double QgsDistanceArea::computeDistanceBearing( const QgsPoint& p1, const QgsPoint& p2, double* course1, double* course2 ) { if ( p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y() ) return 0; // ellipsoid double a = mSemiMajor; double b = mSemiMinor; double f = 1 / mInvFlattening; double p1_lat = DEG2RAD( p1.y() ), p1_lon = DEG2RAD( p1.x() ); double p2_lat = DEG2RAD( p2.y() ), p2_lon = DEG2RAD( p2.x() ); double L = p2_lon - p1_lon; double U1 = atan(( 1 - f ) * tan( p1_lat ) ); double U2 = atan(( 1 - f ) * tan( p2_lat ) ); double sinU1 = sin( U1 ), cosU1 = cos( U1 ); double sinU2 = sin( U2 ), cosU2 = cos( U2 ); double lambda = L; double lambdaP = 2 * M_PI; double sinLambda = 0; double cosLambda = 0; double sinSigma = 0; double cosSigma = 0; double sigma = 0; double alpha = 0; double cosSqAlpha = 0; double cos2SigmaM = 0; double C = 0; double tu1 = 0; double tu2 = 0; int iterLimit = 20; while ( qAbs( lambda - lambdaP ) > 1e-12 && --iterLimit > 0 ) { sinLambda = sin( lambda ); cosLambda = cos( lambda ); tu1 = ( cosU2 * sinLambda ); tu2 = ( cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda ); sinSigma = sqrt( tu1 * tu1 + tu2 * tu2 ); cosSigma = sinU1 * sinU2 + cosU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda; sigma = atan2( sinSigma, cosSigma ); alpha = asin( cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma ); cosSqAlpha = cos( alpha ) * cos( alpha ); cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2 * sinU1 * sinU2 / cosSqAlpha; C = f / 16 * cosSqAlpha * ( 4 + f * ( 4 - 3 * cosSqAlpha ) ); lambdaP = lambda; lambda = L + ( 1 - C ) * f * sin( alpha ) * ( sigma + C * sinSigma * ( cos2SigmaM + C * cosSigma * ( -1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) ) ); } if ( iterLimit == 0 ) return -1; // formula failed to converge double uSq = cosSqAlpha * ( a * a - b * b ) / ( b * b ); double A = 1 + uSq / 16384 * ( 4096 + uSq * ( -768 + uSq * ( 320 - 175 * uSq ) ) ); double B = uSq / 1024 * ( 256 + uSq * ( -128 + uSq * ( 74 - 47 * uSq ) ) ); double deltaSigma = B * sinSigma * ( cos2SigmaM + B / 4 * ( cosSigma * ( -1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) - B / 6 * cos2SigmaM * ( -3 + 4 * sinSigma * sinSigma ) * ( -3 + 4 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM ) ) ); double s = b * A * ( sigma - deltaSigma ); if ( course1 ) { *course1 = atan2( tu1, tu2 ); } if ( course2 ) { // PI is added to return azimuth from P2 to P1 *course2 = atan2( cosU1 * sinLambda, -sinU1 * cosU2 + cosU1 * sinU2 * cosLambda ) + M_PI; } return s; }
void adm_decouple_d(const adm_dwt_band_t_d *ref, const adm_dwt_band_t_d *dis, const adm_dwt_band_t_d *r, const adm_dwt_band_t_d *a, int w, int h, int ref_stride, int dis_stride, int r_stride, int a_stride) { #ifdef ADM_OPT_AVOID_ATAN const double cos_1deg_sq = cos(1.0 * M_PI / 180.0) * cos(1.0 * M_PI / 180.0); #endif const double eps = 1e-30; int ref_px_stride = ref_stride / sizeof(double); int dis_px_stride = dis_stride / sizeof(double); int r_px_stride = r_stride / sizeof(double); int a_px_stride = a_stride / sizeof(double); double oh, ov, od, th, tv, td; double kh, kv, kd, tmph, tmpv, tmpd; #ifdef ADM_OPT_AVOID_ATAN double ot_dp, o_mag_sq, t_mag_sq; #else double oa, ta, diff; #endif int angle_flag; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < w; ++j) { oh = ref->band_h[i * ref_px_stride + j]; ov = ref->band_v[i * ref_px_stride + j]; od = ref->band_d[i * ref_px_stride + j]; th = dis->band_h[i * dis_px_stride + j]; tv = dis->band_v[i * dis_px_stride + j]; td = dis->band_d[i * dis_px_stride + j]; kh = DIVD(th, oh + eps); kv = DIVD(tv, ov + eps); kd = DIVD(td, od + eps); kh = kh < 0.0 ? 0.0 : (kh > 1.0 ? 1.0 : kh); kv = kv < 0.0 ? 0.0 : (kv > 1.0 ? 1.0 : kv); kd = kd < 0.0 ? 0.0 : (kd > 1.0 ? 1.0 : kd); tmph = kh * oh; tmpv = kv * ov; tmpd = kd * od; #ifdef ADM_OPT_AVOID_ATAN /* Determine if angle between (oh,ov) and (th,tv) is less than 1 degree. * Given that u is the angle (oh,ov) and v is the angle (th,tv), this can * be done by testing the inequvality. * * { (u.v.) >= 0 } AND { (u.v)^2 >= cos(1deg)^2 * ||u||^2 * ||v||^2 } * * Proof: * * cos(theta) = (u.v) / (||u|| * ||v||) * * IF u.v >= 0 THEN * cos(theta)^2 = (u.v)^2 / (||u||^2 * ||v||^2) * (u.v)^2 = cos(theta)^2 * ||u||^2 * ||v||^2 * * IF |theta| < 1deg THEN * (u.v)^2 >= cos(1deg)^2 * ||u||^2 * ||v||^2 * END * ELSE * |theta| > 90deg * END */ ot_dp = oh * th + ov * tv; o_mag_sq = oh * oh + ov * ov; t_mag_sq = th * th + tv * tv; angle_flag = (ot_dp >= 0.0) && (ot_dp * ot_dp >= cos_1deg_sq * o_mag_sq * t_mag_sq); #else oa = atan(DIVD(ov, oh + eps)); ta = atan(DIVD(tv, th + eps)); if (oh < 0.0) oa += M_PI; if (th < 0.0) ta += M_PI; diff = fabs(oa - ta) * 180.0 / M_PI; angle_flag = diff < 1.0; #endif if (angle_flag) { tmph = th; tmpv = tv; tmpd = td; } r->band_h[i * r_px_stride + j] = tmph; r->band_v[i * r_px_stride + j] = tmpv; r->band_d[i * r_px_stride + j] = tmpd; a->band_h[i * a_px_stride + j] = th - tmph; a->band_v[i * a_px_stride + j] = tv - tmpv; a->band_d[i * a_px_stride + j] = td - tmpd; } } }
UndistorterPTAM::UndistorterPTAM(const char* configFileName) { valid = true; remapX = nullptr; remapY = nullptr; // read parameters std::ifstream infile(configFileName); assert(infile.good()); std::string l1,l2,l3,l4; std::getline(infile,l1); std::getline(infile,l2); std::getline(infile,l3); std::getline(infile,l4); // l1 & l2 if(std::sscanf(l1.c_str(), "%f %f %f %f %f", &inputCalibration[0], &inputCalibration[1], &inputCalibration[2], &inputCalibration[3], &inputCalibration[4]) == 5 && std::sscanf(l2.c_str(), "%d %d", &in_width, &in_height) == 2) { printf("Input resolution: %d %d\n",in_width, in_height); printf("In: %f %f %f %f %f\n", inputCalibration[0], inputCalibration[1], inputCalibration[2], inputCalibration[3], inputCalibration[4]); } else { printf("Failed to read camera calibration (invalid format?)\nCalibration file: %s\n", configFileName); valid = false; } // l3 if(l3 == "crop") { outputCalibration[0] = -1; printf("Out: Crop\n"); } else if(l3 == "full") { outputCalibration[0] = -2; printf("Out: Full\n"); } else if(l3 == "none") { printf("NO RECTIFICATION\n"); } else if(std::sscanf(l3.c_str(), "%f %f %f %f %f", &outputCalibration[0], &outputCalibration[1], &outputCalibration[2], &outputCalibration[3], &outputCalibration[4]) == 5) { printf("Out: %f %f %f %f %f\n", outputCalibration[0], outputCalibration[1], outputCalibration[2], outputCalibration[3], outputCalibration[4]); } else { printf("Out: Failed to Read Output pars... not rectifying.\n"); valid = false; } // l4 if(std::sscanf(l4.c_str(), "%d %d", &out_width, &out_height) == 2) { printf("Output resolution: %d %d\n",out_width, out_height); } else { printf("Out: Failed to Read Output resolution... not rectifying.\n"); valid = false; } // prep warp matrices if(valid) { float dist = inputCalibration[4]; float d2t = 2.0f * tan(dist / 2.0f); // current camera parameters float fx = inputCalibration[0] * in_width; float fy = inputCalibration[1] * in_height; float cx = inputCalibration[2] * in_width - 0.5; float cy = inputCalibration[3] * in_height - 0.5; // scale calibration parameters to input size double xfactor = in_width / (1.0 * in_width); double yfactor = in_height / (1.0 * in_height); fx = fx * xfactor; fy = fy * yfactor; cx = (cx + 0.5) * xfactor - 0.5; cy = (cy + 0.5) * yfactor - 0.5; // output camera parameters float ofx, ofy, ocx, ocy; // find new camera matrix for "crop" and "full" if (inputCalibration[4] == 0) { ofx = inputCalibration[0] * out_width; ofy = inputCalibration[1] * out_height; ocx = (inputCalibration[2] * out_width) - 0.5; ocy = (inputCalibration[3] * out_height) - 0.5; } else if(outputCalibration[0] == -1) // "crop" { // find left-most and right-most radius float left_radius = (cx)/fx; float right_radius = (in_width-1 - cx)/fx; float top_radius = (cy)/fy; float bottom_radius = (in_height-1 - cy)/fy; float trans_left_radius = tan(left_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_right_radius = tan(right_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_top_radius = tan(top_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_bottom_radius = tan(bottom_radius * dist)/d2t; //printf("left_radius: %f -> %f\n", left_radius, trans_left_radius); //printf("right_radius: %f -> %f\n", right_radius, trans_right_radius); //printf("top_radius: %f -> %f\n", top_radius, trans_top_radius); //printf("bottom_radius: %f -> %f\n", bottom_radius, trans_bottom_radius); ofy = fy * ((top_radius + bottom_radius) / (trans_top_radius + trans_bottom_radius)) * ((float)out_height / (float)in_height); ocy = (trans_top_radius/top_radius) * ofy*cy/fy; ofx = fx * ((left_radius + right_radius) / (trans_left_radius + trans_right_radius)) * ((float)out_width / (float)in_width); ocx = (trans_left_radius/left_radius) * ofx*cx/fx; printf("new K: %f %f %f %f\n",ofx,ofy,ocx,ocy); printf("old K: %f %f %f %f\n",fx,fy,cx,cy); } else if(outputCalibration[0] == -2) // "full" { float left_radius = cx/fx; float right_radius = (in_width-1 - cx)/fx; float top_radius = cy/fy; float bottom_radius = (in_height-1 - cy)/fy; // find left-most and right-most radius float tl_radius = sqrt(left_radius*left_radius + top_radius*top_radius); float tr_radius = sqrt(right_radius*right_radius + top_radius*top_radius); float bl_radius = sqrt(left_radius*left_radius + bottom_radius*bottom_radius); float br_radius = sqrt(right_radius*right_radius + bottom_radius*bottom_radius); float trans_tl_radius = tan(tl_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_tr_radius = tan(tr_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_bl_radius = tan(bl_radius * dist)/d2t; float trans_br_radius = tan(br_radius * dist)/d2t; //printf("trans_tl_radius: %f -> %f\n", tl_radius, trans_tl_radius); //printf("trans_tr_radius: %f -> %f\n", tr_radius, trans_tr_radius); //printf("trans_bl_radius: %f -> %f\n", bl_radius, trans_bl_radius); //printf("trans_br_radius: %f -> %f\n", br_radius, trans_br_radius); float hor = std::max(br_radius,tr_radius) + std::max(bl_radius,tl_radius); float vert = std::max(tr_radius,tl_radius) + std::max(bl_radius,br_radius); float trans_hor = std::max(trans_br_radius,trans_tr_radius) + std::max(trans_bl_radius,trans_tl_radius); float trans_vert = std::max(trans_tr_radius,trans_tl_radius) + std::max(trans_bl_radius,trans_br_radius); ofy = fy * ((vert) / (trans_vert)) * ((float)out_height / (float)in_height); ocy = std::max(trans_tl_radius/tl_radius,trans_tr_radius/tr_radius) * ofy*cy/fy; ofx = fx * ((hor) / (trans_hor)) * ((float)out_width / (float)in_width); ocx = std::max(trans_bl_radius/bl_radius,trans_tl_radius/tl_radius) * ofx*cx/fx; printf("new K: %f %f %f %f\n",ofx,ofy,ocx,ocy); printf("old K: %f %f %f %f\n",fx,fy,cx,cy); } else { ofx = outputCalibration[0] * out_width; ofy = outputCalibration[1] * out_height; ocx = outputCalibration[2] * out_width-0.5; // TODO: -0.5 here or not? ocy = outputCalibration[3] * out_height-0.5; } outputCalibration[0] = ofx / out_width; outputCalibration[1] = ofy / out_height; outputCalibration[2] = (ocx+0.5) / out_width; outputCalibration[3] = (ocy+0.5) / out_height; outputCalibration[4] = 0; remapX = (float*)Eigen::internal::aligned_malloc(out_width * out_height *sizeof(float)); remapY = (float*)Eigen::internal::aligned_malloc(out_width * out_height *sizeof(float)); for(int y=0;y<out_height;y++) { for(int x=0;x<out_width;x++) { float ix = (x - ocx) / ofx; float iy = (y - ocy) / ofy; float r = sqrt(ix*ix + iy*iy); float fac = (r==0 || dist==0) ? 1 : atan(r * d2t)/(dist*r); ix = fx*fac*ix+cx; iy = fy*fac*iy+cy; // make rounding resistant. if(ix == 0) ix = 0.01; if(iy == 0) iy = 0.01; if(ix == in_width-1) ix = in_width-1.01; if(iy == in_height-1) ix = in_height-1.01; if(ix > 0 && iy > 0 && ix < in_width-1 && iy < in_height-1) { remapX[x+y*out_width] = ix; remapY[x+y*out_width] = iy; } else { remapX[x+y*out_width] = -1; remapY[x+y*out_width] = -1; } } } printf("Prepped Warp matrices\n"); } else { printf("Not Rectifying\n"); outputCalibration[0] = inputCalibration[0]; outputCalibration[1] = inputCalibration[1]; outputCalibration[2] = inputCalibration[2]; outputCalibration[3] = inputCalibration[3]; outputCalibration[4] = inputCalibration[4]; out_width = in_width; out_height = in_height; } originalK_ = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, cv::Scalar(0));<double>(0, 0) = inputCalibration[0];<double>(1, 1) = inputCalibration[1];<double>(2, 2) = 1;<double>(2, 0) = inputCalibration[2];<double>(2, 1) = inputCalibration[3]; K_ = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, cv::Scalar(0));<double>(0, 0) = outputCalibration[0] * out_width;<double>(1, 1) = outputCalibration[1] * out_height;<double>(2, 2) = 1;<double>(2, 0) = outputCalibration[2] * out_width - 0.5;<double>(2, 1) = outputCalibration[3] * out_height - 0.5; }
double g( double x ) { return +1.0 + ( atan( 1.0 + x ) + atan( 1.0 - x ) ) / M_PI; }
/* calcPerform * * Evalutate the postfix expression */ epicsShareFunc long calcPerform(double *parg, double *presult, const char *pinst) { double stack[CALCPERFORM_STACK+1]; /* zero'th entry not used */ double *ptop; /* stack pointer */ double top; /* value from top of stack */ epicsInt32 itop; /* integer from top of stack */ epicsUInt32 utop; /* unsigned integer from top of stack */ int op; int nargs; /* initialize */ ptop = stack; /* RPN evaluation loop */ while ((op = *pinst++) != END_EXPRESSION){ switch (op){ case LITERAL_DOUBLE: memcpy(++ptop, pinst, sizeof(double)); pinst += sizeof(double); break; case LITERAL_INT: memcpy(&itop, pinst, sizeof(epicsInt32)); *++ptop = itop; pinst += sizeof(epicsInt32); break; case FETCH_VAL: *++ptop = *presult; break; case FETCH_A: case FETCH_B: case FETCH_C: case FETCH_D: case FETCH_E: case FETCH_F: case FETCH_G: case FETCH_H: case FETCH_I: case FETCH_J: case FETCH_K: case FETCH_L: *++ptop = parg[op - FETCH_A]; break; case STORE_A: case STORE_B: case STORE_C: case STORE_D: case STORE_E: case STORE_F: case STORE_G: case STORE_H: case STORE_I: case STORE_J: case STORE_K: case STORE_L: parg[op - STORE_A] = *ptop--; break; case CONST_PI: *++ptop = PI; break; case CONST_D2R: *++ptop = PI/180.; break; case CONST_R2D: *++ptop = 180./PI; break; case UNARY_NEG: *ptop = - *ptop; break; case ADD: top = *ptop--; *ptop += top; break; case SUB: top = *ptop--; *ptop -= top; break; case MULT: top = *ptop--; *ptop *= top; break; case DIV: top = *ptop--; *ptop /= top; break; case MODULO: itop = (epicsInt32) *ptop--; if (itop) *ptop = (epicsInt32) *ptop % itop; else *ptop = epicsNAN; break; case POWER: top = *ptop--; *ptop = pow(*ptop, top); break; case ABS_VAL: *ptop = fabs(*ptop); break; case EXP: *ptop = exp(*ptop); break; case LOG_10: *ptop = log10(*ptop); break; case LOG_E: *ptop = log(*ptop); break; case MAX: nargs = *pinst++; while (--nargs) { top = *ptop--; if (*ptop < top || isnan(top)) *ptop = top; } break; case MIN: nargs = *pinst++; while (--nargs) { top = *ptop--; if (*ptop > top || isnan(top)) *ptop = top; } break; case SQU_RT: *ptop = sqrt(*ptop); break; case ACOS: *ptop = acos(*ptop); break; case ASIN: *ptop = asin(*ptop); break; case ATAN: *ptop = atan(*ptop); break; case ATAN2: top = *ptop--; *ptop = atan2(top, *ptop); /* Ouch!: Args backwards! */ break; case COS: *ptop = cos(*ptop); break; case SIN: *ptop = sin(*ptop); break; case TAN: *ptop = tan(*ptop); break; case COSH: *ptop = cosh(*ptop); break; case SINH: *ptop = sinh(*ptop); break; case TANH: *ptop = tanh(*ptop); break; case CEIL: *ptop = ceil(*ptop); break; case FLOOR: *ptop = floor(*ptop); break; case FINITE: nargs = *pinst++; top = finite(*ptop); while (--nargs) { --ptop; top = top && finite(*ptop); } *ptop = top; break; case ISINF: *ptop = isinf(*ptop); break; case ISNAN: nargs = *pinst++; top = isnan(*ptop); while (--nargs) { --ptop; top = top || isnan(*ptop); } *ptop = top; break; case NINT: top = *ptop; *ptop = (epicsInt32) (top >= 0 ? top + 0.5 : top - 0.5); break; case RANDOM: *++ptop = calcRandom(); break; case REL_OR: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop || top; break; case REL_AND: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop && top; break; case REL_NOT: *ptop = ! *ptop; break; /* For bitwise operations on values with bit 31 set, double values * must first be cast to unsigned to correctly set that bit; the * double value must be negative in that case. The result must be * cast to a signed integer before converting to the double result. */ case BIT_OR: utop = *ptop--; *ptop = (epicsInt32) ((epicsUInt32) *ptop | utop); break; case BIT_AND: utop = *ptop--; *ptop = (epicsInt32) ((epicsUInt32) *ptop & utop); break; case BIT_EXCL_OR: utop = *ptop--; *ptop = (epicsInt32) ((epicsUInt32) *ptop ^ utop); break; case BIT_NOT: utop = *ptop; *ptop = (epicsInt32) ~utop; break; /* The shift operators use signed integers, so a right-shift will * extend the sign bit into the left-hand end of the value. The * double-casting through unsigned here is important, see above. */ case RIGHT_SHIFT: utop = *ptop--; *ptop = ((epicsInt32) (epicsUInt32) *ptop) >> (utop & 31); break; case LEFT_SHIFT: utop = *ptop--; *ptop = ((epicsInt32) (epicsUInt32) *ptop) << (utop & 31); break; case NOT_EQ: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop != top; break; case LESS_THAN: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop < top; break; case LESS_OR_EQ: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop <= top; break; case EQUAL: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop == top; break; case GR_OR_EQ: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop >= top; break; case GR_THAN: top = *ptop--; *ptop = *ptop > top; break; case COND_IF: if (*ptop-- == 0.0 && cond_search(&pinst, COND_ELSE)) return -1; break; case COND_ELSE: if (cond_search(&pinst, COND_END)) return -1; break; case COND_END: break; default: errlogPrintf("calcPerform: Bad Opcode %d at %p\n", op, pinst-1); return -1; } } /* The stack should now have one item on it, the expression value */ if (ptop != stack + 1) return -1; *presult = *ptop; return 0; }
