Esempio n. 1
 * Refresh                                                             *
void widget_menubar_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_menubar_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5)
			widget_menubar_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_LABEL))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <label> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <default> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <height> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <width> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 2
GtkWidget *widget_progressbar_create(
	AttributeSet *Attr, tag_attr *attr, gint Type)
	GList            *element;
	GtkWidget        *widget;
	gchar            *text;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
	widget = gtk_progress_bar_new();

	/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(Attr, ATTR_LABEL)) {
		text = attributeset_get_first(&element, Attr, ATTR_LABEL);
		gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(widget), text);

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);

	return widget;
Esempio n. 3
static void widget_pixmap_input_by_file(variable *var, char *filename)
	GdkPixbuf        *pixbuf;
	GList            *element;
	gint              width = -1, height = -1;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
		width = atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH));
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
		height = atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT));

	if (width == -1 && height == -1) {
		/* Handle unscaled images */
		gtk_image_set_from_file(GTK_IMAGE(var->Widget), find_pixmap(filename));
	} else {
		/* Handle scaled images */
		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
			find_pixmap(filename), width, height, NULL);
		if (pixbuf) {
			gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(var->Widget), pixbuf);
			/* pixbuf is no longer required and should be unreferenced */
		} else {
			/* pixbuf is null (file not found) so by using this
			 * function gtk will substitute a broken image icon */
			gtk_image_set_from_file(GTK_IMAGE(var->Widget), "");

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 4
void widget_progressbar_realized_callback(GtkWidget *widget, AttributeSet *Attr)
	GList *element;
	progr_descr *descr;
	gchar *input;

#ifdef DEBUG
	g_message("%s(%p, %p);", __func__, widget, Attr);
	g_assert(GTK_IS_WIDGET(widget) && Attr != NULL);
	 * If there is no input, we can return.
	if (!attributeset_is_avail(Attr, ATTR_INPUT))
	 * Creating the descriptor from the first input.
	input = attributeset_get_first(&element, Attr, ATTR_INPUT);
	descr = g_new0(progr_descr, 1);
	descr->Attr = Attr;
	descr->widget = widget;
	descr->shell_command = input_get_shell_command(input);
	descr->pipe = widget_opencommand(descr->shell_command);
	 * When the widget gets destroyed we call this function to prevent
	 * further reading the pipe and setting the destroyed progress bar.
	 * Now we can fire up the reader thread.
	descr->thread = g_thread_create(
			(GThreadFunc) widget_progressbar_thread_entry, 
			descr, FALSE, NULL);
Esempio n. 5
void widget_hscale_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_hscale_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			if (!initialised) {
				/* Check for file-monitor and create if requested */
				widget_file_monitor_try_create(var, act + 5);
			widget_hscale_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM)) {

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_LABEL))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <label> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT)) {
				atof(attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT)));
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <height> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <width> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "value-changed",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_value_changed_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 6
 * Refresh                                                             *
void widget_timer_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gchar             text[256];
	gchar            *value;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;
	gint              milliseconds = FALSE;
	guint             interval = 1;
	guint             timer_id;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_timer_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			if (!initialised) {
				/* Check for file-monitor and create if requested */
				widget_file_monitor_try_create(var, act + 5);
			widget_timer_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Create the timer */
		if (var->widget_tag_attr &&
			(value = get_tag_attribute(var->widget_tag_attr, "milliseconds")) &&
			((strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0) || (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ||
			(atoi(value) == 1))) {
			milliseconds = TRUE;
			interval = 1000;	/* Set default of 1000ms */
		if (var->widget_tag_attr &&
			(value = get_tag_attribute(var->widget_tag_attr, "interval"))) {
			interval = atoi(value);
		if (milliseconds) {
			/* Precision in milliseconds */
			timer_id = g_timeout_add(
				interval, widget_timer_timer_callback, (gpointer)var);
		} else {
			/* Precision in seconds (default) */
			timer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(
				interval, widget_timer_timer_callback, (gpointer)var);
		/* Store the timer_id as a piece of widget data */
		g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_timer-id", (gpointer)timer_id);
		/* Set the text of the label to its variable name */
			"<span fgcolor='white' bgcolor='darkred'> %s </span>",
			attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_VARIABLE));
		gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(var->Widget), text);

