Esempio n. 1
struct Block * normalize(struct Block * block, struct Block * opt)
  const char * column_name = get_attribute_value_as_string(opt, "column_name");
  double multiple = 1;
  struct Attribute * multiple_attr = get_attribute_by_name(opt, "multiple");
  if (multiple_attr != NULL && multiple_attr->type == TYPE_FLOAT)
    if (multiple_attr->value_length == 4) multiple = *(float*)attribute_get_value(multiple_attr);
    if (multiple_attr->value_length == 8) multiple = *(double*)attribute_get_value(multiple_attr);
  int column_id = get_column_id_by_name_or_exit(block, (char*)column_name);
  if (column_id == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "normalize called on '%s' field, wasn't found\n", column_name);
    return block;
  struct Column * column = get_column(block, column_id);
  if (column->type != TYPE_FLOAT)
    fprintf(stderr, "normalize called on '%s' field, which is of type '%s' (only supports floating point)\n", column_name, get_type_name(column->type, column->bsize));
    return block;
  char temp[100];
  snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "normalize(column:\"%s\")", column_name);
  block = add_string_attribute(block, "command", temp);
  double min = DBL_MAX;
  double max = -DBL_MAX;
  int32_t i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < block->num_rows ; i++)
    double value = get_cell_as_double(block, i, column_id);
    if (value < min) min = value;
    if (value > max) max = value;
  for (i = 0 ; i < block->num_rows ; i++)
    double value = get_cell_as_double(block, i, column_id);
    value = (value-min) / (max-min) * multiple;
    set_cell_from_double(block, i, column_id, value);
  return block;
 * Write to the console details of the dropped node
 * @param d the dom in question
 * @param r the node we are dropping
 * @param n the parent node
static void dom_drop_notify( dom *d, node *r, node *n )
    warning("dom: dropping %s at %d:%d - %s and %s incompatible\n",
    attribute *id = node_get_attribute( r, "id" );
    if ( id != NULL )
        char *value = attribute_get_value( id );
        if ( value[strlen(value)-1]=='b' )
            printf( "aha! dropping id %s\n",value );
    node_dispose( r );
 * Does the given attribute exist in the given list of attributes?
 * @param a the attribute to test
 * @param attrs the expat list of attributes (name, value pairs)
 * @return 1 if present, else 0
int attribute_present( attr1bute *a, char **attrs )
    int i = 0;
    int res = 0;
    while ( attrs[i] != NULL )
        if ( strcmp(attrs[i],attribute_get_name(a))==0
            &&strcmp(attrs[i+1],attribute_get_value(a))==0 )
            res = 1;
        i += 2;
    return res;
 * Remove an attribute from a copy of the expat attribute list
 * @param a the attribute to apply to he list
 * @param attrs the copy of the expat attribute list (updated)
void attribute_remove( attr1bute *a, char **attrs )
    int i = 0;
    while ( attrs[i] != NULL )
        if ( strcmp(attribute_get_name(a),attrs[i])==0
            && strcmp(attribute_get_value(a),attrs[i+1])==0 )
            free( attrs[i] );
            free( attrs[i+1] );
            int j = i;
            while ( attrs[j] != NULL )
                attrs[j] = attrs[j+2];
                attrs[j+1] = attrs[j+3];
        i += 2;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  if (stdout_is_piped()) // other wise you don't see the seg fault
  static char remove_attributes_all[1000] = "";
  static char int_attributes_all[1000] = "";
  static int debug = 0;
	struct Params * params = NULL;
	params = add_string_param(params, "remove", 'r', remove_attributes_all, 0);
	params = add_string_param(params, "makeint", 'i', int_attributes_all, 0);
	params = add_flag_param(params, "debug", 'd', &debug, 0);
  char remove_attributes_copy[1000] = "";
