Esempio n. 1
int audioRead() {
	while (!audioAvailable()) {
	int sample = samples[samplesOut];
	if (samplesOut == AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE) {
		samplesOut = 0;
	return sample;
Esempio n. 2
MFPlayerControl::MFPlayerControl(MFPlayerSession *session)
    : QMediaPlayerControl(session)
    , m_state(QMediaPlayer::StoppedState)
    , m_videoAvailable(false)
    , m_audioAvailable(false)
    , m_duration(-1)
    , m_seekable(false)
    , m_session(session)
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(statusChanged()), this, SLOT(handleStatusChanged()));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(videoAvailable()), this, SLOT(handleVideoAvailable()));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(audioAvailable()), this, SLOT(handleAudioAvailable()));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(durationUpdate(qint64)), this, SLOT(handleDurationUpdate(qint64)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(seekableUpdate(bool)), this, SLOT(handleSeekableUpdate(bool)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(error(QMediaPlayer::Error, QString, bool)), this, SLOT(handleError(QMediaPlayer::Error, QString, bool)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)), this, SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(int)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(mutedChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(mutedChanged(bool)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(playbackRateChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(playbackRateChanged(qreal)));
    QObject::connect(m_session, SIGNAL(bufferStatusChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(bufferStatusChanged(int)));
Esempio n. 3
void gravManager::draw()
    // don't draw if either of these objects haven't been initialized yet
    if ( !earth || !input ) return;



    // audio test drawing
    /*if ( audioAvailable() )
        GLUquadric* sphereQuad = gluNewQuadric();
        if ( true ) //drawCounter % 2 == 0 )
            float avg = audio->getLevelAvg();
            if ( avg > 0.0001f )
                overalllevel = avg;
        gluSphere( sphereQuad, overalllevel * 30.0f + 0.5f, 50, 50 );

    // set it to update names only every 30 frames
    bool updateNames = false;
    if ( drawCounter == 0 )
        updateNames = true;
        if ( audioAvailable() )

    // polygon offset to fix z-fighting of coplanar polygons (videos)
    // disabled, since making the depth buffer read-only in some area takes
    // care of this issue
    //glEnable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );
    //glPolygonOffset( 0.1, 1.0 );

    //glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_FILL );
    //float pOffset = 0.1;

    std::vector<RectangleBase*>::const_iterator si;


    // periodically automatically rearrange if on automatic - take last object
    // and put it in center
    if ( autoCounter == 0 && getMovableObjects().size() > 0 && autoFocusRotate )
        outerObjs = getMovableObjects();
        innerObjs = std::vector<RectangleBase*>( outerObjs.begin(),
                                                    outerObjs.begin()+1 );
        outerObjs.erase( outerObjs.begin() );

        std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> > data = \
            std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> >();
        data["inners"] = innerObjs;
        data["outers"] = outerObjs;
        layouts->arrange( "aspectFocus", getScreenRect(), RectangleBase(),
                            data );

        moveToTop( innerObjs[0] );


    // add objects to tree that need to be added - similar to delete, tree is
    // modified on the main thread (in other WX places) so
    if ( objectsToAddToTree->size() > 0 && tree != NULL )
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objectsToAddToTree->size(); i++ )
            tree->addObject( (*objectsToAddToTree)[i] );
    // same for remove
    if ( objectsToRemoveFromTree->size() > 0 && tree != NULL )
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objectsToRemoveFromTree->size(); i++ )
            tree->removeObject( (*objectsToRemoveFromTree)[i] );
    // delete sources that need to be deleted - see deleteSource for the reason

    // draw point on geographical position, selected ones on top (and bigger)
    for ( si = drawnObjects->begin(); si != drawnObjects->end(); si++ )
        RGBAColor col = (*si)->getColor();
        glColor4f( col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A );
        if ( !(*si)->isGrouped() && !(*si)->isSelected() )
            //drawCurvedEarthLine( (*si)->getLat(), (*si)->getLon(),
            //                    (*si)->getX(), (*si)->getY(), (*si)->getZ() );
            drawEarthPoint( (*si)->getLat(), (*si)->getLon(), 3.0f );
    for ( si = selectedObjects->begin(); si != selectedObjects->end(); si++ )
        RGBAColor col = (*si)->getColor();
        glColor4f( col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A );
        if ( !(*si)->isGrouped() )
            //drawCurvedEarthLine( (*si)->getLat(), (*si)->getLon(),
            //                    (*si)->getX(), (*si)->getY(), (*si)->getZ() );
            drawEarthPoint( (*si)->getLat(), (*si)->getLon(), 6.0f );


    // this makes the depth buffer read-only for this bit - this prevents
    // z-fighting on the videos which are coplanar
    glDepthMask( GL_FALSE );

    // iterate through all objects to be drawn, and draw
    for ( si = drawnObjects->begin(); si != drawnObjects->end(); si++ )
        // do things we only want to do every X frames,
        // like updating the name
        if ( updateNames )
            // only bother updating it on the tree if it actually
            // changes - to suppress "" from getting shown
            if ( (*si)->updateName() && tree )
                tree->updateObjectName( (*si) );

