAD | APR_GWRITE | APR_GEXECUTE, p); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to make database dir: %s", DB_DIR) }
int lua_apr_dir_make_recursive(lua_State *L) { apr_status_t status; apr_pool_t *memory_pool; const char *filepath; apr_fileperms_t permissions; memory_pool = to_pool(L); filepath = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); permissions = check_permissions(L, 2, 0); status = apr_dir_make_recursive(filepath, permissions, memory_pool); return push_status(L, status); }
static void test_mkdir_recurs(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_status_t rv; apr_finfo_t finfo; rv = apr_dir_make_recursive("data/one/two/three", APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, rv); rv = apr_stat(&finfo, "data/one", APR_FINFO_TYPE, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, rv); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_DIR, finfo.filetype); rv = apr_stat(&finfo, "data/one/two", APR_FINFO_TYPE, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, rv); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_DIR, finfo.filetype); rv = apr_stat(&finfo, "data/one/two/three", APR_FINFO_TYPE, p); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_SUCCESS, rv); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, APR_DIR, finfo.filetype); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_dir_make(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *arg; nx_value_t path; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); arg = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(arg != NULL); ASSERT(arg->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &path, arg->expr); if ( path.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'path' is undef"); } if ( path.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&path); throw_msg("string type required for 'path'"); } pool = nx_pool_create_core(); if ( (rv = apr_dir_make_recursive(path.string->buf, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to create directory '%s'", path.string->buf); } apr_pool_destroy(pool); nx_value_kill(&path); }
/** * \brief write tile data to disk * * writes the content of mapcache_tile::data to disk. * \returns MAPCACHE_FAILURE if there is no data to write, or if the tile isn't locked * \returns MAPCACHE_SUCCESS if the tile has been successfully written to disk * \private \memberof mapcache_cache_disk * \sa mapcache_cache::tile_set() */ static void _mapcache_cache_disk_set(mapcache_context *ctx, mapcache_cache *pcache, mapcache_tile *tile) { apr_size_t bytes; apr_file_t *f; apr_status_t ret; char errmsg[120]; char *filename, *hackptr1, *hackptr2=NULL; mapcache_cache_disk *cache = (mapcache_cache_disk*)pcache; const int creation_retry = cache->creation_retry; int retry_count_create_file = 0; #ifdef DEBUG /* all this should be checked at a higher level */ if(!tile->encoded_data && !tile->raw_image) { ctx->set_error(ctx,500,"attempting to write empty tile to disk"); return; } if(!tile->encoded_data && !tile->tileset->format) { ctx->set_error(ctx,500,"received a raw tile image for a tileset with no format"); return; } #endif cache->tile_key(ctx, cache, tile, &filename); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); /* find the location of the last '/' in the string */ hackptr1 = filename; while(*hackptr1) { if(*hackptr1 == '/') hackptr2 = hackptr1; hackptr1++; } *hackptr2 = '\0'; if(APR_SUCCESS != (ret = apr_dir_make_recursive(filename,APR_OS_DEFAULT,ctx->pool))) { /* * apr_dir_make_recursive sometimes sends back this error, although it should not. * ignore this one */ if(!APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(ret)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create directory %s: %s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; } } *hackptr2 = '/'; ret = apr_file_remove(filename,ctx->pool); if(ret != APR_SUCCESS && !APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(ret)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to remove file %s: %s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); } #ifdef HAVE_SYMLINK if(cache->symlink_blank) { if(!tile->raw_image) { tile->raw_image = mapcache_imageio_decode(ctx, tile->encoded_data); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); } if(mapcache_image_blank_color(tile->raw_image) != MAPCACHE_FALSE) { char *blankname; int retry_count_create_symlink = 0; char *blankname_rel = NULL; _mapcache_cache_disk_blank_tile_key(ctx,cache,tile,tile->raw_image->data,&blankname); if(apr_file_open(&f, blankname, APR_FOPEN_READ, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ctx->pool) != APR_SUCCESS) { int isLocked; void *lock; char *blankdirname; if(!tile->encoded_data) { tile->encoded_data = tile->tileset->format->write(ctx, tile->raw_image, tile->tileset->format); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); } /* create the blank file */ blankdirname = apr_psprintf(ctx->pool, "%s/%s/%s/blanks", cache->base_directory, tile->tileset->name, tile->grid_link->grid->name); if(APR_SUCCESS != (ret = apr_dir_make_recursive( blankdirname, APR_OS_DEFAULT,ctx->pool))) { if(!APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(ret)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create directory %s for blank