Esempio n. 1
SEXP extract_pair_data(SEXP bam, SEXP index, SEXP chr, SEXP start, SEXP end, SEXP mapq, SEXP dedup, SEXP diagnostics) try {
    // Checking input values.
    if (!isInteger(mapq) || LENGTH(mapq)!=1) {
        throw std::runtime_error("mapping quality should be an integer scalar");
    const int minqual=asInteger(mapq);

    if (!isLogical(dedup) || LENGTH(dedup)!=1) {
        throw std::runtime_error("duplicate removal should be a logical scalar"); 
    const bool rmdup=asLogical(dedup);

    if (!isLogical(diagnostics) || LENGTH(diagnostics)!=1) { 
        throw std::runtime_error("diagnostics specification should be a logical scalar"); 
    const bool getnames=asLogical(diagnostics);

    // Initializing odds and ends.
    BamFile bf(bam, index);
    BamRead br;
    BamIterator biter(bf, chr, start, end);
    OutputContainer oc(getnames);
    typedef std::map<std::pair<int, std::string>, AlignData> Holder;
    std::deque<Holder> all_holders(4); // four holders, one for each strand/first combination; cut down searches.
    std::pair<int, std::string> current;
    Holder::iterator ith;
    int curpos, mate_pos;
    AlignData algn_data;
    bool am_mapped, is_first;

    bool mate_is_in;
    std::set<std::string> identical_pos;
    std::set<std::string>::iterator itip;
    int last_identipos=-1;

    while (bam_itr_next(, biter.iter, >= 0){
        curpos = (>core).pos + 1; // Getting 1-indexed position.
        am_mapped=br.is_well_mapped(minqual, rmdup);

        /* Reasons to not add a read: */
//        // If we can see that it is obviously unmapped (IMPOSSIBLE for a sorted file).
//        if ((( -> core).flag & BAM_FUNMAP)!=0) { 
//            // We don't filter by additional mapping criteria, as we need to search 'holder' to pop out the partner and to store diagnostics.
//            continue;
//        } 
        // If it's a singleton.
        if ((( -> core).flag & BAM_FPAIRED)==0) {
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_single(curpos, algn_data); }

        // Or, if we can see that its partner is obviously unmapped.
        if ((( -> core).flag & BAM_FMUNMAP)!=0) {
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_onemapped(curpos, algn_data); }

        // Or if it's inter-chromosomal.
        is_first=(((>core).flag & BAM_FREAD1)!=0);
        if (is_first==(((>core).flag & BAM_FREAD2)!=0)) { 
            std::stringstream err;
            err << "read '" << bam_get_qname( << "' must be either first or second in the pair";
            throw std::runtime_error(err.str()); 
        if (( -> core).mtid!=( -> core).tid) { 
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_interchr(curpos, algn_data, bam_get_qname(, is_first); } 

        /* Checking the map and adding it if it doesn't exist. */
        mate_pos = ( -> core).mpos + 1; // 1-indexed position, again.
        if (mate_pos < curpos) {
        } else if (mate_pos == curpos) {
            // Identical mpos to curpos needs careful handling to figure out whether we've already seen it.
            if (curpos!=last_identipos) { 
            if (itip!=identical_pos.end() && !(identical_pos.key_comp()(current.second, *itip))) {
            } else {
                identical_pos.insert(itip, current.second);

        if (mate_is_in) {
            current.first = mate_pos;
            Holder& holder=all_holders[int(!is_first) + 2*int(bam_is_mrev(];

            if (ith != holder.end()) { 
                if (!am_mapped) {
                    // Searching to pop out the mate, to reduce the size of 'holder' for the remaining searches (and to store diagnostics).
                    oc.add_onemapped((ith->first).first, ith->second);

                oc.add_genuine(curpos, algn_data, (ith->first).first, ith->second, is_first);
            } else if (am_mapped) {
                // Only possible if the mate didn't get added because 'am_mapped' was false.
                oc.add_onemapped(curpos, algn_data);
        } else if (am_mapped) {
            current.first = curpos;
            Holder& holder=all_holders[int(is_first) + 2*int(algn_data.is_reverse)];
            holder[current] = algn_data;

    // Leftovers treated as one_unmapped; marked as paired, but the mate is not in file.
    for (size_t h=0; h<all_holders.size(); ++h) { 
        Holder& holder=all_holders[h];
        for (ith=holder.begin(); ith!=holder.end(); ++ith) { 
            oc.add_onemapped((ith->first).first, ith->second);

