Esempio n. 1
File: arg_int.c Progetto: EQ4/smafe
struct arg_int* arg_int1(const char* shortopts,
                         const char* longopts,
                         const char *datatype,
                         const char *glossary)
    return arg_intn(shortopts,longopts,datatype,1,1,glossary);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct arg_int  *val = arg_intn(NULL,NULL,NULL,2,100,"must be an even number of non-zero integer values that sum to 100");
    struct arg_end  *end = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {val,end};
    const char* progname = "callbacks";
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;
    int i;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* replace the default arg_int parsing and error validation routines with our own custom routines */
    val->hdr.scanfn  = (arg_scanfn*)myscanfn;
    val->hdr.checkfn = (arg_checkfn*)mycheckfn;
    val->hdr.errorfn = (arg_errorfn*)myerrorfn;

    /* special case: no command line options induces brief help */
    if (argc==1)
        printf("Usage: %s ", progname);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"where: %s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        goto exit;

    /* parsing was succesful, print the values obtained */
    for (i=0; i<val->count; i++)
        printf("val->ival[%d] = %d\n",i, val->ival[i]);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Define our variables.
    FILE* load;
    uint16_t flash[0x10000];
    char leading[0x100];
    unsigned int i;
    bool uread = true;
    vm_t* vm;
    int nerrors;
    bstring ss, st;
    host_context_t* dtemu = malloc(sizeof(host_context_t));
    const char* warnprefix = "no-";

    // Define arguments.
    struct arg_lit* show_help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "Show this help.");
    struct arg_file* input_file = arg_file1(NULL, NULL, "<file>", "The input file, or - to read from standard input.");
    struct arg_file* execution_dump_file = arg_file0("e", "execution-dump", "<file>", "Produce a very large execution dump file.");
    struct arg_lit* debug_mode = arg_lit0("d", "debug", "Show each executed instruction.");
    struct arg_lit* terminate_mode = arg_lit0("t", "show-on-terminate", "Show state of machine when program is terminated.");
    struct arg_lit* headless_mode = arg_lit0("h", "headless", "Run machine witout displaying monitor and SPED output");
    struct arg_lit* legacy_mode = arg_lit0("l", "legacy", "Automatically initialize hardware to legacy values.");
    struct arg_str* warning_policies = arg_strn("W", NULL, "policy", 0, _WARN_COUNT * 2 + 10, "Modify warning policies.");
    struct arg_lit* little_endian_mode = arg_lit0(NULL, "little-endian", "Use little endian serialization (for compatibility with older versions).");
    struct arg_lit* verbose = arg_litn("v", NULL, 0, LEVEL_EVERYTHING - LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Increase verbosity.");
    struct arg_lit* quiet = arg_litn("q", NULL,  0, LEVEL_DEFAULT - LEVEL_SILENT, "Decrease verbosity.");
    struct arg_int* radiation = arg_intn("r", NULL, "<n>", 0, 1, "Radiation factor (higher is less radiation)");
    struct arg_lit* catch_fire = arg_lit0("c", "catch-fire", "The virtual machine should catch fire instead of halting.");
    struct arg_end* end = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = { input_file, warning_policies, debug_mode, execution_dump_file, terminate_mode, headless_mode, legacy_mode, little_endian_mode, radiation, catch_fire, verbose, quiet, end };

    // Parse arguments.
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);

    if (nerrors != 0 || show_help->count != 0)
        if (show_help->count != 0)
            arg_print_errors(stdout, end, "emulator");

        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "syntax:\n    dtemu");
        arg_print_syntax(stderr, argtable, "\n");
        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "options:\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stderr, argtable, "      %-25s %s\n");
        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
        return 1;

    // Set verbosity level.
    debug_setlevel(LEVEL_DEFAULT + verbose->count - quiet->count);
    // Show version information.

    // Set global path variable.

