static int testdisk_disk_selection_cli(int verbose,int dump_ind, const list_disk_t *list_disk, const int saveheader, const char *cmd_device, char **current_cmd) { const list_disk_t *element_disk; const list_disk_t *current_disk=NULL; if(cmd_device!=NULL) { for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) { if(strcmp(element_disk->disk->device,cmd_device)==0) current_disk=element_disk; } } else current_disk=list_disk; if(current_disk==NULL) { log_critical("No disk found\n"); return 0; } if(*current_cmd!=NULL) { while(*current_cmd[0]==',') (*current_cmd)++; { disk_t *disk=current_disk->disk; autodetect_arch(disk, NULL); autoset_unit(disk); if(interface_check_disk_capacity(disk)==0 && interface_check_disk_access(disk, current_cmd)==0 && (change_arch_type_cli(disk, verbose, current_cmd)==0 #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES || change_arch_type_ncurses(disk, verbose)==0 #endif )) { menu_disk(disk, verbose, dump_ind, saveheader, current_cmd); } } } return 0; }
void QPhotorec::select_disk(disk_t *disk) { if(disk==NULL) return ; selected_disk=disk; selected_partition=NULL; autodetect_arch(selected_disk, &arch_none); log_info("%s\n", selected_disk->description_short(selected_disk)); part_free_list(list_part); list_part=init_list_part(selected_disk, NULL); /* If only whole disk is listed, select it */ /* If there is the whole disk and only one partition, select the partition */ if(list_part!=NULL) { if(list_part->next==NULL) selected_partition=list_part->part; else if(list_part->next->next==NULL) selected_partition=list_part->next->part; } log_all_partitions(selected_disk, list_part); }
static int testdisk_disk_selection_ncurses(int verbose,int dump_ind, const list_disk_t *list_disk, const int saveheader, char **current_cmd) { int command='Q'; unsigned int menu=0; int offset=0; int pos_num=0; int use_sudo=0; const list_disk_t *element_disk; const list_disk_t *current_disk; static struct MenuItem menuMain[]= { { 'P', "Previous", ""}, { 'N', "Next", "" }, { 'O', "Proceed", ""}, { 'S', "Sudo", "Use the sudo command to restart as root"}, { 'Q', "Quit", "Quit program"}, { 0, NULL, NULL} }; if(list_disk==NULL) { log_critical("No disk found\n"); return intrf_no_disk_ncurses("TestDisk"); } current_disk=list_disk; /* ncurses interface */ while(1) { const char *options; int i; #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES aff_copy(stdscr); wmove(stdscr,4,0); wprintw(stdscr," TestDisk is free software, and"); wmove(stdscr,5,0); wprintw(stdscr,"comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); wmove(stdscr,7,0); wprintw(stdscr,"Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):"); #endif for(i=0,element_disk=list_disk; element_disk!=NULL && i<offset+NBR_DISK_MAX; i++, element_disk=element_disk->next) { if(i<offset) continue; wmove(stdscr,8+i-offset,0); if(element_disk!=current_disk) wprintw(stdscr," %s\n",element_disk->disk->description_short(element_disk->disk)); else { wattrset(stdscr, A_REVERSE); wprintw(stdscr,">%s\n",element_disk->disk->description_short(element_disk->disk)); wattroff(stdscr, A_REVERSE); } } { int line=INTER_NOTE_Y; mvwaddstr(stdscr,line++,0,"Note: "); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(DJGPP) #else #ifdef HAVE_GETEUID if(geteuid()!