		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_LABEL))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <label> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <default> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <height> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <width> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 7
 * Create                                                              *
GtkWidget *widget_table_create(
	AttributeSet *Attr, tag_attr *attr, gint Type)
	GList            *element;
	GtkWidget        *widget;
	gchar            *value;
	gint              column;
	gint              sort_function;
	list_t           *sliced;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0)	/* gtk3: Deprecated in gtk2 and now gone */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(Attr, ATTR_LABEL)) {
		sliced = linecutter(g_strdup(attributeset_get_first(
			&element, Attr, ATTR_LABEL)), '|');
		widget = gtk_clist_new_with_titles(sliced->n_lines,
		if (sliced) list_t_free(sliced);	/* Free linecutter memory */
	} else {
		widget = gtk_clist_new(1);	/* 1 column */

	if (attr) {
		/* Get sort-function (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "sort-function"))) {
			sort_function = atoi(value);
			if (sort_function == 1) {
				gtk_clist_set_compare_func(GTK_CLIST(widget), widget_table_natcmp);
			} else if (sort_function == 2) {
				gtk_clist_set_compare_func(GTK_CLIST(widget), widget_table_natcasecmp);
		/* Get sort-type (auto-sort will require this preset) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "sort-type"))) {
			gtk_clist_set_sort_type(GTK_CLIST(widget), atoi(value));
		/* Get sort-column (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "sort-column"))) {
			gtk_clist_set_sort_column(GTK_CLIST(widget), atoi(value));
		/* Get auto-sort (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "auto-sort")) &&
			((strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0) || (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ||
			(atoi(value) == 1))) {
			gtk_clist_set_auto_sort(GTK_CLIST(widget), TRUE);
		} else {
			gtk_clist_set_auto_sort(GTK_CLIST(widget), FALSE);
		/* Get column-header-active (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "column-header-active"))) {
			sliced = linecutter(g_strdup(value), '|');
			for (column = 0; column < sliced->n_lines; column++) {
				if ((strcasecmp(sliced->line[column], "true") == 0) ||
					(strcasecmp(sliced->line[column], "yes") == 0) ||
					(atoi(sliced->line[column]) == 1)) {
					gtk_clist_column_title_active(GTK_CLIST(widget), column);
				} else {
					gtk_clist_column_title_passive(GTK_CLIST(widget), column);
			if (sliced) list_t_free(sliced);	/* Free linecutter memory */
		/* Get column-visible (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "column-visible"))) {
			sliced = linecutter(g_strdup(value), '|');
			for (column = 0; column < sliced->n_lines; column++) {
				if ((strcasecmp(sliced->line[column], "true") == 0) ||
					(strcasecmp(sliced->line[column], "yes") == 0) ||
					(atoi(sliced->line[column]) == 1)) {
						column, TRUE);
				} else {
						column, FALSE);
			if (sliced) list_t_free(sliced);	/* Free linecutter memory */
	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): The table (GtkCList) widget has been removed from GTK+ 3 and tree is recommended as a replacement.\n", __func__);

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);

	return widget;
Esempio n. 8
 * Refresh                                                             *
void widget_table_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gchar            *value;
	gint              freeze_thaw = FALSE;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;
	gint              selected_row;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0)	/* gtk3: Deprecated in gtk2 and now gone */
	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	if (var->widget_tag_attr) {
		/* Get freeze-thaw (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(var->widget_tag_attr, "freeze-thaw")) &&
			((strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0) || (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ||
			(atoi(value) == 1))) {
			freeze_thaw = TRUE;

