Esempio n. 1
void pa_smoother_put(pa_smoother *s, pa_usec_t x, pa_usec_t y) {
    pa_usec_t ney;
    double nde;

    pa_assert(x >= s->time_offset);

    /* Fix up x value */
    if (s->paused)
        x = s->pause_time;

    pa_assert(x >= s->time_offset);
    x -= s->time_offset;

    pa_assert(x >= s->ex);

    /* First, we calculate the position we'd estimate for x, so that
     * we can adjust our position smoothly from this one */
    estimate(s, x, &ney, &nde);
    s->ex = x; s->ey = ney; s->de = nde;

    /* Then, we add the new measurement to our history */
    add_to_history(s, x, y);

    /* And determine the average gradient of the history */
    s->dp = avg_gradient(s, x);

    /* And calculate when we want to be on track again */
    s->px = x + s->adjust_time;
    s->py = y + s->dp *s->adjust_time;

    s->abc_valid = FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
void pa_smoother_put(pa_smoother *s, uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
    uint64_t ney;
    double nde;
    bool is_new;


    /* Fix up x value */
    if (s->paused)
        x = s->pause_time;

    x = PA_LIKELY(x >= s->time_offset) ? x - s->time_offset : 0;

    is_new = x >= s->ex;

    if (is_new) {
        /* First, we calculate the position we'd estimate for x, so that
         * we can adjust our position smoothly from this one */
        estimate(s, x, &ney, &nde);
        s->ex = x; s->ey = ney; s->de = nde;
        s->ry = y;

    /* Then, we add the new measurement to our history */
    add_to_history(s, x, y);

    /* And determine the average gradient of the history */
    s->dp = avg_gradient(s, x);

    /* And calculate when we want to be on track again */
    if (s->smoothing) {
        s->px = s->ex + s->adjust_time;
        s->py = s->ry + (uint64_t) llrint(s->dp * (double) s->adjust_time);
    } else {
        s->px = s->ex;
        s->py = s->ry;

    s->abc_valid = false;

    pa_log_debug("%p, put(%llu | %llu) = %llu", s, (unsigned long long) (x + s->time_offset), (unsigned long long) x, (unsigned long long) y);