static void save_and_close(gchar * cmd, gchar * cmd_after, gchar * cmd_end, gchar * cmd_ttc)
    aud_set_str("song_change", "cmd_line", cmd);
    aud_set_str("song_change", "cmd_line_after", cmd_after);
    aud_set_str("song_change", "cmd_line_end", cmd_end);
    aud_set_str("song_change", "cmd_line_ttc", cmd_ttc);


    cmd_line = str_get(cmd);
    cmd_line_after = str_get(cmd_after);
    cmd_line_end = str_get(cmd_end);
    cmd_line_ttc = str_get(cmd_ttc);
Esempio n. 2
static void response_cb (GtkWidget * widget, int response, void * unused)
    if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
        int cols = index_count (chosen);
        g_return_if_fail (cols <= PW_COLS);

        ui_playlist_notebook_empty ();

        for (pw_num_cols = 0; pw_num_cols < cols; pw_num_cols ++)
            pw_cols[pw_num_cols] = ((Column *) index_get (chosen, pw_num_cols))->column;

        aud_set_str ("gtkui", "column_widths", "");
        aud_set_str ("gtkui", "column_expand", "");

        ui_playlist_notebook_populate ();

    gtk_widget_destroy (window);
Esempio n. 3
void pw_col_save (void)
    Index * index = index_new ();

    for (int i = 0; i < pw_num_cols; i ++)
        index_insert (index, -1, (void *) pw_col_keys[pw_cols[i]]);

    char * columns = index_to_str_list (index, " ");
    aud_set_str ("gtkui", "playlist_columns", columns);
    str_unref (columns);

    index_free (index);
Esempio n. 4
static void begin_add (const char * path)
    int list = get_playlist (FALSE, FALSE);

    if (list < 0)
        list = create_playlist ();

    aud_set_str ("search-tool", "path", path);

    char * uri = filename_to_uri (path);
    g_return_if_fail (uri);

    if (! g_str_has_suffix (uri, "/"))
        SCONCAT2 (temp, uri, "/");
        str_unref (uri);
        uri = str_get (temp);

    destroy_added_table ();

    added_table = g_hash_table_new_full ((GHashFunc) str_hash, (GEqualFunc)
     str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) str_unref, NULL);

    int entries = aud_playlist_entry_count (list);

    for (int entry = 0; entry < entries; entry ++)
        char * filename = aud_playlist_entry_get_filename (list, entry);

        if (g_str_has_prefix (filename, uri) && ! g_hash_table_contains (added_table, filename))
            aud_playlist_entry_set_selected (list, entry, FALSE);
            g_hash_table_insert (added_table, filename, NULL);
            aud_playlist_entry_set_selected (list, entry, TRUE);
            str_unref (filename);

    aud_playlist_delete_selected (list);
    aud_playlist_remove_failed (list);

    Index * add = index_new ();
    index_insert (add, -1, uri);
    aud_playlist_entry_insert_filtered (list, -1, add, NULL, filter_cb, NULL, FALSE);

    adding = TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
/* "destroy" callback; do not call directly */
static void cleanup_job (void * data)
    ImportExportJob * job = data;

    char * folder = gtk_file_chooser_get_current_folder_uri ((GtkFileChooser *) job->selector);
    aud_set_str ("audgui", "playlist_path", folder);
    g_free (folder);

    if (job->confirm)
        gtk_widget_destroy (job->confirm);

    g_free (job->filename);
    g_slice_free (ImportExportJob, job);
Esempio n. 6
static void load_enabled_from_config (void)
    int count = aud_get_int ("ladspa", "plugin_count");

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
        char key[32];

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_path", i);
        char * path = aud_get_str ("ladspa", key);

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_label", i);
        char * label = aud_get_str ("ladspa", key);

        PluginData * plugin = find_plugin (path, label);
        if (plugin)
            LoadedPlugin * loaded = enable_plugin_locked (plugin);

            snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_controls", i);

            int ccount = index_count (loaded->plugin->controls);
            double temp[ccount];

            char * controls = aud_get_str ("ladspa", key);

            if (str_to_double_array (controls, temp, ccount))
                for (int ci = 0; ci < ccount; ci ++)
                    loaded->values[ci] = temp[ci];
                /* migrate from old config format */
                for (int ci = 0; ci < ccount; ci ++)
                    snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_control%d", i, ci);
                    loaded->values[ci] = aud_get_double ("ladspa", key);
                    aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, "");

            str_unref (controls);

        str_unref (path);
        str_unref (label);
Esempio n. 7
static void configure_response_cb (void)
    fileext = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(fileext_combo));

