Esempio n. 1
int arms_simple (int ninit, double *xl, double *xr,
                 double (*myfunc)(double x, void *mydata), void *mydata,
                 int dometrop, double *xprev, double *xsamp)

/* adaptive rejection metropolis sampling - simplified argument list */
/* ninit        : number of starting values to be used */
/* *xl          : left bound */
/* *xr          : right bound */
/* *myfunc      : function to evaluate log-density */
/* *mydata      : data required by *myfunc */
/* dometrop     : whether metropolis step is required */
/* *xprev       : current value from markov chain */
/* *xsamp       : to store sampled value */

  double xinit[ninit], convex=1.0, qcent, xcent;
  int err, i, npoint=100, nsamp=1, ncent=0, neval; 
  /* set up starting values */
  for(i=0; i<ninit; i++){
    xinit[i] = *xl + (i + 1.0) * (*xr - *xl)/(ninit + 1.0);

  err = arms(xinit,ninit,xl,xr,myfunc,mydata,&convex,npoint,dometrop,xprev,xsamp,

  return err;
Esempio n. 2
void display(){

  //  Clear screen and Z-buffer
  // Reset transformations
  // Other Transformations
   glTranslatef( 0.0, -0.8, 0.0 );
   glRotatef( -10, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

  // Rotate when user changes rotate_x and rotate_y
  glRotatef( rotate_x, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
  glRotatef( rotate_y, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );

  // Other Transformations
  // glScalef( 2.0, 2.0, 0.0 );          // Not included



bool goHome(bool go){
		return true;
	clopema_robot::ClopemaRobotCommander arms("arms");
	return arms.move();
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
  FILE *f;
  int err, ninit = 4, npoint = 100, nsamp = 1, ncent = 4 ;
  int neval,i;
  double xinit[10]={0.0,3.0,17.0,20.0}, xl = -100.0, xr = 100.0;
  double xsamp[100], xcent[10], qcent[10] = {5., 30., 70., 95.};
  unsigned seed = 44;
  double convex = 1.;
  int dometrop = 0;
  double xprev = 0.0;

  /* set up structures for each density function */

  struct norm_parm norm_data;
  struct normix_parm normix_data;

  /* initialise data needed by normal density function */
  norm_data.mean = 10.0; = 5.;

  /* initialise data needed by normal mixture density function */
  normix_data.p1 = .3;
  normix_data.mean1 = 5.;
  normix_data.sd1 = 1.;
  normix_data.mean2 = 10.;
  normix_data.sd2 = 2.5;

  /* initialise random number generator */

  /* open a file */
  f = fopen("arms.out01","w+");

    err = arms(xinit,ninit,&xl,&xr,norm,&norm_data,&convex,
      fprintf(f,"error code = %d\n",err);
    fprintf(f,"%d  %11.5f %d\n",i,xsamp[0],neval);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static int myarms_simple(int ninit, double *xl, double *xr,
			 double (*myfunc)(double x, void *mydata), void *mydata,
			 int dometrop, double *xprev, double *xsamp, int nsamp)

/* adaptive rejection metropolis sampling - simplified argument list */
/* ninit        : number of starting values to be used */
/* *xl          : left bound */
/* *xr          : right bound */
/* *myfunc      : function to evaluate log-density */
/* *mydata      : data required by *myfunc */
/* dometrop     : whether metropolis step is required */
/* *xprev       : current value from markov chain */
/* *xsamp       : to store sampled value */
/* nsamp        : number of samples */

  double xinit[ninit+1], convex=1.0, qcent, xcent;
  int err, i, npoint=100, ncent=0, neval;

