int main(int argc, char **argv) { int greeting = TRUE; char filename[256]; #ifdef SOCKS SOCKSinit(argv[0]); #endif if (signal(SIGTERM, trap_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGTERM"); } if (signal(SIGSEGV, trap_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGSEGV"); } if (signal(SIGHUP, trap_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGHUP"); } if (signal(SIGABRT, abort_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGTERM"); } if (signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGINT"); } if (signal(SIGTSTP, suspend_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGSTOP"); } if (signal(SIGPIPE, pipe_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGPIPE"); } if (signal(SIGWINCH, winch_handler) == BADSIG) { syserr("signal SIGWINCH"); } srand(time(NULL)); if (argc > 1) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "e: G h r: s: t: v")) != EOF) { if (c == 'G') { greeting = FALSE; } } optind = 1; } init_tintin(greeting); sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", gtd->home, TINTIN_DIR); if (mkdir(filename, 0777) || errno == EEXIST) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/%s", gtd->home, TINTIN_DIR, HISTORY_FILE); if (access(filename, F_OK ) != -1) { history_read(gts, filename); } } if (argc > 1) { int c; optind = 1; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "e: G h r: s: t: v")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'e': gtd->quiet++; gtd->ses = script_driver(gtd->ses, LIST_COMMAND, optarg); gtd->quiet--; break; case 'G': break; case 'h': tintin_printf(NULL, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...", argv[0]); tintin_printf(NULL, ""); tintin_printf(NULL, " -e Execute given command."); tintin_printf(NULL, " -G Don't show the greeting screen."); tintin_printf(NULL, " -h This help section."); tintin_printf(NULL, " -r Read given file."); tintin_printf(NULL, " -t Set given title."); tintin_printf(NULL, " -v Enable verbose mode."); restore_terminal(); exit(1); break; case 'r': gtd->ses = do_read(gtd->ses, optarg); break; case 't': printf("\033]0;%s\007", optarg); break; case 's': srand((unsigned int) atoll(optarg)); break; case 'v': do_configure(gtd->ses, "{VERBOSE} {ON}"); break; default: tintin_printf(NULL, "Unknown option '%c'.", c); break; } } if (argv[optind] != NULL) { gtd->ses = do_read(gtd->ses, argv[optind]); } } check_all_events(gts, SUB_ARG|SUB_SEC, 0, 2, "PROGRAM START", CLIENT_NAME, CLIENT_VERSION); check_all_events(gts, SUB_ARG|SUB_SEC, 0, 2, "SCREEN RESIZE", ntos(gts->cols), ntos(gts->rows)); mainloop(); return 0; }
/* Iterate over the configure firewall access chains and purge expired * firewall rules. */ void check_firewall_rules(const fko_srv_options_t * const opts) { char exp_str[12] = {0}; char rule_num_str[6] = {0}; char *ndx, *rn_start, *rn_end, *tmp_mark; int i, res, rn_offset, rule_num, is_err; time_t now, rule_exp, min_exp = 0; struct fw_chain *ch = opts->fw_config->chain; time(&now); /* Iterate over each chain and look for active rules to delete. */ for(i=0; i < NUM_FWKNOP_ACCESS_TYPES; i++) { /* If there are no active rules or we have not yet * reached our expected next expire time, continue. */ if(ch[i].active_rules == 0 || ch[i].next_expire > now) continue; zero_cmd_buffers(); rn_offset = 0; /* There should be a rule to delete. Get the current list of * rules for this chain and delete the ones that are expired. */ snprintf(cmd_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE-1, "%s " IPT_LIST_RULES_ARGS, opts->fw_config->fw_command, ch[i].table, ch[i].to_chain ); res = run_extcmd(cmd_buf, cmd_out, STANDARD_CMD_OUT_BUFSIZE, 0); chop_newline(cmd_out); log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "check_firewall_rules() CMD: '%s' (res: %d, cmd_out: %s)", cmd_buf, res, cmd_out); if(!EXTCMD_IS_SUCCESS(res)) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Error %i from cmd:'%s': %s", res, cmd_buf, cmd_out); continue; } log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "RES=%i, CMD_BUF: %s\nRULES LIST: %s", res, cmd_buf, cmd_out); ndx = strstr(cmd_out, EXPIRE_COMMENT_PREFIX); if(ndx == NULL) { /* we did not find an expected rule. */ log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Did not find expire comment in rules list %i", i); if (ch[i].active_rules > 0) ch[i].active_rules--; continue; } /* walk the list and process rules as needed. */ while (ndx != NULL) { /* Jump forward and extract the timestamp */ ndx += strlen(EXPIRE_COMMENT_PREFIX); /* remember this spot for when we look for the next * rule. */ tmp_mark = ndx; strlcpy(exp_str, ndx, sizeof(exp_str)); rule_exp = (time_t)atoll(exp_str); if(rule_exp <= now) { /* Backtrack and get the rule number and delete it. */ rn_start = ndx; while(--rn_start > cmd_out) { if(*rn_start == '\n') break; } if(*rn_start != '\n') { /* This should not happen. But if it does, complain, * decrement the active rule value, and go on. */ log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Rule parse error while finding rule line start in chain %i", i); if (ch[i].active_rules > 0) ch[i].active_rules--; break; } rn_start++; rn_end = strchr(rn_start, ' '); if(rn_end == NULL) { /* This should not happen. But if it does, complain, * decrement the active rule value, and go on. */ log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Rule parse error while finding rule number in chain %i", i); if (ch[i].active_rules > 0) ch[i].active_rules--; break; } strlcpy(rule_num_str, rn_start, (rn_end - rn_start)+1); rule_num = strtol_wrapper(rule_num_str, rn_offset, RCHK_MAX_IPT_RULE_NUM, NO_EXIT_UPON_ERR, &is_err); if(is_err != FKO_SUCCESS) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Rule parse error while finding rule number in chain %i", i); if (ch[i].active_rules > 0) ch[i].active_rules--; break; } zero_cmd_buffers(); snprintf(cmd_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE-1, "%s " IPT_DEL_RULE_ARGS, opts->fw_config->fw_command, ch[i].table, ch[i].to_chain, rule_num - rn_offset ); res = run_extcmd(cmd_buf, err_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE, 0); chop_newline(err_buf); log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "check_firewall_rules() CMD: '%s' (res: %d, err: %s)", cmd_buf, res, err_buf); if(EXTCMD_IS_SUCCESS(res)) { log_msg(LOG_INFO, "Removed rule %s from %s with expire time of %u", rule_num_str, ch[i].to_chain, rule_exp ); rn_offset++; if (ch[i].active_rules > 0) ch[i].active_rules--; } else log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Error %i from cmd:'%s': %s", res, cmd_buf, err_buf); } else { /* Track the minimum future rule expire time. */ if(rule_exp > now) min_exp = (min_exp < rule_exp) ? min_exp : rule_exp; } /* Push our tracking index forward beyond (just processed) _exp_ * string so we can continue to the next rule in the list. */ ndx = strstr(tmp_mark, EXPIRE_COMMENT_PREFIX); } /* Set the next pending expire time accordingly. 0 if there are no * more rules, or whatever the next expected (min_exp) time will be. */ if(ch[i].active_rules < 1) ch[i].next_expire = 0; else if(min_exp) ch[i].next_expire = min_exp; } }
/** Parser callback for OSMDocument files */ void OSMDocumentParserCallback::StartElement(const char *name, const char** atts) { // START RELATIONS CODE if (strcmp(name, "member") == 0) { // std::cout << "In member..." << std::endl; if (m_pActRelation && atts != NULL) { const char** attribut = (const char**)atts; while (*attribut != NULL) { const char* name = *attribut++; const char* value = *attribut++; if (strcmp(name, "ref") == 0) { long long wayRefId = atoll(value); m_pActRelation->AddWayRef(wayRefId); } } } } // END RELATIONS CODE if (strcmp(name, "nd") == 0) { if (m_pActWay && atts != NULL) { const char* name = *atts++; const char* value = *atts++; if (strcmp(name, "ref") == 0) { long long nodeRefId = atoll(value); m_pActWay->AddNodeRef(m_rDocument.FindNode(nodeRefId)); Node * node = m_rDocument.FindNode(nodeRefId); if (node != 0) { node->numsOfUse+=1; } else { std::cout << "Reference nd=" << nodeRefId << " has no corresponding Node Entry (Maybe Node entry after Reference?)" << std::endl; } } } } else if (strcmp(name, "node") == 0) { if (atts != NULL) { long long id =-1; double lat =-1; double lon =-1; const char** attribut = (const char**)atts; while (*attribut != NULL) { const char* name = *attribut++; const char* value = *attribut++; if (strcmp(name, "id") == 0) { id = atoll(value); } else if (strcmp(name, "lat") == 0) { lat = atof(value); } else if (strcmp(name, "lon") == 0) { lon = atof(value); } } if (id > 0) m_rDocument.AddNode(new Node(id, lat, lon)); } } else if (strcmp(name, "relation") == 0) { // THIS IS THE RELATION CODE... if (atts != NULL) { long long id =-1; const char** attribut = (const char**)atts; while (*attribut != NULL) { const char* name = *attribut++; const char* value = *attribut++; if (strcmp(name, "id") == 0) { id = atoll(value); } } if (id > 0) m_pActRelation = new Relation(id); // std::cout<<"Starting relation: "<<id<<std::endl; } } else if (strcmp(name, "tag") == 0) { // END OF THE RELATIONS CODE // <tag k="name" v="Pf�nderweg"/> if (atts != NULL) { std::string k; std::string v; const char** attribut = (const char**)atts; while (*attribut != NULL) { const char* name = *attribut++; const char* value = *attribut++; if (strcmp(name, "k") == 0) { k = value; } else if (strcmp(name, "v") == 0) { v = value; } } if (!k.empty()) { // CHECKING OUT SOME DATA... // std::cout<<"k: "<<k<<", v: "<<v<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"m_pActWay: "<<m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(k)<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"thecount: "<<m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(k)<<std::endl; if (m_pActWay &&"name") == 0) { m_pActWay->name = v; } else if (m_pActWay &&"oneway") == 0) { // checks ONEWAY tag if (("yes") == 0) || ("true") == 0) || ("1") == 0)) { m_pActWay->oneWayType = YES; } else {} // check false conditions: 0, no, false if (("no") == 0) || ("false") == 0) || ("0") == 0)) { m_pActWay->oneWayType = NO; } else {} // check revers conditions: -1 if (("-1") == 0)) { m_pActWay->oneWayType = REVERSED; } // in case roundabout, if there is not additional oneway tag, set default oneway to YES } else if (m_pActWay &&"junction") == 0 &&"roundabout") == 0) { if (m_pActWay->oneWayType == UNKNOWN) m_pActWay->oneWayType= YES; } // handle 3 cases if the key contains maxspeed else if (m_pActWay && k.find("maxspeed") != std::string::npos) { // If the value contains mph, strip unit, convert to kph. if (v.find("mph") != std::string::npos) { // Assume format is /[0-9]{1,3} ?mph/ v = my_utils::read_number_substring(v); std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << floor(atoi(v.c_str()) * 1.60934); v = ostr.str(); } // handle maxspeed:forward tag if ("maxspeed:forward") == 0) { int mspeed_fwd = 50; if (my_utils::is_number(v)) { mspeed_fwd = atoi(v.c_str()); } else { // TODO: handle non-numeric values, ex.: RO:urban std::cout << "unknown maxspeed1 value: " << v << std::endl; } m_pActWay->maxspeed_forward = mspeed_fwd; } // handler maxspeed:backward else if ("maxspeed:backward") == 0) { int mspeed_backwd = 50; if (my_utils::is_number(v)) { mspeed_backwd = atoi(v.c_str()); } else { // TODO: handle non-numeric values, ex.: RO:urban std::cout << "unknown maxspeed2 value: " << v << std::endl; } m_pActWay->maxspeed_backward = mspeed_backwd; } else if ("maxspeed") == 0) { int mspeed_fwd = 50; int mspeed_backwd = 50; if (my_utils::is_number(v)) { mspeed_fwd = atoi(v.c_str()); mspeed_backwd = atoi(v.c_str()); } else { // TODO: handle non-numeric values, ex.: RO:urban std::cout << "unknown maxspeed3 value: " << v << std::endl; } m_pActWay->maxspeed_backward = mspeed_backwd; m_pActWay->maxspeed_forward = mspeed_fwd; } } // else if (m_pActWay &&"highway") == 0) else if (m_pActWay && m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(k)) { m_pActWay->type = k; m_pActWay->clss = v; if (m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(m_pActWay->type) && m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types[m_pActWay->type]->m_Classes.count(m_pActWay->clss)) { m_pActWay->AddTag(k, v); // std::cout<<"Added tag: "<<k<<" "<<v<<std::endl; // set default maxspeed values from classes, if not set previously (default: -1) if (m_pActWay->maxspeed_forward <= 0) { int newValue = m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types[m_pActWay->type]->m_Classes[m_pActWay->clss]->default_maxspeed; m_pActWay->maxspeed_forward = newValue; } if (m_pActWay->maxspeed_backward <= 0) { int newValue = m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types[m_pActWay->type]->m_Classes[m_pActWay->clss]->default_maxspeed; m_pActWay->maxspeed_backward = newValue; } } } // START TAG FOR RELATION else if (m_pActRelation && m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(k)) { if (m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types.count(k) && m_rDocument.m_rConfig.m_Types[k]->m_Classes.count(v)) { m_pActRelation->AddTag(k, v); // std::cout<<"Added Relation tag: "<<k<<" "<<v<<std::endl; } // std::cout<<"Relations tag: "<<k<<" "<<v<<std::endl; } if (m_pActRelation &&"name") == 0) { m_pActRelation->name = v; } // END TAG FOR RELATION } } } else if (strcmp(name, "way") == 0) { if (atts != NULL) { long long id =-1; bool visibility = false; const char** attribut = (const char**)atts; while (*attribut != NULL) { const char* name = *attribut++; const char* value = *attribut++; if (strcmp(name, "id") == 0) { id = atoll(value); } else if (strcmp(name, "visible") == 0) { visibility = strcmp(value, "true") == 0; } } if (id > 0) { m_pActWay = new Way(id, visibility, id , -1, -1); } } } else if (strcmp(name, "osm") == 0) { } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int c; char *mem; float percent; unsigned int maxpercent = 0, dowrite = 0, verbose=0, j; unsigned long bytecount, alloc_bytes, max_pids; unsigned long long original_maxbytes, maxbytes = 0; unsigned long long pre_mem = 0, post_mem = 0; unsigned long long total_ram, total_free, D, C; int chunksize = 1024*1024; /* one meg at a time by default */ struct sysinfo sstats; int i, pid_cntr; pid_t pid, *pid_list; struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = handler; act.