Esempio n. 1
int main( int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * ptr1 = "Pointer1";
  const char * ptr2 = "Pointer2";

  arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_alloc();
  arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_pack , ptr1 );
  arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_pack , ptr2 );

  test_assert_ptr_equal( ptr1 , arg_pack_iget_const_ptr( arg_pack , 0 ));
  test_assert_ptr_equal( ptr2 , arg_pack_iget_const_ptr( arg_pack , 1 ));

Esempio n. 2
void enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_with_bool_vector(enkf_main_type * enkf_main , const stringlist_type * param_list ,const bool_vector_type * iens_mask , init_mode_type init_mode) {
    int num_cpu = 4;
    int ens_size               = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
    thread_pool_type * tp     = thread_pool_alloc( num_cpu , true );
    arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * arg_list );
    int i;
    int iens;

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
        arg_list[iens] = arg_pack_alloc();
        if (bool_vector_safe_iget(iens_mask , iens)) {
            arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[iens] , enkf_main );
            arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_list[iens] , param_list );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , iens );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , init_mode );

            thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_mt , arg_list[iens]);

    thread_pool_join( tp );
    for (i = 0; i < ens_size; i++) {
        arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
    free( arg_list );
    thread_pool_free( tp );
Esempio n. 3
void matrix_inplace_matmul_mt2(matrix_type * A, const matrix_type * B , thread_pool_type * thread_pool){
  int num_threads  = thread_pool_get_max_running( thread_pool );
  arg_pack_type    ** arglist = util_malloc( num_threads * sizeof * arglist );
  int it;
  thread_pool_restart( thread_pool );
    int rows       = matrix_get_rows( A ) / num_threads;
    int rows_mod   = matrix_get_rows( A ) % num_threads;
    int row_offset = 0;

    for (it = 0; it < num_threads; it++) {
      int row_size;
      arglist[it] = arg_pack_alloc();
      row_size = rows;
      if (it < rows_mod)
        row_size += 1;

      arg_pack_append_int(arglist[it] , row_offset );
      arg_pack_append_int(arglist[it] , row_size   );
      arg_pack_append_ptr(arglist[it] , A );
      arg_pack_append_const_ptr(arglist[it] , B );

      thread_pool_add_job( thread_pool , matrix_inplace_matmul_mt__ , arglist[it]);
      row_offset += row_size;
  thread_pool_join( thread_pool );

  for (it = 0; it < num_threads; it++)
    arg_pack_free( arglist[it] );
  free( arglist );
Esempio n. 4
void enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch(enkf_main_type * enkf_main , const stringlist_type * param_list , int iens1 , int iens2, init_mode_enum init_mode) {
  int num_cpu               = 4;
  thread_pool_type * tp     = thread_pool_alloc( num_cpu , true );
  int ens_sub_size          = (iens2 - iens1 + 1) / num_cpu;
  arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( num_cpu , sizeof * arg_list );
  int i;

  printf("Setting up ensemble members from %d to %d", iens1, iens2);
  if (init_mode == INIT_CONDITIONAL) {
    printf(" using conditional initialization (keep existing parameter values).\n");
  else if (init_mode == INIT_FORCE) {
    printf(" using forced initialization (initialize from scratch).\n");
  else if (init_mode == INIT_NONE) {
    printf(" not initializing at all.\n");
  fflush( stdout );

  for (i = 0; i < num_cpu;  i++) {
    arg_list[i] = arg_pack_alloc();
    arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[i] , enkf_main );
    arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_list[i] , param_list );
      int start_iens = i * ens_sub_size;
      int end_iens   = start_iens + ens_sub_size;

      if (i == (num_cpu - 1)){
        end_iens = iens2 + 1;  /* Input is upper limit inclusive. */
        if(ens_sub_size == 0)
          start_iens = iens1;  /* Don't necessarily want to start from zero when ens_sub_size = 0*/
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , start_iens );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , end_iens );
    arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[i] , init_mode );
    thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_mt , arg_list[i]);
  thread_pool_join( tp );
  for (i = 0; i < num_cpu; i++)
    arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
  free( arg_list );
  thread_pool_free( tp );
  printf("Done setting up ensemble.\n");