  /* set up starting values */
  for(i=0; i<ninit; i++){
    xinit[i] = *xl + (i + 0.1) * (*xr - *xl)/(ninit - 1.0 + 0.2);
  /*  now insert *xprev */
  if ( *xprev>*xl && *xprev<*xr ) {
    /*  now insert *xprev */
    for(i=0; i<ninit && xinit[i]<*xprev; i++) ;
    if ( i>=ninit )
      xinit[ninit] = *xprev;
    else {
      int savei = i;
      for(i=ninit; i>savei; i--) {
	xinit[i] = xinit[i-1];
      xinit[savei] = *xprev;
  err = arms(xinit,ninit,xl,xr,myfunc,mydata,&convex,npoint,
  return err;
Esempio n. 6
int phypp_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        print("usage: make_shifts <ob_filter> [options]");
        return 0;

    vec1u exclude;
    std::string helper;

    read_args(argc-1, argv+1, arg_list(exclude, helper));

    if (helper.empty()) {
        error("please provide the name of (one of) the helper target you used to "
            "calibrate the shifts (helper=...)");
        return 1;

    helper = tolower(helper);

    std::string scis = argv[1];

    vec1d cent_ra, cent_dec;
    file::read_table("centroid_helper.txt", 0, cent_ra, cent_dec);

    vec1u ids = uindgen(cent_ra.size())+1;
    vec1u idex = where(is_any_of(ids, exclude));
    inplace_remove(ids, idex);
    inplace_remove(cent_ra, idex);
    inplace_remove(cent_dec, idex);

    std::ofstream cmb("combine.sof");

    vec1d shx, shy;

    vec1d x0, y0;
    bool first_line = true;
    uint_t nexp = 0;

    for (uint_t i : range(ids)) {
        std::string dir = scis+align_right(strn(ids[i]), 2, '0')+"/";

        vec1s files = dir+file::list_files(dir+"sci_reconstructed*-sci.fits");

        // Find out which exposures contain the helper target from which the
        // shifts were calibrated
        vec1u ignore;
        for (uint_t k : range(files)) {
            std::string f = files[k];
            fits::generic_file fcubes(f);

            vec1s arms(24);
            bool badfile = false;
            for (uint_t u : range(24)) {
                if (!fcubes.read_keyword("ESO OCS ARM"+strn(u+1)+" NAME", arms[u])) {
                    note("ignoring invalid file '", f, "'");
                    note("missing keyword 'ESO OCS ARM"+strn(u+1)+" NAME'");
                    badfile = true;

            if (badfile) continue;

            arms = tolower(trim(arms));

            vec1u ida = where(arms == helper);
            if (ida.empty()) {
            } else if (x0.empty()) {
                // Get astrometry of IFUs from first exposure
                // NB: assumes the rotation is the same for all exposures,
                // which is anyway what kmos_combine does later on.
                fits::wcs astro(fcubes.read_header());
                fits::ad2xy(astro, cent_ra, cent_dec, x0, y0);

        inplace_remove(files, ignore);

        if (files.empty()) {
            warning("folder ", dir, " does not contain any usable file");

        for (std::string f : files) {
            cmb << f << " COMMAND_LINE\n";

        double dox = x0[0] - x0[i], doy = y0[0] - y0[i];

        if (first_line) {
            // Ommit first line which has, by definition, no offset
            first_line = false;
        } else {

        if (file::exists(dir+"helpers/shifts.txt")) {
            vec1d tx, ty;
            file::read_table(dir+"helpers/shifts.txt", 0, tx, ty);
            for (uint_t j : range(tx)) {

    note("found ", nexp, " exposures");


    auto truncate_decimals = vectorize_lambda([](double v, uint_t nd) {
        return long(v*e10(nd))/e10(nd);

    shx = truncate_decimals(shx, 2);
    shy = truncate_decimals(shy, 2);

    file::write_table("shifts.txt", 10, shx, shy);

    return 0;
//// Sample a chain conditional on absorbing at an observation, returning only sufficient statistics of the chain
// y (input)
//     absorption time to be conditioned on
// pi (input)
//     1 x n vector of initial state probabilities (*must* sum to 1)
// S (input)
//     n x n matrix of transition rates between non-absorbing states
// s (input)
//     1 x n vector of exit rates
// Q (input)
//     precomputed n x n matrix of eigenvectors of the original S matrix
// evals (input)
//     array size n of the n eigenvalues of the original S matrix
// Qinv_s (input)
//     precomputed n x 1 matrix Qinv %*% s
// n (input)
//     dimension
// PjQSjjLinv (input)
//     matrix where rows are P_{j\cdot} Q (\mathbf{I}(-S_{jj})+\Lambda)^{-1} for each j
// P (input)
//     n x n matrix of embedded transition probabilities, excluding absorbing moves
// res_z (output)
//     n dimensional array, filled with times spent in each state
// res_B (output)
//     integer, set to the state the sample chain started in
// res_N (output)
//     n x n matrix, filled with number of transitions between states (i != j).  The only non-zero diagonal was the exit-to-absorption state
// workD (output)
//     ?? element workspace
// return: sufficient statistics of the sample (z, B, N)
void LJMA_samplechain_Aslett2(double *y, double *pi, double *S, double *s, double *Q, double *evals, double *Qinv_s, int *n, double *PjQSjjLinv, double *evals_Sjj, double *P, double *res_z, int *res_B, int *res_N, double *workD) {