con_vec drive(situation &s) { con_vec result = CON_VEC_EMPTY; // This is what is returned. double alpha, vc; // components of result static double lane = -10000; // an absurd value to show not initialized double bias, speed, width; if( s.starting ) { result.fuel_amount = MAX_FUEL; // fuel when starting } // service routine in the host software to handle getting unstuck from // from crashes and pileups: if(stuck(s.backward, s.v,, s.to_lft,s.to_rgt, &result.alpha,& return result; width = s.to_lft + s.to_rgt; // compute width of track // This is a little trick so that the car will not try to change lanes // during the "dragout" at the start of the race. We set "lane" to // whatever position we have been placed by the host. if(lane < -9000) // will be true only once lane = s.to_lft; // better not to change lanes at the start // Set "lane" during curves. This robot sets "lane" during curves to // try to maintain a fixed distance to the inner rail. // For straightaways, we leave "lane" unchanged until later. if(s.cur_rad > 0.0) // turning left lane = DIST_FROM_INSIDE; else if(s.cur_rad < 0.0) // turning right lane = width - DIST_FROM_INSIDE; // set the bias: // Bias is an additive term in the steering servo, so that the servo // doesn't have to "hunt" much for the correct alpha value. It is an // estimate of the alpha value that would be found by the servo if there // was plenty of settling time. It is zero for straightaways. // Also, for convenience, we call the corn_spd() function here. On // the straightaway, we call it to find out the correct speed for the // corner ahead, using s.nex_rad for the radius. In the curve we of // course use the radius of the curve we are in. if(s.cur_rad == 0.0) { bias = 0.0; speed = corn_spd(s.nex_rad + DIST_FROM_INSIDE); } else { speed = corn_spd(s.cur_rad + DIST_FROM_INSIDE); // See initial paragraphs for discussion of this formula. bias = (s.v*s.v/(speed*speed)) * atan(BIG_SLIP / speed); if(s.cur_rad < 0.0) // bias must be negative for right turn bias = -bias; } // set alpha: (This line is the complete steering servo.) alpha = STEER_GAIN * (s.to_lft - lane)/width - DAMP_GAIN * + bias; // set vc: When nearing end of straight, change "lane" for the turn, also. if(s.cur_rad == 0.0) // If we are on a straightaway, { if(s.to_end > ACCEL_FRACTION * s.cur_len) // if we are far from the end, { vc = s.v + 50.0; // pedal to the metal! } else // otherwise, adjust speed for the coming turn: { if(s.v > 1.02 * speed) // if we're 2% too fast, vc = .95 * s.v; // brake hard. else if(s.v < .98 * speed) // if we're 2% too slow, vc = 1.05 * speed; // accelerate hard. else // if we are very close to speed, vc = .5 * (s.v + speed); // approach the speed gently. // approach the lane you want for the turn: if(s.nex_rad > 0.0) lane = DIST_FROM_INSIDE; else lane = width - DIST_FROM_INSIDE; } } else // This is when we are in a curve: (seek correct speed) { vc = .5 * (s.v + speed)/cos(alpha); // to maintain speed in corner } // During the acceleration portion of a straightaway, the lane variable // is not changed by the code above. Hence the code below changes it a // little at a time until there is no car dead_ahead. This code here has // no affect at all in the turns, nor in the braking portion // of the straight. if(s.dead_ahead) // Change the lane a little if someone's if(s.to_lft > s.to_rgt) // in your way. lane -= DELTA_LANE; // lane must be a static variable else lane += DELTA_LANE; = vc; result.alpha = alpha; // Pit: if the fuel is too low // Fuel: full // Damage: repair all if( s.fuel<10.0 ) { result.request_pit = 1; result.repair_amount = s.damage; result.fuel_amount = MAX_FUEL; } return result; }
INT4 InitPcsi (void) /*********************************************************************** * *_Title InitPcsi - Initialize pcsi parameters * *_DESC Initialize pcsi parameters * *_HIST Mar 9 2003 Janet Barrett, Created by modifying the initpcp * subroutine used by the pc2d program. * Jul 9 2003 JB - Fixed a problem with handling Level 1 labels * in a Level 2 image. * Jan 11 2010 JB - The both.level element is not being set by * calls to lev1_init or lev2_init. This was fixed by * using the spi_level value in place of it. * *_END ************************************************************************/ { BOOLEAN levels,frame; INT4 level,spi_level; INT4 lzin,llog,lnote; INT4 length,icount,ret; INT4 naxes,order,core_size[3],suf_size[3]; INT4 issi,isli; INT4 iesi,ieli; INT4 iflag,jflag; INT4 lpos; INT4 icard; INT4 ccont[3]; INT4 scont[3]; INT4 dflag; INT4 icountx,icounty; INT4 levgroups; INT4 found; INT4 i,j; int (*p)(); FLOAT4 dzxm,dzym; FLOAT4 z01,z02,z03,z04; FLOAT4 xsinci,xlinci; FLOAT4 dzdip; FLOAT4 arg; FLOAT4 si0; FLOAT4 se0; FLOAT4 bclipin; FLOAT4 db1,db2; FLOAT4 cardaz; FLOAT4 delaza,delazb; FLOAT4 xcenter,ycenter; FLOAT4 clat,clon; FLOAT8 azi; FLOAT8 lat,lon; FLOAT8 inc,emi,pha; FLOAT8 scaz,sunaz; FLOAT8 ssclat,ssclon; FLOAT8 ssunlat,ssunlon; FLOAT8 radii[3]; FLOAT8 slantrange; CHAR axis_name[3][MAXLITLEN+1]; CHAR item_type[MAXLITLEN+1]; CHAR prmname[30]; CHAR tmpstr[256]; CHAR planet[11]; CHAR sfrom[136]; CHAR scan_sc[NUMOFSCAN][LEV_SPACECRAFT_NAME_SIZE] = {"MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR", "MARS_GLOBAL_SURVEYOR", "MARS_ODYSSEY"}; CHAR scan_inst[NUMOFSCAN][LEV_INSTRUMENT_NAME_SIZE] = {"MOC_NA_A", "MOC_WA_A", "THEMIS_IR"}; CHAR frame_sc[NUMOFFRAME][LEV_SPACECRAFT_NAME_SIZE] = {"GALILEO_1", "VIKING_ORBITER_1", "VIKING_ORBITER_1", "VIKING_ORBITER_2", "VIKING_ORBITER_2", "MARS_ODYSSEY", "VOYAGER_1", "VOYAGER_1", "VOYAGER_2", "VOYAGER_2"}; /* "CASSINI", "LUNAR_ORBITER_4"};*/ CHAR frame_inst[NUMOFFRAME][LEV_INSTRUMENT_NAME_SIZE] = {"SSI", "VISUAL_IMAGING_SUBSYSTEM_CAMERA_A", "VISUAL_IMAGING_SUBSYSTEM_CAMERA_B", "VISUAL_IMAGING_SUBSYSTEM_CAMERA_A", "VISUAL_IMAGING_SUBSYSTEM_CAMERA_B", "THEMIS_VIS", "WA", "NA", "WA", "NA"}; /* "VIMS", "24_INCH_FOCAL_LENGTH_CAMERA"};*/ FLOAT8 frame_flinpix[NUMOFFRAME] = {98455.811, 40323.83, 40328.08, 40341.85, 40298.585, 22222.222, 16989.138, 127248.26, 17209.598, 127528.17}; LevData data,tmpdata; Lev both; FLOAT8 sampres,lineres,azres,sres; INT4 PcsiFirstGuess (void); CHAR obj_name[5]="QUBE"; CHAR grp_name[1] = ""; CHAR grp2_name[21]="IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION"; INT4 mulpht; INT4 whcnt,hg1cnt,hg2cnt,hhcnt,b0cnt,thetacnt,bhcnt,chcnt,kcnt,lcnt; /****************************************************************************** * Get input and output file parameters from TAE ******************************************************************************/ strcpy(prmname,"TO"); u_get_file_parm("TO",1,(CHAR *)topofile,sizeof(topofile),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if (icount <= 0 || strlen(topofile) == 0) goto to_file_error; (void) u_strtrim(topofile,topofile); if (strlen(topofile) == 0) goto to_file_error; if (u_file_exist(topofile)) goto to_file_exist; if (strncmp(&(topofile[strlen(topofile)-1]),"/",1) == 0) goto to_file_error; (void) u_ver_flspec(topofile,"cub",topofile,sizeof(topofile),&ret); if (ret) goto to_file_invalid; strcpy(prmname,"ZOUT"); u_get_file_parm("ZOUT",1,(CHAR *)zoutfile,sizeof(zoutfile),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if (icount <= 0 || strlen(zoutfile) == 0) { dozout = FALSE; } else { (void) u_strtrim(zoutfile,zoutfile); (void) u_ver_flspec(zoutfile,"cub",zoutfile,sizeof(zoutfile),&ret); if (ret) goto flspec_error; if (u_file_exist(zoutfile)) { if (remove(zoutfile)) goto zout_remove_error; } dozout = TRUE; } (void) xctae_files(zin,sizeof(zin),&lzin,&usezin,&usedatum,logfile, sizeof(logfile),&llog,note,sizeof(note),&lnote); /****************************************************************************** * Get subcube specifiers ******************************************************************************/ strcpy(prmname,"SFROM"); u_get_str_parm("SFROM",1,(CHAR *)sfrom,sizeof(sfrom),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if (icount <= 0) (void) strcpy(sfrom," "); /****************************************************************************** * Open the FROM file and get information ******************************************************************************/ strcpy(prmname,"FROM"); u_get_file_parm("FROM",1,(CHAR *)from,sizeof(from),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; q_open(&fid,0,from,READ_ONLY,0,"",0,0,1,0,&ret); if (ret) goto cube_open_error; q_check_std(fid,&ret); if (ret) goto invalid_cube; q_get_sys_keys(fid,1,&naxes,&order,core_size,suf_size, (char *)axis_name,sizeof(axis_name[0]),&image_bytes, item_type,sizeof(item_type),image_scale,&ret); if (ret) goto bad_sys_keys; /****************************************************************************** * Parse the SFROM subcube specification and apply to the FROM file and * then read system keywords again to reflect the virtual cube ******************************************************************************/ (void) u_parse_isub(fid,sfrom,1,core_size,suf_size,ccont,scont,&ret); if (ret) goto parse_sfrom_error; (void) q_set_virtual(fid,&ret); if (ret) goto sfrom_error; q_get_sys_keys(fid,1,&naxes,&order,core_size,suf_size, (char *)axis_name,sizeof(axis_name[0]),&image_bytes, item_type,sizeof(item_type),image_scale,&ret); if (ret) goto bad_sys_keys; ins = core_size[0]; inl = core_size[1]; /****************************************************************************** * Set the variables describing the FROM subcube ******************************************************************************/ u_get_isub_desc(fid,"SAMPLE",&issi,&iesi,&xsinci,&dflag,&ret); if (ret) goto bad_subsamp; if (dflag != 1) goto bad_subsamp; u_get_isub_desc(fid,"LINE",&isli,&ieli,&xlinci,&dflag,&ret); if (ret) goto bad_subline; if (dflag != 1) goto bad_subline; if (xsinci != xlinci) goto inc_error; /* Need to be equal or map scale will not be accurate */ /****************************************************************************** * Set center of virtual subcube ******************************************************************************/ xcenter = 0.5*(ins+1); ycenter = 0.5*(inl+1); /****************************************************************************** * Get photoclinometry parameters from TAE ******************************************************************************/ strcpy(prmname,"MAXMEM"); u_get_int_parm("MAXMEM",1,&C_MEM3->nmax,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"DNATM"); u_get_real_parm("DNATM",1,1,6,&C_DNORM->dnatm,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"DNDATUM"); u_get_real_parm("DNDATUM",1,1,6,&dndatum,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"DATUMTYP"); u_get_int_parm("DATUMTYP",1,&C_DATUM2->datumtyp,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; nucenter = FALSE; /* Reset to True if X,Y inputs given */ strcpy(prmname,"X"); u_get_dbl_parm("X",1,1,6,&x,&icountx,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"Y"); u_get_dbl_parm("Y",1,1,6,&y,&icounty,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if ((icountx >= 1) && (icounty >= 1)) nucenter = TRUE; strcpy(prmname,"DISTORTD"); u_get_str_parm("DISTORTD",1,(CHAR *)tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; distortd = TRUE; if (strncmp(tmpstr,"NO",1) == 0) distortd = FALSE; strcpy(prmname,"METHOD"); u_get_str_parm("METHOD",1,(CHAR *)method,sizeof(method),&length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if (strncmp(method,"SOR",3) == 0) { sordir = 0; } else if (strncmp(method,"DIR",3) == 0) { sordir = 1; } else { sordir = 2; } strcpy(prmname,"PHOFUNC"); u_get_str_parm("PHOFUNC",1,(CHAR *)C_PPARS4->phofunc,sizeof(C_PPARS4->phofunc), &length,&icount,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; C_PPARS1->piopt = 0; if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPLEG",6) == 0) C_PPARS1->piopt = 1; if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPL_S",6) == 0) C_PPARS1->piopt = 1; C_PPARS3->hapke = FALSE; if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"H",1) == 0) C_PPARS3->hapke = TRUE; strcpy(prmname,"WH"); u_get_real_parm("WH",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->pwh,&whcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"HG1"); u_get_real_parm("HG1",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->phg1,&hg1cnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"HG2"); u_get_real_parm("HG2",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->phg2,&hg2cnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"HH"); u_get_real_parm("HH",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->phh,&hhcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"B0"); u_get_real_parm("B0",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->pb0,&b0cnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"THETA"); u_get_real_parm("THETA",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->ptheta,&thetacnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"BH"); u_get_real_parm("BH",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->pbh,&bhcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"CH"); u_get_real_parm("CH",1,1,6,&C_PPARS5->pch,&chcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"K"); u_get_real_parm("K",1,1,6,&C_PPARS2->pex,&kcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; strcpy(prmname,"L"); u_get_real_parm("L",1,1,6,&C_PPARS2->pl2,&lcnt,&ret); if (ret) goto user_parameter_error; if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPHEN",6) == 0) { if (whcnt < 1 || thetacnt < 1 || b0cnt < 1 || hhcnt < 1 || hg1cnt < 1 || hg2cnt < 1) goto haphen_error; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPLEG",6) == 0) { if (whcnt < 1 || thetacnt < 1 || b0cnt < 1 || hhcnt < 1 || bhcnt < 1 || chcnt < 1) goto hapleg_error; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPH_S",6) == 0) { if (whcnt < 1 || hg1cnt < 1 || hg2cnt < 1) goto haph_s_error; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPL_S",6) == 0) { if (whcnt < 1 || bhcnt < 1 || chcnt < 1) goto hapl_s_error; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"LAMBER",6) == 0) { C_PPARS2->pex = 1.0; C_PPARS2->pl2 = 0.0; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"LOMSEL",6) == 0) { C_PPARS2->pex = 1.0; C_PPARS2->pl2 = 1.0; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"MIN",3) == 0) { C_PPARS2->pl2 = 0.0; if (kcnt < 1) goto min_error; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"LUNLAM",6) == 0) { C_PPARS2->pex = 1.0; if (lcnt < 1) goto lunlam_error; } /****************************************************************************** * Evaluate default (center) location in image if needed. This default is in * ALL cases now the center of the virtual subcube, transferred to full cube. ******************************************************************************/ if (!nucenter) { x = (FLOAT8) (issi) + (xcenter-1.0) * xsinci; y = (FLOAT8) (isli) + (ycenter-1.0) * xlinci; } /****************************************************************************** * Check for the 3 levels Level 1 keyword groups (ISIS_INSTRUMENT, * ISIS_GEOMETRY, ISIS_TARGET) ******************************************************************************/ levgroups = 0; (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","ISIS_INSTRUMENT","",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) levgroups = levgroups + 1; (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","ISIS_GEOMETRY","",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) levgroups = levgroups + 1; (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","ISIS_TARGET","",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) levgroups = levgroups + 1; /****************************************************************************** * All 3 levels Level 1 keyword groups are missing. This is either a * pre-levels Level 1 file or a Level 2 file that has had the groups erased * from the labels (or, under the old system, never got them). If the file * contains either ISIS_MOSAIC or IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION keyword groups, then * it is not a Level 1 image and cannot be used. Otherwise, try using old * SPICE routines. ******************************************************************************/ if (levgroups == 0) { (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","ISIS_MOSAIC","",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) { /* Level 2 mosaic without required groups */ goto mosaic_group_error; } else { (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION","",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) { (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION", "MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE",&icount,&ret); if (!ret) { /* Level 2 image without required groups */ goto level2_group_error; } } } /* Pre-levels Level 1 image */ iflag = 0; jflag = 1; if (!distortd) jflag = 0; spi_phosun(fid,obj_name,sizeof(obj_name),grp_name,sizeof(grp_name), grp2_name,sizeof(grp2_name),jflag,0,&iflag, &y,&x,&lat,&lon,&emi,&inc,&pha,&ssclat,&ssclon, &scaz,&ssunlat,&ssunlon,&sunaz,&aznor,&res,&ret); if (ret) goto spi_phosun_error; /****************************************************************************** * If we got to here without an error, this is a valid pre-levels Level 1 * file. ******************************************************************************/ levels = FALSE; level = 1; /****************************************************************************** * All pre-levels instruments are framing cameras. ******************************************************************************/ frame = TRUE; /****************************************************************************** * Now assign emi, inc, pha, scaz, sunaz to variables used below as * appropriate for the framing camera case: Z axis is viewing direction, so * emission angle is used to calculate datum derivatives rather than emission * vector. Also calculate the scaling variable, cosemi, to be used for * line-of-sight to vertical on output and vertical to line-of-sight on * input. ******************************************************************************/ res = res * xsinci; /* xsinci=xlinci guaranteed */ sres = res; C_AEPAR1->aspect = 1.0; C_PSNPAR->phase[0] = pha; clinc = pha; azinc = sunaz; clemi = 0.0; azemi = 0.0; dip = emi; az = scaz + 180.0; cosemi = cos(emi*L_DEG2RAD); /****************************************************************************** * Obtain parameters needed for spherical datum ******************************************************************************/ if (C_DATUM2->datumtyp == 2) { spi_lbplan(fid,"QUBE","","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION",planet, sizeof(planet),radii,&lpos,&ret); if (ret) goto spi_lbplan_error; if (radii[1] == 0.0) radii[1] = radii[0]; if (radii[2] == 0.0) radii[2] = radii[0]; radius = sqrt((radii[0]*radii[0]+radii[1]*radii[1]+ radii[2]*radii[2])/3.0); C_DATUM1->r0 = radius/res; /* Planet radius in pixels */ /****************************************************************************** * Obtain planet center in full frame and convert to subframe. xs0 and yl0 are * with respect to the pixels of the subcube; xs0f and yl0f are computed by * geomset at each grid resolution and refer to coordinates equal to indices * in the DEM. ******************************************************************************/ spi_findlin(fid,(FLOAT4) ssclat,(FLOAT4) ssclon, &C_DATUM1->xs0,&C_DATUM1->yl0,&ret); if (ret) goto spi_findlin_error; C_DATUM1->xs0=(C_DATUM1->xs0 - (FLOAT4) issi)/xsinci + 1.0; C_DATUM1->yl0=(C_DATUM1->yl0 - (FLOAT4) isli)/xlinci + 1.0; /****************************************************************************** * Must calculate z00s for sphere, putting middle of image at height 0 ******************************************************************************/ C_DATUM1->z00s = -sqrt(C_DATUM1->r0*C_DATUM1->r0 - pow((xcenter-C_DATUM1->xs0)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) - pow((ycenter-C_DATUM1->yl0),2.0)); } /****************************************************************************** * All 3 levels Level 1 keyword groups were found. This is a levels file, * either Level 1 or Level 2 with the Level 1 groups included. ******************************************************************************/ } else if (levgroups == 3) { levels = TRUE; spi_level = lev_find_level(fid); if (spi_level == 2) { if (lev2_init_from_labels(fid,& goto lev_init_error; if (lev1_init(fid,&both.spi,0)) goto lev_init_error; } else { if (lev1_init(fid,&both.spi,0)) goto lev_init_error; } /* if (lev_init(fid,&both)) goto lev_init_error;*/ /****************************************************************************** * If input file is level 2 (map projected), then get the center latitude * and center longitude. ******************************************************************************/ if (spi_level > 1 && strcmp(,"ORTHOGRAPHIC") == 0) { (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION","CENTER_LATITUDE", &icount,&ret); if (ret) goto clat_error; icount = 1; p_get_real_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION","CENTER_LATITUDE", 2,&icount,&clat,&ret); if (ret) goto clat_error; (void) p_check_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION","CENTER_LONGITUDE", &icount,&ret); if (ret) goto clon_error; icount = 1; p_get_real_key(fid,"QUBE","IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION","CENTER_LONGITUDE", 2,&icount,&clon,&ret); if (ret) goto clon_error; } /****************************************************************************** * This is a levels Level 1 image. ******************************************************************************/ if (spi_level == 1) { level = 1; data.samp = x; data.line = y; if (lev1_linesamp_to_latlon(&both.spi,&data)) goto ls_to_latlon; /****************************************************************************** * Return emission, incidence, phase as emi, inc, pha respectively. These * angles are evaluated at location x,y relative to the full image cube. ******************************************************************************/ lev1_calc_emission_angle(&data,&emi); lev1_calc_incidence_angle(&data,&inc); lev1_calc_phase_angle(&data,&pha); /****************************************************************************** * Check spacecraft/instrument to determine if it's a scanner or a * framing camera . ******************************************************************************/ found = -1; for (icount=0; icount<NUMOFSCAN; icount++) { if (strcmp(both.spi.inst.spacecraft,scan_sc[icount]) == 0 && strcmp(,scan_inst[icount]) == 0) { frame = FALSE; found = icount; } } if (found == -1) { for (icount=0; icount<NUMOFFRAME; icount++) { if (strcmp(both.spi.inst.spacecraft,frame_sc[icount]) == 0 && strcmp(,frame_inst[icount]) == 0) { frame = TRUE; found = icount; } } } /* Invalid instrument */ if (found == -1) goto unknown_inst; /****************************************************************************** * This is a scanner. Spherical datum model does not make sense. ******************************************************************************/ if (frame == FALSE) { /****************************************************************************** * Return sample resolution, line resolution, spacecraft azimuth, sun azimuth * as sampres, lineres, scaz, sunaz respectively. All of these values are * evaluated at location x,y relative to the full image cube. ******************************************************************************/ if (lev1_calc_resolution(&both.spi,&data,&sampres,&lineres)) goto res_error; if (sampres > lineres) azres = sampres; else azres = lineres; lev1_calc_spacecraft_azimuth(&both.spi,&data,azres,&scaz); lev1_calc_sun_azimuth(&both.spi,&data,azres,&sunaz); /****************************************************************************** * Now assign emi, inc, pha, scaz, sunaz to variables used below as * appropriate for the scanner case: Z axis is local vertical, so * emission angle is used to calculate emission vector rather than datum * derivatives. Also calculate the scaling variable, cosemi, to be used * for line-of-sight to vertical on output and vertical to line-of-sight on * input (cosemi=1.0 for scanners). ******************************************************************************/ res = lineres*xlinci; sres = sampres*xsinci; C_AEPAR1->aspect = sampres/lineres; C_PSNPAR->phase[0] = pha; clinc = inc; azinc = sunaz; clemi = emi; azemi = scaz; dip = 0.0; az = 0.0; C_DATUM2->datumtyp = 1; cosemi = 1.0; /****************************************************************************** * This is a framing camera. ******************************************************************************/ } else { lev1_calc_slant_distance(&data,&slantrange); /****************************************************************************** * Return resolution, spacecraft azimuth, sun azimuth as res[index], * scaz, sunaz respectively. All of these values are evaluated at * location x,y relative to the full image cube. ******************************************************************************/ res = (slantrange/frame_flinpix[found])*xlinci; sres = res; azres = res; lev1_calc_spacecraft_azimuth(&both.spi,&data,azres,&scaz); lev1_calc_sun_azimuth(&both.spi,&data,azres,&sunaz); /****************************************************************************** * Now assign emi, inc, pha, scaz, sunaz to variables used below as * appropriate for the framing camera case: Z axis is viewing direction, so * emission angle is used to calculate datum derivatives rather than * emission vector. Also calculate the scaling variable, cosemi, to be used * for line-of-sight to vertical on output and vertical to line-of-sight on * input. ******************************************************************************/ C_AEPAR1->aspect = 1.0; C_PSNPAR->phase[0] = pha; clinc = pha; azinc = sunaz; clemi = 0.0; azemi = 0.0; dip = emi; az = scaz + 180.0; cosemi = cos(emi*L_DEG2RAD); /****************************************************************************** * Obtain parameters needed for spherical datum ******************************************************************************/ if (C_DATUM2->datumtyp == 2) { radii[0] =[0]; radii[1] =[1]; radii[2] =[2]; if (radii[1] == 0.0) radii[1] = radii[0]; if (radii[2] == 0.0) radii[2] = radii[0]; radius = sqrt((radii[0]*radii[0]+radii[1]*radii[1]+ radii[2]*radii[2])/3.0); C_DATUM1->r0 = radius/res; /* Planet radius in pixels */ lev1_calc_subspace(&both.spi,&data,&tmpdata); ssclat =; ssclon = tmpdata.lon; = ssclat; data.lon = ssclon; if (lev1_latlon_to_linesamp(&both.spi,&data)) goto latlon_to_ls; C_DATUM1->xs0 = data.samp; C_DATUM1->yl0 = data.line; /****************************************************************************** * We have planet center in terms of full image cube, so convert to * subcube. ******************************************************************************/ C_DATUM1->xs0=(C_DATUM1->xs0 - (FLOAT4) issi)/xsinci + 1.0; C_DATUM1->yl0=(C_DATUM1->yl0 - (FLOAT4) isli)/xlinci + 1.0; /****************************************************************************** * Must calculate z00s for sphere, putting middle of image at height 0 ******************************************************************************/ C_DATUM1->z00s = -sqrt(C_DATUM1->r0*C_DATUM1->r0 - pow((xcenter-C_DATUM1->xs0)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) - pow((ycenter-C_DATUM1->yl0),2.0)); } } /****************************************************************************** * This is a levels Level 2 image. Having two Level 2 files is permitted * in software. The two image subcubes are the same size and they have * the same projection parameters. It doesn't matter if the scalar datum * variables are set twice from labels for both images; the results are * guaranteed to be the same. ******************************************************************************/ } else { level = 2; /****************************************************************************** * Next, check the projection. Orthographic projection allows a set of * images to be treated like one image. The coverage could be highly * localized (setting projection center to subspacecraft point minimizes * parallax) or hemispheric in scale. Spherical datum type is always used * in this projection, with center at center of projection. Coordinate * system has Z axis out of planet at center of projection. This point is * known by lat and lon. First find its Level 1 coordinates so we can find * ema, inc, phase here. NOTE that azimuths are returned but they are with * respect to Level 1 space so they don't get used. ******************************************************************************/ if (strcmp(,"ORTHOGRAPHIC") == 0) { = (FLOAT8) clat; data.lon = (FLOAT8) clon; if (lev1_latlon_to_linesamp(&both.spi,&data)) goto latlon_to_ls; lev1_calc_emission_angle(&data,&emi); lev1_calc_incidence_angle(&data,&inc); lev1_calc_phase_angle(&data,&pha); /****************************************************************************** * Now find the Level 2 coordinates of the center so we can find the * azimuths. This routine gives line and sample of a given lat,lon in * terms of the full image. Will later calculate position relative to * subcube. ******************************************************************************/ if (lev2_latlon_to_linesamp(&,&data)) goto latlon_to_ls; C_DATUM1->xs0 = data.samp; C_DATUM1->yl0 = data.line; /****************************************************************************** * Find azimuth to sun and spacecraft in Level 2. ******************************************************************************/ /* Convert mapscale to units of resolution */ res = * xlinci; sres = res; azres = res; tmpdata = data; lev2_calc_spacecraft_azimuth(&both.spi,&data, &,&tmpdata,azres,&scaz); tmpdata = data; lev2_calc_sun_azimuth(&both.spi,&data, &,&tmpdata,azres,&sunaz); /****************************************************************************** * Now assign emi, inc, pha, scaz, sunaz to variables used below as * appropriate for the map projected case: Z axis is the local vertical, * so emission angle is used to calculate emission vector rather than datum * derivatives. Also calculate the scaling variable, cosemi, to be used * for line-of-sight to vertical on output and vertical to line-of-sight on * input (cosemi=1.0 for map-projected images). ******************************************************************************/ C_AEPAR1->aspect = 1.0; C_PSNPAR->phase[0] = pha; clinc = inc; azinc = sunaz; clemi = emi; azemi = scaz; C_DATUM2->datumtyp = 2; cosemi = 1.0; /****************************************************************************** * Obtain parameters needed for spherical datum ******************************************************************************/ radii[0] =[0]; radii[1] =[1]; radii[2] =[2]; if (radii[1] == 0.0) radii[1] = radii[0]; if (radii[2] == 0.0) radii[2] = radii[0]; radius = sqrt((radii[0]*radii[0]+radii[1]*radii[1]+ radii[2]*radii[2])/3.0); C_DATUM1->r0 = radius/res; /* Planet radius in pixels */ /****************************************************************************** * Call above gave planet center in full image cube, so convert to subcube ******************************************************************************/ C_DATUM1->xs0=(C_DATUM1->xs0 - (FLOAT4) issi)/xsinci + 1.0; C_DATUM1->yl0=(C_DATUM1->yl0 - (FLOAT4) isli)/xlinci + 1.0; /****************************************************************************** * Must calculate z00s for sphere, putting middle of image at height 0 ******************************************************************************/ C_DATUM1->z00s = -sqrt(C_DATUM1->r0*C_DATUM1->r0 - pow((xcenter-C_DATUM1->xs0)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) - pow((ycenter-C_DATUM1->yl0),2.0)); /****************************************************************************** * Finally, calculate dip and azimuth of dip for sphere at reference * point. Do this by calling datum to get the elevation differences across * the pixel near the reference point (converted from full image cube to * subcube coordinates. ******************************************************************************/ (void) geomset(1.0); /* Setup needed before datum */ i = (INT4) ((x - (FLOAT4) issi)/ xsinci + .5) + 1; j = (INT4) ((y - (FLOAT4) isli)/ xlinci + .5) + 1; (void) datum(i,j,4,&z01,&z02,&z03,&z04); dzxm = 0.5*(-z01+z02+z03-z04); dzym = 0.5*(-z01-z02+z03+z04); dip = atan(sqrt((dzxm/C_AEPAR1->aspect)*(dzxm/C_AEPAR1->aspect)+ dzym*dzym))*L_RAD2DEG; az = atan2(dzym*C_AEPAR1->aspect*C_AEPAR1->aspect,dzxm)*L_RAD2DEG; /****************************************************************************** * Non-orthographic projections can be used to rectify scanner images. * Intent is to represent a small region only, so datum type is planar and * in fact has zero dip, similar to handling of Level 1 scanner images. No * error checking is done to see if the projection has severe skew or other * distortions that would make the calculation nonsensical. * * User input or default reference point location is in Level 2 space, so * convert to Level 1 space using lat,lon coordinates. ******************************************************************************/ } else { data.samp = x; data.line = y; if (lev2_linesamp_to_latlon(&,&data)) goto ls_to_latlon; if (lev2_latlon_to_linesamp(&,&data)) goto latlon_to_ls; tmpdata = data; if (lev1_latlon_to_linesamp(&both.spi,&data)) goto latlon_to_ls; else if (lev1_linesamp_to_latlon(&both.spi,&data)) goto ls_to_latlon; /****************************************************************************** * Return emission, incidence, phase as emi, inc, pha respectively. These * angles are evaluated at a location relative to the whole image. ******************************************************************************/ lev1_calc_emission_angle(&data,&emi); lev1_calc_incidence_angle(&data,&inc); lev1_calc_phase_angle(&data,&pha); /****************************************************************************** * Get ground resolutions of map at the reference point. ******************************************************************************/ if (lev2_calc_map_resolution(&both.spi,&data, &,&tmpdata,&sampres,&lineres)) goto res_error; /****************************************************************************** * Now, find azimuth to sun and spacecraft in Level 2. ******************************************************************************/ res = lineres*xlinci; sres = sampres*xsinci; azres = res; lev2_calc_spacecraft_azimuth(&both.spi,&data, &,&tmpdata,azres,&scaz); lev2_calc_sun_azimuth(&both.spi,&data, &,&tmpdata,azres,&sunaz); /****************************************************************************** * Now assign emi, inc, pha, scaz, sunaz to variables used below as * appropriate for the map projected case: Z axis is the local vertical, * so emission angle is used to calculate emission vector rather than datum * derivatives. Also calculate the scaling variable, cosemi, to be used * for line-of-sight to vertical on output and vertical to line-of-sight on * input (cosemi=1.0 for map-projected images). ******************************************************************************/ C_AEPAR1->aspect = sampres/lineres; C_PSNPAR->phase[0] = pha; clinc = inc; azinc = sunaz; clemi = emi; azemi = scaz; dip = 0.0; az = 0.0; C_DATUM2->datumtyp = 1; cosemi = 1.0; } } /****************************************************************************** * Only some of the needed levels Level 1 keyword groups found. Image is * invalid. ******************************************************************************/ } else { goto labels_not_complete; } /****************************************************************************** * Now proceed to calculate stored values with label information. Still * need to calculate derivatives of the plane datum. ******************************************************************************/ dzdip = tan(dip*L_DEG2RAD)/sqrt(pow(cos(az*L_DEG2RAD)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) +pow(sin(az*L_DEG2RAD),2.0)); C_DATUM1->dzx0 = -cos(az*L_DEG2RAD)*dzdip*C_AEPAR1->aspect*C_AEPAR1->aspect; C_DATUM1->dzy0 = -sin(az*L_DEG2RAD)*dzdip; C_DATUM1->z00 = -(C_DATUM1->dzx0*xcenter+C_DATUM1->dzy0*ycenter); C_DATUM1->dz10 = -(C_DATUM1->dzx0+C_DATUM1->dzy0); C_DATUM1->dz20 = -(C_DATUM1->dzx0-C_DATUM1->dzy0); (void) geomset(1.0); scale = 1000.0*res; C_PGEOM->ci[0] = cos(clinc*L_DEG2RAD)*SQ2; si0 = sin(clinc*L_DEG2RAD)/ sqrt(pow(cos(azinc*L_DEG2RAD)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) +pow(sin(azinc*L_DEG2RAD),2.0)); C_PGEOM->si1[0] = si0*cos((45.0-azinc)*L_DEG2RAD); C_PGEOM->si2[0] = si0*sin((45.0-azinc)*L_DEG2RAD); C_PGEOM->ce[0] = cos(clemi*L_DEG2RAD)*SQ2; se0 = sin(clemi*L_DEG2RAD)/ sqrt(pow(cos(azemi*L_DEG2RAD)*C_AEPAR1->aspect,2.0) +pow(sin(azemi*L_DEG2RAD),2.0)); C_PGEOM->se1[0] = se0*cos((45.0-azemi)*L_DEG2RAD); C_PGEOM->se2[0] = se0*sin((45.0-azemi)*L_DEG2RAD); /****************************************************************************** * Calculations above are purely GEOMETRIC; those below are PHOTOMETRIC, * i.e., depending on surface properties and description thereof. ******************************************************************************/ if (C_PPARS3->hapke) { if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPH_S",6) == 0) { C_PPARS2->falpha[0] = (1.0-C_PPARS5->phg2)* (1.0-C_PPARS5->phg1*C_PPARS5->phg1)/ (pow(1.0+C_PPARS5->phg1*C_PPARS5->phg1+2.0* C_PPARS5->phg1*cos(C_PSNPAR->phase[0]*L_DEG2RAD),1.5))+ C_PPARS5->phg2*(1.0-C_PPARS5->phg1*C_PPARS5->phg1)/ (pow(1.0+C_PPARS5->phg1*C_PPARS5->phg1-2.0*C_PPARS5->phg1* cos(C_PSNPAR->phase[0]*L_DEG2RAD),1.5))-1.0; } else if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPL_S",6) == 0) { C_PPARS2->falpha[0] = 1.0+C_PPARS5->pbh*cos(C_PSNPAR->phase[0]* L_DEG2RAD)+C_PPARS5->pch*(1.5*cos(C_PSNPAR->phase[0]*L_DEG2RAD)+ 0.5); } C_PPARS2->twogam = 2.0*sqrt(1.0-C_PPARS5->pwh); if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPLEG",6) == 0 || strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPHEN",6) == 0) { mulpht = 62; if (strncmp(C_PPARS4->phofunc,"HAPHEN",6) == 0) mulpht = mulpht + 23; if (C_PPARS5->phh != 0.0) mulpht = mulpht + 3; if (C_PPARS5->ptheta != 0.0) mulpht = mulpht + 127; C_PPARS1->mulps = (16+mulpht)*2; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = (42+mulpht*4)*2; } else { C_PPARS1->mulps = 15; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 15; } } else { C_PPARS2->pex1 = C_PPARS2->pex-1.0; C_PPARS2->pl2 = C_PPARS2->pl2+C_PPARS2->pl2; C_PPARS2->pl1 = 1.0-.5*C_PPARS2->pl2; if (C_PPARS2->pl2 == 0.0) { if (C_PPARS2->pex == 1.0) { C_PPARS1->mulps = 0; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 0; } else { C_PPARS1->mulps = 15; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 4; } } else if (C_PPARS2->pl2 == 2.0) { C_PPARS1->mulps = 3; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 4; } else { if (C_PPARS2->pex == 1.0) { C_PPARS1->mulps = 5; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 7; } else { C_PPARS1->mulps = 21; C_PPARS1->mulpsp = 14; } } } /****************************************************************************** * End of material-dependent code. Find photometric function * normalization, etc. (AEPARs) ******************************************************************************/ bclipin = 1.0e30; C_AEPAR1->bmax = 1.0e30; i = (INT4) (xcenter+.5); j = (INT4) (ycenter+.5); (void) pbder(i,j,0.0,0.0,&C_AEPAR1->bnorm,&db1,&db2,1); (void) findbmax(); if (C_AEPAR1->bmax < C_AEPAR1->bnorm*bclipin) C_AEPAR1->bclip = C_AEPAR1->bmax; else C_AEPAR1->bclip = C_AEPAR1->bnorm*bclipin; C_AEPAR2->flop = FALSE; C_AEPAR2->logimg = FALSE; /****************************************************************************** * Find azimuth of characteristic strips. This is calculated in terms of * true Cartesian azimuth, whereas the other azimuths are those on the * pixel grid, which may not have a unit aspect ratio. We will output the * azimuth of characteristics transformed to a grid azimuth. Starting point * for the search is the (numerator) sun azimuth, transformed to Cartesian. ******************************************************************************/ azi = atan2(sin(azinc*L_DEG2RAD)/C_AEPAR1->aspect,cos(azinc*L_DEG2RAD))* L_RAD2DEG; if (azi >= 0) icount = (INT4) (azi/90.0+.5); else icount = (INT4) (azi/90.0-.5); icard = icount-4*(icount/4); cardaz = 90.0*((FLOAT4) icard); delaza = cardaz-azi-45.0; delazb = cardaz-azi+45.0; p = ddberr; C_AEPAR1->delaz = zbrent(p,delaza,delazb,1.0e-6); if (ins > inl) arg = ins; else arg = inl; if (fabs(sin(C_AEPAR1->delaz*L_DEG2RAD)*cos(C_AEPAR1->delaz*L_DEG2RAD))* arg <= 0.5) C_AEPAR1->delaz = 0.0; while (icard < 0) { icard = icard+4; cardaz = cardaz+360.; } C_AEPAR1->charaz = cardaz-C_AEPAR1->delaz; if (C_AEPAR1->dbrat*(0.5-(icard%2)) < 0.0) C_AEPAR1->charaz = C_AEPAR1->charaz+90.; C_AEPAR1->charaz = C_AEPAR1->charaz-360.0*((INT4) (C_AEPAR1->charaz/360.0)); if (C_AEPAR1->charaz > 180.) C_AEPAR1->charaz = C_AEPAR1->charaz-360.; if (C_AEPAR1->charaz >= 0.) arg = 180.; else arg = -180.; if (fabs(C_AEPAR1->charaz) > 90.) C_AEPAR1->charaz = C_AEPAR1->charaz-arg; /****************************************************************************** * We use Cartesian charaz but print grid-relative charazgrid for the * user. No longer need to use ioct in main program to control geometric * transformation of images on input. Instead, set ioct1=1 and use it in * calls to pblinein1, etc. By setting the octant of the characteristics * ioct here and using it to control the SOR sweep direction, we get * optimal results for any charaz. ioct is passed via common. ******************************************************************************/ charazgrid = atan2(sin(C_AEPAR1->charaz*L_DEG2RAD)*C_AEPAR1->aspect, cos(C_AEPAR1->charaz*L_DEG2RAD))*L_RAD2DEG; if ((-90.0 <= C_AEPAR1->charaz) && (C_AEPAR1->charaz < -45.0)) C_AEPAR3->ioct = -2; else if ((-45.0 <= C_AEPAR1->charaz) && (C_AEPAR1->charaz < 0.0)) C_AEPAR3->ioct = -1; else if ((45.0 < C_AEPAR1->charaz) && (C_AEPAR1->charaz <= 90.0)) C_AEPAR3->ioct = 2; else C_AEPAR3->ioct = 1; sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"X= %f",x); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Y= %f",y); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"RADIUS= %f",radius); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Dip of datum= %f",dip); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Azimuth of dip= %f",az); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Azimuth of characteristics= %f",charazgrid); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Resolution (km/pix) = %f",sres); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Aspect = %f",1.0/C_AEPAR1->aspect); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Emission angle = %f",emi); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Incidence angle = %f",inc); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Phase angle = %f",pha); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Spacecraft azimuth = %f",scaz); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Sun azimuth = %f",sunaz); u_write_msg(3,C_MSG->pcpmsg); /****************************************************************************** * Finish getting TAE parameters ******************************************************************************/ (void) pcsi_ipars(&nsmooth); (void) write2log(1,ins,inl,note,lnote,from,clinc, azinc,clemi,azemi,sres, dip,az,charazgrid,radius,dndatum, 1.0/C_AEPAR1->aspect); if (PcsiFirstGuess()) goto first_guess_error; (void) write2log(2,ins,inl,note,lnote,from,clinc, azinc,clemi,azemi,sres, dip,az,charazgrid,radius,dndatum, 1.0/C_AEPAR1->aspect); return(0); /***************************************************** Error section *****************************************************/ user_parameter_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Error retrieving TAE parameter %s",prmname); u_error("INITPCSI-TAEERR",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-1,1); return(-1); spi_phosun_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Unable to get spacecraft and sun position information for %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-SPIPHOSUN",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-2,1); return(-2); spi_findlin_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to convert lat,lon to line,samp for %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-SPIFINDLIN",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-3,1); return(-3); spi_lbplan_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to read planet radii and lpos from %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-SPILBP",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-4,1); return(-4); first_guess_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to generate an initial solution for topography"); u_error("INITPCSI-SOLNERR",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-5,1); return(-5); lev_init_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to initialize input file %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-LEVINIT",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-6,1); return(-6); ls_to_latlon: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to convert line,sample to lat,lon for %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-LSTOLATLON",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-7,1); return(-7); latlon_to_ls: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to convert lat,lon to line,sample for %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-LATLONTOLS",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-8,1); return(-8); res_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Unable to determine line,sample resolution for %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-LSRES",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-9,1); return(-9); bad_subsamp: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Error getting sub-sample information for %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-SUBSAMP",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-10,1); return(-10); bad_subline: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Error getting sub-line information for %s", from); u_error("INITPCSI-SUBLINE",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-11,1); return(-11); inc_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Line and sample increment of file %s are not equal", from); u_error("INITPCSI-LINCSINC",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-12,1); return(-12); mosaic_group_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Mosaicked images must have all of groups: ISIS_INSTRUMENT, ISIS_GEOMETRY, ISIS_TARGET"); u_error("INITPCSI-MOSGRP",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-13,1); return(-13); level2_group_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Level 2 images must have all of groups: ISIS_INSTRUMENT, ISIS_GEOMETRY, ISIS_TARGET"); u_error("INITPCSI-LEV2GRP",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-14,1); return(-14); unknown_inst: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Unknown spacecraft/instrument found in %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-BILEV1",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-15,1); return(-15); labels_not_complete: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Necessary Level 1 keyword groups not found in %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-INCLAB",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-16,1); return(-16); haphen_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function HAPHEN: wh,theta,b0,hh,hg1,hg2"); u_error("INITPCSI-HAPHEN",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-17,1); return(-17); hapleg_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function HAPLEG: wh,theta,b0,hh,bh,ch"); u_error("INITPCSI-HAPLEG",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-18,1); return(-18); haph_s_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function HAPH_S: wh,hg1,hg2"); u_error("INITPCSI-HAPH_S",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-19,1); return(-19); hapl_s_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function HAPL_S: wh,bh,ch"); u_error("INITPCSI-HAPL_S",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-20,1); return(-20); min_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function MIN: k"); u_error("INITPCSI-MIN",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-21,1); return(-21); lunlam_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The following values must be provided for function LUNLAM: l"); u_error("INITPCSI-LUNLAM",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-22,1); return(-22); zout_remove_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "Unable to delete pre-existing ZOUT file"); u_error("INITPCSI-ZOUTREM",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-23,1); return(-23); flspec_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "The ZOUT filename is invalid"); u_error("INITPCSI-FLSPEC",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-24,1); return(-24); to_file_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "TO file was not specified by user"); u_error("INITPCSI-TOERR",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-25,1); return(-25); to_file_exist: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "TO file already exists"); u_error("INITPCSI-TOEXIST",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-26,1); return(-26); to_file_invalid: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg, "TO file name invalid"); u_error("INITPCSI-TOINV",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-27,1); return(-27); cube_open_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Error opening input cube file %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-OPENERR",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-28,1); return(-28); invalid_cube: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"%s is not a standard cube file",from); u_error("INITPCSI-INVCUBE",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-29,1); return(-29); bad_sys_keys: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Error obtaining system keywords from %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-SYSKEYS",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-30,1); return(-30); parse_sfrom_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to parse SFROM parameter %s for %s",sfrom,from); u_error("INITPCSI-PRSSFROM",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-31,1); return(-31); sfrom_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to apply SFROM %s to input file %s",sfrom,from); u_error("INITPCSI-SFROMERR",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-32,1); return(-32); clat_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to get clat from labels of %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-CLAT",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-33,1); return(-33); clon_error: sprintf(C_MSG->pcpmsg,"Unable to get clon from labels of %s",from); u_error("INITPCSI-CLON",C_MSG->pcpmsg,-34,1); return(-34); }
#define PROJ_PARMS__ \ double K, c, hlf_e, kR, cosp0, sinp0; #define PJ_LIB__ #include "projects.h" PROJ_HEAD(somerc, "Swiss. Obl. Mercator") "\n\tCyl, Ell\n\tFor CH1903"; #define EPS 1.e-10 #define NITER 6 FORWARD(e_forward); double phip, lamp, phipp, lampp, sp, cp; sp = P->e * sin(lp.phi); phip = 2.* atan( exp( P->c * ( log(tan(FORTPI + 0.5 * lp.phi)) - P->hlf_e * log((1. + sp)/(1. - sp))) + P->K)) - HALFPI; lamp = P->c * lp.lam; cp = cos(phip); phipp = aasin(P->ctx,P->cosp0 * sin(phip) - P->sinp0 * cp * cos(lamp)); lampp = aasin(P->ctx,cp * sin(lamp) / cos(phipp)); xy.x = P->kR * lampp; xy.y = P->kR * log(tan(FORTPI + 0.5 * phipp)); return (xy); } INVERSE(e_inverse); /* ellipsoid & spheroid */ double phip, lamp, phipp, lampp, cp, esp, con, delp; int i; phipp = 2. * (atan(exp(xy.y / P->kR)) - FORTPI); lampp = xy.x / P->kR; cp = cos(phipp); phip = aasin(P->ctx,P->cosp0 * sin(phipp) + P->sinp0 * cp * cos(lampp)); lamp = aasin(P->ctx,cp * sin(lampp) / cos(phip));
vector<float> CircularBuffer::creatHistogram(int partitionN){ vector<float> histogram(8 * partitionN); float angle; float mod; int frameN = maxSize/partitionN; for(int j = 0; j < partitionN; ++j){ for(int i = j * frameN; i < (j + 1) * frameN; ++i){ int pos = startPoint + i; if(pos >= maxSize) pos = pos - maxSize; if(!zero(v[pos])){ mod = getMod(v[pos]); if(v[pos].first == 0 && v[pos].second > 0){//positive y direction histogram[2 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; }else if(v[pos].first == 0 && v[pos].second < 0){//negative y direction histogram[6 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; }else if(v[pos].second == 0 && v[pos].first > 0){//positive x direction histogram[0 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; }else{//negative x direction histogram[4 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } angle = atan((v[pos].second*1.0)/v[pos].first); if(v[pos].first > 0 && v[pos].second > 0){//positive x and positive y region if(angle <= 3.1415926/4){ histogram[0 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } if(angle > 3.1415926/4 && angle < 3.1415926/2){ histogram[1 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } }else if(v[pos].first > 0 && v[pos].second < 0){//positive x and negative y region if(angle > 3.1415926/4){ histogram[7 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } if(angle > -3.1415926/2 && angle < -3.1415926/4){ histogram[6 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } }else if(v[pos].first < 0 && v[pos].second > 0){//negative x and positive y region if(angle > -3.1415926/4){ histogram[3 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } if(angle > -3.1415926/2 && angle < -3.1415926/4){ histogram[2 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } }else if(v[pos].first < 0 && v[pos].second < 0){//negative x and negative y region if(angle <= 3.1415926/4){ histogram[4 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } if(angle > 3.1415926/4 && angle < 3.1415926/2){ histogram[5 + 8 * j] += mod; continue; } } }//end of if }//end of for } for(int i = 0; i < 8 * partitionN; ++i){ histogram[i] /= frameN * 1.0; } return histogram; }