=0) { if(has_colors()) wbkgdset(stdscr,' ' | A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(1)); waddstr(stdscr,"Some disks won't appear unless you are root user."); if(has_colors()) wbkgdset(stdscr,' ' | COLOR_PAIR(0)); wmove(stdscr,line++,0); #ifdef SUDO_BIN use_sudo=1; #endif } #endif #endif waddstr(stdscr,"Disk capacity must be correctly detected for a successful recovery."); wmove(stdscr,line++,0); wprintw(stdscr,"If a disk listed above has incorrect size, check HD jumper settings, BIOS"); wmove(stdscr,line,0); wprintw(stdscr,"detection, and install the latest OS patches and disk drivers."); } if(use_sudo > 0) { if(i<=NBR_DISK_MAX && element_disk==NULL) options="OSQ"; else options="PNOSQ"; } else { if(i<=NBR_DISK_MAX && element_disk==NULL) options="OQ"; else options="PNOQ"; } command = wmenuSelect_ext(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y-1, INTER_DISK_Y, INTER_DISK_X, menuMain, 8, options, MENU_HORIZ | MENU_BUTTON | MENU_ACCEPT_OTHERS, &menu,NULL); switch(command) { case 'p': case 'P': case KEY_UP: if(current_disk->prev!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->prev; pos_num--; } break; case 'n': case 'N': case KEY_DOWN: if(current_disk->next!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->next; pos_num++; } break; case KEY_PPAGE: for(i=0;i<NBR_DISK_MAX-1 && current_disk->prev!=NULL;i++) { current_disk=current_disk->prev; pos_num--; } break; case KEY_NPAGE: for(i=0;i<NBR_DISK_MAX-1 && current_disk->next!=NULL;i++) { current_disk=current_disk->next; pos_num++; } break; case 'o': case 'O': { disk_t *disk=current_disk->disk; const int hpa_dco=is_hpa_or_dco(disk); autodetect_arch(disk, NULL); autoset_unit(disk); if(interface_check_disk_capacity(disk)==0 && interface_check_disk_access(disk, current_cmd)==0 && (hpa_dco==0 || interface_check_hidden_ncurses(disk, hpa_dco)==0) && interface_partition_type(disk, verbose, current_cmd)==0) { if(menu_disk(disk, verbose, dump_ind, saveheader, current_cmd)) return 0; } } break; case 's': case 'S': return 1; case 'q': case 'Q': return 0; } if(pos_num<offset) offset=pos_num; if(pos_num>=offset+NBR_DISK_MAX) offset=pos_num-NBR_DISK_MAX+1; } }
static int photorec_disk_selection_ncurses(struct ph_param *params, struct ph_options *options, const list_disk_t *list_disk, alloc_data_t *list_search_space) { int command; int real_key; unsigned int menu=0; int offset=0; int pos_num=0; int use_sudo=0; const list_disk_t *element_disk; const list_disk_t *current_disk=list_disk; static const struct MenuItem menuMain[]= { { 'P', "Previous",""}, { 'N', "Next","" }, { 'O',"Proceed",""}, { 'S', "Sudo", "Use the sudo command to restart as root"}, { 'Q',"Quit","Quit program"}, { 0,NULL,NULL} }; if(list_disk==NULL) { log_critical("No disk found\n"); return intrf_no_disk_ncurses("PhotoRec"); } /* ncurses interface */ while(1) { const char *menu_options; int i; aff_copy(stdscr); wmove(stdscr,4,0); wprintw(stdscr," PhotoRec is free software, and"); wmove(stdscr,5,0); wprintw(stdscr,"comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); wmove(stdscr,7,0); wprintw(stdscr,"Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):"); #if defined(KEY_MOUSE) && defined(ENABLE_MOUSE) mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL); #endif for(i=0,element_disk=list_disk; element_disk!=NULL && i<offset+NBR_DISK_MAX; i++, element_disk=element_disk->next) { if(i<offset) continue; wmove(stdscr,8+i-offset,0); if(element_disk!=current_disk) wprintw(stdscr," %s\n",element_disk->disk->description_short(element_disk->disk)); else { wattrset(stdscr, A_REVERSE); wprintw(stdscr,">%s\n",element_disk->disk->description_short(element_disk->disk)); wattroff(stdscr, A_REVERSE); } } { mvwaddstr(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y,0,"Note: "); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) #else #ifndef DJGPP #ifdef HAVE_GETEUID if(geteuid()!