int main(int argc, char **argv) { MSG msg; char buf[1024]; char *filename; fz_cpudetect(); fz_accelerate(); pdfapp_init(&gapp); associate(argv[0]); winopen(); if (argc == 2) filename = fz_strdup(argv[1]); else { if (!winfilename(buf, sizeof buf)) exit(0); filename = buf; } pdfapp_open(&gapp, filename); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } pdfapp_close(&gapp); return 0; }
void WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop() { char ligne[LONG_40M]; FILE * subloop; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop\n"); tofich(fortranout,"\n",1); /* Open this newfile */ sprintf(ligne,"Sub_Loop_%s.h",subroutinename); subloop = associate(ligne); /* */ if (isrecursive) { sprintf(ligne," recursive subroutine Sub_Loop_%s(",subroutinename); } else { sprintf(ligne," subroutine Sub_Loop_%s(",subroutinename); } /* */ WriteVariablelist_subloop(subloop,ligne); WriteVariablelist_subloop_Def(subloop,ligne); /* */ strcat(ligne,")"); tofich(subloop,ligne,1); /* if USE agrif_Uti l should be add */ AddUseAgrifUtil_0(subloop); /* */ oldfortranout = fortranout; fortranout = subloop; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of WriteHeadofSubroutineLoop\n"); }
std::string AssociatedRelayConsumer::checkid_setup(const std::string &return_to, const std::string &trust_root) { // Try to find our assoc handle. const std::string *assoc_handle_ptr = lookup_assoc_handle(openid_provider()); if(!assoc_handle_ptr) assoc_handle_ptr = associate(); // If the handle is "DUMB", we have to fall back to the dumb consumer. if(assoc_handle_ptr->compare("DUMB") == 0) { delete assoc_handle_ptr; return DumbRelayConsumer::checkid_setup(return_to, trust_root); } // Move the string to the stack, so that return can free it. std::string assoc_handle(*assoc_handle_ptr); delete assoc_handle_ptr; // construct check_id url. std::string redirect_url(DumbRelayConsumer::checkid_setup(return_to, trust_root)); // cURL handle used for escaping. CURL *curl = new_curl_handle(); redirect_url.append("&openid.assoc_handle="); char *tmp = curl_easy_escape(curl, assoc_handle.c_str(), assoc_handle.size()); redirect_url.append(tmp); curl_free(tmp); // Clean up after curl. curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return redirect_url; }
void write_Getnumberofcells_file(char *name) { char ligne[LONG_C]; FILE *getnumberofcells; if ( IndicenbmaillesX != 0 ) { getnumberofcells=associate(name); sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(1)", IndicenbmaillesX); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); if (dimprob > 1) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(2)", IndicenbmaillesY); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); } if (dimprob > 2) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(3)", IndicenbmaillesZ); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); } fclose (getnumberofcells); } }
void ControlSystem::NewPackage (const std::string& str) { Package *pkg = new Package (str); associate (pkg); }
void write_Setnumberofcells_file(char *name) { char ligne[LONG_C]; FILE *setnumberofcells; if ( IndicenbmaillesX != 0 ) { setnumberofcells=associate(name); if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(1) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesX); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(1) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesX); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); if (dimprob > 1) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(2) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesY); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(2) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesY); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); } if (dimprob > 2) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(3) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesZ); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(3) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesZ); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); } fclose (setnumberofcells); } }
void write_probdimagrif_file() { FILE *probdim; char ligne[LONG_C]; probdim = associate("probdim_agrif.h"); sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Probdim = %d", dimprob); tofich (probdim, ligne,1); fclose (probdim); }
EclOutDlg::EclOutDlg( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : EclOutDlgBase(parent, name) { QObject::connect( done, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); QObject::connect( cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); QObject::connect(assoc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(associate())); }
void write_modtypeagrif_file() { char ligne[LONG_C]; FILE *typedata; typedata = associate ("modtype_agrif.h"); /* AGRIF_NbVariables : number of variables */ sprintf (ligne, "AGRIF_NbVariables = %d",indicemaxtabvars); tofich(typedata,ligne,1); fclose (typedata); }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) return -1; int flags = _ttoi(argv[1]); const cubeice::detail::ext_map& exts = cubeice::detail::extensions(); for (cubeice::detail::ext_map::const_iterator pos = exts.begin(); pos != exts.end(); pos++) { associate(pos->first, pos->second.first, ((flags & pos->second.second) != 0)); } SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED,SHCNF_FLUSH,0,0); return 0; }
/* bind/construct representative of an internal cluster of a model graph */ static rep_t model_clust(Agraph_t *model, Agraph_t *origclust) { rep_t rep; rep = association(model,origclust); if (rep.type) return rep; rep.p = newpath(model,NILnode,GD_minrank(origclust),NILnode,GD_maxrank(origclust)); rep.type = SKELETON; associate(model,origclust,rep); return rep; }