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGRTMIN, &act, 0); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:b:p:wvh")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'c': chunksize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': if (maxpercent != 0) tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "ERROR: -b option cannot be used with -p " "option at the same time"); maxbytes = atoll(optarg); break; case 'p': if (maxbytes != 0) tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "ERROR: -p option cannot be used with -b " "option at the same time"); maxpercent = atoi(optarg); if (maxpercent <= 0) tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "ERROR: -p option requires number greater " "than 0"); if (maxpercent > 99) tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "ERROR: -p option cannot be greater than " "99"); break; case 'w': dowrite = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'h': default: printf("usage: %s [-c <bytes>] [-b <bytes>|-p <percent>] [-v]\n", argv[0]); printf("\t-c <num>\tsize of chunk in bytes to malloc on each pass\n"); printf("\t-b <bytes>\tmaximum number of bytes to allocate before stopping\n"); printf("\t-p <bytes>\tpercent of total memory used at which the program stops\n"); printf("\t-w\t\twrite to the memory after allocating\n"); printf("\t-v\t\tverbose\n"); printf("\t-h\t\tdisplay usage\n"); exit(1); } } sysinfo(&sstats); total_ram = sstats.totalram + sstats.totalswap; total_free = sstats.freeram + sstats.freeswap; /* Total Free Pre-Test RAM */ pre_mem = sstats.mem_unit * total_free; max_pids = total_ram / (unsigned long)FIVE_HUNDRED_MB + 1; if ((pid_list = malloc(max_pids * sizeof(pid_t))) == NULL) tst_brkm(TBROK|TERRNO, NULL, "malloc failed."); memset(pid_list, 0, max_pids * sizeof(pid_t)); /* Currently used memory */ C = sstats.mem_unit * (total_ram - total_free); tst_resm(TINFO, "Total memory already used on system = %llu kbytes", C / 1024); if (maxpercent) { percent = (float)maxpercent / 100.00; /* Desired memory needed to reach maxpercent */ D = percent * (sstats.mem_unit * total_ram); tst_resm(TINFO, "Total memory used needed to reach maximum = %llu kbytes", D / 1024); /* Are we already using more than maxpercent? */ if (C > D) { tst_resm(TFAIL, "More memory than the maximum amount you specified " " is already being used"); free(pid_list); tst_exit(); } /* set maxbytes to the extra amount we want to allocate */ maxbytes = D - C; tst_resm(TINFO, "Filling up %d%% of ram which is %llu kbytes", maxpercent, maxbytes / 1024); } original_maxbytes = maxbytes; i = 0; pid_cntr = 0; pid = fork(); if (pid != 0) pid_cntr++; pid_list[i] = pid; #if defined (_s390_) /* s390's 31bit addressing requires smaller chunks */ while (pid != 0 && maxbytes > FIVE_HUNDRED_MB) { i++; maxbytes -= FIVE_HUNDRED_MB; pid = fork(); if (pid != 0) { pid_cntr++; pid_list[i] = pid; } } if (maxbytes > FIVE_HUNDRED_MB) alloc_bytes = FIVE_HUNDRED_MB; else alloc_bytes = (unsigned long) maxbytes; #elif __WORDSIZE == 32 while (pid != 0 && maxbytes > ONE_GB) { i++; maxbytes -= ONE_GB; pid = fork(); if (pid != 0) { pid_cntr++; pid_list[i]=pid; } } if (maxbytes > ONE_GB) alloc_bytes = ONE_GB; else alloc_bytes = (unsigned long)maxbytes; #elif __WORDSIZE == 64 while (pid != 0 && maxbytes > THREE_GB) { i++; maxbytes -= THREE_GB; pid = fork(); if (pid != 0) { pid_cntr++; pid_list[i] = pid; } } if (maxbytes > THREE_GB) alloc_bytes = THREE_GB; else alloc_bytes = maxbytes; #endif if (pid == 0) { bytecount = chunksize; while (1) { if ((mem = malloc(chunksize)) == NULL) { tst_resm(TBROK|TERRNO, "stopped at %lu bytes", bytecount); free(pid_list); tst_exit(); } if (dowrite) for (j = 0; j < chunksize; j++) *(mem+j) = 'a'; if (verbose) tst_resm(TINFO, "allocated %lu bytes chunksize is %d", bytecount, chunksize); bytecount += chunksize; if (alloc_bytes && bytecount >= alloc_bytes) break; } if (dowrite) tst_resm(TINFO, "... %lu bytes allocated and used.", bytecount); else tst_resm(TINFO, "... %lu bytes allocated only.", bytecount); kill(getppid(), SIGRTMIN); while (1) sleep(1); } else { i = 0; sysinfo(&sstats); if (dowrite) { /* Total Free Post-Test RAM */ post_mem = (unsigned long long)sstats.mem_unit * sstats.freeram; post_mem = post_mem + (unsigned long long)sstats.mem_unit * sstats.freeswap; while ((((unsigned long long)pre_mem - post_mem) < (unsigned long long)original_maxbytes) && pid_count < pid_cntr) { sleep(1); sysinfo(&sstats); post_mem = (unsigned long long)sstats.mem_unit * sstats.freeram; post_mem = post_mem + (unsigned long long)sstats.mem_unit * sstats.freeswap; } } while (pid_list[i] != 0) { kill(pid_list[i], SIGKILL); i++; } if (dowrite) tst_resm(TPASS, "%llu kbytes allocated and used.", original_maxbytes / 1024); else tst_resm(TPASS, "%llu kbytes allocated only.", original_maxbytes / 1024); } free(pid_list); tst_exit(); }
void fill_webdav_properties_into_resource(struct resource* newres, const ne_prop_result_set *set) { const char *clength, *modtime, *file_id = NULL; const char *directDownloadUrl = NULL; const char *directDownloadCookies = NULL; const char *resourcetype = NULL; const char *etag = NULL; const char *perm = NULL; modtime = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] ); clength = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] ); resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] ); etag = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[3] ); file_id = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[4] ); directDownloadUrl = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[5] ); directDownloadCookies = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[6] ); perm = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[7] ); if( resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) { newres->type = resr_collection; } else { newres->type = resr_normal; } if (modtime) { newres->modtime = oc_httpdate_parse(modtime); } /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsing Modtime: %s -> %llu", modtime, (unsigned long long) newres->modtime ); */ newres->size = 0; if (clength) { newres->size = atoll(clength); /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsed File size for %s from %s: %lld", newres->name, clength, (long long)newres->size ); */ } if( etag ) { newres->md5 = csync_normalize_etag(etag); } csync_vio_set_file_id(newres->file_id, file_id); /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s [%s] %s", newres->uri, newres->type == resr_collection ? "collection" : "file", newres->md5); */ if (directDownloadUrl) { newres->directDownloadUrl = c_strdup(directDownloadUrl); } if (directDownloadCookies) { newres->directDownloadCookies = c_strdup(directDownloadCookies); } if (perm && !perm[0]) { // special meaning for our code: server returned permissions but are empty // meaning only reading is allowed for this resource newres->remotePerm[0] = ' '; // see _csync_detect_update() } else if (perm && strlen(perm) < sizeof(newres->remotePerm)) { strncpy(newres->remotePerm, perm, sizeof(newres->remotePerm)); } else { // old server, keep newres->remotePerm empty } }
vector<SQUID_Connection> sqstat::GetInfo(Options* pOpts) { sqconn con; string temp_str; active_conn = 0; long long esize; long etime; int n=0, delay_pool; vector<SQUID_Connection>::iterator Conn_it; // pointer to current peer vector<Uri_Stats>::iterator Stat_it; // pointer to current stat Uri_Stats newStats; try {>host, pOpts->port); } catch(sqconnException &e) { std::stringstream error; error << e.what() << " while connecting to " << pOpts->host << ":" << pOpts->port; throw sqstatException(error.str(), FAILED_TO_CONNECT); } connections.clear(); time_t timenow = 0; time_t timediff = 0; try { string request = "GET cache_object://localhost/active_requests HTTP/1.0\n"; if (!pOpts->pass.empty()) { string encoded = Base64::Encode("admin:" + pOpts->pass); request += "Authorization: Basic " + encoded + "\n"; } con << request; Uri_Stats oldStats; while ((con >> temp_str) != 0) { if (connections.size()==0) { if (n==0) { if (temp_str != "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" && temp_str != "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") { std::stringstream error; error << "Access to squid statistic denied: " << temp_str; /*string ip; try { ip = get_ip(); } catch (string) { ip = "<your_host_ip>"; }*/ /*error << "You must enable access to squid statistic in squid.conf by adding strings like:" << endl << endl; error << "\tacl adminhost src <admin_host_ip_here>/" << endl; error << "\thttp_access allow manager adminhost" << endl; error << "\thttp_access deny manager";*/ throw sqstatException(error.str(), ACCESS_DENIED); } else { n=1; timenow = time(NULL); timediff = timenow - lastruntime; continue; } } } vector<string> result; if (temp_str.substr(0,8) == "Server: ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 2) { squid_version = result[1]; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,12) == "Connection: ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 2) { = result[1]; oldStats = FindUriStatsById(oldConnections, result[1]); newStats.uri = ""; newStats.username = ""; newStats.size = 0; newStats.count = 0; newStats.oldsize = 0; newStats.etime = 0; newStats.delay_pool = -1; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if ((temp_str.substr(0,6) == "peer: ") or (temp_str.substr(0,8) == "remote: ")) { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 2) { std::pair <string, string> peer = Utils::SplitIPPort(result[1]); if (!peer.first.empty()) { Conn_it = std::find_if( connections.begin(), connections.end(), std::bind2nd( std::ptr_fun(ConnByPeer) , peer.first) ); // if it is new peer, create new SQUID_Connection if (Conn_it == connections.end()) { SQUID_Connection connection; connection.peer = peer.first; #ifdef WITH_RESOLVER connection.hostname = DoResolve(pOpts, peer.first); #endif connections.push_back(connection); Conn_it = connections.end() - 1; } Conn_it->stats.push_back(newStats); Stat_it = Conn_it->stats.end() - 1; } } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,4) == "uri ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 2) { Stat_it->uri = result[1]; Stat_it->count = 1; Stat_it->curr_speed = 0; Stat_it->av_speed = 0; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,11) == "out.offset ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 4) { esize = atoll(result[3].c_str()); Stat_it->size = esize; Stat_it->oldsize = oldStats.size; Conn_it->sum_size += esize; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,6) == "start ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 5) { string temp = result[2].erase(0,1); etime = atoi(temp.c_str()); Stat_it->etime = etime; if (etime > Conn_it->max_etime) Conn_it->max_etime = etime; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,11) == "delay_pool ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 2) { string temp = result[1]; delay_pool = atoi(temp.c_str()); Stat_it->delay_pool = delay_pool; } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } else if (temp_str.substr(0,9) == "username ") { result = Utils::SplitString(temp_str, " "); if (result.size() == 1) result.push_back("-"); if (result.size() == 2) { string username = result[1]; if (!(username == "-")) { Utils::ToLower(username); Stat_it->username = username; if (!Utils::MemberOf(Conn_it->usernames, username)) Conn_it->usernames.push_back(username); } } else { FormatChanged(temp_str); } } } } catch(sqconnException &e) { std::stringstream error; error << e.what(); throw sqstatException(error.str(), UNKNOWN_ERROR); } av_speed = 0; curr_speed = 0; for (vector<SQUID_Connection>::iterator Conn = connections.begin(); Conn != connections.end(); ++Conn) { sort(Conn->stats.begin(), Conn->stats.end(), CompareURLs); active_conn += Conn->stats.size(); for (vector<Uri_Stats>::iterator Stats = Conn->stats.begin(); Stats != Conn->stats.end(); ++Stats) { long stat_av_speed = 0; if ((Stats->size != 0) && (Stats->etime != 0)) stat_av_speed = Stats->size/Stats->etime; Stats->av_speed = stat_av_speed; Conn->av_speed += stat_av_speed; av_speed += stat_av_speed; long stat_curr_speed = 0; if ((Stats->size != 0) && (Stats->oldsize != 0) && (lastruntime != 0) && (Stats->size > Stats->oldsize)) { if (timediff < 1) timediff = 1; stat_curr_speed = (Stats->size - Stats->oldsize) / timediff; /*if ((stat_curr_speed > 10000000) || (stat_curr_speed < 0)) { cout << Stats->size << " " << Stats->oldsize << " " << timenow << " " << lastruntime << endl; throw; }*/ Stats->curr_speed = stat_curr_speed; Conn->curr_speed += stat_curr_speed; curr_speed += stat_curr_speed; } /*else { Conn->curr_speed += stat_av_speed; curr_speed += stat_av_speed; }*/ } } sort(connections.begin(), connections.end(), sqstat::CompareSIZE); oldConnections = connections; lastruntime = timenow; return connections; }
