Esempio n. 1
void SoundInput::handleStateChanged (QAudio::State newState) const
  // qDebug () << "SoundInput::handleStateChanged: newState:" << newState;

  switch (newState)
    case QAudio::IdleState:
      Q_EMIT status (tr ("Idle"));

    case QAudio::ActiveState:
      Q_EMIT status (tr ("Receiving"));

    case QAudio::SuspendedState:
      Q_EMIT status (tr ("Suspended"));

    case QAudio::StoppedState:
      if (audioError ())
          Q_EMIT status (tr ("Error"));
          Q_EMIT status (tr ("Stopped"));
Esempio n. 2
void SoundInput::start(QAudioDeviceInfo const& device, int framesPerBuffer, AudioDevice * sink, unsigned downSampleFactor, AudioDevice::Channel channel)
  Q_ASSERT (sink);

  stop ();

  m_sink = sink;

  QAudioFormat format (device.preferredFormat());
  format.setChannelCount (AudioDevice::Mono == channel ? 1 : 2);
  format.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
  format.setSampleRate (12000 * downSampleFactor);
  format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
  format.setSampleSize (16);

  if (!format.isValid ())
      Q_EMIT error (tr ("Requested input audio format is not valid."));

  // this function lies!
  // if (!device.isFormatSupported (format))
  //   {
  //     Q_EMIT error (tr ("Requested input audio format is not supported on device."));
  //     return;
  //   }

  m_stream.reset (new QAudioInput {device, format});
  if (audioError ())

  connect (, &QAudioInput::stateChanged, this, &SoundInput::handleStateChanged);

  m_stream->setBufferSize (m_stream->format ().bytesForFrames (framesPerBuffer));
  if (sink->initialize (QIODevice::WriteOnly, channel))
      m_stream->start (sink);
      audioError ();
      Q_EMIT error (tr ("Failed to initialize audio sink device"));
Esempio n. 3
void SoundInput::suspend ()
  if (m_stream)
      m_stream->suspend ();
      audioError ();
Esempio n. 4
void SoundInput::resume ()
  if (m_sink)
      m_sink->reset ();

  if (m_stream)
      m_stream->resume ();
      audioError ();
void initWinMM(void)
{   WAVEFORMATEX	wfe;		// Format of the mixing buffers we will be sending to the audio hardware to play
	MMRESULT		mmr;		// Temporary container to hold the result of Multimedia function calls

	audioLog->log("Initializing WinMM Sound System");
	int numDevs = waveOutGetNumDevs();	    // Retrieve the number of multimedia sound playing devices in the system
	audioLog->log("%i WaveOut devices detected\n",numDevs);
	if (numDevs==0) return;					// No audio devices detected, or an error occured
    audioNumSpeakers = 2;
	WinMM_mixFreq = 44100;
	uint16	sampleSize = 2 * audioNumSpeakers;	// 16 bit stereo  (16 bits * number of speakers)
	bufferSizeBytes = WinMM_mixFreq*sampleSize*BUFFERSIZE/1000;	// Calculate the size of the buffers in BYTES
	bufferSizeSamples = WinMM_mixFreq*BUFFERSIZE/1000;			// Calculate the size of the buffers in SAMPLES


	wfe.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;		// We are genertating uncompressed Pulse-Code Modulation ...
	wfe.nChannels = audioNumSpeakers;		// In stereo (2 channels)
	wfe.nSamplesPerSec=WinMM_mixFreq;		// at 44 Khz
	wfe.nAvgBytesPerSec=WinMM_mixFreq * sampleSize;	// Consuming 44100 * 4 bytes per second
	wfe.nBlockAlign=sampleSize;				// 1 block = size of each sample * number of channels
	wfe.wBitsPerSample=16;					// 16 bit audio
	wfe.cbSize=0;							// size of extensible data ... plain PCM is fine, no extensible data needed

	// Open a handle to the WaveOut device (like files, we must open a device before accessing it)
	mmr=waveOutOpen( &WinMM_hwaveout,		// &hwaveout points to where we want to store the handle to the WaveOut device
					 WAVE_MAPPER,			// We want the system's DEFAULT playback device (you should ALWAYS use this device)
					 &wfe,					// Points to the format description of the sound we will be playing
					 (DWORD_PTR)WinMM_CallBack, // Points to the function to call when we finish playing a buffer
					 0,						// A number we send to the callback function, can be anything we like
					 CALLBACK_FUNCTION);	// What special features of playback do we require ... only one: call our callback function
	{	audioError("waveOutOpen",mmr);	// Report any error that occured

	byte *tmp = (byte *)fcalloc(bufferSizeBytes*2,"WinMM Audio Buffers");
	for (int i=0; i<2; i++)		// For each buffer (there will only ever be 2 buffers)
	{	WinMM_buffer[i] = tmp + bufferSizeBytes * i;						// Allocate memory for buffer
		memfill(WinMM_buffer[i], 0, bufferSizeBytes);						// Fill the buffer with silence
		WinMM_header[i].lpData = (LPSTR)WinMM_buffer[i];					// Tell the header where the buffer is located
		WinMM_header[i].dwBufferLength = bufferSizeBytes;					// Tell the header the size of the buffer
		mmr=waveOutPrepareHeader(WinMM_hwaveout,&WinMM_header[i],sizeof(WAVEHDR));	// Prepare the header (Make the sound system aware that it will need to play this type of sound)
		{	audioError("waveOutOpen",mmr);						// Report any errors
	nextBuffer=0;														// The next buffer to process is buffer #0

	audioSemaphore = 0;									// Tell the system it's save to receive hardware interrupts

	// Force sound system to start playing sounds (Sound begins playing the moment the first buffer is written to the device)
	mmr=waveOutWrite(WinMM_hwaveout,&WinMM_header[0],sizeof(WAVEHDR));	// Write the first buffer (will be silent)
	{	audioError("waveOutWrite",mmr);						// Report any errors
	mmr=waveOutWrite(WinMM_hwaveout,&WinMM_header[1],sizeof(WAVEHDR));	// Write the second buffer (will be silent)
	{	audioError("waveOutWrite",mmr);						// Report any errors
