char *avahi_address_snprint(char *s, size_t length, const AvahiAddress *a) { assert(s); assert(length); assert(a); if (!(inet_ntop(avahi_proto_to_af(a->proto), a->, s, length))) return NULL; return s; }
static void browse_record_callback(AvahiRecordBrowser *b, AvahiIfIndex intf, AvahiProtocol proto, AvahiBrowserEvent event, const char *hostname, uint16_t clazz, uint16_t type, const void *rdata, size_t size, AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void *userdata) { struct mdns_record_browser *rb_data; AvahiAddress addr; char address[AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX]; int family; int ret; rb_data = (struct mdns_record_browser *)userdata; if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_CACHE_EXHAUSTED) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Record Browser (%s, proto %d): no more results (CACHE_EXHAUSTED)\n", hostname, proto); else if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_ALL_FOR_NOW) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Record Browser (%s, proto %d): no more results (ALL_FOR_NOW)\n", hostname, proto); else if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_FAILURE) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Record Browser (%s, proto %d) failure: %s\n", hostname, proto, MDNSERR); else if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_REMOVE) return; // Not handled - record browser lifetime too short for this to happen if (event != AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW) goto out_free_record_browser; ret = avahi_address_make(&addr, proto, rdata, size); // Not an avahi function despite the name if (ret < 0) return; family = avahi_proto_to_af(proto); avahi_address_snprint(address, sizeof(address), &addr); // Avahi will sometimes give us link-local addresses in or // fe80::/10, which (most of the time) are useless // - see also if ((proto == AVAHI_PROTO_INET && is_v4ll(& || (proto == AVAHI_PROTO_INET6 && is_v6ll(& { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_MDNS, "Ignoring announcement from %s, address %s is link-local\n", hostname, address); return; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Record Browser (%s, proto %d): NEW record %s for service type '%s'\n", hostname, proto, address, rb_data->mb->type); // Execute callback (mb->cb) with all the data rb_data->mb->cb(rb_data->name, rb_data->mb->type, rb_data->domain, hostname, family, address, rb_data->port, &rb_data->txt_kv); // Stop record browser out_free_record_browser: keyval_clear(&rb_data->txt_kv); free(rb_data->name); free(rb_data->domain); free(rb_data); avahi_record_browser_free(b); }
static void browse_callback(AvahiServiceBrowser *b, AvahiIfIndex intf, AvahiProtocol proto, AvahiBrowserEvent event, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void *userdata) { struct mdns_browser *mb; struct mdns_resolver *r; int family; mb = (struct mdns_browser *)userdata; switch (event) { case AVAHI_BROWSER_FAILURE: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Browser failure: %s\n", MDNSERR); avahi_service_browser_free(b); b = avahi_service_browser_new(mdns_client, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, mb->protocol, mb->type, NULL, 0, browse_callback, mb); if (!b) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Failed to recreate service browser (service type %s): %s\n", mb->type, MDNSERR); return; } break; case AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW: DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Browser: NEW service '%s' type '%s' proto %d\n", name, type, proto); CHECK_NULL(L_MDNS, r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mdns_resolver))); r->resolver = avahi_service_resolver_new(mdns_client, intf, proto, name, type, domain, proto, 0, browse_resolve_callback, mb); if (!r->resolver) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Failed to create service resolver: %s\n", MDNSERR); free(r); return; } r->name = strdup(name); r->proto = proto; r->next = resolver_list; resolver_list = r; break; case AVAHI_BROWSER_REMOVE: DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Browser: REMOVE service '%s' type '%s' proto %d\n", name, type, proto); family = avahi_proto_to_af(proto); if (family != AF_UNSPEC) mb->cb(name, type, domain, NULL, family, NULL, -1, NULL); resolvers_cleanup(name, proto); break; case AVAHI_BROWSER_ALL_FOR_NOW: case AVAHI_BROWSER_CACHE_EXHAUSTED: DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Browser (%s): no more results (%s)\n", mb->type, (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_CACHE_EXHAUSTED) ? "CACHE_EXHAUSTED" : "ALL_FOR_NOW"); break; } }
static void browse_resolve_callback(AvahiServiceResolver *r, AvahiIfIndex intf, AvahiProtocol proto, AvahiResolverEvent event, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, const char *hostname, const AvahiAddress *addr, uint16_t port, AvahiStringList *txt, AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void *userdata) { AvahiRecordBrowser *rb; struct mdns_browser *mb; struct mdns_record_browser *rb_data; char *key; char *value; uint16_t dns_type; int family; int ret; mb = (struct mdns_browser *)userdata; if (event != AVAHI_RESOLVER_FOUND) { if (event == AVAHI_RESOLVER_FAILURE) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Resolver failure: service '%s' type '%s' proto %d: %s\n", name, type, proto, MDNSERR); else DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Resolver empty callback\n"); family = avahi_proto_to_af(proto); if (family != AF_UNSPEC) mb->cb(name, type, domain, NULL, family, NULL, -1, NULL); // We don't clean up resolvers because we want a notification from them if // the service reappears (e.g. if device was switched off and then on) return; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_MDNS, "Avahi Resolver: resolved service '%s' type '%s' proto %d, host %s\n", name, type, proto, hostname); CHECK_NULL(L_MDNS, rb_data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct mdns_record_browser))); rb_data->name = strdup(name); rb_data->domain = strdup(domain); rb_data->mb = mb; rb_data->port = port; while (txt) { ret = avahi_string_list_get_pair(txt, &key, &value, NULL); txt = avahi_string_list_get_next(txt); if (ret < 0) continue; if (value) { keyval_add(&rb_data->txt_kv, key, value); avahi_free(value); } avahi_free(key); } if (proto == AVAHI_PROTO_INET6) dns_type = AVAHI_DNS_TYPE_AAAA; else dns_type = AVAHI_DNS_TYPE_A; // We need to implement a record browser because the announcement from some // devices (e.g. ApEx 1 gen) will include multiple records, and we need to // filter out those records that won't work (notably link-local). The value of // *addr given by browse_resolve_callback is just the first record. rb = avahi_record_browser_new(mdns_client, intf, proto, hostname, AVAHI_DNS_CLASS_IN, dns_type, 0, browse_record_callback, rb_data); if (!rb) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MDNS, "Could not create record browser for host %s: %s\n", hostname, MDNSERR); }