int main(int argc, char * * argv) { struct s_pwd pwd; struct s_pwd pwd2; unsigned int max_lvl, max_len; unsigned long long start, end; max_lvl = 0; max_len = 0; start = 0; end = 0; if((argc<3) || (argc>6)) { printf("Usage: %s statfile max_lvl [max_len] [start] [end]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } max_lvl = atoi(argv[2]); if(argc>3) max_len = atoi(argv[3]); if(argc>4) start = atoll(argv[4]); if(argc>5) end = atoll(argv[5]); init_probatables(argv[1]); if(max_len==0) { for(max_len=6;max_len<20;max_len++) { nbparts = mem_alloc(256*(max_lvl+1)*sizeof(long long)*max_len); printf("len=%u (%lu KB for nbparts) ", max_len, 256UL*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)/1024); memset(nbparts, 0, 256*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)); nb_parts(0, 0, 0, max_lvl, max_len); if(nbparts[0] > 1000000000) printf("%lld G possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000000) printf("%lld M possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000) printf("%lld K possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000, nbparts[0]); else printf("%lld possible passwords\n", nbparts[0] ); free(nbparts); } goto fin; } if(max_lvl==0) { for(max_lvl=100;max_lvl<350;max_lvl++) { nbparts = mem_alloc(256*(max_lvl+1)*sizeof(long long)*max_len); printf("lvl=%u (%lu KB for nbparts) ", max_lvl, 256UL*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)/1024); memset(nbparts, 0, 256*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)); nb_parts(0, 0, 0, max_lvl, max_len); if(nbparts[0] > 1000000000) printf("%lld G possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000000) printf("%lld M possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000) printf("%lld K possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000, nbparts[0]); else printf("%lld possible passwords\n", nbparts[0] ); free(nbparts); } goto fin; } nbparts = mem_alloc(256*(max_lvl+1)*sizeof(long long)*max_len); fprintf(stderr, "allocated %lu KB for nbparts\n", 256UL*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)/1024); memset(nbparts, 0, 256*(max_lvl+1)*max_len*sizeof(long long)); nb_parts(0, 0, 0, max_lvl, max_len); if(nbparts[0] > 1000000000) fprintf(stderr, "%lld G possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000000) fprintf(stderr, "%lld M possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000000, nbparts[0]); else if(nbparts[0] > 10000) fprintf(stderr, "%lld K possible passwords (%lld)\n", nbparts[0] / 1000, nbparts[0]); else fprintf(stderr, "%lld possible passwords\n", nbparts[0] ); if(end==0) end = nbparts[0]; pwd.level = 0; pwd.len = 0; pwd.index = 0; memset(pwd.password, 0, max_len+1); print_pwd(start, &pwd, max_lvl, max_len); print_pwd(start, &pwd2, max_lvl, max_len); fprintf(stderr, "starting with %s (%lld to %lld, %f%% of the scope)\n", pwd.password, start, end, 100*((float) end-start)/((float) nbparts[0]) ); show_pwd(start, end, max_lvl, max_len); free(nbparts); fin: free(proba1); free(proba2); free(first); return 0; }
s32_t sbp_opendir(char* filename) { s32_t fd = get_slot(); SBP_PREPARE_REQUEST mkent(head,METHOD,"OPENDIR"); mkent(head,ARGC,"1"); mkent(head,"Arg0",filename); mkent(head,CONTENT_LEN,"0"); SBP_SEND_AND_PROCESS_REPLY if (strncmp(head.title, REQUEST_OK, strlen(REQUEST_OK)) == 0) { if ((fds[fd] = (struct sbp_filedesc *) malloc( sizeof(struct sbp_filedesc))) == NULL) { seterr(MEM_ERR,MALLOC); goto err_exit3; }// need sbp_close(fd) bzero(fds[fd], sizeof(struct sbp_filedesc)); if ((fds[fd]->filename = (char *) malloc(sizeof(strlen(filename) + 1))) == NULL) { seterr(MEM_ERR,MALLOC); goto err_exit4; } memcpy(fds[fd]->filename, filename, strlen(filename)); fds[fd]->filename[strlen(filename)] = 0; fds[fd]->offset = 0; fds[fd]->type = T_DIR; char* fd_s = get_head_entry_value(&head, DIR_FD); if(fd_s == NULL) { seterr(DATA_ERR,"Could not get FD"); goto err_exit4; } fds[fd]->server_fd = atoll(fd_s); // char* auth_code = get_head_entry_value(&head, AUTH_CODE); // if (auth_code == NULL) { // seterr(DATA_ERR,AUTH_LEN); // goto err_exit4; // } char* dir_ent_num = get_head_entry_value(&head, DIR_ENT_NUM); if (dir_ent_num == NULL) { seterr(DATA_ERR,DIR_ENT_LEN); goto err_exit4; } fds[fd]->length = atoll(dir_ent_num); // int auth_len = strlen(auth_code); // if (auth_len > AUTH_CODE_LEN) { // seterr(DATA_ERR,AUTH_LEN); // goto err_exit4; // } // memcpy(fds[fd]->auth_code, auth_code, auth_len); goto ok_exit; } else if (strncmp(head.title, REQUEST_ERR, strlen(REQUEST_ERR)) == 0) { sbp_update_err(&head); goto err_exit3; } else { seterr(HEAD_ERR, UNKNOWN_HEAD); } err_exit4: sbp_closedir(fd); err_exit3: free_head(&head); err_exit2: free(rec_data); err_exit1: free(data); err_exit: free(usr); free(pass); return -1; ok_exit: free(data); free(rec_data); free_head(&head); free(usr); free(pass); return fd; }
static int memcached_read (void) /* {{{ */ { char buf[1024]; char *fields[3]; char *ptr; char *line; char *saveptr; int fields_num; gauge_t bytes_used = NAN; gauge_t bytes_total = NAN; gauge_t hits = NAN; gauge_t gets = NAN; counter_t rusage_user = 0; counter_t rusage_syst = 0; counter_t octets_rx = 0; counter_t octets_tx = 0; /* get data from daemon */ if (memcached_query_daemon (buf, sizeof (buf)) < 0) { return -1; } #define FIELD_IS(cnst) \ (((sizeof(cnst) - 1) == name_len) && (strcmp (cnst, fields[1]) == 0)) ptr = buf; saveptr = NULL; while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) { int name_len; ptr = NULL; fields_num = strsplit(line, fields, 3); if (fields_num != 3) continue; name_len = strlen(fields[1]); if (name_len == 0) continue; /* * For an explanation on these fields please refer to * <> */ /* * CPU time consumed by the memcached process */ if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_user")) { rusage_user = atoll (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_system")) { rusage_syst = atoll(fields[2]); } /* * Number of threads of this instance */ else if (FIELD_IS ("threads")) { submit_gauge2 ("ps_count", NULL, NAN, atof (fields[2])); } /* * Number of items stored */ else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_items")) { submit_gauge ("memcached_items", "current", atof (fields[2])); } /* * Number of bytes used and available (total - used) */ else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes")) { bytes_used = atof (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("limit_maxbytes")) { bytes_total = atof(fields[2]); } /* * Connections */ else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_connections")) { submit_gauge ("memcached_connections", "current", atof (fields[2])); } /* * Commands */ else if ((name_len > 4) && (strncmp (fields[1], "cmd_", 4) == 0)) { const char *name = fields[1] + 4; submit_counter ("memcached_command", name, atoll (fields[2])); if (strcmp (name, "get") == 0) gets = atof (fields[2]); } /* * Operations on the cache, i. e. cache hits, cache misses and evictions of items */ else if (FIELD_IS ("get_hits")) { submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "hits", atoll (fields[2])); hits = atof (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("get_misses")) { submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "misses", atoll (fields[2])); } else if (FIELD_IS ("evictions")) { submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "evictions", atoll (fields[2])); } /* * Network traffic */ else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_read")) { octets_rx = atoll (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_written")) { octets_tx = atoll (fields[2]); } } /* while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) */ if (!isnan (bytes_used) && !isnan (bytes_total) && (bytes_used <= bytes_total)) submit_gauge2 ("df", "cache", bytes_used, bytes_total - bytes_used); if ((rusage_user != 0) || (rusage_syst != 0)) submit_counter2 ("ps_cputime", NULL, rusage_user, rusage_syst); if ((octets_rx != 0) || (octets_tx != 0)) submit_counter2 ("memcached_octets", NULL, octets_rx, octets_tx); if (!isnan (gets) && !isnan (hits)) { gauge_t rate = NAN; if (gets != 0.0) rate = 100.0 * hits / gets; submit_gauge ("percent", "hitratio", rate); } return 0; }
void evg_faults_init(void) { FILE *f; char line[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *line_ptr; struct evg_fault_t *fault; int line_num; long long last_cycle; evg_fault_list = linked_list_create(); if (!*evg_faults_file_name) return; f = fopen(evg_faults_file_name, "rt"); if (!f) fatal("%s: cannot open file", evg_faults_file_name); line_num = 0; last_cycle = 0; while (!feof(f)) { const char *delim = " "; /* Read a line */ line_num++; line_ptr = fgets(line, MAX_STRING_SIZE, f); if (!line_ptr) break; /* Allocate new fault */ fault = calloc(1, sizeof(struct evg_fault_t)); if (!fault) fatal("%s: out of memory", __FUNCTION__); /* Read <cycle> field */ line_ptr = strtok(line_ptr, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->cycle = atoll(line_ptr); if (fault->cycle < 1) fatal("%s: line %d: lowest possible cycle is 1", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); if (fault->cycle < last_cycle) fatal("%s: line %d: cycles must be ordered", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* <fault> - Type of fault */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; if (!strcmp(line_ptr, "ams")) fault->type = evg_fault_ams; else if (!strcmp(line_ptr, "reg")) fault->type = evg_fault_reg; else if (!strcmp(line_ptr, "mem")) fault->type = evg_fault_mem; else fatal("%s: line %d: invalid value for <fault> ('%s')", evg_faults_file_name, line_num, line_ptr); /* <cu_id> - Compute unit */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->compute_unit_id = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->compute_unit_id >= evg_gpu_num_compute_units || fault->compute_unit_id < 0) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid compute unit ID", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* Analyze rest of the line depending on fault type */ switch (fault->type) { case evg_fault_ams: /* <stack_id> - Stack ID */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->stack_id = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->stack_id >= evg_gpu_max_wavefronts_per_compute_unit) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid stack ID", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* <am_id> - Active mask ID */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->active_mask_id = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->active_mask_id >= EVG_MAX_STACK_SIZE) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid active mask ID", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* <bit> */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->bit = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->bit >= evg_emu_wavefront_size) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid bit index", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* No more tokens */ if (strtok(NULL, delim)) fatal("%s: line %d: too many arguments", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); break; case evg_fault_reg: /* <reg_id> - Register ID */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->reg_id = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->reg_id >= evg_gpu_num_registers || fault->reg_id < 0) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid compute unit ID", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* <bit> */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->bit = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->bit < 0 || fault->bit >= 128) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid bit index", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); break; case evg_fault_mem: /* <byte> - Byte position in local memory */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->byte = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->byte >= evg_gpu_local_mem_size || fault->byte < 0) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid byte position", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); /* <bit> - Bit position */ line_ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); if (!line_ptr) goto wrong_format; fault->bit = atoi(line_ptr); if (fault->bit > 7 || fault->bit < 0) fatal("%s: line %d: invalid bit position", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); break; } /* Insert fault in fault list */ linked_list_out(evg_fault_list); linked_list_insert(evg_fault_list, fault); last_cycle = fault->cycle; continue; wrong_format: fatal("%s: line %d: not enough arguments", evg_faults_file_name, line_num); } linked_list_head(evg_fault_list); }
struct sbp_dirent* sbp_readdir(s32_t dirfd) { if(dirfd<0)return NULL; if (fds[dirfd] == NULL) { return NULL; } struct sbpfs_head head; char* usr; char* pass; char* data; char* rec_data; char tran_usr[16 + 7]; u64_t rec_len = 0; int data_len = 0; = ((void *)0); head.title = "SBPFS/1.0"; head.entry_num = 0; if (sbp_getUandP(&usr, &pass) == -1) { printf("Can not get username and password\n"); return NULL; } sprintf(tran_usr, "Client_%s", usr); head.entrys[head.entry_num].name = "User"; head.entrys[head.entry_num++].value = tran_usr;; head.entrys[head.entry_num].name = "Password"; head.entrys[head.entry_num++].value = pass;; char tran_fd[32]; char tran_offset[32]; sprintf(tran_fd,"%lld",fds[dirfd]->server_fd); sprintf(tran_offset,"%lld",fds[dirfd]->offset); mkent(head,METHOD,"READDIR"); mkent(head,ARGC,"2"); mkent(head,"Arg0",tran_fd); mkent(head,"Arg1",tran_offset); mkent(head,CONTENT_LEN,"0"); SBP_SEND_AND_PROCESS_REPLY if (strncmp(head.title, REQUEST_OK, strlen(REQUEST_OK)) == 0) { u64_t content_l = -1; char* value = get_head_entry_value(&head,CONTENT_LEN); if(value == NULL) { seterr(HEAD_ERR,NO_CONTENT_LEN); goto err_exit3; } content_l = atoll(value); if(content_l != sizeof(struct sbp_dirent_for_trans)) { goto err_exit3; } memcpy(&dir_ent,rec_data + head.head_len,content_l); dir_ent.offset = fds[dirfd]->offset++; goto ok_exit; } else if (strncmp(head.title, REQUEST_ERR, strlen(REQUEST_ERR)) == 0) { sbp_update_err(&head); goto err_exit3; } else { seterr(HEAD_ERR,UNKNOWN_HEAD); } err_exit3: free_head(&head); err_exit2: free(rec_data); err_exit1: free(data); err_exit: free(usr); free(pass); return NULL; ok_exit: free(data); free(rec_data); free_head(&head); free(usr); free(pass); return &dir_ent; }