//	dotProd_pars pars;
//	pars.PjQSjjLinv = PjQSjjLinv;
//	pars.evals_Sjj = evals_Sjj;
//	pars.diagConst = workD; workD += *n;
//	pars.Ly_t = workD; workD += *n;
//	pars.evals = evals;
//	pars.Qinv_s = Qinv_s;
//	pars.n = *n;
	ECS_dens_pars pars2;

	// Initialise output vars
	*res_B = 0;
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<*n; i++) {
		res_z[i] = 0;
		for(int j=0; j<*n; j++) {
			res_N[i + j * *n] = 0;
	// Choose starting state ...
	double sofar = 0.0, target;
	target = runif(0.0, 1.0);
	*res_B = 0;
	while(sofar < target) {
		sofar += pi[(*res_B)++];
	//Rprintf("%d - Start at: %d\n", *reverse, *res_B);
	// Run through the chain
	double t = 0.0, lastt = 0.0, d, y_t, Tol;
	int j = *res_B, lastj, Maxit;
	double *p;
	p = workD; workD += *n;
	while(TRUE) {
		y_t = *y-t;
		// Do we move from where we are, or is this the state from which we absorb?
		if(s[j] > 0.0) { // can't absorb from here if no exit allowed
			if(runif(0.0, 1.0) < LJMA_probAbsorb(y_t, j, S, Q, evals, Qinv_s, s, *n)) {
		lastt = t;
		lastj = j;
		/* D1 <- (1/(rep(-S[j,j],3)+L))*exp(L*(y-t))
		Dd <- (1/(rep(-S[j,j],3)+L))*exp(L*(y-t)-x*(L+rep(-S[j,j],3)))
		D2 <- (1/(rep(-S[j,j],3)+L))*exp(-rep((y-t)*(-S[j,j]),3))

		V <- Q %*% diag((D1*z-D2*z),3,3) %*% solve(Q)
		Ud <- Q %*% diag((D1-Dd),3,3) %*% solve(Q)

		P[j,]%*%Q%*%diag(D1*(z-1)-D2*z+Dd,3)%*%solve(Q)%*%s # It should be this
		// Choose sojourn time
//		pars.U = runif(0.0, 1.0);
//		pars.j = j;
//		pars.xi = -S[j + j * *n];
//		for(i=0; i<*n; i++) {
//			//pars.eLy_t[i] = exp(evals[i]*y_t); // Non-log scale
//			pars.Ly_t[i] = evals[i]*y_t;
//			//pars.diagConst[i] = (pars.U-1.0)*pars.eLy_t[i] - pars.U*exp(-y_t*pars.xi); // Non-log scale pre changing eLy_t
//			//pars.diagConst[i] = (pars.U-1.0)*exp(pars.Ly_t[i]) - pars.U*exp(-y_t*pars.xi); // Non-log scale
//			if( evals_Sjj[i + j * *n] != 0.0 ) {
//				pars.diagConst[i] = -exp(log(1.0-pars.U)+pars.Ly_t[i]) - exp(log(pars.U)-y_t*pars.xi); // log scale
//			} else {
//				pars.diagConst[i] = -y_t*pars.U*exp(pars.Ly_t[i]);
//			}
//			//Rprintf("state %d, Ly_t = %e, diagConst = %e\n", i+1, pars.Ly_t[i], pars.diagConst[i]);
//		}
//		Tol = 0.0;
//		Maxit = 10000;
//		t += d = Find0(0.0, y_t, &LJMA_dotProd, &pars, &Tol, &Maxit);
		//Rprintf("U=%lf, Tol=%e, Maxit=%d\n", pars.U, Tol, Maxit);