=0) { if(has_colors()) wbkgdset(stdscr,' ' | A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(1)); wprintw(stdscr,"Some disks won't appear unless you're root user."); if(has_colors()) wbkgdset(stdscr,' ' | COLOR_PAIR(0)); #ifdef SUDO_BIN use_sudo=1; #endif } #endif #endif #endif wmove(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y+1, 0); wprintw(stdscr,"Disk capacity must be correctly detected for a successful recovery."); wmove(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y+2, 0); wprintw(stdscr,"If a disk listed above has incorrect size, check HD jumper settings, BIOS"); wmove(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y+3, 0); wprintw(stdscr,"detection, and install the latest OS patches and disk drivers."); } if(use_sudo > 0) { if(i<=NBR_DISK_MAX && element_disk==NULL) menu_options="OSQ"; else menu_options="PNOSQ"; } else { if(i<=NBR_DISK_MAX && element_disk==NULL) menu_options="OQ"; else menu_options="PNOQ"; } command = wmenuSelect_ext(stdscr, INTER_NOTE_Y-1, INTER_DISK_Y, INTER_DISK_X, menuMain, 8, menu_options, MENU_HORIZ | MENU_BUTTON | MENU_ACCEPT_OTHERS, &menu,&real_key); #if defined(KEY_MOUSE) && defined(ENABLE_MOUSE) if(command == KEY_MOUSE) { MEVENT event; if(getmouse(&event) == OK) { /* When the user clicks left mouse button */ if((event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED) || (event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED)) { if(event.y >=8 && event.y<8+NBR_DISK_MAX) { const int pos_num_old=pos_num; /* Disk selection */ while(pos_num > event.y-(8-offset) && current_disk->prev!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->prev; pos_num--; } while(pos_num < event.y-(8-offset) && current_disk->next!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->next; pos_num++; } if(((event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED) && pos_num==pos_num_old) || (event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED)) command='O'; } else command = menu_to_command(INTER_NOTE_Y-1, INTER_DISK_Y, INTER_DISK_X, menuMain, 8, menu_options, MENU_HORIZ | MENU_BUTTON | MENU_ACCEPT_OTHERS, event.y, event.x); } } } #endif switch(command) { case KEY_UP: case 'P': if(current_disk->prev!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->prev; pos_num--; } break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'N': if(current_disk->next!=NULL) { current_disk=current_disk->next; pos_num++; } break; case KEY_PPAGE: for(i=0;i<NBR_DISK_MAX-1 && current_disk->prev!=NULL;i++) { current_disk=current_disk->prev; pos_num--; } break; case KEY_NPAGE: for(i=0;i<NBR_DISK_MAX-1 && current_disk->next!=NULL;i++) { current_disk=current_disk->next; pos_num++; } break; case 'o': case 'O': { disk_t *disk=current_disk->disk; const int hpa_dco=is_hpa_or_dco(disk); autodetect_arch(disk, &arch_none); params->disk=disk; if((hpa_dco==0 || interface_check_hidden_ncurses(disk, hpa_dco)==0) && (options->expert == 0 || change_arch_type_ncurses(disk, options->verbose)==0)) menu_photorec(params, options, list_search_space); } break; case 's': case 'S': return 1; case 'q': case 'Q': return 0; } if(pos_num<offset) offset=pos_num; if(pos_num>=offset+NBR_DISK_MAX) offset=pos_num-NBR_DISK_MAX+1; } }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int i; int use_sudo=0; int help=0, version=0, verbose=0, dump_ind=0; int create_log=TD_LOG_NONE; int do_list=0; int unit=UNIT_DEFAULT; int write_used; int saveheader=0; int create_backup=0; int run_setlocale=1; int done=0; int safe=0; int testdisk_mode=TESTDISK_O_RDWR|TESTDISK_O_READAHEAD_8K; list_disk_t *list_disk=NULL; list_disk_t *element_disk; const char *cmd_device=NULL; char *cmd_run=NULL; const char *logfile="testdisk.log"; FILE *log_handle=NULL; int log_errno=0; /* srand needed for GPT creation (weak is ok) */ srand(time(NULL)); #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION /* set up the signal handler for SIGINT & SIGHUP */ sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); action.sa_handler = sighup_hdlr; action.sa_flags = 0; if(sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL)==-1) { printf("Error on SIGACTION call\n"); return -1; } if(sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, NULL)==-1) { printf("Error on SIGACTION call\n"); return -1; } #endif printf("TestDisk %s, Data Recovery Utility, %s\nChristophe GRENIER <*****@*****.