/** * Create a new rust channel and associate it with the specified port. */ rust_chan::rust_chan(rust_task *task, maybe_proxy<rust_port> *port) : task(task), port(port), buffer(task->dom, port->delegate()->unit_sz) { if (port) { associate(port); } task->log(rust_log::MEM | rust_log::COMM, "new rust_chan(task=0x%" PRIxPTR ", port=0x%" PRIxPTR ") -> chan=0x%" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t) task, (uintptr_t) port, (uintptr_t) this); }
void Write_Alloc_Agrif_Files() { listnom *parcours; FILE *alloccalls; FILE *AllocUSE; AllocUSE= associate("include_use_Alloc_agrif.h"); alloccalls = associate("allocations_calls_agrif.h"); parcours = List_Subroutine_For_Alloc; while ( parcours ) { fprintf(AllocUSE," USE %s\n", parcours -> o_nom ); fprintf (alloccalls," Call Alloc_agrif_%s(Agrif_Gr)\n", parcours -> o_nom ); parcours = parcours -> suiv; } fclose (AllocUSE); fclose (alloccalls); }
void write_keysagrif_file() { FILE *keys; keys = associate ("keys_agrif.h"); fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_FIXED_GRIDS = 0\n"); fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS = 0\n"); if (fixedgrids == 1) fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_FIXED_GRIDS = 1\n"); if (onlyfixedgrids == 1) fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS = 1\n"); fclose(keys); }
Package* ControlSystem::LoadPackage (const std::string& str, unsigned int index_cards) throw (Package::BadPackageFileException) /*throw (Package::NotFoundPackageException, Package::BadPackageFileException, RepeatPackageException)*/ { Package *pkg = new Package(str, index_cards, true); associate (pkg); DialogPackage *pdpkg = new DialogPackage (pkg); DialogPackage::insertDialogPackage (pdpkg); return pkg; }
/* Deauths and re-associates a MAC address with the AP. Returns 0 on failure, 1 for success. */ int reassociate() { int tries = 0, retval = 0; /* Make sure we can still see beacons (also, read_ap_beaon will ensure we're on the right channel) */ read_ap_beacon(); if(!get_external_association()) { /* Deauth to void any previous association with the AP */ deauthenticate(); /* Try MAX_AUTH_TRIES times to authenticate to the AP */ do { authenticate(); tries++; } while((associate_recv_loop() != AUTH_OK) && (tries < MAX_AUTH_TRIES)); /* If authentication was successful, try MAX_AUTH_TRIES to associate with the AP */ if(tries < MAX_AUTH_TRIES) { tries = 0; do { associate(); tries++; } while((associate_recv_loop() != ASSOCIATE_OK) && (tries < MAX_AUTH_TRIES)); } if(tries < MAX_AUTH_TRIES) { retval = 1; } else { retval = 0; } } else { retval = 1; } return retval; }
/* bind/construct representative of an external endpoint to a model graph */ static rep_t model_extnode(Agraph_t *model, Agnode_t *orig) { Agnode_t *v; rep_t rep; rep = association(model,orig); if (rep.type) return rep; /* assume endpoint is represented by one node, even if orig is multi-rank */ rep.p = v = agnode(model,orig->name); rep.type = EXTNODE; ND_rank(v) = ND_rank(orig); /* should be ND_rank(orig)+ranksize(orig)? */ associate(model,orig,rep); return rep; }
FdEventQueue::FdEventQueue(bool) throw(Exception) { if (pipe(wake_pipe) != -1) { try { if (!associate(wake_pipe[0], FdEvent::TYPE_READ_READY)) { throw Exception(); } } catch (Exception&) { close(wake_pipe[0]); close(wake_pipe[1]); throw; } } else { throw Exception(); } }
static void model_edge(Agraph_t *model, Agedge_t *orig) { Agedge_t *e; Agnode_t *low, *high, *u, *v; port_t lowport, highport; vpath_t *path; rep_t rep; int i; rep = association(model,orig); if (rep.type == 0) { low = orig->tail; high = orig->head; getlowhigh(&low,&high); u = association(model,low).p; assert(u); v = association(model,high).p; assert(v); path = newpath(model,u,ND_rank(low),v,ND_rank(high)); rep.type = PATH; rep.p = path; associate(model,orig,rep); } else path = rep.p; /* merge the attributes of orig */ for (i = path->low; i < path->high; i++) { e = path->e[i]; ED_xpenalty(e) += ED_xpenalty(orig); ED_weight(e) += ED_weight(orig); } /* deal with ports. note that ends could be swapped! */ if (ND_rank(orig->tail) <= ND_rank(orig->head)) { lowport = ED_tailport(orig); highport = ED_headport(orig); } else { highport = ED_tailport(orig); lowport = ED_headport(orig); } if (lowport.defined) path->avgtailport = ((path->weight * path->avgtailport) + ED_weight(orig) * lowport.p.x) / (path->weight + ED_weight(orig)); if (highport.defined) path->avgheadport = ((path->weight * path->avgheadport) + ED_weight(orig) * highport.p.x) / (path->weight + ED_weight(orig)); path->weight += ED_weight(orig); }
/* bind/construct representative of an internal node in a model graph */ static rep_t model_intnode(Agraph_t *model, Agnode_t *orig) { int nr; rep_t rep; Agnode_t *v; rep = association(model,orig); if (rep.type) return rep; nr = ND_ranksize(orig); if (nr <= 1) { /* simple case */ v = rep.p = agnode(model,orig->name); rep.type = NODE; ND_rank(v) = ND_rank(orig); } else { /* multi-rank node case */ rep.p = newpath(model,NILnode,ND_rank(orig),NILnode,ND_rank(orig)+nr-1); rep.type = TALLNODE; } associate(model,orig,rep); return rep; }