    // Storing all output.
    SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, getnames ? 9 : 2));
    try {
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
        SEXP left=VECTOR_ELT(output, 0);
        store_int_output(left, 0, oc.forward_pos_out);
        store_int_output(left, 1, oc.forward_len_out);
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
        SEXP right=VECTOR_ELT(output, 1);
        store_int_output(right, 0, oc.reverse_pos_out);
        store_int_output(right, 1, oc.reverse_len_out);
        if (getnames) {
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, ScalarInteger(oc.totals));
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 3, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP singles=VECTOR_ELT(output, 3);
            store_int_output(singles, 0, oc.single_pos);
            store_int_output(singles, 1, oc.single_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 4, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP first=VECTOR_ELT(output, 4);
            store_int_output(first, 0, oc.ufirst_pos);
            store_int_output(first, 1, oc.ufirst_len);
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 5, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP second=VECTOR_ELT(output, 5);
            store_int_output(second, 0, oc.usecond_pos);
            store_int_output(second, 1, oc.usecond_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 6, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP onemap=VECTOR_ELT(output, 6);
            store_int_output(onemap, 0, oc.onemap_pos);
            store_int_output(onemap, 1, oc.onemap_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 7, allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
            SEXP interchr1=VECTOR_ELT(output, 7);
            store_int_output(interchr1, 0, oc.ifirst_pos);
            store_int_output(interchr1, 1, oc.ifirst_len);
            store_names(interchr1, 2, oc.interchr_names_1);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 8, allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
            SEXP interchr2=VECTOR_ELT(output, 8);
            store_int_output(interchr2, 0, oc.isecond_pos);
            store_int_output(interchr2, 1, oc.isecond_len);
            store_names(interchr2, 2, oc.interchr_names_2);
    } catch (std::exception &e) {

    return output;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
    return mkString(e.what());
Esempio n. 2
static int make_pair_key(key_data_t *key, bam1_t *bam) {
    int32_t this_ref, this_coord, this_end;
    int32_t other_ref, other_coord, other_end;
    int32_t orientation, leftmost;
    uint8_t *data;
    char *cig;

    this_ref    = bam->core.tid + 1; // avoid a 0 being put into the hash
    other_ref   = bam->core.mtid + 1;

    this_coord = unclipped_start(bam);
    this_end   = unclipped_end(bam);

    if ((data = bam_aux_get(bam, "MC"))) {
        cig = bam_aux2Z(data);
        other_end   = unclipped_other_end(bam->core.mpos, cig);
        other_coord = unclipped_other_start(bam->core.mpos, cig);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "[markdup] error: no MC tag.\n");
        return 1;

    // work out orientations
    if (this_ref != other_ref) {
        leftmost = this_ref < other_ref;
    } else {
        if (bam_is_rev(bam) == bam_is_mrev(bam)) {
            if (!bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                leftmost = this_coord <= other_coord;
            } else {
                leftmost = this_end <= other_end;
        } else {
            if (bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                leftmost = this_end <= other_coord;
            } else {
                leftmost = this_coord <= other_end;

    // pair orientation
    if (leftmost) {
        if (bam_is_rev(bam) == bam_is_mrev(bam)) {
            other_coord = other_end;

            if (!bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                if (bam->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1) {
                    orientation = O_FF;
                } else {
                    orientation = O_RR;
            } else {
                if (bam->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1) {
                    orientation = O_RR;
                } else {
                    orientation = O_FF;
        } else {
            if (!bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                orientation = O_FR;
                other_coord = other_end;
            } else {
                orientation = O_RF;
                this_coord = this_end;
    } else {
        if (bam_is_rev(bam) == bam_is_mrev(bam)) {
            this_coord = this_end;

            if (!bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                if (bam->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1) {
                    orientation = O_RR;
                } else {
                    orientation = O_FF;
            } else {
                if (bam->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1) {
                    orientation = O_FF;
                } else {
                    orientation = O_RR;
        } else {
            if (!bam_is_rev(bam)) {
                orientation = O_RF;
                other_coord = other_end;
            } else {
                orientation = O_FR;
                this_coord = this_end;

    if (!leftmost)
        leftmost = 13;
        leftmost = 11;

    key->single        = 0;
    key->this_ref      = this_ref;
    key->this_coord    = this_coord;
    key->other_ref     = other_ref;
    key->other_coord   = other_coord;
    key->leftmost      = leftmost;
    key->orientation   = orientation;

    return 0;