Esempio n. 1
 Real BlackIborCouponPricer::optionletPrice(Option::Type optionType,
                                            Real effStrike) const {
     Date fixingDate = coupon_->fixingDate();
     if (fixingDate <= Settings::instance().evaluationDate()) {
         // the amount is determined
         Real a, b;
         if (optionType==Option::Call) {
             a = coupon_->indexFixing();
             b = effStrike;
         } else {
             a = effStrike;
             b = coupon_->indexFixing();
         return std::max(a - b, 0.0)* accrualPeriod_*discount_;
     } else {
         // not yet determined, use Black model
                    "missing optionlet volatility");
         Real stdDev =
         Real shift = capletVolatility()->displacement();
         bool shiftedLn =
             capletVolatility()->volatilityType() == ShiftedLognormal;
         Rate fixing =
                 ? blackFormula(optionType, effStrike, adjustedFixing(),
                                stdDev, 1.0, shift)
                 : bachelierBlackFormula(optionType, effStrike,
                                         adjustedFixing(), stdDev, 1.0);
         return fixing * accrualPeriod_ * discount_;
 Real YoYInflationBachelierCapFloorEngine::optionletImpl(Option::Type type, Rate strike,
                                                     Rate forward, Real stdDev,
                                                     Real d) const
     return bachelierBlackFormula(type, strike,
                                  forward, stdDev, d);
Esempio n. 3
 Real bachelierBlackFormula(
                     const boost::shared_ptr<PlainVanillaPayoff>& payoff,
                     Real forward,
                     Real stdDev,
                     Real discount) {
     return bachelierBlackFormula(payoff->optionType(),
         payoff->strike(), forward, stdDev, discount);
Esempio n. 4
 Real SmileSection::optionPrice(Rate strike,
                                Option::Type type,
                                Real discount) const {
     Real atm = atmLevel();
     QL_REQUIRE(atm != Null<Real>(),
                "smile section must provide atm level to compute option price");
     // if lognormal or shifted lognormal,
     // for strike at -shift, return option price even if outside
     // minstrike, maxstrike interval
     if (volatilityType() == ShiftedLognormal)
         return blackFormula(type,strike,atm, fabs(strike+shift()) < QL_EPSILON ?
                         0.2 : sqrt(variance(strike)),discount,shift());
         return bachelierBlackFormula(type,strike,atm,sqrt(variance(strike)),discount);
 Real LognormalCmsSpreadPricer::optionletPrice(Option::Type optionType,
                                               Real strike) const {
     // this method is only called for future fixings
     optionType_ = optionType;
     phi_ = optionType == Option::Call ? 1.0 : -1.0;
     Real res = 0.0;
     if (volType_ == ShiftedLognormal) {
         // (shifted) lognormal volatility
         if (strike >= 0.0) {
             a_ = gearing1_;
             b_ = gearing2_;
             s1_ = swapRate1_ + shift1_;
             s2_ = swapRate2_ + shift2_;
             m1_ = mu1_;
             m2_ = mu2_;
             v1_ = vol1_;
             v2_ = vol2_;
             k_ = strike + gearing1_ * shift1_ + gearing2_ * shift2_;
         } else {
             a_ = -gearing2_;
             b_ = -gearing1_;
             s1_ = swapRate2_ + shift1_;
             s2_ = swapRate1_ + shift2_;
             m1_ = mu2_;
             m2_ = mu1_;
             v1_ = vol2_;
             v2_ = vol1_;
             k_ = -strike - gearing1_ * shift1_ - gearing2_ * shift2_;
             res += phi_ * (gearing1_ * adjustedRate1_ +
                            gearing2_ * adjustedRate2_ - strike);
         res +=
             1.0 / M_SQRTPI * (*integrator_)(integrand_f(this));
     } else {
         // normal volatility
         Real forward = gearing1_ * adjustedRate1_ +
             gearing2_ * adjustedRate2_;
         Real stddev =
             std::sqrt(fixingTime_ *
                       (gearing1_ * gearing1_ * vol1_ * vol1_ +
                        gearing2_ * gearing2_ * vol2_ * vol2_ +
                        2.0 * gearing1_ * gearing2_ * rho_ * vol1_ * vol2_));
         res =
             bachelierBlackFormula(optionType_, strike, forward, stddev, 1.0);
     return res * discount_ * coupon_->accrualPeriod();
Esempio n. 6
 Real value(const Option::Type type, const Real strike,
            const Real atmForward, const Real stdDev, const Real annuity,
            const Real) {
     return bachelierBlackFormula(type, strike, atmForward, stdDev,