Esempio n. 1
void search(char *txt, char *pat)
    int m = strlen(pat);
    int n = strlen(txt);
    int badchar[NO_OF_CHARS];
    badCharHeuristic(pat, m, badchar);
    int s = 0; // s is shift of the pattern with respect to text
    while (s <= (n - m))
        int j = m - 1; //starten op het einde van de naald P
        while (j >= 0 && pat[j] == txt[s + j])
        if (j < 0){
            printf("\n pattern occurs at shift = %d", s);
            s += (s + m < n) ? m - badchar[txt[s + m]] : 1;
        	// ofwel 1 positie ofwel 0
        	s += max(1, j - badchar[txt[s + j]]);
Esempio n. 2
/* A pattern searching function that uses Bad Character Heuristic of
   Boyer Moore Algorithm */
void search( char *txt,  char *pat)
    int m = strlen(pat);
    int n = strlen(txt);

    int badchar[NO_OF_CHARS];

    /* Fill the bad character array by calling the preprocessing
       function badCharHeuristic() for given pattern */
    badCharHeuristic(pat, m, badchar);

    int s = 0;  // s is shift of the pattern with respect to text
    while(s <= (n - m))
        int j = m-1;

        /* Keep reducing index j of pattern while characters of
           pattern and text are matching at this shift s */
        while(j >= 0 && pat[j] == txt[s+j])

        /* If the pattern is present at current shift, then index j
           will become -1 after the above loop */
        if (j < 0)
            printf("pattern occurs at shift = %d\n", s);

            /* Shift the pattern so that the next character in text
               aligns with the last occurrence of it in pattern.
               The condition s+m < n is necessary for the case when
               pattern occurs at the end of text */
            s += (s+m < n)? m-badchar[txt[s+m]] : 1;


            /* Shift the pattern so that the bad character in text
               aligns with the last occurrence of it in pattern. The
               max function is used to make sure that we get a positive
               shift. We may get a negative shift if the last occurrence
               of bad character in pattern is on the right side of the
               current character. */
            s += max(1, j - badchar[txt[s+j]]);