int release_msg_env(MsgEnv* message) { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_release_msg_env(message); atomic(OFF); return return_code; }
void interrupt_handler(variablesignal){ // save current_process context current_process->State = INTERRUPT; NewPCB* Prev_Proc=current_process; atomic(ON); //select i process based on interrupt source switch(variablesignal){ case (SIGALRM) : // i_process_timer; current_process = i_process_timer(); i_process_timer(); //i_process_timer state is set as executing context_switch(current_process,); break; case (SIGUSR1) : // i_process_kb current_process = i_process_kb(); //i_process_kb state is set as executing context_switch(current_process, ) break; case (SIGUSR2) : // i_process_crt; current_process = i_process_crt(); //i_process_crt state is set as executing context_switch(current_process, ); break; // case D: // i_process_terminate } atomic(OFF); }
int get_console_chars(MsgEnv* message) { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_get_console_chars(message); atomic(OFF); return return_code;
int get_trace_buffers (msg_envelope* msg) { int retCode = 0; atomic(ON); retCode = k_get_trace_buffers(msg); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int release_processor() { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_release_processor(); atomic(OFF); return return_code; }
int change_priority(int new_priority, int target_pid) { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_change_priority(new_priority, target_pid); atomic(OFF); return return_code; }
int request_process_status(msg_envelope* env) { int retCode = 0; atomic(ON); retCode = k_request_process_status(env); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int send_message(int target_pid, MsgEnv* message) { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_send(target_pid, message); atomic(OFF); return return_code; }
int request_process_status(MsgEnv* message) { atomic(ON); int return_code = K_request_process_status(message); atomic(OFF); return return_code; }
MsgEnv* receive_message() { atomic(ON); MsgEnv* tempMSG = K_receive(); atomic(OFF); return tempMSG; }
MsgEnv* request_msg_env() { atomic(ON); MsgEnv* tempMSG = K_request_envelope(); atomic(OFF); return tempMSG; }
int request_delay ( int time_delay, int wakeup_code, msg_envelope * message_envelope ) { int retCode; atomic(ON); retCode = k_request_delay(time_delay, wakeup_code, message_envelope ); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
msg_envelope * receive_message() { msg_envelope *temp; atomic(ON); msg_envelope * msgEnv = k_receive_message(); atomic(OFF); return msgEnv; }
int send_message(int dest_process_id, msg_envelope *msg_envelope) { int retCode = 0; atomic(ON); retCode = k_send_message(dest_process_id, msg_envelope); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int terminate() { int retCode = 0; atomic(ON); retCode = k_terminate(); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int release_msg_env(msg_envelope *rel_msg) { int retCode; atomic(ON); retCode=k_release_msg_env(rel_msg); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int get_console_chars(msg_envelope *message_envelope ) { int retCode; atomic(ON); retCode=k_get_console_chars(message_envelope); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
int release_processor() { int retCode; atomic(ON); retCode=k_release_processor(); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
msg_envelope *request_msg_env() { msg_envelope *temp; atomic(ON); temp=k_request_msg_env(); atomic(OFF); return temp; }
int change_priority(int new_priority, int target_process_id) { int retCode; atomic(ON); retCode=k_change_priority(new_priority, target_process_id); atomic(OFF); return retCode; }
void tst_QAtomicIntegerXX::fetchAndStore() { QFETCH(LargeInt, value); T newValue = ~T(value); QAtomicInteger<T> atomic(value); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreRelaxed(newValue), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreRelaxed(value), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreAcquire(newValue), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreAcquire(value), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreRelease(newValue), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreRelease(value), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreOrdered(newValue), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndStoreOrdered(value), newValue); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), T(value)); }
int main() { unsigned long atomicValue = 4; unsigned long retValue = atomic(&atomicValue, 7); A fourAs[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};; a.get(); ptrA = getNewA(); ptrA = getNewA(); ptrA->inc(); toBSS++; /* StackCopy Objekt wird aus lokalem Stack-Frame von getStackCopy in den aktuellen Stack-Frame kopiert */ /* ab 3 Rückgabewerte erfolgt die Rückgabe über den Stack und nicht mehr über Register */ /* ab dem 8. Parameter werden diese ebenfalls über den Stack übergeben und nicht mehr ausschließlich über Register */ const StackCopy& stackCopy = getStackCopy(); /* Error --> Veränderung eines temporären Objekts ist fehleranfällig und deshalb verboten */ // StackCopy& stackCopy = getStackCopy(); const RegCopy& regCopy = getRegCopy(); int ret4 = return4(); B b = getB(); int terminator = 0x1234567; return 0; }
void atomic (AtomicType & sends, T && arg, Args &&... args) { atomic_perform(sends,std::forward<T>(arg)); atomic(sends,std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
bool Parser::exponent(std::string::iterator& iter, double& val) { double localVal = 0; auto localIter = iter; // Try to evaluate at least one atomic in the exponent if (atomic(localIter, localVal)) { double tempVal; // Try to evaluate the exponent of all atomics in the product (linking them) try { while (iter != expr.end() && powerAtomic(localIter, tempVal)) localVal = pow(localVal, tempVal); } // Rethrow any exception if there is one catch (std::exception& e) { throw e; } // If successful, move the original iter and product's temp value to the exponent's value val = localVal; iter = localIter; return true; } return false; }