cmddatas_t * read_cmdfile( char *filename) { cmddatas_t *cmddatas = g_new0(cmddatas_t, 1); cmddata_t *cmddata; char *s, *fp, *operation; char ch; char **xlines; int i; int pid; pid_t pids[NB_PIDS]; pid_t new_pids[NB_PIDS]; int nb_pids = 0; int result; cmddatas->lock = file_lock_new(filename); cmddatas->cmdfile = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, &free_cmddata); // open while ((result = file_lock_lock(cmddatas->lock)) == 1) { sleep(1); } if (result != 0) { g_debug("read_cmdfile open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } if (!cmddatas->lock->data) { cmddatas->version = 1; cmddatas->max_id = 0; return cmddatas; } xlines = g_strsplit(cmddatas->lock->data, "\n", 0); // read if (sscanf(xlines[0], "VERSION %d", &cmddatas->version) != 1) {}; if (sscanf(xlines[1], "ID %d", &cmddatas->max_id) != 1) {}; // read cmd for (i=2; xlines[i] != NULL; i++) { int id; s = xlines[i]; if (*s == '\0') continue; ch = *s++; skip_whitespace(s, ch); if (ch == '\0' || sscanf((s - 1), "%d", &id) != 1) { continue; } skip_integer(s, ch); skip_whitespace(s, ch); operation = s - 1; skip_non_whitespace(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; if (!g_str_equal(operation, "FLUSH") && !g_str_equal(operation, "COPY")) { g_debug("BAD operation %s: %s", operation, s); continue; } cmddata = g_new0(cmddata_t, 1); cmddata->id = id; skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_non_whitespace(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->config = unquote_string(fp); if (g_str_equal(operation, "FLUSH")) { cmddata->operation = CMD_FLUSH; skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->holding_file = unquote_string(fp); } else if (g_str_equal(operation, "COPY")) { char *src_labels; char *slabels; char *a; cmddata->operation = CMD_COPY; skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->src_storage = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->src_pool = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->src_label = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_integer(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->src_fileno = atoi(fp); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; slabels = src_labels = unquote_string(fp); cmddata->src_labels_str = g_strdup(src_labels); a = strstr(slabels, " ;"); if (a) { slabels = a+2; while ((a = strstr(slabels, " ;"))) { *a = '\0'; cmddata->src_labels = g_slist_append(cmddata->src_labels, g_strdup(slabels)); slabels = a+2; } } g_free(src_labels); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_integer(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->start_time = atoll(fp); } else { } skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->hostname = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->diskname = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->dump_timestamp = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s,ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->level = atoi(fp); skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_quoted_string(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; cmddata->dst_storage = unquote_string(fp); skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_non_whitespace(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; if (sscanf(fp, "WORKING:%d", &pid) != 1) { } cmddata->working_pid = pid; skip_whitespace(s, ch); fp = s - 1; skip_non_whitespace(s, ch); s[-1] = '\0'; if (g_str_equal(fp, "DONE")) { cmddata->status = CMD_DONE; } else if (g_str_equal(fp, "TODO")) { cmddata->status = CMD_TODO; } else if (strncmp(fp, "PARTIAL", 7) == 0) { long long lsize; cmddata->status = CMD_PARTIAL; if (sscanf(fp, "PARTIAL:%lld", &lsize) != 1) { } else { cmddata->size = lsize; } } else { } /* validate working_pid */ if (!checked_working_pid && cmddata->working_pid != 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_pids; i++) { if (pids[i] == cmddata->working_pid) { cmddata->working_pid = new_pids[i]; i += 100; continue; } } if (nb_pids < NB_PIDS) { pids[nb_pids] = cmddata->working_pid; if (kill(cmddata->working_pid, 0) != 0) cmddata->working_pid =0; new_pids[nb_pids] = cmddata->working_pid; nb_pids++; } } g_hash_table_insert(cmddatas->cmdfile, GINT_TO_POINTER(cmddata->id), cmddata); } g_strfreev(xlines); checked_working_pid = 1; return cmddatas; }
void Blaster::runBlaster(char *file1,char *file2, int32_t maxNumThreads, int32_t wait, bool isLogFile, bool verbose,bool justDisplay, bool useProxy , bool injectUrlWithLinks , bool injectUrl ) { if (!init()) return; m_blasterDiff=true; if (!file2) m_blasterDiff=false; // set File class File f1; f1.set ( file1 ); // open files if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) ) { log("blaster:open: %s %s",file1,mstrerror(g_errno)); return; } // get file size int32_t fileSize1 = f1.getFileSize() ; // store a \0 at the end int32_t m_bufSize1 = fileSize1 + 1; m_doInjectionWithLinks = injectUrlWithLinks; m_doInjection = injectUrl; // make buffers to hold all m_buf1 = (char *) mmalloc ( m_bufSize1 , "blaster1" ); if ( ! m_buf1) { log("blaster:mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno)); return; } //char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize; // set m_p1 m_p1 = m_buf1; m_p1end = m_buf1 + m_bufSize1 - 1; // read em all in if ( ! ( m_buf1 , fileSize1 , 0 ) ) { log("blaster:read: %s %s",file1,mstrerror(g_errno)); return; } // change \n to \0 //char *p = buf; int32_t n = 0; for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_bufSize1 ; i++ ) { if ( m_buf1[i] != '\n' ) continue; m_buf1[i] = '\0'; n++; } if (m_blasterDiff){ File f2; f2.set ( file2 ); if ( ! ( O_RDONLY ) ) { log("blaster:open: %s %s",file2,mstrerror(g_errno)); return; } int32_t fileSize2 = f2.getFileSize() ; int32_t m_bufSize2 = fileSize2 + 1; m_buf2 = (char *) mmalloc ( m_bufSize2 , "blaster2" ); if ( ! m_buf2) { log("blaster:mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno)); return; } // set m_p2 m_p2 = m_buf2; m_p2end = m_buf2 + m_bufSize2 - 1; if ( ! ( m_buf2 , fileSize2 , 0 ) ) { log("blaster:read: %s %s",file2,mstrerror(g_errno)); return; } int32_t m=0; for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_bufSize2 ; i++ ) { if ( m_buf2[i] != '\n' ) continue; m_buf2[i] = '\0'; m++; } // Working on only the least number of urls from both files, //because we need to work in pairs if (m<n) n=m; else m=n; m_totalUrls=n; // should we print out all the logs? m_verbose=verbose; // Should we use the proxy for getting the first Doc m_useProxy=useProxy; // Should we just display the not present links and not fetch // the page to see if they are actually present ? m_justDisplay=justDisplay; } else{ m_isLogFile=isLogFile; /*if reading a gigablast log file, find the lines that have GET and POST commands for search, and register a sleep callback for those lines with sleepWrapperLog*/ if(!isLogFile) m_totalUrls=n; else { m_totalUrls=0; char *p=m_buf1; char *pend=p+m_bufSize1; // start is the time in milliseconds of the first log // message int64_t start=atoll(m_buf1); while(p<pend) { char *lineStart=p; char *urlStart=strstr(p," GET /search"); if (!urlStart) urlStart=strstr(p," POST /search"); if(!urlStart){ p+=gbstrlen(p)+1; //goto next line continue; } urlStart++; m_wait=atoll(lineStart)-start; // register it here g_loop.registerSleepCallback(m_wait , urlStart, sleepWrapperLog); m_totalUrls++; p+=gbstrlen(p)+1; } } } log(LOG_INIT,"blaster: read %"INT32" urls into memory", m_totalUrls ); if(!isLogFile){ // get min time bewteen each spider in milliseconds m_wait = wait; // # of threads m_maxNumThreads = maxNumThreads; m_launched=0; m_portSwitch = 0; //if ( argc == 4 ) m_portSwitch = 1; //else m_portSwitch = 0; // start our spider loop //startSpidering( ); // wakeup wrapper every X ms g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( m_wait , NULL , sleepWrapper ); } // this print to print how many docs have been processed m_print=false; m_startTime=gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); m_totalDone=0; // . now start g_loops main interrupt handling loop // . it should block forever // . when it gets a signal it dispatches to a server or db to handle it if ( ! g_loop.runLoop() ) { log("blaster::runLoop failed" ); return; } // dummy return (0-->normal exit status for the shell) return; }
int64 auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client(const char* guest, char* accesstoken, int accesslen) { int ret, row, col; sqlite3 *db = NULL; char *errmsg = NULL, **result, sql[1024]; uint64 time; int64 uid; // open database ret = sqlite3_open("./auth.db", &db); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client open error: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } // check table exist snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='guest'"); ret = sqlite3_get_table(db, sql, &result, &row, &col, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client check table exist error: %d, %s", sqlite3_errcode(db), sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } // if not exist then create if (atoi(result[1]) <= 0) { snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "create table guest(uid integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(128), token varchar(128), time datatime)"); ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client create table error: %d, %s", sqlite3_errcode(db), sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } } // check guest if exist snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select * from guest where name='%s'", guest); ret = sqlite3_get_table(db, sql, &result, &row, &col, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client get table error: %d, %s", sqlite3_errcode(db), sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } time = GetTimeSec(); snprintf(accesstoken, accesslen, "%lld", time); // if not exist then insert if (row <= 0) { snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "insert into guest (name, token, time) values('%s', '%s', %lld)", guest, accesstoken, time); ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client insert guest error: %s, %s", guest, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select * from guest where name='%s'", guest); ret = sqlite3_get_table(db, sql, &result, &row, &col, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client get table error: %d, %s", sqlite3_errcode(db), sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } } else { snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "update guest set token='%s', time=%lld where name='%s'", accesstoken, time, guest); ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGER_ERROR("auth_verify_from_mydb_by_client update guest error: %s, %s", guest, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); goto QUIT; } } uid = atoll(result[col]); QUIT: if (db) sqlite3_close(db); if (errmsg) sqlite3_free(errmsg); return uid; }
/* * result parsing list. * This function is called to parse the result of the propfind request * to list directories on the WebDAV server. I takes a single resource * and fills a resource struct and stores it to the result list which * is stored in the listdir_context. */ static void results(void *userdata, const ne_uri *uri, const ne_prop_result_set *set) { struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = userdata; struct resource *newres = 0; const char *clength, *modtime = NULL; const char *resourcetype = NULL; const char *md5sum = NULL; const char *file_id = NULL; const ne_status *status = NULL; char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path ); (void) status; if( ! fetchCtx ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("No valid fetchContext"); return; } if( ! fetchCtx->target ) { DEBUG_WEBDAV("error: target must not be zero!" ); return; } /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */ newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource)); ZERO_STRUCTP(newres); newres->uri = path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */ newres->name = c_basename( path ); modtime = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] ); clength = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] ); resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] ); md5sum = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[3] ); file_id = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[4] ); newres->type = resr_normal; if( clength == NULL && resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) { newres->type = resr_collection; } if (modtime) { newres->modtime = oc_httpdate_parse(modtime); } /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsing Modtime: %s -> %llu", modtime, (unsigned long long) newres->modtime ); */ newres->size = 0; if (clength) { newres->size = atoll(clength); /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsed File size for %s from %s: %lld", newres->name, clength, (long long)newres->size ); */ } if( md5sum ) { newres->md5 = csync_normalize_etag(md5sum); } csync_vio_set_file_id(newres->file_id, file_id); /* prepend the new resource to the result list */ newres->next = fetchCtx->list; fetchCtx->list = newres; fetchCtx->result_count = fetchCtx->result_count + 1; /* DEBUG_WEBDAV( "results for URI %s: %d %d", newres->name, (int)newres->size, (int)newres->type ); */ }