// ******************************************************************
		for(i=0; i<*n; i++) {
			p[i] = S[j + i * *n]/(-S[j + j * *n]);
		p[j] = 0.0;
		pars2.j = j;
		pars2.y_t = y_t;
		pars2.p = p;
		pars2.S = S;
		pars2.Q = Q;
		pars2.evals = evals;
		pars2.Qinv_s = Qinv_s;
		pars2.n = *n;
		pars2.workD = workD;
		double xinit[4], xl, xr, convex, xprev, xsamp, qcent, xcent;
		int info, ninit, npoint, dometrop, nsamp, ncent, neval;
		//xinit[3] = *y;
		//while(!isfinite(LJMA_condjumpdens_ars(xinit[3], &pars))) {
		//	xinit[3] = log(xinit[3]);
		//xinit[0] = xinit[3]/4.0;
		xinit[0] = (y_t)/1e6;
		xinit[1] = (y_t)/3.0;
		xinit[2] = xinit[1]*2.0;
		xinit[3] = y_t - xinit[0];
		ninit = 4;
		xl = 0.0;
		xr = y_t;
		convex = 1.0;
		npoint = 100;
		dometrop = 1;
		xprev = 0.0;
		xsamp = 0.0;
		nsamp = 1;
		qcent = 0.0;
		xcent = 0.0;
		ncent = 0;
		neval = 0;
		double (*myfunc)(double, void*);
		myfunc = &LJMA_ECS_dens;
		info = arms(xinit, ninit, &xl, &xr, myfunc, &pars2, &convex, npoint, dometrop, &xprev, &xsamp, nsamp, &qcent, &xcent, ncent, &neval);
		if(info != 0) {
			Rprintf("Error (LJMA_samplechain_Aslett2): ARMS failed, code=%d\n", info);
		t += d = xsamp;
// ******************************************************************
		// Make the state jump
		LJMA_moveMass(p, y_t-d, j, P, Q, evals, Qinv_s, *n, workD);

		target = runif(0.0, 1.0);
		sofar = 0.0;
		j = 0;
		while(sofar < target) {
			sofar += p[j++];
		//Rprintf("Sojourn: %lf, move %d -> %d\n", d, lastj, j);
		res_z[lastj] += d;
		res_N[lastj + j * *n]++;
	//Rprintf("Exit from %d\n", j);
	res_N[j + j * *n]++;
	res_z[j] += *y-t;
Esempio n. 8
void robot(int t, int T)
#define robot_fall_speed 2048
#define robot_start 40
	t *= 402;

	// ast = |sin(t)|
	int ast = sin(t);
	if ( ast < 0 )
		ast = -ast;

	// act = |cos(t)|
	int act = cos(t);
	if ( act < 0 )
		act = -act;

	int fall;

	// head
//		translate(0, 0.71+0.05*abs(sin(t)), 0.04);
		fall = (robot_start+88)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
		if ( fall < 0 )
			fall = 0;
		translate(0, 2908+((ast*204)>>12)+fall, 164);
//		rotateX(-5°+10°*abs(cos(t)));
//		scale(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
		scale(819, 819, 819);

	// body
//		translate(0, 0.05*abs(sin(t)), 0);
		fall = (robot_start+48)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
		if ( fall < 0 )
			fall = 0;
		translate(0, ((ast*204)>>12)+fall, 0);
//		rotateY(2.5°-5°*cos(t));
//		scale(0.3, 0.5, 0.17);
		scale(1229, 2048, 696);

	// left side
	fall = (robot_start+56)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
	if ( fall < 0 )
		fall = 0;
	translate(0, fall, 0);
	arms(t, -1);

	fall = (robot_start+8)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
	if ( fall < 0 )
		fall = 0;
	translate(0, fall, 0);
	legs(t, -1);

	// right side
	t += 12868;
	fall = (robot_start+64)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
	if ( fall < 0 )
		fall = 0;
	translate(0, fall, 0);
	arms(t, 1);

	fall = (robot_start+24)*robot_fall_speed - T*robot_fall_speed;
	if ( fall < 0 )
		fall = 0;
	translate(0, fall, 0);
	legs(t, 1);