Esempio n. 1
void Synchronizer::NewSegment() {

	if(m_output_format->m_audio_enabled) {
		AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);

	SharedLock lock(&m_shared_data);

Esempio n. 2
void Synchronizer::NewSegment() {

		AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);

	SharedLock lock(&m_shared_data);

Esempio n. 3
void Synchronizer::Init() {

	// initialize video
	if(m_output_format->m_video_enabled) {
		m_max_frames_skipped = (m_output_settings->video_allow_frame_skipping)? (MAX_FRAME_DELAY * m_output_format->m_video_frame_rate + 500000) / 1000000 : 0;
		VideoLock videolock(&m_video_data);
		videolock->m_last_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
		videolock->m_next_timestamp = SINK_TIMESTAMP_ASAP;

	// initialize audio
	if(m_output_format->m_audio_enabled) {
		AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);
		audiolock->m_fast_resampler.reset(new FastResampler(m_output_format->m_audio_channels, 0.9f));
		audiolock->m_warn_desync = true;

	// create sync diagram
	if(g_option_syncdiagram) {
		m_sync_diagram.reset(new SyncDiagram(4));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(0, SyncDiagram::tr("Video in"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(1, SyncDiagram::tr("Audio in"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(2, SyncDiagram::tr("Video out"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(3, SyncDiagram::tr("Audio out"));

	// initialize shared data
		SharedLock lock(&m_shared_data);

		if(m_output_format->m_audio_enabled) {
			lock->m_partial_audio_frame.Alloc(m_output_format->m_audio_frame_size * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
			lock->m_partial_audio_frame_samples = 0;
		lock->m_video_pts = 0;
		lock->m_audio_samples = 0;
		lock->m_time_offset = 0;


		lock->m_warn_drop_video = true;


	// start synchronizer thread
	m_should_stop = false;
	m_error_occurred = false;
	m_thread = std::thread(&Synchronizer::SynchronizerThread, this);

Esempio n. 4
void Synchronizer::ReadAudioHole() {
	assert(m_audio_encoder != NULL);

	AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);
	if(audiolock->m_first_timestamp != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
		audiolock->m_average_drift = 0.0;
		if(!audiolock->m_insert_zeros) {
			Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioHole] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Received hole in audio stream, inserting silence to keep the audio in sync with the video."));
			audiolock->m_insert_zeros = true;

Esempio n. 5
void Synchronizer::ReadAudioHole() {

	AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);
	if(audiolock->m_first_timestamp != (int64_t) AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
		audiolock->m_average_drift = 0.0;
		if(!audiolock->m_drop_samples || !audiolock->m_insert_samples) {
			Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioHole] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Received hole in audio stream, inserting silence to keep the audio in sync with the video."));
			audiolock->m_drop_samples = true; // because PulseAudio is weird
			audiolock->m_insert_samples = true;

Esempio n. 6
void Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples(unsigned int channels, unsigned int sample_rate, AVSampleFormat format, unsigned int sample_count, const uint8_t* data, int64_t timestamp) {

	// sanity check
	if(sample_count == 0)

	// add new block to sync diagram
	if(m_sync_diagram != NULL)
		m_sync_diagram->AddBlock(1, (double) timestamp * 1.0e-6, (double) timestamp * 1.0e-6 + (double) sample_count / (double) sample_rate, QColor(0, 255, 0));

	AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);

	// check the timestamp
	if(timestamp < audiolock->m_last_timestamp) {
		if(timestamp < audiolock->m_last_timestamp - 10000)
			Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Received audio samples with non-monotonic timestamp."));
		timestamp = audiolock->m_last_timestamp;

	// update the timestamps
	int64_t previous_timestamp;
	if(audiolock->m_first_timestamp == (int64_t) AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
		audiolock->m_filtered_timestamp = timestamp;
		audiolock->m_first_timestamp = timestamp;
		previous_timestamp = timestamp;
	} else {
		previous_timestamp = audiolock->m_last_timestamp;
	audiolock->m_last_timestamp = timestamp;

	// filter the timestamp
	int64_t timestamp_delta = (int64_t) sample_count * (int64_t) 1000000 / (int64_t) sample_rate;
	audiolock->m_filtered_timestamp += (timestamp - audiolock->m_filtered_timestamp) / AUDIO_TIMESTAMP_FILTER;

	// calculate drift
	double current_drift = GetAudioDrift(audiolock.get());