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_table_input_by_command(var, act + 8, TRUE);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			if (!initialised) {
				/* Check for file-monitor and create if requested */
				widget_file_monitor_try_create(var, act + 5);
			widget_table_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <default> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "select-row",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_select_row_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "click-column",
			G_CALLBACK(widget_table_click_column_callback), (gpointer)var);


	/* Thaw a freeze? */
	if (freeze_thaw) gtk_clist_thaw(GTK_CLIST(var->Widget));

	if (var->widget_tag_attr) {
		/* Get columns-autosize (custom)	Redundant: Works weirdly on initialisation.
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(var->widget_tag_attr, "columns-autosize")) &&
			((strcasecmp(value, "true") == 0) || (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) ||
			(atoi(value) == 1))) {
		} */
		/* Get selected-row (custom) */
		if ((value = get_tag_attribute(var->widget_tag_attr, "selected-row"))) {
			selected_row = atoi(value);
			if (selected_row >= 0)
				gtk_clist_select_row(GTK_CLIST(var->Widget), selected_row, 0);

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 9
void widget_progressbar_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_progressbar_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			widget_progressbar_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <default> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <height> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <width> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */
		/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
		/* We start the input command in a separate thread when the
		 * widget gets realized */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "realize",


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 10
void widget_entry_refresh(variable *var)
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_entry_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			if (!initialised) {
				/* Check for file-monitor and create if requested */
				widget_file_monitor_try_create(var, act + 5);
			widget_entry_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_LABEL))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <label> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT)) {
			/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
			gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(var->Widget), attributeset_get_first(
				&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT));
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT) &&
			attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH)) {
			/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
				atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH)),
				atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT)));
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);
		if (attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "password")) {
			/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
			gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(var->Widget), FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */
		/* Thunor: This is all original code moved across when refactoring */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "changed", 
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_changed_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "activate",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_activate_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);
		/* Despite what the GTK+ 2 Reference Manual says, I found
		 * these to be activatable by default. They will actually
		 * be prefixed with either primary- or secondary- for use
		 * within action directives */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "icon-press",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_icon_press_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "icon-release",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_icon_release_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 11
 * Refresh                                                             *
void widget_colorbutton_refresh(variable *var)
	GdkColor          color;
	GList            *element;
	gchar            *act;
	gint              initialised = FALSE;
	guint             alpha;
	list_t           *values = NULL;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	/* Get initialised state of widget */
	if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised") != NULL)
		initialised = (gint)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "_initialised");

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		if (input_is_shell_command(act))
			widget_colorbutton_input_by_command(var, act + 8);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0 && strlen(act) > 5) {
			if (!initialised) {
				/* Check for file-monitor and create if requested */
				widget_file_monitor_try_create(var, act + 5);
			widget_colorbutton_input_by_file(var, act + 5);
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, var->Attributes, ATTR_INPUT);

	/* The <item> tags... */
	if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_ITEM))

	/* Initialise these only once at start-up */
	if (!initialised) {
		/* Apply directives */
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_LABEL))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <label> not implemented for this widget.\n",

		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT)) {
			values = linecutter(g_strdup(attributeset_get_first(&element,
				var->Attributes, ATTR_DEFAULT)), '|');
			if (values->n_lines > 0) {
				/* Parse the RGB value to create the necessary GdkColor.
				 * This function doesn't like trailing whitespace so it
				 * needs to be stripped first with g_strstrip() */ 
				if (gdk_color_parse(g_strstrip(values->line[0]), &color)) {
					fprintf(stderr, "%s:() valid colour found\n", __func__);
					gtk_color_button_set_color(GTK_COLOR_BUTTON(var->Widget), &color);
			if (values->n_lines > 1) {
				/* Read alpha as an unsigned decimal integer */
				if (sscanf(values->line[1], "%u", &alpha) == 1) {
					fprintf(stderr, "%s:() valid alpha=%u found\n", __func__, alpha);
					/* This requires use-alpha="true" */
					gtk_color_button_set_alpha(GTK_COLOR_BUTTON(var->Widget), alpha);
			/* Free linecutter memory */
			if (values) list_t_free(values);

