Esempio n. 1
 * Try to read offset and vertices data from file, return false on failure
 * TODO: Read-error-check.
bool CPathEstimator::ReadFile(const std::string& cacheFileName, const std::string& map)
	const unsigned int hash = Hash();
	char hashString[50];
	sprintf(hashString, "%u", hash);

	std::string filename = std::string(pathDir) + map + hashString + "." + cacheFileName + ".zip";

	// open file for reading from a suitable location (where the file exists)
	CArchiveZip* pfile = new CArchiveZip(filesystem.LocateFile(filename));

	if (!pfile || !pfile->IsOpen()) {
		delete pfile;
		return false;

	std::auto_ptr<CArchiveZip> auto_pfile(pfile);
	CArchiveZip& file(*pfile);

	const unsigned fid = file.FindFile("pathinfo");

	if (fid < file.NumFiles()) {
		pathChecksum = file.GetCrc32(fid);

		std::vector<boost::uint8_t> buffer;
		file.GetFile(fid, buffer);

		if (buffer.size() < 4)
			return false;

		unsigned filehash = *((unsigned*)&buffer[0]);
		if (filehash != hash)
			return false;

		unsigned pos = sizeof(unsigned);

		// Read block-center-offset data.
		const unsigned blockSize = moveinfo->moveData.size() * sizeof(int2);
		if (buffer.size() < pos + blockSize * blockStates.GetSize())
			return false;

		for (int blocknr = 0; blocknr < blockStates.GetSize(); blocknr++) {
			std::memcpy(&blockStates[blocknr].nodeOffsets[0], &buffer[pos], blockSize);
			pos += blockSize;

		// Read vertices data.
		if (buffer.size() < pos + vertices.size() * sizeof(float))
			return false;
		std::memcpy(&vertices[0], &buffer[pos], vertices.size() * sizeof(float));

		// File read successful.
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Esempio n. 2
 * Try to write offset and vertex data to file.
void CPathEstimator::WriteFile(const std::string& cacheFileName, const std::string& map)
	// We need this directory to exist
	if (!filesystem.CreateDirectory(pathDir))

	const unsigned int hash = Hash();
	char hashString[64] = {0};

	sprintf(hashString, "%u", hash);

	const std::string filename = std::string(pathDir) + map + hashString + "." + cacheFileName + ".zip";
	zipFile file;

	// open file for writing in a suitable location
	file = zipOpen(filesystem.LocateFile(filename, FileSystem::WRITE).c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);

	if (file) {
		zipOpenNewFileInZip(file, "pathinfo", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);

		// Write hash.
		zipWriteInFileInZip(file, (void*) &hash, 4);

		// Write block-center-offsets.
		for (int blocknr = 0; blocknr < blockStates.GetSize(); blocknr++)
			zipWriteInFileInZip(file, (void*) &blockStates[blocknr].nodeOffsets[0], moveinfo->moveData.size() * sizeof(int2));

		// Write vertices.
		zipWriteInFileInZip(file, &vertices[0], vertices.size() * sizeof(float));

		zipClose(file, NULL);

		// get the CRC over the written path data
		CArchiveZip* pfile = new CArchiveZip(filesystem.LocateFile(filename));

		if (!pfile || !pfile->IsOpen()) {
			delete pfile;

		std::auto_ptr<CArchiveZip> auto_pfile(pfile);
		CArchiveZip& file(*pfile);
		const unsigned fid = file.FindFile("pathinfo");
		assert(fid < file.NumFiles());
		pathChecksum = file.GetCrc32(fid);
Trying to read offset and vertices data from file.
Return false if failed.
TODO: Read-error-check.
bool CPathEstimator::ReadFile(string name) 
	unsigned int hash=Hash();
	char hashString[50];

	string filename = string("maps/paths/") + stupidGlobalMapname.substr(0, stupidGlobalMapname.find_last_of('.') + 1) + hashString + "." + name + ".zip";