    // Set endianness.
    isetmode(little_endian_mode->count == 0 ? IMODE_BIG : IMODE_LITTLE);

    // Set up warning policies.
    // Set up error handling.
    if (dsethalt())
        // Handle the error.
        printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "emulator: error occurred.\n");

        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
        return 1;

    // Zero out the flash space.
    for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
        flash[i] = 0x0;

    // Zero out the leading space.
    for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
        leading[i] = 0x0;

    // Load from either file or stdin.
    if (strcmp(input_file->filename[0], "-") != 0)
        // Open file.
        load = fopen(input_file->filename[0], "rb");

        if (load == NULL)
            dhalt(ERR_EMU_LOAD_FILE_FAILED, input_file->filename[0]);
        // Windows needs stdin in binary mode.
#ifdef _WIN32
        _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);

        // Set load to stdin.
        load = stdin;
    // Read leading component.
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(ldata_objfmt); i++)
        leading[i] = fgetc(load);
    fseek(load, 0, SEEK_SET);

    // Read up to 0x10000 words.
    for (i = 0; i < 0x10000 && !feof(load); i++)
        iread(&flash[i], load);

    // Check to see if the first X bytes matches the header
    // for intermediate code and stop if it does.
    ss = bfromcstr("");
    st = bfromcstr(ldata_objfmt);
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(ldata_objfmt); i++)
        bconchar(ss, leading[i]);
    if (biseq(ss, st))

    // Set up the host context.
    dtemu->create_context = &dtemu_create_context;
    dtemu->activate_context = &dtemu_activate_context;
    dtemu->swap_buffers = &dtemu_swap_buffers;
    dtemu->destroy_context = &dtemu_destroy_context;
    dtemu->get_ud = &dtemu_get_ud;

    // And then use the VM.
    vm = vm_create();
    vm->debug = (debug_mode->count > 0);
    vm_flash(vm, flash);

    // Set radiation and catch fire settings.
    if (radiation->count == 1)
        vm->radiation_factor = radiation->ival[0];
    if (catch_fire->count == 1)
        vm->can_fire = true;

    // Init hardware.

    if (headless_mode->count < 1)
        vm->host = dtemu;


    if (legacy_mode->count > 0)
        for (i = 0; i < vm_hw_count(vm); i++) {

            hw_t* device = vm_hw_get_device(vm, i);
            if (device == NULL)

            if (device->id == 0x7349F615 && device->manufacturer == 0x1C6C8B36)
                vm_hw_lem1802_mem_set_screen((struct lem1802_hardware*)device->userdata, 0x8000);

    vm_execute(vm, execution_dump_file->count > 0 ? execution_dump_file->filename[0] : NULL);

    if (terminate_mode->count > 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "A:   0x%04X     [A]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_A], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_A]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "B:   0x%04X     [B]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_B], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_B]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "C:   0x%04X     [C]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_C], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_C]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "X:   0x%04X     [X]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_X], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_X]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "Y:   0x%04X     [Y]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_Y], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_Y]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "Z:   0x%04X     [Z]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_Z], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_Z]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "I:   0x%04X     [I]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_I], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_I]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "J:   0x%04X     [J]:    0x%04X\n", vm->registers[REG_J], vm->ram[vm->registers[REG_J]]);
        fprintf(stderr, "PC:  0x%04X     SP:    0x%04X\n", vm->pc, vm->sp);
        fprintf(stderr, "EX:  0x%04X     IA:    0x%04X\n", vm->ex, vm->ia);


    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	int exitstatus = 0;

	/* declare CL args */
	arg_lit_t *help = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("h", "help", "prints the command glossary");
	arg_lit_t *myip = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("m", NULL, "prints the external ip of the interface currently being used");
	arg_lit_t *bounce_opt = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("b", NULL, "creates a bouncer to send the message received back to the sender");
	arg_lit_t *listen_opt = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("l", NULL, "creates a listener to print the messages received");
	arg_file_t *proto = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("p", "protocol", "acronym", 0, 1, "specify the protocol being manipulated");
	arg_file_t *source = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("s", "source", "x.x.x.x", 0, 1, "specify the source IP");
	arg_file_t *dest = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("d", "dest", "x.x.x.x", 0, 1, "specify the destination IP");
	arg_int_t *sport = (arg_int_t*) arg_intn(NULL, "srcport", "short", 0, 1, "specify the source port if applicable");
	arg_int_t *dport = (arg_int_t*) arg_intn(NULL, "dstport", "short", 0, 1, "specify the destination port if applicable");

	arg_str_t *mcontent = (arg_str_t*) arg_strn(NULL, NULL, "string", 0, 1, "message content as a string");
	arg_end_t *end = (arg_end_t*) arg_end(20);
	void *argtable[] = {help,myip,bounce_opt,listen_opt,proto,source,

	if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: insufficient memory");
		exitstatus = -1;
		goto exit_prog;