static int disk_read (void) { #if HAVE_IOKIT_IOKITLIB_H io_registry_entry_t disk; io_registry_entry_t disk_child; io_iterator_t disk_list; CFDictionaryRef props_dict; CFDictionaryRef stats_dict; CFDictionaryRef child_dict; kern_return_t status; signed long long read_ops; signed long long read_byt; signed long long read_tme; signed long long write_ops; signed long long write_byt; signed long long write_tme; int disk_major; int disk_minor; char disk_name[64]; /* Get the list of all disk objects. */ if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices (io_master_port, IOServiceMatching (kIOBlockStorageDriverClass), &disk_list) != kIOReturnSuccess) { ERROR ("disk plugin: IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed."); return (-1); } while ((disk = IOIteratorNext (disk_list)) != 0) { props_dict = NULL; stats_dict = NULL; child_dict = NULL; /* `disk_child' must be released */ if ((status = IORegistryEntryGetChildEntry (disk, kIOServicePlane, &disk_child)) != kIOReturnSuccess) { /* This fails for example for DVD/CD drives.. */ DEBUG ("IORegistryEntryGetChildEntry (disk) failed: 0x%08x", status); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } /* We create `props_dict' => we need to release it later */ if (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (disk, (CFMutableDictionaryRef *) &props_dict, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions) != kIOReturnSuccess) { ERROR ("disk-plugin: IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties failed."); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } if (props_dict == NULL) { DEBUG ("IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (disk) failed."); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } stats_dict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (props_dict, CFSTR (kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsKey)); if (stats_dict == NULL) { DEBUG ("CFDictionaryGetValue (%s) failed.", kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsKey); CFRelease (props_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } if (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (disk_child, (CFMutableDictionaryRef *) &child_dict, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions) != kIOReturnSuccess) { DEBUG ("IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (disk_child) failed."); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); CFRelease (props_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } /* kIOBSDNameKey */ disk_major = (int) dict_get_value (child_dict, kIOBSDMajorKey); disk_minor = (int) dict_get_value (child_dict, kIOBSDMinorKey); read_ops = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsReadsKey); read_byt = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsBytesReadKey); read_tme = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsTotalReadTimeKey); write_ops = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsWritesKey); write_byt = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsBytesWrittenKey); /* This property describes the number of nanoseconds spent * performing writes since the block storage driver was * instantiated. It is one of the statistic entries listed * under the top-level kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsKey * property table. It has an OSNumber value. */ write_tme = dict_get_value (stats_dict, kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsTotalWriteTimeKey); if (ssnprintf (disk_name, sizeof (disk_name), "%i-%i", disk_major, disk_minor) >= sizeof (disk_name)) { DEBUG ("snprintf (major, minor) failed."); CFRelease (child_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); CFRelease (props_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk); continue; } DEBUG ("disk_name = %s", disk_name); if ((read_byt != -1LL) || (write_byt != -1LL)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_octets", read_byt, write_byt); if ((read_ops != -1LL) || (write_ops != -1LL)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_ops", read_ops, write_ops); if ((read_tme != -1LL) || (write_tme != -1LL)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_time", read_tme / 1000, write_tme / 1000); CFRelease (child_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk_child); CFRelease (props_dict); IOObjectRelease (disk); } IOObjectRelease (disk_list); /* #endif HAVE_IOKIT_IOKITLIB_H */ #elif KERNEL_LINUX FILE *fh; char buffer[1024]; char *fields[32]; int numfields; int fieldshift = 0; int minor = 0; counter_t read_sectors = 0; counter_t write_sectors = 0; counter_t read_ops = 0; counter_t read_merged = 0; counter_t read_time = 0; counter_t write_ops = 0; counter_t write_merged = 0; counter_t write_time = 0; int is_disk = 0; diskstats_t *ds, *pre_ds; if ((fh = fopen ("/proc/diskstats", "r")) == NULL) { fh = fopen ("/proc/partitions", "r"); if (fh == NULL) { ERROR ("disk plugin: fopen (/proc/{diskstats,partitions}) failed."); return (-1); } /* Kernel is 2.4.* */ fieldshift = 1; } while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL) { char *disk_name; numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, 32); if ((numfields != (14 + fieldshift)) && (numfields != 7)) continue; minor = atoll (fields[1]); disk_name = fields[2 + fieldshift]; for (ds = disklist, pre_ds = disklist; ds != NULL; pre_ds = ds, ds = ds->next) if (strcmp (disk_name, ds->name) == 0) break; if (ds == NULL) { if ((ds = (diskstats_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (diskstats_t))) == NULL) continue; if ((ds->name = strdup (disk_name)) == NULL) { free (ds); continue; } if (pre_ds == NULL) disklist = ds; else pre_ds->next = ds; } is_disk = 0; if (numfields == 7) { /* Kernel 2.6, Partition */ read_ops = atoll (fields[3]); read_sectors = atoll (fields[4]); write_ops = atoll (fields[5]); write_sectors = atoll (fields[6]); } else if (numfields == (14 + fieldshift)) { read_ops = atoll (fields[3 + fieldshift]); write_ops = atoll (fields[7 + fieldshift]); read_sectors = atoll (fields[5 + fieldshift]); write_sectors = atoll (fields[9 + fieldshift]); if ((fieldshift == 0) || (minor == 0)) { is_disk = 1; read_merged = atoll (fields[4 + fieldshift]); read_time = atoll (fields[6 + fieldshift]); write_merged = atoll (fields[8 + fieldshift]); write_time = atoll (fields[10+ fieldshift]); } } else { DEBUG ("numfields = %i; => unknown file format.", numfields); continue; } { counter_t diff_read_sectors; counter_t diff_write_sectors; /* If the counter wraps around, it's only 32 bits.. */ if (read_sectors < ds->read_sectors) diff_read_sectors = 1 + read_sectors + (UINT_MAX - ds->read_sectors); else diff_read_sectors = read_sectors - ds->read_sectors; if (write_sectors < ds->write_sectors) diff_write_sectors = 1 + write_sectors + (UINT_MAX - ds->write_sectors); else diff_write_sectors = write_sectors - ds->write_sectors; ds->read_bytes += 512 * diff_read_sectors; ds->write_bytes += 512 * diff_write_sectors; ds->read_sectors = read_sectors; ds->write_sectors = write_sectors; } /* Calculate the average time an io-op needs to complete */ if (is_disk) { counter_t diff_read_ops; counter_t diff_write_ops; counter_t diff_read_time; counter_t diff_write_time; if (read_ops < ds->read_ops) diff_read_ops = 1 + read_ops + (UINT_MAX - ds->read_ops); else diff_read_ops = read_ops - ds->read_ops; DEBUG ("disk plugin: disk_name = %s; read_ops = %llu; " "ds->read_ops = %llu; diff_read_ops = %llu;", disk_name, read_ops, ds->read_ops, diff_read_ops); if (write_ops < ds->write_ops) diff_write_ops = 1 + write_ops + (UINT_MAX - ds->write_ops); else diff_write_ops = write_ops - ds->write_ops; if (read_time < ds->read_time) diff_read_time = 1 + read_time + (UINT_MAX - ds->read_time); else diff_read_time = read_time - ds->read_time; if (write_time < ds->write_time) diff_write_time = 1 + write_time + (UINT_MAX - ds->write_time); else diff_write_time = write_time - ds->write_time; if (diff_read_ops != 0) ds->avg_read_time += (diff_read_time + (diff_read_ops / 2)) / diff_read_ops; if (diff_write_ops != 0) ds->avg_write_time += (diff_write_time + (diff_write_ops / 2)) / diff_write_ops; ds->read_ops = read_ops; ds->read_time = read_time; ds->write_ops = write_ops; ds->write_time = write_time; } /* if (is_disk) */ /* Don't write to the RRDs if we've just started.. */ ds->poll_count++; if (ds->poll_count <= 2) { DEBUG ("disk plugin: (ds->poll_count = %i) <= " "(min_poll_count = 2); => Not writing.", ds->poll_count); continue; } if ((read_ops == 0) && (write_ops == 0)) { DEBUG ("disk plugin: ((read_ops == 0) && " "(write_ops == 0)); => Not writing."); continue; } if ((ds->read_bytes != 0) || (ds->write_bytes != 0)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_octets", ds->read_bytes, ds->write_bytes); if ((ds->read_ops != 0) || (ds->write_ops != 0)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_ops", read_ops, write_ops); if ((ds->avg_read_time != 0) || (ds->avg_write_time != 0)) disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_time", ds->avg_read_time, ds->avg_write_time); if (is_disk) { disk_submit (disk_name, "disk_merged", read_merged, write_merged); } /* if (is_disk) */ } /* while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL) */ fclose (fh); /* #endif defined(KERNEL_LINUX) */ #elif HAVE_LIBKSTAT # if HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_WRITES && HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_NWRITES && HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_WTIME # define KIO_ROCTETS reads # define KIO_WOCTETS writes # define KIO_ROPS nreads # define KIO_WOPS nwrites # define KIO_RTIME rtime # define KIO_WTIME wtime # elif HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_NWRITTEN && HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_WRITES && HAVE_KSTAT_IO_T_WTIME # define KIO_ROCTETS nread # define KIO_WOCTETS nwritten # define KIO_ROPS reads # define KIO_WOPS writes # define KIO_RTIME rtime # define KIO_WTIME wtime # else # error "kstat_io_t does not have the required members" # endif static kstat_io_t kio; int i; if (kc == NULL) return (-1); for (i = 0; i < numdisk; i++) { if (kstat_read (kc, ksp[i], &kio) == -1) continue; if (strncmp (ksp[i]->ks_class, "disk", 4) == 0) { disk_submit (ksp[i]->ks_name, "disk_octets", kio.KIO_ROCTETS, kio.KIO_WOCTETS); disk_submit (ksp[i]->ks_name, "disk_ops", kio.KIO_ROPS, kio.KIO_WOPS); /* FIXME: Convert this to microseconds if necessary */ disk_submit (ksp[i]->ks_name, "disk_time", kio.KIO_RTIME, kio.KIO_WTIME); } else if (strncmp (ksp[i]->ks_class, "partition", 9) == 0) { disk_submit (ksp[i]->ks_name, "disk_octets", kio.KIO_ROCTETS, kio.KIO_WOCTETS); disk_submit (ksp[i]->ks_name, "disk_ops", kio.KIO_ROPS, kio.KIO_WOPS); } } /* #endif defined(HAVE_LIBKSTAT) */ #elif defined(HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB) sg_disk_io_stats *ds; int disks, counter; char name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; if ((ds = sg_get_disk_io_stats(&disks)) == NULL) return (0); for (counter=0; counter < disks; counter++) { strncpy(name, ds->disk_name, sizeof(name)); name[sizeof(name)-1] = '\0'; /* strncpy doesn't terminate longer strings */ disk_submit (name, "disk_octets", ds->read_bytes, ds->write_bytes); ds++; } /* #endif defined(HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB) */ #elif defined(HAVE_PERFSTAT) counter_t read_sectors; counter_t write_sectors; counter_t read_time; counter_t write_time; counter_t read_ops; counter_t write_ops; perfstat_id_t firstpath; int rnumdisk; int i; if ((numdisk = perfstat_disk(NULL, NULL, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t), 0)) < 0) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("disk plugin: perfstat_disk: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } if (numdisk != pnumdisk || stat_disk==NULL) { if (stat_disk!=NULL) free(stat_disk); stat_disk = (perfstat_disk_t *)calloc(numdisk, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t)); } pnumdisk = numdisk;[0]='\0'; if ((rnumdisk = perfstat_disk(&firstpath, stat_disk, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t), numdisk)) < 0) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("disk plugin: perfstat_disk : %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } for (i = 0; i < rnumdisk; i++) { read_sectors = stat_disk[i].rblks*stat_disk[i].bsize; write_sectors = stat_disk[i].wblks*stat_disk[i].bsize; disk_submit (stat_disk[i].name, "disk_octets", read_sectors, write_sectors); read_ops = stat_disk[i].xrate; write_ops = stat_disk[i].xfers - stat_disk[i].xrate; disk_submit (stat_disk[i].name, "disk_ops", read_ops, write_ops); read_time = stat_disk[i].rserv; read_time *= ((double)(_system_configuration.Xint)/(double)(_system_configuration.Xfrac)) / 1000000.0; write_time = stat_disk[i].wserv; write_time *= ((double)(_system_configuration.Xint)/(double)(_system_configuration.Xfrac)) / 1000000.0; disk_submit (stat_disk[i].name, "disk_time", read_time, write_time); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_PERFSTAT) */ return (0); } /* int disk_read */