std::vector<Component> work(cv::Mat &left_c, cv::Mat &right_c) { std::vector<Component> components; cv::Mat left, right; cv::cvtColor(left_c, left, CV_RGB2GRAY); cv::cvtColor(right_c, right, CV_RGB2GRAY); cv::Mat map = (getDepthMapBM(left, right)); //cv::Mat map = (getDepthMapVar(left, right)); //char buf[512]; //static int j = 0; //j++; //sprintf(buf, "dumps/%i.pcd", j); /*cv::Mat xyz; cv::Mat Q = cv::Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_32S); reprojectImageTo3D(map, xyz, Q, true); saveXYZ(buf, xyz);*/ //saveToPCD(map, buf); components = associate((map), 20);//10 2 components = componentsFilter(components); cv::Mat res; left_c.copyTo(res); int i = 0; for(auto it : components) { cv::rectangle(res, cv::Point(it.Y1, it.X1), cv::Point(it.Y2, it.X2), cv::Scalar(40 * (i), 40*((i+1)%5), 0)); i++; } cv::imshow("res", res); std::cout<<components.size()<<std::endl; cv::imshow("left", left_c); cv::imshow("right", right_c); //cv::waitKey(); map = normalize(map); cv::imshow("Out", map); return components; //showComponents(components, map); }
bool Associator::getAssociations( const Measurement& measurement, AssociatedMeasurement& associations, const int goal_node_i ) { unassociated_points_ = measurement; // Find a path through the graph starting from the associated nodes PathFinder pathFinder( *graph_ptr_, associations.nodes ); pathFinder.findPath( goal_node_i, path_ ); // Calculate the positions of graph nodes on the path AssociatedMeasurement path_positions = associations; calculatePositions( *graph_ptr_, path_, path_positions ); associations.clear(); if ( !costCalculators_.size() ) { std::cout << "\033[31m" << "[ASSOCIATOR] GetAssociations: No cost calculator modules available!" << "\033[0m" << std::endl; } for ( int i = 0; i < costCalculators_.size(); ++i ) { // Reduce unassociated_points with any associated points and path_positions with the associated nodes before calling associate for ( int j = 0; j < associations.nodes.size(); ++j ) { path_positions.erase( path_positions.node_indices[ associations.nodes[j] ] ); unassociated_points_.points.erase( std::find(unassociated_points_.points.begin(), unassociated_points_.points.end(), associations.measurement.points[i] ) ); } // Call the recursive association algorithms associate( path_positions, unassociated_points_, associations, *costCalculators_[i], max_assoc_dists_[i]); std::cout << associations.nodes.size() << " associations found after using costcalculator " << i << std::endl; } associated_ = true; return true; }
/* Deauths and re-associates a MAC address with the AP. Returns 0 on failure, 1 for success. */ int reassociate(void) { if (get_external_association()) return 1; int state = 0, ret; while(1) { switch(state) { case 0: deauthenticate(); state++; break; case 1: authenticate(); state++; break; case 2: ret = process_authenticate_associate_resp(0); if(ret) state++; else return 0; break; case 3: associate(); state++; break; case 4: ret = process_authenticate_associate_resp(0); if(ret) state++; else return 0; break; case 5: return 1; } } }
bool Socket::bind(int port) { return associate(NULL, port, ::bind); }
bool AssociatedRelayConsumer::check_authentication(const std::multimap<std::string, std::string> ¶ms) { // Try to find our assoc handle. const std::string *assoc_handle_ptr = lookup_assoc_handle(openid_provider()); if(!assoc_handle_ptr) assoc_handle_ptr = associate(); // If the handle is "DUMB", we have to fall back to the dumb consumer. if(assoc_handle_ptr->compare("DUMB") == 0) { delete assoc_handle_ptr; return DumbRelayConsumer::check_authentication(params); } // Move the string to the stack, so that return can free it. std::string assoc_handle(*assoc_handle_ptr); delete assoc_handle_ptr; // Not possible to be missing the assoc_handle std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator assoc_iter = params.find(std::string("openid.assoc_handle")); if(assoc_iter == params.end()) return false; if(>second) == 0) { // make sure this request was signed. std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator sig_iter = params.find(std::string("openid.sig")); if(sig_iter == params.end()) return false; std::string their_signature(sig_iter->second); // Look for the signed fields. sig_iter = params.find(std::string("openid.signed")); if(sig_iter == params.end()) return false; std::string signed_params(sig_iter->second), key; // construct the message that was signed. std::ostringstream message; std::string::const_iterator iter = signed_params.begin(); while(iter != signed_params.end()) { char c = *iter; ++iter; // We hit a non-key character, if(c == '\n' || c == ',' || iter == signed_params.end()) { // store the last char in the string. if(iter == signed_params.end()) key.push_back(c); // look for the param std::string key_to_find("openid."); key_to_find.append(key); sig_iter = params.find(key_to_find); if(sig_iter == params.end()) return false; // add to the message data. message << key << ":" << sig_iter->second << "\n"; // clear the key to start over. key.clear(); } else { key.push_back(c); } } // attempt to recreate the signature. Association *assoc = lookup_association(assoc_handle); if(!assoc) return false; std::string our_signature(create_signature(message.str(), assoc->secret)); delete assoc; // Test that the signature created matches the one given. return ( == 0); } else if(>second) != 0 && (assoc_iter = params.find("openid.invalidate_handle")) != params.end()) { // Prepare the verification post data. std::ostringstream data; CURL *curl = new_curl_handle(); data << "openid.mode=check_authentication"; for(std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter = params.begin(); iter != params.end(); ++iter) { if(iter->"openid.mode") == 0) continue; char *tmp; tmp = curl_easy_escape(curl, iter->first.c_str(), iter->first.size()); data << "&" << tmp << "="; curl_free(tmp); tmp = curl_easy_escape(curl, iter->second.c_str(), iter->second.size()); data << tmp; curl_free(tmp); } // Clean up after curl. curl_easy_cleanup(curl); // execute. std::string content = contact_openid_provider(data.str()); // Check for invalidating the handle. std::string invalidate_substring("\ninvalidate_handle:"); invalidate_substring.append(assoc_iter->second).append("\n"); if(content.find(invalidate_substring) != content.npos) invalidate_assoc_handle(assoc_iter->second); // Test for is_valid. return content.find("\nis_valid:true\n") != content.npos; } // If we didn't match any other cases, return false. return false; }