	/* parse and act */
	int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
	if(nerrors == 0)
		char sourceipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
		size_t contentlen = 0;
		char message_content[MAX_MESSAGELEN + 1];

		/* get glossary */
			arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n");

		/* get current IP address */
		else if(myip->count)
			if(getmyip(sourceipbuf) == 0)
				printf("Your packets will have the source IP address %s\n", sourceipbuf);
				fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get your IP address.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
		/* start bouncer */
		else if(bounce_opt->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <srcport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Starting bouncer for UDP packets on port %u...\n", sport->ival[0]);
				/* start_udp_listener(sport->ival[0], bounce_udp_packet);*/
				fprintf(stderr, "Bouncing for %s packets is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
		/* start listener */
		else if(listen_opt->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <srcport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Starting listener for UDP packets on port %u...\n", sport->ival[0]);
				char filter[FILTER_BUFLEN];
				memset(filter, 0, FILTER_BUFLEN);
				sprintf(filter, "udp dst port %i", sport->ival[0]);

				start_listener(filter, print_udp_packet);
				/* start_udp_listener(sport->ival[0], print_packet);*/
				fprintf(stderr, "Listening for %s packets is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;

		/* send packet */
			/* take into account stdin reading if necessary */
				contentlen = read(STDIN_FILENO, message_content, MAX_MESSAGELEN);
				if(contentlen < 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not read message from stdin.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				message_content[contentlen] = '\0';
				int tempstrlen = strlen(mcontent->sval[0]);
				contentlen = tempstrlen > MAX_MESSAGELEN ? MAX_MESSAGELEN : tempstrlen;
				memcpy(message_content, mcontent->sval[0], contentlen);
				message_content[contentlen] = '\0';

			if(!proto->count || !dest->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> and <dest> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
				if(getmyip(sourceipbuf) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get your IP address.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
				strncpy(sourceipbuf, source->filename[0], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);

			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_ICMP)
				time_t t;
				if(time(&t) == -1)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get timestamp.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Sending ICMP ping packet...\nSource -> %s\n"
							       "Destination -> %s\n"
							       "Message -> %i\n",
							       (int) t);

				/* construct ICMP header */
				int err;
				int payloadsize = sizeof(icmpheader_t) + sizeof(time_t);
				char ip_payload[payloadsize];
				/* copy in timestamp */
				/* we must do this first for the checksum calculation */
				t = htonl(t);
				memcpy(ip_payload + sizeof(icmpheader_t), &t, sizeof(time_t));
				/* identifier is lower 16 bits,
				   sequence number is upper 16 bits */ 
				uint32_t rest = htons(0x00);
				rest <<= 16;
				rest |= htons(0x7b);

				if((err = fill_icmp_header((icmpheader_t*) ip_payload, 8, 0, rest, sizeof(time_t))) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not fill icmp header, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				/* send the ip packet */
				ipheader_t iph;
				iph.ip_p = 1; /* ICMP */
				inet_aton(sourceipbuf, (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_src);
				inet_aton(dest->filename[0], (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_dst);
				if((err = send_ip_packet(&iph, ip_payload, payloadsize)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not send ip packet, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
			else if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
				/* get port info */
				unsigned short srcport = sport->count ? (unsigned short) sport->ival[0] : 0;
					fprintf(stderr, "error: <dstport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
				unsigned short dstport = (unsigned short) dport->ival[0];

				printf("Sending UDP packet...\nSource -> %s:%i\n"
							       "Destination -> %s:%i\n"
							       "Message Length -> %u bytes\n",
							       sourceipbuf, srcport,
							       dest->filename[0], dstport,
							       (unsigned int) contentlen);

				/* construct UDP header */
				int err;
				int payloadsize = sizeof(udpheader_t) + contentlen;
				char ip_payload[payloadsize];

				if((err = fill_udp_header((udpheader_t*) ip_payload, srcport, dstport, contentlen)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not fill udp header, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				/* set up IP payload */
				memcpy(ip_payload + sizeof(udpheader_t), message_content, contentlen);