	// if there are too many audio samples, drop some of them (unlikely unless you use PulseAudio)
	if(current_drift > DRIFT_ERROR_THRESHOLD && !audiolock->m_drop_samples) {
		audiolock->m_drop_samples = true;
		Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Too many audio samples, dropping samples to keep the audio in sync with the video."));

	// if there are not enough audio samples, insert zeros
	if(current_drift < -DRIFT_ERROR_THRESHOLD && !audiolock->m_insert_samples) {
		audiolock->m_insert_samples = true;
		Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Not enough audio samples, inserting silence to keep the audio in sync with the video."));

	// reset filter and recalculate drift if necessary
	if(audiolock->m_drop_samples || audiolock->m_insert_samples) {
		audiolock->m_filtered_timestamp = timestamp;
		current_drift = GetAudioDrift(audiolock.get());

	// drop samples
	if(audiolock->m_drop_samples) {
		audiolock->m_drop_samples = false;

		// drop samples
		int n = (int) round(current_drift * (double) sample_rate);
		if(n > 0) {
			if(n >= (int) sample_count) {
				audiolock->m_drop_samples = true;
				return; // drop all samples
			if(format == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT) {
				data += n * channels * sizeof(float);
			} else if(format == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) {
				data += n * channels * sizeof(int16_t);
			} else {
			sample_count -= n;


	// insert zeros
	unsigned int sample_count_out = 0;
	if(audiolock->m_insert_samples) {
		audiolock->m_insert_samples = false;

		// how many samples should be inserted?
		int n = (int) round(-current_drift * (double) sample_rate);
		if(n > 0) {

			// insert zeros
			audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.Alloc(n * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
			std::fill_n(audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData(), n * m_output_format->m_audio_channels, 0.0f);
			sample_count_out = audiolock->m_fast_resampler->Resample((double) sample_rate / (double) m_output_format->m_audio_sample_rate, 1.0,
																	 audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData(), n, &audiolock->m_temp_output_buffer, sample_count_out);

			// recalculate drift
			current_drift = GetAudioDrift(audiolock.get(), sample_count_out);



	// increase filtered timestamp
	audiolock->m_filtered_timestamp += timestamp_delta;

	// do drift correction
	// The point of drift correction is to keep video and audio in sync even when the clocks are not running at exactly the same speed.
	// This can happen because the sample rate of the sound card is not always 100% accurate. Even a 0.1% error will result in audio that is
	// seconds too early or too late at the end of a one hour video. This problem doesn't occur on all computers though (I'm not sure why).
	// Another cause of desynchronization is problems/glitches with PulseAudio (e.g. jumps in time when switching between sources).
	double drift_correction_dt = fmin((double) (timestamp - previous_timestamp) * 1.0e-6, DRIFT_MAX_BLOCK);
	audiolock->m_average_drift = clamp(audiolock->m_average_drift + DRIFT_CORRECTION_I * current_drift * drift_correction_dt, -0.5, 0.5);
	if(audiolock->m_average_drift < -0.02 && audiolock->m_warn_desync) {
		audiolock->m_warn_desync = false;
		Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Audio input is more than 2% too slow!"));
	if(audiolock->m_average_drift > 0.02 && audiolock->m_warn_desync) {
		audiolock->m_warn_desync = false;
		Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Audio input is more than 2% too fast!"));
	double length = (double) sample_count / (double) sample_rate;
	double drift_correction = clamp(DRIFT_CORRECTION_P * current_drift + audiolock->m_average_drift, -0.5, 0.5) * fmin(1.0, DRIFT_MAX_BLOCK / length);

	//qDebug() << "current_drift" << current_drift << "average_drift" << audiolock->m_average_drift << "drift_correction" << drift_correction;

	// convert the samples
	const float *data_float = NULL; // to keep GCC happy
	if(format == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT) {
		if(channels == m_output_format->m_audio_channels) {
			data_float = (const float*) data;
		} else {
			audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.Alloc(sample_count * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
			data_float = audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData();
			SampleChannelRemap(sample_count, (const float*) data, channels, audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData(), m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
	} else if(format == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) {
		audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.Alloc(sample_count * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
		data_float = audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData();
		SampleChannelRemap(sample_count, (const int16_t*) data, channels, audiolock->m_temp_input_buffer.GetData(), m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
	} else {

	// resample
	sample_count_out = audiolock->m_fast_resampler->Resample((double) sample_rate / (double) m_output_format->m_audio_sample_rate, 1.0 / (1.0 - drift_correction),
															 data_float, sample_count, &audiolock->m_temp_output_buffer, sample_count_out);
	audiolock->m_samples_written += sample_count_out;