void host_configure(void) { char **pext; HKEY key; DWORD disposition; char *u3_host_exec_path; char *u3_device_exec_path; char *u3_device_serial; char *u3_device_document_path; char wireshark_path[MAX_PATH+1]; char winpcap_path[MAX_PATH+1]; char vcredist_path[MAX_PATH+1]; char my_captures_path[MAX_PATH+1]; char reg_key[BUFSIZ]; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; int buflen = BUFSIZ; boolean hasWinPcap = FALSE; boolean hasRedist = FALSE; /* CREATE THE U3 Wireshark TYPE */ if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, WIRESHARK_ASSOC, 0, NULL, 0, (KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE), NULL, &key, &disposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (void)RegSetValueEx(key, "", 0, REG_SZ, WIRESHARK_DESC, strlen(WIRESHARK_DESC) + 1); RegCloseKey(key); } /* compute the U3 path to wireshark */ u3_host_exec_path = getenv("U3_HOST_EXEC_PATH"); strncpy(wireshark_path, u3_host_exec_path, strlen(u3_host_exec_path) + 1); strncat(wireshark_path, U3UTIL_APPSTART, strlen(U3UTIL_APPSTART) + 1); strncpy(reg_key, WIRESHARK_ASSOC, strlen(WIRESHARK_ASSOC) + 1); strncat(reg_key, SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND, strlen(SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND) + 1); /* associate the application */ if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, reg_key, 0, NULL, 0, (KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE), NULL, &key, &disposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (void)RegSetValueEx(key, "", 0, REG_SZ, wireshark_path, strlen(wireshark_path) + 1); RegCloseKey(key); } /* associate the icon */ strncpy(reg_key, WIRESHARK_ASSOC, strlen(WIRESHARK_ASSOC) + 1); strncat(reg_key, DEFAULT_ICON, strlen(DEFAULT_ICON) + 1); /* the icon is in the exe */ strncpy(wireshark_path, u3_host_exec_path, strlen(u3_host_exec_path) + 1); strncat(wireshark_path, WIRESHARK_EXE, strlen(WIRESHARK_EXE) + 1); strncat(wireshark_path, ",1", 3); /* associate the application */ if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, reg_key, 0, NULL, 0, (KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE), NULL, &key, &disposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (void)RegSetValueEx(key, "", 0, REG_SZ, wireshark_path, strlen(wireshark_path) + 1); RegCloseKey(key); } /* CREATE THE FILE ASSOCIATIONS */ for(pext = extensions; *pext; pext++) associate(*pext); /* update icons */ SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, 0, 0); /* START WINPCAP INSTALLATION IF NOT ALREADY INSTALLED */ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINPCAP_KEY, 0, (KEY_READ), &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(RegQueryValueEx(key, WINPCAP_UNINSTALL, NULL, NULL, buffer, &buflen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(buffer[0] != '\0') hasWinPcap = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(key); } if(!hasWinPcap && (MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("If you want to capture packets from the network you will need to install WinPcap.\nIt will be uninstalled when you remove your U3 device.\n\nDo you want to install WinPcap?"), TEXT("U3 Wireshark: Install WinPcap?"), MB_YESNO|MB_TOPMOST|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES)) { /* compute the U3 path to the WinPcap installation package - it stays on the device */ u3_device_exec_path = getenv("U3_DEVICE_EXEC_PATH"); strncpy(winpcap_path, "\"", 2); strncat(winpcap_path, u3_device_exec_path, strlen(u3_device_exec_path) + 1); strncat(winpcap_path, WINPCAP_PACKAGE, strlen(WINPCAP_PACKAGE) + 1); strncat(winpcap_path, "\"", 2); ExecuteAndWait(winpcap_path); /* if installation was successful this key will now exist */ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINPCAP_KEY, 0, (KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE), &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { u3_device_serial = getenv("U3_DEVICE_SERIAL"); (void)RegSetValueEx(key, WINPCAP_U3INSTALLED, 0, REG_SZ, u3_device_serial, strlen(u3_device_serial) + 1); winpcap_auto_start(); } } /* START VCREDIST INSTALLATION IF NOT ALREADY INSTALLED */ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VCREDIST_KEY, 0, (KEY_READ), &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { buflen = BUFSIZ; if(RegQueryValueEx(key, VCREDIST_UNINSTALL, NULL, NULL, buffer, &buflen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(buffer[0] != '\0') hasRedist = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(key); } if(!hasRedist) { /* compute the U3 path to the Visual C++ redistributables package - it stays on the device */ u3_device_exec_path = getenv("U3_DEVICE_EXEC_PATH"); strncpy(vcredist_path, "\"", 2); strncat(vcredist_path, u3_device_exec_path, strlen(u3_device_exec_path) + 1); strncat(vcredist_path, VCREDIST_PACKAGE, strlen(VCREDIST_PACKAGE) + 1); strncat(vcredist_path, "\" /q", 5); /* do things quietly */ ExecuteAndWait(vcredist_path); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VCREDIST_KEY, 0, (KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE), &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { u3_device_serial = getenv("U3_DEVICE_SERIAL"); (void)RegSetValueEx(key, VCREDIST_U3INSTALLED, 0, REG_SZ, u3_device_serial, strlen(u3_device_serial) + 1); } } /* CREATE THE "My Captures" FOLDER IF IT DOESN'T ALREADY EXIST */ u3_device_document_path = getenv("U3_DEVICE_DOCUMENT_PATH"); strncpy(my_captures_path, u3_device_document_path, strlen(u3_device_document_path) + 1); strncat(my_captures_path, MY_CAPTURES, strlen(MY_CAPTURES) + 1); /* don't care if it succeeds or fails */ (void) CreateDirectory(my_captures_path, NULL); /* Save the environment so we can use it in the file assocation */ save_environment(); }