float Math::arctanDegrees(float i){ return atan(i) * (180/PI); }
void ThreadSSAO(void *ptr) { sSSAOparams *param; param = (sSSAOparams*) ptr; int quality = param->quality; double persp = param->persp; int threadNo = param->threadNo; cImage *image = param->image; int width = image->GetWidth(); int height = image->GetHeight(); int progressive = param->progressive; bool quiet = param->quiet; double *cosinus = new double[quality]; double *sinus = new double[quality]; for (int i = 0; i < quality; i++) { sinus[i] = sin((double) i / quality * 2.0 * M_PI); cosinus[i] = cos((double) i / quality * 2.0 * M_PI); } double scale_factor = (double) width / (quality * quality) / 2.0; double aspectRatio = (double) width / height; enumPerspectiveType perspectiveType = param->perspectiveType; double fov = param->persp; sImageAdjustments *imageAdjustments = image->GetImageAdjustments(); double intensity = imageAdjustments->globalIlum; for (int y = threadNo * progressive; y < height; y += NR_THREADS * progressive) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += progressive) { double z = image->GetPixelZBuffer(x, y); unsigned short opacity16 = image->GetPixelOpacity(x, y); double opacity = opacity16 / 65535.0; double total_ambient = 0; if (z < 1e19) { //printf("SSAO point on object\n"); double x2, y2; if (perspectiveType == fishEye) { x2 = M_PI * ((double) x / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; y2 = M_PI * ((double) y / height - 0.5); double r = sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2); if(r != 0.0) { x2 = x2 / r * sin(r * fov) * z; y2 = y2 / r * sin(r * fov) * z; } } else if(perspectiveType == equirectangular) { x2 = M_PI * ((double) x / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; //--------- do sprawdzenia y2 = M_PI * ((double) y / height - 0.5); x2 = sin(fov * x2) * cos(fov * y2) * z; y2 = sin(fov * y2) * z; } else { x2 = ((double) x / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; y2 = ((double) y / height - 0.5); x2 = x2 * z * persp; y2 = y2 * z * persp; } double ambient = 0; for (int angle = 0; angle < quality; angle++) { double ca = cosinus[angle]; double sa = sinus[angle]; double max_diff = -1e50; for (double r = 1.0; r < quality; r += 1.0) { double rr = r * r * scale_factor; double xx = x + rr * ca; double yy = y + rr * sa; if ((int) xx == (int) x && (int) yy == (int) y) continue; if (xx < 0 || xx > width - 1 || yy < 0 || yy > height - 1) continue; double z2 = image->GetPixelZBuffer(xx, yy); double xx2, yy2; if (perspectiveType == fishEye) { xx2 = M_PI * ((double) xx / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; yy2 = M_PI * ((double) yy / height - 0.5); double r2 = sqrt(xx2 * xx2 + yy2 * yy2); if(r != 0.0) { xx2 = xx2 / r2 * sin(r2 * fov) * z2; yy2 = yy2 / r2 * sin(r2 * fov) * z2; } } else if (perspectiveType == equirectangular) { xx2 = M_PI * (xx / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; //--------- do sprawdzenia yy2 = M_PI * (yy / height - 0.5); xx2 = sin(fov * xx2) * cos(fov * yy2) * z2; yy2 = sin(fov * yy2) * z2; } else { xx2 = (xx / width - 0.5) * aspectRatio; yy2 = (yy / height - 0.5); xx2 = xx2 * (z2 * persp); yy2 = yy2 * (z2 * persp); } double dx = xx2 - x2; double dy = yy2 - y2; double dz = z2 - z; double dr = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); double diff = -dz / dr; if (diff > max_diff) max_diff = diff; } double max_angle = atan(max_diff); ambient += -max_angle / M_PI + 0.5; } total_ambient = ambient / quality; if (total_ambient < 0) total_ambient = 0; } sRGB8 colour = image->GetPixelColor(x, y); sRGB16 pixel = image->GetPixelImage16(x, y); double R = pixel.R + 65535.0 * colour.R / 256.0 * total_ambient * intensity * (1.0 - opacity); double G = pixel.G + 65535.0 * colour.G / 256.0 * total_ambient * intensity * (1.0 - opacity); double B = pixel.B + 65535.0 * colour.B / 256.0 * total_ambient * intensity * (1.0 - opacity); if (R > 65535) R = 65535; if (G > 65535) G = 65535; if (B > 65535) B = 65535; for(int sqY =0; sqY<progressive; sqY++) { for(int sqX =0; sqX<progressive; sqX++) { pixel.R = R; pixel.G = G; pixel.B = B; image->PutPixelImage16(x + sqX, y + sqY, pixel); } } } double percentDone = (double) y / height * 100.0; if(!quiet) printf("Rendering Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. Done %.2f%% \r", percentDone); fflush(stdout); param->done++; if (!isPostRendering) break; } delete[] sinus; delete[] cosinus; }
float Math::arctanRadians(float i){ return atan(i); }
/*< SUBROUTINE INTHP(A, B, D, F, M, P, EPS, INF, QUADR) >*/ /* Subroutine */ int inthp(doublereal *a, doublereal *b, doublereal *d__, void *f, integer *m, doublereal *p, doublereal *eps, integer *inf, doublereal *quadr) { /* System generated locals */ doublereal d__1; /* Builtin functions */ double atan(doublereal), sqrt(doublereal), exp(doublereal), R_pow( doublereal *, doublereal *), log(doublereal); /* Local variables */ static doublereal alfa, exph, exph0, c__, h__; static integer i__, k, l, n; static doublereal s, t, u, v, w, c0, e1, h0, h1; static integer i1, l1, m1, m2, n1; static doublereal s1, v0, v1, v2, w1, w2, w3, w4, ba, pi, sr, sq2, cor, sum; static logical inf1, inf2; static doublereal eps3, sum1, sum2; static double *tmp; static char *mode[1], *ss[1]; static long length[1]; static void *args[1]; static double zz[1]; /* THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUTES INTEGRAL OF FUNCTIONS WHICH */ /* MAY HAVE SINGULARITIES AT ONE OR BOTH END-POINTS OF AN */ /* INTERVAL (A,B), SEE [1, 2]. IT CONTAINS FOUR DIFFERENT */ /* QUADRATURE ROUTINES: ONE OVER A FINITE INTERVAL (A,B), */ /* TWO OVER (A,+INFINITY), AND ONE OVER (-INFINITY,+INFINITY). */ /* OF THE TWO FORMULAS OVER (A,+INFINITY), THE FIRST (INF=2 */ /* BELOW) IS MORE SUITED TO NON-OSCILLATORY INTEGRANDS, WHILE */ /* THE SECOND (INF=3) IS MORE SUITED TO OSCILLATORY INTEGRANDS. */ /* THE USER SUPPLIES THE INTEGRAND FUNCTION, HE SPECIFIES THE */ /* INTERVAL, AS WELL AS THE RELATIVE ERROR TO WHICH THE INTE- */ /* GRAL IS TO BE EVALUATED. */ /* THE FORMULAS ARE OPTIMAL IN CERTAIN HARDY SPACES H(P,DD), */ /* SEE [1, 2]. HERE DD IS AN OPEN DOMAIN IN THE COMPLEX PLANE, */ /* A AND B BELONG TO THE BOUNDARY OF DD AND H(P,DD), P.GT.1, IS */ /* THE SET OF ALL ANALYTIC FUNCTONS IN DD WHOSE P-TH NORM DEFI- */ /* NED AS IN [2] IS FINITE. */ /* IF THE USER IS UNABLE TO SPECIFY THE PARAMETERS P AND D */ /* OF THE SPACE H(P,DD) TO WHICH HIS INTEGRAND BELONGS, THE */ /* ALGORITHM TERMINATES ACCORDING TO A HEURISTIC CRITERION, SEE */ /* [2] AND COMMENTS TO EPS. */ /* IF THE USER CAN SPECIFY THE PARAMETERS P AND D OF THE */ /* SPACE H(P,DD) TO WHICH HIS INTEGRAND BELONGS, THE ALGORITHM */ /* TERMINATES WITH AN ANSWER HAVING A GUARANTEED ACCURACY ( DE- */ /* TEMINISTIC CRITERION, SEE [1, 2] AND COMMENTS TO EPS). */ /* INPUT PARAMETERS */ /* A = LOWER LIMIT OF INTEGRATION (SEE COMMENTS TO INF). */ /* B = UPPER LIMIT OF INTEGRATION (SEE COMMENTS TO INF). */ /* D = A PARAMETER OF THE CLASS H(P,DD) (SEE COMMENTS TO */ /* INF). */ /* USER SETS D: */ /* HEURISTIC TERMINATION */ /* = ANY REAL NUMBER */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION */ /* = A NUMBER IN THE RANGE 0.LT.D.LE.PI/2. */ /* F = A NAME OF AN EXTERNAL INTEGRAND FUNCTION TO BE */ /* SUPPLIED BY THE USER. F(X) COMPUTES THE VALUE OF */ /* A FUNCTION F AT A POINT X. THE STATEMENT */ /* ...EXTERNAL F... MUST APPEAR IN THE MAIN PROGRAM. */ /* M = MAXIMAL NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS ALLOWED IN */ /* THE COMPUTATIONS, M.GE.3.( ALTERED ON EXIT ). */ /* P = 0, 1, .GT.1 A PARAMETER OF THE CLASS H(P,DD). */ /* USER SETS P: */ /* = 0 - HEURISTIC TERMINATION. */ /* = 1 - DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION WITH THE INFINITY */ /* NORM. */ /* .GT.1 -DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION WITH THE P-TH NORM. */ /* EPS = A REAL NUMBER - THE RELATIVE ERROR BOUND - SEE */ /* REMARKS BELOW. ( ALTERED ON EXIT ). */ /* INF = 1, 2, 3, 4 - INFORMATION PARAMETER. ( ALTERED ON EXIT ). */ /* = 1 SIGNIFIES AN INFINITE INTERVAL (A,B)=REAL LINE, */ /* A AND B ANY NUMBERS. */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION - */ /* DD=STRIP(Z:ABS(IM(Z)).LT.D). */ /* = 2 SIGNIFIES A SEMI-INFINITE INTERVAL (A, +INFINITY) */ /* USER SUPPLIES A, B ANY NUMBER. */ /* QUADRATURE SUITED TO NON-OSCILLATORY INTEGRANDS. */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION - */ /* DD=SECTOR(Z:ABS(ARG(Z-A)).LT.D). */ /* = 3 SIGNIFIES A SEMI INFINITE INTERVAL (A,+INFINITY) */ /* USER SUPPLIES A, B ANY NUMBER. */ /* QUADRATURE SUITED TO OSCILLATORY INTEGRANDS. */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION - */ /* DD=REGION(Z:ABS(ARG(SINH(Z-A))).LT.D). */ /* = 4 SIGNIFIES A FINITE INTERVAL (A,B). */ /* USER SUPPLIES A AND B. */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION - */ /* DD=LENS REGION(Z:ABS(ARG((Z-A)/(B-Z))).LT.D). */ /* OUTPUT PARAMETERS */ /* M = THE NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS USED IN THE */ /* QUADRATURE. */ /* EPS = THE RELATIVE ERROR BOUND (SEE REMARKS BELOW). */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION */ /* = THE RELATIVE ERROR REXA BOUND, I.E., */ /* REXA(F,M(OUTPUT)) .LE. EPS. */ /* HEURISTIC TERMINATION */ /* = MAX(EPS(INPUT),MACHEP). */ /* INF = 0, 1 - DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION */ /* = 0 COMPUTED QUADRATURE QCOM(F,M(EPS)), SEE REMARKS */ /* BELOW. */ /* = 1 COMPUTED QUADRATURE QCOM(F,M1), SEE REMARKS */ /* BELOW. */ /* INF = 2, 3, 4 - HEURISTIC TERMINATION. */ /* = 2 INTEGRATION COMPLETED WITH EPS=MAX(EPS(INPUT), */ /* MACHEP). WE CAN EXPECT THE RELATIVE ERROR */ /* REXA TO BE OF THE ORDER OF EPS (FOR SOME P.GE.1). */ /* = 3 INTEGRATION NOT COMPLETED. ATTEMPT TO EXCEED THE */ /* MAXIMAL ALLOWED NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS M. */ /* TRUNCATION CONDITIONS (SEE [2]) SATISFIED. QUADR */ /* SET TO BE EQUAL TO THE LAST TRAPEZOIDAL APPRO- */ /* XIMATION. IT IS LIKELY THAT QUADR APPROXIMATES THE */ /* INTEGRAL IF M IS LARGE. */ /* = 4 INTEGRATION NOT COMPLETED. ATTEMPT TO EXCEED THE */ /* MAXIMAL ALLOWED NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS M. */ /* TRUNCATION CONDITIONS (SEE [2]) NOT SATISFIED. */ /* QUADR SET TO BE EQUAL TO THE COMPUTED TRAPEZOIDAL */ /* APPROXIMATION. IT IS UNLIKELY THAT QUADR APPROXIMATES */ /* THE INTEGRAL. */ /* INF = 10, 11, 12, 13 - INCORRECT INPUT */ /* = 10 M.LT.3. */ /* = 11 P DOES NOT SATISFY P=0, P=1 OR P.GT.1 OR IN THE */ /* CASE OF DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION D DOES NOT */ /* SATISFY 0.LT.D.LE.PI/2. */ /* = 12 A.GE.B IN CASE OF A FINITE INTERVAL. */ /* = 13 INF NOT EQUAL TO 1, 2, 3, OR 4. */ /* QUADR = THE COMPUTED VALUE OF QUADRATURE. */ /* REMARKS: */ /* LET QEXA(F,M) ( QCOM(F,M) ) BE THE EXACT (COMPUTED) */ /* VALUE OF THE QUADRATURE WITH M FUNCTION EVALUATIONS, */ /* AND LET REXA(F,M) ( RCOM(F,M) ) BE THE RELATIVE ERROR */ /* OF QEXA (QCOM) ,I.E., */ /* REXA(F,M)=ABS(INTEGRAL(F)-QEXA(F,M))/NORM(F), */ /* RCOM(F,M)=ABS(INTEGRAL(F)-QCOM(F,M))/NORM(F), */ /* WITH THE NOTATION 0/0=0. */ /* DUE TO THE ROUNDOFF ONE CANNOT EXPECT THE ERROR */ /* RCOM TO BE LESS THAN THE RELATIVE MACHINE PRECISION */ /* MACHEP. THEREFORE THE INPUT VALUE OF EPS IS CHANGED */ /* ACCORDING TO THE FORMULA */ /* EPS=MAX(EPS,MACHEP). */ /* DETERMINISTIC TERMINATON CASE */ /* THE NUMBER OF FUNCTON EVALUATIONS M(EPS) IS COMPUTED */ /* SO THAT THE ERROR REXA IS NO GREATER THAN EPS,I.E., */ /* (*) REXA(F,M(EPS)) .LE. EPS . */ /* IF M(EPS).LE.M THEN THE QUADRATURE QCOM(F,M(EPS)) IS COM- */ /* PUTED. OTHERWISE, WHICH MEANS THAT EPS IS TOO SMALL WITH */ /* RESPECT TO M, THE QUADRATURE QCOM(F,M1) IS COMPUTED, WHERE */ /* M1=2*INT((M-1)/2)+1. IN THIS CASE EPS IS CHANGED TO THE */ /* SMALLEST NUMBER FOR WHICH THE ESTIMATE (*) HOLDS WITH */ /* M(EPS)=M1 FUNCTION EVALUATIONS. */ /* HEURISTIC TERMINATION CASE */ /* WE CAN EXPECT THE RELATIVE ERROR REXA TO BE OF THE */ /* ORDER OF EPS, SEE [2]. IF EPS IS TOO SMALL WITH RESPECT */ /* TO M THEN THE QUADRATURE QCOM(F,M) IS COMPUTED. */ /* ROUNDOFF ERRORS */ /* IN BOTH DETERMINISTIC AND HEURISTIC CASES THE ROUND- */ /* OFF ERROR */ /* ROFF=ABS(QEXA(F,M)-QCOM(F,M)) */ /* CAN BE ESTIMATED BY */ /* (**) ROFF .LE. 3*C1*R*MACHEP, */ /* WHERE R=QCOM(ABS(F),M)+(1+2*C2)/3*SUM(W(I),I=1,2,...M) */ /* AND C1 IS OF THE ORDER OF UNITY, C1=1/(1-3*MACHEP), W(I) */ /* ARE THE WEIGHTS OF THE QUADRATURE, SEE [2], AND C2 IS */ /* A CONSTANT ESTIMATING THE ACCURACY OF COMPUTING FUNCTION */ /* VALUES, I.E., */ /* ABS(EXACT(F(X))-COMPUTED(F(X))).LE.C2*MACHEP. */ /* IF THE INTEGRAND VALUES ARE COMPUTED INACCURATELY, I.E., */ /* C2 IS LARGE, THEN THE ESTIMATE (**) IS LARGE AND ONE CAN */ /* EXPECT THE ACTUAL ERROR ROFF TO BE LARGE. NUMERICAL TESTS */ /* INDICATE THAT THIS HAPPENS ESPECIALLY WHEN THE INTEGRAND */ /* IS EVALUATED INACCURATELY NEAR A SINGULARITY. THE WAYS OF */ /* CIRCUMVENTING SUCH PITFALLS ARE EXPLAINED IN [2]. */ /* REFERENCES: */ /* [1] SIKORSKI,K., OPTIMAL QUADRATURE ALGORITHMS IN HP */ /* SPACES, NUM. MATH., 39, 405-410 (1982). */ /* [2] SIKORSKI,K., STENGER,F., OPTIMAL QUADRATURES IN */ /* HP SPACES, ACM TOMS. */ /* modified by J.K. Lindsey for R September 1998 */ /*< implicit none >*/ /*< INTEGER I, I1, INF, K, L, L1, M, M1, M2, N, N1 >*/ /*< >*/ /*< >*/ /*< double precision V2, W, W1, W2, W3, W4 >*/ /*< LOGICAL INF1, INF2 >*/ mode[0] = "double"; length[0] = 1; args[0] = (void *)(zz); /*< PI = 4.*ATAN(1.0) >*/ pi = atan(1.f) * 4.f; /* CHECK THE INPUT DATA */ /*< >*/ if (*inf != 1 && *inf != 2 && *inf != 3 && *inf != 4) { goto L300; } /*< IF (M.LT.3) GO TO 270 >*/ if (*m < 3) { goto L270; } /*< IF (P.LT.1. .AND. P.NE.0.) GO TO 280 >*/ if (*p < 1.f && *p != 0.f) { goto L280; } /*< IF (P.GE.1. .AND. (D.LE.0. .OR. D.GT.PI/2.)) GO TO 280 >*/ if (*p >= 1.f && (*d__ <= 0.f || *d__ > pi / 2.f)) { goto L280; } /*< IF (INF.EQ.4 .AND. A.GE.B) GO TO 290 >*/ if (*inf == 4 && *a >= *b) { goto L290; } /*< SQ2 = SQRT(2.0) >*/ sq2 = sqrt(2.f); /*< I1 = INF - 2 >*/ i1 = *inf - 2; /*< BA = B - A >*/ ba = *b - *a; /*< N1 = 0 >*/ n1 = 0; /* COMPUTE THE RELATIVE MACHINE PRECISION AND CHECK */ /* THE VALUE OF EPS. CAUTION...THIS LOOP MAY NOT WORK ON A */ /* MACHINE THAT HAS AN ACCURATED ARITHMETIC PROCESS COMPARED */ /* TO THE STORAGE PRECISION. THE VALUE OF U MAY NEED TO BE */ /* SIMPLY DEFINED AS THE RELATIVE ACCURACY OF STORAGE PRECISION. */ /*< U = 1. >*/ u = 1.f; /*< 10 U = U/10. >*/ L10: u /= 10.f; /*< T = 1. + U >*/ t = u + 1.f; /*< IF (1..NE.T) GO TO 10 >*/ if (1.f != t) { goto L10; } /*< U = U*10. >*/ u *= 10.f; /*< IF (EPS.LT.U) EPS = U >*/ if (*eps < u) { *eps = u; } /*< IF (P.EQ.0.) GO TO 40 >*/ if (*p == 0.f) { goto L40; } /* SET UP DATA FOR THE DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION */ /*< IF (P.EQ.1.) ALFA = 1. >*/ if (*p == 1.f) { alfa = 1.f; } /*< IF (P.GT.1.) ALFA = (P-1.)/P >*/ if (*p > 1.f) { alfa = (*p - 1.f) / *p; } /*< C = 2.*PI/(1.-1./EXP(PI*SQRT(ALFA))) + 4.**ALFA/ALFA >*/ c__ = pi * 2.f / (1.f - 1.f / exp(pi * sqrt(alfa))) + R_pow(&c_b8, &alfa) / alfa; /*< W = dLOG(C/EPS) >*/ w = log(c__ / *eps); /*< W1 = 1./(PI*PI*ALFA)*W*W >*/ w1 = 1.f / (pi * pi * alfa) * w * w; /*< N = INT(W1) >*/ n = (integer) w1; /*< IF (W1.GT.FLOAT(N)) N = N + 1 >*/ if (w1 > (real) n) { ++n; } /*< IF (W1.EQ.0.) N = 1 >*/ if (w1 == 0.f) { n = 1; } /*< N1 = 2*N + 1 >*/ n1 = (n << 1) + 1; /*< SR = SQRT(ALFA*FLOAT(N)) >*/ sr = sqrt(alfa * (real) n); /*< IF (N1.LE.M) GO TO 20 >*/ if (n1 <= *m) { goto L20; } /* EPS TOO SMALL WITH RESPECT TO M. COMPUTE THE NEW EPS */ /* GUARANTEED BY THE VALUE OF M. */ /*< N1 = 1 >*/ n1 = 1; /*< N = INT(FLOAT((M-1)/2)) >*/ n = (integer) ((real) ((*m - 1) / 2)); /*< SR = SQRT(ALFA*FLOAT(N)) >*/ sr = sqrt(alfa * (real) n); /*< M = 2*N + 1 >*/ *m = (n << 1) + 1; /*< EPS = C/EXP(PI*SR) >*/ *eps = c__ / exp(pi * sr); /*< GO TO 30 >*/ goto L30; /*< 20 M = N1 >*/ L20: *m = n1; /*< N1 = 0 >*/ n1 = 0; /*< 30 H = 2.*D/SR >*/ L30: h__ = *d__ * 2.f / sr; /*< SUM2 = 0. >*/ sum2 = 0.f; /*< L1 = N >*/ l1 = n; /*< K = N >*/ k = n; /*< INF1 = .FALSE. >*/ inf1 = FALSE_; /*< INF2 = .FALSE. >*/ inf2 = FALSE_; /*< H0 = H >*/ h0 = h__; /*< GO TO 50 >*/ goto L50; /* SET UP DATA FOR THE HEURISTIC TERMINATION */ /*< 40 H = 1. >*/ L40: h__ = 1.f; /*< H0 = 1. >*/ h0 = 1.f; /*< EPS3 = EPS/3. >*/ eps3 = *eps / 3.f; /*< SR = SQRT(EPS) >*/ sr = sqrt(*eps); /*< V1 = EPS*10. >*/ v1 = *eps * 10.f; /*< V2 = V1 >*/ v2 = v1; /*< M1 = M - 1 >*/ m1 = *m - 1; /*< N = INT(FLOAT(M1/2)) >*/ n = (integer) ((real) (m1 / 2)); /*< M2 = N >*/ m2 = n; /*< L1 = 0 >*/ l1 = 0; /*< INF1 = .TRUE. >*/ inf1 = TRUE_; /*< INF2 = .FALSE. >*/ inf2 = FALSE_; /* INITIALIZE THE QUADRATURE */ /*< 50 I = 0 >*/ L50: i__ = 0; /*< IF (INF.EQ.1) SUM = F(0.d0) >*/ if (*inf == 1) { /* sum = (*f)(&c_b12);*/ zz[0]=c_b12; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; sum=tmp[0]; } /*< IF (INF.EQ.2) SUM = F(A+1.) >*/ if (*inf == 2) { d__1 = *a + 1.f; /* sum = (*f)(&d__1);*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; sum=tmp[0]; } /*< IF (INF.EQ.3) SUM = F(A+dLOG(1.+SQ2))/SQ2 >*/ if (*inf == 3) { d__1 = *a + log(sq2 + 1.f); /* sum = (*f)(&d__1) / sq2;*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; sum=tmp[0]/sq2; } /*< IF (INF.EQ.4) SUM = F((A+B)/2.)/4.