	SharedLock lock(&m_shared_data);

	// avoid memory problems by limiting the audio buffer size
	if(lock->m_audio_buffer.GetSize() / m_output_format->m_audio_channels >= MAX_AUDIO_SAMPLES_BUFFERED) {
		if(lock->m_segment_video_started) {
			Logger::LogWarning("[Synchronizer::ReadAudioSamples] " + Logger::tr("Warning: Audio buffer overflow, starting new segment to keep the audio in sync with the video "
																				"(some video and/or audio may be lost). The video input seems to be too slow."));
		} else {
			// If the video hasn't started yet, it makes more sense to drop the oldest samples.
			// Shifting the start time like this isn't completely accurate, but this shouldn't happen often anyway.
			// The number of samples dropped is calculated so that the buffer will be 90% full after this.
			size_t n = lock->m_audio_buffer.GetSize() / m_output_format->m_audio_channels - MAX_AUDIO_SAMPLES_BUFFERED * 9 / 10;
			lock->m_audio_buffer.Pop(n * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);
			lock->m_segment_audio_start_time += (int64_t) round((double) n / (double) m_output_format->m_audio_sample_rate * 1.0e6);

	// start audio
	if(!lock->m_segment_audio_started) {
		lock->m_segment_audio_started = true;
		lock->m_segment_audio_start_time = timestamp;
		lock->m_segment_audio_stop_time = timestamp;

	// store the samples
	lock->m_audio_buffer.Push(audiolock->m_temp_output_buffer.GetData(), sample_count_out * m_output_format->m_audio_channels);

	// increase segment stop time
	double new_sample_length = (double) (lock->m_segment_audio_samples_read + lock->m_audio_buffer.GetSize() / m_output_format->m_audio_channels) / (double) m_output_format->m_audio_sample_rate;
	lock->m_segment_audio_stop_time = lock->m_segment_audio_start_time + (int64_t) round(new_sample_length * 1.0e6);

Esempio n. 7
void Synchronizer::Init() {

	// initialize video
	if(m_video_encoder != NULL) {
		m_video_width = m_video_encoder->GetWidth();
		m_video_height = m_video_encoder->GetHeight();
		m_video_frame_rate = m_video_encoder->GetFrameRate();
		m_video_max_frames_skipped = (m_allow_frame_skipping)? (MAX_FRAME_DELAY * m_video_frame_rate + 500000) / 1000000 : 0;

	// initialize audio
	if(m_audio_encoder != NULL) {
		m_audio_sample_rate = m_audio_encoder->GetSampleRate();
		m_audio_channels = 2; //TODO// never larger than AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS
		m_audio_required_frame_samples = m_audio_encoder->GetRequiredFrameSamples();
		m_audio_required_sample_format = m_audio_encoder->GetRequiredSampleFormat();
		switch(m_audio_required_sample_format) {
			case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16:
			case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P:
				m_audio_required_sample_size = m_audio_channels * 2; break;
				m_audio_required_sample_size = m_audio_channels * 4; break;
			default: assert(false); break;

	// create sync diagram
	if(g_option_syncdiagram) {
		m_sync_diagram.reset(new SyncDiagram(4));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(0, SyncDiagram::tr("Video in"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(1, SyncDiagram::tr("Audio in"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(2, SyncDiagram::tr("Video out"));
		m_sync_diagram->SetChannelName(3, SyncDiagram::tr("Audio out"));

	// initialize video data
		VideoLock videolock(&m_video_data);
		videolock->m_last_timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
		videolock->m_next_timestamp = SINK_TIMESTAMP_ASAP;

	// initialize audio data
		AudioLock audiolock(&m_audio_data);
		audiolock->m_fast_resampler.reset(new FastResampler(m_audio_channels, 0.9f));
		audiolock->m_warn_desync = true;

	// initialize shared data
		SharedLock lock(&m_shared_data);

		if(m_audio_encoder != NULL) {
			lock->m_partial_audio_frame.Alloc(m_audio_required_frame_samples * m_audio_channels);
			lock->m_partial_audio_frame_samples = 0;
		lock->m_video_pts = 0;
		lock->m_audio_samples = 0;
		lock->m_time_offset = 0;


		lock->m_warn_drop_video = true;


	// start synchronizer thread
	m_should_stop = false;
	m_error_occurred = false;
	m_thread = std::thread(&Synchronizer::SynchronizerThread, this);