				/* send the ip packet */
				ipheader_t iph;
				iph.ip_p = 17; /* UDP */
				inet_aton(sourceipbuf, (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_src);
				inet_aton(dest->filename[0], (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_dst);
				if((err = send_ip_packet(&iph, ip_payload, payloadsize)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not send ip packet, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
			else if(protocol  == proto_TCP)
				printf("TCP currently not supported.\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "error: protocol %s is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);

		arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]);
		exitstatus = -1;
		goto exit_prog;

	arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]));
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int exitcode = 0;
    int nerrors = 0;
    /* Prepare command line arguments */

    struct arg_str  *latero_ip = arg_str1(NULL,"latero_ip","IP", "Latero server IP address");    
    struct arg_lit  *print_resp= arg_lit0("p", "print",          "print response packet");
    struct arg_int  *numpkt    = arg_int0("n", "numpkt","<n>",   "How many packets (default is 1)");
    struct arg_int  *dacval    = arg_intn(NULL,"dac","<int>",0,4,"dac values (up to 4 values)");    
    struct arg_lit  *rd        = arg_lit0("r", "read",           "read");
    struct arg_lit  *wr        = arg_lit0("w", "write",          "write");
    struct arg_int  *addr      = arg_int0("a", "addr",NULL,      "address");
    struct arg_int  *value     = arg_int0("v", "value",NULL,     "value");
    struct arg_lit  *mainctrl  = arg_lit0(NULL,"mainctrl",       "Raw commands are for the main controller");

    struct arg_int  *tpat      = arg_int0("t","testpat","<n>",   "Run Test Pattern:1=Split, 2=AllPin, 3=RowCol");

    struct arg_lit  *latio     = arg_lit0(NULL,"lateroio",       "Raw commands are for the Latero IO card");
    struct arg_lit  *help      = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",           "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_end  *end       = arg_end(10);
    void*  argtable[] = {latero_ip,print_resp,numpkt,dacval,
                         rd, wr, addr, value, mainctrl, tpat, latio,

    //latero_ip->sval[0] = "";

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) {
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("Insufficient memory (argtable)\n");
        exitcode = 1; goto exit;

    numpkt->ival[0] = 1;
    tpat->ival[0] = 0;

    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0) {
        printf("Usage: %s", argv[0]);
        printf("Latero client demonstration program version 1, revision 1\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        exitcode=0; goto exit;

    if (nerrors > 0) {
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",argv[0]);
        exitcode = 0; goto exit;

    if( wr->count > 0 ) {
        if( addr->count != 1 || value->count != 1 ) {
            printf("Write requires an address and a value\n");
            exitcode = 1; goto exit;
        if( mainctrl->count + latio->count == 0 ) {
            printf("Write requires a destination (--mainctrl or --lateroio)\n");
            exitcode = 1; goto exit;

    if( rd->count > 0 ) {
        if( addr->count != 1 ) {
            printf("Read requires an address\n");
            exitcode = 1; goto exit;
        if( mainctrl->count + latio->count == 0 ) {
            printf("Read requires a destination (--mainctrl or --lateroio)\n");
            exitcode = 1; goto exit;

    return( my_main( latero_ip->sval[0], print_resp->count, numpkt->ival[0], dacval->ival, dacval->count,
                     rd->count, wr->count, addr->ival[0], value->ival[0], mainctrl->count, latio->count, tpat->ival[0]) );

        printf("Program Ended\n");

Esempio n. 6
ArgTableEntry_Int::ArgTableEntry_Int(std::string shortopts, std::string longopts, std::string glossary) {
	m_argInt = arg_intn(shortopts.c_str(), longopts.c_str(), "", 0, 1, glossary.c_str());
	m_type   = ArgType_t::INT;
Esempio n. 7
int main(
    int const argc,
    char **argv)
    struct arg_int *arg_init_num_nodes = arg_intn("n", NULL, "<n>", 0, 1,
            "Initial number of nodes (n >= 1).");
    if (arg_init_num_nodes != NULL)
        arg_init_num_nodes->ival[0] = 1;

    struct arg_str *arg_init_link_prob = arg_strn("p", NULL, "<prob>", 0, 1,
            "Initial link probability (0 <= p <= 1).");
    if (arg_init_link_prob != NULL)
        arg_init_link_prob->sval[0] = "0.2";