void write_allocation_Global_0() { listnom *parcours_nom; listvar *parcours; listvar *parcoursprec; listvar *parcours1; FILE *allocationagrif; char ligne[LONGNOM]; variable *v; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int compteur; int out; int indiceprec; int ValeurMax; char initialvalue[LONG_4C]; int typeiswritten ; parcoursprec = (listvar *)NULL; parcours_nom = List_NameOfModule; ValeurMax = 2; while ( parcours_nom ) { /* */ if ( parcours_nom->o_val == 1 ) { IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* Open the file to create the Alloc_agrif subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"alloc_agrif_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); allocationagrif = associate (ligne); /* */ if ( ModuleIsDefineInInputFile(parcours_nom->o_nom) == 1 ) { /* add the call to initworkspace */ tofich(allocationagrif,"if ( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) then ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"GetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"else ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"SetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"endif ",1); tofich(allocationagrif,"Call Agrif_InitWorkspace ",1); } typeiswritten = 0; parcours = List_Global_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_modulename,parcours_nom->o_nom) && parcours->var->v_VariableIsParameter == 0 && parcours->var->v_notgrid == 0 && !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_modulename,parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ v = parcours->var; IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* body of the file */ if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_commoninfile,mainfile) ) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, "If (.not. associated("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")) then"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } if ( v->v_allocatable != 1 && ( v->v_dimsempty != 1) ) { /* ALLOCATION */ if ( v->v_dimension != 0 ) { if ( v->v_indicetabvars < IndiceMin || v->v_indicetabvars > IndiceMax ) { parcours1 = parcours; compteur = -1; out = 0; indiceprec = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars -1 ; while ( parcours1 && out == 0 && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_readedlistdimension, parcours1->var->v_readedlistdimension) && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_typevar, parcours1->var->v_typevar) && ( parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars == indiceprec+1 ) ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_modulename, parcours_nom->o_nom) || !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_commonname, parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { compteur = compteur +1 ; indiceprec = parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursprec = parcours1; parcours1 = parcours1->suiv; } else out = 1; } if ( compteur > ValeurMax ) { fprintf(allocationagrif," DO i = %d , %d\n", parcours->var->v_indicetabvars, parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur); IndiceMin = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; IndiceMax = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur; strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,1)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); fprintf(allocationagrif," end do\n"); parcours = parcoursprec; } else { strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } } /* end of the allocation part */ /* INITIALISATION */ if ( strcasecmp(v->v_initialvalue,"") ) { strcpy (ligne, ""); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); /* We should modify the initialvalue in the case of variable has */ /* been defined with others variables */ strcpy(initialvalue, ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Global_Var,0)); if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Common_Var,0)); } if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_ModuleUsed_Var,0)); } strcat (ligne," = "); strcat (ligne,initialvalue); /* */ Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } /* Case of structure types */ if ((typeiswritten == 0) && !strcasecmp(v->v_typevar,"type")) { sprintf(ligne,"If (.Not.Allocated(Agrif_%s_var)) Then",v->v_modulename); tofich(allocationagrif, ligne, 1); sprintf(ligne,"Allocate(Agrif_%s_var(0:Agrif_NbMaxGrids))",v->v_modulename); tofich(allocationagrif, ligne, 1); strcpy(ligne,"End If"); tofich(allocationagrif, ligne, 1); typeiswritten = 1; } if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, " End if"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } /* */ if ( ModuleIsDefineInInputFile(parcours_nom->o_nom) == 1 ) { /* add the call to initworkspace */ tofich(allocationagrif,"if ( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) then ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"GetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"else ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"SetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"endif ",1); tofich(allocationagrif,"Call Agrif_InitWorkspace ",1); } /* Close the file Alloc_agrif */ fclose(allocationagrif); } /* end parcours_nom == 1 */ /* */ parcours_nom = parcours_nom -> suiv; } }