*BA >*/ if (*inf == 4) { d__1 = (*a + *b) / 2.f; /* sum = (*f)(&d__1) / 4.f * ba;*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; sum=tmp[0] / 4.f * ba; } /* COMPUTE WEIGHTS, NODES AND FUNCTION VALUES */ /*< 60 EXPH = EXP(H) >*/ L60: exph = exp(h__); /*< EXPH0 = EXP(H0) >*/ exph0 = exp(h0); /*< H1 = H0 >*/ h1 = h0; /*< E1 = EXPH0 >*/ e1 = exph0; /*< U = 0. >*/ u = 0.f; /*< COR = 0. >*/ cor = 0.f; /*< 70 IF (I1) 80, 90, 100 >*/ L70: if (i1 < 0) { goto L80; } else if (i1 == 0) { goto L90; } else { goto L100; } /*< 80 V = F(H1) >*/ L80: /* v = (*f)(&h1);*/ zz[0]=h1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; v=tmp[0]; /*< H1 = H1 + H >*/ h1 += h__; /*< GO TO 150 >*/ goto L150; /*< 90 V = E1*F(A+E1) >*/ L90: d__1 = *a + e1; /* v = e1 * (*f)(&d__1);*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; v=e1 * tmp[0]; /*< E1 = E1*EXPH >*/ e1 *= exph; /*< GO TO 150 >*/ goto L150; /*< 100 IF (INF.EQ.4) GO TO 140 >*/ L100: if (*inf == 4) { goto L140; } /*< W1 = SQRT(E1+1./E1) >*/ w1 = sqrt(e1 + 1.f / e1); /*< W2 = SQRT(E1) >*/ w2 = sqrt(e1); /*< IF (E1.LT.0.1) GO TO 110 >*/ if (e1 < .1f) { goto L110; } /*< S = dLOG(E1+W1*W2) >*/ s = log(e1 + w1 * w2); /*< GO TO 130 >*/ goto L130; /*< 110 W3 = E1 >*/ L110: w3 = e1; /*< W4 = E1*E1 >*/ w4 = e1 * e1; /*< C0 = 1. >*/ c0 = 1.f; /*< S = E1 >*/ s = e1; /*< S1 = E1 >*/ s1 = e1; /*< T = 0. >*/ t = 0.f; /*< 120 C0 = -C0*(0.5+T)*(2.*T+1.)/(2.*T+3.)/(T+1.) >*/ L120: c0 = -c0 * (t + .5f) * (t * 2.f + 1.f) / (t * 2.f + 3.f) / (t + 1.f); /*< T = T + 1. >*/ t += 1.f; /*< W3 = W3*W4 >*/ w3 *= w4; /*< S = S + C0*W3 >*/ s += c0 * w3; /*< IF (S.EQ.S1) GO TO 130 >*/ if (s == s1) { goto L130; } /*< S1 = S >*/ s1 = s; /*< GO TO 120 >*/ goto L120; /*< 130 V = W2/W1*F(A+S) >*/ L130: d__1 = *a + s; /* v = w2 / w1 * (*f)(&d__1);*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; v = w2 / w1 * tmp[0]; /*< E1 = E1*EXPH >*/ e1 *= exph; /*< GO TO 150 >*/ goto L150; /*< 140 W1 = E1 + 1. >*/ L140: w1 = e1 + 1.f; /*< V = E1/W1/W1*F((A+B*E1)/W1)*BA >*/ d__1 = (*a + *b * e1) / w1; /* v = e1 / w1 / w1 * (*f)(&d__1) * ba;*/ zz[0]=d__1; call_R(f, 1L, args, mode, length, 0L, 1L, ss); tmp=(double *)ss[0]; v = e1 / w1 / w1 * tmp[0] * ba; /*< E1 = E1*EXPH >*/ e1 *= exph; /* SUMMATION ALGORITHM */ /*< 150 I = I + 1 >*/ L150: ++i__; /*< SUM1 = U + V >*/ sum1 = u + v; /*< IF (ABS(U).LT.ABS(V)) GO TO 160 >*/ if (abs(u) < abs(v)) { goto L160; } /*< COR = V - (SUM1-U) + COR >*/ cor = v - (sum1 - u) + cor; /*< GO TO 170 >*/ goto L170; /*< 160 COR = U - (SUM1-V) + COR >*/ L160: cor = u - (sum1 - v) + cor; /*< 170 U = SUM1 >*/ L170: u = sum1; /*< IF (I.LT.L1) GO TO 70 >*/ if (i__ < l1) { goto L70; } /* SWITCH TO CHECK TRUNCATION CONDITION ( HEURISTIC */ /* TERMINATION) */ /*< IF (INF1) GO TO 190 >*/ if (inf1) { goto L190; } /* SWITCH TO COMPUTE THE MIDORDINATE APPROXIMATION */ /* ( HEURISTIC TERMINATION ) OR TO STOP ( DETERMINIS- */ /* TIC TERMINATION) */ /*< IF (INF2) GO TO 210 >*/ if (inf2) { goto L210; } /* SET UP PARAMETERS TO CONTINUE SUMMATION */ /*< L1 = K >*/ l1 = k; /*< 180 INF2 = .TRUE. >*/ L180: inf2 = TRUE_; /*< I = 0. >*/ i__ = 0.f; /*< EXPH = 1./EXPH >*/ exph = 1.f / exph; /*< H0 = -H0 >*/ h0 = -h0; /*< E1 = 1./EXPH0 >*/ e1 = 1.f / exph0; /*< H1 = H0 >*/ h1 = h0; /*< H = -H >*/ h__ = -h__; /*< GO TO 70 >*/ goto L70; /* TRUNCATION CONDITION */ /*< 190 V0 = V1 >*/ L190: v0 = v1; /*< V1 = V2 >*/ v1 = v2; /*< V2 = ABS(V) >*/ v2 = abs(v); /*< IF (V0+V1+V2.LE.EPS3) GO TO 200 >*/ if (v0 + v1 + v2 <= eps3) { goto L200; } /*< IF (I.LT.M2) GO TO 70 >*/ if (i__ < m2) { goto L70; } /*< N1 = 5 >*/ n1 = 5; /*< 200 IF (INF2) K = I >*/ L200: if (inf2) { k = i__; } /*< IF (.NOT.INF2) L = I >*/ if (! inf2) { l = i__; } /*< V1 = 10.*EPS >*/ v1 = *eps * 10.f; /*< V2 = V1 >*/ v2 = v1; /*< M2 = M1 - L >*/ m2 = m1 - l; /*< IF (.NOT.INF2) GO TO 180 >*/ if (! inf2) { goto L180; } /* N1=5 - TRUNCATION CONDITION NOT SATISFIED */ /*< IF (N1.EQ.5) GO TO 260 >*/ if (n1 == 5) { goto L260; } /* TRUNCATION CONDITION SATISFIED, SUM2=TRAPEZOIDAL */ /* APPROXIMATION */ /*< SUM2 = SUM1 + COR + SUM >*/ sum2 = sum1 + cor + sum; /*< M2 = 2*(K+L) >*/ m2 = (k + l) << 1; /* CHECK THE NUMBER OF FUNCTION EVALUATIONS */ /*< IF (M2.GT.M1) GO TO 240 >*/ if (m2 > m1) { goto L240; } /* INITIALIZE ITERATION */ /*< INF1 = .FALSE. >*/ inf1 = FALSE_; /*< INF2 = .FALSE. >*/ inf2 = FALSE_; /*< L1 = L >*/ l1 = l; /*< I = 0 >*/ i__ = 0; /*< H = -H >*/ h__ = -h__; /*< H0 = H/2. >*/ h0 = h__ / 2.f; /*< GO TO 60 >*/ goto L60; /* P.GE.1 = DETERMINISTIC TERMINATION */ /*< 210 IF (P.GE.1.) GO TO 220 >*/ L210: if (*p >= 1.f) { goto L220; } /* COMPUTE THE MIDORDINATE APPROXIMATION SUM1 */ /*< H = -H >*/ h__ = -h__; /*< SUM1 = (SUM1+COR)*H >*/ sum1 = (sum1 + cor) * h__; /*< W1 = (SUM1+SUM2)/2. >*/ w1 = (sum1 + sum2) / 2.f; /* TERMINATION CONDITION */ /*< IF (ABS(SUM1-SUM2).LE.SR) GO TO 230 >*/ if ((d__1 = sum1 - sum2, abs(d__1)) <= sr) { goto L230; } /* SET UP DATA FOR THE NEXT ITERATION */ /*< M2 = 2*M2 >*/ m2 <<= 1; /*< IF (M2.GT.M1) GO TO 250 >*/ if (m2 > m1) { goto L250; } /*< I = 0 >*/ i__ = 0; /*< K = 2*K >*/ k <<= 1; /*< L = 2*L >*/ l <<= 1; /*< L1 = L >*/ l1 = l; /*< H = H/2. >*/ h__ /= 2.f; /*< H0 = H/2. >*/ h0 = h__ / 2.f; /*< SUM2 = W1 >*/ sum2 = w1; /*< INF2 = .FALSE. >*/ inf2 = FALSE_; /*< GO TO 60 >*/ goto L60; /* FINAL RESULTS */ /*< 220 QUADR = -H*(SUM1+COR+SUM) >*/ L220: *quadr = -h__ * (sum1 + cor + sum); /*< INF = N1 >*/ *inf = n1; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 230 QUADR = W1 >*/ L230: *quadr = w1; /*< INF = 2 >*/ *inf = 2; /*< M = M2 + 1 >*/ *m = m2 + 1; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 240 QUADR = SUM2 >*/ L240: *quadr = sum2; /*< INF = 3 >*/ *inf = 3; /*< M = K + L + 1 >*/ *m = k + l + 1; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 250 QUADR = W1 >*/ L250: *quadr = w1; /*< INF = 3 >*/ *inf = 3; /*< M = M2/2 + 1 >*/ *m = m2 / 2 + 1; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 260 QUADR = U + COR + SUM >*/ L260: *quadr = u + cor + sum; /*< INF = 4 >*/ *inf = 4; /*< M = K + L + 1 >*/ *m = k + l + 1; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 270 INF = 10 >*/ L270: *inf = 10; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 280 INF = 11 >*/ L280: *inf = 11; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 290 INF = 12 >*/ L290: *inf = 12; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< 300 INF = 13 >*/ L300: *inf = 13; /*< RETURN >*/ return 0; /*< END >*/ } /* inthp_ */
double GusUtils::Atan( double angle ) { return atan( angle ); }
static void generate_cone(const float radius, const float height, const int numslices, const unsigned int flags, SoShape * const shape, SoAction * const action) { int i; int slices = numslices; if (slices > 128) slices = 128; if (slices < 4) slices = 4; float h2 = height * 0.5f; // put coordinates on the stack SbVec3f coords[129]; SbVec3f normals[130]; SbVec2f texcoords[129]; sogenerate_generate_3d_circle(coords, slices, radius, -h2); coords[slices] = coords[0]; double a = atan(height/radius); sogenerate_generate_3d_circle(normals, slices, (float) sin(a), (float) cos(a)); normals[slices] = normals[0]; normals[slices+1] = normals[1]; int matnr = 0; SoPrimitiveVertex vertex; SoConeDetail sideDetail; SoConeDetail bottomDetail; sideDetail.setPart(SoCone::SIDES); bottomDetail.setPart(SoCone::BOTTOM); // FIXME: the texture coordinate generation for cone sides is of // sub-par quality. The textures comes out looking "skewed" and // "compressed". 20010926 mortene. if (flags & SOGEN_GENERATE_SIDE) { vertex.setDetail(&sideDetail); vertex.setMaterialIndex(matnr); shape->beginShape(action, SoShape::TRIANGLES); i = 0; float t = 1.0; float delta = 1.0f / slices; while (i < slices) { vertex.setTextureCoords(SbVec2f(t - delta*0.5f, 1.0f)); vertex.setNormal((normals[i] + normals[i+1])*0.5f); vertex.setPoint(SbVec3f(0.0f, h2, 0.0f)); shape->shapeVertex(&vertex); vertex.setTextureCoords(SbVec2f(t, 0.0f)); vertex.setNormal(normals[i]); vertex.setPoint(coords[i]); shape->shapeVertex(&vertex); vertex.setTextureCoords(SbVec2f(t-delta, 0.0f)); vertex.setNormal(normals[i+1]); vertex.setPoint(coords[i+1]); shape->shapeVertex(&vertex); i++; t -= delta; } if (flags & SOGEN_MATERIAL_PER_PART) matnr++; shape->endShape(); } if (flags & SOGEN_GENERATE_BOTTOM) { vertex.setDetail(&bottomDetail); vertex.setMaterialIndex(matnr); sogenerate_generate_2d_circle(texcoords, slices, 0.5f); texcoords[slices] = texcoords[0]; shape->beginShape(action, SoShape::TRIANGLE_FAN); vertex.setNormal(SbVec3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)); for (i = slices-1; i >= 0; i--) { vertex.setTextureCoords(texcoords[i]+SbVec2f(0.5f, 0.5f)); vertex.setPoint(coords[i]); shape->shapeVertex(&vertex); } shape->endShape(); } }
void CartTransformation::wgsToJTSK(const Point3DGeographic <T> *p1, Point3DCartesian <T> * p2) { //Deg => rad const T PI = 4.0 * atan(1.0), Ro = 57.29577951; //WGS-84 const T A_WGS = 6378137.0000, B_WGS = 6356752.3142; const T E2_WGS = (A_WGS * A_WGS - B_WGS * B_WGS) / (A_WGS * A_WGS); //Bessel const T A_Bes = 6377397.1550, B_Bes = 6356078.9633; const T E2_Bes = (A_Bes * A_Bes - B_Bes * B_Bes) / (A_Bes * A_Bes), E_Bes = sqrt(E2_Bes); //Scale, Translation, Rotation const T m = -3.5623e-6; const T X0 = -570.8285, Y0 = -85.6769, Z0 = -462.8420; const T OMX = 4.9984 / 3600 / Ro, OMY = 1.5867 / 3600 / Ro, OMZ = 5.2611 / 3600 / Ro; //JTSK const T FI0 = 49.5 / Ro; const T U0 = (49.0 + 27.0 / 60 + 35.84625 / 3600) / Ro; const T ALFA = 1.000597498372; const T LA_FERRO = (17.0 + 40.0 / 60) / Ro; const T K = 0.9965924869; const T R = 6380703.6105; const T UK = (59.0 + 42.0 / 60 + 42.6969 / 3600) / Ro; const T VK = (42.0 + 31.0 / 60 + 31.41725 / 3600) / Ro; const T Ro0 = 1298039.0046; const T S0 = 78.5 / Ro; //Point parameters T W = sqrt(1 - E2_WGS * sin(p1->getLat() / Ro) * sin(p1->getLat() / Ro)); T M = A_WGS * (1 - E2_WGS) / (W * W * W); T N = A_WGS / W; //Transformation (B,L,H)WGS => (X,Y,Z)WGS T X_WGS = (N + p1->getH()) * cos(p1->getLat() / Ro) * cos(p1->getLon() / Ro); T Y_WGS = (N + p1->getH()) * cos(p1->getLat() / Ro) * sin(p1->getLon() / Ro); T Z_WGS = (N * (1 - E2_WGS) + p1->getH()) * sin(p1->getLat() / Ro); //Transformation (X,Y,Z)WGS =>(X,Y,Z)Bes T X_Bes = X0 + (m + 1) * (X_WGS + Y_WGS * OMZ - Z_WGS * OMY); T Y_Bes = Y0 + (m + 1) * (-X_WGS * OMZ + Y_WGS + Z_WGS * OMX); T Z_Bes = Z0 + (m + 1) * (X_WGS * OMY - Y_WGS * OMX + Z_WGS); //Transformation (X,Y,Z)Bes => (BLH)Bess T rad = sqrt(X_Bes * X_Bes + Y_Bes * Y_Bes); T la = 2 * atan(Y_Bes / (rad + X_Bes)); T p = atan((A_Bes * Z_Bes) / (B_Bes * rad)); T t = (Z_Bes + E2_Bes * A_Bes * A_Bes / B_Bes * pow(sin(p), 3)) / (rad - E2_Bes * A_Bes * pow(cos(p), 3)); T fi = atan(t); T H = sqrt(1 + t * t) * (rad - A_Bes / sqrt(1 + (1 - E2_Bes) * t * t)); //Transformation (fi,la)Bes => (u,v)sphere (Gauss conformal projection) la = la + LA_FERRO; T ro = 1 / K * pow(tan(fi / 2 + PI / 4) * pow((1 - E_Bes * sin(fi)) / (1 + E_Bes * sin(fi)), E_Bes / 2), ALFA); T u = 2 * atan(ro) - PI / 2; T v = ALFA * la; //Transformation (u,v)sphere => (s,d)sphere T s = asin(sin(UK) * sin(u) + cos(UK) * cos(u) * cos(VK - v)); T d = asin(sin(VK - v) * cos(u) / cos(s)); //Transformation (s,d)sphere => (Ro,Eps)plane (Lambert conformal projection) T n = sin(S0); T Ro_JTSK = Ro0 * pow((tan((S0 / 2 + PI / 4)) / (tan(s / 2 + PI / 4))), n); T eps_JTSK = n * d; //(Ro, eps) => (x,y) T X_JTSK = Ro_JTSK * cos(eps_JTSK); T Y_JTSK = Ro_JTSK * sin(eps_JTSK); //Set computed parameters to the projected point if (p1->getPointLabel() != NULL) { p2->setPointLabel(p1->getPointLabel()); } p2->setX(X_JTSK); p2->setY(Y_JTSK); p2->setZ(H); }
bool QgsNorthArrowPlugin::calculateNorthDirection() { QgsMapCanvas& mapCanvas = *( qGisInterface->mapCanvas() ); bool goodDirn = false; if ( mapCanvas.layerCount() > 0 ) { QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS = mapCanvas.mapRenderer()->destinationSrs(); if ( outputCRS.isValid() && !outputCRS.geographicFlag() ) { // Use a geographic CRS to get lat/long to work out direction QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ourCRS; ourCRS.createFromProj4( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ); assert( ourCRS.isValid() ); QgsCoordinateTransform transform( outputCRS, ourCRS ); QgsRectangle extent = mapCanvas.extent(); QgsPoint p1( ); // A point a bit above p1. XXX assumes that y increases up!! // May need to involve the maptopixel transform if this proves // to be a problem. QgsPoint p2( p1.x(), p1.y() + extent.height() * 0.25 ); // project p1 and p2 to geographic coords try { p1 = transform.transform( p1 ); p2 = transform.transform( p2 ); } catch ( QgsException &e ) { Q_UNUSED( e ); // just give up QgsDebugMsg( "North Arrow: Transformation error, quitting" ); return false; } // Work out the value of the initial heading one takes to go // from point p1 to point p2. The north direction is then that // many degrees anti-clockwise or vertical. // Take some care to not divide by zero, etc, and ensure that we // get sensible results for all possible values for p1 and p2. goodDirn = true; double angle = 0.0; // convert to radians for the equations below p1.multiply( PI / 180.0 ); p2.multiply( PI / 180.0 ); double y = sin( p2.x() - p1.x() ) * cos( p2.y() ); double x = cos( p1.y() ) * sin( p2.y() ) - sin( p1.y() ) * cos( p2.y() ) * cos( p2.x() - p1.x() ); if ( y > 0.0 ) { if ( x > TOL ) angle = atan( y / x ); else if ( x < -TOL ) angle = PI - atan( -y / x ); else angle = 0.5 * PI; } else if ( y < 0.0 ) { if ( x > TOL ) angle = -atan( -y / x ); else if ( x < -TOL ) angle = atan( y / x ) - PI; else angle = 1.5 * PI; } else { if ( x > TOL ) angle = 0.0; else if ( x < -TOL ) angle = PI; else { angle = 0.0; // p1 = p2 goodDirn = false; } } // And set the angle of the north arrow. Perhaps do something // different if goodDirn = false. mRotationInt = static_cast<int>( round( fmod( 360.0 - angle * 180.0 / PI, 360.0 ) ) ); } else { // For geographic CRS and for when there are no layers, set the // direction back to the default mRotationInt = 0; } } return goodDirn; }
float atanf (float x) { return (float) atan (x); }
// Returns the angle between two Vecs double angle_between(Vec3D<Type> v){ return(atan(dot_product(v)/(magnitude() * v.magnitude()))); }
float atanf (float x) { return (float) atan ((double) x); }
int scene::loadCamera(){ cout << "Loading Camera ..." << endl; camera newCamera; float fovy; //load static properties for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ string line; utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in,line); vector<string> tokens = utilityCore::tokenizeString(line); if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "RES")==0){ newCamera.resolution = glm::vec2(atoi(tokens[1].c_str()), atoi(tokens[2].c_str())); }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "FOVY")==0){ fovy = atof(tokens[1].c_str()); }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "ITERATIONS")==0){ newCamera.iterations = atoi(tokens[1].c_str()); }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "FILE")==0){ newCamera.imageName = tokens[1]; } } //load time variable properties (frames) int frameCount = 0; string line; utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in,line); vector<glm::vec3> positions; vector<glm::vec3> views; vector<glm::vec3> ups; while (!line.empty() && fp_in.good()){ //check frame number vector<string> tokens = utilityCore::tokenizeString(line); if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "frame")!=0 || atoi(tokens[1].c_str())!=frameCount){ cout << "ERROR: Incorrect frame count!" << endl; return -1; } //load camera properties for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ //glm::vec3 translation; glm::vec3 rotation; glm::vec3 scale; utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in,line); tokens = utilityCore::tokenizeString(line); if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "EYE")==0){ positions.push_back(glm::vec3(atof(tokens[1].c_str()), atof(tokens[2].c_str()), atof(tokens[3].c_str()))); }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "VIEW")==0){ views.push_back(glm::vec3(atof(tokens[1].c_str()), atof(tokens[2].c_str()), atof(tokens[3].c_str()))); }else if(strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "UP")==0){ ups.push_back(glm::vec3(atof(tokens[1].c_str()), atof(tokens[2].c_str()), atof(tokens[3].c_str()))); } } frameCount++; utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in,line); } newCamera.frames = frameCount; //move frames into CUDA readable arrays newCamera.positions = new glm::vec3[frameCount]; newCamera.views = new glm::vec3[frameCount]; = new glm::vec3[frameCount]; for(int i=0; i<frameCount; i++){ newCamera.positions[i] = positions[i]; newCamera.views[i] = views[i];[i] = ups[i]; } //calculate fov based on resolution float yscaled = tan(fovy*(PI/180)); float xscaled = (yscaled * newCamera.resolution.x)/newCamera.resolution.y; float fovx = (atan(xscaled)*180)/PI; newCamera.fov = glm::vec2(fovx, fovy); renderCam = newCamera; //set up render camera stuff renderCam.image = new glm::vec3[(int)renderCam.resolution.x*(int)renderCam.resolution.y]; renderCam.rayList = new ray[(int)renderCam.resolution.x*(int)renderCam.resolution.y]; for(int i=0; i<renderCam.resolution.x*renderCam.resolution.y; i++){ renderCam.image[i] = glm::vec3(0,0,0); } cout << "Loaded " << frameCount << " frames for camera!" << endl; return 1; }