    char * temp = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri ((GtkFileChooser *) path_dirbrowser);
    str_unref (file_path);
    file_path = str_get (temp);
    g_free (temp);

    use_suffix =

    prependnumber =

    aud_set_int ("filewriter", "fileext", fileext);
    aud_set_bool ("filewriter", "filenamefromtags", filenamefromtags);
    aud_set_str ("filewriter", "file_path", file_path);
    aud_set_bool ("filewriter", "prependnumber", prependnumber);
    aud_set_bool ("filewriter", "save_original", save_original);
    aud_set_bool ("filewriter", "use_suffix", use_suffix);
Esempio n. 8
static void save_enabled_to_config (void)
    int count = index_count (loadeds);
    int old_count = aud_get_int ("ladspa", "plugin_count");
    aud_set_int ("ladspa", "plugin_count", count);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
        LoadedPlugin * loaded = index_get (loadeds, 0);
        char key[32];

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_path", i);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, loaded->plugin->path);

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_label", i);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, loaded->plugin->desc->Label);

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_controls", i);

        int ccount = index_count (loaded->plugin->controls);
        double temp[ccount];

        for (int ci = 0; ci < ccount; ci ++)
            temp[ci] = loaded->values[ci];

        char * controls = double_array_to_str (temp, ccount);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, controls);
        str_unref (controls);

        disable_plugin_locked (0);

    for (int i = count; i < old_count; i ++)
        char key[32];

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_path", i);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, "");

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_label", i);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, "");

        snprintf (key, sizeof key, "plugin%d_controls", i);
        aud_set_str ("ladspa", key, "");
Esempio n. 9
static void cleanup (void)
    if (config_win)
        gtk_widget_destroy (config_win);

    pthread_mutex_lock (& mutex);

    aud_set_str ("ladspa", "module_path", module_path);
    save_enabled_to_config ();
    close_modules ();

    index_free (modules);
    modules = NULL;
    index_free (plugins);
    plugins = NULL;
    index_free (loadeds);
    loadeds = NULL;

    str_unref (module_path);
    module_path = NULL;

    pthread_mutex_unlock (& mutex);
Esempio n. 10
 * the callback function that is called when the save button is
 * pressed saves configuration to ~/.bmp/alarmconfig
void alarm_save(void)
    int daynum = 0;  // used to identify day number

     * update the live values and write them out
    alarm_h = alarm_conf.default_hour = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (alarm_conf.alarm_h);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "alarm_h", alarm_h);

    alarm_m = alarm_conf.default_min = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (alarm_conf.alarm_m);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "alarm_m", alarm_m);

    stop_h = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (alarm_conf.stop_h);
    stop_m = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (alarm_conf.stop_m);
    stop_on = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (alarm_conf.stop_on);

    /* days of the week */
    for(; daynum < 7; daynum++)
  [daynum].flags = 0;
  [daynum].flags = ALARM_OFF;

  [daynum].flags |= ALARM_DEFAULT;[daynum].hour =
         gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int([daynum].spin_hr);[daynum].min =

        aud_set_int ("alarm", day_flags[daynum],[daynum].flags);
        aud_set_int ("alarm", day_h[daynum],[daynum].hour);
        aud_set_int ("alarm", day_m[daynum],[daynum].min);

    /* END: days of week */

    volume = gtk_range_get_value (alarm_conf.volume);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "volume", volume);

    quietvol = gtk_range_get_value (alarm_conf.quietvol);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "quietvol", quietvol);

    fading = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (alarm_conf.fading);

    /* write the new values */
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "stop_h", stop_h);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "stop_m", stop_m);
    aud_set_int ("alarm", "fading", fading);
    aud_set_bool ("alarm", "stop_on", stop_on);

    char * cmdstr = gtk_editable_get_chars ((GtkEditable *) alarm_conf.cmdstr, 0, -1);
    aud_set_str ("alarm", "cmdstr", cmdstr);
    g_free (cmdstr);

    cmd_on = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (alarm_conf.cmd_on);
    aud_set_bool ("alarm", "cmd_on", cmd_on);

    char * playlist = gtk_editable_get_chars ((GtkEditable *) alarm_conf.playlist, 0, -1);
    aud_set_str ("alarm", "playlist", playlist);
    g_free (playlist);

    /* reminder */
    char * reminder_msg = gtk_editable_get_chars ((GtkEditable *) alarm_conf.reminder, 0, -1);
    aud_set_str ("alarm", "reminder_msg", reminder_msg);
    g_free (reminder_msg);

    alarm_conf.reminder_on = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (alarm_conf.reminder_cb);
    aud_set_bool ("alarm", "reminder_on", alarm_conf.reminder_on);