tiles",blankdirname, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; } } /* aquire a lock on the blank file */ isLocked = mapcache_lock_or_wait_for_resource(ctx,ctx->config->locker,blankname, &lock); if(isLocked == MAPCACHE_TRUE) { if((ret = apr_file_open(&f, blankname, APR_FOPEN_CREATE|APR_FOPEN_WRITE|APR_FOPEN_BUFFERED|APR_FOPEN_BINARY, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ctx->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create file %s: %s",blankname, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); mapcache_unlock_resource(ctx,ctx->config->locker,blankname, lock); return; /* we could not create the file */ } bytes = (apr_size_t)tile->encoded_data->size; ret = apr_file_write(f,(void*)tile->encoded_data->buf,&bytes); if(ret != APR_SUCCESS) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to write data to file %s (wrote %d of %d bytes): %s",blankname, (int)bytes, (int)tile->encoded_data->size, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); mapcache_unlock_resource(ctx,ctx->config->locker,blankname, lock); return; /* we could not create the file */ } if(bytes != tile->encoded_data->size) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to write image data to %s, wrote %d of %d bytes", blankname, (int)bytes, (int)tile->encoded_data->size); mapcache_unlock_resource(ctx,ctx->config->locker,blankname, lock); return; } apr_file_close(f); mapcache_unlock_resource(ctx,ctx->config->locker,blankname, lock); #ifdef DEBUG ctx->log(ctx,MAPCACHE_DEBUG,"created blank tile %s",blankname); #endif } } else { apr_file_close(f); } /* * compute the relative path between tile and blank tile */ blankname_rel = relative_path(ctx,filename, blankname); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); /* * depending on configuration symlink creation will retry if it fails. * this can happen on nfs mounted network storage. * the solution is to create the containing directory again and retry the symlink creation. */ while(symlink(blankname_rel, filename) != 0) { retry_count_create_symlink++; if(retry_count_create_symlink > creation_retry) { char *error = strerror(errno); ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to link tile %s to %s: %s",filename, blankname_rel, error); return; /* we could not create the file */ } *hackptr2 = '\0'; if(APR_SUCCESS != (ret = apr_dir_make_recursive(filename,APR_OS_DEFAULT,ctx->pool))) { if(!APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(ret)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create symlink, can not create directory %s: %s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; /* we could not create the file */ } } *hackptr2 = '/'; } #ifdef DEBUG ctx->log(ctx, MAPCACHE_DEBUG, "linked blank tile %s to %s",filename,blankname); #endif return; } } #endif /*HAVE_SYMLINK*/ /* go the normal way: either we haven't configured blank tile detection, or the tile was not blank */ if(!tile->encoded_data) { tile->encoded_data = tile->tileset->format->write(ctx, tile->raw_image, tile->tileset->format); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); } /* * depending on configuration file creation will retry if it fails. * this can happen on nfs mounted network storage. * the solution is to create the containing directory again and retry the file creation. */ while((ret = apr_file_open(&f, filename, APR_FOPEN_CREATE|APR_FOPEN_WRITE|APR_FOPEN_BUFFERED|APR_FOPEN_BINARY, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ctx->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) { retry_count_create_file++; if(retry_count_create_file > creation_retry) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create file %s: %s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; /* we could not create the file */ } *hackptr2 = '\0'; if(APR_SUCCESS != (ret = apr_dir_make_recursive(filename,APR_OS_DEFAULT,ctx->pool))) { if(!APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(ret)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to create file, can not create directory %s: %s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; /* we could not create the file */ } } *hackptr2 = '/'; } bytes = (apr_size_t)tile->encoded_data->size; ret = apr_file_write(f,(void*)tile->encoded_data->buf,&bytes); if(ret != APR_SUCCESS) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to write data to file %s (wrote %d of %d bytes): %s",filename, (int)bytes, (int)tile->encoded_data->size, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; /* we could not create the file */ } if(bytes != tile->encoded_data->size) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to write image data to %s, wrote %d of %d bytes", filename, (int)bytes, (int)tile->encoded_data->size); } ret = apr_file_close(f); if(ret != APR_SUCCESS) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "failed to close file %s:%s",filename, apr_strerror(ret,errmsg,120)); return; /* we could not create the file */ } }
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_dir_make_recursive(const char *path, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) { return apr_dir_make_recursive(path, perm, pool); }