// // Do single unary node folding // // Returns a new node representing the result. // TIntermTyped* TIntermConstantUnion::fold(TOperator op, const TType& returnType) const { // First, size the result, which is mostly the same as the argument's size, // but not always, and classify what is componentwise. // Also, eliminate cases that can't be compile-time constant. int resultSize; bool componentWise = true; int objectSize = getType().computeNumComponents(); switch (op) { case EOpDeterminant: case EOpAny: case EOpAll: case EOpLength: componentWise = false; resultSize = 1; break; case EOpEmitStreamVertex: case EOpEndStreamPrimitive: // These don't actually fold return 0; case EOpPackSnorm2x16: case EOpPackUnorm2x16: case EOpPackHalf2x16: componentWise = false; resultSize = 1; break; case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: componentWise = false; resultSize = 2; break; case EOpNormalize: componentWise = false; resultSize = objectSize; break; default: resultSize = objectSize; break; } // Set up for processing TConstUnionArray newConstArray(resultSize); const TConstUnionArray& unionArray = getConstArray(); // Process non-component-wise operations switch (op) { case EOpLength: case EOpNormalize: { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) sum += unionArray[i].getDConst() * unionArray[i].getDConst(); double length = sqrt(sum); if (op == EOpLength) newConstArray[0].setDConst(length); else { for (int i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) newConstArray[i].setDConst(unionArray[i].getDConst() / length); } break; } // TODO: 3.0 Functionality: unary constant folding: the rest of the ops have to be fleshed out case EOpPackSnorm2x16: case EOpPackUnorm2x16: case EOpPackHalf2x16: case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: case EOpDeterminant: case EOpMatrixInverse: case EOpTranspose: case EOpAny: case EOpAll: return 0; default: assert(componentWise); break; } // Turn off the componentwise loop if (! componentWise) objectSize = 0; // Process component-wise operations for (int i = 0; i < objectSize; i++) { switch (op) { case EOpNegative: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtDouble: case EbtFloat: newConstArray[i].setDConst(-unionArray[i].getDConst()); break; case EbtInt: newConstArray[i].setIConst(-unionArray[i].getIConst()); break; case EbtUint: newConstArray[i].setUConst(static_cast<unsigned int>(-static_cast<int>(unionArray[i].getUConst()))); break; default: return 0; } break; case EOpLogicalNot: case EOpVectorLogicalNot: switch (getType().getBasicType()) { case EbtBool: newConstArray[i].setBConst(!unionArray[i].getBConst()); break; default: return 0; } break; case EOpBitwiseNot: newConstArray[i] = ~unionArray[i]; break; case EOpRadians: newConstArray[i].setDConst(unionArray[i].getDConst() * pi / 180.0); break; case EOpDegrees: newConstArray[i].setDConst(unionArray[i].getDConst() * 180.0 / pi); break; case EOpSin: newConstArray[i].setDConst(sin(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpCos: newConstArray[i].setDConst(cos(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpTan: newConstArray[i].setDConst(tan(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpAsin: newConstArray[i].setDConst(asin(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpAcos: newConstArray[i].setDConst(acos(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpAtan: newConstArray[i].setDConst(atan(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpDPdx: case EOpDPdy: case EOpFwidth: case EOpDPdxFine: case EOpDPdyFine: case EOpFwidthFine: case EOpDPdxCoarse: case EOpDPdyCoarse: case EOpFwidthCoarse: // The derivatives are all mandated to create a constant 0. newConstArray[i].setDConst(0.0); break; case EOpExp: newConstArray[i].setDConst(exp(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpLog: newConstArray[i].setDConst(log(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpExp2: { const double inv_log2_e = 0.69314718055994530941723212145818; newConstArray[i].setDConst(exp(unionArray[i].getDConst() * inv_log2_e)); break; } case EOpLog2: { const double log2_e = 1.4426950408889634073599246810019; newConstArray[i].setDConst(log2_e * log(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; } case EOpSqrt: newConstArray[i].setDConst(sqrt(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpInverseSqrt: newConstArray[i].setDConst(1.0 / sqrt(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpAbs: if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtDouble) newConstArray[i].setDConst(fabs(unionArray[i].getDConst())); else if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtInt) newConstArray[i].setIConst(abs(unionArray[i].getIConst())); else newConstArray[i] = unionArray[i]; break; case EOpSign: #define SIGN(X) (X == 0 ? 0 : (X < 0 ? -1 : 1)) if (unionArray[i].getType() == EbtDouble) newConstArray[i].setDConst(SIGN(unionArray[i].getDConst())); else newConstArray[i].setIConst(SIGN(unionArray[i].getIConst())); break; case EOpFloor: newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpTrunc: if (unionArray[i].getDConst() > 0) newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(unionArray[i].getDConst())); else newConstArray[i].setDConst(ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpRound: newConstArray[i].setDConst(floor(0.5 + unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpRoundEven: { double flr = floor(unionArray[i].getDConst()); bool even = flr / 2.0 == floor(flr / 2.0); double rounded = even ? ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst() - 0.5) : floor(unionArray[i].getDConst() + 0.5); newConstArray[i].setDConst(rounded); break; } case EOpCeil: newConstArray[i].setDConst(ceil(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; case EOpFract: { double x = unionArray[i].getDConst(); newConstArray[i].setDConst(x - floor(x)); break; } case EOpIsNan: { newConstArray[i].setBConst(isNan(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; } case EOpIsInf: { newConstArray[i].setBConst(isInf(unionArray[i].getDConst())); break; } // TODO: 3.0 Functionality: unary constant folding: the rest of the ops have to be fleshed out case EOpSinh: case EOpCosh: case EOpTanh: case EOpAsinh: case EOpAcosh: case EOpAtanh: case EOpFloatBitsToInt: case EOpFloatBitsToUint: case EOpIntBitsToFloat: case EOpUintBitsToFloat: default: return 0; } } TIntermConstantUnion *newNode = new TIntermConstantUnion(newConstArray, returnType); newNode->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqConst; newNode->setLoc(getLoc()); return newNode; }
static void dbDelaz(float *slat, float *slon, float *elat, float *elon, float *delt, float *dist, float *azim, float *bazim) { /* Builtin functions */ /* double tan(), atan(), sin(), cos(), acos(), sqrt(); */ /* Local variables */ static double a, b, c__, z__, celon, elatr, cslon, elonr, selon, a1, b1, c1, slatr, slonr, sslon, cd, ceclat, bz, cz, eclatr, seclat, csclat, sclatr, ssclat, aaa, cbz; /* cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc */ /* This subroutine calculates the four quantities that depend on the c */ /* relative locations on the globe of epicenter and station. c */ /* Output: delt(angular separation id degrees), dist(geodesic distancec */ /* in kilometers), azim(epicenter-to-station azimuth, in degrees N c */ /* thru E), and bazim(station-to-epicenter azimuth, in degrees N thru E */ /* Input: slat(station latitude), slon(station longitude), elat(epi- c */ /* center latitude), and elon(epicenter longitude). Latitudes(which c */ /* are input as geographic latitudes) are to be given from 0 to 90 c */ /* degrees, +indicating North, and - indicating South. Longitudes c */ /* are to be given from 0 to 180 degrees, + indicating East and - c */ /* indicating West, with 0=Greenwich Meridian. c */ /* cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc */ /* converting input angles from degrees to radians */ /* (suffix r always denotes radian measure) */ slatr = *slat * (float).01745329; slonr = *slon * (float).01745329; elatr = *elat * (float).01745329; elonr = *elon * (float).01745329; /* converting geographic latitudes to geocentric latitudes */ aaa = tan(slatr) * (float).996647; slatr = atan(aaa); aaa = tan(elatr) * (float).996647; elatr = atan(aaa); /* At this point latitudes are converted into colatitudes, which run c */ /* from 0 at North Pole to 180 at South Pole. Also, longitudes are c */ /* re-evaluated so that they run from 0 to 360 from Greenwich Eastward */ /* sclatr=station colatitude eclatr=epicenter colatitude (radians) */ sclatr = (float)1.570796327 - slatr; if (slonr >= 0.) { goto L20; } else { goto L10; } L10: slonr += (float)6.283185307; L20: eclatr = (float)1.570796327 - elatr; if (elonr >= 0.) { goto L40; } else { goto L30; } L30: elonr += (float)6.283185307; L40: seclat = sin(eclatr); ceclat = cos(eclatr); selon = sin(elonr); celon = cos(elonr); ssclat = sin(sclatr); csclat = cos(sclatr); sslon = sin(slonr); cslon = cos(slonr); /* calculation of direction cosines of station (a1,b1,c1) and of c */ /* epicenter (a,b,c). For this calculation, x-axis is thru Greenwich c */ /* Meridian, y-axis at 90E longitude, and z-axis thru North Pole. c */ a = seclat * celon; b = seclat * selon; c__ = ceclat; a1 = ssclat * cslon; b1 = ssclat * sslon; c1 = csclat; /* Now you have all the info necessary to compute delt, dist, azim, */ /* and bazim. For reference: cosine of delta=cd, cosine of azimuth=cz */ /* azim. in radians=z, cosine of backazimuth=cbz, and back-azimuth */ /* in radians=bz. */ cd = a * a1 + b * b1 + c__ * c1; *delt = acos(cd) * (float)57.29577951; *dist = *delt * (float).01745329252 * (float)6371.; /* computation of cz and z. The following formula is derivable */ /* from Bullen orig via analytic geometry. */ cz = (seclat * csclat - ceclat * ssclat * (celon * cslon + selon * sslon)) / sqrt((float)1. - cd * cd); z__ = acos(cz); /* The following test determines whether z should be > orig < 180 degrees. */ if (sslon * celon - cslon * selon < (float)0.) { z__ = (float)6.283185307 - z__; } *azim = z__ * (float)57.29577951; /* computation of cbz and bz. This is accomplished by switching the */ /* roles of station and epicenter in the previous formula. */ cbz = (ssclat * ceclat - csclat * seclat * (cslon * celon + sslon * selon) ) / sqrt((float)1. - cd * cd); bz = acos(cbz); /* The following test determines whether bz should be > orig < 180 degrees. */ if (selon * cslon - celon * sslon < (float)0.) { bz = (float)6.283185307 - bz; } *bazim = bz * (float)57.29577951; }
void dsmcCLLWallPatch::controlParticle(dsmcParcel& p, dsmcParcel::trackingData& td) { measurePropertiesBeforeControl(p); vector& U = p.U(); label typeId = p.typeId(); scalar& ERot = p.ERot(); label& vibLevel = p.vibLevel(); vector nw = p.normal(); nw /= mag(nw); // Normal velocity magnitude scalar U_dot_nw = U & nw; // Wall tangential velocity (flow direction) vector Ut = U - U_dot_nw*nw; Random& rndGen(cloud_.rndGen()); while (mag(Ut) < SMALL) { // If the incident velocity is parallel to the face normal, no // tangential direction can be chosen. Add a perturbation to the // incoming velocity and recalculate. U = vector ( U.x()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01()), U.y()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01()), U.z()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01()) ); U_dot_nw = U & nw; Ut = U - U_dot_nw*nw; } // Wall tangential unit vector vector tw1 = Ut/mag(Ut); // Info << "tw1 = " << tw1 << endl; // Other tangential unit vector vector tw2 = nw^tw1; const scalar& T = temperature_; scalar mass = cloud_.constProps(typeId).mass(); scalar rotationalDof = cloud_.constProps(typeId).rotationalDegreesOfFreedom(); scalar vibrationalDof = cloud_.constProps(typeId).vibrationalDegreesOfFreedom(); scalar characteristicVibrationalTemperature = cloud_.constProps(typeId).thetaV(); const scalar& alphaT = tangentialAccommodationCoefficient_*(2.0 - tangentialAccommodationCoefficient_); const scalar& alphaN = normalAccommodationCoefficient_; const scalar& alphaR = rotationalEnergyAccommodationCoefficient_; const scalar& alphaV = vibrationalEnergyAccommodationCoefficient_; scalar mostProbableVelocity = sqrt(2.0*physicoChemical::k.value()*T/mass); //normalising the incident velocities vector normalisedTangentialVelocity = Ut/mostProbableVelocity; scalar normalisedNormalVelocity = U_dot_nw/mostProbableVelocity; //normal random number components scalar thetaNormal = 2.0*pi*rndGen.scalar01(); scalar rNormal = sqrt(-alphaN*log(rndGen.scalar01())); //tangential random number components scalar thetaTangential1 = 2.0*pi*rndGen.scalar01(); scalar rTangential1 = sqrt(-alphaT*log(rndGen.scalar01())); scalar thetaTangential2 = 2.0*pi*rndGen.scalar01(); scalar rTangential2 = sqrt(-alphaT*log(rndGen.scalar01())); //selecting the reflected thermal velocities scalar normalisedIncidentTangentialVelocity1 = mag(normalisedTangentialVelocity); scalar um = sqrt(1.0-alphaN)*normalisedNormalVelocity; scalar normalVelocity = sqrt( (rNormal*rNormal) + (um*um) + 2.0*rNormal*um*cos(thetaNormal) ); scalar tangentialVelocity1 = (sqrt(1.0 - alphaT)*mag(normalisedIncidentTangentialVelocity1) + rTangential1*cos(thetaTangential1)); scalar tangentialVelocity2 = rTangential1*sin(thetaTangential1); U = mostProbableVelocity *( tangentialVelocity1*tw1 + tangentialVelocity2*tw2 - normalVelocity*nw ); if( (p.position().x() > 0.002) && ( p.position().x() < 0.0022) ) { if(Pstream::parRun()) { Pout << "Scattering angle, 0 mm = " << atan(U.y()/U.x()) << endl; } else { scalar angle=0; if((tangentialVelocity1*tw1).x()>0) angle = acos( ( (normalVelocity*nw + tangentialVelocity1*tw1) & tangentialVelocity1*tw1 )/mag((normalVelocity*nw+tangentialVelocity1*tw1) * tangentialVelocity1*tw1) ); if((tangentialVelocity1*tw1).x()<0) angle = acos( ( (normalVelocity*nw - tangentialVelocity1*tw1) & tangentialVelocity1*tw1 )/mag((normalVelocity*nw+tangentialVelocity1*tw1) * tangentialVelocity1*tw1) ); Info << "Scattering angle, 0 mm = " << angle << endl; } } if( (p.position().x() > 0.0068) && ( p.position().x() < 0.0072 ) ) { if(Pstream::parRun()) { Pout << "Scattering angle, 5 mm = " << atan(U.y()/U.x()) << endl; } else { scalar angle=0; if((tangentialVelocity1*tw1).x()>0) angle = acos( ( (normalVelocity*nw + tangentialVelocity1*tw1) & tangentialVelocity1*tw1 )/mag((normalVelocity*nw+tangentialVelocity1*tw1) * tangentialVelocity1*tw1) ); if((tangentialVelocity1*tw1).x()<0) angle = acos( ( (normalVelocity*nw - tangentialVelocity1*tw1) & tangentialVelocity1*tw1 )/mag((normalVelocity*nw+tangentialVelocity1*tw1) * tangentialVelocity1*tw1) ); Info << "Scattering angle, 5 mm = " << angle << endl; } } vector uWallNormal = (velocity_ & nw) * nw; vector uWallTangential1 = (velocity_ & tw1) * tw1; vector uWallTangential2 = (velocity_ & tw2) * tw2; vector UNormal = ((U & nw) * nw) + uWallNormal*alphaN; vector UTangential1 = (U & tw1) * tw1 + uWallTangential1*alphaT; vector UTangential2 = (U & tw2) * tw2 + uWallTangential2*alphaT; U = UNormal + UTangential1 + UTangential2; //selecting rotational energy, this is Lord's extension to rotational degrees of freedom if(rotationalDof == 2) { scalar om = sqrt( (ERot*(1.0 - alphaR)) / (physicoChemical::k.value()*T)); scalar rRot = sqrt(-alphaR*(log(max(1.0 - rndGen.scalar01(), VSMALL)))); scalar thetaRot = 2.0*pi*rndGen.scalar01(); ERot = physicoChemical::k.value()*T*((rRot*rRot) + (om*om) + (2.0*rRot*om*cos(thetaRot))); } if(rotationalDof == 3) //polyatomic case, see Bird's DSMC2.FOR code { scalar X = 0.0; scalar A = 0.0; do { X = 4.0*rndGen.scalar01(); A = 2.7182818*X*X*exp(-(X*X)); } while (A < rndGen.scalar01()); scalar om = sqrt( (ERot*(1.0 - alphaR)) / (physicoChemical::k.value()*T)); scalar rRot = sqrt(-alphaR)*X; scalar thetaRot = 2.0*rndGen.scalar01() - 1.0; ERot = physicoChemical::k.value()*T*((rRot*rRot) + (om*om) + (2.0*rRot*om*cos(thetaRot))); } // //selecting vibrational energy, this is lord's extension to vibrational degrees of freedom // // if(vibrationalDof > VSMALL) // { // scalar EVibStar = -log(1.0 - rndGen.scalar01() + rndGen.scalar01()*exp(-characteristicVibrationalTemperature*physicoChemical::k.value())); // // EVib += EVibStar; // // scalar vm = sqrt(1.0-alphaV)*sqrt(EVib); // // scalar thetaVib = 2.0*pi*rndGen.scalar01(); // // scalar rVib = sqrt(-alphaV*log(rndGen.scalar01())); // // EVib = ( // (rVib*rVib) // + (vm*vm) // + 2.0*rVib*vm*cos(thetaVib) // ); // // label iPost = EVib / (characteristicVibrationalTemperature*physicoChemical::k.value()); //post interaction vibrational quantum level // // EVib = iPost * characteristicVibrationalTemperature*physicoChemical::k.value(); // } // EVib = cloud_.equipartitionVibrationalEnergy(T, vibrationalDof, typeId); measurePropertiesAfterControl(p, 0.0); }
CAMLprim value caml_atan_float(value f) { return caml_copy_double(atan(Double_val(f))); }
PExpVal TExpBi::GetBiFuncVal( const TExpBiId& ExpBiId, const TExpValV& ArgValV, const PExpEnv& ExpEnv){ TExpBiArgType ExpBiArgType=TExpBi::GetExpBiArgType(ExpBiId); int Args=ArgValV.Len(); double ArgFlt1=0; double ArgFlt2=0; switch (ExpBiArgType){ case ebatUndef: Fail; break; case ebatVoid: AssertArgs(0, Args); break; case ebatFlt: AssertArgs(1, Args); AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[0]); ArgFlt1=ArgValV[0]->GetFltVal(); break; case ebatFltFlt: AssertArgs(2, Args); AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[0]); AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[1]); ArgFlt1=ArgValV[0]->GetFltVal(); ArgFlt2=ArgValV[1]->GetFltVal(); break; default: Fail; } PExpVal ExpVal; switch (ExpBiId){ // trigonometric funcions case ebi_Sin: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sin(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Cos: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(cos(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Tan: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(tan(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_ASin: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(asin(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_ACos: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(acos(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_ATan: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(atan(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_SinH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sinh(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_CosH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(cosh(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_TanH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(tanh(ArgFlt1)); break; // exponential functions case ebi_Pow: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(pow(ArgFlt1, ArgFlt2)); break; case ebi_Exp: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(exp(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Sqr: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TMath::Sqr(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Sqrt: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sqrt(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Log: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(log(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Log10: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(log10(ArgFlt1)); break; // number manipulation functions case ebi_Ceil: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ceil(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Floor: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(floor(ArgFlt1)); break; case ebi_Int:{ double Int; modf(ArgFlt1, &Int); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(Int); break;} case ebi_Frac:{ double Frac, Int; Frac=modf(ArgFlt1, &Int); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(Frac); break;} case ebi_Abs: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(fabs(ArgFlt1)); break; // random deviates case ebi_UniDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetUniDev()); break; case ebi_NrmDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetNrmDev()); break; case ebi_ExpDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetExpDev()); break; case ebi_GamDev:{ int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetGammaDev(ArgInt1)); break;} case ebi_PoiDev:{ ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetPoissonDev(ArgFlt1)); break;} case ebi_BinDev:{ int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetBinomialDev(ArgFlt1, ArgInt2)); break;} case ebi_UniDevStep:{ int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;} int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetUniDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;} case ebi_NrmDevStep:{ int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;} int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetNrmDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;} case ebi_ExpDevStep:{ int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;} int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2); ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetExpDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;} default: TExcept::Throw("Invalid function."); } return ExpVal; }