    struct arg_int *arg_num_links = arg_intn("m", NULL, "<n>", 0, 1,
            "Number of links to each new node (m <= n).");

    struct arg_int *arg_time_steps = arg_intn("T", NULL, "<n>", 0, 1,
            "The number of time steps (T >= 0).");
    if (arg_time_steps != NULL)
        arg_time_steps->ival[0] = 1000;

    struct arg_str *arg_dot_path = arg_strn("d", NULL, "<path>", 0, 1,
            "Path to write a dot file to.");

    struct arg_int *arg_seed = arg_intn("s", NULL, "<seed>", 0, 1,
            "Random seed.");

    struct arg_int *arg_num_samples = arg_intn("k", NULL, "<samples>", 0, 1,
            "Number of samples to use for the clustering coefficient approx.");
    if (arg_num_samples != NULL)
        arg_num_samples->ival[0] = 50000;

    struct arg_str *arg_anim_path = arg_strn("a", NULL, "<path>", 0, 1,
            "Path to write the animation scipt (stdout default).");

    struct arg_str *arg_edges_path = arg_strn("e", NULL, "<path>", 0, 1,
            "Path to read an edges file from.");

    struct arg_lit *arg_real = arg_lit0("R", NULL,
            "Run only deterministic algorithm.");

    struct arg_lit *arg_approx = arg_lit0("A", NULL, 
            "Run only heuristic algorithm.");

    struct arg_end *end = arg_end(10);

    void *arg_table[] = { arg_init_num_nodes, arg_init_link_prob,
                    arg_num_links, arg_time_steps, arg_dot_path, arg_seed,
                    arg_num_samples, arg_anim_path, arg_edges_path, arg_real,
                    arg_approx, end };

    int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;

    sfn_t *sfn = NULL;

    if (arg_nullcheck(arg_table) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Insufficient memory for argtable.\n");
        exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto exit;

    int const num_errors = arg_parse(argc, argv, arg_table);

    if (num_errors > 0)
        arg_print_errors(stderr, end, SFN_PROG_NAME);
        exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto exit;

    int const init_num_nodes = arg_init_num_nodes->ival[0];
    double const init_link_prob = strtod(arg_init_link_prob->sval[0], NULL);
    int num_links;
    if (arg_num_links->count == 0)
        num_links = init_num_nodes;
        num_links = arg_num_links->ival[0];
    int const time_steps = arg_time_steps->ival[0];
    int const num_samples = arg_num_samples->ival[0];

    if (init_num_nodes < 1 || time_steps <= 0 || num_links > init_num_nodes
            || init_link_prob > 1 || init_link_prob <= 0 || num_links <= 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments.\n");
        exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto exit;

    if (arg_seed->count > 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Seeding PRNG with %d.\n", arg_seed->ival[0]);

    if (arg_anim_path->count > 0)
        if ((anim = fopen(arg_anim_path->sval[0], "w")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR} Cannot open animation path.");
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto exit;

    if (arg_edges_path->count > 0)
        Read graph edges from a text file.

        FILE *edges;
        if ((edges = fopen(arg_edges_path->sval[0], "r")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR} Cannot open edges file path.");
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto exit;

        String buffer that contains the result of the bash command execution.

        char number_of_nodes[80];

        Number of nodes to allocate the data structure
        for the scale free network with.
        int num_nodes = atoi(fgets(number_of_nodes, 80, edges));


        Allocate space for the scale free network data structure.
        if ((sfn = sfn_alloc(num_nodes, 0, 0)) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Insufficient memory for sfn.\n");
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto exit;
        sfn->num_nodes = num_nodes;

        if (sfn_edges_init(sfn, arg_edges_path->sval[0]) != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed at populating the network with edges.\n");
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto exit;
      if ((sfn = sfn_alloc(init_num_nodes, num_links, time_steps)) == NULL)
          fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Insufficient memory for sfn.\n");
          exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto exit;

      sfn_init(sfn, init_num_nodes, init_link_prob);
      sfn_ba(sfn, num_links, time_steps);

    struct timeval before, after;
    if (! arg_real->count > 0)
      gettimeofday(&before, NULL);
      double d1;
      double const approx_cc = approximate_clustering_coefficient(sfn,
      gettimeofday(&after, NULL);
      d1 = (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) * 1000.0
              + (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec) / 1000.0;
      printf("ACC\t%.100f\n", approx_cc);
      printf("ACCT\t%.100f\n", d1);