void FillVObjectDefaultValue(const CEntityParent* pEntity, const string& strAttri, VOBJECT& v, const string& strDefault) { if(strDefault.empty()) { FillVObjectInitValue(pEntity, strAttri, v); return; } switch(v.vt) { case V_UINT8: { v.vv.u8 = (uint8_t)atoi(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_INT8: { v.vv.i8 = (int8_t)atoi(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_UINT16: { v.vv.u16 = (uint16_t)atoi(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_INT16: { v.vv.i16 = (int16_t)atoi(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_UINT32: { v.vv.u32 = (uint32_t)atoll(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_INT32: { v.vv.i32 = (int32_t)atoll(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_UINT64: { v.vv.u64 = (uint64_t)atoll(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_INT64: { v.vv.i64 = (int64_t)atoll(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_FLOAT32: { v.vv.f32 = (float32_t)atof(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_FLOAT64: { v.vv.f64 = (float64_t)atof(strDefault.c_str()); break; } case V_STR: { v.vv.s = new string(strDefault); break; } case V_BLOB: { v.vv.p = new charArrayDummy; break; } case V_LUATABLE: { lua_State* L = GetWorld()->GetLuaState(); #ifdef __USE_MSGPACK if( LuaUnpickleFromBlob(L, (char*)strDefault.c_str(), (uint16_t)strDefault.size())) #else if( LuaUnpickleFromString(L, strDefault) ) #endif { CLuaCallback& cb = GetWorld()->GetLuaTables(); v.vv.i32 = (int32_t)cb.Ref(L); break; } else { //初始化失败,give warning,todo v.vv.i32 = -1; } break; } case V_LUA_OBJECT: { v.vv.i32 = -1; break; } case V_REDIS_HASH: { lua_State* L = GetWorld()->GetLuaState(); CRedisHash* p = CreateRedisHash(L); p->SetEntity(pEntity, strAttri); v.vv.p = p; break; } default: { //nothing to do } } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { extern char * optarg; extern int optind; extern int opterr; extern int optopt; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:a:p:b:ndrs:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 't': num_threads = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': baddr = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': bport = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': backlog = atoll(optarg); case 'n': nodelay = 1; break; case 'd': defer_accept = 1; break; case 'r': reuse_port = 1; break; case 's': payload_sz = atoll(optarg); break; default: fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [flags]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, " -t <n> : number of worker threads [Default: %d]\n", num_threads); fprintf(stdout, " -a <s> : bind address [Default: %s]\n", baddr); fprintf(stdout, " -p <n> : bind port [Default: %d]\n", bport); fprintf(stdout, " -b <b> : listen backlog [Default: %d]\n", backlog); fprintf(stdout, " -s <n> : size of the response [Default: %zu]\n", payload_sz); fprintf(stdout, " -n : disable nagle (nodelay) [Default: %s]\n", nodelay ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(stdout, " -d : enable deferred accept [Default: %s]\n", defer_accept ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(stdout, " -r : enable linux reuseport [Default: %s]\n", reuse_port ? "true" : "false"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* switch */ } { struct event_base * evbase; evhtp_t * htp; char payload[payload_sz]; evbase = event_base_new(); evhtp_alloc_assert(evbase); htp = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL); evhtp_alloc_assert(htp); evhtp_set_parser_flags(htp, EVHTP_PARSE_QUERY_FLAG_LENIENT); htp->enable_nodelay = nodelay; htp->enable_defer_accept = defer_accept; htp->enable_reuseport = reuse_port; memset(payload, 0x42, payload_sz); evhtp_assert(evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/data", response_cb, payload)); #ifndef EVHTP_DISABLE_EVTHR if (num_threads > 0) { evhtp_assert(evhtp_use_threads(htp, NULL, num_threads, NULL) != -1); } #endif evhtp_errno_assert(evhtp_bind_socket(htp, baddr, bport, backlog) >= 0); event_base_loop(evbase, 0); } return 0; } /* main */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t *pthreads; int pids[16]; int i, j; long long time, time1; size_t len; char c = 'a'; char unit; struct timespec start, end; struct timeval start1, end1; int size; unsigned long long count; FILE *output; char fs_type[20]; char quill_enabled[40]; char file_size_num[20]; char filename[60]; unsigned long long offset; if (argc < 7) { printf("Usage: ./pthread_test $FS $QUILL $fops $num_threads $FILE_SIZE $filename\n"); return 0; } strcpy(fs_type, argv[1]); strcpy(quill_enabled, argv[2]); if (!strcmp(argv[3], "read")) fops = read; else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "pread")) fops = pread; else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "write")) fops = write; else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "pwrite")) fops = pwrite; else { printf("fops error!\n"); return 0; } num_threads = atoi(argv[4]); if (num_threads <= 0 || num_threads > 16) num_threads = 1; strcpy(file_size_num, argv[5]); len = strlen(file_size_num); unit = file_size_num[len - 1]; file_size_num[len - 1] = '\0'; FILE_SIZE = atoll(file_size_num); switch (unit) { case 'K': case 'k': FILE_SIZE *= 1024; break; case 'M': case 'm': FILE_SIZE *= 1048576; break; case 'G': case 'g': FILE_SIZE *= 1073741824; break; default: printf("ERROR: FILE_SIZE should be #K/M/G format.\n"); return 0; break; } if (FILE_SIZE < END_SIZE) FILE_SIZE = END_SIZE; if (FILE_SIZE > 2147483648) // RAM disk size FILE_SIZE = 2147483648; strcpy(filename, argv[6]); output = fopen(filename, "a"); printf("# pthreads: %d\n", num_threads); buf = (char **)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { if (posix_memalign((void **)(buf + i), END_SIZE, END_SIZE)) { // up to 64MB printf("ERROR - POSIX NOMEM!\n"); return 0; } } printf("# fds: "); fd = malloc(num_threads * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { fd[i] = open("/mnt/ramdisk/test1", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0640); printf("%d ", fd[i]); } printf("\n"); //Warm up printf("warm up...\n"); size = 4096; count = FILE_SIZE / (size * num_threads); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { offset = FILE_SIZE / num_threads * i; if (fops == read || fops == write) lseek(fd[i], offset, SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { // pwrite(fd, buf[i], size, offset); if (fops == read || fops == write) fops(fd[i], buf[i], size); else fops(fd[i], buf[i], size, offset); offset += size; } } printf("warm up finished\n"); //Allocate the threads pthreads = (pthread_t *)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(pthread_t)); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { pids[i] = i; pthread_create(pthreads + i, NULL, pthread_transfer, (void *)(pids + i)); } for (size = start_size; size <= END_SIZE; size <<= 1) { count = FILE_SIZE / (size * num_threads); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) memset(buf[i], c, size); c++; for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) lseek(fd[i], 0, SEEK_SET); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); gettimeofday(&start1, NULL); start_all_pthreads(); while (!all_pthreads_finished()) ; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); gettimeofday(&end1, NULL); time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1e9 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec); time1 = (end1.tv_sec - start1.tv_sec) * 1e6 + (end1.tv_usec - start1.tv_usec); printf("%s: Size %d bytes,\t %lld times,\t %lld nanoseconds, \t %lld us, \t Bandwidth %f MB/s, latency %lld nanoseconds.\n", argv[3], size, count, time, time1, FILE_SIZE * 1024.0 / time, time / count); fprintf(output, "%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld,%f\n", fs_type, quill_enabled, argv[3], num_threads, size, FILE_SIZE, count, time, FILE_SIZE * 1.0 / time); } fclose(output); for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { pthread_join(pthreads[i], NULL); free(buf[i]); close(fd[i]); } free(buf); free(fd); free(pthreads); return 0; }
/* A function to fix the locked reactions by reading the optional argument -L */ int fix_locked (int n_locked, double *s, double **s_locked, double *lock_v, char *locked){ char *l_index1 = locked, *l_index2, *l_index3, *copy1, *copy2; int locked_string_length = strlen( locked ), which, n_zeros=0; double l_value, **dummy_s = s_locked; /* if there is only one locked reaction */ if ( n_locked == 1 ){ /* cut the string at ":" separating the index of reaction to lock from the value to assign */ l_index1 = strchr(locked, ':'); /* copy the index bit of the string to a new string */ copy1 = get_substring (locked, l_index1); /* get the index from the substring */ which = atoll (copy1) - 1; /* get the value to assign from the rest of the string */ l_value = atof (l_index1 + 1); /* if value = 0 flag that there is a null reaction*/ if (l_value == 0.) n_zeros += 1; /* assign the pointer to the fixed reaction */ *dummy_s = s + which; /* assign the value to the array of fixed values lock_v*/ *lock_v = l_value; /* free the substring */ free ( copy1 ); } /* otherwise */ else if ( n_locked > 1 ){ /* for each fixed reaction (found through the ":")*/ while ( (int) (l_index1 - locked) < locked_string_length + 1 && strchr(l_index1, ':') != NULL ) { /* find the substring containing the index of the reaction */ l_index2 = strchr(l_index1, ':'); /* find the substring containing the value to assign */ l_index3 = strchr(l_index1, ','); /* if it is the last reaction there are no more "," - the value substring lasts till the end */ if ( l_index3 == NULL ) l_index3 = locked + locked_string_length; /* copy the index substring to a new string */ copy1 = get_substring (l_index1, l_index2); /* get the numerical index of the index */ which = atoi (copy1) - 1; /* copy the value substring to a new string */ copy2 = get_substring (l_index2 + 1 , l_index3); /* get the numerical value of the flux value */ l_value = atof (copy2); /* if value = 0 flag that there is a null reaction*/ if (l_value == 0.) n_zeros += 1; /* assign a pointer to the locked reaction */ *dummy_s = s + which; /* assign the value to the array */ *lock_v = l_value; /* free the first substring */ free ( copy1 ); /* free the second substring */ free ( copy2 ); /* get to next pointer to locked reactions */ dummy_s++; /* get to next array element of locked values*/ lock_v++; /* iterate over the whole string up to the next "," */ l_index1 = l_index3 + 1; } } /* return the number of zero reactions*/ /* useful to check the problem is solvable, i.e. no metabolite is consumed only */ return n_zeros; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int bigfd; int c; int oflag = 0; int err = 0; int k; long i; int64_t good_writes = 0; uchar_t nxtfillchar; char *prog = argv[0]; /* * Default Parameters */ int write_count = BIGFILESIZE; uchar_t fillchar = DATA; int block_size = BLOCKSZ; char *filename = NULL; char *operation = NULL; offset_t noffset, offset = 0; int verbose = 0; int rsync = 0; int wsync = 0; /* * Process Arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:s:f:o:vwr")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'b': block_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': write_count = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': fillchar = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': offset = atoll(optarg); break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'o': operation = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'w': wsync = 1; break; case 'r': rsync = 1; break; case '?': (void) printf("unknown arg %c\n", optopt); usage(prog); break; } } /* * Validate Parameters */ if (!filename) { (void) printf("Filename not specified (-f <file>)\n"); err++; } if (!operation) { (void) printf("Operation not specified (-o <operation>).\n"); err++; } if (block_size > BIGBUFFERSIZE) { (void) printf("block_size is too large max==%d.\n", BIGBUFFERSIZE); err++; } if (err) usage(prog); /* * Prepare the buffer and determine the requested operation */ nxtfillchar = fillchar; k = 0; for (i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { bigbuffer[i] = nxtfillchar; if (fillchar == 0) { if ((k % DATA_RANGE) == 0) { k = 0; } nxtfillchar = k++; } } /* * using the strncmp of operation will make the operation match the * first shortest match - as the operations are unique from the first * character this means that we match single character operations */ if ((strncmp(operation, "create", strlen(operation) + 1)) == 0 || (strncmp(operation, "overwrite", strlen(operation) + 1)) == 0) { oflag = (O_RDWR|O_CREAT); } else if ((strncmp(operation, "append", strlen(operation) + 1)) == 0) { oflag = (O_RDWR|O_APPEND); } else { (void) printf("valid operations are <create|append> not '%s'\n", operation); usage(prog); } if (rsync) { oflag = oflag | O_RSYNC; } if (wsync) { oflag = oflag | O_SYNC; } /* * Given an operation (create/overwrite/append), open the file * accordingly and perform a write of the appropriate type. */ if ((bigfd = open(filename, oflag, 0666)) == -1) { (void) printf("open %s: failed [%s]%d. Aborting!\n", filename, strerror(errno), errno); exit(errno); } noffset = lseek64(bigfd, offset, SEEK_SET); if (noffset != offset) { (void) printf("llseek %s (%lld/%lld) failed [%s]%d.Aborting!\n", filename, offset, noffset, strerror(errno), errno); exit(errno); } if (verbose) { (void) printf("%s: block_size = %d, write_count = %d, " "offset = %lld, data = %s%d\n", filename, block_size, write_count, offset, (fillchar == 0) ? "0->" : "", (fillchar == 0) ? DATA_RANGE : fillchar); } for (i = 0; i < write_count; i++) { ssize_t n; if ((n = write(bigfd, &bigbuffer, block_size)) == -1) { (void) printf("write failed (%ld), good_writes = %" PRId64 ", " "error: %s[%d]\n", (long)n, good_writes, strerror(errno), errno); exit(errno); } good_writes++; } if (verbose) { (void) printf("Success: good_writes = %" PRId64 "(%" PRId64 ")\n", good_writes, (good_writes * block_size)); } return (0); }