void write_allocation_Common_0() { listnom *parcours_nom; listnom *neededparameter; listvar *parcours; listvar *parcoursprec; listvar *parcours1; FILE *allocationagrif; FILE *paramtoamr; char ligne[LONGNOM]; char ligne2[LONGNOM]; variable *v; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int compteur; int out; int indiceprec; int ValeurMax; char initialvalue[LONG_4C]; listindice *list_indic; listindice *parcoursindic; int i; parcoursprec = (listvar *)NULL; parcours_nom = List_NameOfCommon; ValeurMax = 2; while ( parcours_nom ) { /* */ if ( parcours_nom->o_val == 1 ) { /* Open the file to create the Alloc_agrif subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"alloc_agrif_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); allocationagrif = associate (ligne); /* */ fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"Param_toamr_%s.h\" \n", parcours_nom->o_nom); /* */ sprintf(ligne,"Param_toamr_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); paramtoamr = associate (ligne); neededparameter = (listnom * )NULL; /* */ list_indic = (listindice *)NULL; /* */ shouldincludempif = 1 ; parcours = List_Common_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_commonname,parcours_nom->o_nom) && IndiceInlist(parcours->var->v_indicetabvars,list_indic) == 0 ) { /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ v = parcours->var; IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* body of the file */ if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_commoninfile,mainfile) ) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, "If (.not. associated("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")) then"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } if ( v->v_allocatable != 1 && ( v->v_dimsempty != 1) ) { /* ALLOCATION */ if ( v->v_dimension != 0 ) { if ( v->v_indicetabvars < IndiceMin || v->v_indicetabvars > IndiceMax ) { parcours1 = parcours; compteur = -1; out = 0; indiceprec = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars -1 ; while ( parcours1 && out == 0 && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_readedlistdimension, parcours1->var->v_readedlistdimension) && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_typevar, parcours1->var->v_typevar) && ( parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars == indiceprec+1 ) ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_modulename, parcours_nom->o_nom) || !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_commonname, parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { compteur = compteur +1 ; indiceprec = parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursprec = parcours1; parcours1 = parcours1->suiv; } else out = 1; } if ( compteur > ValeurMax ) { fprintf(allocationagrif," DO i = %d , %d\n", parcours->var->v_indicetabvars, parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur); IndiceMin = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; IndiceMax = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur; strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,1)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); fprintf(allocationagrif," end do\n"); i=parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; do { parcoursindic = (listindice *)malloc(sizeof(listindice)); parcoursindic -> i_indice = i; parcoursindic -> suiv = list_indic; list_indic = parcoursindic; i = i + 1; } while ( i <= parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur ); parcours = parcoursprec; /* */ } else { strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); /* */ parcoursindic = (listindice *)malloc(sizeof(listindice)); parcoursindic -> i_indice = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursindic -> suiv = list_indic; list_indic = parcoursindic; } neededparameter = writedeclarationintoamr(List_Parameter_Var, paramtoamr,v,parcours_nom->o_nom,neededparameter, v->v_commonname); /* */ } } /* end of the allocation part */ /* INITIALISATION */ if ( strcasecmp(v->v_initialvalue,"") ) { strcpy (ligne, ""); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); /* We should modify the initialvalue in the case of variable has */ /* been defined with others variables */ strcpy(initialvalue, ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Global_Var,0)); if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Common_Var,0)); } if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_ModuleUsed_Var,0)); } strcat (ligne," = "); if (v->v_nbdim == 0) { strcpy(ligne2,initialvalue); } else { sprintf(ligne2,"RESHAPE(%s,SHAPE(%s))",initialvalue,vargridnametabvars(v,0)); } strcat (ligne,ligne2); /* */ Save_Length(ligne,48); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, " End if"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } /* Close the file Alloc_agrif */ fclose(allocationagrif); fclose(paramtoamr); } /* */ parcours_nom = parcours_nom -> suiv; } }