  strncpy(remove_attributes_copy, remove_attributes_all, 1000);
  char int_attributes_copy[1000] = "";
  strncpy(int_attributes_copy, int_attributes_all, 1000);
  int num_remove_attributes = 0;
  char ** remove_attributes = NULL;
  char * pch = strtok(remove_attributes_all, ",");
  while (pch != NULL)
    remove_attributes = realloc(remove_attributes, sizeof(char*)*num_remove_attributes);
    remove_attributes[num_remove_attributes-1] = pch;
    pch = strtok(NULL, ",");
  int num_int_attributes = 0;
  char ** int_attributes = NULL;
  pch = strtok(int_attributes_all, ",");
  while (pch != NULL)
    int_attributes = realloc(int_attributes, sizeof(char*)*num_int_attributes);
    int_attributes[num_int_attributes-1] = pch;
    pch = strtok(NULL, ",");
  int i,j;
  struct Block * block = NULL;
  while ((block = read_block(stdin)))
    struct Block * newblock = new_block();
    newblock = copy_all_attributes(newblock, block);
    if (remove_attributes_copy[0] != 0)
      newblock = add_string_attribute(newblock, "remove attributes", remove_attributes_copy);
    if (int_attributes_copy[0] != 0)
      newblock = add_string_attribute(newblock, "convert attributes to int", int_attributes_copy);
    int num_remove_attribute_ids = 0;
    int * remove_attribute_ids = NULL;
    for (i = 0 ; i < block->num_attributes ; i++)
      struct Attribute * attr = get_attribute(block, i);
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_remove_attributes ; j++)
        // fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d(%d)) vs %s(%d) = %d\n", 
        //                  attribute_get_name(attr), attr->name_length, strlen(attribute_get_name(attr)), 
        //                  remove_attributes[j], strlen(remove_attributes[j]), 
        //                   strcmp(attribute_get_name(attr), remove_attributes[j]));
        if (strcmp(attribute_get_name(attr), remove_attributes[j])==0) break;
      if (j == num_remove_attributes) // not a attribute to be removed
        //fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s (%d) - do not remove\n", i, attribute_get_name(attr), strlen(attribute_get_name(attr)));
        for (j = 0 ; j < num_int_attributes ; j++)
          if (strcmp(attribute_get_name(attr), int_attributes[j])==0) break;
        if (j == num_int_attributes)
          remove_attribute_ids = realloc(remove_attribute_ids, sizeof(int)*num_remove_attribute_ids);
          remove_attribute_ids[num_remove_attribute_ids-1] = i;
          newblock = _add_attribute(newblock, attr->type, attr->value_length, attribute_get_name(attr), attribute_get_value(attr));
    int num_int_attribute_ids = 0;
    int * int_attribute_ids = NULL;
    for (i = 0 ; i < block->num_attributes ; i++)
      struct Attribute * attr = get_attribute(block, i);
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_int_attributes ; j++)
        if (strcmp(attribute_get_name(attr), int_attributes[j])==0) break;
      if (j != num_int_attributes)
        int_attribute_ids = realloc(int_attribute_ids, sizeof(int)*num_int_attribute_ids);
        int_attribute_ids[num_int_attribute_ids-1] = i;
        newblock = add_int32_attribute(newblock, attribute_get_name(attr), *(int32_t*)attribute_get_value(attr));
    newblock = set_num_rows(newblock, block->num_rows);
    for (i = 0 ; i < newblock->num_rows ; i++)
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_remove_attribute_ids ; j++)
        void * dst = get_cell(newblock, i, j);
        void * src = get_cell(block, i, remove_attribute_ids[j]);
        struct Attribute * attr = get_attribute(block, remove_attribute_ids[j]);
        memcpy(dst, src, attr->value_length);
      for (j = 0 ; j < num_int_attribute_ids ; j++)
        set_cell_from_int32(newblock, i, j + num_remove_attribute_ids, get_cell_as_int32(block, i, int_attribute_ids[j]));
    write_block(stdout, newblock);