Esempio n. 1
 *  This routine is always followed by vcs_prep(). Therefore, tasks
 *  that need to be done for every call to vcsc() should be placed in
 *  vcs_prep() and not in this routine.
 *  The problem structure refers to:
 *     the number and identity of the species.
 *     the formula matrix and thus the number of components.
 *     the number and identity of the phases.
 *     the equation of state
 *     the method and parameters for determining the standard state
 *     The method and parameters for determining the activity coefficients.
 * Tasks:
 *    0) Fill in the SSPhase[] array.
 *    1) Check to see if any multispecies phases actually have only one
 *       species in that phase. If true, reassign that phase and species
 *       to be a single-species phase.
 *    2) Determine the number of components in the problem if not already
 *       done so. During this process the order of the species is changed
 *       in the private data structure. All references to the species
 *       properties must employ the ind[] index vector.
 *  @param printLvl Print level of the routine
 *  @return the return code
 *        VCS_SUCCESS = everything went OK
int VCS_SOLVE::vcs_prep_oneTime(int printLvl) {
    size_t kspec, i;
    int retn = VCS_SUCCESS;
    double pres, test;
    double *aw, *sa, *sm, *ss;
    bool modifiedSoln = false;
    bool conv;

    m_debug_print_lvl = printLvl;

     *  Calculate the Single Species status of phases
     *  Also calculate the number of species per phase

     *      Set an initial estimate for the number of noncomponent species
     *      equal to nspecies - nelements. This may be changed below
    m_numRxnTot = m_numSpeciesTot - m_numElemConstraints;
    m_numRxnRdc = m_numRxnTot;
    m_numSpeciesRdc = m_numSpeciesTot;
    for (i = 0; i < m_numRxnRdc; ++i) {
        m_indexRxnToSpecies[i] = m_numElemConstraints + i;

    for (kspec = 0; kspec < m_numSpeciesTot; ++kspec) {
        size_t pID = m_phaseID[kspec];
        size_t spPhIndex = m_speciesLocalPhaseIndex[kspec];
        vcs_VolPhase *vPhase =  m_VolPhaseList[pID];
        vcs_SpeciesProperties *spProp = vPhase->speciesProperty(spPhIndex);
        double sz = 0.0;
        size_t eSize = spProp->FormulaMatrixCol.size();
        for (size_t e = 0; e < eSize; e++) {
            sz += fabs(spProp->FormulaMatrixCol[e]);
        if (sz > 0.0) {
            m_spSize[kspec] = sz;
        } else {
            m_spSize[kspec] = 1.0;

    /* ***************************************************** */
    /* **** DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF COMPONENTS ************* */
    /* ***************************************************** */

     *       Obtain a valid estimate of the mole fraction. This will
     *       be used as an initial ordering vector for prioritizing
     *       which species are defined as components.
     *       If a mole number estimate was supplied from the
     *       input file, use that mole number estimate.
     *       If a solution estimate wasn't supplied from the input file,
     *       supply an initial estimate for the mole fractions
     *       based on the relative reverse ordering of the
     *       chemical potentials.
     *       For voltage unknowns, set these to zero for the moment.
    test = -1.0e-10;
    if (m_doEstimateEquil < 0) {
        double sum  = 0.0;
        for (kspec = 0; kspec < m_numSpeciesTot; ++kspec) {
            if (m_speciesUnknownType[kspec] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLNUM) {
                sum += fabs(m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec]);
        if (fabs(sum) < 1.0E-6) {
            modifiedSoln = true;
            if (m_pressurePA <= 0.0)  pres = 1.01325E5;
            else                      pres = m_pressurePA;
            retn = vcs_evalSS_TP(0, 0, m_temperature, pres);
            for (kspec = 0; kspec < m_numSpeciesTot; ++kspec) {
                if (m_speciesUnknownType[kspec] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLNUM) {
                    m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = - m_SSfeSpecies[kspec];
                } else {
                    m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = 0.0;
        test = -1.0e20;

     *      NC = number of components is in the vcs.h common block
     *     This call to BASOPT doesn't calculate the stoichiometric
     *     reaction matrix.
    std::vector<double> awSpace( m_numSpeciesTot + (m_numElemConstraints + 2)*(m_numElemConstraints), 0.0);
    aw = VCS_DATA_PTR(awSpace);
    if (aw == NULL) {
        plogf("vcs_prep_oneTime: failed to get memory: global bailout\n");
        return VCS_NOMEMORY;
    sa = aw + m_numSpeciesTot;
    sm = sa + m_numElemConstraints;
    ss = sm + (m_numElemConstraints)*(m_numElemConstraints);
    retn = vcs_basopt(true, aw, sa, sm, ss, test, &conv);
    if (retn != VCS_SUCCESS) {
        plogf(" Determination of number of components failed: %d\n",
        plogf("          Global Bailout!\n");
        return retn;

    if (m_numElemConstraints != m_numComponents) {
        m_numRxnTot = m_numRxnRdc = m_numSpeciesTot - m_numComponents;
        for (i = 0; i < m_numRxnRdc; ++i) {
            m_indexRxnToSpecies[i] = m_numComponents + i;

     *   The elements might need to be rearranged.
    awSpace.resize(m_numElemConstraints + (m_numElemConstraints + 2)*(m_numElemConstraints), 0.0);
    aw = VCS_DATA_PTR(awSpace);
    sa = aw + m_numElemConstraints;
    sm = sa + m_numElemConstraints;
    ss = sm + (m_numElemConstraints)*(m_numElemConstraints);
    retn = vcs_elem_rearrange(aw, sa, sm, ss);
    if (retn != VCS_SUCCESS) {
        plogf(" Determination of element reordering failed: %d\n",
        plogf("          Global Bailout!\n");
        return retn;