**>\n\n",VERSION,TESTDISKDATE); for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { if((strcmp(argv[i],"/dump")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-dump")==0)) dump_ind=1; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/logname")==0) ||(strcmp(argv[i],"-logname")==0)) { if(i+2>=argc) help=1; else logfile=argv[++i]; } else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/log")==0) ||(strcmp(argv[i],"-log")==0)) { if(create_log==TD_LOG_NONE) create_log=TD_LOG_APPEND; if(log_handle==NULL) log_handle=log_open(logfile, create_log, &log_errno); } else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/debug")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-debug")==0)) { verbose++; if(create_log==TD_LOG_NONE) create_log=TD_LOG_APPEND; if(log_handle==NULL) log_handle=log_open(logfile, create_log, &log_errno); } else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/all")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-all")==0)) testdisk_mode|=TESTDISK_O_ALL; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/backup")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-backup")==0)) create_backup=1; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/direct")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-direct")==0)) testdisk_mode|=TESTDISK_O_DIRECT; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/help")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-help")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"/h")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"/?")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-?")==0)) help=1; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/version")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-version")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"--version")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"/v")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-v")==0)) version=1; else if(strcmp(argv[i],"/list")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-list")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-l")==0) { do_list=1; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-lu")==0) { do_list=1; unit=UNIT_SECTOR; } else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/nosetlocale")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-nosetlocale")==0)) run_setlocale=0; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/safe")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-safe")==0)) safe=1; else if((strcmp(argv[i],"/saveheader")==0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-saveheader")==0)) saveheader=1; else if(strcmp(argv[i],"/cmd")==0) { if(i+2>=argc) help=1; else { disk_t *disk_car; cmd_device=argv[++i]; cmd_run=argv[++i]; disk_car=file_test_availability(cmd_device, verbose, testdisk_mode); if(disk_car==NULL) { printf("\nUnable to open file or device %s\n",cmd_device); help=1; } else list_disk=insert_new_disk(list_disk,disk_car); } } else { disk_t *disk_car=file_test_availability(argv[i], verbose, testdisk_mode); if(disk_car==NULL) { printf("\nUnable to open file or device %s\n",argv[i]); help=1; } else list_disk=insert_new_disk(list_disk,disk_car); } } if(version!=0) { printf("\n"); printf("Version: %s\n", VERSION); printf("Compiler: %s\n", get_compiler()); printf("Compilation date: %s\n", get_compilation_date()); printf("ext2fs lib: %s, ntfs lib: %s, reiserfs lib: %s, ewf lib: %s\n", td_ext2fs_version(), td_ntfs_version(), td_reiserfs_version(), td_ewf_version()); printf("OS: %s\n" , get_os()); return 0; } if(help!