        // only draw if not grouped - groups are responsible for
        // drawing their members
        if ( !(*si)->isGrouped() )
            // set the audio effect level on the drawcounter, if audio is
            // enabled, and if it's selectable (excludes runway)
            // TODO maybe change this if meaning of selectable changes
            if ( audioAvailable() && drawCounter == 0 && (*si)->isSelectable() )
                // had a really bizarre bug here - if uninitialized, would hit
                // > 0.01f check and succeed later if object was selected. what?
                float level = 0.0f;
                // if source has siteID, send that (and tell audiomanager to
                // only check siteIDs), if not, use cname if available
                if ( (*si)->getSiteID().compare("") != 0 )
                    level = audio->getLevel( (*si)->getSiteID(), true, false );
                else if ( (*si)->getAltName().compare("") != 0 )
                    level = audio->getLevel( (*si)->getAltName(), true, true );

                if ( level > 0.01f )
                    innerObjs.push_back( (*si) );
                    audioFocusTrigger = true;
                    outerObjs.push_back( (*si) );
            // object is grouped, so group will draw it itself

    // do the audio focus if it triggered
    if ( audioAvailable() )
        if ( audioFocusTrigger )
            std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> > data = \
                std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> >();
            data["inners"] = innerObjs;
            data["outers"] = outerObjs;
            layouts->arrange( "aspectFocus", getScreenRect(), RectangleBase(),
                                data );
            audioFocusTrigger = false;


    // check runway members for potential removal if outside
    if ( intersectCounter == 0 && runway->numObjects() > 0 &&
            runway->getColor().A > 0.01f )

    if ( input->haveValidMousePos() )
        bool sessionMouseover = input->getMouseX() > sessionManager->getLBound()
                && input->getMouseX() < sessionManager->getRBound()
                && input->getMouseY() < sessionManager->getUBound()
                && input->getMouseY() > sessionManager->getDBound();
        if ( sessionMouseover && !sessionManager->isShown() )
            sessionManager->show( true );
            moveToTop( sessionManager );
        else if ( !sessionMouseover && sessionManager->isShown() )
            sessionManager->show( false );


    // check session manager for moved session entry objects & shift if
    // necessary - this needs to be outside the lock() since a shift might
    // trigger a session disable, which may delete a video which needs to lock
    // on its own (ie, we're not doing reentrant mutexes)
    if ( intersectCounter == 0 && sessionManager->getColor().A > 0.01f )

    // draw the click-and-drag selection box
    if ( holdCounter > 1 && drawSelectionBox )

        // the main box

        glColor4f( 0.1f, 0.2f, 1.0f, holdCounter/25.0f * 0.25f );

        glVertex3f(input->getDragStartX(), input->getDragStartY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragEndX(), input->getDragStartY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragEndX(), input->getDragEndY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragStartX(), input->getDragEndY(), 0.0f);


        // the outline

        glColor4f( 0.5f, 0.6f, 1.0f, holdCounter/25.0f * 0.25f );

        glVertex3f(input->getDragStartX(), input->getDragStartY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragEndX(), input->getDragStartY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragEndX(), input->getDragEndY(), 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(input->getDragStartX(), input->getDragEndY(), 0.0f);



    // header text drawing
    if ( useHeader )

        glEnable( GL_BLEND );
        glColor4f( 0.953f, 0.431f, 0.129f, 0.5f );
        float textXPos = screenRectFull.getLBound() + textOffset;
        float textYPos = screenRectFull.getUBound() -
                ( ( headerTextBox.Upper().Yf() - headerTextBox.Lower().Yf() )
                        * textScale ) - textOffset;
        glTranslatef( textXPos, textYPos, 0.0f );
        glScalef( textScale, textScale, textScale );
        const char* text = headerString.c_str();
        GLUtil::getInstance()->getMainFont()->Render( text );
        glDisable( GL_BLEND );


    // graphics debug drawing
    if ( graphicsDebugView )

        GLCanvas* canvas = GLUtil::getInstance()->getCanvas();

        long drawTime = canvas->getDrawTime();
        float color = (33.0f - (float)drawTime) / 17.0f;
        glColor4f( 1.0f, color, color, 0.8f );
        glTranslatef( 0.0f, screenRectFull.getUBound() * 0.9f, 0.0f );
        float debugScale = textScale / 2.5f;
        glScalef( debugScale, debugScale, debugScale );
        char text[100];
        sprintf( text,
                "Draw time: %3ld  Non-draw time: %3ld  Pixel count: %8ld "
                "FPS: %2.2f",
                canvas->getDrawTime(), canvas->getNonDrawTime(),
                videoListener->getPixelCount(), canvas->getFPS() );
        GLUtil::getInstance()->getMainFont()->Render( text );


    // back to writeable z-buffer for proper earth/line rendering
    glDepthMask( GL_TRUE );


    // hold counter is a bit different than the others since alpha values
    // directly depend on it, as above
    if ( !input->isLeftButtonHeld() && holdCounter > 0 )
    else if ( holdCounter < 24 )

    drawCounter = ( drawCounter + 1 ) % 30;
    intersectCounter = ( intersectCounter + 1 ) % 20;
    autoCounter = ( autoCounter + 1 ) % 900;