static void wrapper_sender(void *arg) { Msg *msg; SMSCConn *conn = arg; SmscWrapper *wrap = conn->data; /* Make sure we log into our own log-file if defined */ log_thread_to(conn->log_idx); /* send messages to SMSC until our outgoing_list is empty and * no producer anymore (we are set to shutdown) */ while(conn->status != SMSCCONN_DEAD) { if ((msg = gwlist_consume(wrap->outgoing_queue)) == NULL) break; if (octstr_search_char(msg->sms.receiver, ' ', 0) != -1) { /* * multi-send: this should be implemented in corresponding * SMSC protocol, but while we are waiting for that... */ int i; Msg *newmsg; /* split from spaces: in future, split with something more sensible, * this is dangerous... (as space is url-encoded as '+') */ List *nlist = octstr_split_words(msg->sms.receiver); debug("bb.sms", 0, "Handling multi-receiver message"); for(i=0; i < gwlist_len(nlist); i++) { newmsg = msg_duplicate(msg); octstr_destroy(newmsg->sms.receiver); newmsg->sms.receiver = gwlist_get(nlist, i); sms_send(conn, newmsg); } gwlist_destroy(nlist, NULL); msg_destroy(msg); } else sms_send(conn,msg); } /* cleanup, we are now dying */ debug("bb.sms", 0, "SMSCConn %s sender died, waiting for receiver", octstr_get_cstr(conn->name)); conn->why_killed = SMSCCONN_KILLED_SHUTDOWN; if (conn->is_stopped) { gwlist_remove_producer(wrap->stopped); conn->is_stopped = 0; } gwthread_wakeup(wrap->receiver_thread); gwthread_join(wrap->receiver_thread); /* call 'failed' to all messages still in queue */ mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD; while((msg = gwlist_extract_first(wrap->outgoing_queue))!=NULL) { bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN, NULL); } smscwrapper_destroy(wrap); conn->data = NULL; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); bb_smscconn_killed(); }
/* * Thread to send queued messages */ static void httpsmsc_sender(void *arg) { SMSCConn *conn = arg; ConnData *conndata = conn->data; Msg *msg; double delay = 0; /* Make sure we log into our own log-file if defined */ log_thread_to(conn->log_idx); if (conn->throughput) { delay = 1.0 / conn->throughput; } while (conndata->shutdown == 0) { /* check if we can send ; otherwise block on semaphore */ if (conndata->max_pending_sends) semaphore_down(conndata->max_pending_sends); if (conndata->shutdown) { if (conndata->max_pending_sends) semaphore_up(conndata->max_pending_sends); break; } msg = gwlist_consume(conndata->msg_to_send); if (msg == NULL) break; /* obey throughput speed limit, if any */ if (conn->throughput > 0) { gwthread_sleep(delay); } counter_increase(conndata->open_sends); if (conndata->callbacks->send_sms(conn, msg) == -1) { counter_decrease(conndata->open_sends); if (conndata->max_pending_sends) semaphore_up(conndata->max_pending_sends); } } /* put outstanding sends back into global queue */ while((msg = gwlist_extract_first(conndata->msg_to_send))) bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN, NULL); /* if there no receiver shutdown */ if (conndata->port <= 0) { /* unblock http_receive_result() if there are no open sends */ if (counter_value(conndata->open_sends) == 0) http_caller_signal_shutdown(conndata->http_ref); if (conndata->send_cb_thread != -1) { gwthread_wakeup(conndata->send_cb_thread); gwthread_join(conndata->send_cb_thread); } mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); if (conndata->callbacks != NULL && conndata->callbacks->destroy != NULL) conndata->callbacks->destroy(conn); conn->data = NULL; conndata_destroy(conndata); bb_smscconn_killed(); } }
static void cgw_sender(void *arg) { SMSCConn *conn = arg; PrivData *privdata = conn->data; Msg *msg = NULL; Connection *server = NULL; int l = 0; int ret = 0; conn->status = SMSCCONN_CONNECTING; /* Make sure we log into our own log-file if defined */ log_thread_to(conn->log_idx); while (!privdata->shutdown) { /* check that connection is active */ if (conn->status != SMSCCONN_ACTIVE) { if ((server = cgw_open_send_connection(conn)) == NULL) { privdata->shutdown = 1; error(0, "Unable to connect to CGW server"); return ; } conn->status = SMSCCONN_ACTIVE; bb_smscconn_connected(conn); } else { ret = 0; l = gwlist_len(privdata->outgoing_queue); if (l > 0) ret = cgw_send_loop(conn, server); /* send any messages in queue */ if (ret != -1) ret = cgw_wait_command(privdata, conn, server, 1); /* read ack's and delivery reports */ if (ret != -1) cgw_check_acks(privdata); /* check un-acked messages */ if (ret == -1) { mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_RECONNECTING; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); } } } conn_destroy(server); while ((msg = gwlist_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL) bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN, NULL); mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD; gwlist_destroy(privdata->outgoing_queue, NULL); octstr_destroy(privdata->host); octstr_destroy(privdata->allow_ip); octstr_destroy(privdata->deny_ip); gw_free(privdata); conn->data = NULL; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); debug("bb.sms", 0, "smsc_cgw connection has completed shutdown."); bb_smscconn_killed(); }