		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_HEIGHT))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <height> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if (attributeset_is_avail(var->Attributes, ATTR_WIDTH))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s(): <width> not implemented for this widget.\n",
		if ((attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "false")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "disabled")) ||	/* Deprecated */
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "no")) ||
			(attributeset_cmp_left(var->Attributes, ATTR_SENSITIVE, "0")))
			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(var->Widget, FALSE);

		/* Connect signals */
		g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(var->Widget), "color-set",
			G_CALLBACK(on_any_widget_color_set_event), (gpointer)var->Attributes);


	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);
Esempio n. 12
GtkWidget *widget_pixmap_create(
	AttributeSet *Attr, tag_attr *attr, gint Type)
	GError           *error = NULL;
	GList            *element;
	GtkIconTheme     *icon_theme;
	GtkWidget        *widget = NULL;
	GdkPixbuf        *pixbuf;
	gchar            *act;
	gchar            *file_name;
	gchar            *icon_name = NULL;
	gchar            *stock_name = NULL;
	gchar            *value;
	gint              width = -1, height = -1;
	gint              theme_icon_size = 32;
	gint              stock_icon_size = GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Entering.\n", __func__);

	if (attributeset_is_avail(Attr, ATTR_HEIGHT))
		height = atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, Attr, ATTR_HEIGHT));
	if (attributeset_is_avail(Attr, ATTR_WIDTH))
		width = atoi(attributeset_get_first(&element, Attr, ATTR_WIDTH));

	/* The <input> tag... */
	act = attributeset_get_first(&element, Attr, ATTR_INPUT);
	while (act) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s(): act=%s\n", __func__, act);
		/* input file stock = "File:", input file = "File:/path/to/file" */
		if (strncasecmp(act, "file:", 5) == 0) {
			if ((stock_name = attributeset_get_this_tagattr(&element,
				Attr, ATTR_INPUT, "stock")) != NULL) {
				/* Get stock-icon-size (custom) */
				if (attr &&
					(value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "stock-icon-size")))
					stock_icon_size = atoi(value);
				widget = gtk_image_new_from_stock(stock_name, stock_icon_size);
				break;	/* Only one image is required */
			if ((icon_name = attributeset_get_this_tagattr(&element,
				Attr, ATTR_INPUT, "icon")) != NULL) {
				icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default();
				/* Use the height or width dimension to override the default size */
				if (height > -1) theme_icon_size = height;
				else if (width > -1) theme_icon_size = width;
				/* Get theme-icon-size (custom) */
				if (attr &&
					(value = get_tag_attribute(attr, "theme-icon-size")))
					theme_icon_size = atoi(value);
				pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon(icon_theme, icon_name,
					theme_icon_size, 0, &error);
				if (pixbuf) {
					widget = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf);
					/* pixbuf is no longer required and should be unreferenced */
				} else {
					/* pixbuf is null (file not found) so by using this
					 * function gtk will substitute a broken image icon */
					widget = gtk_image_new_from_file("");
				break;	/* Only one image is required */
			if (strlen(act) > 5) {
				file_name = act + 5;
				if (width == -1 && height == -1) {
					/* Handle unscaled images */
					widget = gtk_image_new_from_file(find_pixmap(file_name));
				} else {
					/* Handle scaled images */
					pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
						find_pixmap(file_name), width, height, NULL);
					if (pixbuf) {
						widget = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf);
						/* pixbuf is no longer required and should be unreferenced */
					} else {
						/* pixbuf is null (file not found) so by using this
						 * function gtk will substitute a broken image icon */
						widget = gtk_image_new_from_file("");
				break;	/* Only one image is required */
		act = attributeset_get_next(&element, Attr, ATTR_INPUT);

	if (widget == NULL) {
		/* No input file directive found so by using this
		 * function gtk will substitute a broken image icon */
		widget = gtk_image_new_from_file("");

	fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Exiting.\n", __func__);

	return widget;