apr_status_t procmgr_post_config(server_rec * main_server, apr_pool_t * configpool) { apr_status_t rv; apr_finfo_t finfo; fcgid_server_conf *sconf = ap_get_module_config(main_server->module_config, &fcgid_module); /* Calculate procmgr_fetch_cmd wake up interval */ g_wakeup_timeout = fcgid_min(sconf->error_scan_interval, sconf->busy_scan_interval); g_wakeup_timeout = fcgid_min(sconf->idle_scan_interval, g_wakeup_timeout); if (g_wakeup_timeout == 0) g_wakeup_timeout = 1; /* Make it reasonable */ rv = apr_stat(&finfo, sconf->sockname_prefix, APR_FINFO_USER, configpool); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { /* Make dir for unix domain socket */ if ((rv = apr_dir_make_recursive(sconf->sockname_prefix, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, configpool)) != APR_SUCCESS) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, main_server, "mod_fcgid: Can't create unix socket dir %s", sconf->sockname_prefix); exit(1); } /* Child processes need to be able to create sockets in the unix * socket dir. Change the ownership to the child user only if * running as root and we just successfully created the directory * (avoiding any concerns about changing the target of a link * created by another user). * * If the directory already existed and was owned by a different user, * FastCGI requests will fail at steady state, and manual intervention * will be required. */ if (!geteuid()) { if (chown(sconf->sockname_prefix, ap_unixd_config.user_id, -1) < 0) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, errno, main_server, "mod_fcgid: Can't set ownership of unix socket dir %s", sconf->sockname_prefix); exit(1); } } } /* Create pipes to communicate between process manager and apache */ if ((rv = apr_file_pipe_create(&g_pm_read_pipe, &g_ap_write_pipe, configpool)) != APR_SUCCESS || (rv = apr_file_pipe_create(&g_ap_read_pipe, &g_pm_write_pipe, configpool))) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, main_server, "mod_fcgid: Can't create pipe between PM and stub"); return rv; } /* Create mutex for pipe reading and writing */ rv = fcgid_mutex_create(&g_pipelock, &g_pipelock_name, g_pipelock_mutex_type, main_server->process->pconf, main_server); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { exit(1); } /* Create process manager process */ return create_process_manager(main_server, configpool); }
char* cc_initGlobals(pool* p,cc_globals* globals){ if(globals->logsDir!=NULL){ apr_dir_make_recursive(globals->logsDir,APR_OS_DEFAULT,p); } return NULL; }
int Command_fetch(apr_pool_t *p, const char *url, int fetch_only) { int rc = 0; const char *depends_file = NULL; // create the uri as an apr type // see // all you need to know for this program is that: // - port of 0 indicates a default / a port-less url // - path is the url as a string // - scheme is the protocol (e.g. http, ftp, etc). I *think* this allows // us to give plain old file paths if we want to, and then scheme would // be null. The code seems to suggest it, anyway. apr_uri_t info = { .port = 0 }; apr_status_t rv = apr_uri_parse(p, url, &info); check(rv = APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to parse URL: %s", url); // apr_fnmatch is apr's filename expression matcher. It follows roughly // the same rules as filename expansion in bash. The last entry can be // used to set flags that modify the pattern matching. 0 leads to defaults. // -> It returns either APR_SUCCESS or APR_FNM_NOMATCH. if (apr_fnmatch(GIT_PAT, info.path, 0) == APR_SUCCESS) { rc = Shell_exec(GIT_SH, "URL", url, NULL); check(rc == 0, "git failed."); } else if (apr_fnmatch(DEPEND_PAT, info.path, 0) == APR_SUCCESS) { // we want to call Command_depends after downloading. check (!fetch_only, "No point in fetching a DEPENDS file"); // download to depends_file, unless url is a local path. if (info.scheme) { depends_file = DEPENDS_PATH; rc = Shell_exec(CURL_SH, "URL", url, "TARGET", depends_file, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Curl failed."); } else { depends_file = info.path; } // recursively process the devpkg list log_info("Building according to DEPENDS: %s", url); rv = Command_depends(p, depends_file); check(rv == 0, "Failed to process the DEPENDS: %s", url); // return 0 because we don't actually install anything in *this* // command .. although we may have in Command_depends. A return code // of 1 means that we still need to build/install, which is not the // case here. return 0; } else if (apr_fnmatch(TAR_GZ_PAT, info.path, 0) == APR_SUCCESS) { // download if needed if (info.scheme) { rc = Shell_exec(CURL_SH, "URL", url, "TARGET", TAR_GZ_SRC, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to curl source %s", url); } // build. See db.c for a discussion of the apr call. rv = apr_dir_make_recursive( BUILD_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, p ); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to make directory %s", BUILD_DIR); rc = Shell_exec(TAR_SH, "FILE", TAR_GZ_SRC, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to untar %s", TAR_GZ_SRC); } else if (apr_fnmatch(TAR_BZ2_PAT, info.path, 0) == APR_SUCCESS) { /* (note: this is copy-paste code - C kinda encourages this sometimes) * Zed has a small bug in this code: he redefines rc as apr_status_t * and then uses it for the output of Shell_exec. It works, but oops. I * fixed it by using copy-pasted code from the preceding block. */ // download if needed if (info.scheme) { rc = Shell_exec(CURL_SH, "URL", url, "TARGET", TAR_BZ2_SRC, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to