/* * Thread to listen to HTTP requests from SMSC entity */ static void httpsmsc_receiver(void *arg) { SMSCConn *conn = arg; ConnData *conndata = conn->data; HTTPClient *client; Octstr *ip, *url, *body; List *headers, *cgivars; /* Make sure we log into our own log-file if defined */ log_thread_to(conn->log_idx); while (conndata->shutdown == 0) { /* reset */ ip = url = body = NULL; headers = cgivars = NULL; /* XXX if conn->is_stopped, do not receive new messages.. */ client = http_accept_request(conndata->port, &ip, &url, &headers, &body, &cgivars); if (client == NULL) break; if (cgivars != NULL) { octstr_append_char(url, '?'); http_cgivar_dump_into(cgivars, url); } debug("smsc.http", 0, "HTTP[%s]: Got request `%s'", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), octstr_get_cstr(url)); if (connect_denied(conndata->allow_ip, ip)) { info(0, "HTTP[%s]: Connection `%s' tried from denied " "host %s, ignored", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), octstr_get_cstr(url), octstr_get_cstr(ip)); http_close_client(client); } else conndata->callbacks->receive_sms(conn, client, headers, body, cgivars); debug("smsc.http", 0, "HTTP[%s]: Destroying client information", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id)); octstr_destroy(url); octstr_destroy(ip); octstr_destroy(body); http_destroy_headers(headers); http_destroy_cgiargs(cgivars); } debug("smsc.http", 0, "HTTP[%s]: httpsmsc_receiver dying", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id)); conndata->shutdown = 1; http_close_port(conndata->port); /* unblock http_receive_result() if there are no open sends */ if (counter_value(conndata->open_sends) == 0) http_caller_signal_shutdown(conndata->http_ref); if (conndata->sender_thread != -1) { gwthread_wakeup(conndata->sender_thread); gwthread_join(conndata->sender_thread); } if (conndata->send_cb_thread != -1) { gwthread_wakeup(conndata->send_cb_thread); gwthread_join(conndata->send_cb_thread); } mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); if (conndata->callbacks != NULL && conndata->callbacks->destroy != NULL) conndata->callbacks->destroy(conn); conn->data = NULL; conndata_destroy(conndata); bb_smscconn_killed(); }
static void fake_listener(void *arg) { SMSCConn *conn = arg; PrivData *privdata = conn->data; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; socklen_t client_addr_len; Octstr *ip; Connection *client; int s, ret; Msg *msg; /* Make sure we log into our own log-file if defined */ log_thread_to(conn->log_idx); while (1) { client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); ret = gwthread_pollfd(privdata->listening_socket, POLLIN, -1); if (ret == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; error(0, "Poll for fakesmsc connections failed, shutting down"); break; } if (privdata->shutdown) break; if (ret == 0) /* * This thread was woke up from elsewhere, but * if we're not shutting down nothing to do here. */ continue; s = accept(privdata->listening_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_addr_len); if (s == -1) { warning(errno, "fake_listener: accept() failed, retrying..."); continue; } ip = host_ip(client_addr); if (!is_allowed_ip(privdata->allow_ip, privdata->deny_ip, ip)) { info(0, "Fakesmsc connection tried from denied host <%s>, " "disconnected", octstr_get_cstr(ip)); octstr_destroy(ip); close(s); continue; } client = conn_wrap_fd(s, 0); if (client == NULL) { error(0, "fake_listener: conn_wrap_fd failed on accept()ed fd"); octstr_destroy(ip); close(s); continue; } conn_claim(client); info(0, "Fakesmsc client connected from %s", octstr_get_cstr(ip)); octstr_destroy(ip); mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_ACTIVE; conn->connect_time = time(NULL); mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); bb_smscconn_connected(conn); main_connection_loop(conn, client); if (privdata->shutdown) break; mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_RECONNECTING; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); while ((msg = gwlist_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL) { bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_TEMPORARILY, NULL); } } if (close(privdata->listening_socket) == -1) warning(errno, "smsc_fake: couldn't close listening socket at shutdown"); mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex); conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD; while ((msg = gwlist_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL) { bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN, NULL); } gwlist_destroy(privdata->outgoing_queue, NULL); octstr_destroy(privdata->allow_ip); octstr_destroy(privdata->deny_ip); gw_free(privdata); conn->data = NULL; mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex); debug("bb.sms", 0, "smsc_fake connection has completed shutdown."); bb_smscconn_killed(); }