void tst_QAtomicIntegerXX::testAndSet3() { QFETCH(LargeInt, value); T newValue = ~T(value); T oldValue; QAtomicInteger<T> atomic(value); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetRelaxed(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), newValue); QVERIFY(!atomic.testAndSetRelaxed(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(oldValue, newValue); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetRelaxed(newValue, value, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetAcquire(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), newValue); QVERIFY(!atomic.testAndSetAcquire(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(oldValue, newValue); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetAcquire(newValue, value, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetRelease(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), newValue); QVERIFY(!atomic.testAndSetRelease(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(oldValue, newValue); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetRelease(newValue, value, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), T(value)); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetOrdered(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), newValue); QVERIFY(!atomic.testAndSetOrdered(value, newValue, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(oldValue, newValue); QVERIFY(atomic.testAndSetOrdered(newValue, value, oldValue)); QCOMPARE(atomic.loadAcquire(), T(value)); }
static l_mem singlestep (lua_State *L) { global_State *g = G(L); switch (g->gcstate) { case GCSpause: { if (!isgenerational(g)) markroot(g); /* start a new collection */ /* in any case, root must be marked */ lua_assert(!iswhite(obj2gco(g->mainthread)) && !iswhite(gcvalue(&g->l_registry))); g->gcstate = GCSpropagate; return GCROOTCOST; } case GCSpropagate: { if (g->gray) return propagatemark(g); else { /* no more `gray' objects */ g->gcstate = GCSatomic; /* finish mark phase */ atomic(L); return GCATOMICCOST; } } case GCSsweepstring: { if (g->sweepstrgc < g->strt.size) { sweepwholelist(L, &g->strt.hash[g->sweepstrgc++]); return GCSWEEPCOST; } else { /* no more strings to sweep */ g->sweepgc = &g->finobj; /* prepare to sweep finalizable objects */ g->gcstate = GCSsweepudata; return 0; } } case GCSsweepudata: { if (*g->sweepgc) { g->sweepgc = sweeplist(L, g->sweepgc, GCSWEEPMAX); return GCSWEEPMAX*GCSWEEPCOST; } else { g->sweepgc = &g->allgc; /* go to next phase */ g->gcstate = GCSsweep; return GCSWEEPCOST; } } case GCSsweep: { if (*g->sweepgc) { g->sweepgc = sweeplist(L, g->sweepgc, GCSWEEPMAX); return GCSWEEPMAX*GCSWEEPCOST; } else { /* sweep main thread */ GCObject *mt = obj2gco(g->mainthread); sweeplist(L, &mt, 1); checkSizes(L); g->gcstate = GCSpause; /* finish collection */ return GCSWEEPCOST; } } default: lua_assert(0); return 0; } }
void tst_QAtomicIntegerXX::assign() { QFETCH(LargeInt, value); QAtomicInteger<T> atomic(value); QAtomicInteger<T> copy; copy = atomic; QCOMPARE(copy.load(), atomic.load()); QAtomicInteger<T> copy2; copy2 = atomic; // operator=(const QAtomicInteger &) QCOMPARE(copy2.load(), atomic.load()); QAtomicInteger<T> copy2bis; copy2bis = atomic.load(); // operator=(T) QCOMPARE(copy2bis.load(), atomic.load()); // move QAtomicInteger<T> copy3; copy3 = qMove(copy); QCOMPARE(copy3.load(), atomic.load()); QAtomicInteger<T> copy4; copy4 = qMove(copy2); QCOMPARE(copy4.load(), atomic.load()); }
void DataStruct::print( QString& out, const QString& indent, const QString& newitem, int level, int maxElemSize) const { if (atomic()) { out.append("'"); if (maxElemSize >= 0) { out.append( shortenDebugMessageArgument( value().toString(), maxElemSize)); } else { out.append( value().toString()); } out.append("'"); } else if (array()) { int ii = 1; for (; ii<=m_size; ++ii) { if (ii>1) out.append( ", "); m_data.ref[ ii].print( out, indent, newitem, level+1, maxElemSize); } } else if (indirection()) { // ... unexpanded indirection is ignored } else if (m_description) { DataStructDescription::const_iterator di = m_description->begin(), de = m_description->end(); DataStruct::const_iterator ei = structbegin(); for (int idx=0; di != de; ++di,++ei) { if (ei->initialized()) { if (idx++) { out.append( ";"); print_newitem( out, indent, newitem, level); } out.append( di->name); if (di->array()) out.append( "[]"); if (di->attribute()) { out.append( "="); out.append( ei->toString( maxElemSize)); } else { out.append( "{"); ei->print( out, indent, newitem, level+1, maxElemSize); out.append( "}"); } } } } }
void tst_QAtomicIntegerXX::fetchAndXor() { QFETCH(LargeInt, value); QAtomicInteger<T> atomic(value); T zero = 0; T pattern = T(Q_UINT64_C(0xcccccccccccccccc)); T minusOne = T(~0); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelaxed(zero), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelaxed(pattern), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelaxed(pattern), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelaxed(minusOne), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelaxed(minusOne), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorAcquire(zero), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorAcquire(pattern), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorAcquire(pattern), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorAcquire(minusOne), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorAcquire(minusOne), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelease(zero), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelease(pattern), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelease(pattern), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelease(minusOne), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorRelease(minusOne), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorOrdered(zero), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorOrdered(pattern), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorOrdered(pattern), T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorOrdered(minusOne), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.fetchAndXorOrdered(minusOne), T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic.load(), T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic ^= zero, T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic ^= pattern, T(value ^ pattern)); QCOMPARE(atomic ^= pattern, T(value)); QCOMPARE(atomic ^= minusOne, T(~value)); QCOMPARE(atomic ^= minusOne, T(value)); }
void isetdebugmessages(void) { nialptr x = apop(); int oldstatus = debug_messages_on; if (atomic(x) && kind(x) == booltype) debug_messages_on = boolval(x); else if (atomic(x) && kind(x) == inttype) debug_messages_on = intval(x); else { apush(makefault("?setdebugmessages expects a truth-value")); freeup(x); return; } apush(createbool(oldstatus)); }