Esempio n. 1
int sos_smaller (int i, int j, int k, int l)
     /* SoS predicate smaller.
        Assumes indices in proper range and (i,j) != (k,l) */
  int result;
#ifdef __DEBUG__
  if (sos_proto_flag)
    print ("sos_smaller (%d,%d,%d,%d, %f (fp), %f (fp))  ",
           i, j, k, l, lia_real (sos_lia (i,j)), lia_real (sos_lia (k,l)));
  if (sos_test_flag)
    if (not (((i != k) or (j != l))
             and (0 < i) and (i <= sos_common.n)
             and (0 < k) and (k <= sos_common.n)
             and (0 < j) and (j <= sos_common.d)
             and (0 < l) and (l <= sos_common.d)))
    basic_error ("sos_smaller: wrong arguments");
  if (not lia_eq (sos_lia (i,j), sos_lia (k,l)))
    result = (lia_le (sos_lia (i,j), sos_lia (k,l)));
  else if (i != k)
    result = (i > k);
    result = (j < l);
#ifdef __DEBUG__
  if (sos_proto_flag)
    print  ("sos_smaller result: %d\n", result);
  return (result);
Esempio n. 2
static void lia_cput (char c)
     /* Adds c to lia_buffer[] and checks for overflow.
        Internal use only! */
  lia_buffer[lia_buffer_pointer] = c;
  lia_buffer_pointer ++;
  if (lia_buffer_pointer > CBUFLEN)
    basic_error ("lia: buffer overflow; use lia_clear()");
Esempio n. 3
int main (int ac, char **av)
	int station_pid ;
	int delai_moyen;
	int delai_min;
	int delai_max;
	int station_index;
	time_t tick;
	time_t tock;

	if (ac != 5)
		basic_error ("invalid parameters numbers trafic\n");

	station_index = atoi (av[1]);
	if (station_index < 0)
		basic_error ("invalid polling number\n");

	station_pid = atoi (av[2]);
	if (station_pid < 0)
		basic_error ("invalid polling delai\n");

	delai_min = atoi (av[3]);
	if (delai_min < 0)
		basic_error ("invalid secondary station number\n");

	delai_max = atoi (av[4]);
	if (delai_max < 0)
		basic_error ("invalid secondary station number\n");

	if (delai_max < delai_min)
		basic_error ("delai max < delai min\n");

	srand (time(NULL));
	delai_moyen = rand() % (delai_max - delai_min + 1) + delai_min;
	while (TRUE)
		time (&tick);
			time (&tock);
		} while (difftime(tock, tick) < delai_moyen);
		kill (station_pid, DATA_REQ_TX);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
File: dt.c Progetto: pkuwwt/Detri
Dt* dt_load (const char path_name[])
  Dt *dt = MALLOC (Dt, 1);
  Trist *s = MALLOC (Trist, 1);
  { /* using binary format */
    FILE *f = basic_fopen (path_name, "r");
    print ("Reading Delaunay triangulation from binary file \"%s\" ...\n",
           If (basic_fopen_zpath, basic_fopen_zpath, path_name));
    Read1f (dt->type);
    Read1f (dt->bpt);
    Read1f (dt->n);
    Read1f (dt->redundant);
    Read1f (dt->hull_ef);
    Read1f (dt->last_hull);
    Read1f (dt->num);
    Read1f (dummy_word);
    Read1f (s->magic);
    Read1f (dummy_word);
    Read1f (s->last_triangle);
    Read1f (s->max_triangle);
    Read1f (s->max_org);
    Read1f (dummy_word);
    Read1f (s->used_triangles);
    Read1f (s->next_reusable_triangle);
    s->data_size = 0;
    s->data = NULL;
    dt->trist = s;
    /* just checking... */
    if (s->magic != MAGIC)
      basic_error ("dt_load: wrong magic number (%d != %d)\n",
                   s->magic, MAGIC);
    if (dt->bpt != (short) sizeof (Trist_record))
      basic_error ("dt_load: wrong Trist record size (%d != %d)\n",
                   dt->bpt, (short) sizeof (Trist_record));
    if (NOT (    (dt->n == dt->trist->max_org)
             AND (dt->n == dt->num.v + dt->redundant)))
      basic_error ("dt_load: corrupted header\n");
    if (dt->redundant)
        print ("%15d redundant vertices dumped.\n", dt->redundant);
        print ("%15d actual vertices remain.\n", dt->num.v);
    s->triangle = MALLOC (Trist_record, s->max_triangle + 1);
    binfread (s->triangle, s->max_triangle + 1, f);
    if (offset > 0)
        dt->sos_offset = offset;
        s->max_org += offset;
        trist_modify_vertices (offset);
        offset = 0;
      dt->sos_offset = 0;
#ifdef __DEBUG__
    trist_io_check (s, dt->num);
    basic_fclose (f);
  return (dt);