    // If we mucked up the solution unknowns because they were all
    // zero to start with, set them back to zero here
    if (modifiedSoln) {
        for (kspec = 0; kspec < m_numSpeciesTot; ++kspec) {
            m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = 0.0;
    return VCS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
int VCS_SOLVE::vcs_prep(int printLvl)
    int retn = VCS_SUCCESS;
    m_debug_print_lvl = printLvl;

    // Calculate the Single Species status of phases
    // Also calculate the number of species per phase

    // Set an initial estimate for the number of noncomponent species equal to
    // nspecies - nelements. This may be changed below
    if (m_nelem > m_nsp) {
        m_numRxnTot = 0;
    } else {
        m_numRxnTot = m_nsp - m_nelem;
    m_numRxnRdc = m_numRxnTot;
    m_numSpeciesRdc = m_nsp;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numRxnRdc; ++i) {
        m_indexRxnToSpecies[i] = m_nelem + i;

    for (size_t kspec = 0; kspec < m_nsp; ++kspec) {
        size_t pID = m_phaseID[kspec];
        size_t spPhIndex = m_speciesLocalPhaseIndex[kspec];
        vcs_VolPhase* vPhase = m_VolPhaseList[pID].get();
        vcs_SpeciesProperties* spProp = vPhase->speciesProperty(spPhIndex);
        double sz = 0.0;
        size_t eSize = spProp->FormulaMatrixCol.size();
        for (size_t e = 0; e < eSize; e++) {
            sz += fabs(spProp->FormulaMatrixCol[e]);
        if (sz > 0.0) {
            m_spSize[kspec] = sz;
        } else {
            m_spSize[kspec] = 1.0;

    // Obtain a valid estimate of the mole fraction. This will be used as an
    // initial ordering vector for prioritizing which species are defined as
    // components.
    // If a mole number estimate was supplied from the input file, use that mole
    // number estimate.
    // If a solution estimate wasn't supplied from the input file, supply an
    // initial estimate for the mole fractions based on the relative reverse
    // ordering of the chemical potentials.
    // For voltage unknowns, set these to zero for the moment.
    double test = -1.0e-10;
    bool modifiedSoln = false;
    if (m_doEstimateEquil < 0) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (size_t kspec = 0; kspec < m_nsp; ++kspec) {
            if (m_speciesUnknownType[kspec] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLNUM) {
                sum += fabs(m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec]);
        if (fabs(sum) < 1.0E-6) {
            modifiedSoln = true;
            double pres = (m_pressurePA <= 0.0) ? 1.01325E5 : m_pressurePA;
            retn = vcs_evalSS_TP(0, 0, m_temperature, pres);
            for (size_t kspec = 0; kspec < m_nsp; ++kspec) {
                if (m_speciesUnknownType[kspec] == VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLNUM) {
                    m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = - m_SSfeSpecies[kspec];
                } else {
                    m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = 0.0;
        test = -1.0e20;

    // NC = number of components is in the vcs.h common block. This call to
    // BASOPT doesn't calculate the stoichiometric reaction matrix.
    vector_fp awSpace(m_nsp + (m_nelem + 2)*(m_nelem), 0.0);
    double* aw = &awSpace[0];
    if (aw == NULL) {
        plogf("vcs_prep_oneTime: failed to get memory: global bailout\n");
        return VCS_NOMEMORY;
    double* sa = aw + m_nsp;
    double* sm = sa + m_nelem;
    double* ss = sm + m_nelem * m_nelem;
    bool conv;
    retn = vcs_basopt(true, aw, sa, sm, ss, test, &conv);
    if (retn != VCS_SUCCESS) {
        plogf(" Determination of number of components failed: %d\n",
        plogf("          Global Bailout!\n");
        return retn;

    if (m_nsp >= m_numComponents) {
        m_numRxnTot = m_numRxnRdc = m_nsp - m_numComponents;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numRxnRdc; ++i) {
            m_indexRxnToSpecies[i] = m_numComponents + i;
    } else {
        m_numRxnTot = m_numRxnRdc = 0;

    // The elements might need to be rearranged.
    awSpace.resize(m_nelem + (m_nelem + 2)*m_nelem, 0.0);
    aw = &awSpace[0];
    sa = aw + m_nelem;
    sm = sa + m_nelem;
    ss = sm + m_nelem * m_nelem;
    retn = vcs_elem_rearrange(aw, sa, sm, ss);
    if (retn != VCS_SUCCESS) {
        plogf(" Determination of element reordering failed: %d\n",
        plogf("          Global Bailout!\n");
        return retn;

    // If we mucked up the solution unknowns because they were all
    // zero to start with, set them back to zero here
    if (modifiedSoln) {
        for (size_t kspec = 0; kspec < m_nsp; ++kspec) {
            m_molNumSpecies_old[kspec] = 0.0;

    // Initialize various arrays in the data to zero
    m_feSpecies_old.assign(m_feSpecies_old.size(), 0.0);
    m_feSpecies_new.assign(m_feSpecies_new.size(), 0.0);
    m_molNumSpecies_new.assign(m_molNumSpecies_new.size(), 0.0);;;
    m_deltaPhaseMoles.assign(m_deltaPhaseMoles.size(), 0.0);
    m_tPhaseMoles_new.assign(m_tPhaseMoles_new.size(), 0.0);

    // Calculate the total number of moles in all phases.

    // Check to see if the current problem is well posed.
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (size_t e = 0; e < m_nelem; e++) {
        sum += m_mix->elementMoles(e);
    if (sum < 1.0E-20) {
        // Check to see if the current problem is well posed.
        plogf("vcs has determined the problem is not well posed: Bailing\n");
        return VCS_PUB_BAD;
    return VCS_SUCCESS;