	// open file for reading from a suitable location (where the file exists)
	CArchiveZip* pfile = NULL;
	std::vector<std::string> filenames = filesystem.GetNativeFilenames(filename, true);
	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = filenames.begin(); it != filenames.end(); ++it) {
		pfile = new CArchiveZip(*it);
		if (pfile->IsOpen())
		delete pfile;
		pfile = NULL;

	if (!pfile)
		return false;

	std::auto_ptr<CArchiveZip> auto_pfile(pfile);
	CArchiveZip& file(*pfile);

	int fh = file.OpenFile("pathinfo");

	if (fh) {
		unsigned int filehash = 0;
 		//Check hash.
//		info->AddLine("%i",hash);
		file.ReadFile(fh, &filehash, 4);
		if(filehash != hash)
			return false;

		//Read block-center-offset data.
		int blocknr;
		for(blocknr = 0; blocknr < nbrOfBlocks; blocknr++) {
			file.ReadFile(fh, blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter, moveinfo->moveData.size() * sizeof(int2));

		//Read vertices data.
		file.ReadFile(fh, vertex, nbrOfVertices * sizeof(float));
		//File read successful.
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
 * try to write offset and vertex data to file
void CPathEstimator::WriteFile(std::string name) {
	// We need this directory to exist
	if (!filesystem.CreateDirectory("maps/paths"))

	unsigned int hash = Hash();
	char hashString[50];

	std::string filename = std::string("maps/paths/") + stupidGlobalMapname.substr(0, stupidGlobalMapname.find_last_of('.') + 1) + hashString + "." + name + ".zip";
	zipFile file;

	// open file for writing in a suitable location
	file = zipOpen(filesystem.LocateFile(filename, FileSystem::WRITE).c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);

	if (file) {
		zipOpenNewFileInZip(file, "pathinfo", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);

		// Write hash.
		unsigned int hash = Hash();
		zipWriteInFileInZip(file, (void*) &hash, 4);

		// Write block-center-offsets.
		for (int blocknr = 0; blocknr < nbrOfBlocks; blocknr++) {
			zipWriteInFileInZip(file, (void*) blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter, moveinfo->moveData.size() * sizeof(int2));

		// Write vertices.
		zipWriteInFileInZip(file, (void*) vertex, nbrOfVertices * sizeof(float));

		zipClose(file, NULL);

		// get the CRC over the written path data
		CArchiveZip* pfile = SAFE_NEW CArchiveZip(filesystem.LocateFile(filename));

		if (!pfile || !pfile->IsOpen()) {
			delete pfile;

		std::auto_ptr<CArchiveZip> auto_pfile(pfile);
		CArchiveZip& file(*pfile);
		pathChecksum = file.GetCrc32("pathinfo");
Trying to read offset and vertices data from file.
Return false if failed.
TODO: Read-error-check.
bool CPathEstimator::ReadFile(string name)
	unsigned int hash=Hash();
	char hashString[50];

	string filename = string("maps/paths/") + stupidGlobalMapname.substr(0, stupidGlobalMapname.find_last_of('.') + 1) + hashString + "." + name + ".zip";

	// open file for reading from a suitable location (where the file exists)
	CArchiveZip* pfile = SAFE_NEW CArchiveZip(filesystem.LocateFile(filename));

	if (!pfile || !pfile->IsOpen()) {
		delete pfile;
		return false;

	std::auto_ptr<CArchiveZip> auto_pfile(pfile);
	CArchiveZip& file(*pfile);

	int fh = file.OpenFile("pathinfo");

	if (fh) {
		unsigned int filehash = 0;
 		//Check hash.
//		logOutput.Print("%i",hash);
		file.ReadFile(fh, &filehash, 4);
		if(filehash != hash)
			return false;

		//Read block-center-offset data.
		int blocknr;
		for(blocknr = 0; blocknr < nbrOfBlocks; blocknr++) {
			file.ReadFile(fh, blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter, moveinfo->moveData.size() * sizeof(int2));

		//Read vertices data.
		file.ReadFile(fh, vertex, nbrOfVertices * sizeof(float));

		//File read successful.
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;