void Determine::JudgementMouse(CvSeq* circles){ switch (circles->total){ case 0: OneFinger++; //for mouse drag judgement,clear variables after being used if(OneFinger==3){ MouseMoveFlag=0; if(LeftButton){ mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0); LeftButton=false; } OneFinger=0; } //left click or double clicks action in interval based on one finger relative action if(Temp==1 || Temp==2){ mouse.LeftClick(); MouseMoveFlag=1800;//for mouse drag judgement } Initial(); break; case 1: if(CaseFlag!=1) Initial(); CaseFlag=1; for(int i=0;i<circles->total;i++){ float* p=(float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles,0); X1[0]=cvRound(p[0]); X1[1]=cvRound(p[1]); } Temp++; if(Temp==1){ CooX=X1[0]; CooY=X1[1]; } MouseMoveFlag++; if(MouseMoveFlag==1801){ mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0);//press left button and not release LeftButton=true; GetCursorPos(&pt);//get current mouse pointer location SetCursorPos(pt.x+X1[0]-CooX,pt.y+CooY-X1[1]);//set mouse pointer to a new coordinate CooX=X1[0]; CooY=X1[1];//replace previous location with current one MouseMoveFlag=1800; break; } else{ GetCursorPos(&pt); SetCursorPos(pt.x+X1[0]-CooX,pt.y+CooY-X1[1]); CooX=X1[0]; CooY=X1[1]; MouseMoveFlag=0; break; } case 2: if(CaseFlag!=2) Initial(); CaseFlag=2; for(int i=0;i<circles->total;i++){ float* p=(float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles,i); X2[i][0]=cvRound(p[0]); X2[i][1]=cvRound(p[1]); } Temp++; //initial,calculate the distance between two points and the angle relative to X axis if(Temp==1){ InitialDistance=(double)(pow((X2[0][0]-X2[1][0]),2)+pow((X2[0][1]-X2[1][1]),2)); InitialAngle=(X2[0][1]+X2[1][1])/(X2[0][0]+X2[1][0]); InitialAngle=atan(InitialAngle);//angle InitialDistance=sqrt(InitialDistance);//distance } else{ double ProcessedDistance=(double)(pow((X2[0][0]-X2[1][0]),2)+pow((X2[0][1]-X2[1][1]),2)); //calculate the distance of two points in following frame ProcessedDistance=sqrt(ProcessedDistance); ProcessedAngle=(X2[0][1]+X2[1][1])/(X2[0][0]+X2[1][0]);//distance ProcessedAngle=atan(ProcessedAngle);//angle //calculate two angles in vector if((InitialAngle-ProcessedAngle)>(3.1415926/20)){ gesture.RotateClockWise(); InitialAngle=ProcessedAngle; break; } //calculate two angles in vector,picture clockwise if((ProcessedAngle-InitialAngle)>(3.1415926/20)){ gesture.RotateAntiClockWise(); InitialAngle=ProcessedAngle; break; } //picture zoom out //calclate the distance, only when difference value greater than a certain number will following codes run if((ProcessedDistance+80)<InitialDistance){ gesture.ZoomIn(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } //picture zoom in if((ProcessedDistance-80)>InitialDistance){ gesture.ZoomOut(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } //double click if(abs(ProcessedDistance-InitialDistance)<10 && Temp==6){ mouse.RightClick(); break; } } break; case 3: if(CaseFlag!=3) Initial();//clear all used variable when switch among different fingers action CaseFlag=3; ProcessedDistance=0; for(int i=0;i<circles->total;i++){ float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles,i);//get each point's coordinate ProcessedDistance=ProcessedDistance+cvRound(p[0]);//sum three fingers' X asix value } Temp++; if (Temp==1){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//initial } else{ Judge=WindowsJudge();//distinguish what kind of this window is if(Judge==2){//if browser if((ProcessedDistance-180)>InitialDistance){//tag forward gesture.TagForward(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//replace initial sum with current sum of x axis break; } if((ProcessedDistance+180)<InitialDistance){//tag back gesture.TagBack(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } } //if current window is picture viewer else if(Judge==1){ if((ProcessedDistance-180)>InitialDistance){//change to next picture gesture.NextPicture(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } if((ProcessedDistance+180)<InitialDistance){//change to previous picture gesture.PreviousPicture(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } } } break; case 4: if(CaseFlag!=4) Initial(); CaseFlag=4; ProcessedDistance=0; for(int i=0;i<circles->total;i++){ float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles,i); ProcessedDistance=ProcessedDistance+cvRound(p[1]);//sum up four fingers' Y axis value } Temp++; if (Temp==1){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//initial } else{ //movement should greater than a certain distance from bottom to top if((ProcessedDistance-160)>InitialDistance){ gesture.UndoMinimizeAll();//call certain modual InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } //move from top to bottom if((ProcessedDistance+160)<InitialDistance){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; gesture.MinimizeAll(); break; } } break; default: Initial();//do not support more than 4 fingers' actions break; } }
void TRACK::DrawShortNetname( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T aBgColor ) { if( ! panel ) return; /* we must filter tracks, to avoid a lot of texts. * - only tracks with a length > 10 * thickness are eligible * and, of course, if we are not printing the board */ DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)panel->GetDisplayOptions(); if( displ_opts->m_DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || displ_opts->m_DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 ) return; #define THRESHOLD 10 int len = KiROUND( GetLineLength( m_Start, m_End ) ); if( len < THRESHOLD * m_Width ) return; // no room to display a text inside track if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( m_Width ) < MIN_TEXT_SIZE ) return; if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED ) return; NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet(); if( net == NULL ) return; int textlen = net->GetShortNetname().Len(); if( textlen > 0 ) { // calculate a good size for the text int tsize = std::min( m_Width, len / textlen ); int dx = m_End.x - m_Start.x ; int dy = m_End.y - m_Start.y ; wxPoint tpos = m_Start + m_End; tpos.x /= 2; tpos.y /= 2; // Calculate angle: if the track segment is vertical, angle = 90 degrees // If horizontal 0 degrees, otherwise compute it double angle; // angle is in 0.1 degree if( dy == 0 ) // Horizontal segment { angle = 0; } else { if( dx == 0 ) // Vertical segment { angle = 900; } else { /* atan2 is *not* the solution here, since it can give upside down text. We want to work only in the first and fourth quadrant */ angle = RAD2DECIDEG( -atan( double( dy ) / double( dx ) ) ); } } LAYER_ID curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer; if( ( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE ) && ( !(!IsOnLayer( curr_layer )&& displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay) ) ) { if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 ) GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY ); tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10; // small reduction to give a better look DrawGraphicHaloText( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, tpos, aBgColor, BLACK, WHITE, net->GetShortNetname(), angle, wxSize( tsize, tsize ), GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, tsize / 7, false, false ); } } }
void FFT::fftCurve() { int n2 = d_n/2; double *amp = (double *)malloc(d_n*sizeof(double)); double *result = (double *)malloc(2*d_n*sizeof(double)); if(!amp || !result){ memoryErrorMessage(); return; } double df = 1.0/(double)(d_n*d_sampling);//frequency sampling double aMax = 0.0;//max amplitude if(!d_inverse){ gsl_fft_real_workspace *work = gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc(d_n); gsl_fft_real_wavetable *real = gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc(d_n); if(!work || !real){ memoryErrorMessage(); return; } gsl_fft_real_transform(d_y, 1, d_n, real, work); gsl_fft_halfcomplex_unpack (d_y, result, 1, d_n); gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free(real); gsl_fft_real_workspace_free(work); } else { gsl_fft_real_unpack (d_y, result, 1, d_n); gsl_fft_complex_wavetable *wavetable = gsl_fft_complex_wavetable_alloc (d_n); gsl_fft_complex_workspace *workspace = gsl_fft_complex_workspace_alloc (d_n); if(!workspace || !wavetable){ memoryErrorMessage(); return; } gsl_fft_complex_inverse (result, 1, d_n, wavetable, workspace); gsl_fft_complex_wavetable_free (wavetable); gsl_fft_complex_workspace_free (workspace); } if (d_shift_order){ for(int i = 0; i < d_n; i++){ d_x[i] = (i - n2)*df; int j = i + d_n; double aux = result[i]; result[i] = result[j]; result[j] = aux; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < d_n; i++) d_x[i] = i*df; } for(int i = 0; i < d_n; i++) { int i2 = 2*i; double real_part = result[i2]; double im_part = result[i2+1]; double a = sqrt(real_part*real_part + im_part*im_part); amp[i]= a; if (a > aMax) aMax = a; } ApplicationWindow *app = (ApplicationWindow *)parent(); QLocale locale = app->locale(); int prec = app->d_decimal_digits; for (int i = 0; i < d_n; i++){ int i2 = 2*i; d_result_table->setText(i, 0, locale.toString(d_x[i], 'g', prec)); d_result_table->setText(i, 1, locale.toString(result[i2], 'g', prec)); d_result_table->setText(i, 2, locale.toString(result[i2 + 1], 'g', prec)); if (d_normalize) d_result_table->setText(i, 3, locale.toString(amp[i]/aMax, 'g', prec)); else d_result_table->setText(i, 3, locale.toString(amp[i], 'g', prec)); d_result_table->setText(i, 4, locale.toString(atan(result[i2 + 1]/result[i2]), 'g', prec)); } free(amp); free(result); }
//switch between mouse and gesture void Recognition::MouseGestureSwitch(CvSeq* TouchBlobList){ switch (TouchBlobList->total){ //initial, button release,left click,two left click is double click case 0: OneFinger++;// a counter //for mouse drag,clear variables after being used if(OneFinger==3){ MouseDragFlag=0; if(LeftButton){ mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0);//release left button LeftButton=false;//flag, left button not pressed } OneFinger=0; } //left click or double clicks action in interval based on one finger relative action if(Counter==1 || Counter==2){ mouse.LeftClick(); MouseDragFlag=FlagForMouseDrag;//for mouse drag Recognition } Initial(); break; //mouse drag,mouse move case 1: //if switch from another case,first initialize variables if(CaseFlag!=1) Initial(); CaseFlag=1;//set CaseFlag equal to 1 for(int i=0;i<TouchBlobList->total;i++){ float* p=(float*)cvGetSeqElem(TouchBlobList,0); PointForCaseOne.x=cvRound(p[0]); PointForCaseOne.y=cvRound(p[1]); }//evaluate Counter++; //when first point comes,cursor location is current point location if(Counter==1){ CursorInitialPosition.x=PointForCaseOne.x; CursorInitialPosition.y=PointForCaseOne.y; } //this is for mouse drag MouseDragFlag++; if(MouseDragFlag==(FlagForMouseDrag+1)){ mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0);//press left button and not release LeftButton=true; GetCursorPos(&pt);//get current mouse pointer location //set cursorlocation according to point relative movement SetCursorPos(pt.x+PointForCaseOne.x-CursorInitialPosition.x,pt.y+CursorInitialPosition.y-PointForCaseOne.y); CursorInitialPosition.x=PointForCaseOne.x; CursorInitialPosition.y=PointForCaseOne.y;//replace previous location with current one MouseDragFlag=FlagForMouseDrag; break; } else{ //mouse movement, set sursor location according to point relatice movement GetCursorPos(&pt); SetCursorPos(pt.x+PointForCaseOne.x-CursorInitialPosition.x,pt.y+CursorInitialPosition.y-PointForCaseOne.y); CursorInitialPosition.x=PointForCaseOne.x; CursorInitialPosition.y=PointForCaseOne.y; MouseDragFlag=0; break; } //right click,clockwise,anticlockwise,zoom in,zoom out case 2: if(CaseFlag!=2)//if switch from another case,first initialize variables Initial(); CaseFlag=2; for(int i=0;i<TouchBlobList->total;i++){ float* p=(float*)cvGetSeqElem(TouchBlobList,i); PointForCaseTwo[i].x=cvRound(p[0]); PointForCaseTwo[i].y=cvRound(p[1]); }//evaluate Counter++; //when first point comes,initialize,calculate the distance between two points and the angle relative to X axis if(Counter==1){ InitialDistance=(double)(pow(double(PointForCaseTwo[0].x-PointForCaseTwo[1].x),2)+pow(double(PointForCaseTwo[0].y-PointForCaseTwo[1].y),2)); InitialAngle=(PointForCaseTwo[0].y+PointForCaseTwo[1].y)/(PointForCaseTwo[0].x+PointForCaseTwo[1].x); InitialAngle=atan(InitialAngle);//angle InitialDistance=sqrt(InitialDistance);//distance } else{ double ProcessedDistance=(double)(pow(double(PointForCaseTwo[0].x-PointForCaseTwo[1].x),2)+pow(double(PointForCaseTwo[0].y-PointForCaseTwo[1].y),2)); //calculate the distance of two points in following frame ProcessedDistance=sqrt(ProcessedDistance); ProcessedAngle=(PointForCaseTwo[0].y+PointForCaseTwo[1].y)/(PointForCaseTwo[0].x+PointForCaseTwo[1].x); ProcessedAngle=atan(ProcessedAngle);//angle //calculate two angles in vector,only beyond a certain angle will work if((InitialAngle-ProcessedAngle)>(3.1415926/40)){ gesture.RotateClockWise(); InitialAngle=ProcessedAngle; break; }else if((ProcessedAngle-InitialAngle)>(3.1415926/40)){//calculate two angles in vector,picture clockwise gesture.RotateAntiClockWise(); InitialAngle=ProcessedAngle; break; }else if((ProcessedDistance+160)<InitialDistance){//picture zoom out //calclate the distance, only when difference value greater than a certain number will following codes run gesture.ZoomIn(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; }else if((ProcessedDistance-160)>InitialDistance){//picture zoom in gesture.ZoomOut(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; }else if(abs(ProcessedDistance-InitialDistance)<5 && Counter==6){//double click mouse.RightClick(); break; } } break; //prevous or next picture,tag back and forwards case 3: if(CaseFlag!=3) Initial();//clear all used variable when switch among different fingers action CaseFlag=3; ProcessedDistance=0; for(int i=0;i<TouchBlobList->total;i++){ float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(TouchBlobList,i);//get each point's coordinate ProcessedDistance=ProcessedDistance+cvRound(p[0]);//sum three fingers' X asix value } Counter++; if (Counter==1){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//initial } else{ WindowType=WindowsRecognition();//Recognition what kind of this window is if(WindowType==2){//if browser if((ProcessedDistance-180)>InitialDistance){//tag forward gesture.TagForward(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//replace initial sum with current sum of x axis break; } if((ProcessedDistance+180)<InitialDistance){//tag back gesture.TagBack(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } } //if current window is picture viewer else if(WindowType==1){ if((ProcessedDistance-180)>InitialDistance){//change to next picture gesture.NextPicture(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } if((ProcessedDistance+180)<InitialDistance){//change to previous picture gesture.PreviousPicture(); InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } } } break; case 4: //if jump from another case,fist initialize if(CaseFlag!=4) Initial(); CaseFlag=4;//set CaseFlag equal to 4 ProcessedDistance=0; for(int i=0;i<TouchBlobList->total;i++){ float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(TouchBlobList,i); ProcessedDistance=ProcessedDistance+cvRound(p[1]);//sum up four fingers' Y axis value } Counter++; if (Counter==1){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance;//initialize at begin } else{ //movement should greater than a certain distance from bottom to top if((ProcessedDistance-160)>InitialDistance){ gesture.UndoMinimizeAll();//call certain function InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; break; } //move from top to bottom if((ProcessedDistance+160)<InitialDistance){ InitialDistance=ProcessedDistance; gesture.MinimizeAll();//call certain function break; } } break; //do not support more than 4 fingers' actions default: Initial(); break; } }