curl source %s", url); } // build. See db.c for a discussion of the apr call. rv = apr_dir_make_recursive( BUILD_DIR, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, p ); check(rc == APR_SUCCESS, "Failed to make directory %s", BUILD_DIR); rc = Shell_exec(TAR_SH, "FILE", TAR_BZ2_SRC, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to untar %s", TAR_BZ2_SRC); } else { sentinel("Dont know how to handle this type of url: %s", url); } return 1; // indicates an install was actually run... the only // non-error case where we get a different code is DEPEND. error: return -1; } int Command_build( apr_pool_t *p, const char *url, const char *configure_opts, const char *make_opts, const char *install_opts ) { int rc = 0; // check that build dir exists check(access(BUILD_DIR, X_OK | R_OK | W_OK) == 0, "Build directory doesn't exist: %s", BUILD_DIR); // if there's a config script, run it. if (access(CONFIG_SCRIPT, X_OK) == 0) { log_info("Has config script, running it."); rc = Shell_exec(CONFIGURE_SH, "OPTS", configure_opts, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to configure."); } // make rc = Shell_exec(MAKE_SH, "OPTS", make_opts, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to build."); // install. Note that if you pass install options, they have to // include the work "install", since we only add it if there aren't any lol rc = Shell_exec( INSTALL_SH, "TARGET", install_opts? install_opts : "install", NULL ); check(rc == 0, "Failed to install."); // clean up rc = Shell_exec(CLEANUP_SH, NULL); check(rc == 0, "Failed to cleanup after build."); // update the db rc = DB_update(url); check(rc == 0, "Failed to add this package to the database."); return 0; error: return -1; }
/** * Try obtain a cache wide lock on the given cache key. * * If we return APR_SUCCESS, we obtained the lock, and we are clear to * proceed to the backend. If we return APR_EEXIST, then the lock is * already locked, someone else has gone to refresh the backend data * already, so we must return stale data with a warning in the mean * time. If we return anything else, then something has gone pear * shaped, and we allow the request through to the backend regardless. * * This lock is created from the request pool, meaning that should * something go wrong and the lock isn't deleted on return of the * request headers from the backend for whatever reason, at worst the * lock will be cleaned up when the request dies or finishes. * * If something goes truly bananas and the lock isn't deleted when the * request dies, the lock will be trashed when its max-age is reached, * or when a request arrives containing a Cache-Control: no-cache. At * no point is it possible for this lock to permanently deny access to * the backend. */ apr_status_t cache_try_lock(cache_server_conf *conf, cache_request_rec *cache, request_rec *r) { apr_status_t status; const char *lockname; const char *path; char dir[5]; apr_time_t now = apr_time_now(); apr_finfo_t finfo; apr_file_t *lockfile; void *dummy; finfo.mtime = 0; if (!conf || !conf->lock || !conf->lockpath) { /* no locks configured, leave */ return APR_SUCCESS; } /* lock already obtained earlier? if so, success */ apr_pool_userdata_get(&dummy, CACHE_LOCKFILE_KEY, r->pool); if (dummy) { return APR_SUCCESS; } /* create the key if it doesn't exist */ if (!cache->key) { cache_generate_key(r, r->pool, &cache->key); } /* create a hashed filename from the key, and save it for later */ lockname = ap_cache_generate_name(r->pool, 0, 0, cache->key); /* lock files represent discrete just-went-stale URLs "in flight", so * we support a simple two level directory structure, more is overkill. */ dir[0] = '/'; dir[1] = lockname[0]; dir[2] = '/'; dir[3] = lockname[1]; dir[4] = 0; /* make the directories */ path = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, conf->lockpath, dir, NULL); if (APR_SUCCESS != (status = apr_dir_make_recursive(path, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE, r->pool))) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(00778) "Could not create a cache lock directory: %s", path); return status; } lockname = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, path, "/", lockname, NULL); apr_pool_userdata_set(lockname, CACHE_LOCKNAME_KEY, NULL, r->pool); /* is an existing lock file too old? */ status = apr_stat(&finfo, lockname, APR_FINFO_MTIME | APR_FINFO_NLINK, r->pool); if (!(APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(status)) && APR_SUCCESS != status) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_EEXIST, r, APLOGNO(00779) "Could not stat a cache lock file: %s", lockname); return status; } if ((status == APR_SUCCESS) && (((now - finfo.mtime) > conf->lockmaxage) || (now < finfo.mtime))) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, status, r, APLOGNO(00780) "Cache lock file for '%s' too old, removing: %s", r->uri, lockname); apr_file_remove(lockname, r->pool); } /* try obtain a lock on the file */ if (APR_SUCCESS == (status = apr_file_open(&lockfile, lockname, APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_EXCL | APR_DELONCLOSE, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE, r->pool))) { apr_pool_userdata_set(lockfile, CACHE_LOCKFILE_KEY, NULL, r->pool); } return status; }