TokenNumber::TokenNumber(const std::string &number) : Token(TokenType::NUMBER_LITERAL) { value = atoll(number.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int bytes = 0; uint16_t i = 0; lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service = NULL; lockdownd_client_t client = NULL; idevice_t phone = NULL; uint64_t lockfile = 0; np_client_t gnp = NULL; if (argc > 1 && !strcasecmp(argv[1], "--debug")) { idevice_set_debug_level(1); } else { idevice_set_debug_level(0); } if (IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS != idevice_new(&phone, NULL)) { printf("No device found, is it plugged in?\n"); return -1; } char *udid = NULL; if (IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS == idevice_get_udid(phone, &udid)) { printf("DeviceUniqueID : %s\n", udid); } if (udid) free(udid); if (LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS != lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(phone, &client, "ideviceclient")) { idevice_free(phone); printf("Exiting.\n"); return -1; } char *nnn = NULL; if (LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS == lockdownd_get_device_name(client, &nnn)) { printf("DeviceName : %s\n", nnn); free(nnn); } lockdownd_start_service(client, "", &service); if (service && service->port) { afc_client_t afc = NULL; afc_client_new(phone, service, &afc); if (afc) { service->port = 0; service->ssl_enabled = 0; lockdownd_start_service(client, "", &service); if (service->port) { printf("Notification Proxy started.\n"); np_client_new(phone, service, &gnp); } else { printf("ERROR: Notification proxy could not be started.\n"); } if (gnp) { const char *nspec[5] = { NP_SYNC_CANCEL_REQUEST, NP_SYNC_SUSPEND_REQUEST, NP_SYNC_RESUME_REQUEST, NP_ITDBPREP_DID_END, NULL }; np_observe_notifications(gnp, nspec); np_set_notify_callback(gnp, notifier, NULL); } perform_notification(phone, client, NP_SYNC_WILL_START); afc_file_open(afc, "/", AFC_FOPEN_RW, &lockfile); if (lockfile) { printf("locking file\n"); afc_file_lock(afc, lockfile, AFC_LOCK_EX); perform_notification(phone, client, NP_SYNC_DID_START); } char **dirs = NULL; afc_read_directory(afc, "/eafaedf", &dirs); if (!dirs) afc_read_directory(afc, "/", &dirs); printf("Directory time.\n"); for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i++) { printf("/%s\n", dirs[i]); free(dirs[i]); } if (dirs) free(dirs); dirs = NULL; afc_get_device_info(afc, &dirs); if (dirs) { for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i += 2) { printf("%s: %s\n", dirs[i], dirs[i + 1]); free(dirs[i]); } free(dirs); } uint64_t my_file = 0; char **info = NULL; uint64_t fsize = 0; if (AFC_E_SUCCESS == afc_get_file_info(afc, "/readme.libimobiledevice.fx", &info) && info) { for (i = 0; info[i]; i += 2) { printf("%s: %s\n", info[i], info[i+1]); if (!strcmp(info[i], "st_size")) { fsize = atoll(info[i+1]); } } } if (AFC_E_SUCCESS == afc_file_open(afc, "/readme.libimobiledevice.fx", AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY, &my_file) && my_file) { printf("A file size: %llu\n", (long long)fsize); char *file_data = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * fsize); afc_file_read(afc, my_file, file_data, fsize, &bytes); if (bytes > 0) { printf("The file's data:\n"); fwrite(file_data, 1, bytes, stdout); } printf("\nClosing my file.\n"); afc_file_close(afc, my_file); free(file_data); } else printf("couldn't open a file\n"); afc_file_open(afc, "/readme.libimobiledevice.fx", AFC_FOPEN_WR, &my_file); if (my_file) { char *outdatafile = strdup("this is a bitchin text file\n"); afc_file_write(afc, my_file, outdatafile, strlen(outdatafile), &bytes); free(outdatafile); if (bytes > 0) printf("Wrote a surprise. ;)\n"); else printf("I wanted to write a surprise, but... :(\n"); afc_file_close(afc, my_file); } printf("Deleting a file...\n"); bytes = afc_remove_path(afc, "/delme"); if (bytes) printf("Success.\n"); else printf("Failure. (expected unless you have a /delme file on your phone)\n"); printf("Renaming a file...\n"); bytes = afc_rename_path(afc, "/renme", "/renme2"); if (bytes > 0) printf("Success.\n"); else printf("Failure. (expected unless you have a /renme file on your phone)\n"); printf("Seek & read\n"); afc_file_open(afc, "/readme.libimobiledevice.fx", AFC_FOPEN_RDONLY, &my_file); if (AFC_E_SUCCESS != afc_file_seek(afc, my_file, 5, SEEK_CUR)) printf("WARN: SEEK DID NOT WORK\n"); char *threeletterword = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 5); afc_file_read(afc, my_file, threeletterword, 3, &bytes); threeletterword[3] = '\0'; if (bytes > 0) printf("Result: %s\n", threeletterword); else printf("Couldn't read!\n"); free(threeletterword); afc_file_close(afc, my_file); } if (gnp && lockfile) { printf("XXX sleeping\n"); sleep(5); printf("XXX unlocking file\n"); afc_file_lock(afc, lockfile, AFC_LOCK_UN); printf("XXX closing file\n"); afc_file_close(afc, lockfile); printf("XXX sleeping\n"); sleep(5); //perform_notification(phone, client, NP_SYNC_DID_FINISH); } if (gnp) { np_client_free(gnp); gnp = NULL; } afc_client_free(afc); lockdownd_service_descriptor_free(service); service = NULL; } else { printf("Start service failure.\n"); } printf("All done.\n"); lockdownd_client_free(client); idevice_free(phone); return 0; }
/* options__process * A snippet from main() to get all the options sent via CLI, then verifies them. */ void options__process(int argc, char **argv) { /* Reset everything since there isn't an initialization function for Options structs. */ /* Page Information */ opts.page_directory = (char *)malloc(strlen("sample_data") + 1); strcpy(opts.page_directory, "sample_data"); opts.page_count = 0; opts.page_limit = MAX_PAGE_LIMIT; opts.smallest_page = UINT16_MAX; opts.biggest_page = 0; opts.dataset_size = 0; opts.dataset_max = MAX_DATASET_MAX; /* Resource Control */ opts.max_memory = 10 * 1024 * 1024; opts.fixed_ratio = -1; opts.workers = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) > 0 ? (uint16_t)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) : 1; opts.cpu_count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) > 0 ? (uint16_t)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) : 1; /* Tyche Management */ opts.duration = 5; opts.compressor_id = LZ4_COMPRESSOR_ID; opts.compressor_level = 1; opts.min_pages_retrieved = 5; opts.max_pages_retrieved = 5; opts.bias_percent = 1.0; opts.bias_aggregate = 1.0; opts.update_frequency = 0.0; opts.delete_frequency = 0.0; /* Run Test? */ opts.test = NULL; opts.extended_test_options = NULL; /* Niceness Features */ opts.quiet = 0; opts.verbosity = 0; /* Process everything passed from CLI now. */ char *save_ptr = NULL; char *token = NULL; int c = 0; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:B:c:Cd:D:f:hm:M:n:p:qt:U:w:X:v")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'b': opts.dataset_max = (uint64_t)atoll(optarg); break; case 'B': token = strtok_r(optarg, ",", &save_ptr); if(token != NULL) opts.bias_percent = 1.0 * atof(token) / 100; token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_ptr); if (token != NULL) opts.bias_aggregate = 1.0 * atof(token) / 100; break; case 'c': if(strcmp(optarg, "lz4") != 0 && strcmp(optarg, "zlib") != 0 && strcmp(optarg, "zstd")) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You must specify either 'lz4' or 'zlib' for compression (-c), not: %s", optarg); if(strcmp(optarg, "lz4") == 0) opts.compressor_id = LZ4_COMPRESSOR_ID; if(strcmp(optarg, "zlib") == 0) opts.compressor_id = ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_ID; if(strcmp(optarg, "zstd") == 0) opts.compressor_id = ZSTD_COMPRESSOR_ID; break; case 'C': opts.compressor_id = NO_COMPRESSOR_ID; break; case 'd': opts.duration = (uint16_t)atoi(optarg); if (atoi(optarg) > MAX_DURATION) opts.duration = MAX_DURATION; break; case 'D': opts.delete_frequency = 1.0 * atof(optarg) / 100; break; case 'f': opts.fixed_ratio = (int8_t)atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': options__show_help(); exit(E_OK); break; case 'm': opts.max_memory = (uint64_t)atoll(optarg); break; case 'M': token = strtok_r(optarg, ",", &save_ptr); if(token != NULL) opts.min_pages_retrieved = atoi(token); token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_ptr); if (token != NULL) opts.max_pages_retrieved = atoi(token); break; case 'n': opts.page_limit = (uint32_t)atoll(optarg); break; case 'p': opts.page_directory = optarg; break; case 'q': opts.quiet = 1; break; case 't': if (opts.test != NULL) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You cannot specify the -t option more than once."); opts.test = optarg; break; case 'U': opts.update_frequency = 1.0 * atof(optarg) / 100; break; case 'w': opts.workers = (uint16_t)atoi(optarg); if (atoi(optarg) > MAX_WORKERS) opts.workers = MAX_WORKERS; break; case 'X': free(opts.extended_test_options); opts.extended_test_options = optarg; if(strcmp(opts.extended_test_options, "help") == 0) { options__show_extended_test_options(); exit(E_OK); } break; case 'v': if(opts.verbosity >= MAX_VERBOSITY) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "Verbosity is already at maximum value: %d", opts.verbosity); opts.verbosity++; break; case '?': options__show_help(); if (optopt == 'b' || optopt == 'B' || optopt == 'c' || optopt == 'd' || optopt == 'D' || optopt == 'f' || optopt == 'm' || optopt == 'M' || optopt == 'n' || optopt == 'p' || optopt == 't' || optopt == 'U' || optopt == 'w' || optopt == 'X') show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "Option -%c requires an argument.", optopt); if (isprint (optopt)) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "Unknown option `-%c'.", optopt); show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); break; default: options__show_help(); exit(E_BAD_CLI); } } /* Pre-flight Checks */ // -- A page directory is always required. If it's an invalid path, the io__* functions will catch it. if (opts.page_directory == NULL) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You must specify a directory to search for pages for the test (-p)."); // -- Memory needs to be at least MIN_MEMORY and less than the installed physical memory. const size_t PHYSICAL_MEMORY = (size_t)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * (size_t)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); if (opts.max_memory < MIN_MEMORY) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The memory argument you supplied (-m) is too low. You sent %"PRIu64", but a minimum of %"PRIu64" is required.", opts.max_memory, MIN_MEMORY); if (PHYSICAL_MEMORY == 0) show_error(E_GENERIC, "Unable to discern the amount of memory this system has. Can't be sure we have enough memory to do this test."); if (opts.max_memory > PHYSICAL_MEMORY) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The memory argument you supplied (-m) is too high. You sent %"PRIu64", but your system maximum physical memory is %d.", opts.max_memory, PHYSICAL_MEMORY); // -- Fixed ratio should be -1 (not fixed) or 1 to 100. Zero is either an atoi() error or nonsensical (can't have just a compressed list and 0% raw. if (opts.fixed_ratio == 0) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The fixed ratio (-f) is 0. You either sent invalid input (atoi() failed), or you misunderstood the option; fixed size of 0 would mean 0% for raw buffers which is nonsensical."); if (opts.fixed_ratio < -1) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The fixed ratio (-f) cannot be negative... that's just weird. Why did you send %"PRIi8"?", opts.fixed_ratio); if (opts.fixed_ratio > 100) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The fixed ratio (-f) cannot be over 100... you can't have more than 100%% of your memory assigned to something. You sent %"PRIi8".", opts.fixed_ratio); // -- Workers must be 1+. Will be 0 if atoi() fails or user is derp. if (opts.workers == 0) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The worker count (-w) is 0. You either sent invalid input (atoi() failed), or you misunderstood the option. You need at least 1 worker to, ya know, do work."); if (opts.workers == MAX_WORKERS) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You specified more workers (-w) than allowed (max: %d).", MAX_WORKERS); // -- Duration must be non-zero and less than MAX_DURATION. if (opts.duration == 0) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The duration (-d) is 0. You either sent invalid input (atoi() failed), or you misunderstood the option. The test must run for at least 1 second."); if (opts.duration == MAX_DURATION) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You specified a duration (-d) greater than the max allowed (%d).", MAX_DURATION); // -- Dataset max cannot be 0. Other than that... shrugs. if (opts.dataset_max == 0) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The maximum dataset bytes (-b) is 0. You either sent invalid input (atoi() failed), or you misunderstood the option; it limits the number of bytes the scan functions will find before moving on with the test."); // -- Page limit cannot be 0. if (opts.page_limit == 0) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The page limit (-n) is 0. You either sent invalid input (atoi() failed), or you misunderstood the option; it limits the number of pages the scan functions will find before moving on with the test."); // -- When compression is disabled, warn the user! if (opts.compressor_id == NO_COMPRESSOR_ID) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING!! Compression is DISABLED (you sent -C).\n"); // -- If bias isn't between 0 and 100 we're in trouble. if (opts.bias_percent < 0 || opts.bias_percent > 100) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The bias percentage (-B X,Y) must be between 0 and 100 inclusive, not %d.\n", opts.bias_percent); if (opts.bias_aggregate < 0 || opts.bias_aggregate > 100) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The bias aggregate (-B X,Y) must be between 0 and 100 inclusive, not %d.\n", opts.bias_aggregate); // -- If the update or delete frequencies aren't between 0 and 100 we're in trouble. if (opts.update_frequency < 0 || opts.update_frequency > 100) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The update frequency (-U) must be between 0 and 100 inclusive, not %d.\n", opts.update_frequency); if (opts.delete_frequency < 0 || opts.delete_frequency > 100) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "The delete frequency (-D) must be between 0 and 100 inclusive, not %d.\n", opts.delete_frequency); // -- The min pages retrieved in a round can't greater than max... if (opts.min_pages_retrieved > opts.max_pages_retrieved) show_error(E_BAD_CLI, "You can't set the minimum pages per round (X) higher than the maximum per round (Y) for -M.\n"); return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { long long z; struct zbc_device *dev; int i, ret = 1; zbc_zone_t *zones = NULL; char *path; /* Check command line */ if ( argc < 2 ) { usage: printf("Usage: %s [option] <dev> <lba>\n" " lba -1 is to set all bit flag\n" "Options:\n" " -v : Verbose mode\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } /* Parse options */ for(i = 1; i < (argc - 1); i++) { if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 ) { zbc_set_log_level("debug"); } else if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { printf("Unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); goto usage; } else { break; } } if ( i != (argc - 2) ) { goto usage; } /* Open device */ path = argv[i]; z = atoll(argv[i+1]); ret = zbc_open(path, O_RDONLY, &dev); if ( ret != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "[TEST][ERROR],open device failed\n"); printf("[TEST][ERROR][SENSE_KEY],open-device-failed\n"); printf("[TEST][ERROR][ASC_ASCQ],open-device-failed\n"); return( 1 ); } /* Reset write pointer */ ret = zbc_reset_write_pointer(dev, (uint64_t)z); if ( ret != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "[TEST][ERROR],zbc_test_reset_write_ptr failed\n"); { zbc_errno_t zbc_err; const char *sk_name; const char *ascq_name; zbc_errno(dev, &zbc_err); sk_name = zbc_sk_str(; ascq_name = zbc_asc_ascq_str(zbc_err.asc_ascq); printf("[TEST][ERROR][SENSE_KEY],%s\n", sk_name); printf("[TEST][ERROR][ASC_ASCQ],%s\n", ascq_name); } ret = 1; } if ( zones ) { free(zones); } /* Close device file */ zbc_close(dev); return( ret ); }