    if (! arg_approx->count > 0)
      double real_cc, d2;
      gettimeofday(&before, NULL);
      if ((real_cc = calculate_clustering_coefficient(sfn)) < 0.0)
          fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Insufficient memory for calc coeff.\n");
          exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto exit;
      gettimeofday(&after, NULL);
      d2 = (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) * 1000.0
              + (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec) / 1000.0;
      printf("CC\t%.100f\n", real_cc);
      printf("CCT\t%.100f\n", d2);

    if (arg_dot_path->count > 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Writing DOT file...");
        if (!sfn_write_dot_file(sfn, arg_dot_path->sval[0]))
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to write dot file.\n");
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto exit;
        fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");

    if (sfn != NULL)
    if (anim != NULL)
    arg_freetable(arg_table, sizeof(arg_table) / sizeof(arg_table[0]));
    return exit_code;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct arg_int *a    = arg_int1(NULL,NULL,"a","a is <int>");
    struct arg_int *b    = arg_int0(NULL,NULL,"b","b is <int>");
    struct arg_int *c    = arg_int0(NULL,NULL,"c","c is <int>");
    struct arg_int *d    = arg_intn("dD","delta","<int>",0,3,"d can occur 0..3 times");
    struct arg_int *e    = arg_int0(NULL,"eps,eqn","<int>","eps is optional");
    struct arg_int *f    = arg_intn("fF","filler","<int>",0,3,"f can occur 0..3 times");
    struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0(NULL,"help","print this help and exit");
    struct arg_end *end  = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {a,b,c,d,e,f,help,end};
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;
    int i;
    long sum=0;
    /* print the command line */
    for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
        printf("%s ",argv[i]);
    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",argv[0]);
        goto exit;
    /* allow missing argument values for the f argument, and set defaults to -1 */
    f->hdr.flag |= ARG_HASOPTVALUE;
    for (i=0; i<f->hdr.maxcount; i++)
        f->ival[i] = -1;
    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s ", argv[0]);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        goto exit;

    /* parsing complete, verify all args sum to zero */
    for (i=0; i<a->count; i++)
        sum += a->ival[i];
    for (i=0; i<b->count; i++)
        sum += b->ival[i];
    for (i=0; i<c->count; i++)
        sum += c->ival[i];
    for (i=0; i<d->count; i++)
        sum += d->ival[i];
    for (i=0; i<e->count; i++)
        sum += e->ival[i];
    for (i=0; i<f->count; i++)
        sum += f->ival[i];
    if (sum!=0)
        printf("%s: error - sum=%ld is non-zero\n",argv[0],sum);
        goto exit;
    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */
    printf("%s: exitcode=%d\n\n",argv[0],exitcode);

    /* close stdin and stdout to stop memcheck whining about their memory not being freed */
    return exitcode;
Esempio n. 9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct arg_int  *foo     = arg_intn("f","foo", NULL,1,3,       "takes an integer value (defaults to 9)");
    struct arg_int  *bar     = arg_intn("b","bar", NULL,1,3,       "takes an optional integer value (defaults to 5)");
    struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",             "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_end  *end     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {foo,bar,help,version,end};
    const char* progname = "hasoptvalue";
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;
    int i;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* set foo default values to 9 */
    for (i=0; i<foo->hdr.maxcount; i++)

    /* allow bar to have optional values */
    /* and set bar default values to 5 */
    bar->hdr.flag |= ARG_HASOPTVALUE;
    for (i=0; i<bar->hdr.maxcount; i++)

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("This program demonstrates the use of the argtable2 library\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2005, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: uname with no command line options induces brief help */
    if (argc==1)
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* command line arguments are successfully parsed at this point. */
    /* print what we have parsed */
    printf("%d instances of --foo detected on command line\n", foo->count);
    for (i=0; i<foo->hdr.maxcount; i++)
        printf("foo[%d] = %d\n", i, foo->ival[i]);         
    printf("%d instances of --bar detected on command line\n", bar->count);
    for (i=0; i<bar->hdr.maxcount; i++)
        printf("bar[%d] = %d\n", i, bar->ival[i]);         

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;