=0) { printf("\n" \ "Usage: testdisk [/log] [/debug] [file.dd|file.e01|device]\n"\ " testdisk /list [/log] [file.dd|file.e01|device]\n" \ " testdisk /version\n" \ "\n" \ "/log : create a testdisk.log file\n" \ "/debug : add debug information\n" \ "/list : display current partitions\n" \ "\n" \ "TestDisk checks and recovers lost partitions\n" \ "It works with :\n" \ "- BeFS (BeOS) - BSD disklabel (Free/Open/Net BSD)\n" \ "- CramFS, Compressed File System - DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32\n" \ "- XBox FATX - Windows exFAT\n" \ "- HFS, HFS+, Hierarchical File System - JFS, IBM's Journaled File System\n" \ "- Linux btrfs - Linux ext2, ext3 and ext4\n" \ "- Linux GFS2 - Linux LUKS\n" \ "- Linux Raid - Linux Swap\n" \ "- LVM, LVM2, Logical Volume Manager - Netware NSS\n" \ "- Windows NTFS - ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4\n" \ "- Sun Solaris i386 disklabel - UFS and UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...)\n" \ "- XFS, SGI's Journaled File System - Wii WBFS\n" \ "- Sun ZFS\n" \ "\n" \ "If you have problems with TestDisk or bug reports, please contact me.\n"); return 0; } screen_buffer_reset(); if(do_list!=0) { printf("Please wait...\n"); /* Scan for available device only if no device or image has been supplied in parameter */ if(list_disk==NULL) list_disk=hd_parse(list_disk, verbose, testdisk_mode); /* Activate the cache */ for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) element_disk->disk=new_diskcache(element_disk->disk,testdisk_mode); if(safe==0) hd_update_all_geometry(list_disk, verbose); for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) { disk_t *disk=element_disk->disk; const int hpa_dco=is_hpa_or_dco(disk); printf("%s\n", disk->description(disk)); printf("Sector size:%u\n", disk->sector_size); if(disk->model!=NULL) printf("Model: %s", disk->model); if(disk->serial_no!=NULL) printf(", S/N:%s", disk->serial_no); if(disk->fw_rev!=NULL) printf(", FW:%s", disk->fw_rev); printf("\n"); if(hpa_dco!=0) { if(disk->sector_size!=0) printf("size %llu sectors\n", (long long unsigned)(disk->disk_real_size/disk->sector_size)); if(disk->user_max!=0) printf("user_max %llu sectors\n", (long long unsigned)disk->user_max); if(disk->native_max!=0) printf("native_max %llu sectors\n", (long long unsigned)(disk->native_max+1)); if(disk->dco!=0) printf("dco %llu sectors\n", (long long unsigned)(disk->dco+1)); if(hpa_dco&1) printf("Host Protected Area (HPA) present.\n"); if(hpa_dco&2) printf("Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) present.\n"); } printf("\n"); } for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) { disk_t *disk=element_disk->disk; autodetect_arch(disk, NULL); if(unit==UNIT_DEFAULT) autoset_unit(disk); else disk->unit=unit; interface_list(disk, verbose, saveheader, create_backup); printf("\n"); } delete_list_disk(list_disk); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_SETLOCALE if(run_setlocale>0) { const char *locale; locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); if (locale==NULL) { locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, NULL); log_error("Failed to set locale, using default '%s'.\n", locale); } else { log_info("Using locale '%s'.\n", locale); } } #endif if(create_log!=TD_LOG_NONE && log_handle==NULL) log_handle=log_open_default(logfile, create_log, &log_errno); #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES /* ncurses need locale for correct unicode support */ if(start_ncurses("TestDisk",argv[0])) return 1; if(argc==1 && create_log==TD_LOG_NONE) { verbose=1; create_log=ask_testdisk_log_creation(); if(create_log==TD_LOG_CREATE || create_log==TD_LOG_APPEND) log_handle=log_open(logfile, create_log, &log_errno); } { const char*filename=logfile; while(create_log!