Esempio n. 1
int addBam(const bam1_t *bam, void *data)
/* bam_fetch() calls this on each bam alignment retrieved.  Translate each bam
 * into a linkedFeatures item, and add it to tg->items. */
struct bamTrackData *btd = (struct bamTrackData *)data;
if (!passesFilters(bam, btd))
    return 0;
struct linkedFeatures *lf = bamToLf(bam, data);
struct track *tg = btd->tg;
slAddHead(&(tg->items), lf);
return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int addBamPaired(const bam1_t *bam, void *data)
/* bam_fetch() calls this on each bam alignment retrieved.  Translate each bam
 * into a linkedFeaturesSeries item, and either store it until we find its mate
 * or add it to tg->items. */
const bam1_core_t *core = &bam->core;
struct bamTrackData *btd = (struct bamTrackData *)data;
if (! passesFilters(bam, btd))
    return 0;
struct linkedFeatures *lf = bamToLf(bam, data);
struct track *tg = btd->tg;
if (!(core->flag & BAM_FPAIRED) || (core->flag & BAM_FMUNMAP))
    if (lf->start < winEnd && lf->end > winStart)
	slAddHead(&(tg->items), lfsFromLf(lf));
    if ((core->flag & BAM_FMUNMAP) && sameString(btd->colorMode, BAM_COLOR_MODE_GRAY) &&
	sameString(btd->grayMode, BAM_GRAY_MODE_UNPAIRED))
	// not properly paired: make it a lighter shade.
	lf->grayIx -= 4;
    struct linkedFeatures *lfMate = (struct linkedFeatures *)hashFindVal(btd->pairHash, lf->name);
    if (lfMate == NULL)
	if (core->flag & BAM_FPROPER_PAIR)
	    // If we know that this is properly paired, but don't have the mate,
	    // make a bogus item off the edge of the window so that if we don't
	    // encounter its mate later, we can at least draw an arrow off the
	    // edge of the window.
	    struct linkedFeatures *stub;
	    // don't link to pair that's not on the same chrom
	    if ((core->mpos < 0) || (core->tid != core->mtid))
		int offscreen;
		if (lf->orientation > 0)
		    offscreen = max(winEnd, lf->end) + 10;
		    offscreen = min(winStart, lf->start) - 10;
		if (offscreen < 0) offscreen = 0;
		stub = lfStub(offscreen, -lf->orientation);
		stub = lfStub(core->mpos, -lf->orientation);
	    lf->next = stub;
	else if (sameString(btd->colorMode, BAM_COLOR_MODE_GRAY) &&
		 sameString(btd->grayMode, BAM_GRAY_MODE_UNPAIRED))
	    // not properly paired: make it a lighter shade.
	    lf->grayIx -= 4;
	hashAdd(btd->pairHash, lf->name, lf);
	lfMate->next = lf;
	if (min(lfMate->start, lf->start) < winEnd && max(lfMate->end, lf->end) > winStart)
	    slAddHead(&(tg->items), lfsFromLf(lfMate));
	hashRemove(btd->pairHash, lf->name);
return 0;