bool cConfigItem_integer::setParamFromValueStr(string value_str) { if(value_str.empty()) { return(false); } int ok = 0; const char *value = value_str.c_str(); if(value) { int _value; if(getValueFromMapValues(value, &_value)) { if(param_int) { *param_int = _value; ++ok; } if(param_uint) { *param_uint = _value; ++ok; } if(param_int64) { *param_int64 = _value; ++ok; } if(param_uint64) { *param_uint64 = _value; ++ok; } return(ok > 0); } if(param_int) { *param_int = atoi(value); if(maximum && *param_int > maximum) { *param_int = maximum; } if(minimum && *param_int < minimum) { *param_int = minimum; } if(ifZeroOrNegative && *param_int <= 0) { *param_int = ifZeroOrNegative; } if(multiple) { *param_int *= multiple; } if(!*param_int && yesValue && yesno(value)) { *param_int = yesValue; } ++ok; } if(param_uint) { if(ip) { struct sockaddr_in sa; inet_pton(AF_INET, value, &sa.sin_addr); *param_uint = sa.sin_addr.s_addr; } else { *param_uint = atol(value); if(maximum && *param_uint > (unsigned)maximum) { *param_uint = maximum; } if(minimum && *param_uint < (unsigned)minimum) { *param_uint = minimum; } if(ifZeroOrNegative && *param_uint == 0) { *param_uint = ifZeroOrNegative; } if(multiple) { *param_uint *= multiple; } if(!*param_uint && yesValue && yesno(value)) { *param_uint = yesValue; } } ++ok; } if(param_int64) { *param_int64 = atoll(value); if(maximum && *param_int64 > (unsigned)maximum) { *param_int64 = maximum; } if(minimum && *param_int64 < (unsigned)minimum) { *param_int64 = minimum; } if(ifZeroOrNegative && *param_int64 <= 0) { *param_int64 = ifZeroOrNegative; } if(multiple) { *param_int64 *= multiple; } if(!*param_int64 && yesValue && yesno(value)) { *param_int64 = yesValue; } ++ok; } if(param_uint64) { *param_uint64 = atoll(value); if(maximum && *param_uint64 > (unsigned)maximum) { *param_uint64 = maximum; } if(minimum && *param_uint64 < (unsigned)minimum) { *param_uint64 = minimum; } if(ifZeroOrNegative && *param_uint64 <= 0) { *param_uint64 = ifZeroOrNegative; } if(multiple) { *param_uint64 *= multiple; } if(!*param_uint64 && yesValue && yesno(value)) { *param_uint64 = yesValue; } ++ok; } } return(ok > 0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { usage(); exit(1); } long long row_id = atoll(argv[1]); if (row_id < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No valid row_id: %s\n", argv[1]); usage(); exit(1); } char *cmd = get_command(row_id); if (cmd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not read job command\n"); exit(1); } pid_t childpid; if ((childpid = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork failed\n"); exit(1); } if (childpid == 0) { //child char *args[] = {cmd, NULL}; execv(args[0], args); return 0; // dead code, just to avoid GCC warning } else { // parent drmaa2_save_pid(row_id, childpid); pid_t child; int status; child = waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); drmaa2_save_exit_status(row_id, status); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("Process terminated normally by a call to _exit(2) or exit(3).\n"); DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("%d - evaluates to the low-order 8 bits of the argument passed to _exit(2) or exit(3) by the child.\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("Process terminated due to receipt of a signal.\n"); DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("%d - evaluates to the number of the signal that caused the termination of the process.\n", WTERMSIG(status)); DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("%d - evaluates as true if the termination of the process was accompanied by the creation of a core \ file containing an image of the process when the signal was received.\n", WCOREDUMP(status)); } if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("Process has not terminated, but has stopped and can be restarted. This macro can be true only if the wait call \ specified the WUNTRACED option or if the child process is being traced (see ptrace(2)).\n"); DRMAA2_DEBUG_PRINT("%d - evaluates to the number of the signal that caused the process to stop.\n", WSTOPSIG(status)); } return 0; } }
BSONObj* BSONParser::parseBSON(const char* c, __int32& pos) throw(BSONException) { BSONObj* res = new BSONObj(); __int32 state = 0; // 0 - nothing, 1 - name, 2- value __int32 lenBuffer = strlen(c); char* buffer = (char*)malloc(lenBuffer); char* name = NULL; void* value = NULL; __int32 len = 0; BSONTYPE type; __int32 stringOpen = 0; // 0 - closed // 1 - Single quote opened // 2 - Double quote opened __int32 x; for (x= pos; x < strlen(c); x++) { if (c[x] == '{') { if (state == 2) { value = parseBSON(c, x); type = BSON_TYPE; } else if (state == 0) { memset(buffer, 0, lenBuffer); state = 1;// name type = LONG64_TYPE; } else { // state == 1 throw "json value is not allowed as name"; } continue; } if (c[x] == '[') { value = parseArray(c, x); type = BSONARRAY_TYPE; } if (c[x] == '}' || c[x] == ',') { if (name != NULL) { if ((type != BSON_TYPE) && (type != BSONARRAY_TYPE)) { value = (char*)malloc(len+1); memset(value, 0, len + 1); strcpy((char*)value, buffer); } len = 0; memset(buffer, 0, lenBuffer); switch (type) { case BOOL_TYPE: { bool bVal = strcmp((char*)value, "true") == 0; res->add(name, bVal); break; } case INT_TYPE: { __int32 iVal = atoi((char*)value); res->add(name, iVal); break; } case LONG_TYPE: { __int64 lVal = atol((char*)value); res->add(name, lVal); break; } case LONG64_TYPE: { #ifdef WINDOWS __LONG64 lVal = _atoi64((char*)value); #else __LONG64 lVal = atoll((char*)value); #endif if (lVal <= INT_MAX) { res->add(name, (__int32)lVal); } else if (lVal <= LONG_MAX) { res->add(name, (__int64)lVal); } else { res->add(name, lVal); } break; } case DOUBLE_TYPE: { double dVal = atof((char*)value); res->add(name, dVal); break; } case STRING_TYPE: { res->add(name, (char*)value); break; } case BSON_TYPE: { res->add(name, *((BSONObj*)value)); delete (BSONObj*)value; break; } case BSONARRAY_TYPE: { res->add(name, *((BSONArrayObj*)value)); delete (BSONArrayObj*)value; break; } } free(name); name = NULL; if ((type != BSON_TYPE) && (type != BSONARRAY_TYPE)) { free(value); value = NULL; } if (c[x] != '}') { state = 1; // name type = LONG64_TYPE; continue; } } if (c[x] == '}') { break; } } if (c[x] == ':') { name = (char*)malloc(len+1); memset(name, 0, len + 1); strcpy(name, buffer); len = 0; memset(buffer, 0, lenBuffer); state = 2; //value // default type type = LONG64_TYPE; } else { if (c[x] == '\'' || (c[x] == '\"')) { // Collect all the characters type = STRING_TYPE; char stringChar = c[x]; bool escaped = false; x++; __int32 startPos = x; while ((x < strlen(c)) && ((c[x] != stringChar) || (escaped))) { if (c[x] == '\\') { escaped = true; } else { escaped = false; } buffer[len] = c[x]; len++; x++; } if (x >= strlen(c)) { char c[100]; sprintf(c, "An error ocurred parsing the bson. Error: unclosed string at %d", startPos); throw new BSONException(c); } continue; } if (c[x] == ' ' && stringOpen == 0) { continue; } if (c[x] == '\r' || c[x] == '\n') { continue; } if (c[x] == '.' && state == 2) { type = DOUBLE_TYPE; } buffer[len] = c[x]; len++; } } pos = x; free(buffer); return res; }
// scan each parm for OBJ_IR (injection request) // and set it from the hr class then. // use ptr_string/size_string stuff to point into the hr buf. // but if we call serialize() then it makes news ones into its own blob. // so we gotta know our first and last ptr_* pointers for serialize/deseria(). // kinda like how search input works void setInjectionRequestFromParms ( TcpSocket *sock , HttpRequest *hr , CollectionRec *cr , InjectionRequest *ir ) { // just in case set all to zero memset ( ir , 0 , sizeof(InjectionRequest )); if ( ! cr ) { log("inject: no coll rec"); return; } // use this, is more reliable, "coll" can disappear from under us ir->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum; // scan the parms for ( int i = 0 ; i < g_parms.m_numParms ; i++ ) { Parm *m = &g_parms.m_parms[i]; if ( m->m_obj != OBJ_IR ) continue; // get it if ( m->m_type == TYPE_CHARPTR || m->m_type == TYPE_FILEUPLOADBUTTON ) { int32_t stringLen; char *str =hr->getString(m->m_cgi,&stringLen,m->m_def); // avoid overwriting the "url" parm with the "u" parm // since it is just an alias if ( ! str ) continue; // serialize it as a string char *foo = (char *)ir + m->m_off; char **ptrPtr = (char **)foo; // store the ptr pointing into hr buf for now *ptrPtr = str; // how many strings are we past ptr_url? int32_t count = ptrPtr - &ir->ptr_url; // and length. include \0 int32_t *sizePtr = &ir->size_url + count; if ( str ) *sizePtr = stringLen + 1; else *sizePtr = 0; continue; } // numbers are easy else if ( m->m_type == TYPE_LONG ) { int32_t *ii = (int32_t *)((char *)ir + m->m_off); int32_t def = atoll(m->m_def); *ii = hr->getLong(m->m_cgi,def); } else if ( m->m_type == TYPE_CHECKBOX || m->m_type == TYPE_BOOL ) { char *ii = (char *)((char *)ir + m->m_off); int32_t def = atoll(m->m_def); *ii = (char)hr->getLong(m->m_cgi,def); } else if ( m->m_type == TYPE_IP ) { char *ii = (char *)((char *)ir + m->m_off); char *is = hr->getString(m->m_cgi,NULL); *(int32_t *)ii = 0; // default ip to 0 // otherwise, set the ip if ( is ) *(int32_t *)ii = atoip(is); } // if unsupported let developer know else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } } // if content is "" make it NULL so XmlDoc will download it // if user really wants empty content they can put a space in there // TODO: update help then... if ( ir->ptr_content && ! ir->ptr_content[0] ) ir->ptr_content = NULL; if ( ir->ptr_contentFile && ! ir->ptr_contentFile[0] ) ir->ptr_contentFile = NULL; if ( ir->ptr_contentDelim && ! ir->ptr_contentDelim[0] ) ir->ptr_contentDelim = NULL; if ( ir->ptr_queryToScrape && ! ir->ptr_queryToScrape[0] ) ir->ptr_queryToScrape = NULL; if ( ir->ptr_url && ! ir->ptr_url[0] ) ir->ptr_url = NULL; // if we had a delimeter but not content, zero it out... if ( ! ir->ptr_content && ! ir->ptr_contentFile ) ir->ptr_contentDelim = NULL; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool debug = false; uint32 dropLastNchains = 0; uint32 dropHighSPcount = 0; int sptl = 0; if (argc < 2) { usage(); return 0; } std::vector<std::string> pathNames; // Parse command line args int i; for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( strncmp( argv[i], "-v", 2 ) == 0 ) debug = true; else if ( strncmp( argv[i], "-drop_last_n_chains=", 20 ) == 0 ) { uint32 j; for ( j = 20; argv[i][j] >= '0' && argv[i][j] <= '9'; j++ ) { dropLastNchains *= 10; dropLastNchains += ((int) argv[i][j] ) - 0x30; } if ( argv[i][j] != '\0' ) { printf("Error: Invalid drop_last_n_chains number.\n\n"); usage(); exit( 1 ); } } else if ( strncmp( argv[i], "-drop_high_sp_n_chains=", 23 ) == 0 ) { uint32 j; for ( j = 23; argv[i][j] >= '0' && argv[i][j] <= '9'; j++ ) { dropHighSPcount *= 10; dropHighSPcount += ((int) argv[i][j] ) - 0x30; } if ( argv[i][j] != '\0' ) { printf("Error: Invalid drop_high_sp_n_chains number.\n\n"); usage(); exit( 1 ); } } else if ( strncmp( argv[i], "-sptl=", 6 ) == 0 ) { uint32 j; for ( j = 6; argv[i][j] >= '0' && argv[i][j] <= '9'; j++ ) { sptl *= 10; sptl += ((int) argv[i][j] ) - 0x30; } if ( argv[i][j] != '\0' ) { printf("Error: Invalid sptl number.\n\n"); usage(); exit( 1 ); } } else GetTableList( argv[i], pathNames ); } if ( debug ) { for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) printf("%i: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } if ( pathNames.size() == 0 ) { printf("no rainbow table found\n"); return 0; } std::string resultFile, sType; for ( uint32 i = 0; i < pathNames.size(); i++ ) { if( pathNames[i].substr( pathNames[i].length() - 4, pathNames[i].length()) == "rti2") { resultFile = pathNames[i].substr(0, pathNames[i].length() - 2); // Resulting file is .rt, not .rti2 sType = "RTI2"; } else if( pathNames[i].substr( pathNames[i].length() - 3, pathNames[i].length()) == "rti") { resultFile = pathNames[i].substr( 0, pathNames[i].length() - 1 ); // Resulting file is .rt, not .rti sType = "RTI"; } else { printf("File %s is not a RTI or a RTI2 file", pathNames[i].c_str() ); continue; } // XXX this assumes someone is converting either just the last file // *or* doing a whole set which will read the last file first if ( dropLastNchains > 0 && i == 0 ) { std::string::size_type lastX = resultFile.find_last_of('x'); if ( lastX == std::string::npos ) { std::cout << "Could not parse the filename to drop the last chains" << std::endl; exit( -1 ); } std::string::size_type firstSplit = resultFile.find_first_of('_',lastX); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) uint64 chains = _atoi64( resultFile.substr( lastX + 1, firstSplit - lastX - 1).c_str() ); #else uint64 chains = atoll( resultFile.substr( lastX + 1, firstSplit - lastX - 1 ).c_str() ); #endif chains -= dropLastNchains; resultFile.replace( lastX + 1, firstSplit - lastX - 1, uint64tostr( chains ) ); } ConvertRainbowTable( pathNames[i], resultFile, sType, debug, dropLastNchains, dropHighSPcount, sptl ); dropLastNchains = 0; dropHighSPcount = 0; printf("\n"); } return 0; }