int _main_(int _argc, char** _argv) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (cmdLine.hasArg("associate") ) { associate(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } uint32_t width = 1280; uint32_t height = 720; uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::App], s_binding[Binding::App]); inputAddBindings(s_bindingName[Binding::View], s_binding[Binding::View]); View view; cmdAdd("view", cmdView, &view); bgfx::init(); bgfx::reset(width, height, reset); // Set view 0 clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(0 , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 0x101010ff , 1.0f , 0 ); imguiCreate(); PosUvColorVertex::init(); bgfx::RendererType::Enum type = bgfx::getRendererType(); bgfx::ShaderHandle vsTexture = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "vs_texture"); bgfx::ShaderHandle fsTexture = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture"); bgfx::ShaderHandle fsTextureArray = bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_array"); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , fsTexture , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureArrayProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::isValid(fsTextureArray) ? fsTextureArray : fsTexture , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureCubeProgram = bgfx::createProgram( bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "vs_texture_cube") , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_cube") , true ); bgfx::ProgramHandle textureSDFProgram = bgfx::createProgram( vsTexture , bgfx::createEmbeddedShader(s_embeddedShaders, type, "fs_texture_sdf") , true); bgfx::UniformHandle s_texColor = bgfx::createUniform("s_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Int1); bgfx::UniformHandle u_mtx = bgfx::createUniform("u_mtx", bgfx::UniformType::Mat4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_params = bgfx::createUniform("u_params", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); float speed = 0.37f; float time = 0.0f; Interpolator mip(0.0f); Interpolator layer(0.0f); Interpolator zoom(1.0f); Interpolator scale(1.0f); const char* filePath = _argc < 2 ? "" : _argv[1]; bool directory = false; bx::FileInfo fi; bx::stat(filePath, fi); directory = bx::FileInfo::Directory == fi.m_type; std::string path = filePath; if (!directory) { const char* fileName = directory ? filePath : bx::baseName(filePath); path.assign(filePath, fileName); view.updateFileList(path.c_str(), fileName); } else { view.updateFileList(path.c_str() ); } int exitcode = EXIT_SUCCESS; bgfx::TextureHandle texture = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; if (view.m_fileList.empty() ) { exitcode = EXIT_FAILURE; if (2 > _argc) { help("File path is not specified."); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load '%s' texture.\n", filePath); } } else { uint32_t fileIndex = 0; entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle] ? IMGUI_MBUT_MIDDLE : 0) , mouseState.m_mz , width , height ); static bool help = false; if (help == false && help != view.m_help) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Help"); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Help", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize) ) { ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(1.0f); ImGui::Text( "texturev, bgfx texture viewer tool " ICON_KI_WRENCH "\n" "Copyright 2011-2017 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License:\n" ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::Text("Key bindings:\n\n"); ImGui::PushFont(ImGui::Font::Mono); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "ESC"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Exit."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "h"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle help screen."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "f"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle full-screen."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "-"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Zoom out."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "="); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Zoom in."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), ","); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("MIP level up."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "."); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("MIP level down."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "/"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle linear/point texture sampling."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "left"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Previous layer in texture array."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "right"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Next layer in texture array."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "up"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Previous texture."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "down"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Next texture."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "r/g/b"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle R, G, or B color channel."); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "a"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle alpha blending."); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "s"); ImGui::SameLine(64); ImGui::Text("Toggle Multi-channel SDF rendering"); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::NextLine(); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f) ); ImGui::SameLine(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - 136.0f); if (ImGui::Button("Close", ImVec2(128.0f, 0.0f) ) || !view.m_help) { view.m_help = false; ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } help = view.m_help; imguiEndFrame(); if (!bgfx::isValid(texture) || view.m_fileIndex != fileIndex) { if (bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { bgfx::destroyTexture(texture); } fileIndex = view.m_fileIndex; filePath = view.m_fileList[view.m_fileIndex].c_str(); texture = loadTexture(filePath , 0 | BGFX_TEXTURE_U_CLAMP | BGFX_TEXTURE_V_CLAMP | BGFX_TEXTURE_W_CLAMP , 0 , &view.m_info ); std::string title; bx::stringPrintf(title, "%s (%d x %d%s, %s)" , filePath , view.m_info.width , view.m_info.height , view.m_info.cubeMap ? " CubeMap" : "" , bgfx::getName(view.m_info.format) ); entry::WindowHandle handle = { 0 }; entry::setWindowTitle(handle, title.c_str() ); } int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); time += (float)(frameTime*speed/freq); float ortho[16]; bx::mtxOrtho(ortho, 0.0f, (float)width, (float)height, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(0, NULL, ortho); bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::touch(0); bgfx::dbgTextClear(); scale.set( bx::fmin( float(width) / float(view.m_info.width) , float(height) / float(view.m_info.height) ) , 0.1f ); zoom.set(view.m_zoom, 0.25); float ss = scale.getValue() * zoom.getValue(); screenQuad( int(width - view.m_info.width * ss)/2 , int(height - view.m_info.height * ss)/2 , int(view.m_info.width * ss) , int(view.m_info.height * ss) , view.m_abgr ); float mtx[16]; bx::mtxRotateXY(mtx, 0.0f, time); bgfx::setUniform(u_mtx, mtx); mip.set(float(view.m_mip), 0.5f); layer.set(float(view.m_layer), 0.25f); float params[4] = { mip.getValue(), layer.getValue(), 0.0f, 0.0f }; bgfx::setUniform(u_params, params); bgfx::setTexture(0 , s_texColor , texture , view.m_filter ? BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE : 0 | BGFX_TEXTURE_MIN_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MIP_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MAG_POINT ); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | (view.m_alpha ? BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA : BGFX_STATE_NONE) ); bgfx::submit(0 , view.m_info.cubeMap ? textureCubeProgram : 1 < view.m_info.numLayers ? textureArrayProgram : view.m_sdf ? textureSDFProgram : textureProgram ); bgfx::frame(); } } if (bgfx::isValid(texture) ) { bgfx::destroyTexture(texture); } bgfx::destroyUniform(s_texColor); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_mtx); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_params); bgfx::destroyProgram(textureProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(textureArrayProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(textureCubeProgram); imguiDestroy(); bgfx::shutdown(); return exitcode; }
void creefichieramr (char *NameTampon) { listvar *newvar; variable *v; int erreur; char filefich[LONG_C]; char ligne[LONG_C]; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int InitEmpty; int VarnameEmpty; int donotwrite; FILE *initproc; FILE *initglobal; FILE *createvarname; FILE *createvarnameglobal; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in creefichieramr\n"); strcpy (filefich, "cd "); strcat (filefich, nomdir); erreur = system (filefich); if (erreur) { strcpy (filefich, "mkdir "); strcat (filefich, nomdir); system (filefich); printf ("%s: Directory created\n", nomdir); } /******************************************************************************/ /******************** Creation of AGRIF_INC files *****************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( todebug == 1 ) { strcpy(ligne,"initialisations_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h"); initproc = associate (ligne); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ strcpy(ligne,"createvarname_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h"); createvarname = associate (ligne); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ InitEmpty = 1 ; VarnameEmpty = 1 ; newvar = List_Global_Var; while ( newvar && todebug == 1 ) { donotwrite = 0; v = newvar->var; if ( ( v->v_common == 1 || v->v_module == 1 ) && donotwrite == 0 ) { write_createvarnameagrif_file(v,createvarname,&VarnameEmpty); write_initialisationsagrif_file(v,initproc,&InitEmpty); } newvar = newvar->suiv; } /* */ fclose (createvarname); fclose (initproc); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( Did_filetoparse_readed(curmodulename) == 0 ) { if ( InitEmpty != 1 ) { initglobal = associateaplus("initialisations_agrif.h"); strcpy(ligne,"#include \"initialisations_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h\"\n"); fprintf(initglobal,ligne); fclose(initglobal); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( VarnameEmpty != 1 ) { createvarnameglobal= associateaplus("createvarname_agrif.h"); strcpy(ligne,"#include \"createvarname_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h\"\n"); fprintf(createvarnameglobal,ligne); fclose(createvarnameglobal); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = 0; write_allocation_Common_0(); write_allocation_Global_0(); Write_Alloc_Agrif_Files(); write_probdimagrif_file(); write_keysagrif_file(); write_modtypeagrif_file(); if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Setnumberofcells_file("SetNumberofcells.h"); if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Getnumberofcells_file("GetNumberofcells.h"); retour77 = 0; if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Setnumberofcells_file("SetNumberofcellsFree.h"); if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Getnumberofcells_file("GetNumberofcellsFree.h"); retour77 = 1; if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Setnumberofcells_file("SetNumberofcellsFixed.h"); if ( NbMailleXDefined == 1 ) write_Getnumberofcells_file("GetNumberofcellsFixed.h"); if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of creefichieramr\n"); }