=TD_LOG_NONE && log_handle==NULL) { filename=ask_log_location(filename, log_errno); if(filename!=NULL) log_handle=log_open(filename, create_log, &log_errno); else create_log=TD_LOG_NONE; } } #endif if(log_handle!=NULL) { time_t my_time; #ifdef HAVE_DUP2 dup2(fileno(log_handle),2); #endif my_time=time(NULL); log_info("\n\n%s",ctime(&my_time)); log_info("Command line: TestDisk"); for(i=1;i<argc;i++) log_info(" %s", argv[i]); log_info("\n\n"); log_flush(); } log_info("TestDisk %s, Data Recovery Utility, %s\nChristophe GRENIER <*****@*****.**>\n\n", VERSION, TESTDISKDATE); log_info("OS: %s\n" , get_os()); log_info("Compiler: %s\n", get_compiler()); log_info("Compilation date: %s\n", get_compilation_date()); log_info("ext2fs lib: %s, ntfs lib: %s, reiserfs lib: %s, ewf lib: %s\n", td_ext2fs_version(), td_ntfs_version(), td_reiserfs_version(), td_ewf_version()); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(DJGPP) #else #ifdef HAVE_GETEUID if(geteuid()!=0) { log_warning("User is not root!\n"); } #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES aff_copy(stdscr); wmove(stdscr,5,0); wprintw(stdscr, "Please wait...\n"); wrefresh(stdscr); #endif /* Scan for available device only if no device or image has been supplied in parameter */ if(list_disk==NULL) list_disk=hd_parse(list_disk, verbose, testdisk_mode); /* Activate the cache */ for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) element_disk->disk=new_diskcache(element_disk->disk,testdisk_mode); #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES wmove(stdscr,6,0); for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) { wprintw(stdscr,"%s\n",element_disk->disk->description(element_disk->disk)); } wrefresh(stdscr); #endif if(safe==0) hd_update_all_geometry(list_disk, verbose); /* save disk parameters to rapport */ log_info("Hard disk list\n"); for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) { disk_t *disk=element_disk->disk; log_info("%s, sector size=%u", disk->description(disk), disk->sector_size); if(disk->model!=NULL) log_info(" - %s", disk->model); if(disk->serial_no!=NULL) log_info(", S/N:%s", disk->serial_no); if(disk->fw_rev!=NULL) log_info(", FW:%s", disk->fw_rev); log_info("\n"); } log_info("\n"); #ifdef SUDO_BIN if(list_disk==NULL) { #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(DJGPP) #else #ifdef HAVE_GETEUID if(geteuid()!=0) use_sudo=2; #endif #endif } #endif if(use_sudo==0) use_sudo=do_curses_testdisk(verbose,dump_ind,list_disk,saveheader,cmd_device,&cmd_run); #ifdef HAVE_NCURSES end_ncurses(); #endif log_info("\n"); while(done==0) { int command='Q'; if(cmd_run!=NULL) { while(cmd_run[0]==',') (cmd_run)++; if(strncmp(cmd_run,"list",4)==0) { (cmd_run)+=4; command='L'; } else if(cmd_run[0]!='\0') { log_critical("Syntax error in command line: %s\n",cmd_run); printf("Syntax error in command line: %s\n",cmd_run); } } switch(command) { case 'L': for(element_disk=list_disk;element_disk!=NULL;element_disk=element_disk->next) interface_list(element_disk->disk, verbose, saveheader, create_backup); break; case 'q': case 'Q': done = 1; break; } } cmd_device=NULL; cmd_run=NULL; write_used=delete_list_disk(list_disk); log_info("TestDisk exited normally.\n"); if(log_close()!=0) { printf("TestDisk: Log file corrupted!\n"); } if(write_used!=0) { printf("You have to reboot for the change to take effect.\n"); } #ifdef SUDO_BIN if(use_sudo>0) { printf("\n"); if(use_sudo>1) printf("No disk found.\n"); printf("TestDisk will try to restart itself using the sudo command to get\n"); printf("root (superuser) privileges.\n"); printf("\n"); run_sudo(argc, argv); } #endif return 0; }