Esempio n. 1
/// Constructs a property option with a long name only.
/// \param long_name_ The long name for the option.
/// \param description_ A user-friendly description for the option.
/// \param arg_name_ The name of the mandatory argument, for documentation
///     purposes.  Must include the '=' delimiter.
cmdline::property_option::property_option(const char* long_name_,
                                          const char* description_,
                                          const char* arg_name_) :
    base_option(long_name_, description_, arg_name_)
    PRE(arg_name().find('=') != std::string::npos);
Esempio n. 2
void Function::print(std::ostream& os) const {
	if (name!=NULL) os << name << ":";
	os << "(";
	for (int i=0; i<nb_arg(); i++) {
		os << arg_name(i);
		if (i<nb_arg()-1) os << ",";
	os << ")->" << expr();
Esempio n. 3
/// Formats the long name of the option for documentation purposes.
/// \return A string describing the option's long name.
cmdline::base_option::format_long_name(void) const
    if (needs_arg()) {
        return F("--%s=%s") % long_name() % arg_name();
    } else {
        return F("--%s") % long_name();
Esempio n. 4
/// Formats the short name of the option for documentation purposes.
/// \return A string describing the option's short name.
cmdline::base_option::format_short_name(void) const

    if (needs_arg()) {
        return F("-%s %s") % short_name() % arg_name();
    } else {
        return F("-%s") % short_name();
Esempio n. 5
/// Validates the argument to a property option.
/// \param raw_value The argument provided by the user.
cmdline::property_option::validate(const std::string& raw_value) const
    const std::string::size_type pos = raw_value.find('=');
    if (pos == std::string::npos)
        throw cmdline::option_argument_value_error(
            F("--%s") % long_name(), raw_value,
            F("Argument does not have the form '%s'") % arg_name());

    const std::string key = raw_value.substr(0, pos);
    if (key.empty())
        throw cmdline::option_argument_value_error(
            F("--%s") % long_name(), raw_value, "Empty property name");

    const std::string value = raw_value.substr(pos + 1);
    if (value.empty())
        throw cmdline::option_argument_value_error(
            F("--%s") % long_name(), raw_value, "Empty value");
Esempio n. 6
be_visitor_valuetype::gen_obv_init_constructor_args (be_valuetype *node,
                                                     unsigned long &index)
  TAO_OutStream *os = this->ctx_->stream ();
  AST_Type *parent = node->inherits_concrete ();

  // Generate for inherited members first.
  if (parent != 0)
      be_valuetype *be_parent =
        be_valuetype::narrow_from_decl (parent);
      this->gen_obv_init_constructor_args (be_parent, index);

  be_visitor_context ctx (*this->ctx_);
  be_visitor_args_arglist visitor (&ctx);

  for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator si (node, UTL_Scope::IK_decls);
       !si.is_done ();
      // be_attribute inherits from be_field
      // so we have to also screen out attributes
      be_field *f = be_field::narrow_from_decl (si.item ());
      be_attribute *attr =
        be_attribute::narrow_from_decl (si.item ());

      if (f == 0 || attr != 0)

      *os << (index++ != 0 ? "," : "") << be_nl;

      ACE_CString arg_name ("_tao_init_");
      arg_name += f->local_name ()->get_string ();
      Identifier id (arg_name.c_str ());
      UTL_ScopedName sn (&id, 0);
      be_type *ft = be_type::narrow_from_decl (f->field_type ());
      bool seen = ft->seen_in_operation ();

      // This sets ft->seen_in_operation (true), so we have to
      // restore the original value below.
      be_argument arg (AST_Argument::dir_IN,
      ft->seen_in_operation (seen);

      if (visitor.visit_argument (&arg) == -1)
          ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,
                      ACE_TEXT ("be_visitor_valuetype::")
                      ACE_TEXT ("gen_obv_init_constructor_args - ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("codegen for argument failed\n")));

      // AST_Argument inherits from AST_Field, which will destroy
      // its field type if it is anonymous - we don't want that.
      arg.be_decl::destroy ();
      arg.AST_Decl::destroy ();
      id.destroy ();